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The effects of heat treatment on the interaction of lipid and zein in a dry powder system were investigated. Linolenic acid ethyl ester (LAE) was mixed with the zein powder. The glass transition temperature (T(g)) for the dry powder zein was shown to be approximately 107 degrees C by differential scanning calorimetry. The thermogram of the zein-LAE mixed powder showed an exothermic transition near the T(g) of zein. Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy was used for detecting the structural changes in zein by heat treatment, that is, elevating the temperature from 25 to 160 degrees C. The heat treatment of the powdery zein with and without LAE caused increases in the alpha-helix, beta-turn, and beta-sheet, concomitant with decreases in the intermolecular hydrogen-bonded beta-sheet and random coil. Such changes in the secondary structure were more drastic for the powder with LAE. The heating of the zein-LAE mixed powder also caused decreases in the peaks originating from LAE in the FT-IR spectra. These results suggest that the heat treatment induced the interaction of the zein and LAE in the powdery system. The influence of heating on the antioxidative activity of dry powder zein was studied by measurements of the peroxide value. When zein-LAE mixed powder was heated before storage, the oxidation of LAE was inhibited for 7 days, whereas LAE was oxidized within 1 day in the absence of heat treatment.  相似文献   

The effect of protein and peptide addition on the oxidation of eicosapentaenoic acid ethyl ester (EPE) encapsulated by maltodextrin (MD) was investigated. The encapsulated lipid (powder lipid) was prepared in two steps, i.e., mixing of EPE with MD solutions (+/- protein and peptides) to produce emulsions and freeze-drying of the resultant emulsions. EPE oxidation in MD powder progressed more rapidly in the humid state [relative humidity (RH) = 70%] than in the dry state (RH = 10%). The addition of soy protein, soy peptide, and gelatin peptides improved the oxidation stability of EPE encapsulated by MD, and the inhibition of lipid oxidation by the protein and the peptides was more dramatic in the humid state. Especially, the oxidation of EPE was almost perfectly suppressed when the lipid was encapsulated with MD + soy peptide during storage in the humid state for 7 days. Several physical properties such as the lipid particle size of the emulsions, the fraction of nonencapsulated lipids, scanning electron microscopy images of powder lipids, and the mobility of the MD matrix were investigated to find the modification of encapsulation behavior by the addition of the protein and peptides, but no significant change was observed. On the other hand, the protein and peptides exhibited a strong radical scavenging activity in the powder systems as well as in the solution systems. These results suggest that a chemical mechanism such as radical scavenging ability plays an important role in the suppression of EPE oxidation in MD powder by soy proteins, soy peptides, and gelatin peptides.  相似文献   

Hemoglobin (Hb) promoted lipid oxidation more effectively in washed tilapia as compared to washed cod in spite of a 2.8-fold higher polyenoic index in the washed cod. This suggested that increasing the fatty acid unsaturation of the substrate did not accelerate the onset of lipid oxidation. Substantial phospholipid hydrolysis in the washed cod was observed, which has the potential to inhibit lipid oxidation. MetHb formation and lipid oxidation occurred more rapidly at pH 6.3 as compared to pH 7.4. Trout Hb autoxidized faster and was a better promoter of lipid oxidation as compared to tilapia Hb. The greater ability of trout Hb to promote lipid oxidation was attributed in part to its lower conformational and structural stability based on secondary and tertiary structure, acid-induced unfolding, and thermal aggregation measurements. It is suggested that the structural instability and lipid oxidation capacity of trout Hb were at least partly due to low hemin affinity. Trout and tilapia Hb were equivalent in their ability to cause lipid oxidation in washed cod muscle heated to 80 degrees C. Apparently, these high temperatures denature both trout and tilapia Hb to such an extent that any differences in conformational stability observed at lower temperatures were negated.  相似文献   

微纳米增氧灌溉可缓解作物根区氧气限制,促进作物代谢活动和生长发育。为探究微纳米增氧水添加后土壤溶解氧耗散规律及其增氧效果,该研究以初始干旱土壤和初始湿润土壤为研究对象,使用微氧电极技术,监测不同微纳米增氧水平下淹水土壤溶解氧浓度变化规律。结果表明:1)土壤溶解氧浓度随时间呈现快速下降阶段、缓速下降阶段两段式规律,其中快速下降阶段土壤溶解氧耗散以气体扩散为主,耗散曲线符合对数函数规律;缓速下降阶段土壤溶解氧耗散以微生物消耗为主,耗散曲线符合Logistic函数或线性函数规律;2)在初始干旱土壤试验的快速下降阶段,与常规对照处理CK(O2浓度:8~9 mg/L)相比,O1(O2浓度:15 mg/L)、O2(O2浓度:20 mg/L)处理溶解氧留存时间分别延长了40.11%和189.62%;在初始湿润土壤试验的快速下降阶段,O1、O2处理溶解氧耗散时间分别延长了445.16%和2 741.94%;3)在微生物活性较低的土壤(初始干旱土壤)中,氧气与底物都是溶解氧消耗的关键限制要素,增氧和底物添加均能提高土壤中溶解氧的消耗速率,从而缩短了溶解氧在土壤中的留存时间。在微生物活性较高的土壤(初始湿润土壤)中,底物成为微生物活性关键限制要素,增氧灌溉后土壤中高氧状态维持时间较长。综上,微纳米增氧水灌溉可有效提高土壤中溶解氧浓度、延长溶解氧耗散时间,为作物根系、土壤微生物提供良好的供氧环境。  相似文献   

Bioassays with UV-irradiated surface waters from two humic localities revealed a consistent pattern with phytoplankton production being stimulated at moderate doses (1.1.–5.4 J cm?2, 312 nm), but with a transition to severe growth inhibition at increasing doses (>10 J cm?2). Phytoplankton (Selenastrum capricornutum) was inoculated after the irradiation treatment, and the observed growth response gave support to the hypothesis of long-lasting algicidal effects induced by UV-radiation. High UV-doses apparently also liberated nutrients and metals (Al) complexed by humus. Since the applied UV312-doses corresponded to mid-summer solar intensity, the results suggest both chemical and ecological implications, and that these effects have a non-linear response on UV-dose. Conversely no effects were detected on dark respiration or during corresponding bioassays with the crustacean zooplankton Daphnia magna.  相似文献   

水分条件对豌豆保护酶活性及膜脂过氧化的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为探讨不同水分条件对豌豆保护酶系统和膜脂过氧化的影响,采用盆栽人工控水试验方法,模拟干旱胁迫及复水条件,研究了不同水分处理对花荚期豌豆叶片超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)、过氧化物酶(POD)活性以及过氧化产物丙二醛(MDA)含量和脂膜相对透性(RC)的影响,并对花荚期豌豆抗氧化能力进行了综合评价.结果表明:不同程度干旱胁迫历时5 d时并未影响豌豆叶片SOD、CAT活性,但有明显的滞后效应.重度干旱胁迫历时10 d可显著降低豌豆叶片SOD、CAT活性,显著提高MDA含量.不同程度的干旱胁迫均导致豌豆叶片POD活性提高,膜脂相对透性加大.复水可对干旱胁迫所造成的CAT、POD活性变化产生显著补偿作用,对SOD活性变化产生超补偿作用.同时,可显著降低MDA含量和脂膜相对透性;干旱胁迫历时10 d内和复水历时10 d内,豌豆有较强的抗氧化能力,仅在重度胁迫10 d后复水历时达到10 d时抗氧化能力趋弱.  相似文献   

The effects of the addition of amino acids and peptides on the oxidation of eicosapentaenoic acid ethyl ester (EPE) encapsulated by maltodextrin (MD) were investigated. The encapsulated lipid was prepared in two steps, that is, by mixing of EPE with MD solutions (+/-amino acids and peptides) to produce emulsions and freeze-drying of the resultant emulsions. The addition of amino acids and peptides improved the oxidation stability of EPE encapsulated with MD, and the inhibition of lipid oxidation by the amino acids and peptides was more effective at 70% relative humidity (RH). Met, Arg, and Trp were effective amino acids for antioxidation at RH = 10 and 40%, whereas at RH = 70%, His was the most effective amino acid, preventing the oxidation of EPE almost perfectly. Carnosine also exhibited a strong antioxidant effect at RH = 70%, but the effect of anserine was inferior. The addition of Met + Trp or Met + Arg inhibited the oxidation of EPE encapsulated with MD at RH = 40%. Cys accelerated the oxidation of EPE, indicating that the thiyl radical may act as a pro-oxidant. No close relationship was observed between the radical scavenging abilities of amino acids and peptides measured in the aqueous diphenylpicrylhydrazyl solution and their antioxidative effects in the powdery system. It is possible that the radical-scavenging ability of amino acids and peptides detected by ESR in the powder system is responsible for the antioxidative activity of these compounds.  相似文献   

To find out how acid phosphatase activity and production in some Alberta soils may be related to soil properties and past fertilizer history, soils of varying organic matter content, extractable P and P fertilization history were assayed for acid phosphatase using p-nitrophenyl phosphate as substrate. The effect of solution P concentration during the phosphatase assay was examined. The effect of P on the production of new phosphatase was examined in soils incubated with an added energy supply or orthophosphate.Phosphatase activity was influenced by P fertilization practices during the 5 yr before sampling. In a Black Chernozemic soil (Malmo SiCL) with a high organic matter content and high initial phosphatase activity, P fertilization at 27 or 54 kg P ha?1 y?1 for 5 yr reduced phosphatase activity by about 20%. However, in a Grey Luvisolic soil (Cooking Lake L) with low organic matter and initial phosphatase, P fertilization at 54 kg P ha?1y?1 for 5 yr tended to increase activity, probably by increasing plant root growth and organic matter additions.Assay solutions containing orthophosphate at 0.55 mM reduced activity by 25% and 47% in a Malmo SiCL and Maleb L (Orthic Brown Chernozem) soil respectively. Further increases of phosphate concentration to 5.5 mM reduced phosphatase activity by 50% and 76% in the Malmo and Maleb L soils respectively.Phosphatase activity was increased up to 6-fold by incubation of soil with glucose and NH4NO3. Addition of P to produce an added C: added P ratio of 20:1 completely prevented synthesis of phosphatase by proliferating organisms and had a slight inhibitory effect on phosphatase already present. Similarly, addition of P without C in a 6-week incubation had only a small effect on phosphatase activity and maintained P concentrations in the assay solutions slightly below 0.55 mM. It was concluded that the effect of phosphate on soil phosphatase operates more through its effect on phosphatase synthesis than on activity of existing phosphatase.  相似文献   

为探究磷素(P)添加对土壤水分一维垂直入渗特性的影响,该研究开展了磷素随水添加土壤入渗试验(CK、P1、P2、P3、P4)和加磷培养土壤入渗试验(ICK、IP1、IP2、IP3、IP4),各试验均设5个P梯度,依次为0、0.075、0.15、0.225、0.3 g/kg。研究结果表明:1)随水施磷在入渗过程中对土壤入渗特性无显著影响;2)土壤加磷培养90 d后,其水分入渗能力显著增强(P<0.05),相较于对照ICK而言,处理IP1、IP2、IP3、IP4的累积入渗量分别增加了7.82%、8.85%、9.82%、11.21%,所对应的入渗时间减小幅度分别为7.77%、14.56%、22.33%、27.18%;累积入渗量与湿润锋运移速度均随磷梯度增大而增大,拟合的Kostiakov公式和湿润锋运移距离-时间公式中的入渗参数与磷浓度呈现出很好的线性关系;3)IP3、IP4处理中0.25~2 mm粒级团聚体数量占比显著高于未加磷素的对照ICK(P<0.05),与ICK相比分别提高了35.9%、51.28%。综上,磷素添加到土壤中时间的长短与土壤结构的变化有直接联系,加磷培养增加了土壤中0.25~2 mm粒级大团聚体的数量占比,从而增强了土壤入渗能力。该研究将施磷与土壤入渗能力相结合,揭示磷素添加对土壤水分入渗能力的影响及其机制,为农业生产中磷肥的合理施用提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Antioxidant activities of lipophilic hydroxytyrosyl acetate, palmitate, oleate, and linoleate were compared with those of hydroxytyrosol, alpha-tocopherol, and butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) in both glyceridic matrix and biological systems. Aliquots of a glyceridic matrix spiked with various concentrations of antioxidant were subjected to accelerated oxidation in a Rancimat apparatus operated at 90 degrees C. The relationships between induction time (IT) and antioxidant concentration (mmol/kg) presented by hydroxytyrosol and hydroxytyrosyl acetate, palmitate, oleate, and linoleate were similar. Hydroxytyrosol and its esters showed greater antioxidant activity than alpha-tocopherol or BHT. We also evaluated the capacity of hydroxytyrosyl esters to protect proteins and lipids against oxidation caused by peroxyl radicals, using a brain homogenate as an ex vivo model. All tested compounds showed a protective effect in these systems, which was greater in preventing the generation of carbonyl groups in protein than of malondialdehyde in lipid. Inclusion of a lipophilic chain in the hydroxytyrosol molecule enhanced its antioxidant capacities in this biological model.  相似文献   

为了探究葡聚糖接枝作用对玉米醇溶蛋白结构和乳化性的影响,明确蛋白质结构与功能性的关系,本研究以玉米醇溶蛋白(Zein)和不同分子量(6、20、40和70 k Da)葡聚糖(dextran,DX)为原料,采用湿热法制备Zein-DX接枝物,并对接枝物的结构和乳化性进行研究。结果表明,低分子量(6 k Da)DX具有更高的反应活性,赖氨酸和精氨酸是参与Zein与DX接枝反应的主要氨基酸。傅里叶红外光谱(fourier transform infrared,FTIR)证明了DX以共价键与Zein形成了复合物。DX的共价接枝能够导致Zein荧光猝灭的发生,降低Zein的热稳定性,改善Zein的乳化活性(emulsifying activity index,EAI)和乳化稳定性(emulsifying stability index,ESI)。低分子量(6 k Da)DX与Zein形成的接枝物最大发射波长发生显著红移,三级结构变的松散,具有更低的热稳定性,且EAI最高达到(23.28±0.71)m2/g。然而,高分子量(70 k Da)DX与Zein形成的接枝物ESI高达(26.44±0.47)min,高于其他Zein-DX接枝物样品。乳状液粒径和流变性分析表明,随着DX分子量的增加,乳状液粒径降低,黏度增加,这与ESI的研究结果相符。研究结果可为改善玉米蛋白功能性和深入了解玉米蛋白改性机制提供理论依据。  相似文献   

The main aim of this study is to analyze the influence of 4-nonylphenol (NP) on soil water retention and biological activity. Two doses of 4-nonylphenol (25 and 50 mg kg−1) were tested in a loam soil with and without peat amendment. In general, one week after the start of the experiment, the soil water content retained at −0.75 MPa of soil suction was 18% higher in the soil amended and its basal respiration (BR) was 15% higher than soil without peat. In contrast, the microbial activity indices (CM: coefficient of mineralization or BR:total organic carbon (TOC) ratio; Cmic:Corg: microbial biomass carbon (MBC):TOC ratio; qCO2: metabolic quotient or BR:MBC ratio) were higher in the soil without peat, compared to the soil amended with peat. On the other hand, the addition of NP to soil was able to modify soil biological but not physical (water retention, desorption) properties. When soil was amended with peat, MBC was reduced one week after applying NP. In contrast, no effects of NP on MBC were observed in the soil without peat. BR was reduced by 16% one week after applying 50 mg kg−1 of NP to soil with peat, and was increased by 46% one week after applying 25 mg kg−1 of NP to soil without peat. The effects of NP on MBC and BR could be associated more with the adsorption of NP by soil organic matter, while changes in CM or Cmic:Corg ratio were more closely related to changes in soil water retention. The potential toxic effects of NP (high qCO2 values) were only observed in the absence of peat amendments. Peat addition reduced NP toxic effects on microorganisms.  相似文献   

为评价超微粉碎对青稞麸皮多酚、体外抗氧化活性和淀粉消化酶抑制活性的影响。该研究制备了3种粒径分别为335.94、72.52、22.69μm的青稞麸皮粉体,对3种粉体的多酚、黄酮含量及其组成、体外抗氧化活性与淀粉消化酶活性抑制率进行测定。结果表明:与粗粉相比,2种微粉的多酚(游离酚、结合酚)、黄酮和总酚含量均显著高于粗粉(P0.05)且粒径越小,含量越高;青稞麸皮粉共检出19种酚酸,其中游离酚以阿魏酸和藜芦酸为主,结合酚以阿魏酸和苯甲酸为主;随着粒径的减小,粉体多酚提取物的抗氧化活性(DPPH·自由基清除能力、FRAP还原能力、ABTS~+·自由基清除能力)及对α-葡萄糖苷酶、α-淀粉酶抑制率均显著增强(P0.05);粉体多酚组成及含量与体外抗氧化活性及淀粉消化酶活性抑制率存在一定的相关性。相关分析结果表明:青稞麸皮游离酚提取物中2,4-二羟基苯甲酸、藜芦酸是清除DPPH·自由基、抑制α-葡萄糖苷酶活性的主要贡献物质,阿魏酸是抑制α-葡萄糖苷酶及α-淀粉酶活性的主要物质;结合酚提取物中2,4-二羟基苯甲酸是抑制α-淀粉酶活性的主要物质。该结果显示超微粉碎一定程度上可提高青稞麸皮中多酚含量、体外抗氧化活性及淀粉消化酶抑制率,可作为青稞麸皮食品的一种有效前处理加工手段。  相似文献   

添加生物质黑炭对红壤结构稳定性的影响   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
叶丽丽  王翠红  周虎  彭新华 《土壤》2012,44(1):62-66
本研究通过室内恒温恒湿控制试验,研究添加黑炭、秸秆在分解过程中对土壤抗破碎性及团聚体稳定性等土壤生物、物理特征的影响。黑炭是在400℃缺氧状态下水稻秸秆焚烧而制成的。实验包括不添加任何物料的对照(CK)、添加黑炭(BC)、黑炭+氮磷钾肥(BC+NPK)、秸秆(Straw)、秸秆+氮磷钾肥(Straw+NPK)等5个处理。研究结果表明,经过55天恒温(25℃)恒湿(田间持水量的40%)培养,黑炭分解速度很慢,通过换算,其周转周期约为1400年,而秸秆周转周期仅为7年,配施氮磷钾能加速黑炭和秸秆的分解。添加黑炭没有提高土壤抗破碎能力和土壤团聚体稳定性(P>0.05),而秸秆则相反(P<0.05)。该研究结果表明生物质黑炭不能像其他有机物料一样提高土壤微生物活性和土壤结构稳定性。  相似文献   

Factors contributing to the oxidative stability of phytosterols were studied. Unsaturated stigmasterol and saturated sitostanol were used as model compounds and were heated at different temperatures in different lipid matrices for various periods of time. Accumulations of the major secondary oxidation products were used as a marker of the stability of heated compounds, and the products were analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The results showed that both temperature and heating time, as well as sterol structure and lipid matrix composition, affected phytosterol oxidation. In particular, the interactions between different lipid matrices and temperatures had drastic effects on the total contents of the phytosterol oxides formed and also on the reaction pathways of oxidation. During heating at high temperatures for prolonged periods, >20% of stigmasterol was oxidized. At moderate temperatures the oxidation of stigmasterol was rather slow. Sitostanol oxide contents were low under all heating conditions studied.  相似文献   

柠条秸秆和地膜覆盖对土壤水分和玉米产量的影响   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:8  
为了探讨北方农牧交错带不同保墒措施下旱地玉米的土壤水分特征及其对产量的影响,以甘农118为试验材料,监测了单膜(SFP)、双膜(DFP)、柠条秸秆沟埋(CPDP)和裸地(CK)4种不同处理下0~100 cm土壤水分季节变化、垂直变化及年际变化,测定了玉米产量和水分利用效率。结果表明:SFP和DFP处理明显改善0~40 cm土层土壤体积含水率,较CK处理保墒效果提高35.65%~47.91%,但随着玉米生育期的推进,由于玉米生长耗水和土壤蒸发作用,建植后土壤体积含水率均接近或低于萎蔫系数(7.20%)。连续2 a种植玉米4种处理土壤贮水量均有不同程度的减少,CPDP和CK处理土壤贮水量分别减少了68.42和68.07 mm,其次为SFP(53.49 mm),DFP减少最小(48.98 mm),说明研究区内玉米生长需要消耗大量土壤水分。SFP和DFP能够增加玉米对降雨和土壤水的利用,不同年份产量水分利用效率较CK处理分别提高12.55%~35.71%和25.11%~54.70%。SFP和DFP耗水量、产量和水分利用效率均无显著差异(P0.05),因此建议在研究区种植玉米时可以采取SFP措施,而CPDP耗水量较高、产量和水分利用效率相对较低,不宜采取此种保墒措施。  相似文献   

张毅  陈洁  汪磊  付俊辉 《农业工程学报》2020,36(14):299-306
为研究加水量对不同和面时间下面片质构及蛋白特性的影响,该研究采用质构仪、傅里叶红外光谱仪和高效液相色谱仪分别探究面片质构、二级结构和蛋白含量的变化,同时对面片色泽、巯基含量进行测定。结果显示随着加水量的增加,面片的拉伸力与硬度呈下降趋势,延展性与黏性呈上升趋势,面片亮度(L*)值和红-绿(a*)值升高。加水量为40%时,蛋白质二级结构中稳定型的β-折叠与α-螺旋含量较高,巯基、大分子量聚合体蛋白含量较低,面片综合质构特性较好,有利于高水分含量面制食品的生产。不同加水量下,和面时间对面片质构及蛋白特性的影响不同。和面15 min时,面片延展性较好,拉伸力、硬度适中,黏性、巯基含量较低,β-折叠含量较高,适度的和面时间能够促进面片面筋网络的形成,有利于提高面片的品质特性。  相似文献   

Arabinoxylans (AX) are natural fibers extracted from maize bran, an industrial byproduct. To promote this polymer as a food ingredient, development of edible coatings and films had been proposed. Indeed, composite arabinoxylan-based films were prepared by emulsifying a fat: palmitic acid, oleic acid, triolein, or a hydrogenated palm oil (OK35). Lipid effects on water vapor permeability (WVP), surface hydrophobicity (contact angles), lipid particle size, and mechanical properties were investigated. Results showed that OK35-AX emulsion films had the lowest WVP. Emulsified films presented a bimodal particle size distribution; however, the smallest particle mean diameter (0.54 microm) was observed in OK35-AX emulsion films. Contact angles of water comparable to those observed for LDPE films (>90 degrees ) are measured on the OK35-AX film surface. Finally, only triolein-AX emulsion films had elongation higher than films without lipid. These results suggest that OK35 enhances functional properties of AX-based films and should be retained for further research.  相似文献   

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