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1. When a solution of ferric ammonium sulphate was added to shell membranes of the domestic fowl, iron infiltrated the mantle (cortex) surrounding the cores of the individual fibres of the membranes.

2. Contraction of warm eggs in ice‐cold colloidal iron caused flooding of pore canals and contamination of the underlying shell membranes with this element.

3. Appreciable contamination of the inner shell membrane with iron persisted for 25 d in infertile eggs stored at 37.5 °C.  相似文献   

1. The ultrastructure of osteoclasts on hen medullary bone during the egg‐laying cycle was observed by electron microscopy.

2. At 0 to 6 h after oviposition, osteoclasts lacking ruffled borders were attached to the bone via the clear zone and appeared to have ceased bone resorption. Small vacuoles were scattered throughout this cytoplasm.

3. At 9 to 21 h after oviposition, most of the osteoclasts had ruffled borders and appeared to be resorbing bone. The ruffled borders at 15 h were well developed, whereas at 9, 18 and 21 h they were poorly developed or showed similarities in structure to the clear zone. The small vacuoles were concentrated under the ruffled borders at 9 h and then decreased.

4. These results demonstrate cyclic changes in osteoclasts during the egg‐laying cycle, indicate that ruffled borders form at the beginning of bone resorption and suggest that they are derived from the clear zone and the small vacuoles. The results also indicate that the ruffled borders fuse into the clear zone and disappear at the completion of bone resorption.  相似文献   

1. Sixty sound eggs, assumed to have shell cuticle, were paired according to egg‐shell deformation value.

2. Egg weight and shell quality characteristics were recorded for the eggs and the cuticle was then removed from one egg of each pair.

3. Egg weight and shell quality were re‐assessed for the eggs from which the cuticle had been removed.

4. The cuticle made a significant (P<0.01) contribution to shell thickness and removal of it appeared to reduce shell strength when measured directly, but the method of measurement was too variable to establish this with statistical significance.  相似文献   

1. Hens fed on a diet containing 0–05% calcium virtually ceased egg laying (production <4%) whereas those fed on a diet containing 0–5% Ca maintained production at between 20 and 30%.

2. After a return to a normal diet (3% Ca) egg weight, shell weight, ovarian characteristics and oviduct size were of a similar nature in the two groups, though the differences in egg weight, shell weight and shell calcium were significant at the 1 % level.

3. Bone weight and bone ash did not differ significantly between the groups but after a return to normal rations, bone weight and bone ash became higher in the group that had received the 0.05% Ca diet.

4. There were no clinical signs of bone demineralisation during the experiments.  相似文献   

1. The effect of feeding the detergent, sodium lauryl sulphate at concentrations up to 10 g/kg diet on egg‐shell quality was examined in laying hens at 24, 36 and 48 weeks of age.

2. Lauryl sulphate at 2.5 g/kg or more in the diet significantly increased shell breaking strength, shell thickness and shell weight at 24 and 36 weeks. In 48‐week‐old hens only shell breaking strength was increased significantly. Egg production and egg weight were not affected significantly by lauryl sulphate.

3. Lauryl sulphate might increase these measures of quality by increasing shell deposition and/or shell elasticity.  相似文献   

1. Vascular adjustments to the process of egg formation were examined in the unanaesthetised laying hen, by the radioactive microspheres method.

2. Three‐ to four‐fold increases in blood flow were found in segments surrounding the egg during its passage along the oviduct, possibly due to an enhanced metabolic activity in the muscle layer of the oviduct.

3. Shell‐gland blood flow was minimal in the absence of an egg and increased gradually to a maximum (5‐fold) about 5 h after entrance of the egg into the shell gland. This parallels the rate of calcification of the egg shell.

4. Changes in blood flow in the ovarian follicles and other parts of the oviduct were small while the egg was in the shell gland. This might be typical for the reproductive system of the fowl, which undergoes little structural alteration during egg formation.  相似文献   

1. When chicken giblet tissues wrapped individually in polythene were stored at 1 °C, “ off” odours were detected in 11 to 14 d with necks (mean 12.3 d) tending to spoil before gizzards, hearts and livers (means 13.0 to 13.7 d).

2. In all cases, the predominant organisms at spoilage were Pseudo‐monas spp. with lower numbers of Acinetobacter spp.

3. Chlorination of process water at about 50 mg total residual chlorine/1 (including 0.1 to 0.9 mg free chlorine/1) extended the shelf‐life of giblets held at 1 °C by up to 3 d, and prior freezing of these tissues gave an extension of 1 to 2 d but combining the two treatments did not have an additive effect.

4. Immersing giblets for 1 min in a solution containing 100 g potassium sorbate/1 (pH 8.0) doubled the shelf‐life of each type of tissue by retarding growth of the normal spoilage microflora.  相似文献   

1. Twenty‐five laying hens were fed on a diet containing 100 mg acetazolamide/kg in order to determine the effects of a decrease in the activity of carbonic anhydrase on the transfer of minerals to the egg albumen.

2. Treatment with acetazolamide decreased the rate of shell formation by 44%; reduced the concentrations of water and Na+ in the albumen at the beginning of the plumping stage but increased the accumulation of water during plumping; increased the concentration of Cl‐ in the albumen after the 6‐h stage without any appreciable change in K+ and Ca2+ concentrations.

3. The computed relationships between the concentrations of different ions also showed that the transfer of water and Na+ were linked during egg formation, that a water‐independent, acetazolamide‐sensitive reabsorption of Na+ occurred after the 10‐h stage and that Na+ and Cl‐moved simultaneously up to 14 h but with the ratio of Cl‐ to Na+ three times higher in the treated group.

4. It is concluded that acetazolamide impairs the transfer of Na+ and Cl‐ between the albumen and the extracellular fluid and that secretion of Ca2+ into the uterine lumen seems to depend on Na+ and Cl‐ reabsorption.  相似文献   

1. Eight diets (1 to 8) containing respectively 36.8, 30.9, 19.6, 9.7, 5.5, 1.9, 0.96 and 0.48 g of calcium/kg food were each fed for 11 weeks to 24 individually‐caged laying hens (Gallus domesticus) aged 24 weeks. After the experimental period, all birds were returned to a normal diet (34.9 g calcium/kg).

2. Food consumption and egg production decreased as dietary calcium decreased. Shell weight was unaffected on diets 1 and 2; on diet 3 there was slight reduction of shell weight and on diets 4 to 8 the reduction was marked. The proportion of calcium in the shell was affected particularly on diets 7 and 8, though those from diet 5 also showed a decreased shell calcium.

3. The values for calcium intake and calcium loss in the egg showed that, generally, birds restricted calcium loss to less than intake. Only on the very low concentrations of calcium (diets 6, 7 and 8) did output appear to exceed input.

4. The main mechanism for controlling calcium loss involves the regulation of the number of eggs produced, i.e. the number of ovulations. Alterations in shell quality are of less importance with respect to calcium balance, although shell strength was impaired on the more restrictive diets (5 to 8).  相似文献   

1. Eighteen diets supplying all combinations of three phosphorus contents (3.1, 4.0 and 4.8 g non‐phytate P/kg) and six vitamin D supplements (37.5 or 150 μg cholecalciferol/kg; or 16 or 24 μg 25‐hydroxy‐cholecalciferol/kg; or 37.5 μg cholecalciferol/kg with either 16 or 24 μg 25‐hydroxycholecalciferol/kg) were fed to 2 880 pullets of two stocks from 64 to 74 weeks of age. The birds were housed in eight light‐proof rooms, four of which had 24‐h light‐dark cycles (16L : 8D) and four had 28‐h cycles (20L : 8D).

2. The dietary treatments had no significant effect upon food intake, egg output, shell thickness, shell deformation or specific gravity of the eggs.

3. The 28‐h cycle reduced mean rate of lay by 4.5%, increased egg weight by 5.8% and increased shell thickness by 9.4%. The proportion of eggs with shell faults revealed on candling was reduced from 4.1 % to 2.8%.

4. It is concluded from this and other sources that decreasing dietary phosphorus or modifying vitamin D supplements may sometimes lead to increases in shell thickness of the order of 1 to 2%, but that these changes are unlikely to result in a measurable reduction in the proportion of cracked eggs late in the laying year.

5. A 28‐h light‐dark cycle results in a longer and more uniform interval between consecutive ovipositions and thus gives reliable increases in shell thickness which are large enough to reduce the proportion of cracked eggs in many practical situations. Whether it is profitable to use an ahemeral cycle will depend upon the relative prices paid for eggs of different sizes.  相似文献   

1. Four experiments were carried out with Warren laying hens to elucidate the changes in plasma inorganic phosphorus (Pi) concentration during egg formation.

2. In hens receiving a normal diet containing a calcium supplement in a powdery form Pi increased from 25 to 42 mg/1 during an entire shell formation cycle (from 10 to 22 h after oviposition of the previous egg), while in cockerels Pi decreased slightly during the night.

3. This increase in Pi in hens, was not related to cessation of feeding at the onset of darkness but was specifically connected with the beginning of shell secretion.

4. When hens received calcium as crushed sea‐shells separately from the diet, the nocturnal peak in Pi virtually disappeared and only a temporary increase of 4 mg/1 between 10 and 14 h after oviposition remained.

5. These results indicate that the beginning of shell secretion is always accompanied by an increase in Pi and that a separate presentation of dietary calcium reduces the bone mobilisation at night.  相似文献   


The efficacy of the morantel sustained‐release bolus (MSRB) in controlling gastrointestinal parasites in first‐season grazing calves was evaluated on a dairy cattle farm in Belgium. The calves grazed a pasture which had been used by bolus‐treated animals in the three previous years. The effect of bolus administration was determined with respect to live weight gain, faecal egg shedding, herbage larval counts, serum pepsinogen levels and ELISA antibody titres.

In spite of an incomplete reduction of faecal egg shedding during the first months of the grazing season, bolus administration resulted in the prevention of parasitic gastro‐enteritis in the calves. A weight gain advantage of 35,2 kg of the bolus‐treated animals over the controls was noted already at two months after turnout. This weight gain advantage was maintained until housing.

The usefulness of serum pepsinogen values and ELISA antibody titres as parameters in prevention experiments is stressed. Both serological parameters gave more information concerning infection level than did the faecal egg output and the herbage larval counts.  相似文献   

1. The effects of lighting pattern on production to 399 d in caged, female, meat‐strain chickens was investigated. Energy intake was controlled from 56 to 399 d.

2. Four different rearing treatments with a subsequent constant 16‐h photoperiod during laying were used.

3. A 15‐h rearing photoperiod resulted in delayed sexual maturity, increased mature body weight and decreases in both total egg numbers and the proportion of smaller eggs, compared with a 6‐h photoperiod.

4. Continuous light to 56 d, although associated with a high incidence of subsequent blindness, resulted in satisfactory egg production.

5. Abrupt reduction in the photoperiod from 15 to 6 h for the 112 to 167 d period resulted in unsatisfactory subsequent performance, especially when the day‐length was only slowly increased to 16 h during laying.

6. In the two laying treatments, in which the photoperiod was increased gradually from 6 to 16 h during the 168 to 238‐d period, a decrease in the number of smaller eggs occurred, compared with the treatments in which a single abrupt increase in photoperiod was used.  相似文献   

1. Effects of thyroxine (T4) administration on egg production, moulting and photorefractoriness in laying turkeys were determined. Thyroxine dosages of 0.075 to 2 mg/bird/d were injected IM for periods of either 2 or 3 weeks following 10 weeks of photostimulation. Control groups were administered saline vehicle.

2. Plasma T4 concentrations were increased in a dose dependent manner by T4 administration, while triiodothyronine (T3) was decreased.

3. Egg production and percentage of hens in production were transiently decreased in a dose dependent manner by T4 administration, but returned to levels similar to controls within 4 weeks of T4 treatment termination. Moulting was stimulated in a dose‐dependent manner by T4 administration, but was similar to controls after T4 treatment termination. Only dosages of 2 mg/bird/d resulted in cessation of egg production and complete moulting.

4. Results indicate that although short term elevation of plasma T4 causes cessation of egg production and moulting these effects are transient and not indicative of photorefractoriness.  相似文献   

1. Changes in the caecal flora of chicks aged from approximately 3 h to 14 d were studied.

2. Counts obtained by means of a conventional anaerobic plating method and a method for the stricter anaerobes remained comparable throughout but occasionally it was found that strains of anaerobic bacteria isolated from the predominant flora of 4‐ to 14‐d‐old birds could not be grown when tested by the conventional method.

3. During the 14‐d period approximately 100% of the organisms isolated on anaerobic plates utilised uric acid up to the third day but the incidence subsequently declined and in one case represented only 4% of the total flora.

4. The predominant uric acid‐utilising bacteria were Streptococcus faecalis and Escherichia coli up to 3 d of age and various types of anaerobic bacteria thereafter.

5. None of the isolates showed an absolute requirement for uric acid.  相似文献   

1. A comparison of egg‐shell characteristics was made among the Sinai breed (a desert inhabiting strain), the commercial White Leghorn and their reciprocal crossbreds.

2. The Sinai egg was smaller and its shell thicker and stronger than the Leghorn egg. All the differences were statistically significant.

3. Shell thickness and strength of Leghorn eggs were in accordance with values predicted on the basis of egg mass, while those of the Sinai and the two crosses were considerably higher than predicted.

4. The apparent differences in mean egg mass between Sinai and Leghorn breeds did not explain the differences in egg‐shell quality, neither did the shape index which was very similar among all breeds.

5. The findings suggest that the differences in egg‐shell properties are of a genetic origin.

6. The thick, strong and less permeable egg‐shell of the Sinai breed may reflect adaptations to its arid environmental origin and to incubation in the open.

7. These genetically‐determined egg‐shell characteristics might serve in a future selection for improved egg‐shell quality in poultry.  相似文献   

1. Precise measurements of shell deformation and fracture force were made to examine the destructive and non‐destructive quasi‐static compression tests of egg shell strength.

2. Prediction of shell strength from shell deformation (d) was not greatly improved by combining egg length, diameter and shell thickness with shell deformation. At the equator 54% of the variation in fracture force (F) was accounted for by an equation F = 8467 ‐ 115630i+584166d2 compared with 57% when 13 measured and generated parameters were included (singly and in combination) in the analysis.

3. Cracks changed the deformation by an average of 8% providing the crack was not near the points where force was applied. Cracked eggs could be tested to reduce the bias introduced by eliminating such eggs from experiments. Empirical factors must, however, be established to correct such deformation readings.

4. Use of a hole or rubber on the lower compression surface to stabilise the egg increased the force required to fracture the shell at the upper flat surface Such surfaces are undesirable because the fracture site is biased towards the upper contact point when force is distributed at the lower surface. Shell deformation and its correlation with strength was also reduced.

5. The fracture force predicted by a non‐destructive deformation measurement was greatly affected by the force applied. The optimum test force was 1 kg at the equator.  相似文献   

1. Heritability estimates of egg production, egg weight and body weight of red‐legged partridge were obtained.

2. Data from a population selected for increased egg production over four generations as well as from a random‐bred control population were available.

3. Heritability of egg number during the first production period was considerably higher than estimates for a second production period, induced by appropriate lighting.

4. Egg weight and body weight were highly heritable.  相似文献   

1. A low‐calcium diet (0.5 g calcium/kg) was used to prevent the onset of laying in young pullets.

2. It was fed at 16 weeks of age to five separate groups (groups 2 to 6) each of 50 to 60 birds.

3. Group 2 was fed on a normal layers’ diet at 23 weeks of age, group 3 at 27 weeks, group 4 at 31 weeks, group 5 at 35 weeks and group 6 at 55 weeks while the control group (group 1) of similar size to groups 2 to 6 was subjected to a normal commercial treatment for laying stock.

4. In all the experimental groups the onset of sexual maturity occurred normally, but only one or two eggs were laid before laying ceased under the influence of the treatment.

5. Laying re‐started when the hens were fed on a normal diet and production rapidly rose to a high level.

6. Groups 1, 2 and 3 differed little in the total number of eggs produced up to 72 weeks of age.

7. In all experimental groups there were fewer very small, small and medium eggs than in the control group.

8. It is suggested that the use of a low‐calcium diet before the onset of lay may have advantages which could be exploited on a commercial scale.  相似文献   

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