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This study addressed differences between Diplocardia spp. (a native North American earthworm) and Octolasion tyrtaeum (an introduced European species), with respect to behavior, influence on soil microbial biomass, and plant uptake of N in tallgrass prairie soils. We manipulated earthworms in PVC-encased soil cores (20 cm diameter) over a 45-day period under field conditions. Treatments included: (1) control with no earthworms, (2) Diplocardia spp. only, and (3) O. tyrtaeum only. Prior to addition of earthworms, seedlings of Andropogon gerardii (a dominant tallgrass) were established in each core, and a dilute solution of 13C-labeled glucose and 15N-labeled (NH4)2SO4 was added to the soil to facilitate examination of earthworm/microbe/plant interactions. We found that Diplocardia spp. were significantly more active than O. tyrtaeum, and quickly assimilated 13C and 15N from the tracer. Individuals of Diplocardia spp. were present at shallower soil depths than O. tyrtaeum throughout the study. Contrary to expectation, this greater activity of Diplocardia spp. did not result in increased plant productivity. Rather, the activity of Diplocardia spp. was associated with less plant growth and smaller amounts of N acquired by A. gerardii seedlings compared to controls or O. tyrtaeum treatments. We observed few significant influences of earthworm treatments on microbial biomass C or N pool sizes, but the microbial C/N ratio was consistently greater in the presence of Diplocardia spp. relative to O. tyrtaeum. Results of this study indicate that activity of earthworms may enhance competition for N between microbes and plants during the growing season in tallgrass prairie.  相似文献   

Summary The F contamination of soils and Lumbricus spp. around a site of long-term industrial emission in southern Germany was examined. Among total, water extractable, and HCl-soluble fractions, the latter most appropriately characterized anthropogenic F accumulation. Based on the HCl-soluble fractions from 88 sampling sites, a contamination map consisting of three zones was established. F accumulation in the calcareous soils of the area was restricted to the top 40–50 cm and can be explained by precipitation as CaF2. Earthworms (Lumbricus spp.) collected from the different zones reflected the F contamination well in the significant correlations found between total F in earthworms with and without gut and the corresponding soils. The bioaccumulation of F in earthworms is obvious, and may become hazardous for the earthworms themselves and for other animals feeding on contaminated soil and/or its fauna. A significantly higher F value was recorded in the linings of earthworm tubes than in the corresponding soil. F translocation by earthworm burrowing may be a mechanism of subsoil contamination.  相似文献   

As a consequence of intensive mining of the western Erzgebirge since medieval times, floodplain soils of the Mulde river contain large concentrations of arsenic (As) (>50 mg kg−1). Arsenic in soil is often bound to poorly crystalline Fe and Mn (hydr)oxides, which may dissolve under reducing conditions. Part of the As may also exist in primary minerals, predominately sulphides, or in secondary minerals formed upon weathering. In order to better understand the impact of seasonal flooding, we surveyed As‐bearing mineral phases, especially of iron (Fe) (hydr)oxides. Because Fe (hydr)oxides are clay‐sized, soil samples were fractionated into six particle‐size fractions. The fractions were digested with aqua regia for determination of total element concentrations, extracted with hydroxylammonium chloride (NH3OHCl; selective for Mn (hydr)oxides and NH4 oxalate), and analysed by X‐ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy. The largely similar distribution of As and lead (Pb) suggested the potential co‐existence of the two elements in primary or secondary mineral phases. However, neither As–Pb minerals nor any other As mineral were detected. Association with Mn oxides was negligible. The predominant As‐bearing phases were poorly crystalline Fe (hydr)oxides, which also incorporated large amounts of Pb and were affected by redox dynamics.  相似文献   

Mercury speciation in contaminated soils by thermal release analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Thermal release analysis of mercury species in contaminated soils was performed by temperature controlled continuous heating of the samples in a furnace coupled to an Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS). It was shown that this method allows the identification of different redox states of Hg-species through their characteristic releasing temperature ranges. The method was applied to Hg-contaminated samples from an inactive chlor-alkali production plant in former East Germany (GER), and from a gold mining area in Poconé, Mato Grosso, Brazil (BRA), as well as synthetic soil samples obtained by spiking pre-heated soil matrices (GER and BRA) with the following mercury species: Hg0, Hg2Cl2, HgCl2, HgO and HgS. The samples GER, in general, frequently showed the presence of Hg2+ probably bound to humic substances, in the case of samples with higher total carbon content. Only in highly contaminated samples (>3000 ppm of mercury) was Hg0 the predominant species. The samples BRA more frequently showed the presence of mercury species in the lower oxidation states, i.e. Hg1+ in combination with Hg0. The method allows observing changes in Hg-speciation in the samples with time, mainly changes among the oxidation states Hg0, Hg1+ and Hg2+. The treated GER matrix showed a stronger tendency to oxidise Hf-species than the BRA treated matrix, in which only added Hg0 is partially oxidised to Hg2+ and Hg1+. In contrast, the BRA matrix showed a pronounced tendency to reduce spiked Hg2+ to Hg1+. This may be the reason for the presence of Hg1+ in the majority of original BRA samples. The method appears to be very useful to study speciation of mercury and its dynamics. It can be used as a tool for monitoring mercury oxidation states and/or reactions of mercury in soils.  相似文献   

Summary Melanogenic actinomycetes were isolated from cerrado soils. Starch agar with a neutral pH was the best medium for selecting pigment-producing colonies. A pigmentation screening test selected 52% of these as possible melanin producers. Tests on liquid (organic and inorganic) and solid (peptone and tyrosine) media, and enzymatic tests, confirmed about 90% as melanin producers, 68% as dihydroxyphenylalanine (DOPA)-melanin and 32% as possible other kinds of melanin producers. Melanin production occurred mostly with an organic N, or an inorganic N with an additional organic N source. An exception was observed with three strains, which were able to produce melanins with an entirely inorganic N source in the medium. Instability of melanin production was a common feature in many strains. Further characterization of melanins produced by actinomycetes compared with soil humic acids may clarify the possible role of melanogenic actinomycetes in soil organic matter formation.  相似文献   

 The vertical distribution of native earthworm species from natural and disturbed savannas in the Oxisols of the Colombian Llanos was assessed in a native savanna and in a 17-year-old grazed grass-legume pasture during a period of 17 months. Different patterns of vertical stratification were observed for all species with a strong migration of populations to deeper layers in the dry season. The correlation between the size of the earthworms and the average depth at which they were found was not significant (P>0.05), despite the fact that bigger species are located deeper in the soil. The living habits and adaptive strategies of the smallest species, Ocnerodrilidae n. sp., found in both ecosystems studied are responsible for this pattern. This endogeic species is associated with organic pools generated by an anecic species and further studies should assess the role of this species in ecosystem functioning. Mature worms of one anecic species were located deeper than immature ones in the soil (P<0.01). Soil moisture had an important effect on the vertical distribution of earthworms, although differences between immature and mature worms of the anecic Martiodrilus carimaguensis are likely to be of biotic origin. New data on the biology and ecology of these Neotropical species are shown. Received: 24 November 1999  相似文献   

The distribution of iron monosulifde (quantified as acid volatile sulfur:SAV) was compared with geochemical properties that are known to affect its formation and accumulation in three coastal Holocene acid sulfate soils (ASS) at Tuckean Swamp,Mc Leods Creek and Bungawalbyn Swamp respectively,These properties included pH,reactive iron(FeR),pore-water sulfate(SO4^2-) and organic carbon(OC).Iron monosulfide was concentrated at the oxic/anoxic boundary,the Tuckean Swamp and McLeods Creek sites are Holocene sediments,whereas the Bungawalbyn Swamp is a Holocene peat.The concentration of SAV averaged 0.2 g kg^-1 in a 0.5m thick soil layer at the Tuckean Swamp,but was an order of magnitude lower in the oxic/anoxic transition layers at McLeods Creek and Bungawalbyn Swamp,The SAV mineral greigite(Fe3S4) was identified in the Tuckean Swamp by X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy with quantitative energy dispersive X-ray analysis(SEM-EDX),Very small concentrations of greigite were also observed in the McLeods Creek,based on crystal morphology and elemental composition.The concentration of SAV was a small fraction of the total reduced sulfur,representing at most 3% of the pyrite sulfur,However,the presence of this highly reactive sulfide mineral,distributed within pores where oxygen diffusion is most rapid,has important implications to the potential rate of acid production from these sediments.  相似文献   

The effects of soybean growth on Cu speciation and distribution in two artificially Cu-contaminated soils (phaiozem, a Mollisol, and burozem, an Alfisol) were investigated using a rhizobox culture system followed by the sequential chemical extraction technique. The rhizosphere soils in the rhizobox were separated with nylon cloth into 11 sections: a central zone (4 mm in width) and ten side rhizosphere subzones (1 mm in width). The Cu fractions in Cu-contaminated phaiozem could be ranked as EXCH (exchangeable Cu)<ACID (HAc extractable Cu)< FeMnOX (bound to Fe–Mn oxides)<OM (bound to organic matter)<RES (residual Cu), and in Cu-contaminated burozem as EXCH< FeMnOX< OM< ACID< RES. Soybean growth resulted in an obvious increase of EXCH-Cu in the rhizosphere soil in the first 4 weeks of incubation, with the biggest increase in the central zone. Compared with the unplanted control soil, the content of ACID-Cu in soybean rhizosphere increased in the first 2–3 weeks of incubation and then decreased towards the end of the experiment (6 weeks). The increasing tendency was also observed in the FeMnOX-Cu fraction during the first 3 weeks and the OM-Cu fraction during the first 4 weeks, and their increments were obviously larger than those of the EXCH-Cu and ACID-Cu fractions. This suggested that more RES-Cu activated by the action of soybean roots was partitioned into the less phytoavailable forms, FeMnOX-Cu and OM-Cu. This may be of a benefit to the normal growth of soybean in Cu-contaminated soils. By the end of cultivation, the content of FeMnOX-Cu decreased, but only a small part of Cu was absorbed by soybean, being most of the Cu loss partitioned into the RES-Cu fraction.  相似文献   

兰州碱性土壤与农产品中硒分布及形态研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过对兰州市主要农业区表层土壤总硒有效硒调查和部分农产品总硒有机硒测定,研究了兰州市碱性农田土壤与农产品中硒的积累特征和分布规律。结果表明,兰州市农田表层土壤pH 8.39±0.26,总硒含量为(0.179±0.066)mg/kg(n=473),处于全国中等水平。全市土壤总硒含量区域性差别较大,市辖区明显低于三县,榆中县居全市之首。土壤有效硒与总硒含量显著正相关,有效硒占比为4.63%~15.8%,平均8.27%。农产品中玫瑰(Rosa rugosa),部分西兰花(Brassicaoleracea var.italica)和芹菜(Apium graveolens)样品硒含量高于0.015 mg/kg,为该市天然富硒农产品。农产品中有机硒占总硒比例较高,均值为73.4%。从区域整体来看,土壤硒含量较高的县区农产品硒含量相对也较高,适合富有机硒优质农产品开发。  相似文献   

Yam (Dioscorea spp.) is widely grown in many parts of Ethiopia and plays a vital role in local subsistence. Nevertheless, its diversity has not been studied in detail. A survey covering 339 farm households and eight districts was conducted in the major yam growing regions of Southern Ethiopia to investigate the diversity and distribution of yam landraces using structured and semi-structured questionnaires. A total of 37 named landraces were recorded, with a range from one to six (mean 2.9) on individual farms. Farmers’ decisions regarding the number and type of landraces maintained was influenced by tolerance of the landraces to drought, their maturity time and market demand. Most landraces had limited abundance and distribution, and only a few dominant landraces were widely grown. There was also variation amongst districts with respect to diversity, distribution and abundance of the landraces found. In the majority of the localities surveyed, farmers reported a decreasing trend in the number of landraces maintained on individual farms and in the overall yam production. Besides, in those limited areas where yam production is expanding, farmers are increasingly relying on a few selected landraces that mature early. Findings of this study suggest that local farmers in Wolayita and Gamo-Gofa zones maintain considerable yam diversity that remains to be further explored for sustainable utilization and conservation of the available genetic resources.  相似文献   

An inoculation of the deep burrowing earthworm Lumbricus terrestris L. was carried out for soil amelioration purposes at an arable field on heavy clay in southern Finland. L. terrestris, whilst entirely absent from the field and its immediate surrounding, was present in many other local soils. Prior to inoculation, field management was changed in favour of L. terrestris by improving the subdrainage and by implementation of reduced tillage. In Autumn 1996, 82 earthworm inoculation units (EIUs) were introduced in three transects at one end of the field, one transect lying within a permanent grass strip outside the cultivated area. In Autumn 1998, L. terrestris had persisted outside the cultivated area with maximum density of 28 ind. m−2 (median: 0 ind. m−2). No individuals were found inside the field. In Autumn 2003, maximum density was 43 ind. m−2 (median: 9 ind. m−2) outside the cultivated area, with evidence for 8 m dispersal from inoculation points (1.1 m year−1). In 2003 individuals were also found in low densities inside the field, close to subdrains, with a maximum density of 4 ind. m−2. Results call for critical evaluation of this inoculation practice.  相似文献   

Invasive plants are, simply by occupying a large amount of space in invaded habitats, expected to impose a significant impact on the native vegetation and their associated food webs. However, little is known about the impact of invasive plants both on native vegetation and on different invertebrate feeding guilds at the habitat level. Yet, studies addressing multiple trophic levels, e.g. plant species, herbivores, predators and detrivores, are likely to yield additional insight into how and under which conditions invasive weeds alter ecosystem structures and processes. We set out to assess whether plant species richness and invertebrate assemblages in European riparian habitats invaded by exotic knotweeds (Fallopia spp.) differed from those found in native grassland- or bush-dominated riparian habitats, which are both potentially threatened by knotweed invasion. Our findings suggest that riparian habitats invaded by knotweeds support lower numbers of plant species and lower overall abundance and morphospecies richness of invertebrates, compared to native grassland-dominated and bush-dominated habitats. Total invertebrate abundance and morphospecies richness in Fallopia-invaded riparian habitats were correlated with native plant species richness, suggesting that there is a link between the replacement of native plant species by exotic Fallopia species and the reduction in overall invertebrate abundance and morphospecies richness. Moreover, biomass of invertebrates sampled in grassland and bush-dominated habitats was almost twice as high as that in Fallopia-invaded habitats. Large-scale invasion by exotic Fallopia species is therefore likely to seriously affect biodiversity and reduce the quality of riparian ecosystems for amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals whose diets are largely composed of arthropods.  相似文献   

Water, Air, & Soil Pollution - The objective of this study was to evaluate the formation of a probable Zn solid phase in soils. Thermodynamic solubility isotherms revealed that ZnFe2O4, Zn2SiO4...  相似文献   

Laboratory experiments were carried out to investigate the fate of bacteria during and after passage through the intestinal tract of detritivore earthworms. Earthworms (Lumbricus spp.) were fed with cattle dung inoculated 7 days previously with one of five different Gram-negative bacteria. Bacterial concentrations were determined 2 days later in dung and soil, and in gut material from different parts of the earthworm intestinal tract. A high percentage (28–82%) of the total bacteria (epifluorescence direct counts) in the earthworm gut content was culturable. The concentration of total heterotrophic aerobic bacteria did not vary significantly among the five different bacterial additions and the non-inoculated control. In earthworm casts the number of total heterotrophs per gram dry matter (2.1×109) was higher than in soil (1.7×108), but lower than in the dung (1.5×1010). The test-bacteria, however, showed different survival patterns along the earthworm intestinal tract. The concentrations of Escherichia coli BJ 18 and Pseudomonas putida MM 1 and MM 11 in earthworm casts were lower than in the ingested dung, while concentrations of Enterobacter cloacae A 107 and Aeromonas hydrophila DMU 115 in dung and casts were similar. Ent. cloacae, and to aminor extent E. coli, were reduced in numbers by several orders of magnitude in the pharynx and/or crop. In the hind gut, however, the concentration of Ent. cloacae had increased to the same level as in the ingested dung, while the concentration of E. coli remained low. Our observations indicate that the bacterial flora of ingested food materials changes qualitatively and quantitatively during gut transit.  相似文献   

Microbial communities in floodplain soils are exposed to periodical flooding. A long-term submerged Eutric Gleysol (GLe), an intermediate flooded Eutric Fluvisol (FLe), and a short-time flooded Mollic Fluvisol (FLm) at the Elbe River (Germany) with similar organic carbon contents (Corg) between 8.1% and 8.9% were selected to test the quality of phospholipid fatty acids (PLFA), soil microbial carbon (Cmic), basal respiration (BR), metabolic quotient (qCO2), and Cmic/Corg ratio to characterize and discriminate these soils with microbial parameters.The three floodplain soils can be differentiated by Cmic and by total PLFA-biomass. Due to the different flooding durations and the time since the soils were last flooded Cmic and PLFA-biomass increase in the order GLe<FLe<FLm. Both parameters correlate significantly (r=0.999;p<0.05). The Cmic/Corg ratios are low in comparison to terrestrial soils and revealed the same ranking over the three soils like Cmic. Contrary, qCO2 and BR are highest in GLe and lowest in FLm according to inundation regime. The diminished Cmic, high BR, and high qCO2 values in GLe seem to be an unspecific response of aerobic soil microorganisms on the long flooding period and the resulting short time for developing after last flooding as well as the low pH value. Different plant communities and their residues may influence the microbial diversity additionally.The PLFA profiles were dominated by the group of saturated fatty acids that together constituted almost 62-72% of the total fatty acids identified in the soils. In GLe all groups of PLFA, inclusive monounsaturated fatty acids, are lowest and in FLm highest, while in FLe the PLFA fractions show an intermediary amount of the three soils. The FLm had most of the time aerobic conditions and revealed therefore the highest Cmic, PLFA-biomass, especially monounsaturated fatty acids, Cmic/Corg ratio as well as relatively low BR and qCO2 value. These indicate that microorganisms in FLm are more efficiently in using carbon sources than those in GLe and FLe.All 26 identified PLFA were found in FLe and FLm, while the polyunsaturated fungi biomarker 18:2ω6,9c could not be detected in GLe. In this long-time submerged soil the environmental conditions which microorganisms are exposed might be disadvantageous for fungi.  相似文献   

Dissolved and particulate Hg speciation was determined on four occasions in the Spring to Fall interval of 1989, at three depths of the water column of Onondaga Lake, New York; an urban system in which the sediments and fish flesh are contaminated with Hg. Species determined included total Hg (Hgt), reactive (‘ionic’) Hg (Hgi), monomethylmercury (CH3HgX), elemental Hg (Hg°) and dimethylmercury (CH3)2Hg). Onondaga Lake was found to contain very high levels of Hgt (2 to 25 ng L?1 Hg), Hgj (0.5 to 10 ng L?1 Hg), and CH3HgX (0.3 to 7 ng L?1 Hg), which generally increased with depth in the lake. These concentrations represent a significant level of contamination, based upon comparisons with other polluted and pristine sites. Elemental Hg levels were typically about 0.05 ng L?1 and (CH3)2Hg was near the limits of detection (?0.001 ng) L?1 in most samples. The greatest CH3HgX concentrations in the hypolimnion, as well as the largest gradients of both CH3HgX and (Hgt), were observed upon the first onset of stratification, in early summer. These concentrations did not become more pronounced, however, as stratification and H2S levels in the hypolimnion increased throughout the summer. The very low concentrations of (CH3)2Hg in these MeHg and sulfide-rich waters calls into question the belief that CH3HgX and H2S will react to yield volatile dimethyl-mercury, which can then escape to the atmosphere by diffusion. Mercury speciation was highly dynamic, indicating active cycling within the lake, and an apparent sensitivity to changes in attendant Iimnological conditions that track the stratification cycle.  相似文献   

The diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi in soils under a yam cropping system in four agroecologies of Nigeria was investigated. Soil samples were collected from yam fields at Onne (humid forest, high rainfall area), Ibadan (derived savanna), Abuja (Guinea savanna) and Ubiaja (humid forest, medium rainfall area). Soil characteristics, AM fungi species, spore abundance, Shannon diversity index, species richness and evenness were determined. A total of 31 AM fungi species was isolated from the four agroecologies with a range of 14–20 species found in a single location. Glomus species were the most abundant among AM fungi species with G. geosporum, G. intraradices and G. mosseae occurring in large populations in all locations. Ubiaja, which had a cassava/natural vegetation sequence before yam, had significantly higher spore abundance and species richness than the other locations, which had a yam/legumes or a maize/legume sequence before yam. However, diversity was significantly higher at Abuja, which had a maize/legume sequence with yam, than Ibadan, which had only a yam/legume sequence. The study revealed significant diversity in AM fungal species across agroecologies in yam-growing regions. Further research on the functional consequences of changing composition of AM fungi species across the region is recommended.  相似文献   

Distribution and plant uptake of soil Cd as influenced by organic matter and soil type were investigated in a greenhouse experiment. Three soils (a sand, sandy loam and clay loam) were used. The rates of organic matter in its moist state added were 0,20,40, 80, 160 and 320 g kg-1 of the air-dried soil on mass basis. Ryegrass (Lolium multörum L.) was used as a test crop. Soil Cd was analysed by a sequential extraction technique and by extraction with 1 M NH4NO3 and 0.005 M DTPA. The exchangeable fraction of Cd as determined by 1 M MgCl2 in the sequential extraction procedure increased, whereas the Fe-Mn oxidebound fraction decreased, with increasing levels of organic matter addition in all three soils. The dry matter yields of ryegrass were not affected by the addition of organic matter, but the Cd concentrations in both cuts of ryegrass decreased with increasing amounts of organic matter added. The plant Cd was highly but negatively correlated to soil CEC. At any level of organic matter addition, the decrease in Cd concentration of ryegrass was in the order: sand > sandy loam > clay loam.  相似文献   

An inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP/MS) method was used for the evaluation of thallium transfer from naturally (pedogeochemically) and artificially contaminated soils into rape. Two sets of three different types of top soils (heavy, medium, and light) were used for pot experiments. The first set was collected from areas with high levels of pedogeochemical thallium (0.3, 1.5, and 3.3 mg kg(-1) DM). The second set of three soils with naturally low content of thallium was artificially contaminated with thallium sulfate to achieve five levels of contamination (0, 0.4, 2, 4, and 6 mg kg(-1) DM Tl). The soil samples and the samples of winter and spring rape (straw, seeds) from both sets were collected and analyzed. Plant and soil samples from fields were collected at 42 selected sites situated in South Bohemia and in Czech-Moravian Highlands where higher pedogeochemical content of thallium was expected. More intensive transport (better availability) of Tl was observed in the case of artificially contaminated soils. The physicochemical form and the total content of Tl in soil were found to be the main factors influencing its uptake by plants. The concentration of Tl in rapeseeds in the field samplings was mostly 45% of its content in the particular soil. Nevertheless the uptake of Tl from soils with naturally high pedogeochemical content can be high enough to seriously endanger food chains. These findings are very important because of the high toxicity of Tl and the absence of threshold limits for Tl in soils, agricultural products, feedstuffs, and foodstuffs in most countries including the Czech Republic.  相似文献   

The lithostratigraphic, radiocarbon, macro- and micromorphological, particle-size, and other analyses have been applied to reconstruct the Holocene evolution of soils and landscapes on the high- and mediumlevel floodplains of the Nepryadva River in the Kulikovo field area. It is shown that the soils buried within the thickness of alluvial sediments on the high- and medium-level floodplains were formed in different times and had their own evolution patterns; the polygenetic nature of these soils is demonstrated. The development of floodplain landscapes in the Holocene was affected by the long-term climatic fluctuations. The bed of the high floodplain was formed during the Late Valdai glacial stage. The beginning of the development of an intricate sequence of buried soils and sediments of the floodplain dates back to the Boreal period. This pedosedimentary sequence in the studied area can be referred to as the Kulikovo sequence. In the course of its formation, the pedogenic stages with a predominant development of soils alternated with the lithogenic stages of active alluviation and deposition of colluvial deposits from adjacent slopes on the floodplain.  相似文献   

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