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Pop hole passages and welfare in furnished cages for laying hens   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1. This study included two designs of furnished cages for 16 hens; H-cages divided into two apartments by a partition with pop holes in the middle of the cage, and fully open O-cages, without a partition. The hypothesis was that in this rather large group of birds the pop hole partition would benefit the birds by allowing them to avoid or escape from potential cannibals, feather-peckers or aggressive hens. All cages had two nests, two perches and one litter box. 2. A total of 10 cages (5 H and 5 O) were stocked with Lohmann Selected Leghorn (LSL) and 8 cages (4 H and 4 O) with Hy-Line W36. No birds were beak-trimmed. 3. Heterophil/lymphocyte (H/L) ratios, duration of tonic immobility (TI) and exterior appearance (scoring of plumage condition and wounds at comb or around cloaca) were used as indicators of well-being. Total mortality and deaths due to cannibalism were also recorded. 4. Visits to nests and passages through partition pop holes were studied in samples of 35 and 21 birds, respectively, using a technique based on passive integrated transponder (PIT) tags. 5. Cage design (H- vs O-cage) had no effect on the welfare traits chosen. 6. Hy-Line birds showed higher H/L ratios, longer duration of TI and better plumage condition than LSL birds. These differences are discussed in terms of stress thresholds and copying strategies. 7. On days when a hen made visits to nests, the visiting frequency was 1.4 and the total time in the nest was 41 min on average. Hens made use of the pop hole passages between 1 and 8 times per hen and day. 8. Overall low levels of aggression, lack of injuries or deaths due to cannibalism, and plumage condition indicating moderate feather pecking, together imply a low need to escape. The pop holes were used frequently and birds distributed well between compartments showing that the system worked well. However, at this group size there was no evidence in the measured traits that H-cages provided a better housing environment.  相似文献   

The influence of housing system on the initial bacterial contamination of the eggshell was studied. Two long-term experiments were performed. Bacterial eggshell contamination, as expressed by total count of aerobic and Gram-negative bacteria, was periodically analysed for eggs from a conventional cage, a furnished cage with nest boxes containing artificial turf or grids as nest-floor material and an aviary housing system. Results were log-transformed prior to statistical analyses. For both experiments no systematic differences were found between the conventional cage and furnished cage. The type of nest-floor material in the nest boxes of the furnished cages also did not systematically influence the bacterial contamination. A possible seasonal influence on contamination with a decrease in the winter period (up to > 0.5 log cfu/eggshell) of total count of aerobic and Gram-negative bacteria was observed in the first experiment. The contamination with total aerobic flora was higher (more than 1.0 log) on eggs from the aviary housing system compared to the conventional and the furnished cage systems. For Gram-negative bacteria this was not the case. During the entire period of both experiments, independent of housing system, shell contamination was not influenced by age of hens or period since placing the birds in the houses. For the total count of aerobic bacteria a restricted positive correlation (r2 = 0.66) was found between the concentration of total bacteria in the air of the poultry houses and initial shell contamination.  相似文献   

Furnished cages for laying hens have advantages in allowing normal behaviors and maintaining productivity. As the cost of introduction is a barrier for farms, we developed furnished cages that re‐use conventional cages. To determine the minimum and functional cage design, we compared six designs, combinations of two floor designs (artificial turf or wire cage floor) and three screening designs in the integrated area (no screening, one entrance side or four sides). In total, 144 hens were used, and we measured behavior, physical condition and productivity. Comparing the floors, the percentages of hens performing dust‐bathing and laying eggs in the integrated area were higher in cages with turf than wire floor (< 0.05 for both). Comparing the screening, dust‐bathing, litter‐exploring and active behavior tended to be more frequent in cages with the integrated area screened on one side than four sides. Feather damage was lower in cages with the integrated area screened on one side than with no screening (< 0.05). These results suggest that the cage design with an integrated area with artificial turf floor, screened on one side, was effective for furnished cages that re‐use conventional cages.  相似文献   

A variety of investigations into alternative systems and furnished cages for laying hens have been conducted, mainly in the European Union. However, comparative studies about the behavior of laying hens just after introduction to these housing systems are few. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the changes of location and behavior of laying hens just after introduction to three housing systems. In total, 181 White Leghorns were used. Thirty‐six birds were allocated to 12 battery cages with three birds per cage (613 cm2/bird); 36 birds were allocated to nine furnished cages with four birds per cage (1170 cm2/bird); and 109 birds were allocated to an aviary (1130 cm2/bird). Direct observations using scanning techniques were conducted over 2 weeks for 4 h/day from the day following the introduction. Scan samples of location and behavior were taken at 10 min intervals. The proportion of birds that stayed at each location in the furnished cages was stable during the observation period. In the aviary, 78% of birds were observed on the floor on the first day, and thereafter the proportion linearly decreased (P < 0.01). The proportions of birds eating in both the battery and furnished cages were stable, indicating that the caged birds would adjust to these environments within a short period. Display of aggression was lower in both the cages (both 0.3 ± 0.1%) than in the aviary (3.5 ± 1.0%, P < 0.001), which indicates the early establishment of social order in both cage systems. In the aviary, the birds were observed eating less frequently than in both the cages on the first day, and the proportion thereafter linearly increased (P < 0.01), and the use of tiered wire floors with feeders accompanied this (P < 0.01). Comfort behaviors, including dust bathing, were noted less in the aviary than in the furnished cages throughout the observation period (both P < 0.05). These results suggest that adjustment of aviary birds to their new environment had been delayed compared with caged birds because of the prerearing conditions and the environmental complexity of the aviary.  相似文献   

1. The objective was to investigate the effect of cage height on perch height preference and perching behaviour in laying hens. Twelve groups of two hens and 12 groups of 14 hens were tested in furnished cages equipped with two wooden perches. These stepwise perches were designed such that hens could choose between 7 different heights (6, 11, 16, 21, 26, 31 and 36 cm). Day- and night-time perching behaviour was observed on 4 consecutive days with a different cage height each day: 150, 55, 50 and 45 cm. 2. Given that a minimum perch-roof distance of 19 to 24 cm was available, hens preferred to roost on the highest perches at night. 3. Lowering cage height not only forced hens to use lower perches, but also reduced time spent on the perches during the day (two-hen and 14-hen test) and night (14-hen test). Moreover, it affected daytime behavioural activities (more standing and less preening) on the perches in the two-hen tests (but not in the 14-hen tests). 4. During the day lower perches were used more for standing and walking, higher perches more for sitting and sleeping. This behavioural differentiation was most pronounced in the highest cages. 5. Perch preference and perching behaviour depend on both the floor-perch distance and the perch-roof distance. Higher cages provide more opportunity for higher perches (which hens prefer), for better three-dimensional spacing (and consequently reduced density at floor level) and for behavioural differentiation according to perch height.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to compare the welfare level and performance of laying hens between conventional and small furnished cages. At the age of 54 weeks, 120 White Leghorn layers were divided into four groups: four (C4) or six hens/cage in conventional cages and four or six (F6) hens/cage in furnished cages. Their behavior, number of steps taken, performance and physical condition were measured. Sham dust‐bathing was greater in conventional cages than in furnished cages (P = 0.05) and dust‐bathing, litter scratching and litter pecking were also observed in furnished cages. Other comfort behavior, moving and number of steps taken were more frequent in the four‐hen cages than in the six‐hen cages (P < 0.01, P < 0.001, P < 0.001, respectively). Though egg production and egg mass in C4 and F6 were lower than in the other groups, no significant differences were found in the other production measurements. Bodyweight gain was larger in the four‐hen cages than the six‐hen cages (P < 0.01). In conclusion, behavior was not restricted in the furnished cages, but activity and bodyweight gain were affected by group size (density) rather than cage design. Hereafter, the studies on suitable density in each cage design, using young layers, are required.  相似文献   

1.?The aim was to assess eggshell contamination in various laying hen-housing systems and to identify factors influencing this contamination.

2.?Fifty-eight laying hen farms in France were studied, including 21 flocks housed in conventional cages, 7 in furnished cages and 30 kept on-floor.

3.?Sixty eggs per flock were analysed to obtain counts of the total mesophilic flora. Data on equipment and hen management were collected.

4.?Mean bacterial count on eggshells tended to be higher in on-floor systems (4·82 ± 0·51 log CFU/eggshell) than in cage systems (4·57 ± 0·58 log CFU/eggshell, P = 0·09).

5.?Contamination increased with age of the hens, airborne dust concentration, manual packing of the eggs, and packing in plastic rather than in recycled-pulp egg-flats.

6.?The effect of the housing system on eggshell contamination, previously described in experimental assays, was confirmed under production conditions.  相似文献   

Observations on six farms keeping laying hens in furnished cages showed that hens accepted the installations of this new housing type. Behaviours indicating that the adaptations of hens were problematic have not been observed. Locomotion and dust bathing in some groups occured as not sufficient. Lighting was too low and affected expressions of behaviour patterns. For further developments are proposed more usable space per bird and a different placement of perches. Dust bathes should be utilized permanently and should contain sufficient amount of litter.  相似文献   

1. The objective was to determine the relation between social rank and use of resources in a small furnished cage with sufficient resources per hen (SF) and a commercial large one with less adequate allowance of facilities per hen (LF). 2. Ninety-two cross layers were used. At the age of 16 weeks, the hens were divided at random into two groups. There were 4 furnished cages with 5 birds per cage and 4 large furnished cages with 18 birds per cage. The dominance hierarchy was determined, in which highest, medium and lowest ranking hens in each cage were identified. Behaviour, use of facilities and physical conditions of these hens were measured (one in each rank category in SF, two in each in LF). 3. Dustbathing and litter scratching were more frequent in the high ranking hens than the medium and low ranked hens in LF, while no significant difference was found between them in SF. 4. No significant difference between SF and LF was found in use of nest boxes. However, pre-laying sitting tended to be less frequent in low ranking than medium and high ranking hens in LF (Social order x Cage design). In the nest box most of time was spent in pre-laying sitting by SF hens, LF high and medium ranked hens (average 94.9%). However, LF low ranking hens spent their time escaping (33.1%), pre-laying sitting (27.7%) standing (25.7%) and moving (13.5%) in the nest. 5. In the large furnished cages with less facilities per hen, high ranking hens may be expected to have priority using the dust bath. In contrast, low ranking hens rarely performed nesting behaviour fully, and spend more time using the nest box as a refuge than for laying.  相似文献   

1. Tibia and humerus breaking strength of Lohmann Silver hybrids kept in conventional cages, furnished cages and an aviary with outdoor run were examined in two production cycles. Each trial lasted a full laying period; feeding, management and healthcare were identical for all hens. In both trials bone strength was investigated at the end of laying months 6, 9 and 14. 2. The objective was to determine if bone strength increases when hens are kept in alternative housing systems, especially in furnished cages, and whether hen age affects bone stability. 3. The results indicated that housing system influenced bone breaking strength, which was consistently higher for hens in the aviary compared to hens in conventional and furnished cages. Furthermore, humerus breaking strength was higher for hens in furnished cages compared to conventional cages. No significant difference regarding tibia breaking strength was found between conventional and furnished cages. 4. Our results showed that lack of exercise contributed to the problem of weak bones more than did calcium depletion from eggshell formation. 5. Tibia breaking strength increased during the last third of the production cycle, whereas humerus breaking strength remained unaffected by hen age. 6. Genetic group affected only tibial bone breaking strength, which was lower overall in genetic group A than in group B, which in turn was lower than group C. 7. The increased bone strength in the aviary and in the furnished cages probably reduced the incidence of recently broken bones in these systems compared to the conventional cages. This increase in bone strength can be regarded as an improvement in welfare. Furnished cages, like the aviary system, might be considered an alternative housing system for laying hens, because both resulted in enhanced bone strength.  相似文献   


In the present experiment the effects of dietary protein content on egg production of hens kept either in conventional cages (CCs) or furnished cages (FCs) were studied. A total of 1088 LSL (Lohmann LSL-Classic Layer) hens were housed in either FCs or CCs and offered high or low protein diets with a protein/energy ratio of 17 or 13, respectively, during three consecutive feeding phases of 20, 16 and 16 weeks, respectively. There was no interaction between the effects of cage design and of dietary treatment on laying performance. Hens kept in FCs consumed less feed than hens in CCs (p<0.05). After the first feeding phase, hens housed in FCs produced fewer eggs (p<0.01) than hens in CCs. No differences in the feed conversion ratio were found between the housing systems. Hens on the low protein diet laid smaller eggs than hens on the high protein diet (p<0.001). No effect of dietary protein on laying rate was found. It can be concluded that dietary protein affects egg production irrespective of the cage type.  相似文献   

Foot pad health was examined in a total of 648 Lohmann Selected Leghorn (LSL) in two trials and in 216 Lohmann Brown (LB) laying hens in one trial kept in small group housing systems and furnished cages. The effects of housing system, strain, month of laying period, rearing method, group size and body weight were tested for significance by using analysis of variance. The assessment of foot pads was performed each three months during the laying period. The alterations of foot pads were classified in severity on a scale from 1 (no hyperkeratosis, no epithelial lesions, no swelling of foot pads) to 5 (severe hyperkeratosis and/or deep and large epithelial lesions and/or moderate or high-grade swelling of foot pads). In addition to the macroscopic findings, foot pads were histologically examined. Pathological alterations of foot pads were found in 86.1% of the laying hens, whereas 57.4% of the examined animals showed mild hyperkeratosis (degree 2). Modest hyperkeratosis and/or superficial lesions of the epithelium (degree 3) were detected in 21.0% of the laying hens examined. Severe hyperkeratosis and/or deep epithelial lesions and/or mild swelling of the foot pads (degree 4) as well as very severe hyperkeratosis and/or deep and large epithelial lesions and/or moderate or high-grade swelling of foot pads (degree 5) occurred with frequencies of 5.9% and 1.9% respectively. LB laying hens' food pads were more frequently affected by hyperkeratosis, whereas epithelial lesions were more frequently found in LSL laying hens. The prevalence of pathological alterations in foot pads was significantly influenced by housing system and month of laying period. The results of this study showed that laying hens kept in small group housing systems and furnished cages develop proliferative hyperkeratosis in foot pads due to increased mechanical compression load, caused by the use of perches and staying on wire floor.  相似文献   

1. Post-mortem decline in muscle pH has traditionally been attributed to glycogenolysis-induced lactate accumulation. However, muscle pH ([H+]) is controlled by complex physicochemical relationships encapsulated in the Stewart model of acid–base chemistry and is determined by three system-independent variables – strong ion difference ([SID]), total concentration of weak acids ([Atot]) and partial pressure of CO2 (PCO2).

2. This study investigated these system-independent variables in post-mortem pectoralis major muscles of Shaver White, Lohmann Lite and Lohmann Brown laying hens housed in conventional cages (CC) or furnished cages (FC) and evaluated the model by comparing calculated [H+] with previously measured [H+] values.

3. The model accounted for 99.7% of the variation in muscle [H+]. Differences in [SID] accounted for most or all of the variations in [H+] between strains. Greater PCO2 in FC was counteracted by greater sequestration of strong base cations. The results demonstrate the accuracy and utility of the Stewart model for investigating determinants of meat [H+].

4. The housing differences identified in this study suggested that hens housed in FC have improved muscle function and overall health due to the increased opportunity for movement. These findings support past studies showing improved animal welfare for hens housed in FC compared to CC. Therefore, the Stewart model has been identified as an accurate method to assess changes in the muscle at a cellular level that affect meat quality that also detect differences in the welfare status of the research subjects.  相似文献   

1. Foot pad health was determined macroscopically and histologically in two trials with Lohmann Selected Leghorn (LSL, white layer strain) and Lohmann Brown (LB) laying hens kept in a small group housing system (40 and 60 hens) and two types of furnished cages (10 and 20 hens). 2. A total of 864 foot pads (648 LSL and 216 LB) were examined macroscopically and classified according to severity of pathological alterations; of these, 180 metatarsal pads and 180 toe pads were also examined histologically for hyperkeratosis, acanthosis, elongation of rete folds, development of secondary papillae, erosion, ulceration, cellular infiltration and bacterial colonisation of the epidermal surface. 3. As for the macroscopic examinations, pathological alterations of foot pads were found in 86.1% of the hens, while 57.4% of the birds examined showed mild hyperkeratosis. Macroscopically moderate hyperkeratosis and/or superficial lesions of the epithelium were detected in 21% of the laying hens examined. Severe hyperkeratosis and/or deep epithelial lesions and/or mild swelling of the foot pads were found in 5.9% of the hens, and very severe hyperkeratosis and/or deep and large epithelial lesions and/or moderate or high-grade swelling of foot pads were found in 1.9%. 4. The histopathological examinations showed that the macroscopically determined thickening of the epidermis was due not only to hyperkeratosis, but also often to acanthosis. In addition, perivascular infiltrations of lymphocytes were also detected. Furthermore, the degree of hyperkeratosis in metatarsal pads was shown to correlate with the other histopathological traits except for ulceration, and the degree of hyperkeratosis in toe pads was related to the development of secondary papillae and cellular infiltration with lymphocytes. 5. The results of the macroscopic and histological examinations showed that the use of perches and the grasping of wire floor may have resulted in a permanent increased mechanical compression load leading to proliferative hyperkeratosis.  相似文献   

Biochemical and hematological examination of blood and individual assessment of the birds were performed in Lohman Brown laying hens at 45 weeks of age housed in different systems. The biochemical examination revealed higher (p < .01) corticosterone levels, creatine kinase, and aspartate aminotransferase activity and lower (p < .01) levels of lactate, triglycerides, albumin, calcium, and phosphorus in aviary hens compared to hens housed in furnished cages. Hematological examination of hens housed in aviaries revealed higher (p < .05) hematocrit, leukocytes, heterophils, eosinophils, basophils, monocytes, and H/L ratio. Furthermore, hens housed in aviaries had lower (p < .01) body weight than hens in furnished cages, they were worse feathered (p < .001), had more damaged combs (p < .05), and poorer physical condition (p < .01). In contrast, caged hens showed worse (p < .01) feather condition of the wings due to abrasion and claws due to overgrowth. The results have shown that the housing system has a significant impact on the internal environment and condition of birds and that housing in aviaries without taking into account the specifics of such housing may lead to significant stress and disturbance to the welfare of laying hens.  相似文献   

1. Limited information is available on how changes in horizontal and vertical space within enriched or furnished layer cages (as defined by Directive 1999/74/EC) influence hen behaviour. This study evaluated the effects of varying minimum cage heights and space allowances on the behaviour of laying hens housed in furnished cages. It was conducted on two flocks of medium brown hybrid hens housed in furnished cages with access to perches and nest boxes on a semi-commercial scale at ADAS Gleadthorpe. 2. Flock 1 consisted of two layer strains (ISA Brown and Babcock 380), housed at two minimum cage heights (38 and 45 cm) and 5 stocking densities between 609 and 870 cm2/bird, with 12 replicates of each of the 20 strain/cage height/stocking density treatment combinations. Stocking density was varied by varying the number of birds per cage from 10 to 7 in standard full-width cages or housing 7 hens in a narrower cage. As a consequence stocking density, group size and trough width per bird co-varied for 4 out of 5 stocking density treatments. 3. Behaviour of flock 1 was sampled at 33 to 36, 46 and 68 weeks of age. At each age one top-tier, one middle-tier and one bottom-tier cage was sampled for each treatment. 4. Few behavioural differences due to cage treatments were detected. Hens at 870 cm2 had shorter feeding bouts than hens at 609 and 762 cm2. Yawning was more common in the cages with greater cage height. 5. Video recordings of flock 1 examined cage height effects on hens' use of vertical space and provided additional data on stretching and self-maintenance activities. No differences in behaviour between 38 and 45 cm cages were found except that scratching head was more common in cages with greater cage height. 6. Flock 2 consisted of two layer strains (Shaver Brown and Hy-Line Brown), housed at 38 and 45 cm and 609, 762 and 1016 cm2/bird, with 18 replicates of each of the 12 strain/cage height/stocking density treatment combinations. Stocking density was varied by housing 10, 8 or 6 hens in standard full-width cages. Behaviour of flock 2 was sampled at 30, 48, 60 and 67 weeks from video recordings. Three cages per treatment from middle-tiers only were sampled at each age. 7. Hens housed at 609 cm2/hen had the longest mean feeding bout, greater than for hens at 762 cm2/hen but not hens at 1016 cm2/hen. More unsuccessful attempts to reach the feeder and sideways and backwards displacements from the feeder occurred at 762 and 609 cm2/hen than at 1016 cm2/hen. A maximum of 8 hens were observed feeding synchronously. 8. These results suggest that changes in horizontal and vertical space over the ranges we studied had little effect on behaviour other than feeding behaviour. Specifying a minimum useable trough space per hen, rather than calculating feeder space from total length of feeder per cage, irrespective of accessibility, might help avoid crowding at the feeder and associated disturbance of feeding bouts.  相似文献   

1. ISA Brown hens were housed as groups of 4 from 18 to 72 weeks in 24 cages 450 mm deep, each with a softwood perch of rectangular cross‐section fitted across the rear. There were 4 treatments, each with 6 cages: cage widths and perch lengths were 480, 520, 560 or 600 mm.

2. Daytime perching did not differ significantly between the treatments. At night, over the whole year, 81% of birds in the 480 mm cages and 86% in the 520 mm cages roosted on the perch. This figure reached about 95% in the 560 and 600 mm cages, significantly more at most ages than in the 480 mm cages.

3. Feather damage was slightly less, but claw problems slightly more, in the 2 wider treatments than in the 2 narrower treatments. Birds in the wider cages were calmer when approached or handled by humans than those in the narrower cages. This may have been associated with variation in space allowance between the treatments.

4. There was a trend for lower production in the 480 mm cages than in the other treatments which may have been associated with the reduced feeding space in this treatment. There were few other treatment differences in production traits.

5. The balance of the evidence from this study is that when perches are provided in laying cages for medium weight hybrids, 140 mm of perch space per hen is adequate. For the amelioration of a number of the welfare problems of conventional cages, provision of perches should be combined with other modifications.  相似文献   

1. An experiment was set up to study the effects of substrate provision on performance and behaviour in the pecking and scratching area (PSA) of non-beak-trimmed hens housed in large furnished cages (60 hens/cage).

2. Three layer hybrids (two brown and one white, ISA-Hendrix Genetics, France) and two substrate conditions (with or without wheat bran automatically distributed on the PSA) were compared in a 3 × 2 experimental design with 12 cages per treatment.

3. Substrate distribution improved laying rate with no impact on the frequency of dirty or cracked eggs.

4. Substrate distribution improved the viability and body integrity of hens, which were not beak-trimmed.

5. Distribution of substrate tended to increase the number of hens in the PSA and enhanced their pecking and scratching behaviours but had a negative impact on the number of dust bath bouts per cage and encouraged dust bathing on the wire floor close to the feeder.

6. The white hens laid more eggs in the nest than the brown birds and used the PSA more for pecking, scratching and dust bathing at the end of the day than the brown hens, underlining the necessity to adapt cage furnishing and rearing management to specific behaviours of each layer genotype.  相似文献   

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