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以8个不同亲本构建的遗传上相互关联的多亲本高代互交系(multi-parents advanced generation inter-cross, MAGIC)群体,包括2个4亲本群体(DC1和DC2)和1个8亲本群体(DC3)为材料,接种我国白叶枯病强致病力V型菌系(GD-V)和弱致病力II型菌系(C2),关联分析定位MAGIC群体对白叶枯病的抗性QTL,筛选抗病种质。结果表明,大多数亲本对C2菌系表现抗病,而对GD-V表现感病,3个MAGIC群体的病斑长度均出现超亲分离。共检测到7个白叶枯病抗性QTL,大多表现数量抗性,而且抗性QTL表达存在明显的遗传背景效应。QBbr11-1和QBbr11-2受遗传背景影响较小,具有一定的育种应用价值。从3个群体筛选出8份不同抗病QTL聚合的抗病材料,表明质量抗性基因和水平抗性数量性状位点的结合可以显著提高抗性水平。8份不同抗病QTL的聚合系可以用作抗病育种的中间抗源。研究结果表明,MAGIC群体可以将遗传研究和育种应用有机结合,是遗传研究和开展标记辅助育种的理想群体。  相似文献   

水稻白叶枯病抗性研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
白叶枯病是世界水稻重要病害之一,且已成为研究植物和病原菌互作的模式,对该病的研究对其它病害有借鉴意义。目前已鉴定出29个抗白叶枯病基因,其中17个基因被定位到染色体上,4个基因已被克隆,在这些工作的基础上,已通过分子标记辅助选择和转基因方法育成了一些抗病新品系,展示了水稻抗白叶枯病分子育种的广阔前景。  相似文献   

水稻白叶枯病抗性基因的聚合及其遗传效应   总被引:19,自引:3,他引:19  
徐建龙  赵新立 《作物学报》1996,22(2):129-134
以全生育期抗水稻白叶枯病的早粳G38为抗源供体,以成株期抗性的晚粳品种秀水11为轮回亲本,通过连续回交转育出全生育期抗白叶枯病的晚粳品系D601、D602和D603。遗传研究表明,3个晚粳品系都聚合了来自双亲的xa-5和Xa-3抗性基因,聚合的抗性基因可能具有抗性累加效应,其抗性水平和抗扩展能力强于双亲,抗谱宽于秀水11。同时评价了3个晚粳稻抗病品系对我甸白叶枯病病原型的抗性及主要农艺性状。认为D  相似文献   

在60多种为害水稻的病害中,由Xanthomonas oryze pv.oryzae引起的白叶枯病是整个水稻生长阶段危害性最大的病害之一。该病害随着在改良农艺措施下栽种的高产品种的推广而迅速蔓延。由于未能获得该病害有效的化学防治,因而不少研究者认为防治该病  相似文献   

水稻白叶枯病是由黄单胞杆菌水稻变种(Xanthomonas oryzae pv.oryzae Xoo)引起的细菌性病害,发掘、鉴定和利用新抗源是控制水稻白叶枯病的有效途径.白叶枯抗性基因定位和克隆,使分子标记辅助选择和转基因技术在白叶枯抗病育种中发挥了重大作用,也使人们在分子水平对白叶枯病抗性机制有了深刻认识.文章综述了白叶枯病抗性基因定位,克隆以及在育种方面的应用,并对如何利用抗病育种减轻白叶枯病的危害提出了几点建议.  相似文献   

稻瘟病是水稻重要病害之一,严重影响水稻的产量与品质。培育抗性品种是防治稻瘟病最经济、环保的方式。稻瘟病抗性基因的鉴定与挖掘是开展抗病育种的基础与前提。本课题组前期对419份广西水稻地方品种核心种质进行简化基因组测序,获得208,993个高质量SNP标记。本研究采用苗期喷雾接种方法,研究了该419份核心种质对7个稻瘟病生理小种的抗性,并根据表型和基因型数据,利用一般线性模型(general linear model,GLM)和混合线性模型(mixed linear model,MLM)进行全基因组关联分析。2种模型下共检测到20个位点,其中GLM检测到20个位点,MLM检测到1个位点,Chr12_10803913位点在2种模型下都检测到。17个位点与前人定位的基因/QTLs重叠,其余3个是新位点,分别为Chr3_18302718、Chr3_18302744及Chr5_10379127位点。在20个显著关联位点上下游各150 kb的基因组区域中共筛选出候选基因323个,初步确定8个候选基因与抗病相关,其中LOC_Os12g18360(Pita)、LOC_Os12g18729(Ptr)为已知克隆的基因,LOC_Os03g32100、LOC_Os03g32180和LOC_Os05g18090为新位点附近筛选到的候选基因。本研究结果为稻瘟病抗性位点挖掘与稻瘟病相关基因克隆提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

以9311为轮回亲本,以IRBB21为抗白叶枯病供体亲本,通过杂交和三次回交以及两次自交,结合农艺性状的选择,建立起具44个株系的BeF3群体。分别用连锁标记pTA248和基因内STS标记MXA21对抗性基因Xa21进行前景选择。用均匀分布在水稻全基因组的248个SSR标记,进行两亲本之间的多态性分析,获得76个具多态性的SSR标记,用于背景选择。结果选到基因型背景回复到轮回亲本的73.68%-88.16%,且Xa2j基因纯合的株系4个,分别为M071、M082、M086和M087。以Xa21的鉴别菌系菲律宾6号小种PxO99接种鉴定表明,9311为感(S),IRBB21为抗(R),中选株系M071和M082的抗性与IRBB21相同,为抗(R)级,M086和M087抗性略低于IRBB21,为抗到中抗(R/MR),这两个株系内单株之间抗性有差异。农艺性状考察结果显示,中选株系与轮回亲本9311相似。以中选株系M086与培矮64S配制的F1和原组合两优培九(培矮64S/9311)进行比较,对白叶枯病的抗性有了明显提高,综合农艺性状相似。论文就白叶枯病抗性基因的综合利用以及育种方法进行了讨论。  相似文献   

9个水稻品种对水稻白叶枯病的抗性遗传研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
章琦  施爱农 《作物学报》1994,20(1):84-92
研究了8个灿稻抗病品种4号、川植5号、三黄占2号、二九丰、扬稻1号、75-34、83007、NT02和1个粳稻抗病品种湘虎25对水稻白叶枯菌系P1、HB84-17或T1的抗性遗传。这些抗病品种分别与感病品种沈农1033或金刚30杂交,所得的F1、F2和B1F1群体的抗性反应,表明8个灿稻品种对P1和HB84-17的全生育期抗性均由一对不完全显性的基因控制,该抗性基因与Xa-4是等位的;粳稻品种湘虎  相似文献   

张小明  童培银 《种子》1995,(6):11-13
应用粳型广亲和系M503与籼型白叶枯病原始抗源DV85杂交,杂种F2代选择偏粳型的抗性植株进行花培,仅用二年半时间充成的粳稻衍生素系ZD92147和籼稻衍生系ZD92152与感病品种沈农1033、成株期抗白叶枯病的CBB2、CBB4杂交,其杂种后代用致病力较强的白叶枯病菌株93-1在苗期接种,经遗传分析认为它们均带有一对隐性的Xa-5全生育期白叶枯病抗性基因,从而进一步证实作者提出的籼粳稻间转育白  相似文献   

J. Zhang    X. Li    G. Jiang    Y. Xu    Y. He 《Plant Breeding》2006,125(6):600-605
‘Minghui 63’ is a restorer line widely used in hybrid rice production in China for the last two decades. This line and its derived hybrids, including ‘Shanyou 63’, are susceptible to bacterial blight (BB), caused by Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae (Xoo). To improve the bacterial blight resistance of hybrid rice, two resistance genes Xa21 and Xa7, have been introgressed into ‘Minghui 63’ by marker‐assisted selection and conventional backcrossing, respectively. The single resistance gene‐introgressed lines, Minghui 63 (Xa21) and Minghui 63 (Xa7) had higher levels of resistance to bacterial blight than their derived hybrids, Shanyou 63 (Xa21) or Shanyou 63 (Xa7). Both Xa21 and Xa7 showed incomplete dominance in the heterozygous background of rice hybrids by infection with GX325 and KS‐1‐21. The improved restorer lines, with the homozygous genotypes, Xa21Xa21 or Xa7Xa7, were more resistant than their hybrids with the heterozygous genotypes Xa21xa21 or Xa7xa7. To further enhance the bacterial blight resistance of ‘Minghui 63’ and its hybrids, Xa21 and Xa7 were pyramided into the same background using molecular marker‐aided selection. The restorer lines developed with the resistance genes Xa21 and Xa7, and their derived hybrids were evaluated for resistance after inoculation with 10 isolates of pathogens from China, Japan and the Philippines, and showed a higher level of resistance to BB than the restorer lines and derived hybrids having only one of the resistance genes. The pyramided double resistance lines and their derived hybrids have the same high level of resistance to BB. These results clearly indicate that pyramiding of dominant genes is a useful approach for improving BB resistance in hybrid rice.  相似文献   

Summary Inheritance of resistance to the Punjab isolate of Xanthomonas campestris pv. oryzae of bacterial blight disease of rice was studied in seven breeding lines resistant to the disease. The results revealed that resistance in breeding lines PAU 122-73-1-4-1, PAU 164-102-1-2-1-1-1, KJT 24, IR 5657-33-2-1-2 and IR 22082-41-2-2 was controlled by single dominant genes allelic to the dominant gene which confers resistance to the Punjab isolate in Patong 32. Resistance to the Punjab isolate in breeding lines IET 7172 and RP 2151-40-1 was found to be controlled by single recessive resistance genes allelic to one of the recessive resistance genes present in BJ 1. The two genes are independently inherited and are being used to develop bacterial blight resistant varieties.  相似文献   

S. Chen    C. G. Xu    X. H. Lin  Q. Zhang 《Plant Breeding》2001,120(2):133-137
Bacterial blight (BB), caused by Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae (X00), is one of the most devastating diseases of rice world‐wide; it is also a serious problem of hybrid rice production in China. In this study, a molecular marker‐assisted introgression of Xa21, a gene highly resistant to a broad spectrum of Xoo strains, from ‘IRBB21’ was performed to improve the BB resistance of‘6078′, a new restorer line with high yielding potential. The entire process took one generation of crossing followed by three generations of backcrossing and one generation of selfing. The presence of Xa21 in each generation was determined by both polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and pathogen inoculation. Recombinations between Xa21 and flanking markers were identified by PCR analysis. Background selection was conducted in BC1F1 and BC2F1 using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers detecting a total of 129 polymorphic bands between‘6078’ and ‘IRBB21′. The individual selected in BC3F2, or‘6078′(Xa21), carried a fragment of less than 3.8 cM from the donor line in the Xa21 region on chromosome 11, and about 98.8% of the genetic background from the recurrent parent. The results showed that‘6078′(Xa21) had the same level and spectrum of BB resistance as the donor parent ‘IRBB21′, while maintaining the agronomic performance and combining ability of the original 6078. A significant increase in BB resistance was also achieved in the hybrid using 6078(Xa21) as the restorer line.  相似文献   

Plant breeding programs aim to develop cultivars with high adaptability to the specific conditions in a local region. As a result, unique genes and gene combinations have been accumulated in local elite breeding populations during the long history of plant breeding. Genetic analyses on such genes and combinations may be useful for developing new cultivars with more-desirable agronomic traits. Here, we attempted to detect quantitative trait loci (QTL) for rice blast resistance (BR) using a local breeding rice population from Hokkaido, Japan. Using genotyping data on single nucleotide polymorphisms and simple sequence repeat markers distributed throughout the whole genomic region, we detected genetic regions associated with phenotypic variation in BR by a genome-wide association mapping study (GWAS). An additional association analysis using other breeding cultivars verified the effect and inheritance of the associated region. Furthermore, the existence of a gene for BR in the associated region was confirmed by QTL mapping. The results from these studies enabled us to estimate potential of the Hokkaido rice population as a gene pool for improving BR. The results of this study could be useful for developing novel cultivars with vigorous BR in rice breeding programs.  相似文献   

水稻白叶枯病相关基因Xig1在感病亲本IR24中受白叶枯病菌的诱导表达。本研究通过克隆与比较Xig1的序列后发现,抗病野生稻导入系W6023与感病亲本IR24中Xig1等位基因的差异主要集中在启动子区。水稻原生质体观察XIG1在细胞中的定位,显示XIG1定位于细胞质中。利用CRISPR/Cas9系统对感病籼稻品种IR24的Xig1靶点进行基因组编辑,获得并评价了多个Xig1定点突变株系对白叶枯菌的抗性。与野生型相比, 8个IR24的Xig1基因定点突变株系对水稻白叶枯病的抗性得到明显提高,而农艺性状无显著差异。Xig1是新发现的水稻白叶枯病感病基因,该基因在水稻白叶枯病感病性中贡献的研究,不仅为创制新的抗病资源提供理论指导,还将丰富和加深我们对植物先天免疫系统的认知。  相似文献   

Bacterial blight (BB) is a major disease of rice for which host resistance is the only effective solution. The three genes pyramid xa5 + xa13 + Xa21 is recently the most utilized combination for developing resistant varieties through marker‐assisted breeding. Our study was carried out to elicit the detailed response of twenty lines possessing these three genes in five genetic backgrounds to twelve diverse BB pathotypes in India. The lines developed from ADT 47 variety showed incomplete resistance to most of the pathotypes, whereas susceptibility varied from 8.3% to 16.6% in ADT 43 and IR24, respectively. However, in IMP ASD16/60 and Improved Samba Mahsuri, complete resistance against all pathotypes was observed. The overall results confirmed that genetic background plays crucial role for the effective expression of xa+ xa13 + Xa21 combination. Molecular studies did not reveal correlation between origin of pathotypes and their virulence potential. It is suggested to deploy Improved Samba Mahsuri, IMP ASD 16/60 and AD1306 varieties in the bacterial blight prone areas or use them as donors for realizing wider and durable resistance.  相似文献   

H. Nakai  M. Kobayashi  M. Saito 《Euphytica》1985,34(3):577-585
Summary Dry seed lots of a rice cultivar, Harebare, susceptible for bacterial leaf blight (BLB), were exposed to thermal neutrons with and without pre-treatment of seed for boron-enrichment, and to gamma-rays. M1 plants of each of the treatments were grown and their seeds were separately harvested. M2 populations were raised in rice fields of a farmer in a region where BLB is epidemic every year, and M2 and control plants which expressed resistant reactions to BLB were selected. M3 and control lines as plant progenies of the selected M2 plants were raised in the same rice fields as in M2 generation in order to investigate their BLB resistance and other agronomically important traits. Variances for disease severity of M2 populations were significantly larger than those of the control population. whereas their means were not singificantly different from that of the control population, suggesting induction of mutations toward both resistance and susceptibility to BLB. Mean disease severity values of the M3 lines from selected M2 plants were significantly smaller than those of the control lines, indicating gains of selection in M2 for quantitative resistance against BLB. Thermal neutrons, especially with boron-enrichment pre-treatment were effective to induce mutations for resistance against BLB. Some M3 mutant lines with quantitatively enhanced resistance against BLB were not modified in other agronomic traits from those of the original cultivar. Significance of the induced quantitative resistance in breeding programmes for BLB resistance is discussed.  相似文献   

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