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Eleven ichthyoplankton cruises were undertaken covering most of the Irish Sea during the period February to June, 1995. To identify spawning localities and investigate temporal trends in egg production, the data on stage 1 A egg distributions of cod ( Gadus morhua ), plaice ( Pleuronectes platessa ) and sole ( Solea solea ) have been modelled using generalized additive models (GAMs). A two-stage approach was adopted where presence/absence was firstly modelled as a binary process and a GAM surface subsequently fitted to egg production (conditional on presence). We demonstrate that this approach can be used to model egg production both in space and in time. The spawning sites for cod, plaice and sole in the Irish Sea were defined in terms of the probability of egg occurrence. For cod, we demonstrate that by integrating under predicted egg production surfaces, a cumulative production curve can be generated and used to define percentiles of production and thus delimit the extent of the spawning season. However, for plaice and sole, the surveys did not fully cover the spawning season and the limitations that this imposes on GAM modelling of these data are discussed. Comparison of the spawning sites in 1995 with historical data suggests that the locations of cod, plaice and sole egg production in the Irish Sea have probably remained relatively constant over the last 30 years.  相似文献   

A new methodology is presented to reconstruct migration pathways of individual fish inhabiting ecosystems with moderate‐to‐strong gradients in temperature or salinity. The method uses measurements of ambient pressure, temperature and salinity obtained from electronic data storage tags attached to individual fish and is particularly applicable in areas with negligible tides. We demonstrate the method with Baltic cod. Hydrographic fields obtained from hydrodynamic modelling were used as a geolocation database to identify daily positions of Baltic cod by comparison with the environmental data collected by the tags. Using randomly distributed individual parameter perturbations in the range of the instrument precision of the tag we simulated a cod migrating through the Baltic Sea. The distance between the prescribed and geolocated positions of this artificial cod was on average 2.9 ± 4.7 (SD) km. Subsequently, the method was used to reconstruct migration routes of 10 real cod tagged in the Bornholm Basin of the Baltic Sea in early spring 2003. Differences were compared between the tag data and the geolocation database. The uncertainty in geolocation at recapture day was on average 75 ± 23 (SD) km, as shown by comparison between geolocated position and recapture position.  相似文献   

The biology of cod reproduction is well described in the scientific literature. However, sperm biology and spermatozoa management are poorly studied in this species. Because of its recent farming expansion, a better knowledge of cod gametes is becoming especially useful. This work aimed at establishing tools to study sperm biology in cod, and also investigated the existence of changes in cod sperm quality during the spawning period. We showed that sperm concentration could be assessed using spectrophotometry at 260 nm. Sperm motility significantly decreased after a 168‐h storage at 4 °C. A 1:9 dilution of sperm in a non‐activating medium (1/3 seawater and 2/3 freshwater, osmotic pressure: 360 mOsm kg?1) improved sperm storage. Sperm concentration, sperm velocity and storage capacity at 4 °C peaked during the medium period of the spawning season and then decreased to values close to those observed at the beginning of the reproductive period. The measured values of osmotic pressure, pH, protein, Na+, Cl? and Ca2+ concentrations of the seminal fluid were modified along the spawning period. Cell damage was noted at the end of the spawning period: local blebs were observed on the flagellum but also loops at its distal part. On the other hand, spermatocrit did not vary with the sampling date. In conclusion, cod sperm quality is modified during the spawning period, the highest‐quality samples being collected during the medium part of this season.  相似文献   

Commercial farming of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.) is now being developed in several countries. The ecological consequences of cod culture are poorly understood, but recent research suggests that Atlantic cod are more prone to escape from net pens than Atlantic salmon. Here, we describe the movements and the spatiotemporal distribution of farmed cod after escape relative to wild cod, both during and outside the natural spawning season. The experimental design included simulating escape incidents of farmed cod tagged with acoustic transmitters and using an array of automatic listening stations to monitor their dispersal and distribution. For comparison, local wild cod were monitored using the same array of receivers. The farmed cod dispersed rapidly after a simulated escape, they randomly distributed over large areas and their distribution overlapped with local wild cod. Moreover, escaped farmed fish were found at local cod spawning areas during the spawning season. The study also indicated that the recapture rate of escaped farmed cod was high compared with that of escaped farmed salmon. Thus, while our results showed that there is a considerable potential for ecosystem effects caused by escaped farmed cod, mitigating actions such as an efficient recapture fishery for escapees may be possible.  相似文献   

Environmental heterogeneity can create boundary conditions for the co-occurrence of marine predators and their prey. If one or both are spatially constrained by their tolerance to environmental variables, then spatial differences in the availability of possible habitats define the volume of distributional overlap. Cod ( Gadus morhua L.) and its prey, herring ( Clupea harengus L.), in the vertically stratified Bornholm Basin of the Baltic Sea are presented as an example. A non-linear model was used to estimate oxygen avoidance thresholds for both species. Herring avoided oxygen saturation levels below 50%, while cod tolerated oxygen saturation down to 16%. The threshold of 50% oxygen saturation, below which cod could not encounter its prey, herring, was applied to a time series of vertical oxygen profiles from the centre of the Bornholm Basin to estimate the size of the overlap volume during the winter period from 1958 to 1999. Dependent on the oxygenation of the deep-water, the overlap volume varied between 57 km3 and 250 km3.  相似文献   

The transition between endogenous and exogenous feeding in hatchery production of fish larvae has long been a bottleneck to increased production. Identification of alternative prey species with a wider array of nutritional profiles is essential for further expansion and diversification within the aquaculture industry. Traditional morphological methods to identify dietary composition are limited. In this study, we present a novel DNA‐based methodology for identifying the gut contents of larval fish that is independent of prey retaining identifiable characteristics. Laser capture microdissection is used to collect ingested material for DNA extraction, thus limiting contaminating DNA originating from the larval fish. PCR is then conducted using universal eukaryotic primers that have the potential to detect a wide diversity of prey items. Using this approach, we identified ingested Artemia salina from hatchery‐reared Gadus morhua larvae. Differential length amplification PCR was used to evaluate the effects of DNA degradation on the sensitivity of A. salina detection. Although it was possible to detect A. salina with relatively long (626 bp) fragments, targeting smaller fragments (264 bp) resulted in the highest return of prey sequences. This combined LCM and molecular approach to diet analysis could offer a more complete assessment of the diets of naturally feeding larvae.  相似文献   

Temperature and body size are widely agreed to be the primary factors influencing vital rates (e.g., growth, mortality) in marine fishes. We created a biophysical individual‐based model which included the effects of body size and temperature on development, growth and mortality rates of eggs, larvae and juveniles of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.) in the North Sea. Temperature‐dependent mortality rates in our model were based on the consumption rate of predators of cod early‐life stages. The model predicted 35%, 53% and 12% of the total mortality to occur during the egg, larval and juvenile stages, respectively. A comparison of modeled and observed body size suggested that the growth of survivors through their first year of life is high and close to the growth rates in ad libitum feeding laboratory experiments. Furthermore, our model indicates that experiencing warmer temperatures during early life only benefits young cod (or theoretically any organism) if a high ratio exists between the temperature coefficients for the rate of growth and the rate of mortality. During the egg stage of cod, any benefit of developing more rapidly at warmer temperatures is largely counteracted by temperature‐dependent increases in predation pressure. In contrast, juvenile (age‐0) cod experiences a higher cumulative mortality at warmer temperatures in the North Sea. Thus, our study adds a new aspect to the ‘growth–survival’ hypothesis: faster growth is not always profitable for early‐life stages particularly if it is caused by warmer temperatures.  相似文献   

A disease outbreak in farmed Atlantic cod caused by Yersinia ruckeri is reported. Mortality started following vaccination of cod reared in two tanks (A and B). The accumulated mortality reached 1.9% in A and 4.8% in B in the following 30 days when treatment with oxytetracycline was applied. Biochemical and molecular analysis of Y. ruckeri isolates from the cod and other fish species from fresh and marine waters in Iceland revealed a high salinity‐tolerant subgroup of Y. ruckeri serotype O1. Infected fish showed clinical signs comparable with those of Y. ruckeri ‐infected salmonids, with the exception of granuloma formations in infected cod tissues, which is a known response of cod to bacterial infections. Immunohistological examination showed Y. ruckeri antigens in the core of granulomas and the involvement of immune parameters that indicates a strong association between complement and lysozyme killing of bacteria. Experimental infection of cod with a cod isolate induced disease, and the calculated LD50 was 1.7 × 104 CFU per fish. The results suggest that yersiniosis can be spread between populations of freshwater and marine fish. Treatment of infected cod with antibiotic did not eliminate the infection, which can be explained by the immune response of cod producing prolonged granulomatous infection.  相似文献   

Lipids and essential fatty acids, particularly the highly unsaturated fatty acids, 20:5n‐3 (eicosapentaenoic acid; EPA), 22:6n‐3 (docosahexaenoic acid; DHA) and 20:4n‐6 (arachidonic acid, AA) have been shown to be crucial determinants of marine fish reproduction directly affecting fecundity, egg quality, hatching success, larval malformation and pigmentation. In Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.) culture, eggs from farmed broodstock can have much lower fertilization and hatching rates than eggs from wild broodstock. The present study aimed to test the hypothesis that potential quality and performance differences between eggs from different cod broodstock would be reflected in differences in lipid and fatty acid composition. Thus eggs were obtained from three broodstock, farmed, wild/fed and wild/unfed, and lipid content, lipid class composition, fatty acid composition and pigment content were determined and related to performance parameters including fertilization rate, symmetry of cell division and survival to hatching. Eggs from farmed broodstock showed significantly lower fertilization rates, cell symmetry and survival to hatching rates than eggs from wild broodstock. There were no differences in total lipid content or the proportions of the major lipid classes between eggs from the different broodstock. However, eggs from farmed broodstock were characterized by having significantly lower levels of some quantitatively minor phospholipid classes, particularly phosphatidylinositol. There were no differences between eggs from farmed and wild broodstock in the proportions of saturated, monounsaturated and total polyunsaturated fatty acids. The DHA content was also similar. However, eggs from farmed broodstock had significantly lower levels of AA, and consequently significantly higher EPA/AA ratios than eggs from wild broodstock. Total pigment and astaxanthin levels were significantly higher in eggs from wild broodstock. Therefore, the levels of AA and phosphatidylinositol, the predominant AA‐containing lipid class, and egg pigment content were positively related to egg quality or performance parameters such as fertilization and hatching success rates, and cell symmetry.  相似文献   

A process‐oriented model for the mortality of eggs of cod Gadus morhua in the Central Baltic Sea is developed, based on a synthesis of existing knowledge of the effects of salinity, oxygen and predation by sprat Sprattus sprattus. The models show the importance of the vertical and temporal overlap between eggs and predations. Effects related to the changing buoyancy of the eggs due to age and size of the mother fish, batch number and stock structure are not of major importance for the egg survival of this stock. It is demonstrated that under the present high sprat predation pressure, the observed delay in spawning time has increased egg survival.  相似文献   

Francisellosis, caused by the bacterium Francisella piscicida , has become one of the most serious diseases in Atlantic cod production in Norway. The major aim of this study was to determine the distribution of F. piscicida in farmed and wild fish in areas with cod farming along the Norwegian coast, and its occurrence in cod from areas without cod farming. Two real-time PCR assays, targeting the 16S rRNA gene and the FopA gene of F. piscicida , were developed since sensitive and specific diagnostic tools are required for detecting asymptomatic carriers of the bacterium. A total of 422 wild cod from 13 sampling areas and 955 farmed cod from 10 areas along the coast of Norway were examined. Using the real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays, F. piscicida was detected in wild populations of cod from all counties examined south of Sogn og Fjordane in southern Norway (overall prevalence 13%, n  = 221). Wild cod north of Sogn og Fjordane were negative for the bacterium ( n  = 201). Farmed cod from most parts of Norway were F. piscicida positive. The apparent absence of the bacterium in wild populations of cod in the northern parts of Norway and its widespread occurrence in wild cod from southern parts of Norway is believed to relate to differences in seawater temperatures.  相似文献   

Cod, Gadus morhua L., of wild origin, were reared at different temperatures for 12 months. During this period, moribund and newly dead fish were examined and samples collected for bacteriology and histopathology. Atypical Aeromonas salmonicida was isolated from 10 individuals reared at or above 7 °C. The isolates were homogeneous with respect to biochemical and antibiogram characters and similar to the ssp. achromogenes National Collection of Industrial and Marine Bacteria, UK, type strain 1110 and reference strains that have been isolated from salmonids and haddock in Iceland. Histopathological analysis of the naturally infected cod showed typical ulceration associated with atypical A. salmonicida infection and also widespread granulomatous formations. One‐year‐old cod of farmed origin, kept at 9 °C, received intraperitoneal or intramuscular injection with different doses of atypical A. salmonicida, isolated from the above wild cod. Mortalities were monitored for 28 days and the LD50 calculated. The route of bacterial injection influenced the mortality rate and LD50 value and affected, to some extent, the pathological changes observed and humoral immune parameters. Pathological changes, including haemorrhage, early stages of granuloma formation and necrotic changes, were seen in several organs. Infection appeared to induce non‐specific antibody activity against trinitrophenyl (TNP)‐haptenated protein and may have activated the complement system. Specific antibody response against atypical A. salmonicida was not detected.  相似文献   

The growth potential of cod larvae is not fully achieved when rotifers (Brachionus spp.) are used as live feed. In this experiment, we studied the effect of natural zooplankton (mainly copepods) on the growth of cod (Gadus morhua L.) larvae reared in intensive systems. Using a growth model developed for cod larvae, the growth rates observed could be evaluated and compared with growth rates reported previously. The cod larvae showed optimal growth rates until age 19 days post hatch (DPH) when they reached 9.77 ± 0.25 mm standard length (SL). Early weaning (20–25 DPH) resulted in significantly longer larvae at age 30 DPH compared with late weaning (25–32 DPH); however, in this period, the zooplankton concentrations were low. The experimental larvae showed considerably higher growth rates compared with rotifer (Brachionus spp.)‐reared cod larvae in previous experiments. The nutritional composition of cod larvae was analysed and compared with published results on rotifer‐reared larvae. The levels of iodine, manganese, selenium and n‐3 PUFA were considerably higher in larvae fed copepods compared with larvae fed rotifers. The differences in nutritional status may well explain the differences in growth observed between copepod and rotifer‐reared larvae.  相似文献   

Commercial intensive fry production of Atlantic cod will be dependent on production of viable eggs independent of season. This can only be done by manipulation of maturation by photoperiod, but little is known about potential effects on egg characteristics and larval viability. In two cod broodstocks, maturation was successfully advanced or delayed 6 months compared with normal spawning season (March–April) by manipulation of photoperiod. The advanced broodstock spawned both in spring and autumn the same year. In two of the spawning tanks during autumn, ambient temperature was reduced after reaching 13.7°C during the first half of the spawning period. Egg quality and viability were monitored, and several egg batches were incubated, hatched and start‐fed for examination of growth and survival. Temperatures above 9.6°C resulted in significant reductions in fertilization and normal egg development. Concurrently, fractions of dead and unfertilized eggs increased with elevated temperature. Actual relative fecundity was not affected by temperature. Egg characteristics improved when temperature was controlled and lowered below 9.6°C. Occurrence of irregular spawners suggests that handling of broodstock fish should be avoided during maturation and spawning. Cod larvae originating from eggs of the advanced or delayed broodstocks were successfully reared beyond metamorphosis. Survival was 9.0–46.6% and 29.3% in green and clear water respectively. Survival correlated with both initial and average feeding conditions, but growth rate did not correlate with either of survival and feeding conditions. Specific growth rates (8.3–13.6% day−1) is comparable with other intensive rearing trials with cod, but were lower than reported from nature‐like systems.  相似文献   

In order to clarify mechanisms influencing the reproductive success of Baltic cod (Gadus morhua L.), a modelling exercise was performed to examine the effects of the wind‐driven circulation on the transport of early life stages between the western and eastern Baltic. Because the different stocks spawn in different areas and environments at different times of the year, the occurrence of variable age/length distributions of juveniles within the different potential nursery areas can be explained by the circulation pattern. A three‐dimensional circulation model of the Baltic was utilized to investigate the temporal evolution of egg and larval distributions of the western Baltic cod stock, which spawns preferentially in the Danish Straits, in Kiel Bay as well as in Mecklenburg Bay. For different scenarios (1988 and 1993), within‐ and between‐year variability of egg and larval transport showed large differences, primarily due to variations in wind forcing. In 1988, relatively low and variable wind forcing prevailed, whereas, due to sustained strong, mainly westerly, winds, in January 1993, the recent major Baltic inflow to the Baltic Sea occurred. Differences in contributions of early life stages from the western to the eastern cod stocks, depending on the physical forcing conditions, suggest that this process can be controlled by variations of atmospheric forcing conditions. The potential for early life stages from the western Baltic cod stock to drift into the Arkona Basin and the Bornholm Basin, and to contribute there to the juvenile population, has been recognized as being mainly due to strong westerly winds. During cold winters, retention of eggs, larvae and juveniles within their original spawning grounds may predominate. Transport of cod early life stages from the Øresund, as well as from the Great Belt, can occur only during periods of strong westerly winds, but significant eastwards orientated drift from Kiel Bay and Mecklenburg Bay was also evident during periods of minor westerly wind influence.  相似文献   

Escapes of cod (Gadus morhua) from sea cages represent an economic problem for farmers and a potential environmental problem. We estimate that 0–6% of cod held in sea‐cage farms in Norway were reported to have escaped each year from 2000 to 2005, which is a high proportion compared with salmon. We interviewed employees at 19 coastal sea‐cage cod farms in Norway to investigate both how and why cultured cod escape and to document cage handling and management strategies that were effective in minimizing escapes. Based on the interviews, we describe five working hypotheses that may explain why a greater proportion of cod than salmon escape: (1) cod are more willing to escape than salmon; (2) cod bite the net cage and create wear and tear; (3) net cages have insufficient technical standards for cod culture; (4) cod are placed in sea cages at considerably smaller sizes than salmon; and (5) cod are more popular feed for predators. Preliminary testing of the hypothesis that cod bite netting and create holes was done by placing pre‐damaged net panels with cut twines and control panels inside sea cages. Holes in the pre‐damaged net panels increased in size over a period of 3 months. The type of damage indicated that biting of netting twines was the likely cause.  相似文献   

The Baltic Sea is a stratified, semienclosed sea typified by a low-salinity surface layer and a deep saline layer of varying volume, salinity, temperature and oxygen concentration. The relationships between these oceanographic factors and the distribution of Baltic cod are presented, utilizing results from a survey carried out during the 1995 spawning period in the Bornholm Basin, at present the main spawning area of this stock. Cod distribution, abundance and population structure were estimated from hydroacoustic and trawl data and related to hydrographic parameters as well as to bottom depth. In the central basin, cod were aggregated in an intermediate layer about 15 m thick. This area of peak abundance was defined at its upper limit by the halocline and at the lower limit by oxygen content. The majority of individuals caught in the basin centre were in spawning or pre-spawning condition with a high proportion of males to females. On the basin slopes, aggregations of cod were found near the bottom. These individuals were mainly immature and maturing stages with an increasing proportion of females to males with size. Salinity and oxygen conditions were found to be the major factors influencing the vertical and horizontal distribution of adult cod. Abundance of immature cod was also positively related to decreasing bottom depths. The effect of temperature was minor. The observed size- and sex-dependent spawning aggregation patterns, in association with habitat volume and stock size, may influence cod catchability and thereby the assessment and exploitation patterns of this stock.  相似文献   

The role of behavior, especially vertical migration, is recognized as a critical component of realistic models of larval fish dispersion. Unfortunately, our understanding of these behaviors lags well behind our ability to construct three-dimensional flow-field models. Previous field studies of vertical behavior of larval Pacific cod ( Gadus macrocephalus ) were limited to small, preflexion stages (≤11 mm SL) in a narrow range of thermal conditions. To develop a more complete picture of larval behavior, we examined the effects of ontogeny, temperature, and light on vertical responses of larval Pacific cod in experimental columns. While eggs were strictly demersal, yolk-sac larvae displayed a strong surface orientation as early as 1 day post hatch (∼ 5 mm SL). Consistent with field observations, small preflexion larvae (<10 mm SL) showed no response to varying light levels. However, there was a direct effect of temperature on larval behavior: Pacific cod larvae exhibited a stronger surface orientation at 4°C than at 8°C. The behavior of larger, postflexion larvae (>15 mm SL) in experimental columns was consistent with a diel vertical migration and independent of water temperature: fish were more widely distributed in the column, and median positions were consistently deeper at higher light levels. These laboratory observations are combined with observations from discrete-depth (MOCNESS) sampling in the Gulf of Alaska to characterize the vertical distribution of larval Pacific cod and contrast ontogenetic patterns with walleye pollock ( Theragra chalcogramma ). The vertical movements of larval Pacific cod described here will be applied in the development of dispersal projections from Gulf of Alaska spawning grounds.  相似文献   

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