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为探讨犬髋关节发育不良(CHD)的诊疗方法,针对一例20周龄萨摩耶犬进行病史调查、体格检查、影像学检查和实验室检查,诊断结果该犬患有CHD.利用耻骨联合灼烧术(JPS)治疗疾病,术后护理并观察犬只的恢复情况,评估治疗效果.结果 表明:该犬术后运动能力显著提高,髋关节活动无痛感,预后良好.说明JPS可作为一种手术方法用于...  相似文献   

犬髋关节发育异常是一种常发于4~10月龄大型品种幼犬,由遗传和其它因素所致的复合性进行性疾病。典型临床特征为疼痛,跛行,主要病理变化为髋臼变浅,股骨头变形,髋关节不同程度的松弛,不完全脱位或全脱位,甚至发展为严重的退行性关节炎。从首次发现本病至今,对本病的遗传特点、诊断方法标准和各种治疗手段都有大量的研究。作者综述了犬髋关节发育异常的发病因素,常用的诊断和防控措施,从而为全面认识本病,并进行深入研究提供参考。  相似文献   

Objective— To compare the intra‐ and interobserver variability occurring when observers with differing experience levels measure tibial plateau angles (TPAs) with a novel digital radiographic projection program (tibial plateau leveling osteotomy [TPLO] planning program), the Kodak Picture Archiving and Communications System (PACS), and standard sized printed films (SF). Study Design— Cross‐sectional study. Sample Population— Dogs (n=36) with cranial cruciate ligament (CCL) rupture that had a TPLO. Methods— Six observers, divided into 3 equal groups based on experience level, measured TPA on 36 digitally captured radiographic images of tibiae of dogs clinically affected with CCL rupture. Each observer used 3 methods of measuring TPA and repeated the measurements 3 times with each method. The intra‐ and interobserver variability was compared using the coefficient of variation. Results— Averaged over all replications and images, there was no significant difference (P>.05) in the average variability occurring with each method for all but 1 observer. There was no effect of experience level on measurement variability; however, interobserver variability was significantly less with measurements made with the PACS and TPLO planning program compared with measurements made from SF (P<.05). Conclusions— Repeated measurements of TPA made using digital images and computer‐based measurement programs were significantly less variable between observers than those made from images printed on standard radiographic films. Clinical Relevance— Digital radiography and computer‐based measurement programs are effective for determining the TPA, allowing less variability in measurements compared with SF. The ability to manipulate the image may allow better identification of anatomic landmarks.  相似文献   

Thirty uncemented porous-coated anatomic total hip prostheses in 24 dogs were evaluated radiographically at 6 months, 12 months, or 18 months after arthroplasty. All dogs were fully weight bearing and free of lameness at the time of follow-up. Radiographs were assessed for prosthetic component alignment, percentage of femoral canal fill, resorptive and formative bony changes, and changes at the implant bone interface. No evidence of infection, loosening, or failure of component fixation was seen. Settling of the acetabular component and subsidence of the femoral stem was seen early after surgery. Cortical atrophy was seen in all femurs and was the most significant bony remodeling change. Early results of clinical and radiographic evaluation of uncemented total hip arthroplasty in dogs have been encouraging.  相似文献   

Triple pelvic osteotomy was performed in 15 dogs with bilateral hip dysplasia. Ten dogs were treated bilaterally and five dogs were treated unilaterally. Ten untreated dogs with normal hips served as controls. Force plate analysis, lameness evaluation, and radiography were performed before surgery and at weeks 5, 10, 15, and 28. Three dogs treated unilaterally were euthanatized and the hips were examined grossly and microscopically. Force plate data indicated that young dysplastic dogs transmitted significantly less vertical force through the hip joints than normal dogs. The force transmitted through treated hips reached or approached control levels by week 28 and was significantly greater than the force transmitted through untreated hips. Clinical lameness resolved in 92% of limbs and progression of radiographically detectable degenerative joint disease was minimal. Gross and microscopic degenerative changes in the articular cartilage were similar in the treated and untreated hips. The synovial membrane was less reactive in treated hips.  相似文献   

Abstract— —Urinary estradiol-17β was measured by gas chromatography in each of 22 normal or dysplastic dogs that had received intramuscular injections of estradiol. Measurable quantities of estradiol-17β were not found in urine from these dogs prior to administration of the exogenous hormone. The level of urinary estradiol-17β was lower in normal dogs than in dysplastic dogs after injection of the hormone. Larger quantities of the hormone occurred in the urine of older dogs of dysplastic lineage after estradiol-17 β injection. These results indicate dogs with hereditary hip dysplasia have a lower than normal capacity to metabolize biologically-active estradiol. Résumé— —L'estradiol-17β urinaire a été mésuré par gas-chromatographie dans chaque des 22 chiens normaux ou dysplastiques qui ont roçu des injections intramusculaires d'estradiol. Des quantités mesurables d'estradiol-17β n'ont pas été trouvées dans Purine de ces chiens avant 1'administration de hormone exogéne. Le niveau d'estradiol-17β urinaire était plus bas chez les chiens normaux que chez les chiens dysplastiques, après l'injection de l'hormone. Des quantités plus grandes de hormone ont ete trouvées dans l'urine des chiens plus âgés du groupe dysplastique, après l'injection d'estradiol— 17β. Les résultats indiquent que les chiens avec dysplasie héréditaire de la hanche ont une capacité moindre que la mornale de métaboliser l'estradiol biologiquement active. Zusammenfassung— —Oestradiol-17β im Urin wurde mittels Gas-Chromotagraphie in 22 normalen odcr dysplastischen Hunden gemessen, die intramuskulaere Injektionen von Oestradiol erhalten hatten. Messbare Mengen von Oestradiol-17β wurden im Urin dieser Hundc vor der Verabreichung des exogenen Hormons nicht gefunden. Der Oestradiol-17β-Spiegel im Urin war in normalen Hunden niedriger als in dysplastischen Hunden nach der Hormon-Injektion. Groessere Hormonmengen kamen im Urin von aelteren Hunden von dysplastischer Abstammung nach Oestradiol-17β-Injektion vor. Diese Resultate zeigen, dass Hunde mit hereditaerer Hueften-Dysplasie eine niedriger als normale Faehigkeit haben, biologisch aktives Oestradiol zu metabolisieren.  相似文献   

Objectives— To determine interobserver repeatability of measurements on computed tomography (CT) images of lax canine hip joints at different ages and in the presence of degenerative joint disease at maturity. Study Design— Longitudinal observational investigation. Animals— Sibling crossbreed hounds. Methods— Pelvic CT was performed at 20, 24, 32, 48, 68, and 104 weeks of age. Measures were performed on 3 contiguous two‐dimensional (2D) transverse CT images of both hips at each time point by 3 investigators. Center‐edge angle (CEA), horizontal toit externe angle (HTEA), ventral (VASA), dorsal (DASA), and horizontal (HASA) acetabular sector angles, acetabular index (AI), and percent femoral head coverage (CPC) were measured. Interobserver repeatability was quantified with the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC). Satisfactory repeatability was considered when ICC≥0.75. Results— DASA, CEA, and CPC were repeatable in all age groups. HASA and HTEA were repeatable for all but 1 time point. At 20 weeks of age, all measures but AI were repeatable, and at 104 weeks of age, DASA, CEA, CPC, and HASA were repeatable. Measures were repeatable in hips with and without degenerative changes with the exceptions of AI and HASA in normal hips and VASA and HTEA in osteoarthritic hips. Conclusions— Most 2D CT measurements examined were repeatable regardless of age or joint disease. Clinical Relevance— Two‐dimensional CT measures may augment current techniques for assessing joint changes in lax canine hips.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the expression of progesterone receptor (PR) in the utero‐tubal junction (UTJ) of sows at 24 h after intra‐uterine insemination (IUI) and deep intra‐uterine insemination (DIUI) compared with conventional artificial insemination (AI) in pigs. Fifteen multiparous sows were used: AI (n = 5), IUI (n = 5) and DIUI (n = 5). The sows were inseminated with a single dose of diluted semen during the second oestrus after weaning at 6–8 h prior to ovulation (AI: 3000 × 106 spermatozoa, IUI: 1000 × 106 spermatozoa and DIUI: 150 × 106 spermatozoa). The UTJ was collected and subject to immunohistochemical staining using avidin‐biotin immunoperoxidase technique with mouse monoclonal antibody to PR. In the oviductal part of the UTJ, the intensity of PR in the tunica muscularis and the proportion of PR‐positive cells in the surface epithelium after DIUI were lower than AI (p < 0.05). The intensity and the proportion of PR‐positive cells between AI and IUI in all compartments of the UTJ did not differ significantly (p > 0.05). When comparing between tissue compartments, prominent staining was observed in the muscular layer of the UTJ. It could be concluded that the expression of PR in the UTJ prior to fertilization after DIUI with a reduced number of spermatozoa was lower than that after AI. This might influence sperm transportation and the fertilization process.  相似文献   

Intra‐abdominal hypertension (IAH) may lead to a multiple organ dysfunction syndrome associated with significant dysfunction of the cardiovascular, respiratory, renal, gastrointestinal and central nervous systems of human patients. A recent prospective multicentre epidemiological investigation in man concluded that IAH was associated with an increased risk of mortality in critically ill patients. In this review, we present current information pertaining to the potential clinical importance of IAH in the context of equine clinical practice. In conclusion, consideration of intra‐abdominal pressure should be a part of the clinical assessment of patient well‐being in critically ill equine patients.  相似文献   

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