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We previously identified 62, 39, 27 and 7 kDa porcine sperm plasma membrane proteins that demonstrated a predominant affinity for the porcine oocyte plasma membrane by Western ligand blotting. The current experiments were designed to further investigate the potential roles of these molecules in sperm–oocyte plasma membrane interaction. Abilities of these proteins to bind to the oocyte plasma membrane and to inhibit sperm–oocyte interaction were evaluated. Plasma membrane was isolated primarily from the head of ejaculated porcine sperm by nitrogen cavitation and density gradient centrifugation. Fractions containing the 62, 39, 27 and 7 kDa proteins were electroeluted from one dimensional SDS polyacrylamide gels, dialysed and proteins biotinylated. Following incubation with zona‐free porcine oocytes, bound protein was visualized with 20 μg TRITC‐avidin/ml using confocal microscopy. Fractions of the dialysed, electroeluted proteins were added to porcine in vitro fertilization assays. The 62, 39, 27 and 7 kDa proteins all demonstrated binding to the oocyte plasma membrane in contrast to a biotinylated control protein. Addition of unlabelled sperm plasma membrane proteins to the biotinylated protein visibly reduced binding. Addition of each of these protein fractions to in vitro fertilization assays reduced sperm interaction with the porcine oocyte plasma membrane in a concentration‐dependent manner. Binding of these sperm plasma membrane proteins to the oocyte plasma membrane and inhibition of fertilization are consistent with these proteins being involved in sperm–oocyte plasma membrane interaction.  相似文献   

猪脂肪细胞特异膜蛋白的分离鉴定   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
用蔗糖密度梯度离心制备脂肪细胞及其他组织细胞膜蛋白 ,通过 SDS- PAGE分离并用薄层扫描测定不同组织细胞膜蛋白的组成、相对分子质量及含量。结果表明 ,猪皮下脂肪细胞有 19种膜蛋白 ,心脏、肝脏、脾脏、肺脏、肾脏、肌肉细胞及其他脂肪细胞有 13~ 2 4种膜蛋白 ,红细胞膜有 6种膜蛋白。经 Western- blot鉴定 ,猪皮下脂肪细胞有 8种特异性膜蛋白 ,分别为 110 770、10 3910、39970、3110 0、2 94 2 0、2 5 4 80、2 35 4 0和 2 2 0 0 0。结果显示 ,脂肪细胞与其他组织细胞膜蛋白组成及含量存在较大差异  相似文献   

卵巢运输温度对猪卵母细胞体外受精和发育的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
研究发现 ,在猪卵巢卵母细胞的体外受精和体外发育过程中 ,卵巢的运输温度对其有着重要的影响。当运输温度接近室温 (2 7± 2 )℃时 ,体外受精平均卵裂率为 5 3.0 % ,而运输温度接近体温 (36± 2 )℃时 ,平均卵裂率为 39.1% ,2组之间具有显著差异 (P <0 .0 1)。但 2组的囊胚形成率无显著差异 (P >0 .0 5 ) ,分别为 7.3%和 6 .9%。当温度降为(2 0± 2 )℃时 ,平均卵裂率下降到 32 .4 % ,与室温运输具有显著差异 (P <0 .0 1) ,而与体温运输差异不显著 (P>0 .0 5 ) ,囊胚形成率 (4 .4 % )低于以上 2组 ,但统计学上无显著差异 (P >0 .0 5 )。  相似文献   

Effects of different media (TCM 199 + BSA, TCM 199 + FCS, TCM 199 + NBCS, Whitten's medium + BSA) supplemented with estradiol-17β and two isolated and everted follicle shells on MPF and MAP kinase activities and the sensitivity to parthenogenetic activation of pig oocytes were examined at the end of culture (48 h). Elevated ( P  <   0.05) activities of MAP kinase were recorded in metaphase II oocytes following culture in Whitten's medium, whereas MPF levels were lowest ( P  <   0.05) in MII oocytes matured in TCM 199 supplemented with BSA. Oocytes matured in TCM 199 based media showed higher ( P  <   0.05) activation rates when compared to oocytes incubated in Whitten's medium. Whitten's medium supplemented with different protein sources (amino acids, FCS, BSA) was used to study the effects of different exposure periods to eCG/hCG stimulation on MPF and MAP kinase activities and in vivo fertilisability following culture for 48 h. MPF and MAP kinase activities were significantly increased by eCG/hCG stimulation of COCs during maturation. Further, the continuous presence of eCG/hCG during culture (48 h) significantly increased the levels of both kinases in comparison to stimulation by gonadotrophins alone during the first 24 h of incubation. In vivo fertilisation of oocytes matured in Whitten's medium supplemented with eCG/hCG for 24 or 48 h led to a significant retardation of early embryonic development compared to ovulated oocytes. In conclusion, media composition and gonadotrophin stimulation affect MPF/MAP kinase activities and the susceptibility to parthenogenetic activation of IVM oocytes. However, elevated kinase levels in pig oocytes following culture do not indicate complete cytoplasmic maturation.  相似文献   

In this study, we determined the expression and activation of p38 MAPK in matured porcine oocytes subjected to heat shock (HS). When MII oocytes were heated, only the phosphorylated p38 levels relative to the total p38 levels decreased (P < 0.01) after HS, but no clear relationship with HS treatments was observed in the ERK, JNK and p90rsk expressions of matured oocytes. To confirm p38 activation in matured oocytes, immunocytochemical staining was performed to localize its expression and distribution in the ooplasm, and the results were largely consistent with previous Western blot analyses. Moreover, when matured oocytes were co-cultured with a P38 MAPK inhibitor, SB203580, for 4 h at 41.5 C, the activation of its immediate downstream substrate MAPKAPK-2 was not inhibited within any of the treatment groups. It appears that the MAPKAPK2 levels increased only under prolonged culture (HS4h and C4h) compared with the control group. In conclusion, p38 activity in porcine oocytes was decreased after exposure to HS and prolonged culture. These alterations of p38 and activation of MAPKAPK2 may be associated with porcine oocyte viability under HS conditions, and a potential cross-talk between p38 MAPK and other signaling cascades may exist, which warrants additional investigation.  相似文献   

猪特异性脂肪细胞膜蛋白的研究进展与应用前景   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
猪的特异性脂肪细胞膜蛋白的表达可能涉及到脂肪细胞的分化与生长的调节 ,缺乏该蛋白可能导致肥胖症。本文概述了国外对该膜蛋白的研究进展 ,并阐述了应用前景  相似文献   

以纯化的猪脂肪细胞特异膜蛋白 (40 0 0 0 )为抗原免疫 BAL B/ c小鼠 ,制备了 2 A3、3 H7和 3 A6等 3株单克隆抗体 ,分别属于 Ig A、Ig M和 Ig G1亚类 ,其最佳稀释倍数分别为 1∶ 1 6 0 0、1∶ 3 2 0 0和 1∶ 6 4 0 0。经 Western blotting鉴定 ,3株单抗均能与 4 0 0 0 0的抗原结合 ,且具有较强的抗原亲和力 ,亲和常数分别为 4 .86× 1 0 8、1 .86× 1 0 9和 2 .4 6× 1 0 9;对皮下脂肪细胞具有很强的特异性 ,经 Western blotting鉴定仅与猪和人脂肪细胞的 4 0 0 0 0膜蛋白发生特异反应 ,而与牛、羊、兔、鸡、鼠等动物的脂肪细胞膜蛋白均无交叉反应 ;能与滇玉、滇昆、滇陆、长撒、长白、DL Y、约长撒和撒坝等品种猪皮下脂肪细胞的 4 0 0 0 0膜蛋白发生特异反应 ,而与皮下脂肪细胞的其他膜蛋白无交叉反应 ;仅与长撒猪皮下脂肪和腹部脂肪细胞的 4 0 0 0 0膜蛋白发生特异反应 ,与心、肝、脾、肺、肾、肌肉、肠系膜脂肪和肾周脂肪细胞膜蛋白均无交叉反应  相似文献   

Growth differentiation factor 9 (GDF9) and bone morphogenetic protein 15 (BMP15) are members of the transforming growth factor‐β (TGF‐β) family, and their roles in oocyte maturation and cumulus expansion are well known in the mouse and human, but not in the pig. We investigated GDF9 and BMP15 expressions in porcine oocytes during in vitro maturation. A significant increase in the mRNA levels of GDF9 and BMP15 was observed at germinal vesicle breakdown, with expression levels peaking at metaphase I (MI), but decreasing at metaphase II (MII). GDF9 and BMP15 protein localized to the oocyte cytoplasm. While treatment with GDF9 and BMP15 increased the expression of genes involved in both oocyte maturation (c‐mos, cyclinb1 and cdc2) and cumulus expansion (has2, ptgs2, ptx3 and tnfaip6), SB431542 (a TGFβ–GDF9 inhibitor) decreased meiotic maturation at MII. Following parthenogenetic activation, the percentage of blastocysts in SB431542 treatment was lower than in the control (41.3% and 74.4%, respectively). Treatment with GDF9 and BMP15 also increased the mRNA levels of maternal genes such as c‐mos [a regulatory subunit of mitogen‐activated protein kinase (MAPK)], and cyclinb1 and cdc2 [regulatory subunits of maturation/M‐phase‐promoting factor (MPF)]; however, SB431542 significantly decreased their mRNA levels. These data were supported by poly (A)‐test PCR and protein activity analyses. Our results show that GDF9 and BMP15 participate in cumulus expansion and that they stimulate MPF and MAPK activities in porcine oocytes during in vitro maturation.  相似文献   



Standard practice in canine blood banking is to produce fresh frozen plasma (FFP) by separating and freezing plasma produced from blood within 8 hours of collection. Within canine blood donation programs, this can limit the number of units collected.


The aim was to compare the coagulation factor and hemostatic protein content (CF&HPC) of plasma produced from blood stored at ambient temperature for 8, 12, and 24 hours. Another aim was to compare the CF&HPC between Greyhound types and other breeds.




In vitro study. A convenience sample of 58 units of canine blood from a blood donor pool was processed to prepare and freeze plasma 8, 12, or 24 hours following collection.


Regardless of time of processing, the units contained therapeutic CF&HPC. Frozen plasma prepared after 24 hours had significantly higher factor VIII (P = .014) and factor X (P = .03) when compared with the frozen plasma prepared at 8 hours. Factor X (< .01), fibrinogen (P < .01), and vWF (P = .04) were significantly lower in plasma collected from Greyhound types than in plasma collected from other breeds.

Conclusions and Clinical Importance

Storing whole blood for up to 24 hours is a suitable method for producing FFP. Lower values for some coagulation factors and hemostatic proteins in plasma produced from Greyhound types would not preclude these dogs as FFP donors.  相似文献   

温度对嗜水气单胞菌外膜蛋白表达的影响   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
提取嗜水气单胞菌J-1、Y-1、F-155 株的外膜蛋白(OMP)作SDS-PAGE,结果显示,它们的电泳图谱属于同一模式,均含有22 000、31 000、38 000、43 000 和50 000 等5 条主要OMP带。温度影响嗜水气单胞菌OMP的表达,28℃培养时表达的OMP以43 000 者为最多;而37℃培养时表达最多的是38 000 的条带。J-1株37℃培养时对鲫鱼和小鼠的LD50分别为3.4×106、2.5×106 CFU;28℃时则为8.7×105、1.8×105 CFU,表明28℃培养时J-1 株毒力较强。随着OMP在载样缓冲液中煮沸时间的增加,主要蛋白带的浓度降低,相对分子质量小的蛋白带增多。免疫转印显示,这些蛋白带均能与J-1 株OMP多抗呈显色反应。抗原性分析表明,J-1 株OMP与HEC毒素之间无抗原性交叉。  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to establish a method for nuclear replacement in metaphase‐II (M‐II) stage porcine oocytes. Karyoplasts containing M‐II chromosomes (K) and cytoplasts without chromosomes (C) were produced from in vitro‐matured oocytes by a serial centrifugation method. The oocytes were then reconstructed by fusion of one karyoplast with 1, 2, 3 or 4 cytoplasts (K + 1C, K + 2C, K + 3C and K + 4C, respectively). Reconstructed oocytes, karyoplasts without fusion of any cytoplast (K) and zona‐free M‐II oocytes (control) were used for experiments. The rates of female pronucleus formation after parthenogenetic activation in all groups of reconstructed oocytes (58.2–77.4%) were not different from those of the K and control groups (58.2% and 66.0%, respectively). In vitro fertilization was carried out to assay the fertilization ability and subsequent embryonic development of the reconstructed oocytes. The cytoplast : karyoplast ratio did not affect the fertilization status (penetration and male pronuclear formation rates) of the oocytes. A significantly high monospermy rate was found in K oocytes (p < 0.05, 61.6%) compared with the other groups (18.2–32.8%). Blastocyst formation rates increased significantly as the number of the cytoplasts fused with karyoplasts increased (p < 0.05, 0.0–15.3%). The blastocyst rate in the K + 4C group (15.3%) was comparable with that of the control (17.8%). Total cell numbers in both the K + 3C and K + 4C groups (16.0 and 15.3 cells, respectively) were comparable with that of the control (26.2 cells). Our results demonstrate that a serial centrifugation and fusion (Centri‐Fusion) is an effective method for producing M‐II chromosome transferred oocytes with normal fertilization ability and in vitro development. It is suggested that the number of cytoplasts fused with a karyoplast plays a critical role in embryonic development.  相似文献   

The role of mitogen‐activated protein kinase (MAPK) was investigated during ageing of porcine oocytes following in vitro maturation (IVM). Oocytes exhibiting an extruded first polar body after IVM for 46 h (79.3% metaphase II, M II) were used for the experiments. Nuclear maturation stages were not visibly altered after a further 12 h of ageing. Proportion of M II stages (42.9%) decreased significantly whereas fragmentation and degeneration of oocytes increased after an ageing time of 26 h. In vitro ageing for 12 and 26 h led to a significant reduction of MAPK phosphorylation (i.e. activation) compared to oocytes matured for 46 h. When MAPK was inhibited by U0126 in M II oocytes, 30.9% (12 h) and 39.7% (26 h) of oocytes, respectively, left metaphase II arrest and proceeded to early anaphase II. Pronuclear stages or fragmentation could be observed only sporadically (2.6–3.6%). After parthenogenetic activation of oocytes by ethanol/cycloheximide, cleavage stages were reached with rates of 51.9% (46 h IVM), 42.0% (12 h ageing) and 40.3% (26 h ageing), respectively. Furthermore, a significant higher proportion of long‐term aged oocytes (26 h) showed pronuclear formation (8.6%) and fragmentation (7.9%) compared to non‐aged oocytes (each 1.9%). It is concluded that both MAPK phosphorylation and cleavage rate after parthenogenetic activation decreased before alterations of nuclear stages could be detected during in vitro ageing of M II oocytes. A premature MAPK dephosphorylation of M II oocytes caused early anaphase II stages, but cleaved stages could not be achieved.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of a portable incubator with a CO2 chamber on the viability and development of porcine oocytes/embryos for their transportation and examined the operational suitability of a straw or dish as a container for culturing the oocytes or embryos in the portable incubator. In the first experiment, the cumulus‐oocyte complexes (COCs) were placed either in a dish or straw; and they were then cultured for 44 h in a standard CO2 incubator, in the CO2 chamber in an incubator, or in the CO2 chamber in a portable incubator. The matured oocytes were fertilized with frozen‐thawed spermatozoa and then cultured in a dish in the standard CO2 incubator for 8 days. There were no differences in the proportions of oocytes reaching metaphase II stage among the groups. However, the proportions of cleavage and development to blastocysts derived from oocytes matured in a straw were lower than those from oocytes matured in a dish, irrespective of the type of incubator used. In the second experiment, the COCs were matured in a dish in the standard CO2 incubator, and the matured oocytes were fertilized and then placed either in a dish or straw. These were then cultured for 8 days in the standard CO2 incubator or portable incubator. Some zygotes cultured in the portable incubator developed to the blastocyst stage. The proportions of cleavage and development to blastocysts were significantly lower for putative zygotes cultured in straw than for those cultured in dish, irrespective of the type of incubator used. Our results indicate that a portable incubator with a CO2 chamber can maintain the viability and development of oocytes/embryos, but the straw is not a suitable system for in vitro culture of the oocytes/embryos during transportation.  相似文献   


Outer membrane proteins (OMP) of 10 isolates of Edwardsiella tarda were compared by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gradient gel electrophoresis. The OMP profile of the type strain E. tarda ATCC 15947 cultured at 25°C had five major protein bands of 40, 36.5, 34, 28.5, and 25 kDa and a large number of minor proteins ranging in size from approximately 10 to 120 kDa. Differences between the OMP profiles of the isolates of E. tarda included the inconsistent presence of the 34- or 36.5-kDa proteins in five isolates of E. tarda and two major bands of 47 and 44 kDa that were present in only two isolates of E. tarda. There were no differences in the outer membrane protein profiles of 9 out of 10 isolates of E. tarda incubated at a temperature of 25°C compared with those at 35°C. To evaluate the effect of salinity, 10 isolates of E. tarda were cultured in brain heart infusion broth containing 0.5, 1.5, and 3.0% sodium chloride. Reactions of isolates of E. tarda to the different salinity levels were placed into three groups. The first group expressed more or fewer protein bands at 1.5% sodium chloride. The second group lost major bands at 3% salinity, whereas the third group had no change in the OMP profile with salinity. The OMP profile differences and the different reactions to salinity levels suggest that the isolates are heterogeneous.  相似文献   

利用Bac-to-Bac杆状病毒表达系统成功表达了猪圆环病毒2型Cap蛋白,并对该蛋白的生物活性进行鉴定。PCR获得Cap基因并克隆入pFastBacTMⅠ载体质粒,重组质粒pFastBacⅠ-Cap转化DH10Bac感受态细胞,通过蓝白斑筛选获得重组杆粒rBacmid-Cap。以脂质体法将重组杆粒转染对数生长期的Sf9细胞,获得重组杆状病毒。电镜下可见典型的杆状病毒,SDS-PAGE显示,重组病毒表达的Cap蛋白约28ku,间接免疫荧光试验证明,Cap蛋白良好表达并具有免疫反应性,为猪圆环病毒亚单位疫苗的研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

本研究采用RT-PCR方法从临床病料中扩增得到了5株猪繁殖与呼吸综合征病毒(PRRSV)山东流行株新结构蛋白ORF5a基因序列,并与国内外其他22株PRRSV ORF5a基因序列进行了比较和分析。结果表明,5株PRRSV山东株ORF5a基因CDS为141 bp,编码46个氨基酸,序列同源性为93.6%~100%(nt)和89.4%~100%(aa);5株山东株与其他Ⅱ型PRRSV同源性为83.0%-99.3%(nt)和72.3%~100%(aa)。在ORF5a蛋白上高度保守的R/Q基序区,LX13(3)株有3个氨基酸的变异,CY13株有1个氨基酸的变异。与2006年以前的毒株相比,我国2006年以后分离的毒株第8、12、28位和42位的氨基酸发生了变异。进化树分析表明,5株PRRSV山东株与高致病性PRRSV代表株JXA1株在同一个亚群。  相似文献   

将扩增得到的PPV SC-1株VP2基因产物插入转移载体质粒pPI-2.EGFP中,构建了含PPV VP2基因及其EGFP报告基因的PRV基因缺失表达载体质粒pPI-2.EGFP.VP2。采用磷酸钙转染系统,将pPI-2.EGFP.VP2 DNA和PRV DNA共转染Vero细胞后通过直接荧光观察、Dot-blot核酸杂交筛选得到几株重组病毒,将其中一株(命名为SA215-B)DNA用BamHI酶切和Southern转印杂交进一步验证重组病毒构建成功,并通过SDS-PAGE电泳和Western免疫印迹检测表明PPV VP2基因在重组病毒内获得表达,产生大小约93ku的融合蛋白,同时融合蛋白中的PPV VP2结构蛋白仍然保持了原有的反应原性,表明成功构建了含绿色荧光蛋白基因的猪细小病毒病-伪狂犬病重组病毒。  相似文献   

福氏志贺菌外膜蛋白A是细菌入侵宿主细胞的作用蛋白,同时激活机体的免疫机制对抗细菌的感染,在动物疫苗上有很好的应用前景。采用分子克隆方法获得福氏志贺菌OmpA蛋白表达菌株;利用SDS-PAGE电泳切胶纯化、尿素梯度复性获得OmpA蛋白,免疫小鼠制备OmpA蛋白多克隆抗体;采用ELISA法检测抗体滴度,Western blot检测抗血清特异性;DNAMan与MEGA软件分析OmpA蛋白系统进化关系。结果显示,OmpA重组载体双酶切、DNA测序鉴定结果,以及蛋白表达、纯化条带大小与预测一致;ELISA法确认OmpA抗血清滴度达1∶1 600,Western blot证实抗血清具有很好的特异性。OmpA序列系统发生分析发现不同种的致病菌存在同源性,尤其C-端同源性较高,并且不同种志贺菌具有更高的同源性。表明成功制备OmpA蛋白和小鼠多克隆抗体,为OmpA蛋白功能与疫苗开发研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

本研究旨在对临床1份腹泻病料进行病原的分离培养并探究该病原编码的主要抗原蛋白的生物学特点。采用巢式PCR检测病料猪腺病毒3型(Porcine adenovirus type 3,PADV3)核酸并进行病毒分离培养,采用免疫过氧化物酶单层细胞染色法(IPMA)进行病毒血清学鉴定,PCR扩增fiber基因,将其ORF区克隆至pET-28a(+)载体并转化大肠杆菌BL21(DE3)感受态细胞,IPTG诱导重组fiber蛋白表达,采用SDS-PAGE和Western blotting鉴定重组蛋白,将纯化的重组蛋白免疫家兔,制备多克隆抗体并测定抗体免疫活性。结果表明,病料为PADV3核酸阳性,感染ST细胞产生典型的"葡萄串"细胞病变效应(CPE),P5~P11代次中的PADV3核酸稳定,分离的毒株P5代为PADV3型血清学阳性,fiber基因开放阅读框(ORF)为1 296 bp(GenBank登录号:MT774498),与PADV3毒株的核苷酸相似性最高(86.1%),与其他毒株相似性均低于40%;原核表达的重组fiber蛋白分子质量为45.2 ku,fiber蛋白多克隆抗体与PADV3感染的细胞呈特异性的细胞核染色。本试验成功分离得到1株PADV3毒株,命名为PADV3-HY1812,所制备的fiber蛋白多克隆抗体具有良好的免疫活性。  相似文献   

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