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I. Celik   《Soil & Tillage Research》2005,83(2):270-277
Forest and grassland soils in highlands of southern Mediterranean Turkey are being seriously degraded and destructed due to extensive agricultural activities. This study investigated the effects of changes in land-use type on some soil properties in a Mediterranean plateau. Three adjacent land-use types included the cultivated lands, which have been converted from pastures for 12 years, fragmented forests, and unaltered pastures lands. Disturbed and undisturbed soil samples were collected from four sites at each of the three different land-use types from depths of 0–10 cm and 10–20 cm in Typic Haploxeroll soils with an elevation of about 1400 m. When the pasture was converted into cultivation, soil organic matter (SOM) pool of cultivated lands for a depth of 0–20 cm were significantly reduced by, on average 49% relative to SOM content of the pasture lands. There was no significant difference in SOM between the depths in each land-use type, and SOM values of the forest and pasture lands were almost similar. There was also a significant change in soil bulk density (BD) among cultivation (1.33 Mg m−3), pasture (1.19 Mg m−3), and forest (1.25 Mg m−3) soils at depth of 0–20 cm. Only for the pasture, BD of the depth of 0–10 cm was significantly different from that of 10–20 cm. Depending upon the increases in BD and disruption of pores by cultivation, total porosity decreased accordingly. Cultivation of the unaltered pasture obviously increased the soil erodibility measured by USLE-K factor for each soil depth, and USLE-K factor was approximately two times greater in the cultivated land than in the pasture indicating the vulnerability of the cultivated land to water erosion. The mean weight diameter (MWD) and water-stable aggregation (WSA) were greater in the pasture and forest soils compared to the cultivated soils, and didn’t change with the depth for each land-use type. Aggregates of >4.0 mm size were dominant in the pasture and forest soils, whereas the cultivated soils comprised aggregates of the size ≤0.5 mm. I found that samples collected from cultivated land gave the lowest saturated hydraulic conductivity values regardless of soil depths, whereas the highest values were measured on samples from forest soils. In conclusion, the results showed that the cultivation of the pastures degraded the soil physical properties, leaving soils more susceptible to the erosion. This suggests that land disturbances should be strictly avoided in the pastures with the limited soil depth in the southern Mediterranean highlands.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine whether differences in canopy structure and litter composition affect soil characteristics and microbial activity in oak versus mixed fir-beech stands. Mean litter biomass was greater in mixed fir-beech stands (51.9t ha−1) compared to oak stands (15.7t ha−1). Canopy leaf area was also significantly larger in mixed stands (1.96m2 m−2) than in oak stands (1.73m2 m−2). Soil organic carbon (C org) and moisture were greater in mixed fir-beech stands, probably as a result of increased cover. Soil microbial biomass carbon (C mic), nitrogen (N mic), and total soil nitrogen (N tot) increased slightly in the mixed stand, although this difference was not significant. Overall, mixed stands showed a higher mean C org/N tot ratio (22.73) compared to oak stands (16.39), indicating relatively low rate of carbon mineralization. In addition, the percentage of organic C present as C mic in the surface soil decreased from 3.17% in the oak stand to 2.26% in the mixed stand, suggesting that fir-beech litter may be less suitable as a microbial substrate than oak litter.  相似文献   

Wetland soils (WS) can store a significant amount of soil organic carbon (SOC) and total nitrogen (TN). Surface soils (0–20 cm) were sampled in WS, 20-yr-old conventionally tilled soils (CTS20), 2-yr-old abandoned tilled soils (ATS2), and 6-yr-old abandoned tilled soils (ATS6) to estimate changes in SOC and TN contents due to cultivation and abandonment. Our results showed that SOC and TN contents were significantly higher in WS than those in CTS20, ATS2, and ATS6. As a result of 20-yr cultivation, SOC and TN contents decreased from 43.75 to 24.06 g kg?1 and from 4.96 to 2.32 g kg?1, respectively. However, after the abandonment of cultivated wetlands, SOC and TN contents showed a slow increase but the change was not significant among CTS20 and ATS2. The findings of this study suggest that SOC and TN contents in top 20 cm soils of wetlands can be reduced significantly by cultivation, but they are restored slowly after abandonment.  相似文献   

In order to evaluate the variability of the soil profiles at two shapes (concave and convex) and five positions (summit, shoulder, back slope, footslope and toeslope) of a slope, a study of a virgin area was made in a Beech stand of mountain forests, northern Iran. Across the slope positions, the soil profiles demonstrated significant changes due to topography for two shape slopes. The solum depth of the convex slope was higher than the concave one in all five positions, and it decreased from the summit to shoulder and increased from the mid to lower slope positions for both convex and concave slopes. The thin solum at the upper positions and concave slope demonstrated that pedogenetic development is least at upper slope positions and concave slope where leaching and biomass productivity are less than at lower slopes and concave slope. A large decrease in the thickness of O and A horizons from the summit to back slope was noted for both concave and convex slopes, but it increased from back slope toward down slope for both of them. The average thickness of B horizons increased from summit to down slopes in the case of the concave slope, but in the case of convex slope it decreased from summit to shoulder and afterwards it increased to the down slope. The thicknesses of the different horizons varied in part in the different positions and shape slopes because they had different plant species cover and soil features, which were related to topography.  相似文献   

Soil cover and rainfall intensity (RI) are recognized to have severe impacts on soil erosion and an interaction exists between them. This study investigates the effect of rainfall intensity (RI) and soil surface cover on losses of sediment and the selective enrichment of soil organic carbon (SOC) in the sediment by surface runoff. A field rainfall simulator was used in the laboratory to produce 90 min rainfall events of three rainfall intensities (65, 85 and 105 mm h− 1) and four cover percentages (0%, 25%, 50% and 75%) on soil material at 9% slope. A strong negative exponential relation was observed between cover percentage and RI on sediment loss under 85 and 105 mm h− 1 of rain, while under RI of 65 mm h− 1, the highest sediment loss was observed under 25% cover. Overall, higher RI and lower cover produced higher sediment and consequently higher nutrient loss, but resulted in a lower SOC enrichment ratio (ERSOC) in the sediment. The amount of runoff sediment rather than the ERSOC in the sediment was the determinant factor for the amount of nutrients lost. The values of ERSOC were high and positively correlated with the ER values of particles smaller than 20 µm (p < 0.01). Although the sediment contained substantially more fine fractions (fine silt and clay, < 20 µm), the original soil and runoff sediment were still of the same texture class, i.e. silt clay loam.  相似文献   

《Applied soil ecology》2006,31(1-2):32-42
Microcosm and litterbag experiments were conducted to determine the effects of litter quality, soil properties and microclimate differences on soil carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) mineralization in alley cropping systems. Bulk soils were collected from 0 to 20 cm depth at three sites: a 21-year old pecan (Carya illinoinensis)/bluegrass (Poa trivialis) intercrop (Pecan site) in north-central Missouri, a 12-year old silver maple (Acer saccharinum)/soybean (Glycine max)–maize (Zea mays) rotation (Maple site) in northeastern Missouri and a restored prairie site (MDC site) in southwestern Missouri. Seven tree and crop litters with varying composition were collected, including pecan, silver maple, chestnut and walnut leaf litter (tree litter) and maize, soybean and bluegrass residues (crop litter). Aerobic microcosm incubations were maintained at 25 °C and a soil water potential of −47 kPa. Unamended MDC soil mineralized 24 and 18% more CO2 than the Pecan and Maple soils, respectively. Soil amended with crop litter mineralized on average 32% more CO2 than when amended with tree litter. Net N mineralization from soybean litter was 40 mg kg−1, while all other litter immobilized N for various durations. A double pool and a single pool model best described C and N mineralization from amended soils, respectively. Cumulative CO2 mineralized, labile C fraction (C1) and potentially mineralizable C (C0) were correlated to litter total N and lignin contents and to (lignin + polyphenol):N ratio. In the field, bluegrass litter decomposed and released N twice as fast as pecan leaf litter. Soybean, maize and silver maple litter released 84, 75 and 63% of initial N, respectively, 308 days after field placement, while no differences in mass loss was observed among the three litter materials. At the Maple site, mass and N remaining, 308 days after field placement was lower at the middle of the alley, corresponding to higher soil temperature and water content. No differences in mass loss and N release patterns were observed at the Pecan site. Microclimate and litter quality effects can lead to differences in nutrient availability in alley cropping systems.  相似文献   

This study investigates microbial communities in soil from sites under different land use in Kenya. We sampled natural forest, forest plantations, agricultural fields of agroforestry farms, agricultural fields with traditional farming and eroded soil on the slopes of Mount Elgon, Kenya. We hypothesised that microbial decomposition capacity, biomass and diversity (1) decreases with intensified cultivation; and (2) can be restored by soil and land management in agroforestry. Functional capacity of soil microbial communities was estimated by degradation of 31 substrates on Biolog EcoPlates™. Microbial community composition and biomass were characterised by phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) and microbial C and N analyses. All 31 substrates were metabolised in all studied soil types, i.e. functional diversity did not differ. However, both the substrate utilisation rates and the microbial biomass decreased with intensification of land use, and the biomass was positively correlated with organic matter content. Multivariate analysis of PLFA and Biolog EcoPlate™ data showed clear differences between land uses, also indicated by different relative abundance of PLFA markers for certain microorganism groups. In conclusion, our results show that vegetation and land use control the substrate utilisation capacity and microbial community composition and that functional capacity of depleted soils can be restored by active soil management, e.g. forest plantation. However, although 20–30 years of agroforestry farming practises did result in improved soil microbiological and chemical conditions of agricultural soil as compared to traditional agricultural fields, the change was not statistically significant.  相似文献   

近10 a青海高原东部土地利用/覆被变化及碳效应   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
近年来在人类活动的影响下,青海高原东部土地覆盖变化显著,为揭示区域土地利用/覆被变化及其对环境的影响,促进区域可持续发展,以青海高原东部农业区为研究区,采用多时相Landsat TM卫星遥感数据,分析该区域1999-2009年的土地利用格局转变以及由此引起的碳效应变化,以期为青海高原东部土地利用结构与空间配置的低碳优化、科学管理与规划提供参考。首先,利用土地利用变化强度指数分析了青海高原海东市近10 a来的土地利用类型间的变化强度及方向;其次,对研究区主要的8种土地利用转移类型引起的碳效应进行了定量分析。研究结果表明:近10 a来,退耕还林/草等生态工程与西部开发战略的实施,使区域土地利用呈现"3增2减"的整体变化,即林地、建设用地和未利用地面积呈上升趋势,分别增加约67%、56%和1.14%,耕地、草地面积减少,分别减少30%和12%;由于建设用地的扩张,耕地非农化导致的碳排放量增加373.60万t,生态的正向演变(退耕还林/草;草地转林地)和建设用地的复垦退出引起的总碳汇量增加156.04万t,生态的逆向演变(林地/草地转变成耕地;林地转变成草地)引起的碳汇量损失22.85万t。近10 a来区域土地利用/覆被变化导致的碳排放增量高出碳汇增量240.41万t,说明自然和人文因素共同驱动的土地利用变化对青海高原东部的碳平衡和可持续发展产生显著影响。  相似文献   

Land-use history – the number, type, and duration of previous land uses – is relevant to many questions regarding land-use effects on soil carbon, but is infrequently reported. We examine the importance of land-use history variables, as well as topographic and edaphic variables, on soil C in a range of forest types – native forest, pine plantations, secondary forest and rehabilitated forest – at three contrasting locations in south eastern Australia. Our comparisons include a novel forest conversion of exotic pine plantations to native, broadleaf forest.Using nested ANOVAs, we detected few differences in soil C concentration indices (total C, microbial biomass C, K2SO4–C) and C content among eucalypt-dominated vegetation and pine plantations within each location (0–10 cm depth). However, planned contrasts indicated a 30% decrease in soil C content with conversion of native forest to pine plantation of age 37 years. The reverse land-use change – pine plantation to native, broadleaf forest – was associated with a decrease in soil C concentration and content at one location (40%; age 12–13 years) and no detectable changes at another (to age 7 years). Variable effect between locations of this novel land-use change on soil C could be due to differences in potential productivity, conifer species, and plantation age.We used correlation coefficients and general linear models to identify widely applicable variables for predicting soil C concentration and content at local scales (≤ 20 km2). Within-location relationships with topographic variables were weak and infrequent relative to those with edaphic and land-use history variables. Soil texture was strongly correlated with soil C at each location, although the relative significance of different particle size fractions differed among locations. Electrical conductivity appeared more widely applicable since it was included in C models at two locations. Combining land-use history and edaphic variables produced strong predictive models for soil C concentrations and content at two locations (total r2 0.83 to 0.95). Positive relationships were indicated between soil C and ‘age of current vegetation’ at one location, and negative relationships were indicated with ‘number of land uses’ at another. These data highlight a potential predictive role for land-use history variables in local-scale assessments of soil C in forested landscapes.  相似文献   


There is limited knowledge about the differences in carbon availability and metabolic quotients in temperate volcanic and tropical forest soils, and associated key influencing factors. Forest soils at various depths were sampled under a tropical rainforest and adjacent tea garden after clear-cutting, and under three temperate forests developed on a volcanic soil (e.g. Betula ermanii and Picea jezoensis, and Pinus koraiensis mainly mixed with Tilia amurensis, Fraxinus mandshurica and Quercus mongolica), to study soil microbial biomass carbon (MBC) concentration and metabolic quotients (qCO2, CO2-C/biomass-C). Soil MBC concentration and CO2 evolution were measured over 7-day and 21-day incubation periods, respectively, along with the main properties of the soils. On the basis of soil total C, both CO2 evolution and MBC concentrations appeared to decrease with increasing soil depth. There was a maximal qCO2 in the 0–2.5 cm soil under each forest stand. Neither incubation period affected the CO2 evolution rates, but incubation period did induce a significant difference in MBC concentration and qCO2 in tea soil and Picea jezoensis forest soil. The conversion of a tropical rainforest to a tea garden reduced the CO2 evolution and increased the qCO2 in soil. Comparing temperate and tropical forests, the results show that both Pinus koraiensis mixed with hardwoods and rainforest soil at less than 20 cm depth had a larger MBC concentration relative to soil total C and a lower qCO2 during both incubation periods, suggesting that microbial communities in both soils were more efficient in carbon use than communities in the other soils. Factor and regression analysis indicated that the 85% variation of the qCO2 in forest soils could be explained by soil properties such as the C:N ratio and the concentration of water soluble organic C and exchangeable Al (P < 0.001). The qCO2 values in forest soils, particularly in temperate volcanic forest soils, decreased with an increasing Al/C ratio in water-soluble organic matter. Soil properties, such as exchangeable Ca, Mg and Al and water-soluble organic C:N ratio, were associated with the variation of MBC. Thus, MBC concentrations and qCO2 of the soils are useful soil parameters for studying soil C availability and microbial utilization efficiency under temperate and tropical forests.  相似文献   

Deposition of anthropogenic nitrogen (N) alters the decomposition of organic matter in forest ecosystems by changing the expression of key microbial enzymes. We investigated the effects of experimental N deposition on dissolved organic matter (DOM) in soils of three forest ecosystems representative of the upper Great Lakes region: the sugar maple/basswood (SMBW), sugar maple/red oak (SMRO) and white oak/black oak (WOBO) ecosystems. Mineral soil samples were collected on five dates from ambient and N-amended plots (80 kg N ha−1 yr−1) in three replicate stands of each forest type. DOM was extracted (2:1, water:soil) from each soil sample and analyzed for dissolved organic carbon (DOC). DOC concentration was significantly greater in the N-amended soils (on average: 24% higher for SMBW, 9% for SMRO, and 40% for BOWO). In June and October 2002, bioassays were performed to assess N treatment effects on the composition of DOM and its interacting bacterial community. Within each site, DOM extracts from the ambient and N-amended plots were reciprocally inoculated with bacteria from each plot. After a 48 h incubation at 20 °C, community activity in each microcosm was profiled by measuring 10 extracellular enzyme activities (EEA). MANOVA showed that ecosystem type, sampling date, DOM source (ambient or N-amended plot) and inoculum source (ambient or N-amended plot) all had significant effects on bioassay EEA. Post hoc tests (Tukey's HSD) found significant reductions in oxidative enzyme activity as a result of the N treatment. In general, the bioassay results corroborated a previous report describing losses in soil oxidative enzyme activity in response to N saturation. However, it is not clear whether increased DOC concentration is the direct result of reduced oxidative activity.  相似文献   

Land-use history and fire effects on soil fertility in eastern Spain   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Changes in land use and fire directly affect the physico‐chemical properties of the soil. In an eastern Spanish area, we analysed the effects of land‐use history and fire frequency prior to fire on soil fertility 9 years after fire. The results showed that long‐term cultivation caused decreases in soil organic matter, total nitrogen (N) and C/N. Between 20 and 40 years after cropping ceased, soil organic carbon (C) and total N had generally not recovered values similar to those found in soils that were never cropped. Total phosphorus and available phosphorus contents were larger in the latest abandoned plots than in the earliest abandoned plots and the uncropped ones, which was interpreted as a result of fertilization. Increasing fire frequency from one to two fires generally caused a decrease in soil organic C, total N, C/N, total phosphorus and available phosphorus. We observed that the losses of organic C in the soil caused by fire were larger among the uncropped plots and hypothesized that fuel loads and thus fire intensities were larger in these ecosystems. Our results also suggested that both long‐term cultivation and fire would tend to separate C and P cycles.  相似文献   

Cellulose decomposition experiments were conducted under field conditions to analyze the effects of climatic and soil properties on rates of organic matter decomposition in temperate and tropical forests. The mass loss rates of cellulose filter papers buried in the soil surface were measured to estimate the respiratory C fluxes caused by cellulose decomposition and mean residence time (MRT) of cellulose. The rates of cellulose decomposition increased with soil temperature, except for during the dry season, while rate constants of decomposition (normalized for temperature) decreased with decreasing pH because of lower cellulase activity. The estimated MRTs of soil cellulosic carbohydrates varied from 81 to 495 days for the temperate forests and from 31 to 61 days for the tropical forests. As a major organic substrate, the C fluxes from cellulose decomposition can account for a substantial fraction of heterotrophic (basal) soil respiration. However, the respiratory C fluxes can be limited by the low substrate availability and low pH in tropical soils, despite high microbial activity. The rate-regulating factors of cellulose decomposition, i.e., temperature, soil pH, and substrate availability, can accordingly influence the rates of heterotrophic soil respiration.  相似文献   

采用对比和分析的方法,研究了黑龙江省带岭凉水国家级自然保护区温带森林生态系统磷沉降、溪流、河流和渗透水输出磷含量动态特征,以及磷沉降和水系统磷输出对红松人工林、落叶松人工林、椴树红松混交林、枫桦红松混交林和白桦次生林5种林型土壤全磷和有效磷的影响。结果表明,研究区域通过降雨产生的年磷沉降量约为0.888 kg hm-2,7月除红松人工林外,其他4个林型穿透雨磷浓度均高于大气降雨的磷浓度。7月枫桦红松林、8月白桦次生林和红松人工林A层土壤渗透水磷浓度低于林内雨磷浓度,表层土壤对穿透雨中磷有固定作用。在凉水自然保护区森林生态系统内,森林系统内小溪流、凉水河和凉水森林系统外永翠河水磷浓度均较林外降雨及穿透降雨磷浓度高,表现为永翠河水>土壤A层渗透水>凉水河>小溪>穿透雨>大气降雨。表明土壤中部分磷素通过地表径流和壤中流流出森林生态系统,并汇集于林中小溪,最后进入河流,造成磷在小溪和河流中的富集。大气磷沉降、森林水系统磷输出均与椴树红松林A0层土壤全磷含量呈显著负相关,与红松人工林B层土壤全磷含量呈极显著正相关,与落叶松人工林A0层土壤有效磷含量呈极显著正相关。  相似文献   

The effects of fertilization on the distributions of organic carbon (OC) and nitrogen (N) in soil aggregates and whether these effects vary with cropping system have not been well addressed.Such information is important for understanding the sequestration of OC and N in agricultural soils.In this study,the distributions of OC and N associated with soil aggregates were analyzed in different fertilization treatments in a continuous winter wheat cropping system and a legume-grain rotation system in a 27-year field experiment,to understand the effects of long-term fertilization on the distributions of OC and N in aggregates and to examine the recovery of soil OC and N in a highland agroecosystem.Manure fertilizer significantly decreased soil bulk density but increased the amount of coarse fractions and their associated OC and N stocks in the soils of both systems.Fertilizers N + phosphorus (P) and manure had similar effects on total soil OC and N stocks in both systems,but had larger effects on the OC and N stocks in > 2 mm aggregates in the legume-grain rotation system than in the continuous winter wheat system.The application of P increased the OC and N stocks in > 2 mm aggregates and decreased the loss of N from chemical fertilizers in the legume-grain rotation system.The results from this study suggested that P fertilizer should be applied for legume-included cropping systems and that manure with or without chemical fertilizers should be applied for semiarid cropping systems in order to enhance OC and N accumulation in soils.  相似文献   

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