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Gravid sclerosis of the uterine artery was histologically examined in multiparous cows. This sclerosis was characterized by a thickening of the intima and a lamination of the internal elastic lamina. It was clearly observed at non-pregnant and early-pregnant stages and in the late postpartum period, but it could not be detected at term-pregnant stages and in the early postpartum period. These results suggest that the gravid sclerosis disappears during pregnancy and re-establishes after parturition. The importance of local factors, e.g. hemodynamics, in the cyclic appearance of gravid sclerosis is discussed.  相似文献   

Using bovine neutrophils and radio-labelled Staphylococcus aureus, skim milk samples taken at 4 stages of lactation from the 4 mammary quarters of 48 cows were used in an in vitro phagocytosis assay. Immunoglobulin (Ig) isotype concentrations in the milk samples were estimated by use of an ELISA procedure. To determine associations of Ig concentrations with phagocytosis, correlations, simple regressions, and partial regressions were calculated. Simple correlations were computed between each Ig isotype and phagocytosis percentage for each lactation number stage of lactation category. Ranges of these correlations for IgM, IgG1, IgG2, and IgA were 0.33 to 0.60; -0.16 to 0.43; 0.04 to 0.46; and -0.30 to 0.36, respectively. Correlations for concentrations of IgG2 and IgM with percentage of phagocytosis tended to be slightly higher for samples from older cows, in contrast to the correlations calculated for IgA and IgG1. Multiple regression of percentage of phagocytosis calculated simultaneously on concentrations of the 4 Ig isotypes in the sample indicated that IgM, followed by IgG2 and IgA, was most closely associated with phagocytosis. Partial regression calculated on concentration of IgG1 was not significant. Addition of bacteriologic status of the quarter and somatic cell concentration in the milk sample did not increase accuracy of predicting percentage of phagocytosis, compared with use of Ig concentrations alone. These results supported the attribution of unique modes of action to IgM and IgG2 in promoting phagocytosis by neutrophils.  相似文献   

The relationship of plasminogen activator (PA) production to cell stage, cell number and changes in overall diameter and zona pellucida thickness for bovine embryos developing in vitro was determined. Late morulae to blastocysts (n = 80) were collected nonsurgically from naturally mated, estrous-synchronized, superovulated crossbred beef cows. Embryos were cultured, one embryo per 25-microliters microdrop, for 6 d. At 24-h intervals, embryos were evaluated for stage of development and transferred to fresh microdrops; media were recovered for PA analysis. In addition, embryo diameter and zona pellucida thickness were measured with an ocular micrometer. Plasminogen activator production was determined using a caseinolytic assay with urokinase as the standard. Changes in diameter, zona pellucida thickness and PA production per 24-h interval for each embryo were plotted, and the graphs were cut out and weighed. Sixty-one embryos (76%) completed the hatching process. Total PA production was correlated positively (P less than .005) to embryonic size (r = .40), developmental stage (r = .35) and cell number (r = .35) and negatively, but weakly, correlated to zona pellucida thickness (r = -.13; P = .267). Hatched embryos produced more total PA than embryos that did not hatch (.140 +/- .011 vs .070 +/- .019 g; P less than .01). These results suggest that as embryonic size and cell number increase and development progresses, bovine embryos liberate more PA.  相似文献   

Embryo-maternal reproductive tract interactions are pivotal for successful pregnancy. The present study predicted the molecules modulating embryo-uterine communication by comparing two sets of differentially expressed genes (DEGs): DEGs in uterine epithelial cells (UECs) collected from the uterus with and without blastocysts and DEGs between blastocysts developed in vivo and in vitro. Cows were subjected to super ovulation (SOV), followed by insemination or non-insemination at estrus (SOV + AI and SOV cows). Seven days after estrus, the uterus was flushed to collect UECs, and the presence of blastocysts in the uterus was confirmed. UECs were subjected to RNA-Sequencing (RNA-Seq) to identify DEGs. Publicly available RNA-Seq data of in vivo and in vitro developed bovine blastocysts were used to determine DEGs. Then, using ingenuity pathway analysis, activated- and inhibited-upstream regulators (USRs) for UECs in blastocysts were compared with those for blastocysts developed in vivo. RNA-Seq of UECs revealed that the DEGs were associated with immune response and cell adhesion pathways. The activated and inhibited USRs of UECs derived from SOV+ AI cows overlapped with the activated and inhibited USRs of blastocysts developed in vivo. Overlapping activated USRs include leukemia inhibitory factor, interleukin 6, fibroblast growth factor-2, transforming growth factor beta-1, and epidermal growth factor. In conclusion, the present study predicted the molecules that potentially mediate communication between the developing embryo and the uterus in vivo and prepare the uterus for pregnancy.  相似文献   

本研究旨在通过对血浆和子宫分泌物中NO浓度及奶牛子宫组织超微结构的变化来探讨NO在炎症反应中的作用及在子宫内膜炎惠牛早期诊断中的作用.选用产后健康荷斯坦奶牛5例(N)为对照组,亚临床型子宫内膜炎奶牛(SE)和临床型子宫内膜炎奶牛(CE)各10例,经颈静脉、子宫腔内分别获取血液样本及子宫分泌物;应用子宫内膜取样器获得每组奶牛子宫内膜样本,应用光镜和透射电镜观察子宫组织结构的变化.结果发现,SE组和CE组血浆和子宫分泌物中NO浓度均显著(P<0.05)和极显著(P<0.01)高于对照组;光镜和电镜下,SE及CE组奶牛的子宫内膜上皮细胞排列、细胞膜的完整性、细胞结构等均发生相应的变化.说明NO浓度随着炎症的发展而改变,炎症越明显,子宫内膜的变化越明显,NO浓度和牛子宫内膜超微结构的变化可作为诊断子宫内膜炎的一个依据  相似文献   

The aims of the present study were to relate intramammary infection (IMI) occurrence and somatic cell count (SCC) with teat-end condition (TEC) and udder cleanliness (UC). Milk samples from 1931 teats were evaluated according to the presence of IMI and SCC. Scores were applied to teats according to the TEC and to UC. Teats ends with a very rough ring had the largest number of IMI when compared to the other three categories, as well as animals with dirtier udders. The change in a TEC score increased by around 30% the chance of IMI. Also, the chance of the animal developing IMI increased by approximately 47% when the UC score increased. No significant association between both scores and quarter SCC was found. It can be concluded that animals with very rough teat end rings and very dirty udders have a greater predisposition to IMI.  相似文献   

Semimembranosus muscle samples were obtained from 49 Holstein beef animals representing different USDA maturities. Intramuscular collagen (IMC) was isolated in the frozen state and evaluated for heat-labile collagen solubility (% Sol), thermal shrinkage temperature (Ts), enthalpy (Hs) changes, and mature crosslink (pyridinoline) content. These measures were obtained to elucidate a relationship between pyridinoline content of IMC and beef maturity level and to relate IMC thermal stability (% Sol, Ts, and Hs) to pyridinoline content. With increasing maturity, % Sol decreased (P less than .01) and Ts increased (P less than .01), whereas Hs showed no change (P greater than .05). Thus, IMC melted at increasing temperatures, but the amount of energy required to induce this endothermic change remained constant throughout maturation. The pyridinoline content of IMC increased (P less than .01) linearly with maturity, indicating that this heat-stable, mature crosslink enhances thermal stability of IMC as beef muscle matures. Significant correlations between pyridinoline content and maturity (r = .56; P less than .001) and Ts (r = .34; P less than .05) support this contention.  相似文献   

Studies were conducted in an attempt to establish a relationship between fatty acid-binding protein (FABP) activity and marbling score in bovine longissimus muscle. Longissimus muscle was obtained from four 20-mo-old Charolais-Hereford crossbred heifers, three 16-mo-old Angus steers, and four 18-mo-old Angus steers. Immediately after slaughter, longissimus muscles were removed for the extraction of FABP. Supernatant (S104) fractions containing 41.3 to 144 mg of protein (depending on animal group) were eluted over Sephadex columns, and elution fractions were analyzed for the binding of radiolabeled palmitoyl-coenzyme A (CoA). Specific activities of FABP were 23, 32, and 101 nmol palmitoyl-CoA bound/mg protein for the Charolais-Hereford, 16-mo-old Angus, and 18-mo-old Angus cattle, respectively. These preliminary results suggested that longissimus muscle FABP activity was positively correlated with marbling score. To test specifically for this possibility, longissimus muscle was obtained at slaughter from each of four Wagyu steers, Angus heifers and Braford heifers. Marbling scores taken at the 12th-13th rib junction were Sm45, Sm43, and SI50 for the Wagyu, Angus, and Braford cattle, respectively. Interfascicular adipose tissue was exhaustively removed from sections of the 5th to 8th thoracic region of the longissimus muscle to eliminate any contribution of adipose tissue to FABP activity. For each animal, 300 mg of the S104 were eluted over Sephadex columns. Specific activities for the Wagyu, Angus, and Braford longissimus muscle FABP were 3.1, 3.8, and 3.9 pmol palmitoyl-CoA bound/mg protein, respectively, and were not different (P greater than .05) among the three animal groups.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Hemodynamic perturbations, partly resulting from abnormal vasoconstriction of digital vessels, have been implicated in the pathogenesis of bovine and equine laminitis. This study compared the responsiveness of isolated bovine (BDA) and equine (EDA) digital arteries to pharmacological agents that stimulate receptor systems involved in the regulation of normal vessel tone. The role of the endothelium and the short‐ and longer‐term effects of an experimentally induced endothelial damage were also evaluated. Species‐related differences were found in the vessel reactivity to all of the receptor agonists tested. In intact BDA, as compared to intact EDA, norepinephrine was a more effective vasoconstrictor, 5‐hydroxytryptamine a more effective but less potent vasoconstrictor, isoproterenol a less effective vasodilator and carbamylcholine a less potent vasodilator. In BDA, but not in EDA, the contractile responses to norepinephrine and 5‐hydroxytryptamine were enhanced immediately after endothelium removal. However, the contractile reactivity of denuded BDA returned to basal values following overnight incubation. The differences suggest species specificity for the pathophysiology of digital vasomotor tone and function in horses and cattle.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to compare the development and metabolic activity of cultured murine and bovine embryos in 2 standard media (HAM F-10 and RPMI) in the presence or absence of bovine uterine flushings. Murine morulae (n = 653) and day 7 bovine embryos (n = 273) were cultured for 18 h or 36 h in either HAM F-10 or RPMI in the presence or absence of bovine uterine flushings. After culture, the development, quality, and metabolic activity (glucose utilization or methionine uptake and incorporation) of embryos was assessed. It was found that HAM F-10 (without uterine flushings) was a more suitable medium than RPMI for optimal development and metabolism of murine and bovine embryos. Poor quality and development, as well as decreased metabolism, were evident after culture of murine embryos in RPMI; in contrast, this medium had no adverse effects on bovine embryos in culture. Supplementation of HAM F-10 with bovine uterine flushings improved the growth of murine embryos and the protein synthesis (as measured by an increased methionine incorporation) for both murine and bovine embryos. However, supplementation with bovine uterine flushings could not overcome deficiencies of an inappropriate medium (RPMI) for murine embryos. Supplementation of a well-defined culture medium with uterine flushings increased metabolism of embryos in culture, and thus might help to increase pregnancy rates after transfer of such embryos to recipient cows.  相似文献   

Uterine prolapse in cows is a historic topic that is well discussed in scientific veterinary literature and texts, argued at legendary proportion between practitioners, and even referenced in western poetry. The condition occurs sporadically and is recognized easily, but sometimes it is not so easily repaired. This article discusses the replacement, repair, and removal of the uterus and helpful techniques and potential complications. Because the veterinarian occasionally encounters situations where manual eversion (iatrogenic prolapse) of the uterus is helpful, particularly for efficiently repairing the traumatized uterus in the field, a technique for iatrogenic prolapse is discussed.  相似文献   

A dramatic 15-fold increase in uterine blood flow in pigs occurs during pregnancy in association with marked increases in uterine arterial (UA) diameter. This study was conducted to determine UA collagen and elastin content, diameter, alpha 1- and alpha 2-adrenergic receptor (AR) numbers, norepinephrine (NE) and in vitro reactivity to phenylephrine on d 0, 20, 50, 80 and 110 of pregnancy in the pig. Uterine arterial collagen content declined progressively throughout pregnancy (P less than .01), whereas the content of elastin remained constant from d 0 to d 80, then increased (P less than .05) from d 80 to d 110. The UA collagen to elastin ratio was correlated with UA diameter (r = -.69; P less than .01), which increased from 4.5 mm on d 0 to 9.0 mm on d 110. Uterine arterial alpha 1-AR numbers remained low and constant throughout pregnancy, consistent with its retained ability to contract in response to phenylephrine. Uterine arterial NE content declined (P less than .05) from d 20 to d 80 before increasing slightly to d 110. Uterine arterial alpha 2-AR numbers remained high from d 0 to d 80 before decreasing (P less than .05) to low values on d 110. These data are consistent with a reduced adrenergic neuronal control and increased elasticity of the UA during pregnancy in the pig.  相似文献   

Ejaculated sperm collected from 12 beagle dogs were incubated in canine capacitation medium (CCM), supplemented with 5 microg/ml chondroitin sulfate A (CS), 5 microg/ml hyaluronic acid (HA), or 5 microg/ml heparin (HP) for 7 hr at 38 degrees C in a 5% CO2 in air atmosphere to investigate the effects of glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) on dog sperm capacitation. The percentages of motile sperm, hyperactivated sperm (%HY), and acrosome-reacted sperm (%AR) in all media were examined after 4 hr and 7 hr of incubation. The oviducts and uteri of 9 anestrous and 18 estrous beagle bitches were removed under halothane inhalation anesthesia to measure the total GAG amounts in oviductal and uterine fluids. The lumens of the ampulla of the oviducts, isthmus of the oviducts, and the uterine horns were each flushed with 1 ml HEPES-EDTA fluid. Total GAG amounts in the flush fluids obtained were measured with a spectrophotometer. Sperm motility (51-59%), %HY (79-86%), and %AR (31-36%) in CCM supplemented with CS, HA, or HP were significantly higher after 7 hr of incubation than when incubated in CCM without GAGs (P<0.01 or 0.05). The mean total GAG amounts in the fluids from the ampulla and isthmus of the oviducts and the uterine horns in the estrous bitches were higher than in the anestrous bitches. These results indicate that GAGs in the oviductal and uterine fluids in estrous bitches are associated with in vivo sperm capacitation.  相似文献   

The purpose of this experiment was to determine whether differences among cows in the ability of oxytocin to stimulate uterine secretion of prostaglandin F2 alpha (PGF2 alpha) were related to the endogenous ovarian steroid environment. Sexually mature heifers were treated with oxytocin (.33 IU/kg BW) at three stages of the estrous cycle: early (d 3 to 5; n = 5), middle (d 10 to 11; n = 5) or late (d 16 to 17; n = 5). To assess uterine responsiveness to oxytocin, concentrations of 13,14-dihydro-15-keto-PGF2 alpha (PGFM) were quantified in jugular venous plasma samples collected at 1/2-h intervals for 8 h postinjection. The ovarian steroid environment at the time of injection was estimated by measuring the concentrations of progesterone and estradiol in jugular venous plasma samples collected at 4-h intervals for 12 h immediately prior to injection. Concentrations of PGFM increased immediately following injection of oxytocin either early or late in the estrous cycle. The response was much less during the middle of the estrous cycle. The magnitudes of response, early and late in the estrous cycle, were similar and greater than that observed during the middle of the estrous cycle (P less than .05). There was a positive relationship (R2 greater than .8; P less than .05) between magnitude of the response to oxytocin and ratio of estradiol to progesterone both early and late in the estrous cycle. Thus, individual differences in uterine secretion of PGF2 alpha in response to oxytocin were related to stage of the cycle and to differences in the endogenous ovarian steroid environment within each stage of the estrous cycle.  相似文献   

Sows and gilts of the Great White Polish (GWP) breed were classified into groups of 10 each: gilts 8 mo of age (A), sows over 1 yr old with an average litter size of five (BI) and eleven (BII), 2- to 3-yr-old sows with an average litter size of five (CI) and nine (CII), 4- to 6-yr-old sows with an average litter size of six (DI) and nine (DII). Gilts of group A were necropsied on d 10 of the estrous cycle while sows were necropsied 120 to 360 d postpartum. A blood sample obtained by vena cava puncture immediately before exsanguination was quantitated for total cholesterol, free cholesterol, cholesterol ester, total lipid, triglyceride, high and low density lipoprotein and chylomicrons. Postmortem angiograms of the uterine vasculature were evaluated for occurrence of arteriosclerotic lesions of the arteries and their branches. Sections of blood vessels from areas of restriction were examined histologically and quantitated for lipids and proteolytic and lipolytic enzyme activities. With the exception of high density lipoproteins and chylomicrons, serum concentrations of various lipids increased (P less than .01) with age. Restrictions of the lumen were found in uterine arteries and their branches of most gilts in group A and in sows in groups B, C and D, irrespective of litter size. Histology of uterine artery revealed preatherosclerotic lesions in groups B through D. No relationship between the incidence and degree of sclerotic lesions and litter size was evident. However, the incidence and degree of sclerotic lesions increased with age and parity. Results from histopathology were supported by results from measurement of lipids and enzyme activities of the uterine artery wall. Conception rates of sows in groups C and D were lower than those of group B. Many of these sows (70%) failed to conceive during 1 yr even though they displayed normal estrous cycles.  相似文献   

The occurrence of apoptosis in a fraction of blastomeres in the preimplantation embryo is well known but the consequences of this phenomenon for the developmental potential of the blastocyst has not been well established. Here we demonstrate that blastocysts with low amounts of activated group II caspase activity have increased potential for development to the hatched blastocyst stage. Bovine blastocysts produced in vitro were assayed using a non-invasive fluoregenic substrate that is cleaved by activated group II caspases (i.e., caspase-2, -3 and -7). Subsequently, blastocysts were cultured until Day 10 post-insemination and the proportion undergoing hatching determined. In Experiment 1, blastocysts were cultured without respect to stage of development (expanded or non-expanded); blastocysts classified as having low caspase activity had higher hatching rates than blastocysts with medium or high caspase activity. In Experiment 2, embryos were categorized as nonexpanded or expanded blastocysts. Caspase activity was lower and hatching rate higher for expanded blastocysts than for nonexpanded blastocysts. For nonexpanded blastocysts, embryos classified as having low caspase activity had higher hatching rates as compared to embryos with medium or high caspase activity. In conclusion, the capacity for blastocysts to undergo further development is related to degree of group II caspase activity. Conditions that enhance the incidence of apoptosis in blastocysts may reduce developmental competence. In addition, determination of caspase activity may be useful for selection of embryos for transfer into recipients.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate whether uterine capacity (UC) in rabbits was related to uterine horn length and weight and whether these uterine traits and vascular supply were related to fetal development and survival. Data from 48 unilaterally ovariectomized (ULO) does of the High and 52 ULO does of the Low UC lines of a divergent selection experiment on UC were used. Does were slaughtered on d 25 of fifth gestation. The High line showed higher ovarian weight (0.08 g, P < 0.05) linked to a higher ovulation rate (1 ovum, P < 0.05) and greater length of the empty uterine horn. There were no differences between lines in the remaining doe traits. The number of implanted embryos and live fetuses, fetal survival, and uterine weight and length were positively associated and explained most of the observed variation. Average weights of the live fetuses and their fetal and maternal placentae were not related to uterine weight and length. The linear regression coefficient of full uterine horn length on the number of live fetuses was 2.43 +/- 0.21. The weight of the full uterine horn showed a small quadratic relationship (P < 0.05) with the number of live fetuses. Full uterine horn length, after adjusting for the number of embryos, was negatively associated (P < 0.001) with the number of dead fetuses. The linear regression coefficient of average fetal placental weight of the live fetuses on number of implanted embryos was higher (P < 0.10) in the Low line (-0.23 +/- 0.04 vs. -0.12 +/- 0.04). The linear regression coefficient of average weight of the live fetuses on the average weight of their fetal placentae was higher (P < 0.10) in the High line (2.56 +/- 0.47 vs. 1.27 +/- 0.57). The High line was more efficient, most likely because an increase in intrauterine crowding has a lesser effect on the development of fetal placentae and fetuses. The fetal position within the uterus did not affect the proportion of dead embryos. Fetuses with placentae receiving a single blood vessel had a higher probability of death (P < 0.001) and the lowest weight. There was no difference between lines for individual weight of the live fetuses, but the High line showed higher individual weights of fetal (P < 0.01) and maternal placentae (P < 0.10). Live fetuses in the midportion of the uterus were lighter in weight (P < 0.05) than in the oviductal and cervical regions (20.3 vs. 21.6 and 21.7g). Increasing uterine capacity increases uterine length and decreases weights of fetus and fetal placenta in rabbits.  相似文献   

The relationship between luminol dependent chemiluminescent (LDCL) response and changes in intracellular free Ca2+ concentrations in the bovine neutrophils was evaluated. LDCL responses and changes in intracellular Ca2+ concentrations of neutrophils were clearly detected by the stimulation with opsonized zymosan (OPZ), concanavalin A(ConA), heat-aggregated IgG (H-agg.IgG) and phorbol myristate acetate (PMA). Patterns of LDCL responses and intracellular Ca2+ of neutrophils showed characteristic features for each stimulant. PMA was a weak stimulant of the intracellular Ca2+ concentration, whereas it was a strong stimulant of LDCL response. Con A strongly stimulated an increase in the intracellular Ca2+ concentration, but was a weak stimulant of LDCL response. LDCL response of intracellular Ca(2+)-depleted neutrophils treated with ionomycin, stimulated with each stimulant was inhibited markedly without extracellular Ca2+. The sustained phase of intracellular Ca2+ concentrations stimulated with OPZ was inhibited significantly (P < 0.05) by the preincubation with anti-CD18 antibody, whereas the transient phase of intracellular Ca2+ concentrations was not inhibited. These results indicate that LDCL response is regulated at least in part by the elevation of the intracellular Ca2+, and a rise in intracellular Ca2+ concentration, which may be mediated by specific receptors appears to be essential in the LDCL response of bovine neutrophils.  相似文献   

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