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This study represents a geographical approach to morphological variation of cones, needles and seeds in natural dragon spruce (Picea asperata Mast.) populations across western China and the relationship between morphological traits and weather variation for the origins of populations. Significant differences were found for all cone, needle and seed traits among populations and trees within populations. The coefficients of variation in 2 higher latitude populations were higher than those in other populations in all traits except for needle width and seed width. Fairly high within-population variability was also detected for cone dry weight, seed dry weight and needle traits in this study. Cone length, cone width, cone dry weight, seed scale length, seed scale width and seed wing length were strongly positively intercorrelated. Seed length and seed dry weight showed a significantly positive correlation with seed wing length. And needle width showed a significant negative correlation with cone traits, seed scale length, seed wing length and seed length. The higher the annual mean temperature, the higher the average cone length. This study also revealed a negative linear dependence on latitude: the higher the latitude, the lower the population average seed length. Seed dry weight was positively and linearly related with altitude.  相似文献   

The effects of boron (B) fertilizer applied 10 growing seasons earlier were studied in mature Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) trees in long-term factorial fertilization experiments at two field sites. Needle nutrient status, above-ground and below-ground growth and δ13C and carbon concentrations in the annual rings were measured. Needle B concentrations varied between 4 and 19 mg kg−1 on the plots that had not received B fertilization. On the B-fertilized plots they varied between 15 and 39 mg kg−1. The lowest B concentrations were on the plots that had received N or NCa fertilization. Needle Mn and Zn concentrations were lower on the B plots than on the plots that had not received B fertilization, although not significantly. Mean annual volume growth was slightly higher on the B plots at the more fertile site, but not at the less fertile one. The living:dead fine root mass ratio and living fine root length were also higher on the B-fertilized plots than on the unfertilized plots, but δ13C was not significantly affected, suggesting that the water status of the trees was not markedly altered by the increase in root growth. The carbon concentration in the annual rings was higher in the B-fertilized trees than in the unfertilized ones, suggesting the importance of B for wood formation.  相似文献   



Windstorm is one of the most destructive environmental disturbance factors on forests, but its influence on conifer defense chemistry and susceptibility to insects and diseases is not well understood.  相似文献   

Studies on the combined effects of beech–spruce mixtures are very rare. Hence, forest nutrition (soil, foliage) and nutrient fluxes via throughfall and soil solution were measured in adjacent stands of pure spruce, mixed spruce–beech and pure beech on three nutrient rich sites (Flysch) and three nutrient poor sites (Molasse) over a 2-year period. At low deposition rates (highest throughfall fluxes: 17 kg N ha−1 year−1 and 5 kg S ha−1 year−1) there was hardly any linkage between nutrient inputs and outputs. Element outputs were rather driven by internal N (mineralization, nitrification) and S (net mineralization of organic S compounds, desorption of historically deposited S) sources. Nitrate and sulfate seepage losses of spruce–beech mixtures were higher than expected from the corresponding single-species stands due to an unfavorable combination of spruce-similar soil solution concentrations coupled with beech-similar water fluxes on Flysch, while most processes on Molasse showed linear responses. Our data show that nutrient leaching through the soil is not simply a “wash through” but is mediated by a complex set of reactions within the plant–soil system.  相似文献   

Crown dimensions are important for the quantification of tree interactions in some growth models. This study investigates the potential for structural indices and other spatial measures to improve the prediction of crown radius and crown length for birch (Betula spp.) and Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis (Bong.) Carr.) in forests in Wales. Crown dimensions were measured for 125 birch and 154 spruce in six fully stem-mapped research plots. These data were used to test the performance of a crown radius model and a crown length model which estimated crown dimensions on the basis of allometric relationships with stem dimensions. Spatial data from the six plots were used to calculate the structural indices mean directional index, diameter correlation index, species mingling, dbh and height dominance, and dbh differentiation, as well as the Hegyi competition index, and basal area of neighbours and larger neighbours, for each crown measurement sample tree, using various numbers of nearest neighbours. Two non-spatial indices, BAL and BALMOD, were also calculated for all sample trees for comparison. These spatial and non-spatial variables were then incorporated into modified crown dimension models. Model performances, in terms of efficiency and relative bias, were compared to determine whether the inclusion of spatial or non-spatial variables resulted in any improvements over models using tree dimensions alone. Crown length and radius were found to be correlated with most of the spatial measures studied. Models incorporating spatial variables gave improvements in performance over allometric models for every data set, and performed more consistently than models containing non-spatial variables. The greatest improvements were achieved for suppressed birch in unthinned forests which had irregularly shaped and strongly displaced crowns. The spatial variable contributing to the most efficient model for each data set varied widely. This points to the complexity of tree spatial interactions and indicates that there is a great deal of scope for investigating other structural indices and crown dimension model forms.  相似文献   

Both incoming shortwave radiation (Rg) and photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) in percentage of full daylight were measured at the same time by point and strip sampling in four plots (0.1 ha) of Picea abies (L.) Karst. The standard deviations (%) of Rg and PAR were, respectively, 11.1 and 9.8 at 64 points, 15.7 and 13.9 at 32 points, and 24.7 and 23.8 at 16 points per plot.

A period of at least 40 s per strip (30 m min−1) gives a CV (coefficient of variation) of 30%. There is no significant difference between relative irradiance (RI) estimated by the point method (64 points) and by the strip method (8 strips). Curves of RI (Rg and PAR) and basal area (m2 ha−1), diameter sum (m ha−1) and density (stems ha−1) of fifteen trials with different thinning programmes are presented. Irradiance (Rg) in heavily thinned stands was 3–14% of irradiance on an open place. The irradiance, Rg, in extra-heavily thinned stands is 12–27%, and in unthinned stands, 1–3% that of an open place. The Rg curve lies above the PAR curve in all cases. Some practical implications of the study are presented. Heavy thinning of Norway spruce stands gives RI (Rg) values 10% at basal area of 25m2 ha−1 which is necessary to minimize development of suckers of broadleaved trees.  相似文献   

The present paper deals with C and N storage in soil and vegetation, litter fall and CO2 efflux from the soil 32–33 years after early thinning in a Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) stand in order to evaluate the effect of thinning regime on C sequestration. At 22 years old, the stand was reduced from 3190 to 2070, 1100 and 820 trees per hectare in four replicates. The N2070 treatment represents the recommended start density in practical forestry, while the other represent a moderate to large reduction in tree number at the present stand age. Aboveground biomass was estimated from single tree measurements of diameter and height based on allometric functions. Litter fall was collected during one and a half years and soil respiration was measured on five occasions during one summer. Ground vegetation was mapped and sampled for biomass, C and N determination. A significant decrease in aboveground tree (including stump-root system) C storage of 27% and 22% due to thinning was found in the N820 and N1100 treatments, respectively, compared to the N2070 treatment. Ground vegetation C storage was little affected by treatment, while litter fall C showed a non-significant decrease in the N820 and N1100 treatments compared to the N2070 treatment. Soil respiration was significantly lower in parts of the summer in the N2070 treatment compared to the N820 treatment. The reason for this is still unexplained since no differences in soil temperature, soil moisture or litter fall chemistry was found between the treatments. No significant treatment effects on humus and mineral soil C storage could be detected. With the present soil variability, the time period of 32 years is probably too short to detect soil C differences due to thinning. The N storage followed the same pattern as for C.  相似文献   

Oriental beech (Fagus orientalis Lipsky.) and Oriental spruce [Picea orientalis (L.) Link] are the two most common tree species in northeast Turkey. Their distribution, stand type and understorey species are known to be influenced by topographical landforms. However, little information is available as to how these changes affect litter decomposition rates of these two species. Here, we investigated the effects of slope positions (top 1,800 m, middle 1,500 m and bottom 1,200 m), stand type (pure and mixed stands) and purple-flowered rhododendron (Rhododendron ponticum) on litter decomposition rates of Oriental beech and spruce for 4 years using the litterbag technique in the field. Among these three factors, stand type had the strongest influence on litter decomposition (P < 0.001, F = 58.8), followed by rhododendron (P < 0.001, F = 46.8) and slope position (P < 0.05, F = 11.6). Litter decomposition was highest under mixed beech/spruce forest, followed by pure beech and spruce forest. Beech and spruce litter decomposed much faster in mixed bags (beech–spruce) than they did separately under each stand type. Purple-flowered rhododendron significantly reduced litter decomposition of Oriental beech and spruce. Beech and spruce litter decomposed much slower at top slope position than at either bottom or middle position. Differential litter decomposition of Oriental beech and spruce was mainly due to adverse conditions in spruce forest and the presence of rhododendron on the ground which was associated with lower soil pH. Higher elevations (top slope position) slowed down litter decomposition by changing environmental conditions, most probably by decreasing temperature as also other factors are different (pH, precipitation) and no detailed investigations were made to differentiate these factors. The adverse conditions for litter decomposition in spruce forest can be effectively counteracted by admixture of beech to spruce monoculture and by using the clear-cutting method for controlling rhododendron.  相似文献   

The effects of competition from red raspberry (Rubus idaeus L.) and northern hardwood tree species on white spruce (Picea glauca (Moench) Voss) seedlings were examined on a clearcut site of the boreal mixedwood forest of the Bas-Saint-Laurent region of Quebec, Canada. A controlled experiment involving a gradient of five vegetation densities on the basis of the leaf area index (LAI) was established in a completely randomized plot design with six replications. Each of the five levels of vegetation cover (including vegetation-free plots) were examined to evaluate how they affected environmental factors (quantity and quality of light reaching the spruce seedlings, and soil temperature), spruce growth (height, basal diameter, volume index, and above-ground biomass), spruce mortality, browsing damage, spruce foliar mineral nutrition, as well as the stand structural development, during the first 5 years after seedling planting.

Each spruce growth variable analyzed in this study, according to a RMANOVA procedure, followed a negative hyperbolic form of density dependence of competitive effects. Loss of growth in young white spruce plantations in competition with northern hardwoods is likely to occur with the first few competitors. In cases where higher levels of competing vegetation were maintained over time, loss of spruce growth was extremely severe, to an extent where the exponential growth character of the young trees has been lost. At the end of the fifth year, spruce growing with no interference were larger in mean total above-ground biomass by a factor of 9.7 than those growing with the highest level of vegetation cover. Spruce did not develop a strategy of shade avoidance by increasing tree height, on the contrary. Spruce mortality differed among treatments only in the fifth year, indicating that early evaluation of spruce survival is not a strong indicator of competitive effects, when compared to diameter growth. Spruce foliar N and Ca contents were significantly reduced by the first level of competing vegetation cover, while K increased with the density of the vegetation cover, and P and Mg were not affected. Nitrogen nutrition of young white spruce planted on recently disturbed sites is discussed in relation to the potential root discrimination of this species against soil nitrate, a reaction observed by Kronzucker et al. [Kronzucker, H.J., Siddiqi, M.Y., Glass, A.D.M., 1997. Conifer root discrimination against soil nitrate and the ecology of forest succession. Nature London 385, 59–61]. The effects of hardwood competition indicate a prevalence of competition for light over a competition for nutrients, as revealed by the substantial increase in the h/d ratio of white spruce. Two indicators, h/d ratio and the quantity of light received at the tree seedling level, are suggested as a basis for the management of hardwood competition in a white spruce plantation.

Analysis of the stand structural development indicates that spruce height distribution was affected only by moderate or dense cover of vegetation, while diameter distribution, when compared to competing vegetation-free plots, was affected by the lowest level of vegetation cover. This study shows that competition influenced the stand structural development in the same way as genetic and micro-site factors by aggravating the amplitude of size inequality. The impact of hardwood competition is discussed in view of reaching an equilibrium between optimal spruce plantation growth and benefits from further silvicultural treatments, and maintaining hardwood species known to improve long term site quality, within a white spruce plantation.  相似文献   

在选择可用于种植的竹种时,必须要了解种群中的异质性。利用随机扩增多态性DNA(RAPD)研究斯里兰卡龙竹和奥克兰脱竹种群间的遗传多样性。龙竹是1856年作为单株植物引种到斯里兰卡,遗传多样性相对较低,仅有0.092±0.027。虽然利用播种的方式进行种种植较为罕见,但用这种方式种植的龙竹很高的遗传距离,因而有较高压的遗传多样性。该种主要是无性繁殖,单株群体没有多态性的无性繁殖系。奥克兰脱竹是当地每年开花的竹种,其平均遗传距离较高,是0.446±0.210。  相似文献   

In this work, empirical ring-based models were developed to predict the distribution of early wood percentage, wood density and fibre length along the stems of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) as affected by silvicultural management. The performance of the ring-based models was also compared for Scots pine and Norway spruce with corresponding disc-based (cross-sectional) models. Moreover, both models were integrated with example simulations by a process-based growth and yield model to analyze how management, such as thinning, affects the growth and wood properties of Scots pine trees over a rotation as an average for the tree stem, but also along the stem.The ring-based models built for annual early wood percentage (explained by ring width), air dry wood density (explained by early wood percentage and cambial age) and fibre length (explained by radial growth percentage and cambial age) predicted reasonably well the wood properties both at an intra-ring level, but also at a cross-sectional level. These predictions were also reasonably well in line with corresponding cross-sectional predictions by the disc-based models (which predicted the properties based on the number of annual rings and diameter at breast height and/or the cross-section being considered and temperature sum). The example simulations also demonstrated that both models predicted slightly lower wood density for dominant trees compared to dominated ones grown in thinned and unthinned Scots pine stands over a rotation. Unlike the disc-based model, the ring-based model predicted, on average, higher early wood percentage in dominant trees than in dominated ones. However, fibre length was not significantly affected when the averages of the whole stems were predicted, and this held true for both ring- and disc-based models.In summary, the incorporation of empirical ring-based wood property models into a process-based growth and yield model, offers a means to study in detail how environmental conditions, forest structure and management affect the quantity and properties of stem wood produced over a rotation. The disc-based wood property models used in this work are based on data with large geographical and genetic variation, and therefore may turn out to be more applicable for predicting future wood and fibre resources at a regional and national level. This kind of integrated use of wood property models with a process-based growth and yield model could help us to evaluate the forest resources under current and changing climate.  相似文献   

Calcareous amendment and/or fertilization trials were carried out in a declining 66-year-old Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) stand in the Vosges mountains (northeast France, altitude 1100 m) in 1985. The aim was to test tree response to nutritional deficiencies (Ca + Mg) and to alleviate soil acidity. In 1988, experimental equipment was set up to collect atmospheric input (bulk precipitation, throughfall) and soil seepage water. The soils are podzolic (‘ocre-podzolique’), derived from an acid-poor granitic bedrock (‘granite du Valtin’). The soils are coarsely textured, hence very porous. They are very acid (pH 3.4 in the A1 horizon, and pH 4.1 in the Bs horizon). The cation exchange capacity (CEC) is highly saturated in exchangeable acidity: 86% in the A1 horizon. Ca2+ + Mg2+ saturation is very low (<10% in A1 and <1% in the subsoil). Liming and fertilization significantly increase soil pH, base cation saturation and decrease soil acidity, especially in the surface horizons.

Bulk precipitation is dilute and acidic (pH 4.5); ion concentration of the precipitation greatly increases after passing through the tree canopy. Dry deposition is moderate and has values in the lower range reported for Europe.

Nitrification produced large amounts of NO3-N and H+ ions in the O layer and organo-mineral horizons. Nitrate and aluminium dominate the chemical composition of the soil see-page water.

Liming induces a considerable rise in the soil solution pH and the base cations (Ca2+ + Mg2+) and decreases nitrate and aluminium substantially. Liming alone seems to lower the rate of nitrification. Addition of fertilizers increases the deep drainage of base cations which could reduce the long term efficiency of liming.

Improvement of tree health-status accords with the positive effects of liming and/or fertilization on the soil's solid phase and solution.  相似文献   

The impact of natural disturbances on the canopy (trees ≥14 m high) and sapling stratum (>0.3 and ≤14 m high) composition was studied in nemoral old-growth forests located within the southern boreal zone in Central Russia (Central Forest Reserve, 32°29′–33°01′E, 56°26′–56°31′N). I hypothesized that the current disturbance regime does not allow the maintenance of current spruce abundance in the canopy, and, as a result, there is a continuous shift in the canopy composition towards a greater abundance of deciduous species. Three 300×20 m2 transects were established to estimate the proportions of stand under non-closed unexpanded canopy gaps. Data on sapling composition of 49 canopy gaps were used to analyze pattern of gap refuting in these forests. Additionally, data from three forest inventories showed changes in canopy composition over a period from 1972 to 1990.

The current status of nemoral forests is characterized by the high proportion of stand area under treefall gaps (71%). The loss of spruce from the canopy caused by treefalls (53% of the total basal area of gap-makers) was slightly greater than its canopy abundance (45%). Canopy gaps of all sizes encouraged spruce regeneration which might be due to a decrease in sapling mortality and/or more active recruitment of spruce seedlings. After a gap was formed, the presence of spruce in sapling strata increased. However, within both small (<200 m2 in size) and large (>200 m2) gaps, tall (>6 m) spruce saplings did not reach the level of its abundance in the tree canopy. In gaps, tall (>6 m) saplings of lime (Tilia cordata) and elm (Ulmus glabra) grew more quickly than those of spruce and maple. These data suggested a decrease in canopy spruce and an increase in deciduous species in the near future which supported the original hypothesis. Analysis of forest inventory records revealed similar changes in the canopy structure over the past two decades. However, the observed high proportion of stand area under gaps implies that for the next few decades large areas of nemoral communities will be occupied by relatively young stands. This may, in turn, decrease the frequency of large-scale treefalls revegetated mainly by deciduous saplings.  相似文献   

Tian  Chunjie  Lei  Yidong  Shi  Suhua  Nan  Peng  Chen  Jiakuan  Zhong  Yang 《New Forests》2004,27(3):229-237
As a N2-fixing tree species, sea buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides) is well adapted to arid regions and is utilized for multiple purposes in China. Current knowledge of genetic variability of H. rhamnoides is limited in terms of rangewide distributions. Eleven natural populations of sea buckthorn in northeastern and northwestern China were analyzed to detect genetic variation among and within populations, by use of ISSR (inter-simple sequence repeats) markers. Using eight primers, 207 polymorphic loci were observed, ranging in size from 250 to 2500 bp. The coefficient of gene differentiation (Gst = 0.0679) showed that the total molecular variance of 11 populations was mainly existed within populations. The genetic variation within and among the 11 populations was 93.21 and 6.79%, respectively. No significant correlation between genetic and geographic distances of the populations was found using ISSR markers. Our study provides a population-level genetic profile for further investigation and conservation of genetic diversity of sea buckthorn.  相似文献   

The within-population spatial structure of genetic diversity is shaped by demographic processes, including historical accidents such as forest perturbations. Information drawn from the analysis of the spatial distribution of genetic diversity is therefore inherently linked to demographic-historical processes that ultimately determine the fate of populations.All adult trees and saplings in a 1.4-ha plot within a mixed Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst) stand were characterised by means of chloroplast (paternally inherited) markers, and a large sub-sample of these were genotyped at mitochondrial (maternally inherited) molecular markers. These data were used to analyse the spatial distribution of genetic variation and to compare the patterns corresponding to the two marker types. The plot presented non-homogeneous local stem density in the younger cohorts, and the indirect effect of this source of variation on the spatial genetic structure was investigated. Results suggest that (i) spatially limited seed dispersal induced patchiness in genotype distribution, while pollen flow had a homogenising effect; (ii) deviations from random spatial structure were stronger in the demographically most stable portions of the stand, while they were weaker where sudden bursts of regeneration occurred; (iii) spatially overlapping adult and sapling cohorts displayed the same spatial genetic structure (stronger on stable areas, weaker in portions of the stand undergoing events of intense regeneration), which was substantiated by the influence of local demographic processes. Regeneration dynamics as modulated by demography thus influences the distribution of genetic diversity within the stand both in the younger life stages and in the adult population.  相似文献   

Although most Sinojackia species are endangered, they contribute greatly to the biodiversity of local ecosystems. Sinojackia microcarpa, an endangered species, is distributed only in three provinces of eastern China. Determining the genetic diversity of S. microcarpa provides key information for germplasm evaluation and species conservation. Here we used simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers to investigate the genetic diversity of eight natural populations of S. microcarpa. Leaf samples were collected from 144 individuals in 8 wild populations. The 156 bands were generated from 14 pairs of informative SSR primers, with an average percentage of polymorphic bands of 45.67%. The average values of Nei’s genetic diversity (He) and Shannon’s diversity index (I) were 0.1007 and 0.1658, respectively. The total genetic variation of S. microcarpa existed mainly within the eight populations, rather than among populations, and reached 86.41%. A cluster analysis showed that the eight wild populations of S. microcarpa could be classified into four groups, at a threshold of 4.0, based on an analysis of the SSR genotypes. Furthermore, there was a significant association between the phylogenetic relationships and the geographic locations of the S. microcarpa populations. In particular, populations from Fuyang, Jiande, and Lin’an in Zhejiang Province had close phylogenetic relationships and geographic distances. In addition, these three populations had the highest genetic diversity and the most individuals, suggesting that these three locations may be the S.microcarpa distribution center. This study serves as a model for studying the genetic diversity of endangered plant species.  相似文献   

Carbon stocks and stock changes in a chronosequence of 24 red spruce (Picea rubens Sarg.) dominated stands in Nova Scotia, Canada, were compared against predictions from the Carbon Budget Model of the Canadian Forest Sector (CBM-CFS3). Regression analysis of the observed versus simulated total ecosystem C stocks indicates the model's predictions accounted for 81.1% of the variation in the observed biomass data and for 63.2% of the variation in total ecosystem C data; however, the simultaneous F-test for bias was significant. Discrepancy between the observed and simulated total ecosystem C data was primarily caused by differences in dead organic matter C pool estimates, with the model consistently predicting higher soil C throughout stand development. Changes to model parameters were not warranted however, as the field data measured only a portion of the mineral soil profile represented in the model.

Clear-cut and partial-cut harvesting scenarios for red spruce stands were simulated to examine the impacts of clear-cut and partial-cut harvesting on C stocks. Total ecosystem C increased in the partial-cut stand throughout the 240-year simulation from 308.9 to 327.3 Mg C ha−1, while it decreased in the clear-cut stand to 305.8 Mg C ha−1. Enhanced C sequestration in the partial-cut stand was a consequence of the residual standing biomass providing a continuous source of litterfall and reducing decomposition rates of the forest floor. Choice of harvest system clearly affects forest ecosystem C stocks, but also affects the amount of C removed from forests to meet society's needs. Over the period of the simulation, partial cutting provided 115.6 Mg C ha−1 of merchantable timber, while clear-cutting provided 132.4 Mg C ha−1. Strategies aimed at using forest management to mitigate atmospheric C increases need to assess both the direct impacts on the forest ecosystem and the indirect impacts through product and energy substitution associated with the use and storage of harvested biomass.  相似文献   

Cedrela odorata L., one of the most important neotropical timber species, is threatened by deforestation and unsustainable logging in many parts of its natural range. Information on patterns of genetic variation is useful in informing both reforestation and genetic conservation activities. However, to date, no such information is available in Peru or elsewhere in South America. In the present study, genetic diversity between and within nine Peruvian populations of the species, based on amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers, is reported. Overall diversity level was high (Ht = 0.22), as expected for a widespread, long-lived tropical species, and consistent with previous studies carried out in Central America. Levels of intrapopulation diversity were higher than those previously reported for the species (Hs = 0.13–0.21). Analysis of molecular variation revealed genetic differences between two population groups located on different rivers and between populations located on the same rivers. Differences between groups were greater than those within groups. Genetic and geographical distances were significantly correlated. The relatively strong genetic differences between populations may be related to the riparian, essentially one-dimensional spatial distribution pattern of the populations studied. No difference was found in percentage of polymorphic loci between relatively undisturbed and logged populations. The existence of appreciable genetic differentiation over a relatively small part of the species range in the Peruvian Amazon suggests the need for caution in use of seed outside its zone of origin. For genetic conservation purposes, it would probably be prudent to sample (ex situ) or conserve (in situ) populations in each of the major watersheds of the Peruvian Amazon.  相似文献   

We analysed genetic variation in the natural populations of a potential herbicide biocontrol agent, Chondrostereum purpureum, in Nordic and Baltic countries using random amplified microsatellite markers. The results showed high genetic diversity among the populations of this fungus, but almost a complete lack of local differentiation. The results implicate that any local strain from the area can be used as a biocontrol agent without a fear of introducing new genotypes to treatment areas.  相似文献   

The native cacao trees (Theobroma cacao L.) in south-eastern French Guiana represent a noteworthy fraction of the genetic diversity of this species. Several scientific surveys have led to the collection of numerous accessions, which provides an opportunity for investigating the pattern of genetic diversity in natural populations. Using a capillary electrophoresis genotyping system, we fingerprinted 189 wild trees in 18 natural populations. Based on the 15 loci SSR profiles, we analyzed the intra- and inter-population variation and their relationship with control clones. The global allelic richness was 4.87 alleles per locus, but was 2.4 on average within individual populations; gene diversity was 0.368 and observed heterozygosity was low (0.160). Major structuring was discovered in the metapopulation of French Guianan wild cacao trees (Fst = 0.20), which could be explained by the biological characteristics of the cacao tree and the climatic events that affected the Guianan forests in the Quaternary period.  相似文献   

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