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Recrudescence of bovine herpesvirus-5 in experimentally infected calves   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A latent infection of bovine herpesvirus-5 (BHV-5) was established in 4 calves. These calves, plus 2 controls, were given dexamethasone (DM) to reactivate the latent virus. The 4 principal calves developed antibodies to BHV-5 by postinoculation day (PID) 21. Antibody titers increased until PID 42 before decreasing to low levels of PID 75. After the first DM treatment (started on PID 76), an anamnestic antibody response was demonstrated in the 4 principal calves. Calves, 2, 3, and 4 were euthanatized and necropsied at PID 121, and their antibody titers were again decreasing. The virus BHV-5 was not isolated from the tissues by conventional techniques of viral isolation but was isolated from the trigeminal ganglion and spinal cord of calf 3 by explantation techniques. The BHV-5 was isolated, using conventional viral isolation techniques, from a nasal swab sample of calf 1 on PID 91 (15 days after the first DM treatment) and from the thoracic lymph node 6 days after the start of a 2nd DM treatment. Seemingly, BHV-5 may be latently harbored in the nerve tissues or calves and this virus may be reactivated from the upper respiratory tract following subsequent DM treatment.  相似文献   

The protective effect of an inactivated whole-virion bovine herpesvirus-1 (BHV-1) immunising inoculum, without adjuvant, against viral-bacterial respiratory disease was studied in three experimental treatment groups of five calves each. One group was boosted 14 days after the first vaccination and at this time the second group received their initial inoculation. Seven days later, calves were challenged with BHV-1 in aerosol and four days after this challenge all calves were exposed to Pasteurella haemolytica A1 in aerosol. Among the three groups, differences in rectal temperature responses four days after viral challenge (P less than 0.01) did not relate to protection. However the main response variable, viral-bacterial pneumonia, was reduced in boosted calves (P less than 0.05).  相似文献   

A study was carried out to determine whether bovid herpesvirus-2 (BHV-2) is able to induce a recurrent infection in experimentally infected calves. Twelve calves infected with the virus were treated with dexamethasone (DMS) beginning 69 days after the infection, ie, several weeks after the animals had recovered from the disease and were negative for BHV-2. The stress induced by DMS treatment failed to reactivate the clinical condition or to induce shedding of BHV-2. However, treatment with DMS reactivated a latent infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (IBR) virus infection in all calves previously inoculated with BHV-2, and also in 2 noninoculated controls. The reactivation of IBR virus occurred without any clinical evidence of the disease, but the virus was isolated from nasal and pharyngeal swabbings and from the organs. A proliferative ganglionitis of the trigeminal ganglion was also observed. Because of the interference by IBR virus, this study did not resolve the question as to whether BHV-2 can induce a recurrent infection.  相似文献   

Eight calves (2 calves in each of 4 groups) were exposed to an aerosol of bovine herpesvirus-1 (BHV-1) and 4 days later to an aerosol of Pasteurella haemolytica. Samples of tracheal and exhaled air were taken simultaneously beginning 1 day before viral exposure and once a day up to 3 to 4 days after the bacterial exposure. Samples were also taken during the period of aerosol exposure. Only 0.04% to 0.42% of P haemolytica-carrying droplets of the bacterial aerosol passed beyond the cranial part of the respiratory tract to the trachea. Nevertheless, numbers of bacteria as few as 1 bacterium/L of tracheal air were sufficient to produce fatal disease in the lungs of BHV-1-infected calves. In 1 of 4 groups, BHV-1 was isolated from most daily samples of exhaled and tracheal air. Pasteurella haemolytica was isolated 7 times more frequently from air when calves were kept at 1 C than when calves were kept at 23 C. The number of P haemolytica-carrying droplets in exhaled air was low (less than 1/L of air); however, samples obtained during the time that calves were coughing contained up to 10 P haemolytica-carrying droplets/L of air. It was learned that the cranial part of the respiratory tract serves as an efficient filter on inhalation and exhalation, but this filter is deficient in the animal when coughing occurs. This process expels infective droplets of size suitable for inhalation by other cattle in close proximity.  相似文献   

The pathogenesis and virulence of Bovine enterovirus-1 (BEV-1) in cattle is largely unknown. Reports concerning its virulence suggest that there might be an association between BEV-1 infections and a range of diseases in cattle that vary from respiratory to enteric to reproductive disease and infertility. In the current study, the pathogenesis associated with acute infection of BEV-1 in calves experimentally inoculated with the Oklahoma isolate of BEV-1 was described. Although interpretation of the study was limited by lack of an effective control group, results suggest that an association between inoculation of BEV-1, virus localization, and the potential development of lesions in the brain and heart probably exists. In the experiment, BEV-1 virus localized to the terminal ileum, ileocecal and cecocolonic junctions, spiral colon, and ileocecal lymph nodes; BEV-1 virus was detected in the cytoplasm of enterocytes, lamina propria macrophages, endothelium, neurons of the submucosal and myenteric plexi, and lymphocytes of the submucosal lymphoid tissue. Although no clinical signs were noted following acute infection, BEV-1 was localized in the cerebellar white matter of a calf with encephalitis and in the heart of another calf with coronary arteritis. The current study suggests that the BEV-1 isolate is infectious to young calves and that BEV-1 potentially can have a similar pathogenesis to that observed in natural or experimental enterovirus infections in other species.  相似文献   

In order to elucidate whether infection by Bovine Leukemia Virus (BLV) might induce an immunodeficient state, we inoculated sixteen calves with BLV. The calves were followed up for two years and were tested for humoral and cellular responses using various parameters, namely the appearance of antibodies to the BLV antigens, the changes in the numbers of lymphocytes involved, and the ratio between the two main populations of lymphocytes. Antibodies to the BLV antigens were of both the IgG and the IgM classes of immunoglobulins. The levels of antibodies of the IgM class were higher than those of IgG. There was a temporary decrease of reactive antibodies to the BLV antigens, to below detectable levels, during the 14-24 weeks post infection. A significant decrease in the level of plasma IgM was found in all BLV infected calves exhibiting lymphocytosis, while the level of IgG in the plasma of all experimental calves did not diverge significantly from the initial values, throughout the experiment. BLV infection was followed by lymphocytosis of B-cells in most infected calves, which persisted for the whole course of the experiment, while a decrease in the population of T-cells in peripheral blood was observed for a period of several months in all infected calves.  相似文献   

The course of an experimental infection of Zebu calves (6-12 months old) with Trypanosoma vivax was studied. Three of eight (38%) infected calves died, two within the first three weeks of infection and the other at 17 weeks. The remaining animals were self-cured. It would appear that self-cure of the infection was related to the ability of the calves to control parasitaemia as well as the severity of anaemia.  相似文献   

In seven calves we studied experimental invasions by sporocysts of the Sarcocystis cruzi (S. bovicanis) species, isolated from faeces of dingo dogs. Out of clinical changes, an increase in body temperature to 39.6 to 40.5 degrees C is characteristic in the fourth to the eighth week of disease, relaxed attitude of animals, progressive thinning down, anaemia of mucous membranes, diarrhoea and total dehydration. The post-mortem examination completes this observation with generalized hyperplasia of lymphatic nodes to haemorrhagic lymphadenitis and small petechial haematomata on serous coats, particularly on epicardium. Schizonts in the endothelium of capillaries in various organs were evaluated as specific lesions, demonstrated within 26 days from invasion in one calf. From 46 days after invasion we found muscular cysts in three other calves. The titres of sera in all experimental calves obtained with the NFR method are also evaluated as specific. Invaded calves died gradually between the 26th and 59th day, control calves were slaughtered and no sarcocysts were found.  相似文献   

Bovine respiratory syncytial virus (BRSV) is an important cause of respiratory disease among calves in the Danish cattle industry. An experimental BRSV infection model was used to study the pathogenesis of the disease in calves. Broncho alveolar lung lavage (BAL) was performed on 28 Jersey calves, of which 23 were experimentally infected with BRSV and five were given a mock inoculum. The presence of the cytokine tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) in the BAL fluids was detected and quantified by a capture ELISA. TNF-alpha was detected in 21 of the infected animals. The amount of TNF-alpha in the BAL fluid of calves killed post inoculation day (PID) 2 and 4 was at the same very low level as in the uninfected control animals. Large amounts of TNF-alpha were detected on PID 6, maximum levels of TNF-alpha were reached on PID 7, and smaller amounts of TNF-alpha were seen on PID 8. The high levels of TNF-alpha appeared on the days where severe lung lesions and clinical signs were obvious and the amounts of BRSV-antigen were at their greatest. Although Pasteurellaceae were isolated from some of the BRSV-infected calves, calves treated with antibiotics before and through the whole period of the infection, as well as BRSV-infected calves free of bacteria reached the same level of TNF-alpha as animals from which bacteria were isolated from the lungs. It is concluded that significant quantities of TNF-alpha are produced in the lungs of the calves on PID 6-7 of BRSV infection. The involvement of TNF-alpha in the pathogenesis of, as well as the anti-viral immune response against, BRSV infection is discussed.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the efficacy of difloxacin, a novel fluoroquinolone antibiotic, in calves experimentally infected with Mannheimia haemolytica (formerly Pasteurella haemolytica). ANIMALS: Seventy-two 3-month-old Holstein calves. PROCEDURES: Calves were inoculated with M haemolytica intratracheally; after they developed clinical signs of pneumonic pasteurellosis, they were randomly assigned to 1 of 6 groups (n = 12/group). Calves in each group were treated with 10% difloxacin (2.5 or 5 mg/kg of body weight), 5% difloxacin (2.5 or 5 mg/kg), enrofloxacin (5 mg/kg), or saline (0.9% NaCl) solution (control group), once daily for 5 days, and clinical signs were scored daily. On day 15, calves were euthanatized, and the percentage of diseased lung tissue was calculated. Swab specimens of the lungs were submitted for bacterial culture. RESULTS: Mortality rate and percentage of diseased lung tissue were significantly higher and cure rate and average daily gain were significantly lower for control calves, compared with calves in the treatment groups; however, no significant differences were found among treatment groups. Mannheimia haemolytica was isolated from the lungs of 10 control calves and from at least 2 calves in each of the treatment groups. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results suggest that difloxacin and enrofloxacin were equally effective for treatment of calves with experimentally induced pneumonic pasteurellosis. However, treatment of infected calves with difloxacin or enrofloxacin may not eliminate the organism.  相似文献   

Contrary to expectation, immunoconglutinin levels failed to rise significantly in calves infected with Trypanosoma congolense. In addition, it was shown that trypanosome infection appeared to inhibit the immunoconglutinin response to Brucella abortus strain 19. The possible reasons for these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

The antibody response and circulating antigen levels in bovine calves, infected experimentally with Fasciola gigantica, were monitored using enzyme-linked immunoelectrotransfer blot (EITB) and sandwich ELISA, respectively. By EITB, the infected calves' sera recognized the polypeptides in the range of 54-58 kDa as early as 2 weeks post-infection. By 12th week post-infection, the lower two polypeptides of 12 and 8 kDa had disappeared. In sandwich ELISA, the circulating 54 kDa and whole worm antigen of F. gigantica were detected in the sera samples of infected calves as early as 2 weeks post-infection and persisted until the end of experiment (26th week PI). The 54 kDa antigen of F. gigantica appears to be specific and possesses promising immunodiagnostic potential for early prepatent diagnosis of bovine fasciolosis.  相似文献   

Latent bovine herpesvirus-1 (BHV-1) infection was established in 6 calves and was demonstrated by reinduction of virus shedding after administration of corticosteroids. Latently infected calves failed to transmit BHV-1 during 4 weeks' contact with sentinel calves. Infected calves were killed and necropsied during latency or induced recrudescence. The BHV-1 DNA was demonstrated intranuclearly in trigeminal ganglion neurons by in situ hybridization. The BHV-1 antigen was demonstrated by immunofluorescence in trigeminal ganglion neurons during recrudescence. By electron microscopy, changes in the appearance of the Nissl bodies and a high frequency of nuclear bodies were observed in trigeminal ganglion neurons.  相似文献   

The aim of this investigation was to study differences and similarities in the acute phase response of calves experimentally infected in the respiratory tract with either bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV) or Mannheima haemolytica (Mh), or with a combination of both (BVDV/Mh). A non-inoculated control group was also included. The acute phase response was measured by serum or plasma concentrations of the acute phase proteins (APPs) haptoglobin, serum amyloid A (SAA) and fibrinogen, and of cortisol, prostaglandin F2alpha-metabolite and interferon-alpha (IFN-alpha) activity. Clinical symptoms were also recorded and were most severe in the BVDV/Mh group. The symptoms were mild to moderate in the BVDV group, while none, or very mild symptoms were observed in the Mh group. In all inoculated groups, a significant acute phase response was observed, with elevated values of haptoglobin, SAA and fibrinogen, while the control group remained unaffected throughout the study. In general, the magnitude of the response was similar, but the duration of elevated concentrations of APPs was significantly longer in the BVDV/Mh group than in the BVDV group, reflecting the duration of the clinical symptoms. However, in the single infection groups, the APP response and the clinical symptoms were not correlated. The IFN-alpha activity increased in all BVDV-inoculated animals, but no response in cortisol and PGF2alpha-metabolite concentrations was observed after infection. Basal levels of serum concentrations of haptoglobin, SAA and fibrinogen were established and may be used for evaluating calf health in herds. The duration of elevated haptoglobin, SAA and fibrinogen values did not differ significantly within groups indicating that their value as indicator of disease is equal.  相似文献   

The initial lung lesions in two calves intrabronchially inoculated with Haemophilus somnus are described. The animals were euthanized within 7 h after challenge. The in situ location of H. somnus and accompanying lesions were examined by light microscopy, immunohistochemistry and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Inoculation with H. somnus resulted in the development of acute pulmonary lesions within 3.5 h. H. somnus antigen was demonstrated only within the luminal spaces of the airways and in one area of bronchio-associated lymphoid tissue (BALT). As observed by TEM, the bacteria were phagocytized by both neutrophils and alveolar macrophages. Antigen was never demonstrated in the pulmonary intravascular macrophages.  相似文献   

Twelve 9-week-old calves were divided into four groups; two groups were maintained helminth-free as controls and the other groups were given Ostertagia ostertagi infective-stage larvae (L3) orally. One group received 100,000 L3 as a single inoculum and the other group received L3 in increasing dosages at weekly intervals for 8 consecutive weeks. The blastogenic responses to concanavalin A (Con A), phytohemagglutinin (PHA), and a soluble larval antigen from O. ostertagi (SLA) of peripheral blood lymphocytes were evaluated using tritiated thymidine incorporation into DNA as a measure of blastogenesis. The responses to Con A of all infected calves were significantly depressed while the responses to PHA were not. SLA, at concentrations of 4 micrograms ml-1 and above, caused blastogenic activity in lymphocytes from uninfected calves. Using SLA at 1 microgram ml-1 in lymphocyte cultures supplemented with autologous serum, an antigen-induced blastogenic response was detected in calves receiving serial inoculations of L3.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the pathogenicity of an Indian bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) 1b isolate in 7-9-months-old male calves. Infected (four) and control (two) calves were bled at three days interval for hematological, virological and serological studies until day 27. All infected calves developed respiratory illness, biphasic pyrexia, mild diarrhea, leucopenia and mild thrombocytopenia. Viraemia was demonstrated between 3 and 15dpi and the infected calves seroconverted by 15dpi. Prominent kidney lesions were endothelial cell swelling, proliferation of mesangial cells and podocytes leading to glomerular space obliteration. Degeneration and desquamation of cells lining seminiferous tubules were observed in two infected calves. Consolidation of lungs with interstitial pneumonia, mild gastroenteritis and systemic spread were also evident. It was concluded that Indian BVDV isolate induced moderate clinical disease in calves and glomerulonephritis resulting from acute BVDV infection was observed for the first time.  相似文献   

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