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我国水稻螟虫大发生现状、损失估计及防治对策   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
水稻螟虫是我国水稻重要害虫 ,危害范围广 ,持续时间长 ,经济损失大 ,沿江稻区为重灾区。全国稻螟年发生面积 1500万hm2以上 ,二化螟和三化螟分别约占 2/3和1/3,防治代价约 50亿元 ,残虫造成作物损失 64.5亿元 ,总经济损失 115亿元左右。减灾对策应强调水稻种植相对集中 ,减少插花田面积 ,加快农业产业化、规模化进程 ,扩大种植户的经营规模  相似文献   

农民田间学校是培训农民掌握植保技术的好形式梁帝允,李玉川,姜瑞中(全国植物保护总站,100026)为了探索适合我国当前农村生产体制下,普及病虫害防治知识的方式,在联合国粮农组织国家间水稻病虫害综合防治项目的资助下,1994年在我国南方水稻生产区10省...  相似文献   

通过1993~1994年对稻水螟的田间调查,黑光灯诱集和药剂防治试验,表明该害虫在吉林稻区6月上旬始见幼虫,6月中、下旬为幼虫盛孵期;黑光灯下7月下旬为成虫高峰期。药剂防治可选用3%呋喃丹颗粒剂1.5kg/667m,加15kg细土,或50%辛硫磷乳油0.15kg/667m,加10kg细土于田边深水处幼虫筒密度大的地方撒施,能有效地控制该害虫  相似文献   

番茄潜叶蛾Tuta absoluta源自南美洲,是一种具有恶性入侵性、暴发性和毁灭性的害虫。该害虫自2017年入侵我国新疆维吾尔自治区伊犁哈萨克自治州,目前已在我国云南、贵州和四川等近20个省(区)相继发生,对番茄等茄科类作物造成严重威胁,亟需开展害虫综合治理研究与田间应用。该文基于土壤-作物-害虫-天敌互作系统中上行效应与下行效应的生态学原理,综述土壤氮素、根际微生物、作物抗性、作物和非作物多样性以及天敌昆虫在番茄潜叶蛾种群控制中的作用,对番茄潜叶蛾综合防控进行展望。  相似文献   

高效宽幅远射程机动喷雾机在水稻病虫害防治中应用试验   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
利用高效宽幅远射程机动喷雾机对水稻病虫害防治进行试验,结果证实:该机具有喷枪有效喷幅>12 m、 施药液量<30 L/667 m2、劳动效率>1.3 hm2/h、使用可靠性系数>96.5%、节水省药>30%等功效,显示该机 具比较适合我国南方稻田水稻病、虫、草害防治。  相似文献   

蓝继新 《广西植保》2007,20(Z1):106-108
水稻“两迁”害虫是融水县乃至全国水稻作物近几年来频频发生为害的重要害虫,由于稻飞虱和稻纵卷叶螟的成虫具有远、近距离和大区域迁飞性、暴发性、毁灭性的特点,同时发生时田间世代重叠,各虫态混合并存,防治工作难度大。因此,在融水县甚至全国各地水稻生产区都把这两种害虫列  相似文献   

山东省是我国的棉花主产省之一,2004年棉花种植面积达100万hm2。20世纪90年代中期以来,随着转基因抗虫棉的普及,整个棉田生态系统的生物群落发生了很大的变化,棉铃虫为害大大降低,刺吸式害虫为害持续上升,次要害虫棉盲蝽、棉象甲等逐渐上升为棉田主要害虫,农药使用次数成逐年上升。为了提高棉农对棉花病虫害防治技术,降低农药使用量和使用次数,保护农民身体健康和生态环境,我们实施了FAO/EU棉花IPM项目。项目主要以农民田间学校的形式,采用参与式的成人培训模式,通过田间生态调查,使农民明确自己田里的主要病虫害,并有针对性地制定综合…  相似文献   

我国农田杂草治理技术的发展   总被引:36,自引:0,他引:36  
张泽溥 《植物保护》2004,30(2):28-33
我国稻、麦、玉米、大豆及棉花等主要农作物农田杂草有580种,属于危害重而又难于防除的有17种,受杂草危害较重的农田有3 580万hm2,年平均受草害减产12.3%~16.5%(加权平均)。自1980年以来,全国化学除草面积以年增200万hm2的速度扩大,农田化学除草面积从20世纪70年代早期不到100万hm2扩大到近年来6 000万hm2。本文概述了我国农田主要作物杂草的发生危害、化学除草剂应用现状及其综合防治进展,并提出今后杂草防除的设想与建议。  相似文献   

黑龙江省水稻稻曲病发生规律与防治技术研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
经 2年田间抗性鉴定明确 ,不同水稻品种 (系 )稻曲病发病程度不同 ,抗病性较强的品种 (系)有牡粘3号、岛光、龙盾90-547、雪光、牡840、哈97-893、牡19等20份 ;较为感病的品种有组培20、88-11、秋田2号等10份。田间药剂防治试验明确 ,在水稻孕穗期 ,喷施30%琥胶肥酸铜和15%粉锈宁可湿性粉剂15kg/hm2,防治稻曲病效果达90%以上 ,对水稻安全无药害  相似文献   

水稻粘虫的巧防方法罗林钟莫昌寿(重庆市合川科学技术协会631520)粘虫又叫剃技虫、五色虫、行军虫,是一种暴食性和杂食性害虫,是水稻等多种作物的一大害虫,一般于6~7月危害水稻。过去,对粘虫多采用农药防治为主。一般在施药前经田间调查,每平方米稻田有幼...  相似文献   

Over the last few decades, the use of Farmer Field Schools (FFS) have been considered one of the best approaches to disseminate integrated pest management (IPM) practices that aim to reduce reliance on and misuse of chemical pest control methods in agriculture. However, the published empirical literature has been decidedly mixed in terms of the effectiveness of the IPM‐FFS approach to improve economic outcomes in the short‐term (e.g. reduce chemical use, improve profits), and the potential for scaling‐up and IPM dissemination in the medium‐term. This article briefly explores the empirical IPM‐FFS literature and draws implications for future research directions that can potentially enhance IPM knowledge diffusion methods (including IPM‐FFS) and increase the economic impact of IPM techniques in low‐income countries. We find that promising research directions to improve understanding of IPM dissemination and IPM impacts will need to involve: (i) interdisciplinary long‐run studies using rigorous evaluation methods; (ii) in‐depth assessments of spillover effects; (iii) careful examination of IPM and IPM‐FFS impact heterogeneity; (iv) evaluation of novel IPM packages with herbicide‐ and genetics‐centered components; (v) piloting and impact assessments of alternative IPM knowledge diffusion structures; and (vi) piloting and impact analysis of IPM dissemination and learning programs with private sector involvement. © 2020 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

J. J. LIPA 《EPPO Bulletin》1992,22(3):537-543
With its total area of 312,683 km2 and a population of about 39 million people, the area of agricultural land per person in Poland is about 0.47 ha. The yields of basic crops are rather low and the losses due to pathogens, animal pests and weeds are high. The use of pesticides is about 1.0–1.3 kg a.i. per ha and this gives a good starting point for integrated pest management (IPM) in the production system of various crops. IPM in glasshouse crops reached the level of 500 ha per year. An IPM approach against codling moth (Cydia pomonella) in orchards allowed a reduction by 70% in the number of insecticide treatments. In the case of apple scab (Venturia haequalis), the IPM approach allowed a reduction in the number of fungicide treatments by 30% on an area of 100,000 ha. In respect to small grains, the IPM approach concerns rational use of fungicides and herbicides in winter wheat and barley. In potato protection, the IPM approach mainly concerns Colorado beetle (Leptinotarsa decemlineata), which at present is controlled by chemical insecticides on 77% of the potato area. Special research and demonstration IPM programmes sponsored by USDA/AID in Central and Eastern Europe will be operational during 1992/1995 and will concern orchards (apple, pear), small grains (wheat, barley) and potatoes.  相似文献   

褐飞虱是东南亚、东亚水稻产区的重要害虫。栽培丰产的抗虫水稻品种是防治该虫经济有效的措施之一,由于作物抗虫性是在一定的环境条件下寄主与昆虫相互作用的表现,不同环境条件对作物抗虫性有影响。本文从气候因素、土壤肥力因素、生物因素、人为因素、抗虫品种和褐飞虱及不同因素综合作用等几方面概述了环境因素对水稻品种抗褐飞虱的影响,并提出了有待于今后进一步研究的问题。  相似文献   

Supervised control programs were initiated by the Extension Service in the deciduous orchards of Upper Galilee and the Golan almost 20 years ago. The integrated pest management (IPM) project on fruit crops and vines, launched as a systematic state-wide program in 1991, covered 23% of the total acreage at the end of 1996. The program has reached a critical mass and generates a steady demand for this new kind of advisory service. The project has set the right pattern for intensive and continuous collaboration among research, extension and grower. The program has been successful in reaching out to growers with the help of a newly formed group of local and regional pest scouts; the field-level implementation is the responsibility of the extension system. A reduction of approximately 30% in the use of pesticides has been achieved. The project prepares the ground for environment-friendly and sustainable cropping systems, generating produce competitive on both the local as well as foreign markets. The program on indoor vegetables, flowers, herbs and spices initiated in 1992, had to address first the problem of the sweetpotato whitefly. The field program methodology relies on the establishment of model farms and plots. The model plots are used to examine supervised control scenarios which could, in turn, be diffused to all growers. A 30-50% reduction in the use of pesticides was achieved on the model farms. The program represents an integration of supervised control, fully fledged IPM, and biological control practices. The program on corn and cotton covers the entire acreage under these two crops. The cotton program is supported by an integrated resistance management component. Three area-wide pest management programs were initiated: in the Arava and Bet She’ an valleys, and in the Golan.  相似文献   

Enhancing cotton pest management using plant natural defenses has been described as a promising way to improve the management of crop pests. We here reviewed various studies on cotton growing systems to illustrate how an ancient technique called plant training, which includes plant topping and pruning, may contribute to this goal. Using examples from cotton crops, we show how trained plants can be brought to a state of enhanced defense that causes faster and more robust activation of their defense responses. We revisit the agricultural benefits associated with this technique in cotton crops, with a focus on its potential as a supplementary tool for integrated pest management (IPM). In particular, we examine its role in mediating plant interactions with conspecific neighboring plants, pests and associated natural enemies. We propose a new IPM tool, plant training for induced defense, which involves inducing plant defense through artificial injury. Experimental evidence from various studies shows that cotton training is a promising technique, particularly for smallholders, which can be used as part of an IPM program to significantly reduce insecticide use and to improve productivity in cotton farming. © 2018 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Integrated pest management (IPM) technology has been disseminated since 1989 in Indonesia to cut down pesticide use, but the adoption and diffusion of the technology are still debated. This study aims to estimate the models of demand for pesticides and to analyse the impact of IPM technology on pesticide use. Aggregate cross-section time series data from 1990-1998 are used.RESULTS: The results show that IPM technology reduces the use of pesticides by improving the process of rice production, such that pesticides are more efficiently used. In this case, the IPM technology is not a pest control technique.CONCLUSION There is an indication that IPM technology has been adopted by farmers. This is evidence that the IPM programme in Indonesia was successful in this area. Copyright (c) 2008 Society of Chemical Industry.  相似文献   

During the past 2 years, there has been a rapid expansion of integrated pest management (IPM) in the ornamental sector of the glasshouse industry. Most of this expansion has resulted from improved availability of Amblyseius spp. for the control of thrips, although there is little information on the likelihood of success with this predator. IPM was done on 20 plant species on 21 nurseries in south-east England and there were many successes with crops that would normally receive intensive insecticide programmes to control thrips. Each plant species required its own IPM programme to be devised according to its pest complex. Techniques, particularly to monitor IPM, were devised and some staff were trained to assist in the monitoring. IPM is generally twice as expensive as routine insecticide programmes but has other advantages such as a safer environment for staff and better crop quality.  相似文献   

水稻主要病虫综合治理效益评估方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水稻主要稻虫综合治理是一个多输入输出的管理系统,作者层次法引入水稻病虫综合防治效益评估研究。采用专家咨询、数学分析等手段建立了水稻病虫综合防治效益评估层次模型,对总目标、亚目标、准则,指层要的权重值进行科学评估,并对指标层各个要素建立定量化方法,从而建立了一整套综合防治效益定量评估方法,通过对4个综合防治点1992-1993年早、晚委的综合防治总体效益进行评估,评估结果基本客观地反映了当前水稻IE  相似文献   

非稻田生境中稻飞虱卵寄生蜂群落结构研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究发现稻田周围田埂、路边禾本科杂草上栖息着能寄生于稻飞虱卵的寄生蜂有缨小蜂科和赤眼蜂科两类,它们是非稻田生境中稻飞虱卵寄生蜂群落的重要成员.群落中,缨小蜂科数量较多,其四个属中,数量上Anagrus>Gonatocerus>Neurotes>Mymar;赤眼蜂科数量较少,所占比率小于9%.非综防区化学农药的毒性和残效加重了生境中寄生蜂生存压力,造成群落中多个物种占有优势地位,而稻飞虱主要天敌-缨小蜂的优势被削弱,不如综防区群落中缨小蜂的优势地位突出.  相似文献   

水稻对褐飞虱和白背飞虱的抗性及其机制研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作物品种抗虫性是害虫综合治理中重要的技术措施。筛选抗性材料和评价其抗性机制是作物育种和害虫综合治理的关键所在。本文综述了水稻品种对褐飞虱和白背飞虱的抗性及其机制,并介绍了抗稻飞虱的基因及其在育种上的应用。可为水稻抗稻飞虱品种的选育和利用以及稻飞虱的综合治理提供借鉴。  相似文献   

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