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This study presents the application of multivariate statistical tools for the evaluation of spatial variations and the interpretation of water quality data obtained in a monitoring program of Lis river basin surface water, Portugal. Twenty-seven physicochemical and microbiological parameters were determined in six water sampling campaigns at 16 monitoring sites during the period from September 2003 to November 2006. Correlation analysis, principal component analysis, and cluster analysis were performed to evaluate the main water pollution sources and to characterize the spatial distribution of water pollution profiles in river basin. The results achieved with the statistical methodologies led to distinguish natural and anthropogenic pollution sources. Additionally, monitoring sites with similar water pollution profile were identified, indicating that some monitoring locations can be changed to improve the spatial characterization of water quality in the river basin. CBO, CQO, P, and N were identified as significant variables affecting spatial variations, namely in the Lis river middle reach. Besides the identification of main pollution sources, the applied statistical tools were able to identify spatial patterns of water pollution in Lis river basin, which further helps in the reassessment of the number and location of monitoring sites.  相似文献   

This study was carried out to assess the overall water quality and identify major variables affecting the deep groundwater quality in Kathmandu Valley, Nepal. Forty-two deep wells were sampled during premonsoon and monsoon seasons in 2007 and analyzed for the major physicochemical variables. The water quality variables such as NH 4 + -N, Fe, Pb, As, and Cd at most of the sampling locations exceeded the World Health Organization guideline levels for drinking water. Multivariate statistical techniques such as factor analysis and cluster analysis were applied to identify the major factors (variables) corresponding to the different source of variation in deep groundwater quality. Factor analysis indentified six major factors explaining 74.77% of the total variance in water quality; and the major variations are related with the degree of groundwater mineralization, decomposition of organic matter, and reduction of groundwater environment. The water quality of deep groundwater is influenced by the natural hydrogeochemical environment. The wells are broadly divided into two major groups based on the similar groundwater characteristics using cluster analysis. Results show that water quality of deep groundwater does not vary significantly as a function of season.  相似文献   

为探讨一种适用于大尺度、多断面和长时间的水质评价方法,用系统聚类分析将2000—2002年黄河6个监测断面的90个水质样本分为7组,并用判别分析验证了结果的可靠性。其主要程序为:利用多元方差分析对各断面多年水质监测样本进行空间尺度上的显著差异性分析,识别出具有显著差异的样本,然后通过系统聚类分析把上述样本进行聚类分组,最后应用判别分析方法对各组样本进行水质评价,此方法的特点为在不损失信息的前提下能大大减轻水质评价工作量,且客观可信、分辨率高,并能综合反映总体与个别特征。结果表明,黄河流域干流从上游到下游水质总体状况呈逐渐下降趋势,上游水质一般为Ⅰ-Ⅲ类,而中游和下游水质基本为Ⅳ-Ⅴ类和超Ⅴ类。  相似文献   

Surface water quality monitoring is one of the responsibilities of a number of provincial and federal environmental departments in Canada. In Saskatchewan, the Ministry of Environment is responsible for the province water quality monitoring network. The sampling effort was initiated 40 years ago and has been ongoing since, with varying degrees of spatial and temporal coverage. The main objective of the Saskatchewan monitoring network is the assessment of ambient water quality status. In addition, one of the main uses of the generated water quality data is the calculation of a Water Quality Index. The adequacy of the monitoring network to perform these tasks needs to be validated. The objective of this study is to provide a statistical assessment of two of the monitoring network main aspects, the water quality variables and their sampling frequency. A new rationalization approach is applied for the assessment and reselection of water quality variables. The proposed approach provides, in a systematic way, the optimal combinations of variables to continue measuring, variables that may be redundant and could be considered for discontinuance, and variables that may need to be added to the list of variables being measured. The confidence interval around the mean is used as the main criterion for the sampling frequency assessment. A design chart is provided for the sampling frequency assessment, which is easy to use, and provides an initial assessment of the number of samples required to provide a mean value with a predefined error percentage.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the impacts of three sugarcane residue management techniques, namely postharvest burning of residue (BR), shredding of residue (SR), and full postharvest retention of residue (RR), on the water quality of surface runoff from February 2006 to September 2007 in Iberia, LA. Total runoff volumes recorded were 58,418, 57,923, and 46,578 L for the BR, SR, and RR treatments, respectively. Except for total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN), which was higher for BR than RR or SR, there were no significant differences in total loads of total suspended solids (TSS), total dissolved solids (TDS), biological oxygen demand at 5 days (BOD5), total phosphorus (TP), nitrate-N, nitrite-N, and sulfate among the three residue management techniques, although the RR treatment generally exported the lowest total loads. Regression analyses on the pollutant load and rainfall event showed that the load exported for each water quality parameter was positively correlated with precipitation, with the BR treatment being more sensitive to rainfall amount than the RR and SR treatments in TSS, TKN, TP, BOD, nitrate, and sulfate exports. Runoff TSS and turbidity were also highly correlated (R 2?=?0.95, P?<?0.001). The results suggested that the two sugarcane residue retention practices (RR and SR) had limited benefit on improving surface runoff water quality over the BR practice in subtropical region such as Louisiana.  相似文献   

Baking and 2‐g mixograph analyses were performed for 55 cultivars (19 spring and 36 winter wheat) from various quality classes from the 2002 harvest in Poland. An instrumented 2‐g direct‐drive mixograph was used to study the mixing characteristics of the wheat cultivars. A number of parameters were extracted automatically from each mixograph trace and correlated with baking volume and flour quality parameters (protein content and high molecular weight glutenin subunit [HMW‐GS] composition by SDS‐PAGE) using multiple linear regression statistical analysis. Principal component analysis of the mixograph data discriminated between four flour quality classes, and predictions of baking volume were obtained using several selected mixograph parameters, chosen using a best subsets regression routine, giving R2 values of 0.862–0.866. In particular, three new spring wheat strains (CHD 502a‐c) recently registered in Poland were highly discriminated and predicted to give high baking volume on the basis of two mixograph parameters: peak bandwidth and 10‐min bandwidth.  相似文献   

Measurements of the chemical composition of fog water at Murododaira (altitude, 2,450 m), on the western slope of Mt. Tateyama near the coast of the Japan Sea, were performed each autumn from 2004 through 2007. Strong acidic fogs (pH?<?4) containing high concentrations of nssSO 4 2? were frequently observed in the autumn of 2005, when the air mass at Mt. Tateyama originated mainly from the polluted regions of Asia. The ratio of NO 3 ? /nssSO 4 2? in fog water was relatively high in 2004 and 2007. High concentrations of nssCa2+ derived from dust particles were detected in 2006. Background Kosa particles might have been predominant in the free troposphere and could have neutralized acidic fogs in the autumn of 2006. High concentrations of sea-salt components were also observed in October 2005. The sea-salt particles might have been transported from the Pacific Ocean by a strong typhoon, and significant Mg2+ loss was observed. Peroxides higher than 100 μM, which are seriously harmful to vegetation were sometimes detected.  相似文献   

沱江是长江上游的一个重要支流,其水质安全对维持成都平原及周边地区正常的生产生活起着至关重要的作用。采用模糊综合评价的方法,对沱江流域15个地表水监测断面的水质状况进行了综合评价,结果表明:在15个监测断面中,处于清洁状态的有6个,占40%;处于未污染的有4个,约占26.7%;处于轻污染和中污染的各有1个,分别约占6.7%;处于重污染的有3个,占20%。处于清洁和未污染的断面主要位于沱江流域的中游,其水质状况较好;处于中污染和重污染的断面主要位于沱江流域的上游和下游,水质状况较差。需要加强流域综合治理尤其是对沱江上游和下游的治理,以确保沱江流域的水质安全。  相似文献   

Water quality degradation in the Selangor River will still be present in the years to come since pollutant loads from poultry farms, municipal wastewaters, and industrial wastewaters are not envisaged to be handled effectively. This will be facing the problems of water quality status to use for multiple purposes and to provide its aquatic environment continuously. The water quality evaluation system is used to assess the water quality condition in the river. This system distinguishes two categories of water condition i.e., the water quality index and water quality aptitude. The assessment of water quality for the Selangor River from nine stations along the main stream, which concludes that water has been highly polluted (index 5) immediately downstream of station 02 Selangor River before confluence with Kubu River due to high concentration of microorganisms and immediately downstream of station 06 Selangor River before confluence with Batang Kali River due to high concentrations of microorganisms and suspended particles, was verified. Mineral micropollutants were found to gradually pollute the stream water, ranging from the unpolluted water (index 1) in the upstream to the bad quality (index 4) in the downstream area.  相似文献   

Assessment of surface water quality in the Mississippi Delta is essential to quantify the eutrophication of the Gulf of Mexico. This study estimated the characteristics and variations of surface water quality at three study sites in the Big Sunflower River Watershed (BSRW) within the Mississippi Delta using Kruskal-Wallis, Dunn, Mann-Kendall, and Pettitt tests. In general, contents of some water quality constituents such as nitrate-nitrogen (NO3???N) and total phosphorus (TP) in the BSRW varied from site to site each year, whereas variations of other constituents such as pH and dissolved oxygen (DO) each year were basically not significant. The highest median concentrations were found in spring for NO3???N and total nitrogen (TN); in summer for specific conductance (SC), Na, and Cl; and in winter for DO. Mann-Kendall trend analysis revealed that there was an increasing annual trend at Leland but a decreasing annual trend at Merigold for NO3???concentrations even though such changes were very small, whereas there was no annual trend for TP at any of the three study sites. Pettitt’s test further identified that the NO3???N concentrations had an abrupt increase in February 2009 at the median value of 0.44 mg L?1 in Leland and an abrupt decrease in June 2012 at the median value of 3.65 mg L?1 in Merigold. A very good linear correlation existed between total dissolved solid (TDS) and magnesium (Mg) in the BSRW, which could be used to estimate TDS from Mg concentrations for this watershed when the data for TDS are absent.  相似文献   

A computerized 2‐g direct drive mixograph was used to study the mixing characteristics of flours milled from a range of breadmaking cultivars obtained from five separate locations around the UK, providing 54 flour samples. Fifteen parameters were extracted from each mixograph trace using the Mixsmart software program and correlated with baking volume using partial least squares multiple regression statistical analysis to give a prediction of baking volume. Location had a considerable influence on the prediction of baking volume. Excellent predictions of baking volume were obtained from flours from individual locations (R2 = 0.805–0.995), but predictions based on all cultivars without discriminating locations were poor. When mixograph and baking volume data for each cultivar were averaged over all five locations, a very high correlation was obtained (R2 = 0.999). Preparation of flour samples using rapid, small‐scale milling procedures (Brabender Quadrumat Jr. mill and Perten 3100 hammer mill) did not have any adverse effect on prediction of baking volume. Mixograph parameters obtained from six commercial glutens of varying quality gave good correlations with test baking volumes, based on 6% gluten addition to a control flour.  相似文献   

吕梁地区地处黄土高原干旱半干旱区,地表水量不但贫乏,而且不同程度地受到污染,据全区主要河流13处监测河段的水质监测结果,达Ⅰ类标准的没有,达Ⅱ类标准的2处,Ⅲ类标准的3处,Ⅳ类标准的1处,其余均为Ⅴ类标准,地表水污染十分严重,究其原因,主要是造成污染,因此,要从严格控制污染源,合理布局工业,加强监测,提高保水意识等方面来保护地表水,以缓解水资源短缺矛盾。  相似文献   

黄河三角洲泥质海岸柽柳冲浪林带建设技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄河三角洲泥质海岸土壤盐渍化严重,树种资源缺乏,生态环境脆弱。柽柳是该地区造林绿化的主要树种和先锋树种,抗干旱、耐瘠薄、耐盐碱能力强,利用丰富的柽柳资源建设冲浪林带,对于改善生态环境,减少海雾、风暴潮及风沙的危害,维护人民生命安全及工农业生产具有十分重要的意义。就黄河三角洲冲浪林带建设的基本情况、柽柳冲浪林带的防灾减灾作用及建设技术进行了介绍。  相似文献   

对阈值的选取作了相关研究,提出了一种改进的阈值法提取SAR图像海面油膜。试验表明,改进方法在提取海面油膜的应用中具有一定的可行性。  相似文献   

Elevated phosphate concentrations at Safaga and Quseir, Red Sea, Egyptian coast, wererelated to some ecological and nutritional aspects of the macro-alga Cystoseira myrica during1985. The results obtained were compared with those recorded for a non-polluted control site atGhardaqa. Chemical analysis of surface seawater samples revealed that the concentrations of dissolvedphosphate at Safaga and Quseir were 3 and 20 times as much as that at Ghardaqa, respectively.The standing crop of C. myrica showed two peaks in spring and autumn. Maximum biomass yield(491 g m-2) and number of individuals (127 m-2) of C. myrica were recorded in the spring at theGhardaqa site. Quseir C. myrica samples contained significantly higher protein-N, total-N andtotal-P values but lower carbohydrate values than the Safaga and Ghardaqa samples (LSD at 1%level). Tissue N:P molar ratios for C. myrica, Laurencia papillosa and Ulva lactuca collected fromGhardaqa ranged from 68-98, compared to 30-59 for the same species collected at thephosphorus polluted sites at Safaga and Quseir. The carbon levels and the C:N ratios of C. myricaexhibited no significant variations in the three studied sites. However, the C:P ratios of Ghardaqaplants were significantly higher than those of Safaga and Quseir.  相似文献   

塔里木河水质现状综合评价   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
塔里木河水质污染对中、下游地区的生态系统的稳定性及社会的持续发展带来了不利的影响。利用阿克苏河的龙口、西大桥断面以及塔里木河干流上游的阿拉尔、十四团断面2001-2005年实测数据,在统计软件STATISTICA的支持下,利用主成分分析方法和水质指数法进行了塔里木河水质评价研究。结果表明,龙口和西大桥断面的水质属于一级(清洁)水,而阿拉尔和十四团断面的水质属于4级(中等污染)及5级(重污染)水。塔里木河的主要污染物为氯化物、总硬度、矿化度、硫酸盐、亚硝酸盐等。  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to examine the horizantal and vertical spatial changes of soil quality (SQ) in rice-cultivated soils located on the Bafra Deltaic Plain—one of the most important alluvial deltaic plains and production centers of Turkey. The study examines these spacial changes by calculating the soil quality index (SQI) for soils 0–30 cm and 30–60 cm deep. For SQI calculations, seventeen potential physicochemical SQ indicators of eighty-three soil samples were assessed. Quality indicators to be used in these calculations were selected by considering the clay content, correlation relationship, and principal components analysis (PCA) of potential quality indicators. Clay, silt, sand, electrical conductivity (EC), exchangeable calcium (Caexc), and exchangeable magnesium (Mgexc) were selected as quality indicators, and silt was found to be the most important quality indicator for both soil depths. The SQ of researched soils changed from low to high for both soil depths.  相似文献   

本文在野外考察和水质分析的基础上,对神府煤田大柳塔地区水质进行评价,结果表明,乌兰木伦河两岸支沟泉水水质良好,是生活用水的主要水源.活鸡兔沟矿坑水为强矿化度硬水,水化学性质差,这些矿坑水排入河道,是污染河水的因素之一.目前,乌兰木伦河和活鸡兔沟河水污染尚不严重,但河水水质由上游至下游交差.最后,对河水水质污染趋势作了分析和定性预测,并提出控制污染的建议和措施.  相似文献   

地表水资源脆弱性:概念、内涵及定量评价   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
邹君  杨玉蓉  谢小立 《水土保持通报》2007,27(2):132-135,145
总结了资源环境科学脆弱性研究领域、研究进展及其存在的问题,认为水资源脆弱性研究比较薄弱,南方地表水资源脆弱性研究尤甚。借鉴脆弱性相关研究成果,结合南方地表水资源系统的特点,提出了地表水资源脆弱性的概念,分析了其脆弱性的内涵以及影响地表水资源脆弱性的因素。认为地表水资源脆弱性包括水质和水量2个方面,从脆弱性构成因素上来看它们都可以分解为自然脆弱性、人为脆弱性和承载脆弱性。构建了一个评价地表水资源脆弱性的多用途指标体系。最后,并给出了一种简便易行的地表水资源脆弱性评价方法。  相似文献   

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