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Parasitism of macroconidia and endoconidial chlamydospores of Fusarium culmorum by Pythium oligandrum was studied on water agar (WA), corn-meal agar (CMA) and glass slides. Loss of cytoplasmic content in F. culmorum spores was followed by complete degradation, and P. oligandrum produced an abundance of oogonia on the parasitized macroconidia. A simple method for assessing the relative aggressiveness of isolates is presented, based on the percentage of macroconidial cells devoid of cytoplasm. Parasitism of macroconidia by P. acanthophoron , P. oligandrum and P. periplocum , but not by the plant pathogenic species, P. tracheiphilum , was demonstrated by this method. Interactions between hyphae of P. oligandrum and F. culmorum on WA resulted in an increase in the number of oogonia of P. oligandrum and a decrease in the sporulation of F. culmorum . The ability of isolates of P. oligandrum , P. periplocum , P. acanthophoron and P. mycoparasiticum to suppress disease symptoms caused by F. culmorum on barley seedlings was demonstrated in a greenhouse test.  相似文献   

The effects of tebuconazole, a systemic fungicide, on the morphology, structure, cell wall components and toxin production of Fusarium culmorum were investigated in vitro. Treatment was by application of four filter paper strips (0.75 cm × 5.0 cm) soaked in 20 µg ml ?1 fungicide placed around a point inoculum in Petri dishes. Mycelial growth was strongly inhibited by fungicide treatment. Scanning electron microscopic observations showed that the fungicide caused irregular swelling and excessive branching of hyphae. The morphological changes induced by the fungicide at the ultrastructural level included considerable thickening of the hyphal cell walls, excessive septation, the formation of the incomplete septa, extensive vacuolisation, accumulation of lipid bodies and progressing necrosis or degeneration of the hyphal cytoplasm. Non‐membrane inclusion bodies were often detected in the hyphal cytoplasm. Furthermore, the formation of new hyphae (daughter hyphae) inside collapsed hyphal cells was common following treatment. The daughter hyphae also displayed severe alterations such as irregular thickening of the cell walls and necrosis of the cytoplasm. Using cytochemical techniques, the labelling densities of chitin and β‐1,3‐glucan in the cell walls of the fungicide‐treated hyphae were more pronounced than in those of the control hyphae. Moreover, immunogold labelling with antiserum against deoxynivalenol (DON) revealed that Fusarium toxin DON was localized in the cell walls, cytoplasm, mitochondria and vacuoles of the hyphae from the control and the fungicide treatment, but the labelling density in the fungicide‐treated hyphae decreased dramatically compared with the control hyphae, indicating that tebuconazole reduced Fusarium toxin production of the fungus. © 2001 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Crown rot, caused by the fungus Fusarium pseudograminearum (teleomorph Gibberella coronicola) is a major disease of wheat in the Australian grain belt. However, there is little information available on the population structure of this pathogen. We measured genetic diversity as assessed with amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) analysis within and between populations of F. pseudograminearum from northeastern, south central, and southwestern regions of the Australian grain belt. Amongst the 217 isolates, 176 haplotypes were identified and grouped into two main clusters. One cluster contained isolates from populations in northeastern Australia, and the other cluster contained isolates from populations in south central and southwestern Australia. The southern populations were distinguished from the northeastern populations by higher levels of population differentiation (Gst) between them and genetic identity amongst the regional populations. We hypothesize that the F. pseudograminearum populations from northeastern and southern Australia are independent, which could result from different founding events or from geographic isolation and the accumulation of genetic differences due to genetic drift and/or selection.  相似文献   

Functioning Tri13 and Tri7 genes are required for the production of nivalenol and 4-acetyl nivalenol, respectively, in Fusarium species producing type B trichothecenes. Mutations have been identified in isolates which are able to produce deoxynivalenol (DON) but unable to convert this to nivalenol (NIV). In such isolates of Fusarium culmorum , the Tri7 gene is deleted entirely. PCR assays specific for functional and nonfunctional/deleted versions of Tri7 and Tri13 were used to determine the ability of 153 single spore isolates of F. culmorum to produce the 8-ketotrichothecenes deoxynivalenol and nivalenol. The isolates were collected from 76 different locations across England and Wales between 1994 and 2002. Four isolates were also obtained from one field in Scotland. Both DON and NIV chemotypes of F. culmorum were identified, with DON chemotypes predominating overall. In addition, all DON chemotypes were shown to produce 3-acetyl DON using primer sets developed to Tri3 . From fields where more than one F. culmorum isolate was obtained, isolates were not exclusively of a single chemotype. Differences in the distribution of DON and NIV chemotypes were identified, with a greater proportion of NIV chemotypes present in the south and west of England and Wales, whereas a greater proportion of DON chemotypes were found in the north and east of England. Seasonal differences in the ratio of DON:NIV chemotypes were indicated. However, these were related to seasonal variation in the distribution of F. culmorum .  相似文献   

Fusarium culmorum is a major pathogen able to cause foot and root rot and the incitant of Fusarium head blight in wheat in Tunisia. The aims of the present study were to evaluate by PCR the type of mycotoxins produced, to determine the mating type and to analyse the genetic diversity by microsatellite markers of 82?F. culmorum isolates recovered from two separated Tunisian fields. Specific sequences in the Tri6-Tri5 intergenic region, Tri7 and Tri13 were used to identify 3-AcDON- or 15-AcDON-. All studied F. culmorum isolates, were of the 3-AcDON- type. No 15-AcDON- and NIV types were detected in this research. Both mating types MAT1-1 and MAT1-2 were recovered from the two fields in approximately equal proportions. Five polymorphic microsatellite markers were applied to F. culmorum isolates, to determine the genetic variation in and among populations. Sixty-four haplotypes were identified; the analysis of the population structure did not reveal a strong variation between fields. Total gene diversity (H T ?=?0.505; H S ?=?0.497) and analysis of molecular variance confirmed that most of the genetic variability was within populations (Φ ST ?=?0.033; P?<?0.0039). Gene flow (N m ?=?31.05) indicated little differentiation among populations. Based on these results, the F. culmorum isolates collected from different fields might be part of one large panmictic population and in addition the low linkage disequilibrium values with high genetic variation within populations suggest that the population is recombining sexually.  相似文献   

The distribution of seeds by weight for three lots of winter wheat cv. Avalon infected by Fusarium culmorum and three lots of winter wheat cv. Riband infected by Microdochium nivale was determined. The distribution of infected seeds within each seed lot was then determined by isolating F. culmorum from seeds on moist filter paper and M. nivale from seeds on potato dextrose agar. The distribution of M. nivale infected seeds between seeds of different weight was similar to that of the seed lot as a whole, whereas the distribution of F. culmorum was greater in light seeds than heavy seeds. The percentage germination of infected seeds decreased with seed weight. A similar situation was found with respect to seedling emergence in compost for F. culmorum infected seeds. However, with M. nivale infection, similar numbers of seedlings emerged from both light and heavy infected seeds. Seed treatment with guazatine increased seedling emergence for both light and heavy seed infected by M. nivale. However, seedling emergence from F. culmorum infected seed was poor even following treatment with guazatine. Poor emergence was most evident from light seed.  相似文献   

Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection - Crown and root rot of wheat caused by Fusarium pseudograminearum is one of the most important wheat diseases in Iran. In this study, the genetic structure...  相似文献   

Snow mould, caused by Microdochium nivale , and seedling blight caused by members of the Fusarium complex, are cereal diseases of great economic importance in many temperate zones. In a glasshouse bioassay designed to enhance disease, about 600 plant-associated bacterial isolates obtained by different methods were screened for suppressive effects in wheat against infection caused by Fusarium culmorum . Although most of the isolates tested had a neutral effect on test plants and disease development, a few were synergistic to the pathogen and about one-fifth showed > 80% disease suppression. During five consecutive growing seasons, 164 bacterial isolates were tested in field experiments against both F. culmorum and M. nivale as causal agents of seedling blight. Tests for effects on yield in experiments with spring and winter wheat, performed in different climatic regions of Sweden, showed that disease-suppressive effects were repeatable. The most efficient isolates, three fluorescent pseudomonads and a species of Pantoea , suppressed disease equal to that of the fungicide guazatine, both with respect to crop stand and yield. Seed treatment with Pantoea sp. (isolate MF 626) increased yield by an average of more than 500 kg ha−1 in six field experiments.  相似文献   

The toxicities of five systemic fungicides [benomyl, carbendazim, methyl 4-(2- aminophenyl)-3-thioallophanate (NF48), thiabendazole and thiophanate-methyl] and of two non-systemic fungicides (guazatine and phenylmercury acetate) against Fusarium culmorum were compared on agar plates; their performance as seed treatments was measured by inoculating the shoot bases of wheat seedlings with F. culmorum in pot experiments. The two most effective compounds, benomyl and thiabendazole, and the less effective thiophanate-methyl, were evaluated in further seed treatment experiments in which leaf sheaths and roots of slightly older plants were infected. The three fungicides protected the first leaf sheath for more than 5 weeks, but thiophanate-methyl was least effective. Against root disease, they were effective when infection was mild, but only thiabendazole significantly controlled severe infection. Bioautography confirmed that fungicide levels in shoots were greater after benomyl and thiabendazole, than after carbendazim and thiophanate-methyl treatments, and that concentrations of fungicide after benomyl, carbendazim and thiophanate-methyl treatments generally declined between 5-13 weeks after treatment. Thiabendazole produced a second fungitoxic component detectable in plants after 34 days.  相似文献   

A defined medium was developed in which to monitor deoxynivalenol (DON) accumulation, fungal growth and expression of genes involved in trichothecene biosynthesis (designated Tri genes). In liquid culture, DON accumulated shortly after maximum expression of Tri6 and coincident with expression of Tri5. This was generally 96 h after inoculation. The effects of sublethal concentrations of the fungicides azoxystrobin, trifloxystrobin, kresoxim-methyl and tebuconazole on biosynthesis of the trichothecene DON by Fusarium culmorum were studied using this medium. The strobilurin fungicides trifloxystrobin and azoxystrobin significantly reduced the accumulation of DON in culture medium at a range of concentrations. Kresoxim-methyl, also a strobilurin, and tebuconazole, a triazole, did not significantly reduce the accumulation of DON, although levels were lower than those in nonamended cultures. Trifloxystrobin significantly reduced the accumulation of DON when added to cultures before initiation of trichothecene biosynthesis. RT-PCR assays of the expression of Tri6 and Tri5 genes indicated that trifloxystrobin acted by inhibiting the initiation of trichothecene biosynthesis.  相似文献   

The random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) method was used to investigate the genetic variability and population structure of Fusarium culmorum isolated from wheat stem bases. A total of 108 isolates, representing seven geographically distinct populations, was collected from five climatic regions in Tunisia. Pseudo-allelic frequencies were estimated at each of the 25 putative RAPD loci analyzed by scoring for the presence or absence of amplified fragments; 92 haplotypes were found among the 108 strains. The analysis of the population structure did not reveal any trend with regard to geographic origin. Total gene diversity (HT * = 0.318) was mostly attributable to diversity within populations (HS * = 0.308). Analysis of molecular variance confirmed that most of the genetic variability was within populations. Genetic differentiation among populations was low to moderate (GST * ranged from 0 to 0.190 and averaged 0.041 over all loci). Cluster analysis with UPGMA using genetic distances did not reveal any spatial clustering of the isolates collected from the different geographic regions. Based on these results, we conclude that the F. culmorum isolates recovered from different regions in Tunisia might be part of a single population pool.  相似文献   

The effect of small temperature differentials (16 vs. 20°C) on the pathogenicity of deoxynivalenol producing single isolates of Fusarium culmorum and F. graminearum and on the fusarium head blight (FHB) response of eight wheat cultivars was examined. Fusarium culmorum inoculation caused greater visual disease symptoms at 20°C than at 16°C, both overall and on an individual cultivar basis (overall AUDPC = 13·5 and 9·6, respectively) ( P  < 0·05). In contrast, F. graminearum inoculation caused greater overall visual disease symptoms at 16°C than at 20°C, both overall and at the individual cultivar level (overall AUDPC = 12·8 and 10·9, respectively) ( P  < 0·05). Results showed both F. culmorum and F. graminearum inoculations caused a greater loss in yield at 20°C (54·3 and 46·9% relative 1000-grain weight, respectively) compared with 16°C (73·3 and 66·9% relative 1000-grain weight, respectively) ( P  < 0·05). Fusarium culmorum -inoculated heads contained similar amounts of fungal DNA at both 16 and 20°C (1·9 and 1·7 ng mg−1 of plant material, respectively) (not significant), while for F. graminearum inoculation, plants contained higher amounts of fungal DNA at 20°C (2·0 and 1·0 ng mg−1 of plant material, respectively) ( P  < 0·05). Overall, there was a significant negative correlation between AUDPC and percentage relative 1000-grain weight at both 16 and 20°C ( r  =−0·693 and −0·794, respectively, P  < 0·01).  相似文献   

Fusarium poae has been considered as a minor species among those that cause Fusarium Head Blight (FHB) disease but in recent years several researchers have documented a high frequency of occurrence of this species. In this study, a total of 173 F. poae isolates from Argentina, Belgium, Canada, England, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Luxembourg, Poland, Switzerland and Uruguay were evaluated by using inter simple sequence repeats (ISSR) and amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) to evaluate genetic variability within F. poae and to amplify MAT idiomorphs as a possible mechanism that could explain part of the variability found in this species. The molecular analysis obtained from both molecular markers showed a high intraspecific variability. However, a partial clustering between F. poae isolates and their geographic origin was obtained by ISSR markers while AFLP showed isolates from different geographic locations distributed throughout the dendrogram. Moreover, ISSR grouped all the F. poae isolates into a different cluster from the F. langsethiae and F. sporotrichioides isolates used as outgroups compared with the dendrogram obtained using AFLP markers. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) indicated a high genetic variability in the F. poae collection, with most of the genetic variability resulting from differences within, rather than between, American and European populations by using both molecular markers. Regarding MAT idiomorphs, for most F. poae isolates both MAT-1 and MAT-2 were present from each isolate.  相似文献   

Q. Jia  Q. Gu  L. Zheng  T. Hsiang  C. Luo  J. Huang 《Plant pathology》2015,64(6):1440-1449
Studies on population genetics of Villosiclava virens are limited because of the lack of polymorphic markers. Based on a draft genome sequence of isolate HWD‐2 produced in this study, 20 of 403 potential simple sequence repeats (SSR) loci showed polymorphisms in preliminary screening using eight diverse V. virens isolates. Among polymorphic loci, most of them with tetra‐ to hexanucleotide unit motifs showed higher levels of polymorphism than loci with smaller motifs. After testing with 20 polymorphic SSR markers, the 87 isolates of V. virens from eight populations in China showed a high level of genetic diversity, with each as a unique haplotype. This differs from some previous findings showing little to no genetic variation based on random amplified polymorphic DNA and amplified fragment length polymorphism analyses. Among eight populations from major rice production areas of China, the population from Guangxi province in south China showed the highest levels of polymorphism, which led to the speculation that it might be closer to the centre of origin of this pathogen. The northern, central and eastern populations (Jilin, Liaoning, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi and Zhejiang), when considered together as a group, showed significant molecular variation compared to the southern populations (Fujian and Guangxi) (ΦPT = 0·043, = 0·037). A significant relationship (Mantel test, = 0·027) but with low correlation (R2 = 0·23) was also found between geographic distance and genetic distance. The 20 polymorphic SSR primer pairs designed in this study provide a tool for further research on the population diversity of this emerging fungal pathogen of rice.  相似文献   

Fusarium head blight (FHB) resistance of 50 cultivars from the National List of winter wheat cultivars approved for sale (or were undergoing trails for approval in 2003) in the UK was compared with 21 reference cultivars from continental Europe which had previously been characterized for resistance. Only three UK National List cultivars (Soissons, Spark and Vector) had stable resistance over trial sites that was significantly greater than that of the FHB susceptible cultivar Wizard. In addition, under moderate disease pressure, 21 of the National List cultivars had levels of the trichothecene mycotoxin deoxynivalenol (DON) above the proposed European Union limit of 1·25 ppm in grain. Surveys show that levels of FHB and DON in the UK crop are currently very low, however, should disease pressure increase for any reason, then an improvement in the overall levels of FHB resistance of UK winter wheat germplasm will be required. In order to infer the origin of resistance and to identify potentially novel resistance, allele sizes of microsatellite (simple sequence repeat, SSR) markers linked to quantitative trait loci (QTL) for FHB resistance were compared between the test cultivars and known, characterized resistance sources. The major FHB resistance QTL from the Chinese cv. Sumai-3 (3BS, 5A and 6B), the Romanian cv. Fundulea F201R (1B and 5A) and the French cv. Renan (5AL) were screened with 17 SSRs. No National List cultivar had haplotypes similar to any of these QTL. However, the highly resistant German reference cultivar Petrus had an identical haplotype to cv. Fundulea F201R on 1B indicating that this cultivar has an allelic FHB resistance QTL at that location.  相似文献   

Microsatellite genotyping of a large sample of isolates of Verticillium dahliae from diverse locations recently identified seven distinct genotypic clusters. However, these clusters were not put in the context of phenotypes known to be correlated with clonal lineages in V. dahliae. The objective of this study was to compare clusters defined by microsatellite markers with clonal lineages defined by single‐nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and vegetative compatibility groups (VCGs). Genotyping isolates known to belong to specific clonal lineages (based on SNPs) with microsatellite markers determined the correspondence of clusters and lineages. All but one cluster corresponded to a known clonal lineage, allowing analysis of correlations of phenotypes with microsatellite genotypes from other studies. As shown previously, most race 1 isolates are in lineage 2A, and most isolates with the defoliating pathotype are in lineage 1A. Phylogenetic incompatibility was used to test for recombination or homoplasy caused by hypervariable microsatellite loci; incompatibility was highly correlated with the number of alleles per locus, suggesting that homoplasy caused by parallel evolution of microsatellite alleles is the cause of incompatibility. Microsatellite genotyping of lineage 1A isolates from cotton and olive in Spain over a 29‐year period revealed remarkably little variation; these markers did not mutate enough to provide insight on the spatial and temporal expansion of this clone. Overall, this study showed that microsatellite genotyping can be used to identify clonal lineages in V. dahliae, which has predictive power for inferring phenotypes of phytopathological relevance such as race and pathotype.  相似文献   

The genetic diversity and relationships of 48 Lolium temulentum accessions derived from eight countries (Morocco, Egypt, Tunisia, Italy, Ethiopia, Pakistan, Nepal and Japan) were analysed using seven microsatellite and 44 AFLP polymorphic loci to investigate the origin and distribution of genetic variation. Cluster analysis was performed using the unweighted pair-group method with arithmetic averages (UPGMA) based on the simple matching coefficient of similarity. Nei's gene diversity (h) and the coefficient of gene differentiation (Gst) were calculated. The results from microsatellite analysis indicated that accessions from the same country did not always cluster together, probably because of the limited number of loci used. In contrast, AFLP clearly separated clusters between countries and/or regions; Pakistan–Nepal complex, the Mediterranean region, Ethiopia and Japan. The h value was much higher for microsatellite than for AFLP analysis, indicating that microsatellites are the more variable markers. For AFLP analyses, h values were highest in accessions from Pakistan–Nepal complex, and from the Mediterranean region. These are in agreement with proposals that the origin of L. temulentum lies between the South-western Asia and the Mediterranean basin. The clear groupings of accessions from each country and/or region with high Gst (0.688) indicate that exchange of seeds between them is limited.  相似文献   

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