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牛支原体病是由牛支原体引起的牛的重要疾病,以牛肺炎、关节炎、结膜炎、中耳炎等多种临床疾病较为常见,该病在牛场中普遍存在。目前对牛支原体的致病机理尚未研究清楚,本文从牛支原体病的病原学、流行特征、诊断方法、防控措施等方面进行论述,以期为做好牛支原体病防控提供借鉴。  相似文献   

1概述牛传染性支原体肺炎是由牛支原体引起的以坏死性肺炎为主要特征的牛呼吸道传染病。牛支原体除导致牛肺炎、乳腺炎外,还可导致关节炎、角膜结膜炎、耳炎、生殖道炎症、流产与不孕等多种疾病,牛  相似文献   

牛支原体是危害养牛业的重要致病性支原体。1961年牛支原体首次在美国患有乳腺炎的病牛中分离到;1976年报道该病与牛呼吸系统疾病有关。牛支原体病能引起成乳牛乳腺炎、犊牛肺炎、牛角膜结膜炎、耳炎、生殖道炎症、流产与不孕不育等多种疾病。据有关报道,全世界养牛业因该病引起的损失高达数十亿美元。  相似文献   

随着牛养殖业的规模化和集约化发展,疾病的种类也越来越多,其中就包括牛支原体肺炎,对牛养殖业的危害非常大。牛支原体是引起牛呼吸系统疾病、乳腺炎和关节炎的主要病原体,一些抗生素对治疗牛支原体无效,因为牛支原体不具有细胞壁。此外,牛支原体菌株对四环素、替米考星和大观霉素具有抗药性,目前尚无用于控制牛支原体感染的疫苗。本文就牛支原体的流行病学、防控措施等方面进行综述。  相似文献   

郑慧慧 《中国畜牧业》2022,(23):117-118
<正>近年来,国内市场对牛肉、牛的副产品等需求量逐渐增加,使得肉牛产业得到了迅速发展。但随着肉牛养殖数量的增多,肉牛跨区域贸易的频率升高,各类牛疫病频发。在牛的疫病中,支原体肺炎是一种常见疾病,尤其是在牛的运输应激后,牛支原体肺炎、牛传染性鼻气管炎等病原引发的牛呼吸综合征对牛产业影响较大,并已造成了严重的经济损失。据报道,欧洲国家牛呼吸疾病综合征有至少1/4是由支原体引起的,美国由牛支原体引发的牛呼吸系统疾病和乳腺疾病造成的经济损失每年可达1.4亿美元。  相似文献   

支原体是一种能够引起肉牛和奶牛多种疾病的重要病原体,也是牛呼吸道综合症的重要病原体之一。牛支原体除了导致肺炎、乳腺炎外,还可导致关节炎、角膜结膜炎、耳炎、生殖道炎症、流产与不孕等多种疾病。在临床病例中牛支原体引起的疾病没有典型症状,且常常与其他多种致病菌混合感染,与其他疾病难以区分,所以极易被忽视。自1961年在美国首次分离到支原体以来,之后全世界大多数国家都已经发生过牛支原体相关疾病的疫情;我国  相似文献   

正牛支原体作为感染牛的一种重要的致病性支原体,可以引起包括肺炎、乳腺炎、关节炎、生殖道损伤以及结膜炎等在内的多种疾病,同时还可与其他病原协同,造成继发感染。奶牛支原体性乳腺炎是由牛支原体引起的乳腺炎。本文主要介绍其发病症状、诊断方法及防控措施,希望通过对牛支原体感染的认识,为生产中对该疾病的预防打下基础,为进一步的科研工作提供一定的依据。  相似文献   

牛传染性胸膜肺炎是由传染性胸膜肺炎支原体引起的一种接触性传染性疾病,又称为牛肺疫,临床上以浆液性纤维素肺炎和胸膜炎为主。引起牛传染性胸膜肺炎的发病因素有很多,冬季气候寒冷、草料缺乏、运动量不足,极容易引起该种疾病发生。养殖场一旦感染该种疾病就很难清理,无症状的带菌牛在牛场中反复感染健康牛,导致病情反复发生,给养殖户造成严重的经济损失。  相似文献   

那些以山羊作为主要食用动物的地区,对蕈状支原体蕈状亚种(原命名为丝状支原体丝状亚种)所引起的山羊支原体病十分重视。在亚非地区,这个病原体在血清学和生化特性上与牛传染性胸膜肺炎和羊传染性胸膜肺炎的病原有关系。在美国,山羊中该病的发生引起动物疾病控制当局的关注。倘若牛传染性胸膜肺炎传入美国,其养牛  相似文献   

牛传染性支原体肺炎是呼吸道系统方面的疾病,主要是由肺炎支原体感染引起,在牛养殖业中广泛存在。需要注意的是,该疾病的传播速度比较慢,患病会呈现慢性发病的特点,在患病的初期阶段临床症状不明显,一旦发现说明病原菌已经在整个牛群中传播,对牛养殖业的危害比较大。牛传染性支原体肺炎的死亡率比较低,但是慢性发病的特点会影响牛的健康生长,患病之后的养殖场会成为重要的传染源,会长期携带致病原,直接危害牛只的健康,导致养殖场病情反复。  相似文献   

凌晨  郝成武  何海  张飞  候凤  贺笋 《中国畜牧兽医》2019,46(5):1466-1473
为调查新疆规模化奶牛场病牛死亡原因并确定病原,本研究无菌采集7份肺炎病死牛病变肺组织样,通过牛支原体液体培养基和固体培养基分离到1株支原体,采用形态学观察和生化试验鉴定该分离株,采用支原体特异性引物和牛支原体16S rRNA通用引物扩增基因序列并测序,使用DNAStar软件将分离菌株测序结果与GenBank中的标准株序列进行同源性比对,采用Mega 6.0软件中的邻接法(Neighbor-Joining,NJ)依据16S rRNA序列构建分离株系统进化树。结果显示,分离株菌落呈典型的"煎蛋样",菌落中心凹陷深入培养基,周边菲薄而透明,经Dienes染液染色后,菌落中心呈深蓝色。该分离株不分解葡萄糖、尿素、不水解精氨酸,血细胞吸附试验和溶血试验均呈阴性,氯化三苯基四氮唑还原反应呈阳性,产生膜和斑。PCR反应扩增出大小为1 911 bp的牛支原体特异性目的片段;分离株16S rRNA基因序列与牛支原体标准株PG45的序列同源性为99.8%,与牛支原体地方株(Mb NM2012、Mb HB0801、Mb Hubei-1、Mb Ningxia-1、Mb CQ-W70和Mb 08M)的同源性为99.3%~99.7%。系统进化树显示,分离株16S rRNA基因与Mb Ningxia-1株和Mb 08M株亲缘关系较近,处于同一分支。本研究结果证实了引起病牛死亡的病原为牛支原体,为新疆牛支原体病的防治提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

一例奶牛发生牛支原体肺炎的诊断   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
牛支原体是严重影响养牛业发展的重要病原。2008年我们报道牛支原体导致"肉牛传染性牛支原体肺炎"以来,主要在肉牛发现该病。本文从临床出现类似症状的运输后发病奶牛采集样本,经细菌培养和支原体培养、特异性PCR扩增和16S rRNA测序等病原学检测证实为牛支原体感染。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to detect Mycoplasma species in the respiratory tract of 110, 310 and 510 day-old groups of cattle by serological, bacteriological and histopathological investigations. Antibodies against M. bovis were found in 75% of the 110 day-old, in 50%--of the 310 day-old and in 55%--of the 510 day-old groups of cattle. Bacteriological examination of the samples from nasal cavities revealed that Mycoplasma carriers were found in 60% of the 110 day-old group of cattle, 40% of the 310 day-old and 40% of the 510 day-old group of cattle. Using the PCR method Mycoplasma was isolated from 25% of lung samples of the 510 day-old group of cattle. Mycoplasma bovis and Mycoplasma dispar were confirmed by serological investigations. Foci of bronchointerstitial pneumonia were determined by histopathological examination in 27.5% of lung samples. Mycoplasma bovis was isolated in 72.7% of bronchointerstitial pneumonia cases. Data processing with an SPSS 13.0 statistical package led to the conclusion that Mycoplasma bovis was found more frequently in the 110 day-old group of cattle (the youngest age group in this study) rather than in the 310 and 510 day-old groups of cattle (chi2 = 6.531; p = 0.038). The results obtained led to the conclusion that serological, bacteriological and histopathological examinations are important in detecting particular animal--carriers of Mycoplasma.  相似文献   

本研究旨在调查新疆喀什某规模化奶牛场的犊牛死亡原因,并确定病原体.无菌采集3份因肺炎死亡的犊牛肺脏病料样品.采用牛支原体专用液体培养基和1.0%牛支原体琼脂固体筛选培养基从3份病死犊牛肺脏病料中分离得到2株牛支原体(Mycoplasma bovis,M.bovis),分别命名为M.bovis-NJ-1和M.bovis-NJ-2.通过菌落形态学观察、特异性PCR和oppF测序比对对分离株进行鉴定.结果显示,2个分离株在固体培养基上的菌落呈现典型的"煎蛋状",且Dienes染色特点符合牛支原体菌落着色特征,中心呈深蓝色;PCR能扩增出牛支原体特异的448 bp目的片段;2个分离株的oppF基因序列与牛支原体国际标准株PG45的同源性分别为96.7%和95.3%.结果表明,引起犊牛发病死亡的病原是牛支原体,本研究为犊牛支原体肺炎的快速诊断和防制提供依据.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies (mabs) against Mycoplasma (M.) bovis were prepared for use in diagnosis of bovine mastitis. From the original 32 hybridomas actively secreting mabs against M. bovis, 6 stable lines were cloned. Two of them, Mb 5D8 and Mb 4F6, recognized M. bovis antigens of estimated molecular weights of 33 and 26 kDa, respectively. They showed no cross-reaction to other bovine mycoplasmas, thus rendering them useful for specific detection of this pathogen. All mabs investigated cross-reacted with M. agalactiae which is known to be closely related to M. bovis, but does not occur in cattle. Two other mabs, Mb 5D4 and Mb 1F6, exhibited further cross-reactions to a number of bovine mycoplasma species. Finally, mabs Mb 5D5 and Mb 2G5 reacted with all mycoplasmas tested. The possibility that they recognized constituents of the broth culture medium is discussed.  相似文献   

牛支原体病研究进展   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
牛支原体是一种非常重要但容易被忽视的病原,能导致牛肺炎、乳腺炎、关节炎等多种疾病。国外已证实,该病给养牛业造成巨大的经济损失。目前,对牛支原体的毒力因子及免疫机理均不十分清楚,缺少其相应的有效疫苗和检测方法,而且,牛支原体对许多常用抗生素不敏感,从而,给临床防治带来很大困难。我国自2008年首次报道了牛支原体肺炎,但对牛支原体病危害的认识还很不全面,妨碍了对该病的有效防治。论文分析归纳了牛支原体病的国内外研究概况,从病原学、流行病学、临床症状与病理变化、诊断、毒力因子、免疫与疫苗、防治措施等方面进行了系统综述,以期为我国牛支原体病的防治提供参考。  相似文献   

[目的]牛支原体肺炎是严重危害国内外肉牛养殖业的一种重要疾病,病原混合感染将加剧病情,增加临床治疗难度。本研究通过阐明我国牛支原体肺炎混合感染情况,为探讨更加有效的防控手段提供参考依据。[方法]近4年来采用门诊和出诊的方式,收集了全国范围内35个临床初诊为牛支原体肺炎的牛场病牛样本,进行牛支原体及混合感染细菌的分离和分型鉴定。[结果]确定了这类疾病的细菌学感染特征,表现为牛支原体感染占绝对优势,混合感染模式主要以牛支原体合并多杀性巴氏杆菌A型感染、牛支原体合并和化脓隐秘杆菌感染为主。[结论]经实验室检测证实临床初诊病例绝大部分为牛支原体肺炎,但混合感染很普遍。  相似文献   

Mycoplasma bovis is a pathogen causing respiratory disease, otitis media, arthritis, mastitis, and a variety of other diseases in cattle worldwide. It is increasingly recognized by the veterinary and livestock communities as having an important impact on the health, welfare, and productivity of dairy and beef cattle. M. bovis diseases can be difficult to diagnose and control because of inconsistent disease expression and response to treatments and vaccines, and large gaps in our understanding of the epidemiology and pathophysiology of these diseases. There are limited data on which to base evidence-based decisions for treatment and control, and the literature contains differing clinical biases and opinions. This document is intended for veterinarians dealing with cattle and is focused on the cattle production systems of North America. The goal of the consensus statement panel was to encourage an evidence-based approach to M. bovis problems. The scientific literature was critically reviewed, including peer-reviewed journal articles and reviews obtained by database searches using the terms "Mycoplasma bovis" or "mycoplasma + cattle." Where other data were lacking, conference proceedings were reviewed as a source of expert opinion.  相似文献   

Mycoplasma bovis is perceived as an emerging cause of mortality in feedlot beef cattle. This study examined the lesions and infectious agents in naturally occurring M. bovis-associated bronchopneumonia and arthritis and the relationship of this condition with bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) infection. Standardized pathologic, immunohistochemical, and microbiologic investigations were conducted on 99 calves that died or were euthanized within 60 days after arrival in 72 feedlots. Cranioventral bronchopneumonia with multiple foci of caseous necrosis was identified in 54 of 99 calves, including 30 with concurrent fibrinosuppurative bronchopneumonia typical of pneumonic pasteurellosis. Mycoplasma bovis was consistently identified in these lesions by culture and immunohistochemistry, but also commonly in healthy lungs and those with pneumonia of other causes. Focal lesions of coagulation necrosis, typical of pneumonic pasteurellosis, were often infected with both Mannheimia haemolytica and M. bovis. Arthritis was present in 25 of 54 (46%) calves with M. bovis pneumonia, and all calves with arthritis had pneumonia. BVDV infection was more common in calves with lesions of bacterial pneumonia than in those dying of other causes, but BVDV infection was not more common in calves with caseonecrotic bronchopneumonia than those with fibrinosuppurative bronchopneumonia. Retrospective analysis identified cases of M. bovis pneumonia in the early 1980s that had milder lesions than the current cases. The findings suggest that, in at least some calves, M. bovis induces caseonecrotic bronchopneumonia within the lesions of pneumonic pasteurellosis.  相似文献   

The authors screened 34 large cattle herds for the presence of Mycoplasma bovis infection by examining slaughtered cattle for macroscopic lung lesions, by culturing M. bovis from lung lesions and at the same time by testing sera for the presence of antibodies against M. bovis. Among the 595 cattle examined, 33.9% had pneumonic lesions, mycoplasmas were isolated from 59.9% of pneumonic lung samples, and 10.9% of sera from those animals contained antibodies to M. bovis. In 25.2% of the cases M. bovis was isolated from lungs with no macroscopic lesions. The proportion of seropositive herds was 64.7%. The average seropositivity rate of individuals was 11.3% but in certain herds it exceeded 50%. A probability model was developed for examining the relationship among the occurrence of pneumonia, the isolation of M. bovis from the lungs and the presence of M. bovis specific antibodies in sera.  相似文献   

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