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Katan  & Katan 《Plant pathology》1999,48(4):541-549
The population structure of Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. radicis-lycopersici ( F.o.r.l .), the causal agent of crown and root rot disease in tomato, was studied using the vegetative compatibility grouping approach. Four vegetative compatibility groups (VCGs) were identified among 37 isolates from the UK, the Netherlands, Belgium and France. Three of these VCGs (0090, 0091, 0094) had already been described, whereas VCG 0097 was new. VCG 0094 was dominant in the UK, the Netherlands and Belgium, but not in France. The opposite was true for the cosmopolitan VCG 0091, while the cosmopolitan VCG 0090 was only found in France. Based on hyphal interactions, VCG 0094 was divided into three subgroups, each comprising isolates from at least two countries. One isolate of VCG 0094 did not belong to any of these subgroups, suggesting further variability in this VCG. Isolate FORL-19R from France, previously assigned to VCG 0090 I, was reassigned to VCG 0090 III, a new subgroup of VCG 0090 found in Israel. FORL-19R and additional members of its subgroup manifest cross-VCG compatibility between VCG 0090 and VCG 0092. Along with previous studies, the multiple VCGs and subgroups found among F.o.r.l . in western Europe demonstrate a high level of genetic diversity in this pathogen.  相似文献   

瓜类尖孢镰刀菌的营养体亲和群研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 应用营养亲和性方法研究了尖孢镰刀菌菌株抗氯酸盐突变体和nit突变体的诱发规律及分布特性,以及菌株营养体亲和群(VCG)的划分。研究表明,不同寄主(黄瓜、甜瓜和西瓜)分离的尖孢镰刀菌菌株形成的抗氯酸盐突变体数目差异不显著,平均为每个接种点产生0.89~0.98个;但寄主不同部位(根部、茎基部和茎中部)分离的菌株间差异显著,形成的数目分别为1.27、0.75及0.76个。菌株产生的nit1突变体比例(75.40%)显著高于nitM突变体比例(13.17%);nit1突变体数目会因菌株的寄主及菌株寄主部位的不同而有差异,寄主为黄瓜、甜瓜和西瓜的菌株产生的比例依次为67.73%、83.71%和77.50%,根部、茎基部及茎中部分离菌株产生的比例依次为81.82%、78.48%和68.64%,而在致病菌株与非致病菌株间无显著差异,分别为74.43%和79.63%;nitM突变体数目受菌株寄主影响较小,所占比例在11.17%~13.92%之间;而在寄主不同部位分离的菌株及致病菌株与非致病菌株间差异显著,分离自茎基部的菌株所占比例最高为15.97%,茎中部菌株所占比例最低为9.87%,致病菌株与非致病菌株所占比例分别为14.08%和9.26%。供试菌株分为7个VCGs,其特点为来源于不同寄主的尖孢镰刀菌菌株互不亲和,同一寄主的致病菌株与非致病菌株均不亲和,同一寄主不同部位分离的菌株可亲和。  相似文献   

One hundred and sixteen isolates of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lactucae obtained from 85 fields in three crisphead lettuce-producing areas in Nagano Prefecture, Japan were typed for races using differential cultivars Patriot, Banchu Red Fire and Costa Rica No. 4. They were also grouped into vegetative compatibility groups (VCGs) using complementation tests with nitrate non-utilizing (nit) mutants. Two California strains reported as F. oxysporum f. sp. lactucum, a type culture of F. oxysporum f. sp. lactucae, and 28 avirulent isolates of F. oxysporum obtained from crisphead lettuce were included for comparison. Among Nagano isolates, 66 isolates were identified as race 1, and 50 as race 2. Race 1 strains derived from Shiojiri and Komoro cities and race 2 from Kawakami village and Komoro city. All isolates of race 2 were biotin auxotrophs, and the race could be distinguished based on its requirement for biotin on minimal nitrate agar medium (MM). Pathogenic isolates were classified into two VCGs and three heterokaryon self-incompatible isolates. Strong correlations were found between race and VCG. All the race 1 strains were assigned to VCG 1 except self-incompatible isolates, and all the race 2 strains to VCG 2. The 28 avirulent isolates of F. oxysporum were incompatible with VCG 1 and VCG 2. California strains was vegetatively compatible with VCG 1, and they were assigned to race 1. Based on vegetative compatibility, these two races of F. oxysporum f. sp. lactucae may be genetically distinct, and F. oxysporum f. sp. lactucae race 1 is identical to F. oxysporum f. sp. lactucum. Received 7 May 2002/ Accepted in revised form 6 September 2002  相似文献   

 从山西运城、临汾、长治、晋中、大同等地保护地黄瓜灰霉病病株上采集、分离的分属于3个不同菌丝融合群的8个灰葡萄孢菌单孢菌株,经氯酸盐诱导处理,共获得了抗氯酸盐的硝酸盐利用缺陷突变体(nit突变体)59株,其中nit1型38株,nit3型10株,nitM型11株。所有nit突变株分别在PDA斜面转管培养3次(21 d)后,除6株恢复成野生菌株外,其余多数nit突变菌株表现稳定。来源于同一野生菌株的不同类型nit突变体间或同一菌丝融合群不同野生菌株的nit突变体间可产生互补反应而形成异核体,其中以nitM型突变株互补性最好,在利用nit突变体测定灰葡萄孢菌营养体亲和性时应作为标准菌株。来源于不同菌丝融合群的nit突变体间不能产生互补反应。  相似文献   

Fusarium corm rot of saffron (Crocus sativus L.), incited by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. gladioli, causes severe yield losses in Italy. Major symptoms during flowering (October–November) include yellowing and wilting of shoots, basal stem rot and corm rot. Sixty-four isolates of F. oxysporum f. sp. gladioli, obtained from infected saffron crops located in Italy (Abruzzi, Tuscany and Umbria) and in Spain, were characterized by pathogenicity and vegetative compatibility. Chlorate-resistant, nitrate-nonutilizing (nit) mutants were used to determine vegetative compatibility among the isolates of the pathogen with the aim of examining the genetic relatedness among populations from different locations. All the isolates belonged to vegetative compatibility group 0340. Since saffron shares susceptibility to F. oxysporum f. sp. gladioli with other ornamental plants of the Iridaceae (Crocus, Gladiolus, Iris and Ixia), it is likely that a clone of the pathogen (VCG 0340) was introduced with other hosts and is responsible for the disease outbreak observed on saffron in Italy. Alternatively, or additionally, the clone of F. oxysporum f. sp. gladioli causing disease on saffron in other countries may have spread to the saffron fields in Italy through the import and dispersal of infested propagation material.  相似文献   

Auxotrophic mutants were used to determine vegetative relatedness among isolates of Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. dianthi (F.o.d.) , the vascular wilt pathogen of carnation. At the first stage, different nitrate-non-utilizing (nit) mutants were produced from 11 isolates of F.o.d. collected in Israel. Complementation (heterokaryon) tests showed that all the isolates belonged to a single vegetative compatibility group (VCG), and two mutants were chosen as its testers. Additional isolates of Fusarium from carnation, collected during 1986-88, were analysed for pathogenicity and vegetative compatibility with the testers. A total of 170 Fusarium isolates, obtained from 42 cultivars at 40 sites, were tested. All the nit mutants of all the 132 pathogenic isolates formed heterokaryons with the testers, indicating that they belonged to the same VCG. None of the 38 non-pathogenic isolates was vegetatively compatible with the testers. The nit mutants retained pathogenicity to carnation. The F.o.d. testers were not compatible with testers of five other formae speciales of F. oxysporum. Thus, F.o.d. appears to constitute a distinct genetic population within the F. oxysporum complex.  相似文献   

黄瓜枯萎病菌毒力、营养体亲和性及ISSR分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
 本研究对来自哈尔滨、长春、沈阳、北京、西宁5个城市的70个尖孢镰刀菌黄瓜专化型菌株进行了毒力、营养体亲和性及ISSR分析。毒力测定结果显示黄瓜枯萎病菌在东农803品种上存在明显的毒力分化。在营养体亲和群的测定中有8个菌株没有产生nit突变体,2个菌株经测定为异核体自身不亲和性菌株,不能进行营养体亲和群的测定;其余60个菌株可分为5个营养体亲和群。利用筛选的7个引物对70个菌株进行了ISSR分子标记,聚类分析可将70个菌株分为3个类群,其中IGⅠ的41个菌株均来自东北三省,IGⅡ的21个菌株均来自北京,IGⅢ的8个菌株全部来自西宁。VCGs和ISSRs与菌株的地理来源及毒力存在一定的相关性。  相似文献   

Isolates of Fusarium oxysporum from lily were screened for pathogenicity, vegetative compatibility and DNA restriction fragment length polymorphisms, and compared to reference isolates of F. oxysporum f.sp. gladioli and F. oxysporum f.sp. tulipae to justify the distinction of F. oxysporum f.sp. lilii. Twenty-four isolates from different locations in The Netherlands (18 isolates), Italy (4 isolates), Poland and the United States (1 isolate each) shared unique RFLP patterns with probes D4 and pFOM7, while hybridization did not occur with a third probe (F9). Except for a self-incompatible isolate, these 24 isolates all belonged to a single vegetative compatibility group (VCG 0190). Isolates belonging to VCG 0190 were highly pathogenic to lily, but not to gladiolus or tulip, except for a single nonpathogenic isolate. Six saprophytic isolates of F. oxysporum from lily were nonpathogenic or only slightly aggressive to lily, gladiolus and tulip, belonged to unique VCGs and had distinct RFLP patterns. Three pathogenic isolates previously considered to belong to F. oxysporum f.sp. lilii were identified as F. proliferatum var. minus; all three belonged to the same VCG and shared unique RFLP patterns. These three isolates were moderately pathogenic to lily and nonpathogenic to gladiolus and tulip. The reference isolates of F. oxysporum f.sp. tulipae were pathogenic to tulip, but not to lily and gladiolus; they shared a distinct RFLP pattern, different from those encountered among pathogenic and saprophytic isolates from lily, and formed a separate new VCG (VCG 0230). Reference isolates of F. oxysporum f.sp. gladioli belonging to VCG 0340 proved pathogenic to both gladiolus and lily, but not to tulip. These isolates, as well as isolates belonging to VCGs 0341, 0342 and 0343 of F. oxysporum f.sp. gladioli, had RFLP patterns different from those encountered among the isolates from lily or tulip. These findings identify F. oxysporum f.sp. lilii as a single clonal lineage, distinct from F. oxysporum f.sp. gladioli and f.sp. tulipae.  相似文献   

Fusarium crown and root rot caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. radicis-lycopersici (FORL) is a serious soilborne disease reducing tomato yields in Florida, a leading state in fresh market tomato production in the United States. One hundred and twenty five isolates of FORL were collected from the three main tomato-growing counties in Florida between 2006 and 2008. Vegetative compatibility groups (VCGs) and 10 microsatellite loci were used to infer the population structure of FORL. Up to 69.8 % of the isolates could be assigned to one of three VCGs, 0094, 0098 or 0099, with frequencies of 38.6, 24.4, and 6.8 % respectively. A medium level of population differentiation (Φst?=?0.159) was detected among the three counties, and three optimal clusters (populations) were supported by discriminant analysis of principal components. In addition, each population had some individuals that likely migrated from other populations. Migration probably played an important role in shaping the population structure of FORL since repeated VCGs and multilocus genotypes were observed in the three counties. Considerable migrants (> 1.33 migrants per generation) were also detected between the three counties, resulting in an increase in the effective population size and genetic diversity of F. oxysporum f. sp. radicis-lycopersici. Although migration is an important evolutionary force, mutation and parasexual recombination could not be completely ruled out as contributing causes to the genetic diversity of FORL. Management strategies that limit the movement of F. oxysporum f. sp. radicis-lycopersici are necessary to reduce the evolutionary potential of the pathogen.  相似文献   

 Fourteen strains of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense were induced to produce 146 nitrate-nonutilizing(nit) mutants on a chlorate-containing medium. Among them, there were 117 nit1 mutants(80.14%), 17 nit3 mutants(11.64%) and 12 nitM mutants(8.22%). These strains were divided into two vegetative compatibility groups(VCGs) by the vegetative compatibility tests. Twelve strains of F. oxysporum f. sp. cubense from Musa AAA belonged to VCG1, two trains from Musa ABB belonged to VCG2.  相似文献   

香蕉枯萎病严重威胁世界香蕉产业,而目前尚无有效防治药剂。开发快速诊断技术以加强检疫,控制其传播速度,同时加快选育抗病品种是有效控制该病的根本策略。然而,无论是研发快速诊断的分子技术还是进行抗病品种的选育,都需要深入了解病原菌的群体结构及其基因多样性背景。香蕉枯萎病菌经过一个多世纪的变异与进化,已分化出4个生理小种,23个营养亲合群和多个基因多样性类群。本文从香蕉枯萎病的起源及其病原菌培养性状、生理小种、致病性、营养亲合群及基因多样性等方面研究进展进行梳理和分析,以期为下一步的研究提供思路和启发。  相似文献   

A severe root and stem rot disease of melon was observed during the 2001 growing season on four glasshouse crops in Heraklio, Greece. A total of 43 isolates of F. oxysporum , obtained in Crete from glasshouse-grown melon and showing fusarium wilt or root and stem rot symptoms, were characterized by pathogenicity and vegetative compatibility. The majority of these isolates was also fingerprinted via amplified fragment length polymorphic (AFLP) analysis. Of the total number of isolates, 22 were identified by pathogenicity tests as F. oxysporum f. sp. melonis , 20 as F. oxysporum f. sp. radicis-cucumerinum , while one isolate was nonpathogenic on cucumber, melon, sponge gourd and pumpkin. All 22 isolates of F. oxysporum f. sp. melonis were assigned to vegetative compatibility group (VCG) 0134, and all 20 isolates of F. oxysporum f. sp. radicis-cucumerinum to VCG 0260. Isolates of F. oxysporum f. sp. radicis-cucumerinum were incompatible with isolates of F. oxysporum f. sp. melonis. AFLP fingerprinting allowed for the clustering of the isolates of the two formae speciales of F. oxysporum along two separate phenetic groups: f. sp. melonis to AFLP major haplotype I, and f. sp. radicis-cucumerinum to AFLP major haplotype II. Overall, pathogenicity, vegetative compatibility grouping and AFLP analysis were correlated and effectively distinguished isolates of F. oxysporum from melon. This appears to be the first report of natural infection of melon by F. oxysporum f. sp. radicis-cucumerinum worldwide.  相似文献   

Races were identified among butterhead lettuce isolates of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lactucae collected from three geographical areas of Hokkaido, Shizuoka, and Fukuoka in Japan by inoculation tests using Fujinagas race differential cultivars of lettuce (i.e., Patriot, Costa Rica No. 4, and Banchu Red Fire). Eighteen isolates from Shizuoka and Fukuoka were designated race 3, with two unknown vegetative compatibility groups (VCGs) that differed from Ogisos VCG 1 and 2. These two new VCGs were obtained from both Shizuoka and Fukuoka. On the other hand, three isolates from Hokkaido were classified as race 1 and identified as VCG 1, which represents a VCG of crisphead isolates from Nagano.  相似文献   

Virulence (≡ severity of disease) and physiological specialization of nine isolates of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. phaseoli recovered in El Barco de Avila (Castilla y León, west-central Spain) and of two isolates from Chryssoupolis (Greece) were determined. The susceptibility/resistance response showed by a differential set of common bean cultivars ( Phaseolus vulgaris ) selected at the Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT) delineated the isolates into two new races: races 6 and 7. The results of pathogenicity tests did not show any significant differences in virulence among the isolates. However, the reactions of several Spanish common bean cultivars indicated the presence of two groups of isolates, highly virulent and weakly virulent, among the Spanish isolates analysed. These results indicate that isolates classified in the same race are not homogeneous with respect to virulence, and suggests that race analysis using the CIAT differential cultivars is insufficient to describe the physiological specialization of F. oxysporum f. sp. phaseoli .  相似文献   

The vascular colonization pattern of Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. lycopersici races 0 and 1 in tomato was studied in five susceptible and five resistant cultivar–fungus combinations during a 26-day period after inoculation by root immersion. Propagules spread discontinuously along the stems in all five cultivars 1 day after inoculation, irrespective of cultivar resistance. Five days later the fungus was limited to the stem bases in all cultivars. Between the fifth and 12th days, stem colonization by the fungus stopped in all cultivar–race combinations. Thereafter, the situation remained stable in resistant combinations, with inoculum distributed discontinuously, and no disease symptoms were apparent. By contrast, in the susceptible combinations a gradual upward colonization of the stems was seen such that fungal distribution was no longer discontinuous and disease symptoms appeared. These results suggest that a fungal 'incubation' period in the base of the vascular system is required before a secondary invasion of tissues occurs in susceptible genotypes. The slope of the regression line fitted between the height reached by the fungus up the stem ( y ) and the time after inoculation ( x ) provides a measure of the horizontal (polygenic) resistance in tomato cultivars  相似文献   

Vegetative compatibility groups of a collection of 71 Greek Verticillium dahliae isolates obtained from cotton plants were tested. Nit mutants were generated from single spore wild strains by selecting chlorate-resistant sectors on minimal medium amended with potassium chlorate, 25g/l. These mutants were tested against tester strains from the USA and Greece of the previously described VCGs 1, 2, 3 and 4. Forty-six of 71 isolates belonged to VCG2, because they were able to anastomose with the testers of this group, two isolates belonged to VCG4 and one to VCG1, while the 22 remaining strains could not be assigned to any of the identified VCGs. Our data demonstrated that wilt of cotton is caused only by V. dahliae in Greece, and VCG2 is the most commonly detected VCG. Some strains were found to be more virulent to cotton than other strains from the same VCG. This is the first report of VCG1 of Verticillium in Greece.  相似文献   

The pathogenic type (form and race) of Fusarium oxysporum, which generates wilt symptoms on tomato, was rapidly identified with a polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based technique. We compared the partial nucleotide sequences of endo polygalacturonase (pg1) and exo polygalacturonase (pgx4) genes from isolates of F. oxysporum ff. sp. lycopersici (FOL) and radicis-lycopersici (FORL) from Japan and designed specific primer sets (uni, sp13, sp23, and sprl) based on the nucleotide differences that appeared among the pathogenic types. PCR with the uni primer set amplified a 670∼672-bp fragment from all isolates of FOL and FORL. With the sp13 primer set, an amplicon of 445 bp was obtained only from isolates of FOL race 1 and 3. With the sp23 primer set, a 518-bp fragment was obtained from isolates of FOL race 2 and 3. The sprl primer set yielded a 947-bp fragment from isolates of FORL, but not from FOL. A combination of amplifications with these primer sets effectively differentiated the pathogenic types of F. oxysporum in tomato.  相似文献   

In a study of vegetative compatibility in Verticillium dahliae in the Netherlands, a collection of 45 isolates including representatives from woody hosts, several horticultural crops and from the soil of potato fields was examined. In addition an effort was made to compare vegetative compatibility groups (VCGs) from different countries. The results of this study indicate that VCG diversity in V. dahliae in the Netherlands is limited. Only two VCGs were detected: VCG NL-I and VCG NL-II. The former is the predominant VCG for isolates from tree hosts. However, Verticillium wilt in trees can be caused by isolates from both VCGs. It is suggested that the predominance of VCG NL-I in tree hosts is the result of the origin of the tree and the cropping history of its growing site, rather than trees being preferential hosts for isolates from this VCG. Comparison of VCG testers from the Netherlands, from several other European countries and from the USA show that in Europe two major VCGs are present. The first one, including NL-I, is compatible with USA VCG 3 and VCG 4, whereas the second one, including NL-II, is compatible with USA VCG 1 and VCG 2. These groups are not completely separated; in some cases, testers formed heterokaryons with VCG testers from both main groups. Because of the presence of these bridge isolates and because mutants from the same isolate differ in ability to form heterokaryons, it is emphasised that careful selection of isolate testers is an essential step to get a clear picture of VCG diversity.  相似文献   

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