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The incidence of pancreatic degenerative atrophy (PDA) was investigated in 59 German shepherd dogs from two kindred. The male progenitors were the same in both kindred. In the four litters of the first kindred the incidence of PDA was 24 % (10 dogs out of 41), and there was at least one affected dog in each litter. When one of the litter bitches, later affected with PDA, was mated with one of the obligate carriers of PDA, one of the resultant seven offspring has so far been found to suffer from PDA. In the second kindred when a PDA-affected bitch and a clinically healthy male (heterozygote) were mated, two of the resultant six offspring were found to suffer from PDA.These results indicate that PDA is a disease inherited as an autosomal recessive trait, although the possibility of dominant inheritance with incomplete penetrance cannot be excluded.  相似文献   

A convenient method was developed to diagnose pancreatic degenerative atrophy (PDA) in small animal practice based on the observations, that feeding crude soybean increases faecal protease activity in dogs with normal pancreatic function, while PDA-dogs remain completely negative in faecal protease activity.When PDA is suspected, 1 or 2 faecal samples should be investigated with the X-ray film method based on incubation for 2 h at 37°G. If any activity is seen the dog should be considered non-PDA. If no activity is seen the dog should be given food supplemented with 1 g crude soybean/kg body weight twice daily for a few days and a new faecal sample should be collected. If the activity remains negative the diagnosis of PDA is reliable.As the amount of crude soybean in the food increased, a dose dependent increase of faecal protease and amylase was seen as measured with the radial enzyme diffusion method (RED).  相似文献   

胰腺周围脂肪组织和腺泡坏死被认为是急性胰腺炎(Acute pancreatitis,AP)的主要病理特征。胰腺炎轻者不累及其他器官,无并发症,为自限性疾病;重者胰腺出血、坏死、多器官功能衰竭,出现并发症,危及生命。近年来,胰腺炎在犬和猫中发病率非常高,而且病程一般是由急性期转至慢性期,由轻微转至严重。对其发病原因及其发病机制知之甚少,国内外兽医相关文献鲜有报道。论文参考大量研究文献并结合临床经验,综述该病的发病原因和发病机制,以期为临床预防和治疗提供思路。  相似文献   

胰腺炎是胰腺自身被消化所导致的炎症,是兽医临床的常见病,给犬带来极大危害。论文采用发病情况调查,临床症状观察,实验室检查方法相结合对2012年-2016年西北农林科技大学西安动物医院所确诊的10例犬胰腺炎病例进行统计分析。发病情况调查的主要内容包括既往病史调查,既往用药史调查,问诊等;临床症状主要有剧烈的呕吐,食欲废绝,腹部按压疼痛;实验室检查采用美国IDEXX胰腺炎检测试纸条检测宠物脂肪酶水平,若发现脂肪酶水平显著升高,试纸条呈阳性,即可确诊。胰腺炎患犬的治疗原则为禁食、止吐、补液、止痛、消炎,补充营养物质,调节内环境平衡。经过治疗,所有病犬均康复,转归良好。通过对这10例胰腺炎患犬的诊断和治疗,能够为临床上该病的诊断、治疗以及预后评估等提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

随着伴侣动物生活条件的改善,以及宠物医疗水平的提升,犬猫肿瘤的重要性日益增加。由于犬猫与人类生活环境基本一致,研究其自发性肿瘤不仅有益于宠物本身,更有利于为人类肿瘤的研究与治疗提供借鉴。国外发达国家已建立伴侣动物肿瘤的统计分析数据库,而国内相关的小动物肿瘤统计很少,迄今也没有建立相关数据库。论文对临床诊断的犬猫各型肿瘤发生率进行了初步统计,并进一步对发生率较高的间叶组织肿瘤进行统计。结果表明,间叶组织肿瘤在犬猫肿瘤疾病中发生率较高,约占25%;且良性肿瘤与恶性肿瘤比例约为3∶1;但并未发现明显的品种和雌雄性的差异。  相似文献   

Background: Several studies have revealed that exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (EPI) is an inherited disease in German Shepherd Dogs (GSDs). Pedigree analyses have suggested an autosomal recessive inheritance model. Objective: Test mating of 2 dogs with EPI. Animals: A sire and dam purebred GSD both with EPI and a litter of 6 puppies. Methods: Test mating and long‐term follow‐up of offspring. The pancreas was biopsied via laparotomy on 26 occasions. Serum trypsin‐like immunoreactivity was measured. Study was approved by Animal Ethics Committee. Results: During the 12‐year study period only 2 of the 6 offsprings developed pancreatic acinar atrophy (PAA). In 1 puppy, end‐stage PAA and in the other puppy partial PAA was diagnosed. Conclusions and Clinical Importance: PAA is not a congenital disease in GSDs. This study provided evidence that PAA is not inherited in a simple autosomal recessive fashion.  相似文献   

In dogs, pancreatic acinar cell injury is thought to be caused by decreased pancreatic blood flow due to heart failure. In previous our report, it demonstrated that decreased heart function causes a significant decrease in pancreatic blood flow in heart failure dog model caused by rapid ventricular pacing (RVP). However, the types of histopathological changes remain unclear. We aimed to verify the types of histopathological changes occurring in the pancreatic tissue due to decreased heart function. After RVP for 4 weeks, atrophy of pancreatic acinar cells, characterized by a decrease in zymogen granules, was observed in all areas of the pancreas. In conclusion, the result of this study suggests that attention should be paid to ischemia/hypoperfusion injury in the pancreas.  相似文献   

Ultrastructural alterations of pancreatic tissues in growing pigs caused by surgical ligation of the main pancreatic duct are described. Five animals aged 6 to 7 weeks were operated on and necropsied 2, 6 or 8 weeks later. In addition, 3 pigs that were sham-operated served as controls. Obstruction of the ducts caused progressive luminal dilatations and rupture of intercellular connections of the epithelium followed by destruction and atrophy of acinar parenchyma and proliferations of immature ductular epithelial cells free from zymogen granules.  相似文献   

犬静脉泌尿系造影术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选本地健康成年犬20只(体重为10.5~25.0kg),在全麻状态下取腹背位评定,主要采用腹部压迫法摄取造影片。结果:(1)kVP=体厚(cm) 55,mAs=50(中速钨酸钙增感屏);(2)以跖外静脉及隐静脉为注射部位,60%复方泛影葡胺(0.50~0.75mL/kg在1min左右注完);(3)摄取肾实质、肾盂及全尿路的最佳时机分别为1、15及30min左右;(4)肾脏位于脊柱两侧T_(13)~L_4水平处。肾长径约为横径的2倍,约为L_2长度的3倍。肾盂属于肾内型,多呈漏斗状或三角形。肾盂的髓质边缘处有6~8对锯齿状肾盂盲囊。个别犬的输尿管有迂曲现象。  相似文献   

周艺  熊炜  聂焱  王新  刘艳 《牧草与饲料》2007,1(2):49-50
首次提出了退化草坪绿地恢复与重建的概念和经济技术要点。对塔指生活基地轻度退化草坪绿化施用恢复性生态技术后,整体草坪比退化时的质量提高了一个档次,投入恢复成本0.54元/m^2·年,仅占养护费的4.2%。对中、重度退化草坪施用一套重建生态工程技术后,重建草坪60天成坪,其质量水平比退化时提高了2-3个档次,重建投入成本6.88元/m^2,占原建设成本的40.7%。  相似文献   

A survey of 100 cases of oxyquinoline poisoning in dogs is presented. The disease, characterized by hyperexcitability of the CNS with convulsions as well as heart and liver injury, runs an acute course. The mortality (euthanized dogs included) was 30 %. Case-history data showed that the oxyquinoline treatment which preceded the disease was given because the dog had incidental diarrhoea. In most cases the drugs were administered for only 1 day before the dog fell ill. The median time from the last dose to onset of symptoms was 12 hrs. Old dogs were affected more often than expected and also showed higher mortality than did young dogs.  相似文献   

对2012年-2015年西北农林科技大学西安动物医院门诊确诊的477例犬寄生虫感染资料进行分类统计和分析,以期了解西安地区犬寄生虫的种类和感染情况,对犬寄生虫的防控提供依据。结果显示,从感染犬中共检出14种寄生虫,每种寄生虫的阳性率依次为:吉氏巴贝斯虫51.79%(247/477),等孢球虫16.15%(77/477),贾第鞭毛虫11.74%(56/477),犬弓首蛔虫6.71%(32/477),疥螨4.41%(21/477),蠕形螨4.41%(21/477),犬复孔绦虫3.78%(18/477),犬钩口线虫2.31%(11/477),犬耳痒螨1.89%(9/477),吸吮线虫0.63%(3/477),华支睾吸虫0.42%(2/477),弓形虫0.42%(2/477),犬尾旋线虫0.21%(1/477),犬恶丝虫0.21%(1/477)。混合感染两种及以上寄生虫的犬占5.45%(26/477)。肠道寄生虫中的等孢球虫、贾地鞭毛虫、犬弓首蛔虫和犬钩口线虫等容易发生混合感染。寄生虫和病毒合并感染犬占8.39%(40/477),犬细小病毒(CPV)、犬瘟热病毒(CDV)和犬冠状病毒(CCV)常与犬肠道寄生虫合并感染。许多寄生虫感染与犬的年龄有密切关系,季节对寄生虫感染也有影响。原虫感染特别是吉氏巴贝斯虫感染应当引起重视。控制犬与寄生虫传播媒介的接触、改善犬的饲养管理条件对寄生虫感染的预防十分重要。  相似文献   

The medical records of 209 dogs receivingtotal parenteral nutrition (TPN) over a 84-month period were examined retrospectively to determine patient profiles, frequency and type of complications, and prognostic factors affecting clinical outcome. TPN administration accounted for 895 patient days. Dogs with diarrhea or vomiting associated with gastrointestinal disease, pancreatitis, or renal failure constituted the largest proportion of patient receiving TPN. The median duration of TPN administration was 3.5 days (range 0.05 to 25 days). The median length of hospitalization before initiation of TPN was 1.5 days (range 0.05 days to 15 days). and this durationwas not associated with survival. Metabolic complications were frequent (329 of 473 complications observed) and were due predominantly to hyperglycemia. Mechanical (118 of 473) and septic (26 of 473) complications occurred less commonly. The overall mortality rate for dogs receiving TPN was 48.8%. Our conclusion: TPN can be a beneficial mode of therapy for carefully selected dogs that have impaired gastrointestinal function (parvovirus, pancreatitis, or inflammatory bowel disease) and are expected to be anorectic for morethan 5 days.  相似文献   

犬QFM麻醉的综合监测   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
QFM是一种自行研制的新型犬用复合麻醉制剂。为了验证QFM的麻醉效果及对生理功能的影响,以0.15~0.2mL/kg剂量对7只犬进行麻醉,进行了单纯麻醉监测和QFM麻醉监测期间手术验证试验。结果证明:QFM无论单纯进行犬的麻醉,还是在麻醉过程中进行手术处置,都具有较为确实的麻醉效果,且镇静、镇痛、肌松效果均衡,诱导及复苏迅速平稳,无流涎和呕吐等负反应发生,对机体的正常生理功能及各项生理指标影响轻微,血氧饱合始终维持在90%以上,可为犬的临床常规手术提供良好的手术条件。但手术刺激对其药理作用有轻微的拮抗作用。  相似文献   

Abortion and neonatal mortality are events that can occur in breeding bitches and queens. It has been reported that up to 55% and 33% of these cases remain without a known cause, respectively, in canine and feline pregnancies. Unusual abortigenic and potentially zoonotic agents, including Coxiella burnetii and Leptospira spp., may be involved in these cases. C. burnetii is able to cause reproductive disorders in cattle, sheep and goats, and cases of abortion have been observed in dogs and cats. Moreover, several outbreaks of C. burnetii infection in humans have been caused by delivering bitches and queens, and some of these animals experienced abortion. Leptospira interrogans sensu lato is able to cause abortion or stillbirth in several animal species and its abortigenic role has occasionally been described in bitches and queens. The aim of this study was to search for C. burnetii and Leptospira spp. DNA in a retrospective series of 103 cases of canine and feline abortion, stillbirth, and neonatal mortality submitted for the identification of possible infectious agents. One hundred and fifty-one specimens were tested using PCR assays and found negative for C. burnetii and Leptospira DNA. However, in 49 samples (47.6%) other infectious causes of abortion, stillbirth, and neonatal mortality were identified. These results showed that C. burnetii and Leptospira spp. are probably not common abortigenic agents or causes of neonatal deaths in dogs. However, given the potential abortigentic and zoonotic role of these agents, surveillance of canine and feline abortion, stillbirth, and neonatal mortality could be advisable for a systematic investigation of these events.  相似文献   

The case details and outcome after surgical decompression of 46 dogs with thoracolumbar intervertebral disc disease with loss of deep pain perception prior to surgery were reviewed. Nineteen dogs (41.3%) recovered with a median follow-up period of 12.5 months. Recovery was defined as an ambulatory paraparesis, or better, with urinary and fecal continence. There was a better outcome in dogs with loss of deep pain for less than 24 hours prior to surgery (19/41; 46.3% recovered) than in dogs without deep pain perception for more than 24 hours (0/5; 0% recovered). Dogs with deep pain perception present at two weeks postoperatively had significantly higher success rate (8/12; 66.7% recovered) than dogs without deep pain perception at this time period (1/10; 10.0% recovered). The return of deep pain perception by two weeks postoperatively can be a useful positive prognostic indicator.  相似文献   

为了研究北京鸭的胰腺外分泌的昼夜变化规律,通过肠-胰(第一胰管)瘘管,全天分8个时间段收集胰液,分别测定胰液的分泌量、胰液pH值、总蛋白含量、HCO3-浓度、胰蛋白酶、胰脂肪酶和胰淀粉酶活性。结果显示北京鸭的胰液是一种具有较大缓冲容量的缓冲溶液,为各种消化酶提供了适合的酸碱环境。胰液中的各种消化酶的变化规律各异,和饲喂之间的关系不明显。  相似文献   

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