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综述了国内茄子土传病害发生情况和嫁接技术在茄子上的应用情况,并对嫁接研究工作进行了展望.  相似文献   

嫁接茄子首先能增强抗病虫害的能力;其次解决了茄子连作障碍的难题,能改良茄子商品性状,促进茄子生长、使农户增产增收。近几年丰城市嫁接茄子得到大面积推广,但在茄子嫁接育苗中,不少农户反映茄子嫁接苗成活率不高。本文主要介绍在生产过程中应该注意的几个问题。  相似文献   

<正>茄子嫁接育苗技术是采用野生茄科植物作为茄子嫁接的砧木,将茄苗嫁接在砧木上的一项技术。茄子(特别是连作茄子),经常受到土传病害的危害,造成产量降低和品质下降。嫁接后的茄子不仅可以有效  相似文献   

以茄子为试材,研究了采用嫁接技术和秸秆反应堆技术对茄子生长、产量和品质的影响。结果表明:采用嫁接技术和秸秆反应堆技术均可促进茄子生长,增加产量,以嫁接技术表现更优,秸秆反应堆技术可以改善茄子品质;其中以采用嫁接技术和秸秆反应堆结合处理的T1表现最优,比对照产量增加了34.31%,此外,T1处理可以提高茄子的营养品质,并且可以促进茄子营养生长。  相似文献   

利用观赏茄子的一个分枝作砧木,观赏番茄作接穗;观赏番茄的一个侧枝作砧木,观赏茄子作接穗进行观赏番茄观赏茄子双向嫁接研究.试验结果表明,观赏番茄作接穗时嫁接成活率明显高于观赏茄子作接穗时的嫁接成活率,能否嫁接成活与嫁接时的砧木、接穗的茎粗有一定的关系,本试验中观赏番茄、观赏茄子茎粗在0.5 cm时嫁接成活率最高.  相似文献   

利用观赏茄子的一个分枝作砧木,观赏番茄作接穗;观赏番茄的一个侧枝作砧木,观赏茄子作接穗进行观赏番茄观赏茄子双向嫁接研究。试验结果表明,观赏番茄作接穗时嫁接成活率明显高于观赏茄子作接穗时的嫁接成活率,能否嫁接成活与嫁接时的砧木、接穗的茎粗有一定的关系,本试验中观赏番茄、观赏茄子茎粗在0.5 cm时嫁接成活率最高。  相似文献   

茄子嫁接育苗技木   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
茄子嫁接技术是采用野生茄科植物作为茄子嫁接砧木,将茄苗嫁接在砧木上的一项技术。茄子(特别是连作茄子)栽培经常受到土传病害的危害,造成产量降低和品质下降。嫁接后的茄子不仅可有效防止土传病害(主要是黄萎病、立枯病、青枯病、根结丝线虫病)的侵害,而且产量特别高,是普通茄子的2~4倍。在设施栽培条件下,有的地方甚至创造了667m^2生产茄子10000kg的超高产量。  相似文献   

以"托鲁巴姆"为茄子砧木,以"沈茄一号"为接穗,采用双断根套管方式进行嫁接,研究了双断根嫁接方法对茄子幼苗生长的影响。结果表明:在茄子双断根嫁接法和常规砧木不断根嫁接在茄子嫁接苗的嫁接成活率、株高、茎粗、节间长及壮苗指数均差异不显著;但茄子双断根嫁接法促进了茄子嫁接苗的根系发育,提高了壮苗指数,而且茄子砧木根系再生初期根系活力最高,随着时间的增加有降低趋势。  相似文献   

茄子嫁接栽培技术是采用野生茄子作为嫁接的砧木,将栽培品种的茄苗嫁接在砧木上的一项技术。嫁接后的茄子根系发达,茎叶粗壮,植株高达2米以上,每株茄子能结30多个,单产可达1~1.5万千克,因  相似文献   

以‘托鲁巴姆’茄子为砧木,‘龙园棚茄一号’为接穗,研究嫁接技术对连作棚室茄子根际土壤酶的影响。结果表明:不同连作年限嫁接和未嫁接茄子土壤中的过氧化物酶、过氧化氢酶、多酚氧化酶、蛋白酶含量逐年减少;未嫁接茄子各年之间变化大,其中过氧化物酶可降低93%、过氧化氢酶可降低727%、多酚氧化酶可降低452%、蛋白酶可降低88%,嫁接茄子各年变化幅度较小;随着连作年限增加,嫁接茄子和未嫁接茄子之间差异逐渐加大,过氧化氢酶增加636%、多酚氧化酶增加261%。  相似文献   

不同育苗因子对西瓜工厂化嫁接育苗的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过种子处理、生长调节剂、基质配比、育苗方式、嫁接方式等试验,研究了不同育苗因子对西瓜工厂化嫁接育苗质量和成苗率的影响。结果表明,40%甲醛150倍和10%磷酸三钠浸种不影响种子发芽率;55℃温水浸种提高种子发芽率;多效唑、烯效唑处理种子有利嫁接和培育矮壮苗;多效唑效果优于烯效唑,多效唑100 mg·kg-1优于15 mg·kg-1;砧木种子破壳发芽快、整齐、发芽率高;"金色3号"商品基质、(菇渣︰红壤土︰腐熟鸡粪)与"金色3号"1︰1配比基质增强幼苗素质;穴盘苗缓苗快;顶插接工效高、育苗周期短,成苗率高。  相似文献   

带菌嫁接工具对西瓜嫁接苗BFB发生的影响及防治方法   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
细菌性果斑病(BFB)是西瓜上的毁灭性病害,西瓜嫁接苗集约化生产过程中容易感染该病害 ,研究嫁接过程中 BFB 的侵染途径及防治方法对于西瓜健康种苗生产具有重要意义。本研究通过人工模拟接种西瓜细菌性果斑病菌 pslbtw20,分析了用带菌竹签嫁接对西瓜嫁接苗 BFB 发生的影响,同时研究了不同消毒技术的效果。结果表明,高浓度菌源污染的竹签嫁接能够导致嫁接苗 BFB 的发生,嫁接前采用 40% 甲醛 50 倍液和 75% 酒精浸泡带菌嫁接用具 15 min,防效可达到 100%。  相似文献   


The feasibility and anatomical development of an in vitro olive cleft-graft method were studied. Grafting survival after 60.d in vitro was 85% which then dropped slightly to 67% after hardening. Three days after grafting, callus formation was observed along the cut surfaces of the rootstock and scion, after 6.d the first healing cellular unions were observed, and by 12.d after grafting a strong union developed. The first cellular differentiation to form vascular tissues was observed 12.d after grafting and continued rapidly until a total connection was reached 10.d later. Thus a complete graft union of the in vitro olive cleft-grafts was achieved in three weeks, and vigorous plants were established after 60.d of in vitro culture followed by 10.d of hardening. The in vitro olive cleft graft is suggested as an effective and useful method for germplasm multiplication.  相似文献   

靠接红桔、酸桔和枸头橙砧,矫治枳砧甜橙缺铁黄化有明显效果。其中,以枸头橙效果最好,以下依次为酸桔和红桔,靠接砧苗后树势逐年恢复,产量成倍增加,靠接红桔、酸桔和枸头橙分别比对照增产3.3、1.4和1.5倍;对提高果实含糖量、果汁率和降低含酸量亦有良好效果。  相似文献   

嫁接广泛应用于蔬菜作物的生产实践中,可显著提高蔬菜作物抗逆性,提高蔬菜作物产量、改善品质。本文综述了近年来嫁接在提高蔬菜作物抗病性、耐盐性、耐寒性、耐热性、耐旱性、耐弱光、抗涝性和耐重金属胁迫方面的研究进展,重点阐述了嫁接提高蔬菜作物抗病性、耐盐性和耐寒性的生理及分子生物学机制,可为嫁接在蔬菜作物上的有效应用和抗逆栽培研究提供理论依据。  相似文献   


Soil solarization and grafting onto a resistant tomato rootstock (‘Brigeor F1‘), and the integrated use of both methods were evaluated in four field trials carried out in Cyprus, for management of soil-borne pathogens and pests of eggplant. Soil solarization was highly effective against Verticillium wilt (V. dahliae) but only partially effective against corky root rot (Pyrenochaeta lycopersici) and root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.); it also controlled adequately most annual weeds. By contrast, grafting provided complete protection from corky root rot and root-knot, but only partial protection from Verticillium wilt. Complete resistance to nematodes, however, occurred only in trials with greenhouse-grown (winter) crops. In open-field (summer) crops, about 50% of the grafted plants sustained slight nematode infection, apparently because of breakdown of resistance at high soil temperatures. Solarization, or grafting gave significant yield increases over that of the untreated check. However, a combination of both was much more effective than either alone. Together, they provided complete protection from all three diseases. Most importantly, they had an additive effect on yield, resulting in a significant increase over that obtained by either method alone. The average yield (kg plant-1) obtained in two greenhouse trials was 9002E5 for the control, 16.1 for grafting alone, 14.1 for solarization alone and 20.2 for the combination of the two methods. The integrated use of solarization and grafting appears to be a sustainable alternative to methyl bromide fumigation.  相似文献   

Tea oil camellia (Camellia oleifera) is a perennial evergreen shrub or small tree with multiple uses. Its seed oil contains rich bioactive compounds with powerful nutritional and medicinal values. To improve low seed yield in natural forests of this species, the new grafting technique of high-grafting and change-crown is being widely used. This usually has three grafting methods, inlay graft by separating bark (IGSB), bark xylem graft by cutting stock (BXGCS), and cleft graft (CG). In this research, we (1) investigated growth, development, fruit yield, and traits of trees after high-grafting and (2) tested effects of grafting methods (IGSB, BXGCS, and CG) and times (spring, summer, and autumn) on survival rates. Results indicated that sprouted scions flowered and set fruit in the third year after high-grafting, and grafted trees produced higher oil yields in the fourth year. Both grafting methods and times significantly influence grafting survival rates. The optimal grafting method for this species is BXGCS, resulting in a 77.4% survival rate in the summer. These results not only demonstrate that this new grafting technique is advantageous to improve low-yield trees, but also that grafting method and time affected survival rate, contributing to enhanced productivity.  相似文献   

嫁接对瓜菜生理影响的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
从砧木的筛选、嫁接方法及嫁接后管理等方面介绍了瓜菜(西瓜、甜瓜及黄瓜等)嫁接技术研究进展,综述了嫁接对瓜菜成活、光合、抗痛、抗逆及品质生理等的影响,同时指出了嫁接技术的应用前景与存在的问题.  相似文献   

欧李嫁接成活率的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以欧李为材料,研究了不同时期,采用不同嫁接方法嫁接欧李的成活率。结果表明:欧李嫁接所用砧木以毛樱桃、毛桃成活率较高,山桃次之,山杏最低。在同一砧木上,嵌芽接、腹接、劈接的成活率依次降低。每种嫁接方法都有其最佳嫁接时期,在昌黎地区,嵌芽接在3月20~25日成活率最高;腹接和劈接在3月25~30日成活率最高;T形芽接在6月20~25日成活率最高。  相似文献   

刘科宏  周彦  李中安 《园艺学报》2016,43(9):1665-1674
柑橘茎尖嫁接技术是脱除其病毒和类病毒获得无病毒植株最常用且最有效的技术。围绕茎尖嫁接技术成活率和脱毒率的研究进行了阐述,以期为柑橘无病毒苗木的生产提供参考。  相似文献   

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