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大豆油分蛋白质含量相关QTL的实用性验证   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文利用己发表的一些与油分、蛋白质含量主效QTL相连锁的SSR标记,对72份全国各地高油、高蛋白种质资源进行蛋白质和油分含量的分析。通过对9个SSR位点各等位变异的蛋白质和油份含量的方差分析,检测到4个与油分含量相关的等位变异,以及4个与蛋白质含量相关的等位变异。其中satt193、satt491、satt030和satt331分别在DNA片段长度为210~280bp之间检测出与油分含量相关的等位变异。Satt523、satt321、satt231和satt578在DNA片段长度为170-320bp之间检测出和蛋白质含量相关的等位变异。实验证实了与这些位点相连锁OTL的通用性及实用性。  相似文献   

大豆脂肪酸主要组分含量QTL定位   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
以中黄13×中黄20的100个BC2F2家系为作图群体,构建了一张包含131个SSR分子标记的遗传连锁图谱,图谱总长为2157.3 cM,平均遗传距离为16.5 cM,涵盖了大豆的20个连锁群。利用气相色谱技术测定BC2F2、BC2F3和BC2F4回交群体的脂肪酸主要组分含量,采用IciMapping 3.3完备区间作图法定位QTL,共检测到5种脂肪酸组分相关的QTL 26个,与棕榈酸、硬脂酸、油酸、亚油酸和亚麻酸相关的QTL分别为5、5、7、5和4个;3个区间在不同年份被检测到与同一脂肪酸组分相关,sat_294~satt228连续3年被检测到与棕榈酸含量相关,sat_253~satt323和sat_292~satt397连续2年被检测到与油酸含量相关;4个区间被检测到与2种脂肪酸组分相关,其中sat_294~satt228与棕榈酸、油酸相关,satt308~sat_422与硬脂酸、亚油酸相关,sat_292~satt397与油酸、亚油酸相关,satt374~satt269与油酸、亚麻酸相关。  相似文献   

利用Charleston(♀)×东农594(♂)的F14和F15代永久自交系群体154个单株后代,在2年3点条件下用气相色谱法测得其籽粒5种脂肪酸的含量,利用Win QTL Cartographer2.5复合区间作图法(CIM)进行QTL分析。结果共检测到47个相关的QTL,分布在13个连锁群上。多年多点同时检测到的QTL共有15个,其中控制软脂酸性状的2个,包括qPal-C2-2和qPal-A1-1;控制硬脂酸性状的4个,包括qSt-B1-1、qSt-B1-2、qSt-D1a-1和qSt-C2-1;控制油酸性状的3个,包括qOle-B2-1、qOle-G-1和qOle-H-1;控制亚油酸性状的有2个,包括qLin-C2-1和qLin-H-1;控制亚麻酸性状的4个,包括qLino-B1-1、qLino-C2-1、qLino-D1b-1和qLino-J-1。这些QTL的一致性较高,为特异脂肪酸含量标记辅助育种奠定了基础。大豆脂肪酸含量的主效QTL数量不多,效应大的不多,可能还受许多未能检测出来的微效基因控制。  相似文献   

大豆脂肪及脂肪酸组分含量的QTL定位   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
脂肪及脂肪酸组分的改良是大豆油脂品质育种的主要方面。本研究旨在构建遗传图谱,定位大豆脂肪及脂肪酸组分的QTL,为大豆油脂品质育种提供参考。以Essex×ZDD2315的114个BC1F1单株为作图群体,构建了250个SSR标记和1个形态标记,具有25个连锁群的遗传图谱,覆盖大豆基因组2 963.5 cM,平均每个连锁群上10.0个标记,标记平均间距11.8 cM。用BC1F3家系3个重复的表型平均值代表相对应的BC1F1单株表型值,采用Win QTL Cartographer 2.5复合区间作图法(CIM)检测到18个控制脂肪及脂肪酸组分含量的QTL,位于9个不同的连锁群上,表型贡献率为9.6%~34.5%;多区间作图法(MIM)检测到与CIM区间相同的7个QTL(fat-1, pal-1, st-1, ole-1, lin-1, lin-4和lio-2),区间相近的2个QTL(ole-4和lin-5),位于6个不同的连锁群上,表型贡献率为8.2%~39.3%。CIM法检测到的其他9个QTL有待进一步验证。大豆脂肪及脂肪酸组分含量的主效QTL数量不多,效应大的不多,可能还受许多未能检测出来的微效基因控制,育种中既要注意主效QTL的利用,又要考虑微效多基因的积聚。  相似文献   

甘蓝型油菜主要脂肪酸组成的QTL定位   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
应用RAPD、SSR和SRAP技术, 对甘蓝型油菜低芥酸品系APL01与高芥酸品系M083杂交组合的BC1F1群体进行检测, 获得251个分子标记, 构建了19个连锁群组成的分子标记遗传图谱; 应用WinQTLCart 2.0对油菜主要脂肪酸组成进行QTL扫描, 获得与棕榈酸含量相关的QTL 5个, 分别位于N3、N8、N10和N13连锁群, 其中效应值较大的主效QTL qPA8-1和qPA13分别可解释棕榈酸含量表型变异的11.31%和14.47%。获得与硬脂酸含量相关的QTL 3个, 分别位于N1、N8和N16连锁群, 其中效应值较大的主效QTL qST16可解释硬脂酸含量表型变异的12.22%。获得与油酸含量相关的QTL 2个, 位于N8和N13连锁群, 均为主效QTL, 其中qOL8位于N8连锁群的m11e37b~A0226Ba267区间, 可解释油酸含量表型变异的11.73%, qOL13位于N13连锁群的m18e46~m20e25a区间, 可解释表型变异的27.14%。获得与亚油酸含量相关的QTL 3个, 其中主效QTL qLI8-1位于N8连锁群, 可解释亚油酸含量表型变异的13.25%。获得与亚麻酸含量相关的QTL 3个, 效应值均较小, 属微效QTL。获得与廿碳烯酸含量相关的QTL 4个, 分别位于N8、N13和N15连锁群, 其中主效QTL qEI8-1、qEI8-2和qEI13分别可解释廿碳烯酸含量表型变异的12.20%、10.22%和11.14%。获得与芥酸含量相关的QTL 2个, 位于N8和N13连锁群, 均为主效QTL, 其中qER8位于N8连锁群的m11e37b~A0226Ba267区间, 可解释芥酸含量表型变异的16.74%; qER13位于N13连锁群的A0301Bb398~m18e46区间, 可解释芥酸含量表型变异的31.32%。在N8连锁群的分子标记m11e27b附近及N13连锁群的分子标记m18e46附近存在多个主要脂肪酸的主效QTL, 这些标记可用于油菜脂肪酸改良的分子标记辅助选择。  相似文献   

无芥酸甘蓝型油菜十八碳不饱和脂肪酸含量的QTL定位   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
用无芥酸的高油酸油菜品系HOP和低油酸油菜品种湘油15为父母本构建含189单株的F2代作图群体。F2代单粒种子播种前采用半粒取样,F2代单株种子采用混合取样,进行脂肪酸含量的气相色谱分析。统计检测显示这两种方法测定结果极显著相关,各种脂肪酸含量之间大部分也呈显著相关。用该群体构建含342个SSR标记的遗传连锁图并对18碳不饱和脂肪酸含量进行了QTL定位。在A5和C5连锁群上各检测到1个油酸含量主效QTL,其中位于A5连锁群的QTL效应值较大,且与FAD2基因紧密连锁;位于C5连锁群的QTL为首次报道,与之紧密连锁的标记在A5 连锁群QTL区域有同源标记,说明可能与位于C5的FAD2基因有关。用两种方法测定性状值都能检测到这2个QTL,且效应值比较接近,共能解释60%~70%油酸含量变异。由于油酸含量与亚油酸之间高度相关,定位在A5和C5的油酸含量QTL也被确认为亚油酸含量主效QTL,但利用单株法测定的性状值能在A4连锁群上再发现1个LOD值较低的亚油酸含量QTL。两种测定法能比较一致地在A4、A5和C4连锁群上检测到3个亚麻酸含量主效QTL,共能解释72%~80%亚麻酸含量变异。用半粒法能在A4连锁群还能检测到1个解释变异度为12.42%的较小LOD值的亚麻酸含量QTL。  相似文献   

大豆是食用植物蛋白质和油脂的主要来源,提高大豆蛋白质和油分含量是主要的育种目标,与传统育种相比,利用分子标记定位QTL辅助育种,在实用价值和理论意义上都对大豆育种具有十分重要的价值。利用蛋白质与油分含量差异较大的大豆亲本东农L13和合农60、黑河36,分别构建了以东农L13为共同亲本的2个重组自交系群体RIL3613(东农L13×黑河36)和RIL6013(东农L13×合农60),分别包含134,156个株系;利用3个生态环境下数据对大豆蛋白含量和油分含量进行了表型数据分析,分别利用150,137个SSR标记构建遗传图谱,采用完备区间作图法(ICIM),对3个环境下的油分和蛋白质含量进行了QTL定位。通过对表型数据的分析,2个RIL群体的蛋白质与油分含量在基因型间或不同环境条件下的差异均达极显著水平,且基因型与环境间存在极显著的互作效应。2个群体中,共检测到8个蛋白质含量QTL,分布于7个连锁群上;共检测出5个控制油分含量的QTL,分布于5个连锁群上,有1个油分含量的QTL在2个种植环境下重复检测到。在定位的QTL中,7个蛋白质含量相关的QTL和3个油分含量相关的QTL与前人研究一致,...  相似文献   

菜籽饼是重要的饲料蛋白质来源,氨基酸组成与饲料营养品质有着密切关系,其中丝氨酸、胱氨酸和酪氨酸为多数动物的半必需氨基酸。本研究利用甘蓝型油菜双单倍体(DH)群体分别与双亲Tapidor和Ningyou 7回交构建的2套BC1F1群体,采用新创建的双子叶作物种子品质性状遗传体系QTL定位软件和作图方法,对油菜籽丝氨酸、胱氨酸和酪氨酸含量进行了种子胚和母体植株2套遗传体系的QTL定位分析。结果表明,在A1、A4、A7、A8、A9、C2、C3和C9染色体上检测到5个丝氨酸含量QTL、2个胱氨酸含量QTL和5个酪氨酸含量QTL,分别解释59.34%、29.66%和59.26%的表型变异。其中5个QTL属于主效QTL,均能解释10%以上的表型变异。全部QTL均具极显著的胚和母体加性主效应,其中3个QTL具显著或极显著的环境互作效应。在A4染色体上发现1个QTL簇,该区域存在3个控制丝氨酸、胱氨酸和酪氨酸含量的QTL。一些重要QTL以及与之紧密连锁的分子标记在今后图位克隆和分子标记辅助选择育种中具有重要的利用价值。  相似文献   

研究了新疆8个不同产地的21批次棉籽油中18种脂肪酸的纽成。结果表明,新疆不同产地的棉籽油中主要脂肪酸豆蔻酸、棕榈酸、硬脂酸、油酸、亚油酸含量一定,其中新疆最南部的喀什地区莎车县的棉籽油中5种脂肪酸含量分别为0.5%、20.1%、2.9%、21.5%和52.6%,最北部的博州博乐市棉籽油中的含量为0.9%、25.9%、1.8%、18.1%和48.7%,最东部的哈密地区棉籽油中的含量分别为0.6%、21.6%、2.0%、22-3%和50.5%.说明棉籽油中的脂肪酸组成与棉花产地存在一定关系。  相似文献   

Seed fatty acid content is an important consideration for soybean produced for food, feed, and industrial applications. In this study, MCScanX was used to analyze the entire soybean genome to generate a collinearity block, which was then used to assess the collinearity among the soybean fatty acid quantitative trait loci (QTL) in the SoyBase database. The hub‐QTLs located in the Gm06, Gm07, and Gm10 segments were identified. The Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes and gene ontology databases were used to analyze the genes in hub‐QTL regions, resulting in the identification of 17 candidate genes related to soybean fatty acid content. Two lines with different fatty acid contents and a recurrent parent were selected from a chromosome segment substitution line library for a subsequent quantitative real‐time polymerase chain reaction (qRT‐PCR) assay to verify the candidate gene expression patterns. Four genes were related to the total soybean fatty acid content, while three genes were related to the content of specific fatty acid types. The results of this study may be relevant for the fine mapping of soybean fatty acid QTLs/genes.  相似文献   

The heading date is an important trait for determining regional and climatic adaptability in rice. To expand the adaptability of the indica rice cultivar ‘IR64’, we pyramided multiple early or late heading quantitative trait locus (QTLs) in the ‘IR64’ genetic background by crossing previously developed near-isogenic lines (NILs) with a single QTL for early or late heading. The effects of pyramiding QTLs were observed in three different climatic zones of the Philippines, Madagascar, and Japan. The early heading pyramiding lines (PYLs) headed 6.2 to 12.8 days earlier than ‘IR64’ while the late heading PYLs headed 18.8 to 27.1 days later than ‘IR64’. The PYLs tended to produce low grain yield compared to ‘IR64’. The low yield was not improved by combining SPIKE, which is a QTL that increases the number of spikelets per panicle. Conversely, ‘IR64-PYL(7+10)’ carrying Hd5 and Hd1 headed earlier, produced more tillers, and more panicles per m2 than ‘IR64’, and mitigated the yield decrease in early heading. These results suggest that the effects of pyramided QTLs on heading date were consistent across various environments and PYLs could be used to enhance the adaptation of ‘IR64’ in other rice growing environments.  相似文献   

In this study, we observed variation of rapeseed oil content in SG population across 11 environments. A joint mapping was conducted to detect the quantitative trait loci (QTL) involved in oil content variation. We examined additive main (a), epistatic effects (aa) and their interactions with environments (QE). Apart from a of 12 QTL (collectively to 6.74% of oil content), aa of 18 locus pairs contributed to 5.36% difference, explaining 45.3% of phenotypic variation in the population. Moreover, 28 QE interactions contributed to a change of 1.55% in oil content in each environment, accounting for 13.3% phenotypic variation. Two environmentally sensitive QTL (OilC2 and OilC8‐1) exhibited a small a (0.17) but strong ae (0.41 and 0.32 averagely). These two QTL were also frequently involved in epistatic interactions. However, two major QTL (OilA7 and OilC8‐2) showed few QE and uninvolved in epistasis. In conclusion, a and aa were the dominant contributors to oil content in rapeseed, while QE accounted for 10‐15% of variation. The results suggest OilA7 and OilC8‐2 are potential candidates for breeding utilization and gene cloning.  相似文献   

水稻抽穗期数量性状基因的定位及遗传效应分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本研究利用特早抽穗粳稻品种石狩白毛和籼稻品种明恢63杂交的F2分离群体共116株,构建了含88个共显性分子标记的连锁图谱,对水稻(Oryza sativA L.)抽穗期进行基因定位。利用2种分析软件MAPMAKER/QTL和QTLMapper进行分析,共检测到3个抽穗期的数量性状基因座(QTLs)。2个软件共同发现第7染色体上RM214与A5106标记区间内存在1个主效QTL Hd7a(Hd7c),来自明恢63的这个位点的等位基因可使抽穗期延迟。其余2个QTLs分别位于第7、9染色体上。同时检测到有5对位点间存在上位性作用,但相对贡献率较小,表明上位性效应也是影响抽穗期的遗传基础。  相似文献   

Seed longevity in rice is a major determinant in seed production and germplasm preservation. In this paper, a recombinant inbred line (RIL) population consisting of 172 lines derived from the cross between Xiang743 and ‘Katy’ was used to map quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for seed longevity (SL) after seed storage for 18 and 30 months under ambient conditions. Two putative QTLs, qSL‐2 and qSL‐8, were detected and located on chromosomes 2 and 8, respectively. qSL‐2 is an allele from Xiang743 allele and increases seed longevity. qSL‐8 was a novel QTL from ‘Katy’ allele and increases seed longevity. qSL‐8 explained 15.29% and 17.35% of the phenotypic variance after seed storage for 18 and 30 months, respectively. Furthermore, qSL‐8 was validated in a secondary population developed by self‐pollination of a residual heterozygous line (RHL) selected from the RIL population, which explained 25.93% of the phenotypic contribution. These results provide an opportunity for map‐based cloning of qSL‐8. Furthermore, qSL‐8 may be a target for improving seed longevity by marker‐assisted selection (MAS) in rice.  相似文献   

Mapping QTLs for kernel oil content in a tropical maize population   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Maize cultivars often have low kernel oil content. To increase the oil content, efficient maize breeding programs have to be developed, which require the knowledge of the inheritance of this trait. Thus, the objective of this research was to map quantitative trait locus (QTLs) and estimate their effects for kernel oil content in a tropical maize population. Two maize inbred lines, contrasting for kernel oil content, were used to develop an F2 population. Four hundred and eight F2 plants were self-pollinated, and their kernels (F2:3 progenies) were used for kernel oil evaluation. A genetic map with 75 microsatellites was developed, and the QTLs were mapped using the composite interval map (CIM); also, estimates of genetic and phenotypic variances, and heritability coefficient were computed. The map presented 10 linkage groups, spanned 1,438.6 cM in length with an average interval of 19.18 cM between adjacent markers. The kernel oil content averaged 58.40 g kg–1, and the broad-sense heritability was high (h2= 0.98). Thirteen QTLs were mapped, which were distributed into eight chromosomes, and explained 26.64% of the genetic variation. QTLs in chromosomes 1, 5, and 6 contributed the most for kernel oil content. Nine out of 13 QTLs with favorable alleles were from the parental inbred with the highest kernel oil content. The average level of dominance was partial, but gene action of the QTLs ranged from additive to overdominance. Eight out of 13 mapped QTLs were already reported for temperate maize populations.  相似文献   

The high stearic acid sunflower mutant CAS-3 is characterized by a low seed oil content, which might represent a constraint for the commercial production of high stearic acid sunflower oil. The objective of the present research was to investigate the relationships between fatty acid profile and seed oil content in CAS-3. Plants of CAS-3 were reciprocally crossed with plants of breeding line ADV-37, with high oil content and standard fatty acid profile. Oil content and fatty acid composition were measured in individual F2 seeds and F2 plants (F3 seeds averaged). Both F2 seeds and F2 plants from the cross ADV-37 × CAS-3 had a significantly higher oil content than those from the reciprocal cross, which indicated the existence of cytoplasmic effects in the genetic control of the trait. A consistent negative correlation between oil content and palmitic acid and a positive correlation between oil content and oleic acid were detected both in F2 seeds and F2 plants. Conversely, no consistent correlation between oil content and stearic acid was observed, which suggested the feasibility of simultaneous selection for both traits.  相似文献   

[Objective] The purpose of this study was to map quantitative trait loci (QTL) related to chlorophyll content based on Soil and Plant Analyzer Development (SPAD) readings in cotton. [Method] The 195 BILs (Backcross Inbred Lines) were produced by a cross between Gossypium barbadense Hai 7124 and G. hirsutum CRI 36, using CRI 36 as the recurrent parent for backcrossing with F1 to produce BC1F1, followed by seven generations of selfing. The genetic linkage map was constructed in a previous study. QTLs of chlorophyll SPAD value in the first flowering and boll development stages were identified with inclusive composite interval mapping (ICIM) method of the BIP and MET models in IciMapping 4.1 software, respectively. [Result] In total, nine chlorophyll SPAD reading QTLs were identified on 6 chromosomes. The q-SPAD-A11-1 detected at the first flowering stage overlapped with q-SPAD-A11-2 detected at the boll development stage, contributing 5.08% and 5.75% of the phenotypic variation, respectively. The q-SPAD-D08-2 physical position ranged from 48.71 to 53.65 Mb on chromosome D08, which overlapped with a chlorophyll content QTL detected in a previous study. [Conclusion] The novel stable QTLs, q-SPAD-A11-1 and q-SPAD-A11-2 detected in this study provide an important piece of information for fine mapping chlorophyll content in cotton.  相似文献   

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