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绿化大树移栽保活关键技术探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘燕 《现代园艺》2014,(2):58-58
本文就大树移栽的关键技术,从移栽前的准备、移栽中的技术措施以及移栽后的养护管理等方面进行了较为详尽的阐述,方法简明,技术适用,对绿化工程中大树移栽保活提供有力保障。  相似文献   

浅谈大树移栽主要技术措施   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文介绍了大树移栽的主要技术措施,从栽前准备、栽种技术、栽后的养护管理等方面进行较为详尽的阐述,方法简明,适用性强,对园林绿化大树移栽大有裨益。  相似文献   

对城市景观大树的移植与养护管理进行了探讨,主要涉及了大树在景观绿化中的意义、大树移植的特点、正确移植大树的方法以及移植后的养护管理技术,以便能准确掌握大树移栽的先进配套技术,确保大树移栽成活。  相似文献   

大树移栽应注意生态环境、树种、树龄、树势等因素,对弱树、特大树等要搞好移栽前的复壮管理,科学移栽,加强移栽后的养护,确保大树移栽成功。  相似文献   

郑慧云 《花卉》2019,(10):146-146
近年来,城市的园林绿化工程备受社会各界的关注,已经成为城市现代化建设发展的重要组成部分。在园林绿化建设过程中,大树的移栽和养护管理技术十分重视,是关系整个园林绿化效果的关键。本文将深入大树移栽的技巧和养护管理措施,旨在提高大树移栽的成活率,美化城市环境。  相似文献   

李梦秋 《花卉》1991,(收录汇总):127-129
随着社会的发展,人们对于城市内街道两旁的绿化带建设以及公园内的园林建设要求越来越高。在园林绿化的施工过程中,大树移栽技术的应用十分重要。分析了影响大树移栽成活率的原因,研究了园林绿化施工中大树移栽技术的具体应用和移栽后的养护管理措施,以供参考。  相似文献   

本文主要对园林绿化的大树移栽过程中的注意事项进行探讨,同时分析大树移栽后需要采取的养护措施,以期提高大树移栽的存活率,为城市绿化做一份贡献。  相似文献   

园林绿化中的大树移栽成活率取决于大树移栽之后的养护管理。根据不同地区的环境条件及季节有所不同,采取的养护管理技术也有所不同。目前,由于经济的发展,环境造成了严重的破坏,城市空气问题日益突出,大树移栽也越来越受到关注,在生态文明建设及城市绿化中发挥着越来越重要的作用。研究了园林绿化中大树移栽及养护管理技术,以期提高园林绿化大树移栽成活率。  相似文献   

根据园林植物移栽成功实践,从移栽前、移栽中、移栽后等各环节总结凤凰树大树移栽的方法及养护管理技术.  相似文献   

大树移栽是一项难度较大的园林绿化工程技术。大树移栽后,一定要加强后期的养护管理,确保造林成活。  相似文献   


Influence of initial transplant size on yield components was investigated using two strawberry cultivars over a three-year period. Plants were sorted into three groups according to crown size each fall before transplanting.

Fruits were harvested once a week over a ten-week period each year. There were marked differences between ‘Chandler’ and ‘Camarosa’ cultivars. Transplants of the ‘Chandler’ cultivar with larger crown diameters produced significantly greater early and total marketable yield than transplants with smaller crown diameters. Regression analysis of yield components against initial crown diameter revealed a positive relationship between total fruit numbers produced per plant and initial crown size for both cultivars. Total weight of marketable fruit produced per plant was positively associated with initial crown diameter of transplants. Relationships between initial crown diameter and early yield components were not as consistent among the two cultivars tested. Early yield components of ‘Chandler’ were all correlated to initial crown diameter of transplants. The size of the transplant did not influence early yield components of ‘Camarosa’ except for fruit size. There was a significant relationship between the postharvest dry weight of plants and initial crown diameter of transplants.  相似文献   


The study investigated the response of shallots to different levels of defoliation at different growth stages. The effect of cutting off 50%, 75%, and 100% of leaves of four, six, and eight week old shallot plants was assessed. Defoliation at an early stage of growth, i.e. three-leaf stage imposed stressful conditions, and initially reduced growth rate. Whilst lateral bud numbers increased with the severity of defoliation in four week old shallots, lateral shoots and bulb number decreased. There was significant delay in maturity and a reduction in bulb size and weight in shallots defoliated at six weeks. Six weeks old shallots defoliated at 100% recorded the lowest sucrose content of 6%. Numbers of fresh bulb scales was significantly decreased with increasing defoliation and growth. The effect of defoliation on growth, yield and quality depended on the growth stage of the crop. However, 50% defoliation at all growth stages gave appreciable yield and bulb quality compared with the undefoliated control in this trial.  相似文献   

杨丽丽  秦华  陈莉 《北方园艺》2010,(22):106-107
介绍了园林大树移植过程中树皮复原的应用范围及其相应的植皮技术,以期对园林大树的移植养护管理起到指导作用。  相似文献   

Renewal shoot (“bottom break”) formation in rose plants was affected by the temperature and relative humidity in the greenhouse. The number of shoots and the rate of their renewal were significantly higher in plants grown in a greenhouse cooled by evaporative coolers then in an uncooled greenhouse. A decrease in renewal shoot formation occurred which reduced light intensity above the stem base. This phenomenon was also observed in defoliated plants.  相似文献   

加工番茄穴盘育苗生产技术研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
自2005年以来,我国加工番茄生产方式从以直播为主向育苗移栽转变.从温室、基质、穴盘、品种选择、水肥管理、病虫草害防治、生长调控和练苗、秧苗定植等方面阐述了加工番茄穴盘育苗.  相似文献   

火炬树(Rhus typhina)为漆树科(Anacardiaceae)盐肤木属落叶灌木或小乔木;其水平根系发达,根蘖力强,是植被恢复与构建、环境美化和风景林营建的优良树种之一.现以北方民族大学校园内3个火炬树小种群为材料,研究了不同种群的克隆分株能力.结果表明:3个种群克隆分株产生萌条的株高、基径、复叶数和生物量积累量均有很大差异.可能是产生克隆分株的根径较小和克隆分株距离母体植株较远造成的,同时也可能与不同种群斑块环境条件的差异或不同的管理措施有关.  相似文献   

Both 50 000 ppm FeEDTA and 1000 ppm N252 (2, 3-dihydro-5,6-dimethyl-l,4-dithiin-1,1,4,4-tetroxide) effectively defoliated Cox’s Orange Pippin and Golden Delicious maiden apple trees on M.9 rootstock when applied in mid-September. Defoliation of MM. 104 apple rootstocks by 30 000 ppm FeEDTA was enhanced by pretreatment with 3000 ppm MH, and defoliation of Quince A rootstocks by 30 000 ppm FeEDTA, 250 ppm N252 or 750 ppm ethephon with 13 500 ppm urea was enhanced by prior treatment with 3 000 ppm butralin.  相似文献   

Recurrent and synchronous spruce budworm (SBW) outbreaks have important impacts in boreal and sub-boreal forest ecosystems of North America. This study examines the early phase of an outbreak that was developing across a 268,000 km2 area over a period of 9 years (2003–2011). The territory was subdivided in 225 km2 cells, and the relative influence of forest composition, elevation, forest age, average degree-days and soil drainage were examined during three development phases of the outbreak: initial epicenter location, relatively long-distance spread (cell-to-cell expansion), and expansion inside individual cells (within-cell expansion). The results indicate that elevation is the most determinant variable for initial epicenter location. Other variables that were identified as important for outbreak development by previous studies, such as forest composition and average degree-days, were not so important during this phase. However, forest composition and average degree-days were important factors during the cell-to-cell and within-cell expansion phases. Separating outbreak development in distinct phases also allowed to integrate phase-specific spatial and temporal covariates that were highly significant in the models, such as distance from previous year defoliations during the cell-to-cell expansion phase, and the proportion of defoliated stands during the preceding year for the within-cell expansion phase. Overall, this study provides limited evidence that patterns of SBW outbreak expansion could be altered by reducing host tree species abundance in the forest [mainly balsam fir (Abies balsamea) in this region]. More generally, this study suggests that the influence of environmental variables on SBW outbreak development is clearly phase-dependent, and that this landscape-level, process-based approach could be useful to forecast insect outbreak development in forest ecosystems.  相似文献   


Experiments were conducted on lychee (Litchi chinensis Sonn.) in subtropical Australia (lat. 27° –29°S) to evaluate the role of assimilates on fruit retention. All the leaves of the last flush, all the leaves of the previous flush (about eight leaves per terminal shoot), or all the old leaves were removed from trees. Medium (3–5.cm diameter) or large branches (5–10.cm diameter) were girdled and defoliated after fruit set, and fruit retention compared with ungirdled and undefoliated branches. Other branches were girdled and defoliated between anthesis and fruit harvest. Finally, 20, 50 or 80% of the flowering panicles were defruited on large trees. Defoliated trees had 35 to 45% lower yields than the controls. This was despite the treatment with all the old leaves removed having a much lower leaf area index than the other defoliation treatments (1.7 vs. 2.3 and 2.8). Leaves next to the inflorescences are more important for yield than the older leaves. Fruit retention was very low on girdled branches that had been defoliated, especially when the leaves were removed in the first 20.d after anthesis. This suggests that the yields of girdled branches were determined by the availability of assimilates soon after fruit set. In contrast, the number of fruit retained on ungirdled branches was unrelated to the number of leaves, with defoliation having no effect on yield. Fruit on these branches were supported by resources from elsewhere in the tree. Thinned trees had similar yields to those of unthinned plots (65–82.kg tree–1). Thinning apparently increased fruit retention in the remaining clusters, under a higher leaf:fruit ratio. There were large differences in the concentrations of starch in the tree, and seasonal changes, with starch declining from flowering to fruit harvest. In contrast, there were only small responses to the treatments, suggesting that the fruit were mainly dependent on current photosynthesis. Photosynthesis in the leaves behind the fruit clusters was more important than photosynthesis in the older shaded leaves.  相似文献   

The effect of defoliation (DEF) alone or combined with hydrogen cyanamide (HC) on dormancy state, fruit quality and yield of Anna apple cultivar was studied. Trees were manually defoliated on three successive dates, November 15th, December 1st and December 15th. The flower buds (FB) entered the endodormancy synchronized with vegetative buds (VB) for most of the treatments. Most of the treatments terminated endodormancy between January 27th and February 8th during the season 2004/2005 and between January 18th and February 8th during the season 2005/2006. The treatments were effective in dormancy release of FB and somewhat with VB. Defoliation on November 15th + HC recorded the lowest chilling accumulation needed to reach 50% bud break. All the treatments exceeded the control considering the percentage of flower (FBB) and vegetative bud break (VBB) either in the lab or at the field. Growing degree hours and the number of days required to reach each stage of fruiting were differed between the two studied seasons. The control and DEF on December 15th exceeded all the treatments regarding initial fruit set percentage (IFS). The defoliation treatments alone gave the highest yield (kg/tree). Defoliation + HC treatments gave the best fruit quality, while the control gave the least values.  相似文献   

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