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Formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue sections from a 3-year-old female Angora goat suffering from clinical scrapie were immunostained after hydrated autoclaving using a monoclonal antibody (mAb, F99/97.6.1; IgG1) specific for a conserved epitope on the prion protein. Widespread and prominent deposition of the scrapie isoform of the prion protein (PrPSc) was observed in the brain, brainstem, spinal cord, retina, postganglionic neurons associated with parasympathetic ganglia of myenteric and submucosal plexuses, Peyer's patches, peripheral lymph nodes, and pharyngeal and palatine tonsils. The goat was homozygous for PrP alleles encoding 5 octapeptide repeat sequences in the N-terminal region of the prion protein and isoleucine at codon 142, a genotype associated with high susceptibility and short incubation times in goats. The results of this study indicate that mAb F99/97.6.1 is useful for detection of PrPSc deposition, and this is a specific and reliable immunohistochemical adjunct to histopathology for diagnosis of natural caprine scrapie, although precise determination of the diagnostic sensitivity and specificity of the assay as a diagnostic test for scrapie in goats will require examination of a sufficiently large sample size. As with ovine scrapie, prion protein is widely distributed in the central and peripheral nervous systems, gastrointestinal tract, and lymphoid tissues in natural caprine scrapie.  相似文献   

传染性海绵状脑病(TSE)是由朊病毒(Prion)引起的人和多种哺乳动物以神经退行性变化为主要特征的一种慢性消耗性传染病。引起这类疾病的病原因子是一种编码宿主蛋白的PrPC转变为异常的具有致病性的PrPSc,二者具有相同的氨基酸序列,只是其空间结构发生变化后由正常的以α螺旋为主  相似文献   

One of the "gold standard" techniques for postmortem confirmation of scrapie diagnosis in sheep and goats is immunohistochemical examination of brain tissue. Active surveillance for scrapie is mainly performed by rapid diagnostic tests on the basis of postmortem immunochemical detection of prion protein (PrP) in the obex tissue. The aim of this study was to determine the performance of 2 rapid tests, Prionics-Check LIA (a chemiluminescence sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) and Prionics-Check Western blot for scrapie diagnosis when applied to brain areas other than the obex, in comparison with the recognized immunohistochemistry. Prion protein was detected in the obex, cervical spinal cord, and thalamus from all the scrapie-positive sheep by the 3 tests. Western blot and LIA were negative in other areas of the brain, although weak immunohistochemical staining was detected. The results show that the 2 rapid tests studied may detect PrP in brain areas other than the obex, although with a lower sensitivity than immunohistochemistry when there is minimal PrP deposition.  相似文献   

Normal and well differentiated neoplastic canine tissues were immunohistochemically stained for keratin, vimentin and desmin intermediate filament proteins using commercially available monoclonal antibodies. Keratin was detected in 56 of 57 carcinomas, vimentin in 59 of 62 sarcomas and desmin in three of four muscle cell tumors. Most normal and neoplastic tissues expressed only one type of intermediate filament; exceptions were one hemangiosarcoma and one pulmonary carcinoma in which there was coexpression of vimentin and keratin proteins. Since immunohistochemical detection of intermediate filaments has tissue-specific distribution in the majority of well differentiated canine neoplasms, these stains may be useful in the differential diagnosis of anaplastic canine tumors. However, the monoclonal antibodies to cytokeratin which were tested in this study failed to detect intermediate filaments in liver, pancreas and salivary glands which suggests that these antibodies may also be unable to detect epithelial tumors derived from these tissues. In addition, in nine neoplasms, the normal tissues adjacent to neoplastic cells failed to stain for the intermediate filament normally expressed. When this occurs, evaluation of intermediate filament expression is invalid for the determination of tissue of origin of the neoplastic cells.  相似文献   

This study investigated whether the abnormal prion protein (PrP(Sc)) in tissues from sheep with scrapie would be destroyed by composting. Tissues from sheep naturally infected with scrapie were placed within fiberglass mesh bags and buried in compost piles for 108 d in experiment 1 or 148 d in experiment 2. The temperature in the compost piles rose quickly; it was above 60 degrees C for about 2 wk and then slowly declined to the ambient temperature. Before composting, PrPSc was detected in all the tissues by Western blotting. In experiment 1, PrPsc was not detected after composting in the tissue remnants or the surrounding sawdust. In experiment 2, 1 of 5 specimens tested negative after composting, whereas PrP(Sc) was detected in the other 4 bags, though in reduced amounts compared with those before composting. Tissue weights were reduced during composting. Analysis of the tissue remnants for microbial 16S ribosomal DNA demonstrated that there were more diverse microbes involved in experiment 1 than in experiment 2 and that the guanine and cytosine content of the microbial 16S DNA was higher in the specimens of experiment 1 than in those of experiment 2, which suggests greater dominance of thermophilic microbes in experiment 1. These results indicate that composting may have value as a means for degrading PrP(Sc) in carcasses and other wastes.  相似文献   

Sections of the medulla oblongata from the brains of sheep were examined for prion protein (PrP) by immunohistochemistry. On the basis of the morphology and neuroanatomical distribution of the deposits, distinct disease-associated patterns of PrP deposition were identified in scrapie-affected sheep, suggesting at least four distinct phenotypes of scrapie. In addition, clearly defined patterns of PrP deposition, readily distinguished from the disease-associated PrP deposits, were identified in some normal sheep from scrapie-free flocks. In five sheep, believed to be preclinically affected by scrapie, PrP deposition of a disease-specific type but of restricted distribution was identified, demonstrating the sensitivity of the technique for the diagnosis of scrapie. The neuroanatomical distribution of these early PrP deposits suggest that the route of entry of the scrapie agent into the brain is via parasympathetic motor neurons in the vagus nerve which innervate the gastrointestinal tract.  相似文献   

RATIONALE FOR THIS STUDY: This article describes and evaluates two molecular biology practical classes based around the theme of genetic susceptibility to scrapie in sheep. These practical classes allow students to experience a range of molecular biology techniques in the context of a clinically based genetic disease. METHODOLOGY: The two molecular biology practical classes described are evaluated in terms of their perceived usefulness to study by first-year veterinary medicine students. The students' ratings are then assessed in relation to the approaches to studying (i.e., deep, strategic, and surface). These dimensions of learning are measured using the 52-item Approaches to Studying Inventory (ASI). RESULTS: The overall ratings from students in relation to both the practical classes were found to be positive. The scrapie genotyping practical was the highest-ranking laboratory-based practical in the first-year curriculum. Ratings in terms of usefulness to studies for both practical classes were found to be significantly higher for students with higher deep learning scores. CONCLUSION: The practical classes described here provide a clinically relevant scenario within which molecular biology concepts and methods can be illustrated to veterinary students. The positive correlation with deep learning is more evident for the scrapie genotyping practical than for the DNA extraction practical. This may reflects the complexity of the former, which is greater both technically and conceptually.  相似文献   

The usefulness of detecting the scrapie-associated fibrillar protein (PrP) in the lymphoreticular organs of sheep as a diagnostic tool was investigated. The PrP was detected by means of a rabbit-anti-sheep PrP polyclonal antibody by Western blot analysis. PrP was detected in samples from the central nervous system (CNS) of five of six sheep showing clinical signs of natural scrapie infection, in spleen samples from four of the six sheep and in lymph node samples taken from three of the sheep. PrP was detected in the spleen and lymph node samples, but not in the CNS samples from one of the six sheep that was clinically and histopathologically abnormal. This animal appeared to be in the early clinical stage of the disease. A total of 47 clinically normal sheep were examined for the presence of PrP. It was detected in spleen samples from three of the 47 sheep and in lymph node samples from three of the 39 sheep tested. Similarly, PrP was detected in a sample of lymph node obtained surgically from one of three experimentally infected sheep 14 months after inoculation. The PrP-positive sheep and one of the remaining PrP-negative sheep showed clinical signs of scrapie six and five months later respectively. One sheep euthanased 18 months after experimental infection was positive for PrP in the CNS, spleen and lymph node, but five other sheep which were killed or died two, eight, 16, 18 and 21 months after infection were negative or doubtful for the detection of PrP.  相似文献   

Monitoring of transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (TSE) in Swiss sheep and goats is based on the examination of animals from different sources. In this study, frequencies and proportions of the different diagnoses were compared between routinely submitted sheep and goats, notified scrapie suspects as well as fallen stock. Meningitis/ encephalitis cases were significantly more frequent (OR = 2.2) in the scrapie suspect group when compared to the routine submissions. Metabolic-toxic encephalopathy was seen more frequently within the fallen stock. Rare neurological diagnoses were more frequent among scrapie suspects and routine submissions when compared to fallen stock. Listeriosis was diagnosed equally frequent among the scrapie suspects and routine submissions but less frequent in fallen stock. Scrapie prevalence among the fallen stock and the routine submissions was 0 (zero), with 95% certainty that prevalence is < 1%. The examined animals are representative for most of the Swiss regions with considerable sheep and goat production. Continuation of the detailed neuropathological examination of small ruminants from these three groups, substituted by actively testing a sufficiently large sample of fallen stock and possibly also healthy-slaughtered adult sheep and goats for transmissible spongiform encephalopathies would ensure a good surveillance within the small ruminant population.  相似文献   

All sheep older than 1 year of age from a flock of the Rygja breed in which clinical scrapie was detected for the first time in two animals (4%) were examined for accumulation of pathogenic prion protein (PrPSc) by immunohistochemistry in the obex, the cerebellum, and the medial retrophayngeal lymph node. In addition, six lambs, 2-3 months old, all offspring of PrPSc-positive dams, were examined for PrPSc in the ileal Peyers' patch (IPP), the distal jejunal lymph node, the spleen, and the medial retropharyngeal lymph node (RPLN). In this flock, 35% (17/48) of the adult sheep showed accumulation of PrPSc, an eightfold increase compared with clinical disease. All positives carried susceptible PrP genotypes. Three sheep had deposits of PrPSc in the RPLN and not in the brain, suggesting that this organ, easily accessible at slaughter, is suitable for screening purposes. Two 7-year-old clinically healthy homozygous V136Q171 ewes showed sparse immunostaining in the central nervous system and may have been infected as adults. Further, two littermates, 86-days-old, showed PrPSc in the IPP. Interestingly, one of these lambs had the intermediate susceptible PrP genotype, VA136QR171. In addition to early immunolabeling in the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagal nerve, a few of the sheep had early involvement of the cerebellum. In fact, a 2-year-old sheep had sparse deposits of PrPSc in the cerebellum only. Because experimental bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) in sheep seems to behave in a similar manner as natural scrapie, these results, particularly regarding spread of infectivity, may have implications for the handling of BSE should it be diagnosed in sheep.  相似文献   

Six Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep were raised in captivity from birth (n = 5) or taken from the wild as a lamb (n = 1). After the bighorn sheep were in captivity for over a year, 6 clinically normal domestic sheep were placed on the 2 ha of pasture on which the bighorn sheep were kept. Nasal swab specimens were obtained from all sheep at the time the domestic sheep were introduced. Pasteurella haemolytica was isolated from swab specimens obtained from 4 of 6 domestic sheep, but not from specimens obtained from the bighorn sheep. All 6 bighorn sheep died of acute hemorrhagic pneumonia after exposure to domestic sheep. Death in the bighorn sheep occurred on days 4, 27, 27, 29, 36, or 71 after initial exposure to domestic sheep. Pasteurella haemolytica was isolated from respiratory tract tissue specimens of all bighorn sheep at the time of death. None of the domestic sheep were clinically ill during the study. At the end of the study, 3 of 6 domestic sheep were euthanatized, and at necropsy, P haemolytica was isolated from 2 of them. The most common serotypes in bighorn and domestic sheep were P haemolytica T-3 and A-2. Other serotypes isolated included P haemolytica A-1, A-9, and A-11 in bighorn sheep and A-1 in domestic sheep. On the basis of results of this study and of other reports, domestic sheep and bighorn sheep should not be managed in proximity to each other because of the potential fatal consequences in bighorn sheep.  相似文献   


Feline infectious peritonitis was first described as a distinct disease entity in 1966 in the United States (Wolfe and Griesemer, 1966), although it had been observed prior to that date (Holzworth, 1963). The disease is widespread in that country (Disque et al., 1968: Hardy and O'Reilly, 1969; Ward and Pederson, 1969; Colby and Low, 1970; Colgrove and Parker, 1971) and has been recorded in Canada (Stephenson et al., 1971), England (Ingram, 1970), Ireland (Hartigan and Wilson, 1972), Japan (Konishi et at., 1971), the Netherlands (Mieog and Richter, 1971), Switzerland (Stunzi and Grevel, 1973) and most recently in Australia (Watson et al., 1974; Jones and Hogg, 1974). Two cases of feline infectious .peritonitis have, been seen in New Zealand (R. C. Gumbrell, pers. comm.). One experimental cat inoculated with peritoneal fluid from this case developed clinical signs and lesions said to be consistent with feline infectious peritonitis.  相似文献   

To detect prion protein, brains from 5 cattle naturally affected with bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) and 3 sheep naturally affected with scrapie were examined and compared with brains of normal cattle and sheep using a histoblot technique. The technique enabled the in situ distinctive detection of the cellular (PrP(C)) and abnormal (PrP(Sc)) isoforms of the prion protein. In BSE- or scrapie-affected brains, the Prp(C) signal decreased, especially in those areas where the PrP(Sc) signal was detected.  相似文献   

A report of scrapie in sheep in Kenya   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Retinopathy in sheep affected with natural scrapie   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Extracts from the cervical spinal cord and from the medulla, thalamus, cerebellum and cerebral cortex of the brains of 10 sheep, histopathologically confirmed as cases of scrapie, were examined by electron microscopy for the presence of scrapie-associated fibrils. Characteristic fibrils were observed in all the extracts except for that from the thalamus of one sheep. No fibrils were found in any extracts from three control sheep. A comparison of these results with a similar study of 22 cases of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) suggests that in cases of scrapie the area of the brain chosen for the detection of fibrils is less critical than in cases of BSE, in which fibrils are more readily extracted from areas of the brain stem.  相似文献   

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