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小麦抗蠕孢菌叶枯病(HLB)遗传的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
小麦蠕孢菌叶枯病(HLB)在我国已经成为影响小麦高产、稳产的重要病害之一。本文通过小麦抗、感品种杂交的F1、F2代群体对Bipolaris sorokiniana的抗病性差异,研究了小麦蠕孢菌叶枯病(HLB)的抗性遗传,发现豫麦17的抗病性是由数量性状基因控制的。经典数量遗传学分析表明豫麦17对蠕孢菌叶枯病的抗性是由2个以上基因控制,可能是3个基因。它与中国春组合的广义遗传力为67%。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Helminthosporium leaf blight (HLB), a complex of spot blotch caused by Cochliobolus sativus and of tan spot caused by Pyrenophora tritici-repentis, is a major wheat disease in South Asia. This 2-year study elucidated HLB development and its impact on yield. Symptoms caused by C. sativus and P. tritici-repentis were first observed at the seedling and tillering stages, respectively. The number of airborne conidia and leaves infected by the two pathogens remained low for several weeks under lower temperatures, followed by a sharp rise as temperatures increased. The number of airborne conidia of C. sativus and incidence of infection by C. sativus were higher compared with P. tritici-repentis. The disease complex caused an average 30% reduction in yield, with greater losses under delayed seeding. Delayed seeding increased disease severity even in resistant genotypes and caused higher yield losses. 'Milan/Shanghai-7' was the most resistant among six genotypes evaluated. Despite higher disease severity, 'BL 1473' showed relatively lower yield losses, indicating its tolerance to foliar blight. The findings of this study bear implications for integrated foliar blight management in the warmer areas of South Asia by combining optimum seeding date, seed treatment and foliar spray of fungicides, and resistant wheat genotypes.  相似文献   

大麦种质对叶斑病的抗性鉴定与评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 由麦根腐平脐蠕胞菌引起的叶斑病在世界各大麦种植区均有发生,严重影响大麦的产量和品质。选育和应用抗性品种是防控该病害最有效的策略,然而可利用的抗源非常有限。在本研究中对中国233份具有代表性的大麦种质资源进行成株期抗叶斑病田间人工接种鉴定,发现只有垦啤麦5号等10份材料对3个供试菌株都表现抗病,仅占供试材料的4.3%。另外对37份国内外重要的叶斑病抗源材料进行苗期及成株期抗叶斑病鉴定,结果显示成株期抗叶斑病材料所占比例为41%~46%,苗期抗性材料所占比例为50%~64%,其中ND17293等11份材料在苗期和成株期对3个菌株均表现为抗病,可作为抗源继续加以利用;基于上述鉴定结果,进一步分析发现供试大麦苗期对三个菌株的抗病比例均高于成株期抗病比例,说明大麦在不同生育期对叶斑病的抗性存在较大差异。另外发现大麦对B. sorokiniana不同致病类型的抗性也存在明显的专化性。  相似文献   

Host genetic resistance is the most effective and sustainable means of managing tan spot or yellow spot of wheat. The disease is becoming increasingly problematic due to the adoption of minimum tillage practices, evolution of effector‐mediated pathogenicity, and widespread cultivation of susceptible cultivars from a narrow genetic base. This highlights the importance of broadening the diversity of resistance factors in modern breeding germplasm. This study explored 300 genetically diverse wheat accessions, originally sourced from the N. I. Vavilov Institute of Plant Genetic Resources (VIR), St Petersburg, Russia. The collection was screened for resistance to tan spot at seedling and adult stage under controlled conditions, and in the field across 2 years. The phenotypic datasets, coupled with ToxA bioassay screening, identified a number of accessions with useful sources of resistance. Seedling disease response corresponded well with ToxA sensitivity (= 0.49, < 0.000), but not adult responses (= ?0.02 to ?0.19, < 0.002), and overall reactions to ToxA appeared to show poor correspondence with disease response at the adult stage. ToxA‐insensitive accessions were generally found resistant across different growth stages (all‐stage resistance, ASR) in all experiments (seedling and adult stage under controlled conditions and field). ToxA‐sensitive accessions that were susceptible at seedling stage, but resistant at both adult‐plant stages, were deemed to carry adult‐plant resistance (APR). This study provides detailed information on the degree of tan spot resistance in the Vavilov wheat collection and discusses strategies to harness these sources to boost the diversity of resistance factors in modern wheat breeding germplasm.  相似文献   

Fungal leaf spot diseases of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in Nepal cause significant yield reduction. Although field testing has identified a few partially resistant cultivars, most wheat grown in Nepal lacks adequate resistance to leaf spot diseases. During 2009–2010, 116 local and commercial spring wheat cultivars and advanced breeding lines were selected from multi-year field experiments in Nepal and evaluated for seedling resistance to three leaf spot diseases: spot blotch, Stagonospora nodorum blotch (SNB) and tan spot races 1 and 5 (two of the most prevalent races) in the growth chambers at North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND, USA. The wheat cultivars and lines were artificially inoculated with individual pathogens or races at the two-leaf stage and disease reactions were evaluated 6 to 10 days after inoculation (DAI). Results indicated that 30%, 31%, 19% and 10% of the tested wheat cultivars and lines were resistant to spot blotch, SNB, tan spot races 1 and 5, respectively. Six advanced breeding lines (SW89-5422, BL 2127 = DANIAL88/HLB30//NL297, BL 3033, FILIN/IRENA/5/CNDO/R143//ENTE/MEXI-2/3/AE. SQUA (TAUS)/4WEAVER, GAN/AE.SQUARROSA (236)//DOY1/AE.SQUARROSA(447)/3/MAIZ/4/INQALAB91, Mayoor//TK SN1081/Ae. Squarrosa (222)/3/FCT, were resistant to spot blotch, SNB and tan spot race 1. Similarly, two wheat cultivars Chirya 3 and Chirya 7 were resistant to spot blotch, and tan spot races 1 and 5. The resistant wheat lines identified in this study represent potentially useful and untapped sources of resistance to multiple leaf spot diseases and should be utilized in wheat breeding programs in Nepal in order to develop wheat cultivars with broad-spectrum resistance.  相似文献   

辽宁花生主栽品种(系)对褐斑病和网斑病抗性鉴定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本研究旨在明确辽宁花生主栽品种(系)对花生褐斑病和网斑病的抗性,以期为抗病育种及田间病害防治提供理论依据。试验采用田间自然病圃法,对辽宁主栽的16个花生品种(系)进行了褐斑病和网斑病田间抗性鉴定。结果表明,供试花生品种(系)对两种叶部病害抗性存在显著差异,但缺乏免疫和高抗品种。对花生褐斑病抗性鉴定结果表明,‘阜花17’属抗病类型,‘鲁花11’、‘铁引花2号’、‘良青8号’、‘新花2号’和‘锦花15’属中抗类型,其余属高感或感病类型。对花生网斑病抗性鉴定结果显示:‘鲁花11’、‘铁引花2号’和‘白花生’属抗病类型,‘黑花生’、‘新花2号’、‘花育20’、‘锦花14’、‘新花1号’、‘锦花15’和‘良青8号’属中抗类型,其余属高感或感病类型。多数花生品种(系)对花生叶斑病综合抗性较差。  相似文献   

Twenty-four wheat cultivars and breeding lines were screened for isolate-specific resistance to septoria tritici blotch (STB) caused by 12 isolates of Mycosphaerella graminicola. New isolate-specific resistances that could be used in wheat breeding were identified. Major sources of resistance to STB used in world breeding programmes for decades, such as Kavkaz-K4500, Veranopolis, Catbird and TE9111, have several isolate-specific resistances. This suggests that 'pyramiding' several resistance genes in one cultivar may be an effective and durable strategy for breeding for resistance to STB in wheat. Several cultivars, including Arina, Milan and Senat, had high levels of partial resistance to most isolates tested as well as isolate-specific resistances. Resistance to isolate IPO323 was common, present in all but one of the major sources of resistance tested. This suggests that resistance to IPO323 may be an indicator of varietal resistance to STB in the field.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Tan spot and Stagonospora blotch of hard red spring wheat served as a model system for evaluating disease forecasts by artificial neural networks. Pathogen infection periods on susceptible wheat plants were measured in the field from 1993 to 1998, and incidence data were merged with 24-h summaries of accumulated growing degree days, temperature, relative humidity, precipitation, and leaf wetness duration. The resulting data set of 202 discrete periods was randomly assigned to 10 modeldevelopment or -validation (n = 50) data sets. Backpropagation neural networks, general regression neural networks, logistic regression, and parametric and nonparametric methods of discriminant analysis were chosen for comparison. Mean validation classification of tan spot incidence was between 71% for logistic regression and 76% for backpropagation models. No significant difference was found between methods of modeling tan spot infection periods. Mean validation prediction accuracy of Stagonospora blotch incidence was 86 and 81% for backpropagation and logistic regression, respectively. Prediction accuracies of other modeling methods were 相似文献   

This study aimed to develop and validate a standard area diagram (SAD) set to quantify the severity of spot blotch, caused by Bipolaris sorokiniana, on wheat leaves. The proposed SAD set includes images of leaves with 11 distinct disease severities (0·1, 1, 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70 and 83%). The SAD set was validated by 12 raters without experience in evaluating plant disease. Lin's concordance correlation analysis of estimated versus actual disease severity (based on image analysis) showed that precision and accuracy improved for all raters using the SAD set in contrast to assessments made without it. The SAD set improved accuracy (coefficient of bias, C= 0·88 and 0·99, without and with the SAD set, respectively) and agreement (Lin's concordance correlation coefficient, ρc = 0·81 and 0·96 without and with the SAD set, respectively) of the estimates of severity. The severity estimates were also more reliable when using the SAD set (coefficient of determination, R= 0·76 unaided and R= 0·92 with the SAD set, and intra‐class correlation ρ = 0·79 without the SAD set and ρ = 0·95 using the SAD set). The SAD set proposed in this study will improve the accuracy and reliability of estimates of spot blotch severity on wheat leaves.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT In search of new durable disease resistance traits in barley to control leaf spot blotch disease caused by the necrotrophic fungus Bipolaris sorokiniana (teleomorph: Cochliobolus sativus), we developed macroscopic and microscopic scales to judge spot blotch disease development on barley. Infection of barley was associated with cell wall penetration and accumulation of hydrogen peroxide. The latter appeared to take place in cell wall swellings under fungal penetration attempts as well as during cell death provoked by the necrotrophic pathogen. Additionally, we tested the influence of a compromised Mlo pathway that confers broad resistance against powdery mildew fungus (Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei). Powdery mildew-resistant genotypes with mutations at the Mlo locus (mlo genotypes) showed a higher sensitivity to infiltration of toxic culture filtrate of Bipolaris sorokiniana as compared with wild-type barley. Mutants defective in Ror, a gene required for mlo-specified powdery mildew resistance, were also more sensitive to Bipolaris sorokiniana toxins than wild-type barley but showed less symptoms than mlo5 parents. Fungal culture filtrates induced an H2O2 burst in all mutants, whereas wild-type (Mlo) barley was less sensitive. The results support the hypothesis that the barley Mlo gene product functions as a suppresser of cell death. Therefore, a compromised Mlo pathway is effective for control of biotrophic powdery mildew fungus but not for necrotrophic Bipolaris sorokiniana. We discuss the problem of finding resistance traits that are effective against both biotrophic and necrotrophic pathogens with emphasis on the role of the anti-oxidative system of plant cells.  相似文献   

The contributions of disease escape and disease resistance to the responses of wheat to septoria tritici leaf blotch (STB) were analysed in a set of 226 lines, including modern cultivars, breeding lines and their progenitors dating back to the origin of scientific wheat breeding. Field trials were located in the important wheat-growing region of eastern England and were subject to natural infection by Mycosphaerella graminicola . STB scores were related to disease-escape traits, notably height, leaf spacing, leaf morphology and heading date, and to the presence of known Stb resistance genes and isolate-specific resistances. The Stb6 resistance gene was associated with a reduction of 19% in the level of STB in the complete set of 226 lines and with a 33% reduction in a subset of 139 lines of semidwarf stature. Greater plant height was strongly associated with reduced STB in the full set of lines, but only weakly in the semidwarf lines. Shorter leaf length was also associated with reduced STB, but, in contrast to earlier reports, lines with more prostrate leaves had more STB on average, probably because they tended to have longer leaves. Several lines, notably cvs Pastiche and Exsept, had low mean levels of STB which could not be explained by either escape traits or specific resistance genes, implying that they have unknown genes for partial resistance to STB.  相似文献   

Five wheat genotypes with differing field resistance to Cochliobolus sativus were tested in greenhouse conditions for their reaction to 1.0 mM helminthosporol (HL) toxin and for their resistance to the pathogen at the 4-leaf seedling, booting, anthesis completed and late milk grain stages. HL caused distinctly necrotic and chlorotic lesions only on the adult plants of highly susceptible genotypes Ciano T-79 and Sonalika. The level of toxin sensitivity and disease severity increased with adult plant growth stage, suggesting that susceptibility is related to plant physiology. However, genotype BL 1473 was found to be susceptible to the fungus but insensitive to the toxin, indicating the limitations of using the toxin as a screening tool for resistance. The results confirm earlier studies which showed a lack of correlation between resistance at the seedling stage and field observations. This underlines the importance of field screening for improving resistance to spot blotch in wheat.  相似文献   

为获得抗赤霉病且农艺性状较好的小麦种质资源, 加快小麦抗赤霉病育种进程, 采用人工接种鉴定和田间试验的方法, 于2019年-2021年, 对54个小麦品种(系)进行了赤霉病抗性鉴定与农艺性状调查。结果表明, 供试小麦品种(系)存在赤霉病抗性差异, 筛选出‘华皖麦24’‘宛1204’和‘皖垦麦1708’等9个两年表现稳定的中抗品种(系), 占总数的16.67%; 农艺性状调查结果显示, 不同小麦品种(系)的农艺性状间存在显著性差异, 抗病组品种(系)的平均变异系数小于感病组品种(系)。其中, ‘宛1204’和‘徐麦17252’中抗赤霉病, 且综合农艺性状较好, 可以作为抗赤霉病育种的抗源。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to verify, under natural conditions, biological control effects obtained in a former screening programme against Fusarium culmorum. The most successful antagonists against seedborne Fusarium culmorum and Bipolaris sorokiniana were isolates of Chaetomium sp., Idriella bolleyi and Gliocladium roseum. These results were also obtained when the antagonists were applied to B. sorokiniana-infected barley sown in field soil in pots. In field experiments, G. roseum gave the best control of F. culmorum in winter wheat. One month after sowing, germination increased by 170%, the disease index decreased by 73% and plant dry weight increased by 25%, compared to untreated plots. At harvest, the number of tillers per row was found to have increased by 53%, yield had increased by 160% and the 1000-grain weight had increased by 4%. For all evaluated parameters the effect was significantly different from the untreated plots and not significantly different from the plots treated with the fungicide, Sibutol LS 280. I. bolleyi gave a lower but still significantly effective control, when evaluated for disease index and numbers of tillers per row, while Chaetomium sp. did not show any reduction in the disease. Furthermore, in field experiments using barley infected with B. sorokiniana , a significant effect of G. roseum was demonstrated as increased plant dry weight after 1 month and increased 1000-grain weight at harvest. The disease-controlling effect of G. roseum on F. culmorum was shown in a field experiment with spring barley.  相似文献   

This study reports the discovery of a gene for resistance to septoria tritici blotch (STB) in two spring wheat cultivars, Courtot and Tonic. The gene, named Stb9 , confers resistance to Mycosphaerella graminicola isolate IPO89011. It was mapped by quantitative trait loci (QTL) analysis using an existing map of Courtot × Chinese Spring and was located between markers Xfbb226 (3·6 cM) and XksuF1b (9 cM) on the long arm of chromosome 2B. Markers linked to Stb9 in Courtot were then shown to be linked to resistance to IPO89011 in F3 families of Tonic × Longbow. Allelism tests in which Tonic was crossed with Courtot confirmed that Tonic has a gene for resistance to IPO89011 at or very close to the Stb9 locus. SSR markers flanking Stb9 may be used in marker-assisted selection to introgress this gene into winter cultivars or in spring wheat breeding programmes outside Europe.  相似文献   

From a total of 238 European cultivars and breeding lines screened for isolate-specific resistance to septoria tritici blotch (STB) with eight Mycosphaerella graminicola isolates from five different countries, 142 lines were resistant to Ethiopian isolate IPO88004, and 43 lines were specifically resistant to IPO323, with little or no leaf area bearing pycnidia of M. graminicola . These lines probably all have the resistance gene Stb6 . Specific resistances to isolates CA30JI, IPO001, IPO89011, IPO92006 and ISR398 were less common. Seventy-three per cent of the lines were specifically resistant to at least one isolate and 36 lines were resistant to more than one isolate. The line with the greatest number of specific resistances was the spring cultivar Raffles, with five. The most resistant line in which no specific resistance was identified was the Italian landrace Rieti, an ancestor of many modern European wheat cultivars. There was also a wide range of partial resistance among the lines tested, expressed in detached seedling leaves. Information about the resistance of wheat lines to M. graminicola isolates will assist breeders to choose parents of crosses from which progeny with superior resistance to STB may be selected.  相似文献   

Host plant resistance is an important component for management of the melon fruit fly, Bactrocera cucurbitae (Coquillett), owing to difficulties associated with its chemical and biological control. Various biochemical traits including total sugar, reducing sugar, non-reducing sugar, tannins, phenols, alkaloids, flavinoid and pH contents of fruit were studied on 11varieties/ genotypes of muskmelon, Cucumis melo L., in relation to resistance against B. cucurbitae under field conditions. Significant differences were found in tested varieties/ genotypes for fruit infestation and larval density per fruit. AHMM/BR-1, RM-50 and AHMM/BR-8 were the most resistant; MHY-5, Durgapura Madhu and Pusa Sarabati were moderately resistant; AHMM/BR-13, Pusa Madhuras and Arka Jeet were susceptible; whereas Arka Rajhans and GMM-3 were the highly susceptible varieties/ genotypes to fruit fly in both seasons, 2011 and 2012. The larval density per fruit increased with an increase in percent fruit infestation and there was a significant positive correlation (r = 0.97) between percent fruit infestation and larval density per fruit. Total sugar, reducing sugar, non-reducing sugar and pH were lowest in resistant and highest in susceptible varieties/ genotypes, whereas tannins, phenols, alkaloids and flavinoid contents were highest in resistant and lowest in susceptible varieties/ genotypes. Total alkaloid and pH contents explained 97.96% of the total variation in fruit fly infestation and 92.83% of the total variation in larval density per fruit due to alkaloids and total sugar contents.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT), Mexico, germplasm-derived wheat (Triticum aestivum) Kavkaz-K4500 L.6.A.4 (KK) is one of the major sources of resistance to Septoria tritici blotch (STB). KK is resistant to STB in field conditions in the UK even though a large majority of Mycosphaerella graminicola isolates are virulent to it. The genetics of the resistance of KK to four isolates of M. graminicola were investigated. KK has at least five isolate-specific resistance genes including Stb6 on chromosome 3A plus a second gene for resistance to isolate IPO323, two genes on chromosome 4A, both in the region where Stb7 is located with one designated as Stb12, and a gene designated Stb10 on chromosome 1D. Taken together, the widespread use of KK as a source of resistance to STB, its high resistance in field conditions, and its high susceptibility to M. graminicola isolates, which are virulent to all its resistance genes, suggest that high levels of field resistance to STB might be achieved by pyramiding several isolate-specific resistance genes.  相似文献   

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