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Sturgeon can synthesize -ascorbic acid (vitamin C) as they possess in their kidney -gulono-1,4-lactone oxidase, the enzyme catalyzing the last step of AA biosynthesis. The effect of increasing dietary ascorbic acid on gulonolactone oxidase activity was studied in lake sturgeon. Two-year-old lake sturgeon (body weight 253±89 g) were fed in triplicate groups with casein-based semipurified diets supplemented with either 0, 50, 250 or 1250 mg ascorbic acid/kg in the form of ascorbyl-2-monophosphate Mg for 38 days at 19.8°C. At the end of the trial, there were no significant differences in growth rate and survival among groups. Tissue total ascorbic acid concentrations increased significantly with dietary ascorbic acid. Renal gulonolactone oxidase activity was inconsistently affected by dietary treatment. These results suggested that, in sturgeon kidney unlike in the livers of ascorbic acid-synthesizing mammals, dietary ascorbic acid did not exert a negative feedback control on gulonolactone oxidase activity and thus on ascorbic acid synthesized. Using in vitro kinetics data we estimated a theoretical biosynthetic rate of ascorbic acid of 17 μmol (or 3 mg) per kilogram body weight per day at 15°C in juvenile lake sturgeon.  相似文献   

The Russian sturgeon (Acipenser gueldenstaedtii) is native to the Caspian Sea, the Black Sea and the Azov Sea. It used to breed in the main incoming rivers, until dam construction in the mid 20th century blocked upriver spawning migration. Aquaculture of Russian sturgeon has only recently begun, prompted by their declining populations in natural habitats and the rise in meat and caviar prices. However, information on their gonadal development and puberty under culture conditions is incomplete.

Because sturgeons have no external sexual dimorphism and there are no external markers for sexing, internal examination of the gonads must be employed for gender identification as well as to monitor their development. The present study describes endoscopic and histological observations of the gonads of young Russian sturgeons aimed at identifying gender and monitoring ovarian developmental stage in females up to the age of 6 years, when they enter their first puberty cycle, as well as at 7 years of age, when they have completed vitellogenesis, under culture conditions. This information, as related to fish age and size, is of vital importance to commercial farming of Russian sturgeon for caviar production and reproduction.

For gonadal observations in both sexes, we used an endoscopic system consisting of a 4 mm, 14 cm long cystoscope sheath incorporated with fiber-optic light transmission, connected to a halogen cold light source and a miniature videocamera with a control unit attached to a color monitor. This system allowed us viewing of the fish's abdominal organs, and to save pictures of selected areas of the gonads on a computer as the fish's personal record. Ovarian biopsies were taken in parallel for histology at typical stages of gonadal development.

Gender could be identified with this system as early as at 3 years of age and the sex ratio under culture conditions of females, males and unidentified gender were 55, 40 and 5%, respectively.

Not only did large differences occur in the developmental stages of female of the same age group, but also ovarian development was highly asynchronous at the early vitellogenic stages. In late vitellogenesis, at the “gray egg” stage (1600–2600 μm diameter), the oocytes were quite regular in size and color, and remained so until the final stages of maturity.

Our study suggests that endoscopy is an efficient method for both gender identification at an early age, and for determination of gonadal development stage in sturgeon aquaculture. The ability to see the whole intact gonads of anesthetized fish can reveal important management and research information, with minimal damage or stress to the fish.  相似文献   

The effects of giving oral estradiol-17β (E2) and 17α-methyltestosterone (MT) on gonadal sex differentiation in the F2 hybrid sturgeon, the bester ( Huso huso female ×  Acipenser ruthenus male), are investigated. Giving E2 at 10 μg/g diet to fish from 14 months until 31 months of age induced incomplete feminization and resulted in approximately 40% abnormal ovary development in which oocytes were observed without ovarian lamellar structures and gonadal shape was similar to normal testis. Giving MT at 25 μg/g diet for the same duration failed to induce masculinization, and resulted in approximately 30% undeveloped gonads even at 30–37 months of age. In contrast, E2 and MT at only 1 μg/g diet given from 3 to 18 months of age was sufficient to induce feminization and masculinization, respectively. In these fish, feminization and masculinization were observed at 9 months, when most putative ovaries and testes were histologically distinguishable by the shape of the gonadal surface. These results indicate that sex reversal can be induced in these fish by hormone treatment that is started at 3 months age, before morphological differentiation occurs on the stroma of the gonads.  相似文献   

全人工繁殖西伯利亚鲟的早期胚胎发育   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
宋炜  宋佳坤  范纯新  张涛  王斌 《水产学报》2010,34(5):777-785
西伯利亚鲟是重要的经济鱼类和进化发育研究材料。对全人工繁殖西伯利亚鲟的早期胚胎发育进行了观察和研究,成熟西伯利亚鲟卵呈球形、黑色、不透明、平均卵径为2.9mm;在水温15.5~18.0℃下,受精卵历时133h开始孵出,所需总积温为2173~2369℃·h;根据对西伯利亚鲟胚胎发育外部形态及典型特征的观察与分析,将其胚胎发育过程划分为合子、卵裂、囊胚、原肠胚、神经胚、器官形成和出膜7个阶段,共34个发育时期,并对胚胎发育各期的主要形态特征进行描述。  相似文献   

章龙珍  宋超  庄平  张涛  王斌  黄晓荣 《水产学报》2009,33(5):755-761
对人工养殖西伯利亚鲟(F2)仔鱼的胚后发育形态进行了观察,从仔鱼刚出膜[0日龄,(9.16±0.21) mm]开始一直观察到早期稚鱼阶段[53日龄,(87.12±1.92) mm]。从形态发育来看,西伯利亚鲟仔鱼的胚后发育可以分为2个时期:早期仔鱼,即从刚出膜(0日龄)到初次开口(9日龄)摄食;晚期仔鱼,从开口摄食至器官发育基本完全(37日龄);以后进入早期稚鱼期。早期仔鱼期的形态建成与分化明显地比晚期仔鱼和早期稚鱼快,其中,早期仔鱼的感觉、摄食、呼吸、游泳等器官快速分化;晚期仔鱼,主要表现为各骨板的分化和完善,当仔鱼在形态上完成向成鱼转变时,表示进入了早期稚鱼期。西伯利亚鲟胚后发育的观察结果显示,发育的早期阶段各器官协调并快速发育,感觉、摄食、呼吸、游泳等器官的出现和完善,使仔鱼在短时间内具备了躲避敌害和摄食的能力,其生存能力大大提高。  相似文献   

The possibility of inducing sex reversal in bay snook, Petenia splendida, was evaluated to generate a protocol aimed at producing single‐sex populations (100% males) and improving farming conditions for this species. This popular staple food is a cichlid fish native to Central America, with aquaculture potential. We evaluated oral administration of the synthetic steroid 17α‐methyltestosterone (MT) to determine optimal dosage (30, 45, and 60 mg/kg of food) and days of feeding (30, 45, and 60) to attain efficient masculinization. The statistical analysis indicates a highly significant effect of both factors as well as for the interaction (P < 0.01). We registered significant differences in growth at the end of the experiment; fish fed with 60 mg of MT for 60 d reached the largest size, while fish fed with no MT were smaller. No significant differences were observed for survival (P > 0.05), ranging from 55.7 to 75.3% in the treatments. We recommend the use of 60 mg/kg of MT for 30 d for achieving successful sex reversal. This study provides valuable information supporting the inclusion of new species in aquaculture, reducing time and costs associated with sex reversal previously proposed for the species.  相似文献   

We investigated the feminization of bluegill and black crappie by short periodic immersions in an aqueous estradiol‐17β (E2) solution. Bluegill fry (13.8 mm) were immersed in a 1 mg L?1 E2 solution every 5 days on three occasions over an 11‐day period. In the positive control treatment, the same cohort of fry was fed 200 mg kg?1 E2 diet for 45 days. Two different size (26.1 and 20.1 mm) but the same age (45 days old) black crappie fry were immersed in the same concentration of E2 solution for 5 h a day every 3–5 days on 10 occasions between 45 and 86 days post hatch. Both modes of E2 administration were effective to induce feminization in bluegill. Feeding fry E2 impregnated diet for 45 days yielded 99.3% female populations from a 38.8% female experimental population. Only three short‐time E2 immersions of fry over a much shorter treatment period also produced 76.9% female populations. E2 immersions had no effect on sex ratios of larger black crappie fry and produced variable levels of feminization (60–82% female) in smaller black crappie fry. Results of the present study showed that feminization in both species can be achieved by periodic immersions of fry in a 1 mg L?1 E2 solution with no adverse effects on survival. Yet, further researches on timing and intensity of immersion treatments are still needed for optimization of the procedures.  相似文献   

赵峰  张涛  侯俊利  刘鉴毅  章龙珍  庄平 《水产学报》2013,37(12):1795-1800
为了研究长江口中华鲟幼鱼盐度适应过程及其调节规律,将7月龄幼鱼直接转入0(淡水对照),5,10,15等4个盐度组中养殖32天,分别在0.5,1,2,4,8,16,和32 d 检测幼鱼血液水分、血清渗透压和血清Na 、Cl-、K 的浓度,结果显示:试验过程中,淡水和盐度5组中华鲟幼鱼血液各项指标始终保持一致,未呈现显著性差异。盐度10和15组,中华鲟幼鱼血液水分含量呈先下降后上升趋势,下降程度与盐度呈正相关,16 d时各组幼鱼血液水分无显著性差异。中华鲟幼鱼转入盐度10和15条件下,其血清渗透压与Na 和Cl-浓度的变化趋势一致,表现为先上升后下降,最后达到新的平衡;12 h是其上升和下降的拐点。而血清K 浓度的变化趋势与血清渗透压和Na 、Cl-离子不同,呈现先下降后趋于平稳的趋势。从结果可以看出,中华鲟幼鱼与其他广盐性鱼类一样,其盐度适应过程可分为2个阶段,即临界期和调整期。  相似文献   

Juvenile soft-shelled turtles (Pelodiscus sinensis) were fed diets containing 10 levels (0.8, 3.0, 5.0, 7.8, 9.0, 10.9, 20.4, 41.8, 78.6, 158 mg/kg diet) of copper (Cu) for 16 weeks. Turtles fed 5.0 mg Cu/kg achieved the best growth performance and the highest hematological values among all dietary groups. Growth was reduced significantly when dietary copper exceeded 20 mg/kg. Using the broken-line model with growth and hematological parameters as the dependent variables, the dietary Cu requirement of soft-shelled turtle was estimated to be 4.4–4.8 mg Cu/kg diet. Copper, iron, zinc and selenium concentrations in turtle liver were found to be influenced by dietary Cu level. Thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances in liver tissue of turtles fed diets containing 78.6–158 mg Cu/kg were higher (P < 0.05) than those fed diets containing less copper. Furthermore, diets containing more than 20 mg Cu/kg significantly impaired growth and hematology of soft-shelled turtles, indicating the dietary Cu tolerance above the requirement may be as low as 4 fold (20 vs. 5 mg/kg). Based on the results of this study, a dietary Cu level of 4–5 mg/kg is recommended for soft-shelled turtles.  相似文献   

This study was performed to investigate the effects of 17β‐estradiol (ES) and 17α‐methyltestosterone (MT) on growth, development, survival, sex ratio and colour change in the electric blue hap (Sciaenochromis ahli Trewavas, 1935). The hormones were not supplemented to the control feed, while six other feeds were prepared by adding 20, 40 and 60 mg kg?1 17β‐ES or 20, 40 and 60 mg kg?1 17α‐MT to each, resulting in seven different feed treatments. Average live weight of the fish supplemented with these diets was 0.42 ± 0.04 g. At the end of the study, the highest weight gain was observed in fish fed 60 mg kg?1 17α‐MT group (2.62 ± 0.11 g) and the difference with the groups fed with 17β‐ES was found to be significant. All fish fed 17α‐MT were male, while the rates of feminization in fish fed 17β‐ES at 20, 40, 60 mg kg?1 were 91.11%, 88.88% and 93.33% respectively. Survival rates were respectively determined as 80%, 95.56%, 84.44%, 93.33%, 77.78%, 84.44% and 84.44% for the control, 20, 40, 60 mg kg?1 17β‐ES and 20, 40, 60 mg kg?1 17α‐MT treatments. The best colouration was achieved in the 17α‐MT groups (P < 0.05). The L* values varied between 32.98 ± 4.44 and 61.35 ± 2.19, a* values between ?7.06 ± 0.22 and ?3.42 ± 0.11, and b* values between ?7.74 ± 0.10 and 11.65 ± 0.03, while Chroma (C*) and Hue (H°ab) angle values varied between 7.54 ± 0.22 and 13.60 ± 0.01 and between 119.76 ± 0.05 and 239.73 ± 4.86. In conclusion, the 17α‐MT feeding was found to have a greater effect on the growth, feed conversion ratio, masculunization and pigmentation of the electric blue haps than the 17β‐ES treatment.  相似文献   

Duplicate groups of juvenile coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) were fed daily to satiation one of four “dry” diets. Diets contained either 35 (LP) or 51% (HP) protein and either 12 (LL) or 17% (HL) lipid on a dry matter basis. Additional groups received the same diets supplemented with 1 ppm 17α-methyltestosterone (MT). Most of the eight treatments were administered for 294 days (July to April).Fish fed HP diets grew faster in weight than those fed LP diets. MT supplementation significantly enhanced growth regardless of diet composition. Appetite was greatest in fish fed LP diets; MT supplementation increased appetite in July and August. Protein efficiency ratios (PER) during these months were inversely related to dietary protein and directly related to lipid content. These trends in PER were, in most instances, reversed during September and October, but a distinct trend was not evident in subsequent months. Groups fed MT diets had increased PERs between July and October.Dietary protein content did not affect proximate composition of fish sampled in November; however, high dietary lipid content of MT-free diets was associated with low body moisture, protein and ash and with high lipid content. These effects on body composition were usually reduced when the diets contained MT. In April, body protein content of fish fed non-supplemented diets was directly related and lipid content inversely related to dietary protein-calorie ratio. MT supplementation of the LP-LL diet increased body protein and ash content, number of β cells in the pituitary, and thyroid activity (histological assessment). Lipid deposition in omentum, liver and whole body was decreased.In April, osmoregulatory ability of fish fed LP diets with MT was impaired. However, hormone withdrawal for 14 days restored normal ability.It is concluded that manipulation of dietary protein, lipid and MT content can significantly improve protein utilization and thus offers a means to lower food costs in coho culture.  相似文献   

A feeding experiment was conducted to determine the effects of α‐lipoic acid (LA) on the growth and antioxidative responses of juvenile abalone Haliotis discus hannai Ino. Six purified diets supplemented with 0, 200, 400, 800, 1600 and 3200 mg kg?1 of LA, respectively, were fed to abalone for 16 weeks in a flow‐through water system. The results showed that the weight gain ratio (WGR) increased with the dietary LA levels, and reached the highest value in the group with 800 mg kg?1 dietary LA supplement. Glutathione peroxidase activity in the 800 mg kg?1 dietary LA group was significantly higher than that in the dietary LA‐deficient (0 mg kg?1) group. Superoxide dismutase activities in the 200, 400 and 800 mg kg?1 groups were significantly increased. Supplements of 200, 400 and 800 mg kg?1 dietary LA elevated the total antioxidative capacity significantly. The glutathione level in the hepatopancreas increased significantly with the dietary LA supplements in a dose‐dependent manner (except for the 200 mg kg?1 group). Catalase and malondialdehyde in the hepatopancreas were not significantly affected by dietary LA. In conclusion, dietary LA promoted the growth and stimulated the antioxidative defence capacity of abalone. Based on the data of WGR, the optimal dietary LA supplement for juvenile abalone was found to be 709 mg kg?1 using piece‐wise linear analysis.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was conducted to research the effects of β‐conglycinin in the diets on the growth performance, immunity function, antioxidant capacity and intestinal health of juvenile golden crucian carp (Carassius auratus). Five diets contained respectively (0, 20, 40, 60 and 80 g/kg) β‐conglycinin, and were used to feed juvenile golden crucian carp for 56 days. Final weight, weight gain and specific growth rate were significantly reduced by dietary β‐conglycinin (20–80 g/kg). Feed efficiency and protein efficiency were significantly reduced by dietary β‐conglycinin (40–80 g/kg). In hepatopancreas, the activities of T‐SOD, ACP, ALT and T‐AOC were significantly suppressed by dietary β‐conglycinin (20–80 g/kg). The activities of LZM, AKP, CAT and GPx were significantly reduced by dietary β‐conglycinin (40–80 g/kg). The activities of protease were significantly reduced and the content of MDA was significantly increased by dietary β‐conglycinin (60–80 g/kg). In proximal intestines, the activities of protease and CAT were significantly decreased by dietary β‐conglycinin (40–80 g/kg). In mid and distal intestines, the activities of protease and CAT were significantly inhibited by dietary β‐conglycinin (20–80 g/kg). In intestines, T‐AOC and GPx were significantly declined by dietary β‐conglycinin (20–80 g/kg). In proximal and mid intestines, the content of MDA were significantly increased by dietary β‐conglycinin (40–80 g/kg). In distal intestines, the content of MDA was significantly increased by dietary β‐conglycinin (20–80 g/kg). The expression of IGF‐I was significantly decreased and the expression of IL‐1β and TNF‐α was significantly increased by dietary β‐conglycinin (20–80 g/kg). The structural integrity of intestinal tissues were damaged by dietary β‐conglycinin (20–80 g/kg), the part of intestinal villus were shed, the part of epithelial cells were separated from lamina propria. Ultimately, these results suggested dietary β‐conglycinin should be <20 g/kg in formula feed of golden crucian carp.  相似文献   

庄平  宋超  章龙珍  冯琳 《水产学报》2009,33(3):496-502
分析了中华鲟幼鱼4种饵料(3种饵料生物:斑尾刺虾虎鱼、安氏白虾、河蚬和1种人工饲料)及2组中华鲟幼鱼(野生和人工养殖)肌肉的一般营养成分、氨基酸和脂肪酸组成.通过计算4种饵料分别相对2组中华鲟幼鱼肌肉的必需氨基酸比率比值(a/A)和必需氨基酸指数(EAAI),评价4种饵料的蛋白质营养价值;通过分析4种饵料和2组中华鲟幼鱼的脂肪酸组成和含量,评价4种饵料的脂肪酸营养价值.结果表明:斑尾刺虾虎鱼、安氏白虾、河蚬、人工饲料、野生和人工养殖中华鲟幼鱼肌肉的粗蛋白含量分别为80.57%、67.84%、51.88%、54.20%、91.83%、83.40%.以野生中华鲟幼鱼蛋白为参比,斑尾刺虾虎鱼、安氏白虾、河蚬、人工饲料的EAAl分别为0.938、0.913、0.918、0.956;以人工养殖中华鲟幼鱼肌肉蛋白为参比,EAAI分别为0.940、0.913、0.915、0.953,说明4种饵料相对2组中华鲟幼鱼而言均是优质蛋白源,基本能满足中华鲟幼鱼的蛋白需求.通过比较4种饵料的脂肪酸组成和含量发现,中华鲟幼鱼3种饵料生物中含n-3 puFA较多,能为中华鲟幼鱼的入海洄游提供丰富的n-3puFA营养,而人工饲料中含n-3 puFA较少,不能满足用于放流的人工养殖中华鲟幼鱼对n-3 puFA的营养需求.综合来看,不同饵料的营养成分不同,天然饵料生物的粗蛋白、氨基酸和重要脂肪酸的含量较多,故在研制和开发中华鲟幼鱼的饵料时,应根据其天然饵料生物的营养组成情况,适当地添加其所需的氨基酸和脂肪酸来满足其生长、存活和洄游的营养需求.  相似文献   

The tambaqui Colossoma macropomum is the most important native fish in Brazilian aquaculture. Females are almost 20% heavier than males and therefore are more profitable. Based on this information, we tested four different concentrations (20, 40, 80, and 120 mg/kg diet) of oestradiol (E2) offered during 6 weeks to tambaqui larvae and analysed their efficiency in producing female monosex batches of the species. The study was performed in two independent tests, using different genetic backgrounds (broodstocks). All treatments increased the percentage of females in the population, but only the highest E2 dose was “free” of males in both tests. All treated groups contained intersex individuals (when sex inversion is not complete). Plasmatic E2 concentration was similar between treated and non‐treated fish 60 days after the treatment in fish treated with 20, 40, and 80 mg E2/kg diet. However, tambaqui treated with a 120 mg E2/kg diet showed lower E2 plasma concentration in comparison with the control group. Last, we chlorinated the water to ensure the environmental integrity of the study. Three days after chlorination, the water was completely free of any oestradiol residue (analysed by high‐performance liquid chromatography).  相似文献   

The stable production of high‐quality fry in marine aquaculture is still hampered by unpredictable mortality caused by infectious diseases during larval rearing. Consequently, the development of new biocontrol agents is crucial for a viable aquaculture industry. The bacterial energy storage compound poly‐β‐hydroxybutyrate (PHB) has been shown to exhibit beneficial properties on aquatic organisms such as enhanced survival, growth, disease resistance and a controlling effect on the gastrointestinal microbiota. However, the effect of PHB on the developing immune system of fish larvae has so far not been investigated. In this study, the effect of feeding PHB‐enriched Artemia nauplii on survival, growth and immune response in European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) postlarvae was examined. Amorphous PHB was administered to 28‐day‐old sea bass postlarvae over a period of 10 days. The survival and growth performance were monitored, and the expression of 29 genes involved in immunity, growth, metabolism and stress‐response was measured. While the expression of the insulin‐like growth factor 1 (igf1), an indicator of relative growth, was upregulated in response to feeding PHB, the larval survival and growth performance remained unaffected. After 10 days of PHB treatment, the expression of the antimicrobial peptides dicentracin (dic) and hepcidin (hep) as well as mhc class IIa and mhc class IIb was elevated in the PHB fed postlarvae. This indicates that PHB is capable of stimulating the immune system of fish early life stages, which may be the cause of the increased resistance to diseases and robustness observed in previous studies.  相似文献   

Commercial tilapia production is dependent on monosex culture, commonly obtained through the inclusion of an androgen in the diet for a brief period soon after hatch. To determine a minimum effective dose and identify the problems associated with over‐dosing, Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus fry were fed diets containing methyltestosterone (MT) at rates up to 1200 mg kg?1 of diet for 28 days. The minimum effective dose for ≥95% males was 14 mg MT kg?1 diet. Percent phenotypic males increased as the rate increased from 3.75 (80%) to 30 mg kg?1 MT (99%). Methyltestosterone given at rates of 120 mg kg?1 or more reduced efficacy but did not result in a reduced frequency of males relative to that of non‐treated fish. The term ‘paradoxical feminization’ does not adequately describe the observed sex ratios, where no fish were feminized but the efficacy of MT at high doses to masculinize females was reduced. At 1200 mg MT kg?1, the frequency of females (48 ± 1%) was not different from that in the non‐treated population. The mechanism for the reduced efficacy is not clear and is not adequately explained as an aromatization of androgen to oestrogen response.  相似文献   

研究了饲料中不同水平n-3 HUFA(0.79%,0.83%,0.85%,0.88%,0.92%,0.94%;DHA/EPA=2.8/1)对黑鲷幼鱼生长及脂肪代谢的影响。结果显示:(1)黑鲷幼鱼肝体指数(HSI)及腹脂率(IPF ratio)随饲料中n-3 HUFA含量的增加而减小,且于0.92%和0.94%组时显著低于其他各组;脂肪细胞直径呈减小趋势,其中0.94%组显著小于0.85%组;肌肉脂肪含量受n-3 HUFA的影响显著,于0.88%组时达到最低。各组全鱼水份和脂肪含量差异不显著(P>0.05)。肝脏、肌肉及腹腔脂肪组织饱和脂肪酸(∑SFA)和C16∶0含量均随饲料n-3 HUFA水平增加呈下降趋势,而∑n-3 HUFA呈显著上升趋势。各组织中DHA/EPA不受饲料脂肪酸组成的影响。以增重率为参考指标,二次回归分析结果表明,黑鲷幼鱼[(8.08±0.09) g]获得最佳增重时对饲料中n-3 HUFA的需要量为0.87% DM;(2)黑鲷幼鱼肝脏脂肪酸合成酶(FAS)活性及基因表达水平均在n-3 HUFA>0.92%时有显著下降(P<0.05);腹腔脂肪激素敏感脂肪酶(HSL)活性及基因表达水平均随饲料中n-3 HUFA的添加呈升高趋势(P<0.05),且高含量n-3 HUFA(0.94%)可使HSL活性增加近一倍。结果表明,饲料中n-3 HUFA通过同步调控脂肪合成与分解两个过程影响黑鲷幼鱼脂肪代谢。  相似文献   

This study aimed to test the efficacy of 17 α‐methyl testosterone (17 α‐MT) alone and in combination with letrozole, an aromatase inhibitor, for the induction of sex reversal in protogynous greasy grouper, Epinephelus tauvina. Further, the long‐lasting effects of these treatments and spawning performance of sex‐reversed males were also investigated. Greasy grouper with oocytes in the perinucleolus stage were implanted with 5 mg 17 α‐MT kg?1 body weight (T1), 5 mg 17 α‐MT and 0.2 mg letrozole kg?1 body weight (T2) and 5 mg 17 α‐MT with 0.4 mg letrozole kg?1 body weight (T3) and no androgens/enzyme inhibitor implanted (C). The 17 α‐MT alone and in combination of letrozole‐induced sex reversal in greasy grouper, whereas untreated control fish (C) showed normal ovarian development. However, T2 and T3 group showed 100% sex reversal and completion of spermatogenesis up to functional male phase in 2 and 3 months, respectively, whereas T1 group resulted in only 66.67% functional male with motile spermatozoa after 4 months. Sex‐reversed males successfully fertilized the eggs during induced spawning. There were significant differences on fertilization and hatching rates between T2 group (79.00 ± 4.36%; 77.67 ± 2.87%, respectively) and T1 group (57.67 ± 3.17%; 63.87 ± 2.91%, respectively). The result suggested that 17 α‐MT (5.0 mg kg?1 BW) in combination with letrozole (0.2 mg kg?1 BW) has the potential to produce 100% sex‐reversed male in short period in greasy grouper, which might greatly help in seed production of greasy grouper.  相似文献   

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