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Broomrapes (Orobanche spp.) are parasitic weeds that cause significant losses of crop yield. Experiments were conducted to investigate the seed response to the artificial germination stimulant GR24 in three species of Orobanche subjected to preconditioning under various temperatures, water potentials and with plant growth regulators. The highest germination percentages were observed in Orobanche ramosa, Orobanche aegyptiaca and Orobanche minor seeds conditioned at 18°C for 7 days followed by germination stimulation at 18°C. With the increase of the conditioning period (7, 14, 21 and 28 days), the germination percentage of O. ramosa and O. aegyptiaca progressively decreased. When conditioned at −2 MPa, the germination percentage was lower than at 0 and −1 MPa, especially at 13 and 28°C. Orobanche minor seeds could retain relatively high germination if conditioned at 18, 23 or 28°C, even after significantly extended conditioning periods (up to 84 days). GA3 (30–100 mg L−1), norflurazon and fluridone (10–100 mg L−1), and brassinolide (0.5–1.0 mg L−1) increased seed germination, while 0.01 mg L−1 uniconazole significantly reduced germination rates of all three Orobanche spp. The promotional effects of GA3 and norflurazon and the inhibitory effect of uniconazole were evident, even when they were treated for 3 days. Germination of Orobanche seeds was much lower when the unconditioned seeds were directly exposed to GR24 at 10−6 m . This early GR24-induced inhibition was however alleviated or even eliminated by the inclusion of GA3 or norflurazon (10–50 mg L−1) in the conditioning medium. On the contrary, the inclusion of uniconazole increased the inhibitory effect of GR24, particularly in the case of O. ramosa.  相似文献   

以向日葵列当Orobanche cumana Wallr.和弯管列当O.cernua Loefl.为研究对象,利用已有的室内寄生体系来研究两种列当在向日葵、烟草、番茄3种寄主上的寄生能力。结果表明,向日葵列当在室内条件下不仅能够寄生在向日葵上,同时也可以在烟草与番茄上寄生;但其寄生效率在上述不同的寄主之间存在显著差异,而在相同寄主的不同品系间没有差异。交互侵染的结果表明,在寄主番茄上,弯管列当平均每株寄生的瘤结数量为16.3个,向日葵列当只有2.5个;在寄主向日葵上,向日葵列当的平均寄生瘤结数量为25.2个,弯管列当为27.6个,预示着弯管列当在番茄上寄生效率均显著高于向日葵列当,而在寄主向日葵上,二者寄生效率差异不显著,均能高效寄生在向日葵根系上。上述研究结果将为向日葵列当和弯管列当发生严重地区作物轮作对象的选择提供理论依据。  相似文献   

从胡杨生存的干旱强光照逆境中获得新的细菌资源,从中筛选新的可抑制瓜列当种子萌发的生防菌。采用3种分离培养基,以稀释涂布法对塔里木河流域3处胡杨根系样品进行可培养细菌分离,通过分析分离菌株16S rRNA基因序列确定其种属分类。采用皿内培养法测定其对瓜列当种子萌发的抑制活性,利用盆栽试验检测分离菌株M2-3对瓜列当寄生的防治效果。结果分离获得98株细菌,分属于28个属,马赛菌属Massilia、Pontibacter、玫瑰单胞菌属Roseomonas为优势菌属。其中,菌株M2-3与Pontibacter salisaro HMC5104T的相似度最高,为97.92%,其菌体发酵液10倍稀释液对瓜列当种子萌发抑制率为87.8%,盆栽试验表明该菌株对瓜列当防效可达36.9%,具备进一步开发可能性。  相似文献   

双纹须歧角螟(Trichophysetis cretaceaButler)是为害茉莉花的重要害虫。本文于室内就温度、湿度及极端高温对其生长发育和繁殖的影响进行了研究。结果表明,在15~30℃范围内,双纹须歧角螟的发育速率随着温度的升高而加快;当温度超过30℃时,发育速率减慢。在各虫态中,蛹期的存活率受温度变化的影响最大。卵、蛹在温度持续高于35℃时不能存活。40℃高温处理4~8h能显著缩短卵发育历期,延长成虫寿命,提高产卵量。在适宜的温度下(23~25℃),湿度对双纹须歧角螟各虫态生长发育及繁殖的影响不大。  相似文献   

烟草及向日葵上列当Orobanche cumana的发生及其生物防治   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
 近年,在河北省部分烟草和向日葵种植地发现大量寄生性杂草列当发生并造成严重为害。经鉴定为向日葵列当Orobanche cumana Wallr.。向日葵、烟草、番茄和黄瓜等作物的根分泌物能够刺激向日葵列当O. cumana种子萌发,而油葵根的分泌物则不能刺激向日葵列当种子萌发。利用列当致病镰刀菌L2菌株进行田间生物防治,防治效果达到92.4%。L2菌株对小麦、玉米、棉花、烟草和向日葵等作物生长无影响,L2菌株粗毒素能够抑制列当种子萌发,并造成列当种子萌芽管损伤。  相似文献   

J W Piltz  R A Stanton  H Wu 《Weed Research》2017,57(6):382-389
The germinability and viability of mature seeds of five grass (Hordeum spp., Bromus diandrus, Vulpia spp., Avena fatua and Lolium rigidum) and seven broad‐leaved weed species (Echium spp., Physalis hederifolia, Solanum elaeagnifolium, Raphanus raphanistrum, Marrubium vulgare and Malva parviflora) that were either untreated, ensiled for a minimum of three months, underwent 48 h in sacco digestion in steers or ensiled prior to digestion were tested for germinability and viability. Ensiling and digestion both reduced seed viability, although the extent varied with species. The effect of ensiling was generally greater compared with digestion and differed between years for some species. Ensiling or ensiling plus digestion rendered all seeds of Hordeum spp., B. diandrus, Vulpia spp., A. fatua, Echium spp., P. hederifolia (in one year only), S. elaeagnifolium, R. raphanistrum and M. vulgare non‐viable; ensiling and ensiling plus digestion reduced viability of L. rigidum by 74.4% and 92.7% respectively. Viability of M. parviflora displayed the greatest tolerance to damage, with seed viability reduced on average by 31.4%, 27.6% and 27.4% for ensiling, digestion and ensiling plus digestion treatments respectively. These results indicate that ensiling can provide an effective non‐chemical weed management option, as a component of an integrated weed management package, for certain weed species responsible for significant crop and pasture production losses in Australian and world temperate and Mediterranean agricultural systems.  相似文献   

温湿度调控对番茄灰霉病菌产生的细胞壁降解酶的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
 番茄灰霉病菌在致病过程中能够产生4种细胞壁降解酶,以PMG酶活性最高,其次是β-葡萄糖苷酶和PG酶,Cx最少。灰霉病菌在不同温度下侵染番茄叶片时产生的致病酶活性不同,4种酶在20℃时表现了最高的活性,15℃次之,当温度达到25℃时,各种酶的活性都急剧下降,随着温度的再升高,酶活更低。随着湿度的增高,病菌产生的细胞壁降解酶的活性也增加,当相对湿度达到90%以上时,4种酶的活性也达到最高。温湿度对番茄灰霉病菌产生细胞壁降解酶的影响趋势,与其对发病的影响趋势是一致的。  相似文献   

弯管列当是危害我国向日葵最严重的寄生杂草。为了明确我国向日葵田弯管列当种群的遗传多样性,本试验利用rbcL、matK、ITS2条形码序列对采自我国向日葵主产区的58份弯管列当样品进行PCR扩增及测序,采用Vector NTI软件对测序结果进行剪切比对,利用MEGA 6.0软件计算种内遗传距离并构建系统发育树。利用扫描电镜观察其种子的显微形态特征。结果表明,3个DNA条形码序列中仅ITS2片段扩增测序结果理想并表现出较好的聚类结果。各样品ITS2序列剪切比对后长度为453 bp,种内遗传距离为0.002~0.007,通过比较各样品ITS2序列的碱基组成和差异位点,能将不同弯管列当种群区分开。ITS2聚类结果表明58份弯管列当样品聚为3类,分别为Ⅰ型、Ⅱ型和Ⅲ型。形态分类结果表明,不同类型弯管列当在植株形态、种子形状及微观形态结构等方面存在差别。由于不同弯管列当种群的生境、寄主(向日葵栽培品种)不同,其种群遗传进化差异显著。基于ITS2条形码和扫描电镜形态学观察相结合的方法可用于弯管列当种群遗传多样性研究。  相似文献   

2005年~2006年,我们对田间采集的麦蛾柔茧蜂室内人工繁殖温湿度条件进行了研究,结果显示:温度28±1℃、RH75±5%的环境条件是麦蛾柔茧蜂发育的适宜环境条件。  相似文献   

[14C]-Imazethapyr was applied as a seed treatment and at plant pre-emergence and post-emergence to peas ( Pisum sativum L.) parasitized by Orobanche crenata Forsk. Herbicide uptake increased with time regardless of the application method. Uptake reached about 98%, 89%, 81% and 94% of the total herbicide applied for the seed coating, seed soaking, pre-emergence and post-emergence treatments respectively. Herbicide translocation within the host plants consistently differed between O. crenata -infected and non-infected plants. High levels of 14C activity were accumulated by parasitic plants from the host. In non-infected pea plants, pods were stronger sinks for imazethapyr than the other parts of the plant, regardless of the application method. The herbicide distribution in the pea plant: O. crenata complex showed the same pattern regardless of the application methods. However, accumulation of radioactivity in the parasite was lower with pre-emergence and post-emergence application than with the seed treatments. In addition, radioactivity concentration in O. crenata plants was slightly higher when [14C]-imazethapyr was applied to pea seeds by coating than by soaking.  相似文献   

The effects of external factors such as temperature, humidity, pesticide formulation, and pesticide concentration on the contact angle of pesticide droplets on rice leaf surfaces were analyzed. The experiments showed that there were significant differences in the contact angles of droplets on the leaf surfaces under different temperatures and humidity. As the ambient temperature increased, the contact angle first decreased and then increased, reaching a minimum value at 25°C. With a gradual increase in humidity, the contact angle significantly increased and reached a maximum at 100% humidity. Finally, it was concluded that both the formulation and concentration of the pesticide had a significant effect on the contact angle of droplets on rice leaf surfaces. The experiments also illustrated that the effects of the pesticide formulation and concentration on the contact angle were more significant than those of temperature and humidity.  相似文献   

Damage caused by Orobanchaceae root parasitic weeds is a substantial agricultural problem for global food security. Many studies have been conducted to establish practical methods of control, but efforts are still required for successful management. Seed germination of root parasitic weeds requires host-derived germination stimulants including strigolactones (SLs). Studies on SLs have revealed that a butenolide ring is the essential moiety for SL activity as a germination stimulant. Interestingly, recent studies have revealed that butenolide hormones regulate the biosynthesis of secondary metabolites and mediate communication in actinomycete bacteria. Because of the structural similarity between SLs and the bacterial butenolides, we evaluated the germination stimulatory activity of butenolides isolated from Streptomyces albus J1074 on root parasitic weeds. These butenolides were found to specifically induce seed germination of Orobanche minor. Our findings contribute to understanding the molecular mechanisms of germination stimulant perception and to the development of a method for their biological control.  相似文献   

不同地理种群玉米螟赤眼蜂对极端温湿条件的反应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在高温低湿(31 ℃,45% RH和34 ℃,45% RH)和低温低湿(16 ℃, 45% RH和19 ℃,45% RH)不同温湿组合条件下,以亚洲玉米螟卵为寄主,研究了不同地理种群玉米螟赤眼蜂的寿命、生殖力和性比情况。结果表明,在31 ℃,45% RH条件下,北京种群和日照种群平均每雌分别寄生(17.60±1.70)粒和(17.44±1.46)粒,显著高于其他种群(p<0.05)。在19 ℃,45% RH条件下,广东广州种群寄生寄主卵数最多,平均每雌寄生(26.65±2.17)粒,与其他种群差异显著(p<0.05)。北京种群、日照种群和广州种群分别可以作为高温低湿和低温低湿条件下防治亚洲玉米螟的候选种群。  相似文献   

在大兴安岭森林火灾后7年冻土环境区选择不同程度火烧区(重度火烧区、轻度火烧区)与非过火区来对比分析冻土温湿度因子的变化。研究得出在整个生长季里火烧区的大气温度在重度火烧区与轻度火烧区分别比非过火区大3.53℃、17℃;大气相对湿度在重度火烧区与轻度火烧区分别比非过火区小13.06%、9.3%;土壤表面、5cm、10cm、20cm的温度在重度火烧区与轻度火烧区分别比非过火区大5.38℃、3.7℃、2.66℃、2.3℃、1.8℃、1.16℃、1.18℃、0.64℃;土壤5cm、10cm的含水率在重度火烧区与轻度火烧区分别比非过火区大1.84%、3.32%、3.76%、9.4%。研究森林火灾后冻土温湿度因子的变化规律可对以后火烧区的植被恢复提供气象依据。  相似文献   

蛾龄、温度和相对湿度对草地螟自主飞行能力的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了更好地了解草地螟(Loxostege sticticalis L.)的迁飞行为规律,为改善和提高其监测预报技术提供进一步的试验依据,本文应用所在实验室研发的昆虫自主飞行测试系统,对不同日龄(1~5日龄)、温度(14、18、22、26和30℃)和相对湿度(20%、40%、60%和80%)条件下的成虫自主飞行活动(飞行倾向、时间和次数)进行了研究。所得的主要结果为:1~2日龄成虫的飞行活动较少,3日龄后明显升高,并随日龄增加而升高。其中4~5日龄的飞行活动显著高于1~2日龄的;在14~30℃条件下,成虫飞行活动随温度的上升而增加,在26℃下达到最大。当温度达到30℃时又下降;在20%~80%湿度条件下,成虫飞行活动随湿度的升高而增加,当湿度达到80%时达到最大,并显著高于其他低湿条件的。对3日龄成虫在22℃、80%湿度条件下持续10h的测试结果表明,测试开始后1h成虫的飞行活动频率相对较高,之后就逐渐下降,在第8h也相对较高,9~10h的飞行活动明显降低。本文就上述结果与草地螟迁飞的关系进行了讨论。  相似文献   

列当是一种根部全寄生恶性杂草,影响作物生长,对农业生产造成了巨大破坏。目前,列当防治措施主要包括轮作、种植诱捕作物、化学防治等,但尚无适用于大部分地区及作物的有效防治措施。本文综述了新疆列当种类、寄生特点、危害和目前采取的防治措施,并对列当的萌发刺激物、防治机理和化学除草剂在大田应用提出展望,以期为新疆相关防治工作提供参考。  相似文献   

为了全面评价不同向日葵品种(系)对列当的抗寄生性和其在生产中的应用价值,对‘TP3313’等50个食葵品种(系)、‘内蒙杂4号’等6个油葵品种(系)进行了田间自然寄生试验,结果表明:食葵‘TP3313’为对列当免疫的品种,且病虫害发生较轻,产量相对较高(261.11kg/667m~2),因而具有极高的推广应用价值;‘TP3314’为高抗列当品种,但是受向日葵菌核病危害较重,产量为219.64kg/667m~2;‘SH361-L’、‘SH338-M’等8个品种表现为中感,属耐列当品种(系),并且产量相对较高,在生产中具有一定的应用价值。  相似文献   

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