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The aim of the current study was to gain a better understanding of the changes that occur in soil microbial community and in its functional diversity as a result of the use of nematocide and biocide inhibitors in natural ecosystems. Both inhibitors are known to have a great effect on the nematode community and total biota, playing an important role in soil food web and biota interactions. The experiment was set up in the Negev Desert using sixteen 1×1 m soil plots, to which two chemical inhibitors were applied: (a) a biocide, to eliminate the whole biotic community; and (b) a nematocide, to eliminate the nematode community in soil. In addition, water treatment was applied to the same soil plots, while untreated soil plots were used as control. Microbial functional diversity, together with abiotic parameters such as soil moisture and total organic carbon, was tested monthly in soil samples collected from the 0-10 and 10-20 cm soil layers. The results of the abiotic parameters showed similar patterns in the two soil layers regardless of the inhibitor treatments. An increase in soil water content followed rainfall patterns. Total organic carbon was low during the wet season and increased during the dry seasons. The Shannon-Weaver index value for microbial functional diversity was found to increase in spring after the wet season in both soil layers. In the upper soil layer, an increase was observed both in the inhibitor and water treatments. However, the increase in the water treatment lasted longer compared to the increase observed in the inhibitor-treated soil plots. In the 10-20 cm soil layer, a different pattern was observed: an increase in microbial functional diversity was observed in the inhibitor-treated soil plots, while an increase in the water-treated soil plots was seen at a later stage. Principal Component Analysis was also conducted, revealing different patterns between inhibitors and water treatments on both a temporal scale, when changes from a homogeneous to heterogeneous consumption pattern were observed, and in the nature of communities that proliferate in the soil. Differences were also observed in the microbial community between the upper 0-10 and the lower 10-20 cm soil layers, where an opposite pattern of substrate consumption was observed. This study emphasizes the important role the biotic component plays in the soil of an arid climate, studying the long-term effects of key species elimination on the microbial community in desert soil.  相似文献   

To understand the soil microbial activities and community structures in different forests in a sand-dune ecosystem, we conducted a study of 2 topographic conditions, upland and lowland, under a Casuarina forest. As well, in the lowland site, we compared forest soil microbial properties under 3 coastal forests (Casuarina, Hibiscus and mixed stand). The soil microbial biomass did not significantly differ between the upland and lowland Casuarina forest sites. At the lowland site, the soil microbial biomass was higher in the Hibiscus than Casuarina forest soil. Cellulase, xylanase, phosphatase and urease activities did not show a consistent trend by topography or vegetation. Analysis of phospholipid fatty acids (PLFAs) of bacteria and actinomycetes revealed a significant difference in microbial community structure by both topography and vegetation. PLFA content was higher at upland than lowland sites in the Casuarina forest. At the lowland site, the level of PLFAs was higher in Hibiscus than Casuarina forest soil. In addition, we examined the ratios 16:1ω7t/16:1ω7c and, cy17:0/16:1ω7c as indicators of physiological stress; the soil in the Casuarina forest had the highest values, which suggests that the microbial community in the Casuarina forest soil is under physiological stress or starvation conditions. Comparison of soil microbial properties suggest that planting Hibiscus may help to enrich soil fertility and increase microbial activities in coastal sand-dune Casuarina forest.  相似文献   

Microbial activity in soil is known to be controlled by various factors. However, the operating mechanisms have not yet been clearly identified, particularly under climate change conditions, although they are crucial for understanding carbon dynamics in terrestrial ecosystems. In this study, a natural incubation experiment was carried out using intact soil cores transferred from high altitude(1 500 m) to low(900 m) altitude to mimic climate change scenarios in a typical cold-temperate mountainous area in Japan. Soil microbial activities, indicated by substrate-induced respiration(SIR) and metabolic quotient(q CO2), together with soil physicalchemical properties(abiotic factors) and soil functional enzyme and microbial properties(biotic factors), were investigated throughout the growing season in 2013. Results of principal component analysis(PCA) indicated that soil microbial biomass carbon(MBC) andβ-glucosidase activity were the most important factors characterizing the responses of soil microbes to global warming. Although there was a statistical difference of 2.82 ℃ between the two altitudes, such variations in soil physical-chemical properties did not show any remarkable effect on soil microbial activities, suggesting that they might indirectly impact carbon dynamics through biotic factors such as soil functional enzymes. It was also found that the biotic factors mainly controlled soil microbial activities at elevated temperature,which might trigger the inner soil dynamics to respond to the changing environment. Future studies should hence take more biotic variables into account for accurately projecting the responses of soil metabolic activities to climate change.  相似文献   

Little information is available about the long‐term effects of deforestation and cultivation on biochemical and microbial properties in wet tropical forest soils. In this study, we evaluated the general and specific biochemical properties of soils under evergreen, semi‐evergreen, and moist deciduous forests and adjacent plantations of coconut, arecanut, and rubber, established by clear felling portions of these forests. We also examined the effects of change in land use on microbial indices and their interrelationships in soils. Significant differences between the sites occurred for the biochemical properties reflecting soil microbial activity. Microbial biomass C, biomass N, soil respiration, N mineralization capacity, ergosterol, levels of adenylates (ATP, AMP, ADP), and activities of dehydrogenase and catalase were, in general, significantly higher under the forests than under the plantations. Likewise, the activities of various hydrolytic enzymes such as acid phosphomonoesterase, phosphodiesterase, casein‐protease, BAA‐protease, β‐glucosidase, CM‐cellulase, invertase, urease, and arylsulfatase were significantly higher in the forest soils which suggested that deforestation and cultivation markedly reduced microbial activity, enzyme synthesis and accumulation due to decreased C turnover and nutrient availability. While the ratios of microbial biomass C : N and microbial biomass C : organic C did not vary significantly between the sites, the ratios of ergosterol : biomass C and ATP : biomass C, qCO2 and AEC (Adenylate Energy Charge) levels were significantly higher in the forest sites indicating high energy requirements of soil microbes at these sites.  相似文献   

The environmental impacts of herbicides on desirable plants and the soil biota are of public concern. The surfactants that are often used with herbicides are also under scrutiny as potentially harmful to soil biological systems. To address these concerns, we used two soils, a silt loam and a silty, clay loam from south central Missouri, to investigate the impacts of herbicides and surfactants on soil microbial communities using phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) analysis. The surfactants used in this study were alkylphenol ethoxylate plus alcohol ethoxylate (Activator 90), polyethoxylate (Agri-Dex), and a blend of ammonium sulfate, drift reduction/deposition polymers and anti-foam agent (Thrust). The herbicides were glyphosate, atrazine and bentazon. Surfactants and herbicides were applied to soils at label rate, either alone or combined, to 4000 g soil per pot. The two soils differed in history, texture, some chemical characteristics and several microbial community characteristics. A few of the chemicals altered some of the components of the microbial community after only one application of the chemical at field-rate. The Cole County, MO silt loam showed larger changes in the microbial community with application of treatments. For the Boone County, MO silty clay loam, Activator 90, Agri-Dex and bentazon treatments increased microbial biomass determined by PLFA; Thrust decreased PLFA markers, bacteria to fungi ratio; and Agri-Dex at both rates decreased monounsaturated fatty acids. Changes in the microbial community due to herbicides or surfactants were minimal in this study of a single application of these chemicals, but could be indicators of potential long-term effects. Long-term studies are needed to determine the changes in the microbial community after several years of annual applications of herbicides and surfactants on a wide array of soil types and management practices.  相似文献   

Little information is available about the factors controlling soil C and N transformations in natural tropical forests and tree-based cropping systems. The aim of this work was to study the effects of single trees on soil microbiological activities from plantations of timber and non-timber species as well as species of primary and secondary forests in the Central Amazon. Soil samples were taken in the primary forest under Oenocarpus bacaba and Eschweilera spp., in secondary regrowth with Vismia spp., under two non-timber tree species ( Bixa orellana L. and Theobroma grandiflorum Willd.), and two species planted for wood production ( Carapa guianensis Aubl. and Ceiba pentandra). In these soils, net N mineralization, net nitrification, denitrification potential, basal and substrate-induced respiration rates were studied under standardized soil moisture and temperature conditions. Individual tree species more strongly affected N transformations, particularly net nitrification, than C respiration. Our results suggest that soil C respiration can be affected by tree species if inorganic N becomes a limiting factor. We found a strong correlation among almost all microbiological processes suggesting close inter-relationship between C and N transformations in the studied soils. Correlation analysis between soil chemical properties and microbiological activities suggest that such strong inter-relationships are likely due to competition between the denitrifying and C-mineralizing communities for NO 3 -, which might be an important N source for the microbial population in the studied soils.  相似文献   

中国南亚热带三种不同林型下土壤应对酸沉降的响应   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Long-term changes in soil pH, the current status of soil acidification, and the response of bulk soil and soil water pH to experimental nitrogen addition under three subtropical forests were investigated in Dinghushan Biosphere Reserve of subtropical China. The results showed that the mineral soil pH at 0-20 cm depth declined significantly from 4.60-4.75 in 1980s to 3.84-4.02 in 2005. Nitrogen addition resulted in the decrease of pH in both bulk soil and soil water collected at 20-cm depth. The rapid decline of soil pH was attributed to long-term high atmospheric acid deposition (nitrogen and sulphur) therein. The forest at earlier succession stage with originally higher soil pH appeared to be more vulnerable to acid deposition than that at later succession stage with originally low soil pH.  相似文献   

Woody plant proliferation in grasslands and savannas has been documented worldwide in recent history. To better understand the consequences of this vegetation change for the C-cycle, we measured soil microbial biomass carbon (Cmic) in remnant grasslands (time 0) and woody plant stands ranging in age from 10 to 130 years in a subtropical ecosystem undergoing succession from grassland to woodlands dominated by N-fixing trees. We also determined the ratio of SMB-C to soil organic carbon (Cmic/Corg) as an indicator of soil organic matter quality or availability, and the metabolic quotient (qCO2) as a measure of microbial efficiency. Soil organic carbon (Corg) and soil total nitrogen (STN) increased up to 200% in the 0–15 cm depth increment following woody plant invasion of grassland, but changed little at 15–30 cm. Cmic at 0–15 cm increased linearly with time following woody plant encroachment and ranged from 400 mg C kg−1 soil in remnant grasslands up to 600–1000 mg C kg−1 soil in older (>60 years) woody plant stands. Cmic at 15–30 cm also increased linearly with time, ranging from 100 mg C kg−1 soil in remnant grasslands to 400–700 mg C kg−1 soil in older wooded areas. These changes in Cmic in wooded areas were correlated with concurrent changes in stores of C and N in soils, roots, and litter. The Cmic/Corg ratio at 0–15 cm decreased with increasing woody plant stand age from 6% in grasslands to <4% in older woodlands suggesting that woody litter may be less suitable as a microbial substrate compared with grassland litter. In addition, higher qCO2 values in woodlands (0.8 mg CO2-C g−1 Cmic h−1) relative to remnant grasslands (0.4 mg CO2-C g−1 Cmic h−1) indicated that more respiration was required per unit of Cmic in wooded areas than in grasslands. Observed increases in Corg and STN following woody plant encroachment in this ecosystem may be a function of both greater inputs of poor quality C that is relatively resistant to decay, and the decreased ability of soil microbes to decompose this organic matter. We suggest that increases in the size and activity of Cmic following woody plant encroachment may result in: (a) alterations in competitive interactions and successional processes due to changes in nutrient dynamics, (b) enhanced formation and maintenance of soil physical structures that promote Corg sequestration, and/or (c) increased trace gas fluxes that have the potential to influence atmospheric chemistry and the climate system at regional to global scales.  相似文献   



Soil soluble organic nitrogen (SON) is considered as a sensitive indicator of soil nitrogen (N) status and plays an important role in N cycling in forest ecosystems. Most work on forest soil SON to date has been conducted in temperate areas. The information about soil SON pools and dynamics in tropical and subtropical areas is limited. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of different forest types on soil SON availability and associated microbial properties.  相似文献   


Tillage systems and fertilization have important effects on soil microorganism activity. Information regarding the simultaneous evaluation of long-term tillage and fertilization on soil microbial traits in sunflower fields is not available. Therefore, this study was conducted to determine the best tillage and fertilization system for soil microbial parameters. The experimental design was a split plot based on a randomized complete block design with three replications. Main plots consisted of the long-term tillage systems (1999–2011) including: no tillage (NT), minimum tillage (MT) and conventional tillage (CT). Six methods of fertilization, including farmyard manure (N1), compost (N2), chemical fertilizers (N3), farmyard manure + compost (N4); farmyard manure + compost + chemical fertilizers (N5), and control (N6) were arranged in subplots. Results showed that the highest amount of microbial biomass was observed in treatment NTN4. The highest and lowest values of enzyme activities (acid, alkaline phosphatase, urease, dehydrogenase and protease) were found in organic fertilizers + NT and chemical fertilizers + CT plots, respectively. Highest basal and induced respiration values were found for NTN4 treatment. Correlation coefficients between enzyme activity, respiration and microbial biomass carbon were significant.  相似文献   



Soil microbes control the bioelement cycles and energy transformation in forest ecosystems, and are sensitive to environmental change. As yet, the effects of altitude and season on soil microbes remain unknown. A 560 m vertical transitional zone was selected along an altitude gradient from 3023, 3298 and 3582 m, to determine the potential effects of seasonal freeze-thaw on soil microbial community.

Materials and methods

Soil samples were collected from the three elevations in the growing season (GS), onset of freezing period (FP), deeply frozen period (FPD), thawing period (TP), and later thawing period (TPL), respectively. Real-time qPCR and polymerase chain reaction denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (PCR-DGGE) were used to measure the abundance and structure of soil microbial community.

Results and discussion

The bacterial, archaeal, and fungal ribosomal DNA (rDNA) copy numbers decreased from GS to freezing stage (FP and FPD) and then increased in thawing stage (TP and TPL). Similarly, the diversity of microbial community varied with seasonal freeze-thaw processes. The diversity index (H) of the bacterial and archaeal communities decreased from GS to FP and then increased to TPL. The fungal community H index increased in the freezing process.


Our results suggested that abundance and structure of soil microbial community in the Tibetan coniferous forests varied by season and bacterial and archaeal communities respond more promptly to seasonal freeze-thaw processes relative to fungal community. This may have important implications for carbon and nutrient cycles in alpine forest ecosystems. Accordingly, future warming-induced changes in seasonal freeze-thaw patterns would affect soil nutrient cycles via altering soil microbial properties.



Soil nitrogen (N) availability is a critical determinant of plantation productivity in subtropical Australia and is influenced by the soil microbial community. The size, structure and function of the soil microbial community can be impacted by land-use change and residue management. The objectives of this study were to examine the impact of land-use change from (1) native forest (NF) to first rotation (1R) hoop pine plantation and (2) 1R hoop pine plantation to second rotation (2R) hoop pine plantation on the soil microbial community. The impact of residue management on the soil microbial community was also investigated in the 2R forest, where soil microbial parameters were measured in tree rows (2R-T) and windrows (2R-W). In addition, relationships between soil microbial parameters and soil N parameters were investigated.

Materials and methods

Each of the four treatments (NF, 1R, 2R-T and 2R-W) had five 24-m2 replicate plots from which 15 soil cores were collected and bulked at three depths (0–10, 10–20, 20–30 cm). Microbial biomass carbon (MBC) and N (MBN) and soil respiration were measured on field moist soils. In addition, carbon (C) source utilisation patterns were assessed using the whole soil MicroResp? technique (Campbell et al. 2003).

Results and discussion

Results indicate that the land-use change from NF to 1R hoop pine plantation significantly reduced MBC, respiration rate, soil total C and total N. Furthermore, the land-use change appeared to have a significant impact on the soil microbial community composition measured using MicroResp? profiles. Land-use change from 1R to 2R hoop pine plantation resulted in a decline in total C and MBN and a shift in microbial community composition. When compared to the 2R-T soils, the 2R-W soils tended to have a greater microbial biomass and respiration rate. Residue management also influenced the microbial community composition measured in the MicroResp? profiles.


Results indicate that land-use change had a significant impact on the soil microbial community, which was likely to be related to shifts in the quality and quantity of organic inputs associated with the change in land use. This may have significant implications for the long-term productivity of the soil resource. Further studies are required to confirm a difference in microbial community composition associated with residue management. In addition, long-term experiments in subtropical Australia are necessary to verify the results of this snapshot study and to improve our understanding of the impact of single-species plantation forestry and residue management on the soil microbial community, soil N dynamics and ultimately the long-term sustainability of the soil resource.  相似文献   

2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid butyl ester (2,4-D butyl ester) is extensively applied for weed control in cultivation fields in China, but its effect on soil microbial community remains obscure. This study investigated the microbial response to 2,4-D butyl ester application at different concentrations (CK, 10, 100 and 1000 μg g?1) in the soils with two fertility levels, using soil dilution plate method and phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) analysis. Culturable microorganisms were affected by the herbicide in both soils, particularly at the higher concentration. After treating soil with 100 μg g?1 herbicide, culturable bacteria and actinomycetes were significantly higher, compared to other treatments. Treatment of soil with 1000 μg g?1 2,4-D butyl ester caused a decline in culturable microbial counts, with the exception of fungal numbers, which increased over the incubation time. PLFA profiles showed that fatty acids for Gram-negative (GN) bacteria, Gram-positive (GP) bacteria, total bacteria and total fungi, as well as total PLFAs, varied with herbicide concentration for both soil samples. As herbicide concentration increased, the GN/GP ratio decreased dramatically in the two soils. The higher stress level was in the treatments with high concentrations of herbicide (1000 μg g?1) for both soils. Principal component analysis of PLFAs showed that the addition of 2,4-D butyl ester significantly shifted the microbial community structure in the two soils. These results showed that the herbicide 2,4-D butyl ester might have substantial effects on microbial population and microbial community structure in agricultural soils. In particular, the effects of 2,4-D butyl ester were greater in soil with low organic matter and fertility level than in soil with high organic matter and fertility level.  相似文献   

Soil organic matter(SOM)in boreal forests is an important carbon sink.The aim of this study was to assess and to detect factors controlling the temperature sensitivity of SOM decomposition.Soils were collected from Scots pine,Norway spruce,silver birch,and mixed forests(O horizon)in northern Finland,and their basal respiration rates at five different temperatures(from 4 to 28℃)were measured.The Q_(10) values,showing the respiration rate changes with a 10℃ increase,were calculated using a Gaussian function and were based on temperature-dependent changes.Several soil physicochemical parameters were measured,and the functional diversity of the soil microbial communities was assessed using the MicroResp?method.The temperature sensitivity of SOM decomposition differed under the studied forest stands.Pine forests had the highest temperature sensitivity for SOM decomposition at the low temperature range(0–12℃).Within this temperature range,the Q_(10) values were positively correlated with the microbial functional diversity index(H'_(mic))and the soil C-to-P ratio.This suggested that the metabolic abilities of the soil microbial communities and the soil nutrient content were important controls of temperature sensitivity in taiga soils.  相似文献   

The aim of this trial was to quantify and compare the responses of soil microbial communities during the phytoremediation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in a laboratory trial. The experiment was conducted in 1-kg pots and planted treatments consisted of a mixed ryegrass (Lolium perenne) and white clover (Trifolium repens) sward together with a rhizobial inoculum (Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. trifolii). Throughout the 180-d experiment soil microbial biomass and communities of PAH degraders were monitored. PAH degradation was enhanced in planted treatments that received a rhizobial inoculum. Microbial biomass was enhanced in planted treatments, but there were no significant differences between treatments that had received a rhizobial inoculum and those that had not. However, numbers of PAH degraders were greater in the treatment that had received a rhizobial inoculum.  相似文献   

The effect of spruce swamp forest (SSF) drainage and water regime restoration on soil organic matter (SOM) quality and soil microbial heterotrophic activities was studied in pristine, drained and restored SSF in the Bohemian Forest, Czech Republic. Sequential chemical SOM fractionation using cold and hot water and hot acid was used to separate SOM fractions according to their mobility and potential lability/recalcitrance, and Fourier transform infrared spectra were used for SOM characterization. Soil physicochemical parameters and heterotrophic microbial activities were also determined. Drainage of SSF had significant long‐term effects (more than 50 yr) on plant communities and SOM quality. On drained sites, cover of sphagnum moss and sedge was much smaller than on pristine locations. A greater proportion of recalcitrant compounds and a smaller proportion of labile compounds were found in drained SSF as compared to pristine sites, which first led to an energy limitation and was followed by a decrease in microbial biomass and heterotrophic microbial activities (CO2 production, methanogenesis and methanotrophy). Restoration resulted in slow progressive changes in the vegetation cover, including the spread of sphagnum mosses, retreat of mosses typical of drier conditions and increased sedge cover compared with drained SSF. Moreover, soil physicochemical parameters (pH and bulk density), hot‐water‐extractable C and methanotrophic activity tended to evolve towards the pristine SSF and seem to be good indicators of the restoration process. No other SOM fractions changed significantly after restoration. Thus, to change significantly overall SOM quality and most microbial heterotrophic activities following restoration, more than 7 yr are required.  相似文献   

The time evolution of the content and composition of carbohydrates was studied in the surface layer of forest soils non-affected and affected by wildfires. The low- and high-severity fires caused an immediate reduction of the C present as carbohydrates of 34% and 47–55%, respectively, which was due to the decrease of both hexoses and pentoses in two hydrolysis fractions (hydrolysate-A, non-cellulosic polysaccharides; hydrolysate-B, cellulosic polysaccharides). Carbohydrates tended to recover with time; however, values had still not reached the amounts found in the corresponding unburnt samples after 12–15 months. No difference between the unburnt and burnt samples was observed in the distribution of the neutral sugars in the hydrolysates over time. On a percentage basis, 72–92% of the total neutral sugars was extracted in hydrolysate-A (59 ± 7% hexoses; 24 ± 7% pentoses) and the rest, 8–28%, in hydrolysate-B (15 ± 5% hexoses; 2 ± 1% pentoses). The contribution of hexoses and pentoses to the neutral sugar pool was different between the two hydrolysis fractions being the hexoses/pentoses ratio higher for hydrolysate-B than for hydrolysate-A. The results also showed that the proportion of soil C present as carbohydrates-C rather than the total carbohydrates content should be used for monitoring short- and medium-term changes induced by fire in soil organic matter quality.  相似文献   

《Applied soil ecology》2009,41(3):491-498
We studied the response of the macrofauna to forest conversion from pure coniferous stands into semi-natural montane forests in the southern Black Forest (Germany). The investigation was carried out by comparing existing stands that represent the four major stages of the envisaged conversion process. Major results are: (i) environmental parameters indicate a significant alteration of the soil environment, (ii) neither an overall change nor a clear trend in macrofaunal richness and abundance could be established, and (iii) the data for the different taxa suggest specific responses to the conditions of the individual conversion stages. In general, saprophagous taxa seem to be mainly driven by alterations of the resource base (litter quality, microbial parameters) while predatory taxa tend to respond to changes at the consumer level. Associated alterations in the functional structure occurred for macroengineers (earthworms), primary consumers (diplopods, isopods) as well as a wide range of predators. These changes could partly be explained by changes in environmental conditions that did not follow a gradual adjustment during the conversion process. One essential step is the shift from an organic layer composed of low-quality coniferous litter that is dominated by fungi to a litter layer with higher quality food sources. Within this framework, the specific response of the macrofauna is modulated by factors such as differences in structural features of the ground vegetation and availability of woody litter in a stage-specific way. Since the response of the macrofauna depended far less on site conditions than any of the other environmental factors, this invertebrate group may be used as a valuable indicator of the changes associated with different stages of the conversion process. As long as no dramatic change of soil conditions – in particular pH – occurs, however, no fundamental restructuring of the soil community is to be expected.  相似文献   

Summary Soil respiration was measured in five eucalypt forests of southeastern Australia. Regardless of the type of forest, the rate of respiration in soils responded to the addition of an available C source (glucose) and did not to the addition of N or P. Addition of glucose, at up to 100% of the glucose equivalent in soil, increased the rate of respiration sigmoidally. The concentration of glucose needed to achieve the maximum rate of respiration in the topsoil (0–2 cm) of an Eucalyptus regnans forest was at least an order of magnitude greater than its equivalent in the soil. The results indicate that microbial respiration in soils from eucalypt forests is limited by an available source of C.  相似文献   

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