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Modeling studies on sulfur deposition and transport in East Asia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A three dimensional regional Eulerian model of sulfur deposition and tranport has been developed. It includes emission, transport, diffusion, gas-phase and aqeous-phase chemical process, dry depostion, rainout and washout process. A looking up table method is provided to deal with the gas-phase chemical process including sulfur transfer. Calculated values have reasonable agreement with observations. Distribution of sulfur deposition and transport in East Asia are also analyzed in the paper. Simulation shows that sulfate (SO 4 2– ) is the main substance to transport in long range transport. Some amount of sulfur emission of different countries transport across boundaries, but the main origin of sulfur deposition in each country in East Asia is from herself. Furthermore, some transport paths on different layers and outlet or inlet zones are found.  相似文献   

A long-range transport model for East Asia was developed to estimate the wet deposition of sulfate. The model is a trajectory type which is appropriate for long-term analysis. Trajectories of air masses are calculated by tracing the wind field which changes spatially and temporally. The processes of reactions, rainout removal, intake of sulfate in cloud water into rain water, and dry and wet depositions are considered. It is possible to calculate the concentration of sulfate in precipitation at a receptor by performing material balance in a grid box containing the receptor.The results obtained by the long-range transport model were evaluated through comparison with observation data of acidic deposition. The observation was conducted at 21 stations throughout Japan for one year. The calculated amount of wet deposition of sulfate in Japan was 0.22Tg/y in S equivalent, while the observed amount was 0.29Tg/y. The long-range transport model can predict almost 80% of observed wet deposition. The contributions of domestic anthropogenic sources and volcanic eruption to wet deposition of sulfate in Japan were estimated using the longrange transport model. The ratio of the deposition of sulfate due to Japanese anthropogenic sources to that due to the Asian continental sources was about 1 to 2. Since air stream from the direction of the Asian continent dominates during winter, the contribution of Japan to wet deposition in the region which faces the Sea of Japan amounted to less than 15%. The contribution of the sulfur oxides from volcanoes was about 20%.  相似文献   

中国华东地区农田大气硫沉降   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Atmospheric sulfur deposition onto typical farmland in East China was investigated using both field measurements and numerical modeling. The field measurements were conducted at the Experiment Station of Red Soil Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 10 km from Yingtan, Jiangxi Province, East China, between November 1998 and October 1999, and at the Changshu Ecological Experiment Station, Chinese Academy of Sciences, in a rapidly developing region of Jiangsu Province, East China, between April 2001 and March 2002. The regional acid deposition model system (RegADMS), in which the dry deposition velocities of SO2 and sulfate aerosols (SO4^2-) were estimated using a big-leaf resistance analogy model, was applied to simulate air sulfur deposition over East China and sulfur deposition onto lands of different use types in East China. The wet scavenging coefficients were parameterized in terms of precipitation rate, and the effect of sub-grid processes due to inhomogeneous land use on dry deposition velocity was also included. Results of the field measurements showed that over 83% of the total sulfur deposition at the Yingtan site was dry deposition, while at the Changshu site 42% was dry deposition. The total sulfur deposition was much larger at the Yingtan site than at the Changshu site, which suggested contrasting air pollution and meteorological situations. The modeling results revealed that the total annual sulfur deposition over East China was 1.88 Mt, of which 72.8% was deposited onto farmland, and dry deposition accounted for 43% of the total sulfur deposited. The modeling results were generally in agreement with those from the observations.Overall, this study suggested that atmospheric sulfur deposition played an important role in the soil sulfur balance, which could have a significant effect on agricultural ecosystems in the study region.  相似文献   

Simultaneous soil acidification and deposition of heavy metals is a major concern for forest and agricultural soils of the Black Triangle region of East Central Europe including southern former East Germany, northern Bohemia of the Czech Republic, and southern Poland. The objective of this project was to develop historical and future projections of acid and heavy metal deposition to soils (As, Cd, Pb, Zn) and to produce a preliminary map of soil sensitivity to cadmium pollution and uptake by crops. Ultimately, we wish to assess the relative hazard and recovery times of soils to metals deposition in the region. Emission and deposition data bases obtained from several models developed at IIASA were linked using the Geographical Information System ARC/INFO to produce soil maps of sensitivity to cadmium mobility based on metals deposition, soil type, soil texture, organic matter content, and acid deposition. RAINS 6.1 (Alcamo et al., 1990) was utilized to produce maps of acid deposition for EMEP grids (150 km x 150 km). The largest amount of acid load is deposited in southern East Germany. Sulfur deposition in that area was 10–12 gS/m2/yr in 1990, and S+N deposition exceeded 8000 eq/ha/yr. But the hot spot for metals deposition is further to the east, in the Silesia area of southern Poland. The TRACE2 trajectory model of Alcamo, Bartnicki, and Olendrzynski (1992) was used to estimate cumulative metals deposition since 1955 with scenarios to 2010. Pb has improved over Europe since 1970 when depositions in the Ruhr River Valley of West Germany exceeded 60 mg/m2/yr. But cadmium deposition in southern Poland (Katowice and Krakow) has now accumulated to 60–70 mg/m2 by atmospheric deposition alone. During base case simulations from 1955–87, approximately 1.8 mg/kg Pb and 0.12 mg/kg Cd have been added to the mixed plow-layer of 30 cm. If these emissions continue indefinitely, the accumulation of metals will become problematic for agriculture and the food chain.  相似文献   

东亚和邻近地区受盐影响土壤的性质及盐化危险   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Asia is the largest distribution area of salt-affected soils in the world,Very few countries in Asia could escape from hazard of salinization.This paper deals with various salt-affected soils spreading in East Asia and its neighboring regions (including China,Japan,Kampuchea,Democratic Peolpe‘s Republic of Kores,Republic of Korea,Laos,Mongolia,Burma,Thailand and Vietnam),Principles of occurrence of salinization,and features of salt-affected soils in these regions have been studied in the present paper,Based on studies on types,features and distribution patterns of salt-affected soils.a salt-affected soil map of East Asia and its neighboring regions has been complied.Mechanism and manifestation of the salinization hazard on the regional agriculture and ecological environment,measures of preventing salinization hazard and exploiting salt-affected soils in these regions are also discussed.  相似文献   

Monitoring is important and necessary for any scientific study and optimal monitoring makes the project cost-effective. There are many approaches and constraints on the basis of which a network could be optimized. Geostatistical estimation variance reduction is one of the unbiased ways of optimizing a network with a desired degree of accuracy. A monitoring network in Colarado (USA) for measuring air temperature had 21 measuring locations fairly but randomly distributed in the area. The temperature data received from these stations were analysed geostatistically to infer the spatial variability of the parameter. Then a threshold on the maximum S.D. of the estimation error was arbitrarily fixed, by comparing with the S.D. of the data to maintain the order of magnitude. Using the advantage that calculation of the geostatistical estimation error is independent of the measured values, the variance of the estimation error on a uniform grid was calculated to compare with the threshold. A number of additional measurement points were incorporated, a couple of them were removed and some points were also shifted. Thus, an optimal monitoring network evolved. The result shows that with a slight increase in the measurement cost, the accuracy of estimation from the optimized network can be increased considerably.  相似文献   

It is fundamental that the general public have access to usable environmental information on which they can base their decisions. Since 1984 the Atmospheric Research and Information Centre (ARIC) has operated a public information programme for the UK on the subject of acid deposition. The objective of the programme is to disseminate information on acid deposition without advocacy. ARIC provides enquirers with a broad range of authoritative and accurate facts and opinions from a wide range of parties from all sides of the debate. These sources include pressure groups, governmental bodies and industrialists from the UK and overseas. By deconstructing complex technical material and reassembling it for dissemination in a user friendly form, ARIC assists those receiving information to obtain a balanced perspective. This enables personal decision making within the context of the fullest information resource ARIC is able to provide.  相似文献   

为解决集约化水产养殖过程水体氨氮浓度无法实时检测的问题,提出基于Bagging集成随机配置网络(stochastic configuration network,SCN)的建模方法,利用养殖过程采集的相关水质参数对养殖水体氨氮浓度进行软测量。该方法首先采用Bootstrap方式生成多个不同的训练子集,然后并行训练多个SCN模型,最后将各个SCN模型的输出结果取均值作为Bagging-SCN模型的输出。为验证方法的有效性,分别通过UCI标准数据库中的机翼自噪声数据集和集约化海水养殖过程数据集进行了仿真试验,将该研究提出的Bagging-SCN模型与单一SCN模型、以及目前应用最广泛的随机权向量函数连接网络(random vector functional-link net,RVFL)模型、Bagging-RVFL模型的测量效果进行了比较。试验结果表明:该文所提模型对机翼自噪声数据集中缩放声压级测量的均方根误差、平均绝对百分比误差和最大绝对误差分别为4.225 dB、2.599%和17.500 dB;在对集约化海水养殖过程中水体氨氮浓度测量的均方根误差、平均绝对百分比误差和最大绝对误差分别为0.0628 mg/L、27.851 mg/L和0.189 mg/L均优于其他测量模型;进一步说明该模型具有较高的测量精度和稳定性,更适合应用于集约化水产养殖水质监测过程。  相似文献   

Abstract. The Skokloster and Stockholm Environmental Institute (SEI) approaches were applied to the assessment of 145 soils of the South African highveld region in terms of sensitivity to acid deposition. The critical load class calculated by variants of these methods was compared with the acid neutralizing capacity (ANC) determined by pH measurement of soil suspended in a dilute acetate buffer solution. This rapid index of ANC correlates well both with ANC determined by an established but more laborious method which involves titration and equilibration of soil with HCl, and with a number of soil properties related to base status. The correlation between Skokloster or SEI critical load classes and ANC was weak. It was concluded that ANC determination would be a preferable basis for classifying these soils in terms of their sensitivity to acid deposition, since the method is direct and integrates the contribution of various soil properties to acid sensitivity instead of requiring the relative contribution to be calculated according to somewhat arbitrary weightings given to broadly defined classes of soil properties.  相似文献   

Since precipitation is an efficient scavenger of pollutants, concentrations of major ions in precipitation reflect changes in chemistry of the atmosphere and in the subsequent exposure of various ecosystems to deposition. The National Atmospheric Precipitation Chemistry programme was initiated in 1978 and operated by Meteorological and Hydrological Service of Croatia to provide needed information on geographical patterns and temporal trends in precipitation chemistry in Croatia. To accomplish this, a network of about 20 stations, settled in different geographical regions, operates on a daily basis for 15 years now. Some monitoring stations are site- and study- specific; others are included in long-term, regional, or European monitoring networks (EMEP, GAW, MEDPOL, GEMS). The purpose of this work was to summarise existing data from the whole network for the period 1981–1992 and to compare data from measurements with EMEP model calculations of acid deposition. Results presented here show that annual average concentration and deposition values at remote sites agree reasonably well compared to modelled ones.  相似文献   

水土热资源匹配度分区研究对于区域农业规划具有重要意义。中亚地区长期以来缺乏合理的水土热资源管理,已引发了一系列资源环境问题,严重威胁该地区农业生产。目前的研究也较少关注中亚水土热资源匹配分区模式。本研究利用遥感数据,通过量化4种主要生态系统服务(植被固碳、土壤保持、水源供给与涵养及生物多样性保护)的时空分布特征,结合PSO-SOFM(particleswarm optimization,PSO;self-organizing featuremap,SOFM)神经网络模型实现中亚水土热资源匹配度分区,并利用Spearman秩相关分析探索不同匹配度分区与生态环境因子的关系,应用偏相关分析确定气温和降水量对中亚地区生态系统服务的影响。结果表明,中亚生态系统服务总体呈东南高、西北低的空间格局,沿山地—绿洲—荒漠方向递减。在2000—2015年间,各类生态系统服务均有不同程度变化,其中植被固碳和土壤保持呈显著下降的面积占整个中亚的84.81%和84.82%;水源供给与涵养以及生物多样性保护服务呈显著下降的面积较少,占比分别为69.48%和19.8%,且这两种生态系统服务在个别地区有增加趋势。PSO-SOFM神经网络模型在中亚水土热资源匹配度分区中表现良好,根据生态系统服务值空间模式,中亚水土热资源匹配度可被划为5大类21个子类分区。在空间尺度,各类匹配度分区之间生态系统服务值有显著差异,降水是影响生态系统服务和匹配度高低的重要限制因子,而气温和土壤因素影响较弱;在时间尺度,降水和各生态系统服务值间呈显著正相关关系的范围更广,而气温对生态系统服务值有显著影响的区域主要集中在哈萨克斯坦北部草地—半荒漠生态敏感区、中亚荒漠生态脆弱区、中亚中部半荒漠生态敏感区以及巴特赫兹—卡拉比尔半荒漠生态敏感区等地。而在其他区域,气温和降水量并非决定生态系统服务值高低的主要因素,生态系统服务值的变化可能与土地开发利用模式有关。结合不同匹配度分区的生态地理条件,本研究可为中亚地区水土资源开发利用、农牧业发展以及生态环境保护提供有用信息。  相似文献   

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