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黑土土壤水分反射光谱特征定量分析与预测   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
选择单一土类黑土作为研究对象, 并准确调配其不同含水量,实验室测定土壤高光谱反射率,利用光谱分析与统计方法,定量描述了不同含水量黑土反射光谱特征,并建立了黑土含水量反射光谱预测模型,结果表明,随土壤含水量的增加,达到一定阈值(300 g kg-1),反射率存在过饱和现象,但其倒数对数微分可以有效去除饱和问题;土壤反射率倒数对数微分对土壤含水量的响应表现出三个变化阶段,导致1 870 nm波段的倒数对数微分也表现为非线性变化,需要利用分段函数进行土壤含水量的光谱精确速测。  相似文献   

不同地表状况耕地的田面糙率研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
田面糙率是影响田面水流运动的重要参数之一.该文针对裸地、翻耕地和作物地3种不同地表状况耕地的田面糙率进行研究.分析确定了裸地和翻耕地田面糙率的主要影响因素为田面凹凸程度,作物地田面糙率的主要影响因素还包括根茎宽度和根茎高度;进行了3种地表状况的田面凹凸程度、根茎宽度和根茎高度的田间实测及田面水流运动试验;将零惯量模型与优化方法相结合,建立了田面糙率求解的优化模型;根据田面实测资料,利用优化模型求得3种耕地的田面糙率值,据此,建立了裸地、翻耕地和作物地3种耕地田面糙率与其主要影响因素之间的关系式,验证试验结果表明,所建立的关系式正确.这对合理设计田面灌溉系统,提高灌水质量具有重要参考价值.  相似文献   

Abstract. Spatial averaging of data before or after modelling has important implications for large area land evaluation studies. Two procedures are evaluated for the spatial averaging of weather and soil moisture data before and after modelling (procedures A and B, respectively). The Thiessen polygon weighting technique is applied to a network of weather stations to derive daily weather values for the period 1955 to 1985 for 12 selected Agroecological Resource Areas (ARAs) on the Canadian prairies. These values are used in the model for procedure A. The components of the soil moisture balance for spring wheat are estimated with a budgeting model, assuming wheat is grown continuously for 30 years on soils with available water-holding capacities (AWCs) of 150 and 250 mm. In procedure B, the data from individual stations are used as input to the model and the same Thiessen polygon weighting coefficients are applied to the output variables. A comparison of the two procedures shows no significant difference for temperature-related variables such as frost dates, harvest date and cumulative potential evapotranspiration. The differences for moisture-related variables (soil moisture content at sowing, cumulative actual evapotranspiration, runoff and deep drainage) are often statistically significant, but the absolute differences are less than 10 mm at probability levels ranging from 10 to 90%. For many practical applications the two procedures give similar results.  相似文献   

An important feature of a soil water budget is the reduction of transpiration from a canopy below the rate of atmospheric demand with increasing soil dryness. Commonly, an empirical relationship between the ratio of actual evaporation (AE) to potential evaporation (PE) and soil water storage is adopted. Alternatively the Penman—Monteith equation can be used with a specified relationship between surface resistance and soil water storage.Using actual evaporation rates determined from instrumented soil water profiles, a relationship between surface resistance and soil water storage can be inferred, and results are presented for different crops and soil-types in the United Kingdom. These results are compared with the surface resistance values implicit in the performance of two layer soil moisture models adopting an empirical AE/PE relationship with soil moisture deficit. The performance of the two approaches with respect to soil moisture estimation is compared.  相似文献   

Fine‐scale information on soil surface roughness (SSR) is needed for calculating heat budgets, monitoring soil degradation and parameterizing surface runoff and sediment transfer models. Previous work has demonstrated the potential of using hyperspectral, hemispherical conical reflectance factors (HCRFs) to retrieve the SSR of different soil crusting states. However, this was achieved by using dry soil surfaces, generated in controlled laboratory conditions. The primary aim of this study was therefore to test the impact that in situ variations in surface soil moisture (SSM) content had on the ability of directional reflectance factors to characterize SSR conditions. Five soil plots (20 cm × 20 cm in area) representing different agricultural conditions were subjected to different durations of natural rainfall to produce a range of different levels of SSR. The values of SSM varied from 8.7 to 20.1% across all soil plots. Point laser data (4‐mm sample spacing) were geostatistically analysed to give a spatially‐distributed measure of SSR, giving sill variance values from 3.2 to 23.0. The HCRFs from each soil state were measured using a ground‐based hyperspectral spectroradiometer for a range of viewing zenith angles from extreme forward‐scatter (θr = ?60°) to extreme back‐scatter (θr = +60°) at a 10° sampling resolution in the solar principal plane. The results showed that despite a large range of SSM values, forward‐scattered reflectance factors exhibited a very strong relationship with SSR (R2 = 0.84 at θr = ?60°). Our findings demonstrate the operational potential of HCRFs for providing spatially‐distributed SSR measurements, across spatial extents containing spatio‐temporal variations in SSM content.  相似文献   

表层有效土壤水分参数化及冠层下土面蒸发模拟   总被引:1,自引:7,他引:1  
通过观测田间微气象数据、土壤表层水分变化状况及荞麦作物冠层下土面蒸发等资料,引进一个表面体积含水率的函数,构建了基于表层有效土壤水分的土壤蒸发模型。该模型包含了土面蒸发的2个过程:水蒸气从土壤孔隙中扩散到地表面及水蒸气由地表面传输到大气中。模型中表层有效土壤水分参数不仅取决于表层土壤含水状况,而且受风速影响。采用波文比能量平衡法及微型蒸发器观测荞麦地实际蒸腾蒸发量及冠层下土面蒸发的变化规律,并验证模型精度。结果表明,所构建模型可以成功预测冠层下土面蒸发,其平均相对误差为13.5%。该研究对于实现土壤蒸发及作物蒸腾的分离估算,减少无效水分消耗具有重要意义。  相似文献   

冻融期秸秆覆盖量对土壤剖面水热时空变化的影响   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
为了揭示季节性冻融期秸秆覆盖量对土壤剖面水热时空变化的影响,分析对比了裸地和5种不同玉米秸秆覆盖厚度(5、10、15、20和30 cm)地块的土壤剖面含水率和土壤温度等值线变化特征,采用数理统计分析方法对土壤剖面水热变化进行了统计学分析。结果表明:在季节性冻融期,裸地最大冻结深度为52 cm,土壤剖面水热变化较为剧烈,0~40 cm属于水热变化活跃层,覆盖厚度为5和10 cm时的土壤剖面水热变化活跃层分别为0~20和0~10 cm。秸秆覆盖厚度为15 cm时可平抑土壤剖面水热的变化,并能达到良好的保温效果。秸秆覆盖厚度为5 cm时,在土壤冻融作用和秸秆覆盖的双重效应下,耕作层土壤水分较其他地块高,储水保墒效果显著。当秸秆覆盖厚度大于15 cm时,土壤保墒保温效果不随秸秆覆盖量的增加而增强。从预防冻害和蓄水保墒角度出发,最佳秸秆覆盖厚度为10~15 cm。研究成果对于季节性冻土地区冬春季节农田秸秆覆盖的科学实施具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

黑龙江西部地表覆盖保墒的抗旱造林技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
增强土壤蓄水保墒性能,是提高干旱半干旱区造林质量的重要举措之一.以黑龙江西部为背景,选取覆膜、覆秸秆和覆沙3种地表覆盖措施,采用对比的研究方法,探讨半干旱区地表覆盖保墒的抗旱造林技术.结果表明:3种地表覆盖措施不同程度提高了土壤含水率,平均提高幅度分别达58.93%,32.91%和24.97%,且以降水较少的春季最为明显;3种覆盖措施造林成活率分别提高了13.9,11.7和10.6百分点,与对照差异显著.对应地表覆盖处理下的樟子松,2008-2013年间的年均高生长量提高了23.35%,5.08%和9.64%;通过对3种地表覆盖材料及相应处置费用的市场经济核算,其造林成本分别比对照增加了4.4%,9.3%和9.2%.采用隶属函数值法,以造林成活率、造林初期6a的年均高生长量和初期造成成本提高幅度为指标,对各处理措施进行评价和排序,其结果为:覆膜>覆沙>覆秸秆>对照.  相似文献   

基于RC网络相频特性的土壤含水率传感器设计   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
土壤中的水分影响土壤养分的溶解、转移和微生物的活动,是作物赖以生存的基本要素。土壤含水率的快速准确监测对于农业生产具有重要意义。该文设计了一种基于RC网络相频特性的土壤含水率传感器。不同含水率的土壤的介电常数的变化会导致RC电路网络的相频特性的变化。传感器通过感知这种变化进而确定土壤含水率。此外,针对RC网络电路元件参数和工作频率选择的问题,该文采用最优化方法求解从而使传感器在量程范围内具有最佳的灵敏度。其中最优的工作频率为f*=1.9412×108 Hz,最优的串联电阻R*=13.1 Ω。试验表明,该传感器对砖红壤土含水率的预测模型的决定系数R2为0.9889,实际预测误差≤4.58%。  相似文献   

为了提高基于驻波比原理(Standing Wave Ratio,SWR)的土壤剖面水分传感器非接触式测量精度及传感器在田间土壤水分测量中的实用性,该研究基于电磁仿真软件和印刷电路板工艺设计了一种基于边缘电磁场理论的小型定向测量探头,并进行了探头阻抗变换电路的设计,最后借助矢量网络分析仪探究了探头阻抗与介质、电导率的关系。在论证检测原理有效性的基础上,首先采用High Frequency Structure Simulator电磁场仿真验证探头结构的合理性。并配置不同介电常数的介质溶液进行试验,确定了剖面土壤水分传感器的阻抗特性及测量范围。同时,为了分析土壤电导率对测量结果的影响,配置不同水分、电导率梯度的土壤样本,利用矢量网络分析仪分析了探头阻抗与水分及电导率的关系。结果表明,在土壤含水率3%~56%、土壤电导率0~6 300 μS/cm时,测量最大绝对误差6.33%。与ET-5、5TE两种商用传感器受土壤电导率影响精度性能进行对比,传感器在非盐碱土壤(电导率在0~6 300 μS/cm内)土壤体积含水率相对误差相比其他两款传感器减少了0.17~5.27个百分点,受电导率影响在非盐碱土壤测量时更小,基本满足非盐碱地土壤田间实际检测需求。研究成果可为土壤剖面水分测量提供理论基础与技术参考。  相似文献   

含水量对黑土光谱特征影响的定量分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Several studies have demonstrated that soil reflectance decreases with increasing soil moisture content, or increases when the soil moisture reaches a certain content; however, there are few analyses on the quantitative relationship between soil reflectance and its moisture, especially in the case of black soils in northeast China. A new moisture adjusting method was developed to obtain soil reflectance with a smaller moisture interval to describe the quantitative relationship between soil reflectance and moisture. For the soil samples with moisture contents ranging from air-dry to saturated, the changes in soil reflectance with soil moisture can be depicted using a cubic equation. Both moisture threshold (MT) and moisture inflexion (MI) of soil reflectance can also be determined by the equation. When the moisture range was smaller than MT, soil reflectance can be simulated with a linear model. However, for samples with different soil organic matter (OM), the parameters of the linear model varied regularly with the OM content. Based on their relationship, the soil moisture can be estimated from soil reflectance in the black soil region.  相似文献   

Soil moisture condition is essential to regulate the release of soil carbon from a drained peatland since aerobic microbial activities can be encouraged through oxygen supply associated with dewatering the soil layer while they may be discouraged under too dry conditions. Aiming to characterize the soil moisture condition in a reclaimed tropical peatland, we monitored the volumetric water content at 5?cm depth (θ 5?cm), groundwater level (GWL) and rainfall for 20 months from March 2010 to November 2011 in an oil palm field in Nakhon-Si-Thammarat, Thailand. We also measured the soil water retention curve and the unsaturated hydraulic conductivity (k) for a series of matric potential (h) to simulate the moisture condition monitored in the field by using the Buckingham-Darcy's flux law. During the dry season in 2010, the θ 5?cm consistently stayed lower than 0.35?m3?m–3 with the GWL lower than a depth of 30?cm. In the transition from the dry season to the rainy season in 2010, the GWL rose to the land surface with peaks and dips across the time for about one month with the θ 5?cm increasing toward saturation. During the rainy season where the GWL stayed near or above the land surface, the θ 5?cm remained the field-saturated value of 0.58?m3?m–3 on average, less than the laboratory-saturated value of 0.63?m3?m–3, suggesting the development of a significant amount of entrapped air-phase. Hysteretic behavior in the measured θ 5?cm–GWL relation also supported that the top soil layer refuses to absorb water in wetting processes. The simulated θ 5?cm based on the measured k(h) and soil water retention curves demonstrated that the ease with which the top soil dries during a dry season was due mainly to the low k(h) value in the dried condition, while the slope of the θ(h) curve was so moderate that the soil layer could retain moisture for maintaining liquid water supply to the surface from the dropped GWL. Sensitivity analyses while varying the magnitude of both k(h) and evaporation rate (E) suggested that the k(h) function was more deterministic than the value of E in making the land surface easily dried. As the GWL stayed lower than 30?cm in depth for a total of 187 days out of the year monitored, while surface-ponding conditions took place for 120 days of the year, it was concluded that either the extremely dried condition or the saturated-moisture condition had dominantly occurred in the study site through a year and, thus, there may only be a limited time when soil organic matter near the land surface is in favorable moisture conditions for aerobic decomposition.  相似文献   

遥感监测土壤含水率模型及精度分析   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:4  
土壤含水率是决定农作物产量的最重要的因素之一.该文通过对2003年10月到2005年3月宝鸡峡二支渠灌区的土壤含水率进行实地调查,并对TM5和TM7波段数据进行归一化处理,再与参考点归一化土壤湿度指数求差后,建立遥感影像对土壤含水率的监测模型.并以2005年6月28日遥感影像为例,用建立的模型对土壤含水率进行定量反演.结果表明,反演精度可达80%以上,反演效果最好的土壤深度是0~40 cm.应用此归一化土壤湿度指数模型监测土壤含水率,可以满足灌区大范围宏观监测要求.  相似文献   

考虑到土壤水分会影响地表温度随太阳辐射变化的幅度,本文提出利用多时相热红外波段和可见光波段数据反演地表水分的算法,并利用第一代静止气象卫星——风云二号数据估算了2010年9月30日和10月20日西北地区范围的土壤表面水分,并与先进机械辐射扫描计(advanced mechanically scanned radiometer:AMSR)土壤水分产品进行比较验证。结果表明:该算法估算的土壤表面水分与AMSR土壤水分产品相关性为0.52,两者的均方根误差在0.025 g.cm 3以内,最大误差不超过0.07 g.cm 3。同时,利用该算法生成西北地区土壤表面水分空间分布图,与同期降水资料相比较,两者空间分布较为一致。此外,该算法可获得5 km×5 km空间尺度的土壤表面水分,提高了土壤水分遥感估算的空间分辨率。  相似文献   

土壤水分是农作物和牧草生长的关键因素,也是影响全球气候变化和水循环的重要因子,因此准确监测土壤水分对促进农牧业可持续管理至关重要。基于Landsat 8 OLI多光谱影像,在表面生物物理特性和地形参数的基础上,结合野外实测土壤含水率,采用经验模型法分别构建了反距离加权法(Inverse Distance Weighting,IDW)、多元线性回归(Multivariable Linear Regression,MLR)、随机森林(Random Forest,RF)的土壤含水率反演模型,并采用模型平均法(Granger-Ramanathan,GR)进行组合反演,结果显示,通过模型平均法组合单一模型后在该研究区的土壤含水率反演中表现出了更好的适用性,模型平均法GR对于土壤含水率的估算效果佳,建模集与验证集R2≥0.88,均方根误差均不大于1.42%,且模型性能远优于反距离加权法、多元线性回归和随机森林。  相似文献   

田间土壤氨挥发的原位测定——通气法   总被引:80,自引:11,他引:80  
本研究设计了原位测定田间土壤氨挥发的一种通气法 ,并通过回收率试验和田间试验进行了验证。结果表明 ,和传统的密闭法相比 ,通气法不仅结构简单 ,操作简便 ,而且测定结果的准确度和精确度高 ,回收率为 99.51% ,变异系数仅为 0.77% ;由通气法测定的田间不同施肥小区氨挥发的平均速率和总量分别介于N 0.07~0.87kghm-2d-1和N 2.93~35.69kghm-2,明显高于密闭法。可见 ,通气法更适于田间土壤氨挥发的原位测定。  相似文献   

黑河中游绿洲不同景观单元表层土壤水分空间变异性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
了解黑河中游绿洲生态系统表层土壤水分空间分布规律可为绿洲生态系统水资源合理分配与利用提供参考。使用地统计学方法分析黑河中游绿洲8—10月戈壁、林地、农地3种典型景观单元表层土壤水分空间变异特征。结果表明:1)3种景观单元土壤含水量从8—10月有下降趋势,呈中等变异特征且土壤水分相对变异(变异系数)一般在干燥时较大,绝对变异(标准差)在湿润时较大;2)表层土壤水分具有明显空间结构及季节变化特征,呈明显斑块状分布,最优拟合模型均为指数模型;土壤水分基台值和变程的变化大致与土壤平均含水量的变化呈相同趋势,具有中等和强烈的空间相关性,且10月份的土壤水分空间自相关性明显大于8和9月,相似性质斑块空间尺度有缩小趋势;3)在黑河中游绿洲区景观类型、土壤平均含水量、土壤、地貌、气候条件及人为管理等因素是造成黑河中游荒漠绿洲区表层土壤水分呈现时间和空间上明显差异的主导因素,其中平均含水量起的主导作用是持续存在的。  相似文献   


Understanding the factors that influence soil and plant nitrogen (N) spatial variability may improve our ability to develop management systems that maximize productivity and minimize environmental hazards. The objective of this study was to determine the field (65 ha) scale spatial variability of N and δ15N in soil and corn (Zea mays). Soil, grain, and stover samples were collected from grids that ranged in size from 30 by 30 m to 60 by 60 m. Plant samples, collected following physiological maturity in 1995, were analyzed for total N and δ15N. Soil samples, collected prior to planting in the spring of 1995 and 1996, were analyzed for inorganic‐N, total N, and δ15N. All parameters showed strong spatial relationships. In an undrained portion of the field containing somewhat poorly and poorly drained soils there was a net loss of 95 kg N ha‐1, while in an adjacent area that was tile drained there was a net gain of 98 kg N ha‐1. Denitrification and N mineralization most likely were responsible for losses and gains, respectively. Differences between the N balances of these areas (193 kg N ha‐1) provide a relative measure of the impact of tile drainage on plant N availability and greenhouse gas production in a wet year.  相似文献   

聚乳酸纤维沙障对表层土壤含水量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在乌兰布和沙漠西南缘选择大小、走向相近的裸沙丘分别铺设聚乳酸纤维( PLA)沙障与麦草沙障,设计规格为1m×1m、2m×2m、3m×3m.从2008年开始连续3年对2种沙障不同规格、不同坡位表层土壤含水量进行测定,同时以未铺设任何沙障的裸沙丘作为对照,比较新型材料PLA沙障与传统沙障麦草沙障对表层土壤含水量的长时间影响.结果表明:1)PLA沙障与麦草沙障以及裸沙丘含水量都随年份的增加而增加,2类沙障含水量增长幅度明显优于裸沙丘;2)就沙障规格而言,长时间保持土壤水分,效果最好的是PLA沙障2m×2m规格:3)在0~10 cm深度,PLA沙障土壤含水量表现为迎风坡>背风坡>坡顶,麦草沙障与PLA沙障相反;4)在10~20 cm深度,PLA沙障土壤含水量表现为坡顶>迎风坡>背风坡,麦草沙障同样与PLA沙障相反.  相似文献   

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