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杜仲幼林豹蠹蛾的发生与防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
豹蠹蛾(ZeuzeraleuconotumButler)属鳞翅目木蠹蛾科,又名六星黑点蠹蛾、白背蠹蛾。主要分布在我国华东、陕西、山西等地,是危害杜仲幼树枝、干的主要害虫之一。1996年在安徽省泾县境内初次发现该虫危害之后,在相邻县区也相继发现该虫侵害杜仲幼树。到目前为止,该虫在皖南地区已  相似文献   

西山区是昆明市最早发现松纵坑切梢小蠹(Tomicus Piaiperda L.)猖獗危害的地区,也是目前全市最严重的蠹害区,因此调查研究本区松纵坑切梢小蠹的危害情况,具有一定的重要意义。为此,我们于1988年6月至8月结合全区森林资源二类调查,调查松纵坑切梢小蠹的危害情况,现将研究结果报导如下:  相似文献   

对外来入侵种红脂大小蠹发生和危害情况进行了研究,结果显示,阳坡危害程度要重于阴坡;不同位置以山沟路边危害最重;红脂大小蠹主要危害胸径大于30 cm的油松。通过对红脂大小蠹扬飞扩散时间的监测,发现5月上旬到6月中旬是红脂大小蠹扬飞扩散的高峰期。根据上述研究,进一步讨论了红脂大小蠹防治策略。  相似文献   

高山陆均松大小蠹(Dendroctonus ponderosae)在加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省爆发,严重地危害主要树种之一的小干松(pinus contorta)。高山陆均松大小蠹的爆发过程经历了局部危害、爆发阶段、失控阶段,对环境破坏,并产生巨大经济损失,对社会的影响也极为严重。目前的防治措施主要是火烧、诱杀、卫生伐、化学防治、抢救性采伐。高山陆均松大小蠹的爆发,给人带来启示:全球气候变化对林业的影响不容忽视;树种结构单一化严重阻碍森林的可持续利用;政策的滞后同样带来危害性。  相似文献   

红脂大小蠹Dendroctonus valens是我国重要的外来林业有害生物,辽宁地区于2017年首次发现危害。从红脂大小蠹的分布状况、扩散蔓延的可能性、潜在的危害性、寄主植物的经济重要性以及危险性管理难度等方面对其防控必要性进行定性和定量分析。结果表明:红脂大小蠹在辽宁地区属于高度危险的林业有害生物,应将其列为辽宁省重点防控对象,结合与松材线虫病在辽宁地区发生、分布及危害特性的异同,有针对性地提出红脂大小蠹防控对策建议。  相似文献   

佛坪国家级自然保护区华山松大小蠹的调查与防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经调查佛坪国家级自然保护区枯死华山松均为华山松大小蠹危害所致,区内凉风垭——草坪一线华山松大小蠹危害最严重,其次是凉风垭——三官庙一线,危害也较严重,应采取建立系统化监测体系,结合检疫、化学防治等防治措施控制华山松大小蠹危害和蔓延。  相似文献   

松纵坑切梢小蠹(Tomicus piniperda L.)是一种严重危害松属(Pinus )树种的世界性蛀干害虫,在世界范围内及我国各省内均有分布。在北美洲的美国、 加拿大等国大面积造成危害,在我国东北、华东、西南部分省区危害较大,尤以云南省大面 积的云南松(P. yunnanensis)林分及思茅松(P.kesiya var. langbianensis)林分受害最为严重,1999年危害面积超过67万hm2,并波 及四川省攀枝花地区。据2000年3月份调查,四川省米易县已发现2 0667hm2的云南松林 受害,3333hm2的林木枯死。松小蠹又是一种隐蔽性强、危害性大的蛀干害虫,在云南、四川等地终…  相似文献   

为摸清神农架林区华山松大小蠹扩散规律。查阅了华山松大小蠹侵害的本底资料,分析了华山松大小蠹的发生趋势,研究了华山松大小蠹危害和海拔、年均高、低温的关系。结果表明:神农架林林区中西部,特别是高海拔地区危险性高,海拔1 822 m以上区域华山松大小蠹发生严重,海拔高度和疫情受害面积呈现正相关,拟合方程为Y=657.571 43+374.119 05 X-30.238 1 X~2,相关系数R~2为0.927 04,但不显著;年均高、低温和华山松大小蠹危害面积表现出相同的线性关系,年均低温在7~9℃,年均高温在16~20℃呈现正相关,多项式拟合方程Y=4.656 18E9-4.626 45E6 X+1 149.22685 X~2,相关系数为0.871 89。  相似文献   

通过光学显微和扫描电镜技术,对危害华山松的16种小蠹前胃形态结构进行观察.根据前胃板的结构特征可以将16种小蠹前胃分成3个类型,这些前胃形态结构的差异可以作为小蠹分类鉴定的辅助手段,且前胃类型与韧皮部小蠹虫在华山松树干上的空间分布相吻合,华山松韧皮部小蠹前胃结构的特化是适应食物类型(营养的累积和质地)的结果.  相似文献   

对秦岭林区优势先锋虫种华山松大小蠹 Dendroctonus armandi 寄生蜂种群的林问分布规律进行了研究.在标准地调查基础上,选择华山松大小蠹虫害木作为解析木,分期分批采集华山松大小蠹幼虫和蛹进行室内饲养.结果表明:秦岭林区华山松大小蠹有寄生蜂7种.在河谷地带华山松林中寄生蜂种类最多,7种寄生蜂都有分布,总寄生率最高(37.5%~42.5%),其它依次为竹子华山松林、鹿蹄草华山松林、苔草华山松林、山坡下部华山松林;华山松虫害木树干不同部位寄生蜂种群组成和总寄生率不同,华山松大小蠹寄生蜂种群在华山松虫害木树干上的垂直分布与华山松大小蠹种群相吻合,说明华山松大小蠹种群和寄生蜂种群长期以来建立了相互制约而又相互依存的密切关系.  相似文献   

马尾松毛虫预测预报系统的研究*   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
本文应用系统分析方法总结有关马尾松毛虫的科研成果和实际经验,建立了反映了马尾松毛虫,松林、自然条件与环境状况,人类社会行之间本质关系的结构模型,通过对影响马尾松毛虫种群动态因子的分析,提炼及数量化表示,建立了马尾松志虫时间域及空间域种群动态模型,两者结合可以对松毛虫群种动态进行系统模拟,预测松毛虫的发生量、发生面积及分布状况,以安徽省潜山县黄铺试验区调查数据验证此模型,与松毛虫实际发生规律吻合。  相似文献   

Outbreaks of bark beetles and drought both lead to concerns about increased fire risk, but the relative importance of these two factors is the subject of much debate. We examined how mountain pine beetle (MPB) outbreaks and drought have contributed to the fire regime of lodgepole pine forests in northwestern Colorado and adjacent areas of southern Wyoming over the past century. We used dendroecological methods to reconstruct the pre-fire history of MPB outbreaks in twenty lodgepole pine stands that had burned between 1939 and 2006 and in 20 nearby lodgepole pine stands that were otherwise similar but that had not burned. Our data represent c. 80% of all large fires that had occurred in lodgepole pine forests in this study area over the past century. We also compared Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI) and actual evapotranspiration (AET) values between fire years and non-fire years. Burned stands were no more likely to have been affected by outbreak prior to fires than were nearby unburned stands. However, PDSI and AET values were both lower during fire years than during non-fire years. This work indicates that climate has been more important than outbreaks to the fire regime of lodgepole pine forests in this region over the past century. Indeed, we found no detectable increase in the occurrence of high-severity fires following MPB outbreaks. Dry conditions, rather than changes in fuels associated with outbreaks, appear to be most limiting to the occurrence of severe fires in these forests.  相似文献   

In Central Europe, deciduous forests are the dominant community type and lichen pine forests are restricted to certain areas with extremely nutrient-poor and xeric soil types. In recent decades, a retreat of vegetation of oligotrophic habitats has been observed in Central Europe. In this study, we assessed changes of lichen pine forests in Poland: within the main area of the range in Central Europe. We used two sets of data collected at a local and regional (nation-wide) scale. On the basis of data from semi-permanent plots, we examined changes in the structure and species composition of lichen pine forests over 33 years at the local scale (between 1975 and 2008). To compare trends at the regional scale, we used data collected in the Polish Vegetation Database (PVD). For identification of lichen pine forests we determined a group of co-occurring Cladonia species. We analyzed differences in species richness and vegetation structure at the regional scale in tree time periods (1) between 1951 and 1969, (2) 1970 and 1989, and (3) 1990 and 2011. We found that changes in lichen pine forests are primarily quantitative at both scales. Our results indicate that the abundance of Cladonia species is limited by strong competitors, i.e., vascular plants and bryophytes, which may be explained by eutrophication and climate warming. Only pine forests with a minor abundance of lichens have chances to persist in the vegetation of Central Europe, while the most valuable communities with high abundance of indicators will disappear. Though an assessment of the total decrease in the area of lichen pine forests is not possible with the available regional data, local observations indicate a large decline in the area of lichen pine forests in Central Europe. Their conservation seems to be a serious challenge, because it is difficult to provide optimal conditions for all indicators.  相似文献   

lllehardt`ood-Korcanpincforcstsintl1cXiaoxinganMts.havebecncxtCnsivclycx-ploitcdsinccl948forn1orethan4oycars.Uptono`t.thcrcarcIiuIcKorcanpincresourccstobecxploitedinmostbureaus(rCgions),andthercare2/3ofbureaus(regions)havingPoOrKoreanpincrcsourccs.Inl95Os,Korcanpincforestsoccupicd53.8%ofthcforestcdarcaand74.3%ofthevolumcinthewholercgion.NaturaIKoreanpineforesthasgrcatlydc-creasedto5.4%and9.8%initsareaandvol-umeresPectively,andthcarcaandvoIuncofhardx`oodforcstincrcascdcorrcsPOndingIy.ln…  相似文献   

hitt.oductionStOneglnefOrestsinRussiaareco111POsedofthreestonePinespeCesfSiberianstonepine(PinIissibiIjcaDuTour),Koreanshnepine(PinlisKoIxiiensisSieb.EtZucc.),andJapanesestonepine(PinIispumila[Pall.]Ropl).AllthesespeciesoccuPyabout4Omillionhm',SiberianstO…  相似文献   

In central eastern Korea, there has been a continued effort to sustain pine forests because of their value for wood and mushroom production, as well as for other resources. Through the analysis of previously burned areas,we clarified the effects of fire on vegetation dynamics of pine forests by measuring changes in species composition,population structure, and the growth rates of major tree species. Vegetation analysis was conducted on a series of 100 m^2 plots established in Korean red pine(Pinus densiflora Siebold. & Zucc.) and Mongolian oak(Quercus mongolica Fisch. Ex Ledeb.) forests situated in three different topographic positions on slopes where fire severity varied. We confirmed that most pine trees will succumb to even a surface fire, whereas oak may be killed following high intensity or infrequent fires but will sprout and become dominant. Complete protection from fire favors other, more shade-tolerant deciduous hardwoods. Different restoration plans apply, based on observed vegetation responses for each topographic zone. Near the ridge top,where pine seed sources are most limited, it may be necessary to restore pine forests by planting and to control competing shrubs and herbs. At the mountain foot, where exotic species and species modified by hybridization have invaded aggressively, restoration that involves the introduction of natural vegetation is required. Mid-slope sites,where pine has been replaced by natural vegetation dominated by Mongolian oak, do not require any form of restorative treatment.  相似文献   

The total area ofPinus densiflora andP. thunbergii forests in Ibaraki Prefecture in 1978 was 65,200 ha, which decreased to 30,300 ha by 1985 mainly due to pine wilt mortality caused byBursaphelenchus xylophilus. This damage has also continued thereafter. To estimate the survivability of pine trees in Ibaraki Prefecture, pine tree mortality has been studied in eight experimental forests for over 20 years, and ground surveys throughout the Prefecture were also conducted in 1995. Survival in the experimental forests corresponded well to the results of ground surveys. Pine forests remained as pure stands if control measures were undertaken or if they were located in cool areas. In warm areas where no control was undertaken, most of the pine forests disappeared and only a few pine trees remained in mixed forests, while on dry soils no mature or old pine trees survived. Since surviving pine forests are often cut for wood utilization,P. densiflora andP. thunbergii may decrease in area to become rare species in the future unless controls are applied and/or reforestation with resistant pines is carried out. A part of this paper was orally presented at the 108th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Forestry Society (1997).  相似文献   

Worldwide, the land area devoted to timber plantations is expanding rapidly, especially in the tropics, where reptile diversity is high. The impacts of plantation forestry and its management on native species are poorly known, but are important, because plantation management goals often include protecting biodiversity. We examined the impact of pine (Pinus caribaea) plantations, and their management by fire, on the abundance and richness of reptiles, a significant proportion of the native biodiversity in tropical northern Australia, by (i) comparing abundance and diversity of reptiles among pine plantations (on land cleared specifically for plantation establishment), and two adjacent native forest types, eucalypt and Melaleuca woodlands, and (ii) comparing reptile abundance and richness in pine forest burnt one year prior to the study to remove understorey vegetation with pine forest burnt two years prior to the study. We also examined the influence of fire on reptile assemblages in native vegetation, by comparing eucalypt woodland burnt two years prior to the study and unburnt for eight years. To quantify mechanisms driving differences in reptile richness and abundance among forest types and management regimes, we measured forest structure, the temperatures used by reptiles (operative temperature) and solar radiation, at replicate sites in all forest types and management regimes. Compared to native forests, pine forests had taller trees, lower shrub cover in the understorey, more and deeper exotic litter (other than pine), and were cooler and shadier. Reptile assemblages in pine forests were as rich as those in native forests, but pine assemblages were composed mainly of species that typically use closed-canopy rainforest and prefer cooler, shadier habitats. Burning did not appear to influence the assemblage structure of reptiles in native forest, but burning under pine was associated with increased skink abundance and species richness. Burned pine was not warmer or sunnier than unburned pine, a common driver of reptile abundance, so the shift in lizard use after burning may have been driven by structural differences in understorey vegetation, especially amounts of non-native litter, which were reduced by burning. Thus, burning for management under pine increased the abundance and richness of lizard assemblages using pine. Pine plantations do not support the snake diversity common to sclerophyllous native forests, but pine may have the potential to complement rainforest lizard diversity if appropriately managed.  相似文献   

Excessive slash loading could pose a problem for the regeneration of the serotinous lodgpole pine especially in forests at higher elevation where soil temperature is limiting. In the past, these forests have commonly been harvested using full-tree harvesting where trees are processed at roadside; however, recently cut-to-length harvesting has become a more frequent harvesting method. In cut-to-length harvesting the harvested trees are processed in the block, as a result slash accumulation is much higher on these cutblocks. In an experimental field trial, the cone distribution, natural lodgepole pine regeneration, and the growth and establishment of planted lodgepole pine were evaluated in response to slash load, drag scarification, and mounding after cut-to-length harvesting of high elevation lodgepole pine stands in the Rocky Mountains. Twelve sites were established, each contained six plots which were randomly assigned to six treatment combinations of two slash removal (slash and slash removed) and three mechanical soil preparation treatments (no soil preparation, drag scarifying, and mounding). The slash removal reduced slash volume by more than 50% but also reduced the number of lodgepole pine cones available for regeneration by over 33%. However, soil mechanical treatments offset this effect as fewer cones were necessary to achieve high natural pine regeneration densities. Drag scarification of plots resulted in 12 times the number of pine seedlings compared to the non-prepared plots. Although slash removal did not have an effect on the number of naturally regenerated lodgepole pine seedlings, it had a positive effect on their growth performance. Conversely, planted pine seedlings had lower mortality and better growth in soils that had been mechanically prepared and had the slash removed; however, the growth effects became only apparent 4 years after planting. While slash removal and mechanical soil preparation did increase soil temperatures; the slash removal treatment had a more transient effect on soil temperatures than soil preparation. Differences in soil temperature decreased over time which appeared to be mostly driven by a warming of the soils in the plots with no soil preparation, likely a result of the decomposition of the finer slash and feathermosses. Overall, it appears that surface disturbance on these high elevation sites had a far greater effect on lodgepole pine regeneration and growth than the increased accumulation of slash as a result of cut-to-length harvesting.  相似文献   

乌拉山自然保护区不同森林群落土壤化学性质的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对乌拉山自然保护区的3个森林类型(天然油松林、人工油松林、白桦林)不同层次(O~5 cm,5~10cm,10~20 cm,20~40 cm)土壤的化学性质进行了测定、分析与对比.结果表明:(1)不同森林类型土壤化学性质存在明显的差异.土壤有机质、全N、全P含量在不同森林类型下表现出相对一致的规律,即其含量大小顺序为:白...  相似文献   

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