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为了获得对西藏小型猪安全、高效、稳定的麻醉效果,创造良好的外科手术环境,试验采用肌肉注射速眠新Ⅱ(0.1 mL/kg)行诱导麻醉和吸入异氟烷行维持麻醉的联合麻醉方法对10头行氩氦刀冷冻术的西藏小型猪进行麻醉,观察以速眠新Ⅱ作为诱导麻醉对西藏小型猪的麻醉效果以及异氟烷在手术过程中的使用量、镇痛效果、呼吸频率和心率变化及术后苏醒情况。结果表明:速眠新Ⅱ应用于西藏小型猪可达到诱导麻醉的预期效果,手术过程中异氟烷平均吸入浓度为1.78%,西藏小型猪平均心率为69次/min,平均呼吸频率为19次/min,氧饱和度范围值是95%~100%,麻醉过程中未出现麻醉死亡。说明异氟烷联用速眠新Ⅱ是一种较理想的麻醉方法,可应用于长时间的手术过程。  相似文献   

为了探索速眠新Ⅱ与舒泰复合麻醉剂对比格犬的麻醉效果,选用健康比格犬20只,用速眠新Ⅱ(0.6mg/kg)与舒泰(0.75mg/kg)混合肌注诱导麻醉,30min后给予该混合制剂静脉维持麻醉(每小时速眠新Ⅱ0.2mg/kg,舒泰0.3mg/kg),随麻醉时间延长逐渐减量。结果显示,速眠新Ⅱ与舒泰复合麻醉剂,诱导麻醉迅速,维持麻醉效果安全、稳定,镇痛及肌松等效果良好,麻醉期间能保证动物的正常心肺功能。试验表明该复合麻醉剂是一种理想的麻醉剂,能满足各种外科手术操作需求。  相似文献   

现今用于山羊的麻醉剂较多,常用的有静松灵、846合剂(速眠新)、眠乃宁、戊巴比妥钠、盐酸氯胺酮、MD合剂等[1-7].静松灵对山羊具有较强的镇痛和肌松效果,麻醉深度也较易控制,但抑制呼吸和心肌收缩,并且很难缓解,还能使体温略微升高[2].846合剂麻醉山羊时诱导时间较长,麻醉深度容易控制,对呼吸的抑制小,但是镇静、镇痛、肌松效果一般[2];眠乃宁对山羊有良好的镇静、镇痛、肌松效果,且诱导时间短,作用时间长,但是对呼吸系统有明显抑制,麻醉深度也不易控制[3].并且846合剂和眠乃宁中的盐酸双氢埃托啡在1998年被我国列为毒品而禁止使用[1].安氟醚麻醉剂、速眠新Ⅱ麻醉剂对山羊肝脏和肾脏功能都有不同程度的损害,且安氟醚吸入麻醉对肝功能的影响大于速眠新肌肉麻醉,但是后者对肾功能的影响大于前者[4].因此,山羊的复方化学麻醉制剂的研制具有重要的理论价值和实践意义.  相似文献   

研究旨在探究不同麻醉剂对代孕母猪胚胎移植麻醉效果的影响,选出最适合代孕母猪胚胎移植的麻醉剂.选择1567头代孕母猪,采用静脉注射方式注射丙泊酚进行诱导麻醉,分别使用丙泊酚、氯胺酮和异氟烷等3种麻醉药物维持麻醉进行胚胎移植手术,记录麻醉剂的用量及手术时间.结果显示,使用丙泊酚进行麻醉平均所需丙泊酚用量为51.8 mL,平...  相似文献   

七氟醚是国际上的一种新型吸入麻醉剂。与氟烷和异氟醚相比较 ,七氟醚更接近人们所期待的理想吸入麻醉剂。它与其他氟化的吸入性麻醉剂的一个显著区别是其具有较低的血 /气分布系数 ( 0 .63) ,低于异氟醚 ( 1 .40 ) ,更远远低于氟烷 ( 2 .35) [1]。这可保证快速诱导麻醉和缩短苏醒时间。七氟醚从 1 990年起正式应用于医学临床 ,但因其价格较昂贵 ,尚未在兽医临床上常规应用。氟烷和异氟醚仍然是目前在兽医麻醉上最常使用的吸入麻醉剂。本文对犬七氟醚麻醉后的苏醒时间和苏醒特点进行初步观察 ,并与氟烷和异氟醚作比较 ,兹报道如下。1 材料…  相似文献   

为评价3种麻醉诱导方法在吸入麻醉中对试验犬麻醉效果的影响.本试验将15只杂种犬,分为A、B、C3组,每组5只.A组为盐酸氯胺酮、速眠新Ⅱ组,B组为戊巴比妥钠组,C组为盐酸氯胺酮、地西泮注射液组,各组在诱导麻醉后行气管插管,应用异氟烷进行吸入麻醉,在不同时间点对试验犬的心率(HR)、血压(BP)、血氧饱和度(SPO2)、...  相似文献   

本试验将小型猪特异性麻醉剂(XFM)、氯胺酮复合安定及速眠新Ⅱ联合戊巴比妥钠三组麻醉药,对小型猪麻醉效果进行比较,将18头中国试验用小型猪随机分成3组,第一组肌肉注射猪小型猪复合麻醉剂(XFM)0.15 mL/kg体重;第二组氯胺酮(8 mg/kg体重)复合安定(1 mg/kg体重),肌肉注射;第三组速眠新Ⅱ0.1 mL/kg体重、戊巴比妥钠10.5 mg/kg体重,联合肌肉注射.试验结果表明,XFM组和速眠新Ⅱ组与氯胺酮组相比对体温和呼吸影响小;XFM组与其他两组比较麻醉诱导时间短,麻醉时间长,苏醒期短;氯胺酮组和XFM组与速眠新Ⅱ组相比麻醉镇痛、镇静、肌松效果好.综合评价XFM组与其他两组比具有对小型猪体温(T)、心率(HR)、呼吸频率(RR)影响小,麻醉时间适中,麻醉效果确实,镇静、镇痛、肌松效果均衡等优点.  相似文献   

为了探讨不同麻醉方式对犬穿透性角膜移植手术眼压及并发症的影响.方法:本试验以扬州本地犬为试验动物,分别采用异氟烷吸入麻醉与速眠新配合氯胺酮肌肉注射麻醉进行穿透性角膜移植手术,测定麻醉前后眼压,并观察术中并发症.  相似文献   

目的:探讨非吸入麻醉药物(速眠新与氯胺酮)与吸入麻醉药物(异氟烷)对犬穿透性角膜移植手术的麻醉效果。方法:选择30只杂交犬,随机分为非吸入麻醉组(Ⅰ组,15只)与吸入麻醉组(Ⅱ组,15只),分别通过速眠新与氯胺酮复合麻醉和异氟烷吸入麻醉,进行穿透性角膜移植手术,同时测定麻醉前后眼压,观察并发症、麻醉效果,记录手术时间。结果:非吸入麻醉组:麻醉后眼压明显高于麻醉前(P<0.01);麻醉效果满意的5例,比较满意的9例,前房出血10例,虹膜前粘连8例,晶状体脱位1例;吸入麻醉组:麻醉后眼压明显低于麻醉前(P<0.01);麻醉效果满意的13例,比较满意的仅2例,虹膜前粘连2例。吸入麻醉组手术时间明显低于非吸入麻醉组(P<0.01)。结论:采用异氟烷吸入麻醉对犬进行穿透性角膜移植术比非吸入麻醉效果确实,并发症少,手术时间缩短。  相似文献   

为了探讨舒泰与速眠新Ⅱ对绵羊进行复合麻醉的麻醉效果,试验以绵羊为试验动物,按体重1 mg/kg静脉注射舒泰同时按体重0.5,1,2 mg/kg肌肉注射速眠新Ⅱ,记录试验绵羊麻醉前后呼吸频率、心率、体温、血氧饱和度及诱导、镇痛、麻醉时长,对麻醉效果进行观察,并进行临床应用试验。结果表明:按照舒泰1 mg/kg静脉注射、速眠新Ⅱ1 mg/kg肌肉注射的剂量进行麻醉时,可以达到(52.67±1.53) min的完全麻醉时间,说明舒泰与速眠新Ⅱ复合应用于绵羊麻醉效果良好,可以应用于临床。  相似文献   

The purpose of this report was to evaluate the clinical safety and efficacy of sevoflurane as an inhalant anesthetic in dogs. Subjective and objective data from 196 clinical cases utilizing sevoflurane as the maintenance anesthetic was collected at three sites. After preanesthetic evaluation, the attending anesthesiologist assigned the dogs to one of the following six anesthetic protocols: protocol 1, oxymorphone premedication and thiopental induction; protocol 2, oxymorphone/acetylpromazine premedication and thiopental induction; protocol 3, xylazine/butorphanol premedication and thiopental induction; protocol 4, opioid premedication and propofol induction; protocol 5, optional premedication and mask induction with sevoflurane in oxygen; and protocol 6, optional premedication and optional induction. The average quality of induction, maintenance, and recovery was good to excellent in all protocols. The three most common side effects during maintenance and recovery were hypotension, tachypnea, and apnea. Sevoflurane produces anesthesia in dogs comparable to the other inhalation anesthetics currently used (i.e., halothane and isoflurane) for diagnostic or therapeutic procedures.  相似文献   

The characteristics of recovery from total intravenous anesthesia (TIVA) with propofol and inhalation anesthesia with isoflurane was clinically compared in 149 client-owned dogs that anesthetized for surgical or diagnostic procedures. In all dogs, anesthesia was induced with an intravenous injection of propofol following premedication with acepromazine or diazepam. As a result, 58 dogs anesthetized with propofol-TIVA showed slower but smoother recovery than 91 dogs anesthetized with isoflurane anesthesia. The dogs stood at 34.5 +/- 19.3 and 27.7 +/- 17.2 min after propofol-TIVA and isoflurane anesthesia, respectively. Adverse effects, including hypersalivation, neurologic excitement (paddling, muscle tremor/twitching, opisthotonos) and vomiting/retching, were observed in similar infrequent incidences during the recovery from both anesthetic protocols. Propofol-TIVA is suggested to be an alternative anesthetic protocol for canine practice.  相似文献   

旨在探讨使用不同剂量阿法沙龙和异氟烷静吸复合麻醉(IVIA)对犬麻醉效果的比较。对18只试验犬随机编号后分为L(1~6号)、M(7~12号)、H(13~18号)3组,分别使用阿法沙龙3、6、9 mg·(kg·h)-1静脉恒速滴注(CRI)配合0.5%异氟烷的维持麻醉方案,观察并记录诱导麻醉前1 h(T0)、维持麻醉期间(15、30、45、60 min)及停止给药后15 min(75 min)时,犬的生理指标、镇痛、镇静及肌松效果。45 d后,对该18只试验犬按原编号分组为CⅠ(1~6号)、CⅡ(7~12号)、CⅢ(13~18号)进行吸入性维持麻醉(2%异氟烷),同样记录各指标。两轮试验均使用丙泊酚进行诱导麻醉。结果显示:L组与CⅠ组比较发现,在各时间点生理指标基本无统计学差异(P>0.05),但L组存在轻度疼痛反应;与M组比较,CⅡ组体温、血氧均明显下降(P<0.05),CⅡ组脉搏、心率、呼吸频率、舒张压显著下降,差异极显著(P<0.01),麻醉中两组(M及CⅡ组)均无疼痛反应;与H组比较,CⅢ组脉搏、心率存在统计学差异(P<0.05),麻醉中两组(H及CⅢ组)均无疼痛反应。IVIA和单纯吸入麻醉均可获得较好的麻醉效果,但阿法沙龙剂量为6 mg·(kg·h)-1的IVIA可提高试验犬的心率、脉搏,对心血管和体温影响较小,同时无疼痛反应、麻醉深度良好及苏醒迅速。相较于常规呼吸麻醉,该麻醉方案可提高犬的整体麻醉质量。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare the analgesic and cardiopulmonary effects of medetomidine and xylazine when used for premedication of horses undergoing general anesthesia. DESIGN: Randomized clinical trial. ANIMALS: 40 horses. PROCEDURE: Twenty horses were premedicated with medetomidine (10 microg/kg [4.5 microg/lb], i.m.) and the other 20 were premedicated with xylazine (2 mg/kg [0.9 mg/kg], i.m.). Horses were then anesthetized with a combination of guaifenesin and ketamine; anesthesia was maintained with halothane. Additional doses of medetomidine or xylazine were given if horses were not sufficiently sedated at the time of anesthetic induction. After induction of anesthesia, sodium pentothal was administered as necessary to prevent limb movements. Hypotension was treated with dobutamine; hypoventilation and hypoxemia were treated with intermittent positive-pressure ventilation. The quality of anesthetic induction, maintenance, and recovery and the quality of the transition to inhalation anesthesia were scored. RESULTS: Scores for the quality of the transition to inhalation anesthesia were significantly higher for horses premedicated with medetomidine than for horses premedicated with xylazine. However, other scores, recovery times, and numbers of attempts needed to achieve sternal recumbency and to stand were not significantly different between groups. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results suggest that medetomidine is suitable for premedication of horses undergoing general anesthesia. Analgesic and cardiopulmonary effects of medetomidine were similar to those of xylazine, except that the transition to inhalation anesthesia was smoother when horses were premedicated with medetomidine, rather than xylazine.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To test the hypothesis that differences in anesthetic uptake and elimination in iguanas would counter the pharmacokinetic effects of blood:gas solubility and thus serve to minimize kinetic differences among inhaled agents. ANIMALS: 6 green iguanas (Iguana iguana). PROCEDURES: Iguanas were anesthetized with isoflurane, sevoflurane, or desflurane in a Latin-square design. Intervals from initial administration of an anesthetic agent to specific induction events and from cessation of administration of an anesthetic agent to specific recovery events were recorded. End-expired gas concentrations were measured during anesthetic washout. RESULTS: Significant differences were not detected for any induction or recovery events for any inhalation agent in iguanas. Washout curves best fit a 2-compartment model, but slopes for both compartments did not differ significantly among the 3 anesthetics. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Differences in blood:gas solubility for isoflurane, sevoflurane, and desflurane did not significantly influence differences in pharmacokinetics for the inhalation agents in iguanas.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare induction and recovery characteristics and cardiopulmonary effects of isoflurane and sevoflurane in foals. DESIGN: Prospective crossover study. ANIMALS: 6 healthy foals. PROCEDURE: Foals were anesthetized twice (once at 1 month of age and again at 3 months of age). Anesthesia was induced by administration of the agent in oxygen through a nasotracheal tube. During maintenance of anesthesia, foals were positioned in dorsal recumbency; intermittent positive-pressure ventilation was performed. Characteristics of induction and recovery were recorded. Cardiopulmonary variables were recorded 10 minutes after anesthetic induction and 15, 30, 45, and 60 minutes later. RESULTS: All 6 foals were successfully anesthetized with isoflurane and sevoflurane. There were no significant differences between the 2 drugs in regard to characteristics of induction or recovery, and induction and recovery were generally smooth and unremarkable. There were no significant differences between drugs in regard to measured cardiopulmonary variables; however, both drugs caused initial hypotension that resolved over time. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results suggest that isoflurane and sevoflurane can both be used for general anesthesia of 1- to 3-month-old foals. Significant differences between the 2 agents were not detected for any of the variables measured, suggesting that quality of anesthesia with these 2 agents was comparable.  相似文献   

Fifty-eight foals were divided into two groups for study of aspects of the clinical anesthetic management of foals and to characterize effects of halothane (n = 30) and isoflurane (n = 28) in foals. There were no significant differences (P greater than 0.05) in the demographics of the two groups. Results of hemograms and biochemical analysis of venous blood samples before and after anesthesia were either not influenced or only mildly (clinically unimportant) affected by either agent. Like adult horses, foals have an increased PaCO2 when anesthetized with inhaled anesthetics. We could detect no difference in the magnitude of increase in PaCO2 with either anesthetic. Anesthetic induction and recovery was most rapid with isoflurane. The quality of induction and recovery was similarly acceptable with either agent. Heart rate during isoflurane was not significantly different from conscious conditions but during halothane, heart rate was significantly less than control except at 91-120 min when statistical significance was not detected. These results support the clinical impression that foals can be safely and reliably anesthetized with either agent.  相似文献   

ObjectivesTo evaluate alfaxalone–midazolam anesthesia in Egyptian fruit bats (Rousettus aegyptiacus) and the effect of flumazenil administration on recovery time and quality.Study designRandomized, blinded, crossover and controlled, experimental trial.AnimalsA total of 10 male Egyptian fruit bats.MethodsBats were anesthetized with alfaxalone (15 mg kg?1) and midazolam (2 mg kg?1) administered subcutaneously. During anesthesia, vital signs, muscle tone and reflexes were monitored every 10 minutes. Flumazenil (0.3 mg kg?1) or saline at an equal volume was administered subcutaneously 60 minutes after anesthetic administration. Time to induction, time to first movement and recovery time (flying) were measured. Quality of induction, anesthesia and recovery were assessed on a 1–3 scale (1, poor; 2, good; 3, excellent).ResultsTime to induction was 4.2 ± 1.9 minutes (mean ± standard deviation), with median quality score of 2 (range, 1–3). Anesthesia quality score was 3 (1–3). During anesthesia, heart rate and respiratory frequency decreased significantly and penis relaxation, indicating muscle tone, increased significantly. Administration of flumazenil significantly reduced mean recovery time compared with saline (10 ± 5 versus 45 ± 17 minutes, respectively), and significantly improved the quality of recovery [2.5 (2–3) versus 1 (1–2), respectively].Conclusions and clinical relevanceAlfaxalone–midazolam anesthesia resulted in good induction, muscle relaxation and sufficient anesthesia to perform routine diagnostic and therapeutic procedures for approximately 40 minutes. Reversal of midazolam with flumazenil is recommended, resulting in quicker and better recovery.  相似文献   

为满足手术机器人腹腔手术效果和安全性的测试,建立相应的巴马猪麻醉方案.以低剂量舒泰和高剂量多咪静作诱导麻醉剂,异氟烷作维持麻醉剂,布托啡诺作术中镇痛剂,安定醒作苏醒剂.用手术机器人分别进行胆囊切除、左肾摘除、部分肝切除手术,于整个麻醉过程监测巴马猪心率、血氧饱和度、平均动脉压及体温的变化,以评估该方案的麻醉效果.结果显...  相似文献   

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