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The East Fork of the Upper Carson River (EFUCR) drainagebasin contains the Leviathan mine site, a known source of acidmine drainage, and numerous small prospects and mineralizedareas, some of which are enriched in mercury. In 1999 aninvestigation was undertaken to characterize total mercuryconcentrations in water, sediment, and whole aquaticmacroinvertebrates from seven tributaries of the EFUCR watershedon a seasonal time step. In the fall, methyl mercury in water,sediment and Stoneflys was determined for three sites. Both total and dissolved mercury in water at all sites, notimpacted by acid mine drainage, exhibited a seasonal trend withthe lowest concentrations occurring in the winter, higherconcentrations in the summer, and the highest concentrationsrecorded in the fall. Winter samples were taken during a periodof ice melt. It is hypothesized that the high fall concentrations were due to elevated mercury concentrations ingroundwater, which was recharging the stream under baseflow conditions and had interacted with substrate naturally enrichedin mercury. Mercury concentrations in Leviathan Creek wereelevated when acid mine drainage was being discharged directlyinto the Creek. Mercury concentrations in individual stoneflyscollected from specific stream reaches were similar, and methylmercury and total mercury concentrations in macroinvertebratetissue were roughly equivalent. Comparison of mercury bodyburden of macroinvertebrates between tributaries showed thatmacroinvertebrates in the Cottonwood Creek watershed had highermercury concentrations relative to the other sites. Thistributary had higher sediment mercury concentrations than allsimilar tributaries not impacted by acid mine drainage.  相似文献   

至 2 0 0 0年底止 ,山西省湫水河流域和永定河上游国家重点治理区 ,二期工程第二阶段治理共完成水土流失初步治理面积 989km2 ,占规划治理任务的 75 %。治理中以沙棘、柠条为主的灌木林建设得到长足发展 ,退耕还林还草迈出了扎实的步伐 ;以高标准的精品小流域建设为示范样板 ,辐射和带动全省小流域治理向纵深发展 ;组建专业队 ,实行招标制 ,确保了治理质量和效益。介绍了水保生态建设的特点和创新机制的做法  相似文献   

嘉陵江上游低山暴雨区植被恢复对小流域产流产沙的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对嘉陵江上游严重退化区植被恢复对小流域产流产沙的影响研究,结果表明:各小流域沟道侵蚀模数低于坡面径流,仅为农耕地径流小区的1/28~1/5,3种植被恢复模式小区的1/4~1/2;各小流域径流模数和侵蚀模数与降雨量呈显著正相关,径流模数与侵蚀模数之间亦呈正相关;产沙量的多少与小流域径流面积关系不大,但不同小流域之间的侵蚀模数随着降雨量的增加,其差别有减小的趋势。不同恢复阶段和不同恢复阶段一次性降雨的产沙量和侵蚀模数与初期相比都呈现出明显的减小趋势,特别是在植被恢复的最初几年,其减沙的效应就达到70%以上,表明植被恢复初期是体现水土保持效应的关键时间。  相似文献   

The objective of the investigations of the Cetina River, located in southern Croatia, was to record specific characteristics and properties of the Cetina waters at nine stations. In addition to measurements undertaken in the Cetina River, the water quality of its most significant springs and tributaries, such as Kosinac, ?ilovka, Studenci and Mala Ruda, Velika Ruda and Grab, has also been measured. The water quality in the Cetina watershed has been evaluated in the following storage reservoirs: Peru?a, Bu?ko Blato and Pran?evi?i. The nitrogen compounds and phosphorus concentrations have been estimated at all these sampling sites over a 3-year period (2005–2008). Concentration levels at the Cetina-Vinali? sampling site for total N (from August 2005 to December 2008) ranged from 0 to 1.759 mg/L, for NH3–N from 0 to 0.374 mg/L, for NO3–N from 0.063 to 0.916 mg/L and for PO4–P from 0 to 0.099 mg/L. The results prove that the Cetina-Vinali? sampling site is not polluted by nitrogen and phosphorus compounds. The river section from Trilj to the Pran?evi?i dam, where the water is used for the water supply of Omi?, Makarska and Dalmatian islands, has been polluted by wastewater because the majority of agricultural area, roads, industry and settlements are located upstream of it. The highest concentration for total N of 1.128 mg/L and of 1,527 total coliforms in 100 mL, expressed as a mean value for a 3-year period of investigations, was found at the sampling site Trilj. The results of concentration changes at the ?ikotina La?a and Cetina Radmanove Mlinice sampling sites show no regularities. The highest concentration for total N of 0.941 mg/L was measured at the Cetina Radmanove Mlinice during 2007. The highest concentration for NO3–N of 0.916 mg/L was measured at the same sampling site. According to the investigations of the water quality of the Cetina springs and tributaries, the bacteriological most polluted river spring is Kosinac, and the bacteriological most polluted river tributary is Grab. With reference to the water quality in the Cetina storage reservoirs, it may be concluded that the lowest quality standard has been found within the Pran?evi?i storage reservoir regarding nitrogen compounds and phosphorus concentration levels.  相似文献   

基于渭河陕西段及其支流河道16个采样点中沉积物的总氮(TN)、总磷(TP)和总有机碳(TOC)含量,运用C/N和N/P比值法研究沉积物中营养元素的可能来源,并采用有机污染指数法评价沉积物污染状况。结果表明,沉积物中TN含量为0.069~3.839g/kg,66.1%的样品含量低于平均值0.639g/kg;TP含量为0.453~1.841g/kg,62.7%的样品含量低于平均值0.713g/kg;TOC含量为0.772~25.221g/kg,62.3%的样品含量低于平均值5.609g/kg。渭河陕西段沉积物中有机质主要受内源影响,以藻类和浮游动植物为主;沉积物中磷的来源主要为外源输入。2014—2016年所有采样点的N/P值均小于Redfield比,这可能与沉积物中碳氮磷的生物地球化学过程有关。2016年11月,在局部河道如林家村、卧龙寺桥、常兴桥、兴平、草滩、清姜河入渭处可能受到外源有机质的影响。2015年内有机指数与有机氮指数变化一致,即汛前<汛中<汛后。在2014—2016年,渭河陕西段沉积物中有机氮污染和有机污染整体上得到有效控制,但在局部河道如咸阳铁桥、草滩、黑河入渭和灞河入渭处等距离城市较近区域存在污染反弹可能,需引起注意。  相似文献   

树木枯落叶在河流水体中的分解及氮、磷释放动态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以郑州市东风渠为试验点,选择法国梧桐枯落叶为对象,利用分解袋法,在为期39d的分解试验中,研究了落叶分解及氮、磷的动态变化。结果表明:分解过程中,样品质量变化呈现持续减少的趋势,试验期间质量损失约11.6%,理论完全分解时间约8.21a。在生物和非生物因素共同作用下,落叶中的氮、磷含量变化波动较大。试验初期(0-9d),氮含量快速降低;然后又表现为逐渐升高,在分解后期(29-39d)又呈现下降趋势。落叶中磷含量在分解初期呈下降趋势,随后又逐渐升高,到分解中期,磷含量又表现为先下降后升高的趋势,至分解末期,再次出现下降。落叶中氮素的累积指数NAI和磷素累积指数PAI整体上表现出以释放为主。随分解时间,大体上呈现释放-积累-再释放的规律。  相似文献   

Contamination of the Spring River in southwest Missouri by 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p -dioxin (TCDD) is believed to result from several well-defined point source waste disposal sites. Analyses of 31 fish samples and samples of crayfish, mussels, other aquatic invertebrates, and sediments collected in 1981-1983 demonstrated a rapid decline in TCDD levels in biota both upstream and downstream of the area of contamination and are believed to indicate a continuing, long term input of TCDD into the river. Mean concentrations of TCDD 0.5 km downstream from the area of contamination were 38 parts per trillion (pptr) in whole fish and 20 pptr in fish fillet; mean concentrations beyond 14 km downstream were below 4 pptr in both whole fish and fillets. Caged mussels (65 day exposure) did not accumulate TCDD (detection limit, 10 pptr). High fish consumption by local sportsmen may indicate maximum permissible concentrations of less than 5 pptr. in fish fillets.  相似文献   

水土流失与生态环境问题是制约长江上游及西南诸河区社会经济发展的主要瓶颈。长江上游水土流失环境背景复杂,侵蚀类型多样,分布面积广泛。在分析造成水土流失的自然与人为因素的基础上,重点探讨了水土流失对土地资源、土壤肥力、粮食安全生产、河道、水库湖泊、水环境产生的危害。  相似文献   

This study investigated the storage of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) in the biomass, bed sediments and water column of representative reaches of a sub-tropical river, the upper Brisbane River (UBR), Queensland, Australia, and contrasted instream storage with total wet season exports. In reaches which contained accumulated fine sediments, more than 87% of total P and between 50% and 92% of total N were stored in the surface sediments. The lower proportion of N in sediment at some sites was attributed to substantial differences in the N/P ratios of sediments and macrophytes. At one site, the riverbed was dominated by cobbles and boulders and total nutrient stocks were comparatively low and dominated by the biomass. In reaches with a narrow channel and intact riparian cover, biomass N and P were stored predominately in leaf litter, while in wider unshaded reaches, macrophytes dominated. Total instream storage in the mid to lower reaches of the UBR was ??50.9 T for N and ??18.1 T for P. This was considerably higher than total wet season N (??15.6 T) and P (??2.7 T) exports from the UBR. The first flow event in the river after a prolonged period of no flow resulted in the export of free-floating, emergent species Azolla. The estimated biomass of Azolla in the mid to lower reaches of the river was equivalent to approximately 24% and 9% of the total N and P flux, indicating that this may be a significant, previously unaccounted for, source at peak flow.  相似文献   

Concentrations of pollutants stored in the surficial bed sediments in the navigation pools of the Upper Mississippi River showed a general decrease after the record flood of 1993. Percent clay and total organic carbon in the surficial sediments decreased as a result of an increase in the proportion of coarser sediment. Decreases in pollutant concentration may have been a result of the dilution by coarser and relatively less polluted sediment that was mobilized and transported into the Upper Mississippi River from its tributaries or from mainstem locations upstream but outside of the sampling area.  相似文献   

采用七步连续提取法分别对黄河上游11个不同段位表层沉积物样中7种形态磷进行了分离分析,探讨了其变化规律和分布特征,分析了其生物可利用性及对黄河及海洋水体营养状况的影响。结果表明:所获得沉积物中磷的7种赋存形态为:交换态磷(Ex-P)、铝结合态磷(Al-P)、铁结合态磷(Fe-P)、闭蓄态磷(Obs-P)、自生钙结合磷(Ca-P)、原生碎屑磷(De-P)和有机磷(OP),其中De-P和Ca-P的含量范围分别为139.08~482.89mg.kg-1和40.30~125.55mg.kg-1,二者共占总磷(TP,为各形态磷的总和)含量的约87%,是沉积磷和无机磷(IP,前6种磷形态之和)的主要存在形态;OP含量范围为6.14~36.74mg.kg-1,平均占TP的4%;Ex-P、Al-P、Fe-P和Obs-P含量均较低,平均值分别为7.53、25.85、5.05mg.kg-1和0.64mg.kg-1,共占TP含量的约9%。各形态磷的含量分布直接与取样点及沉积物粒径有关。Ex-P、Al-P、Fe-P、Or-P和部分Ca-P作为黄河表层沉积物中潜在的生物可利用磷(BP),其总量至少占TP的5.91%~30.17%。根据黄河每年进入渤海的输沙量可初步估算出黄河泥沙入海后为海洋提供的BP的量达3.21~8.92万t。  相似文献   

长江三角洲地区竹林经营中的氮磷流失负荷概算   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
巩万合  顾培  沈仁芳 《土壤》2007,39(6):874-878
通过分析长江三角洲地区竹林集约经营面积、竹林施肥情况及氮(N)、磷(P)流失率,对该区竹林经营中因施肥产生的N、P流失量进行了概算.结果表明,长江三角洲地区竹林中每年N、P流失量分别为3795~6067t、828~1104t.其中,浙江省竹林地的N、P流失量分别为3573~5713 t、779~1039 t,均占总流失量的94%.从单位面积上的流失量来看,浙江省竹林地N流失负荷(9.8~15.6kg/hm2)显著低于该省农田N流失负荷(57.4 kg,hm2),而P流失负荷(2.1~2.8 kg/hm2)稍高于农田(1.7 kg/hm2) .在部分高度集约经营地区,竹林地每年的N、P流失更高.这些竹林地主要位于水源上游或河湖两岸,流失的N、P进入水体后,将对水体造成污染,降低水质,加速下游水体的富营养化.  相似文献   

为明晰重庆笋溪河流域河岸带水体、土壤和植物的氮磷特征及其影响因素,采用描述性统计、聚类分析、相关分析和冗余分析的方法,探讨三峡库尾小流域河岸带水体、土壤和植物的氮、磷含量特征、空间分布和各圈层氮磷的相关性及水体氮磷的影响因素.结果表明:(1)河岸带受河流区段影响,从上游到下游,水体氮磷与土壤全氮的含量先减小后增大,下游...  相似文献   

基于SWAT模型的图们江流域氮磷营养物非点源污染研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用数学模型模拟非点源污染物的空间分布及其输移转化机制,是当前农业非点源污染研究中的重要手段和途径之一。流域尺度长时段分布式水文模型SWAT(soil and water assessment tool)应用于我国南方许多流域的非点源污染模拟上都取得了较好的结果。利用SWAT模型建立了东北图们江流域非点源污染数据库,对该流域(中国一侧)划分为5个小流域46个水文单元,分别进行了水文模拟、降雨径流和土壤侵蚀量计算。结果表明,图们江流域农业非点源污染主要的发生区在流域中部,海兰河和布尔哈通河交界的区域内。该区内有机氮和有机磷的非点源污染负荷明显高于其他地区,推测认为该区域为延边州首府延吉市所在地,城市建设和经济发展带来了繁荣,也造成了局部地区的植被破坏、土地裸露,水保能力下降,因此水土流失现象比较严重。另外,通过分析流域内有机氮和有机磷的时空变化特征发现,2007年延吉、龙井地区为氮磷营养物非点源污染最大发生区(有机氮9.76t.a-1,有机磷1.24t.a-1),而2008年除延吉、龙井地区外,珲春地区有机氮和有机磷非点源污染均有加重的趋势(分别由1.39t.a-1上升到3.82t.a-1,0.17t.a-1上升到0.48t.a-1);氮磷营养物的空间分布特征表明,2007年与2008年除了延吉、龙井一带为最大发生区外,珲春地区有机氮流失有所加重(从1.39t.a-1上升到3.81t.a-1),有机磷流失也有所加重(0.17t.a-1上升到0.48t.a-1),而安图等地区则有所减轻。  相似文献   

Quantification of soil carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) fractions in grasslands is vital for estimating C sequestration and climate change studies. We quantified background soil total carbon (TOC) status, recalcitrant carbon (RC), acid hydrolysable labile carbon (AHC), hot- and cold-water extractable carbon (HWC and CWC, respectively) fractions in the grassland in this study. Soil C fractions were as follows: TOC (11,633 to 15,525 mg C kg?1); RC (11,500 to 15,357 mg C kg?1); AHC (132 to 168 mg C kg?1); HWC (57 to 70 mg C kg?1); and CWC (27 to 33 mg C kg?1). Labile C fractions contributed at most 1.2% to total C. Concentrations of total N ranged from 1072 to 1230 g N kg?1. Recalcitrant C contributed higher amounts (>90%) to total C, indicating the incorporation of C into the stable C fraction. Carbon dioxide (CO2) and nitrous oxide (N2O) fluxes were not significantly correlated with total C.  相似文献   

黄河三角洲废弃盐田复垦土壤碳氮磷生态化学计量学特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选取黄河三角洲废弃盐田复垦1,2,3,4,7,8,9年7个复垦年限及农田(非复垦形成)0—100 cm土层土壤为研究对象,通过测定复垦土壤有机碳(SOC)、总氮(TN)、总磷(TP)含量,分析不同复垦年限及农田土壤养分时空变异格局及化学计量学特征,并同步测定土壤理化性状、酶活性,计算土壤C、N、P储量。结果表明:废弃盐田复垦1,2,3,4,7,8,9年0—100 cm土层土壤SOC、TN含量远低于全国平均水平;复垦1,2年0—100 cm土层土壤TP含量低于全国平均水平,复垦3,4,7,8,9年土壤TP含量持平或略高于全国平均含量。随复垦年限的增加,土壤SOC、TN含量及N/P先降低后升高,C/N先升高后降低,C/P在复垦7年后持续升高,0—20 cm土层C、N、P储量不断增加,而TP含量则表现为波动变化的特征。随土层深度增加,土壤TP含量及除复垦1年外的土壤TN含量先升高后降低,C/N持续增加,N/P持续降低,而不同复垦年限土壤SOC含量、C/P仅在0—40 cm土层具有明显的垂直变化规律。不同复垦年限0—20,20—40 cm土层土壤SOC、TN、TP与土壤容重呈显著负相关,与脲酶、碱性磷酸酶、蔗糖酶呈极显著或显著正相关,土壤C储量与C/N、C/P呈极显著正相关。相关性分析还表明,土壤SOC、TN含量是调控复垦土壤生态化学计量比的主要因素。  相似文献   

王晓杰  张京  高俊峰  洪昕  黄佳聪  李骏 《土壤》2023,55(6):1272-1278
太湖水体富营养化的重要驱动之一是流域上游区域的氮磷流失。圩区作为太湖上游平原区域的主要地理单元,具有复杂的水文与氮磷流失过程。针对圩区科学氮磷识别与高效管控是太湖治理的关键。本研究以太湖上游平原圩区为研究对象,采用氮动态模型(Nitrogen Dynamic model for lowland Polder systems,NDP)和磷动态模型(Phosphorus Dynamic model for lowland Polder systems,PDP)模拟圩区氮磷流失的动态过程,并基于圩区氮磷流失机制进行管理情景定量模拟与氮磷减污效益分析。结果表明:1)圩区氮磷的年平均流失强度分别为40和1.75 kg/ha/yr,高于太湖流域的平均氮磷流失水平;2)当圩区外部水质控制为Ⅳ类时,氮磷流失强度分别为37.54和1.58 kg/ha/yr,圩区截流氮磷量分别增加4.9%和9.9%,高氮磷流失级别的圩区数量分别减少26.2%和63.8%;3)如将圩区内5%的水田转化为水体,氮磷流失强度分别为36.73和1.72 kg/ha/yr,圩区截流氮磷量分别增加6.6%和1.7%,高氮磷流失级别的圩区数量分别减少46.2%和22.5%;4)圩区氮磷的流失机制具有明显不同,圩外水质目标对于圩内磷的流失影响较大,圩内的水体和坑塘等对于氮滞留和净化更加有优势。  相似文献   

长江上游及西南诸河泥石流滑坡及其减灾对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
长江上游及西南诸河区地形高差悬殊,地质构造复杂,降雨丰沛且多暴雨,是我国泥石流、滑坡最为发育的地区。区内发育降雨型泥石流、溃决型泥石流和冰雪消融型泥石流,以及地震滑坡、工程滑坡和降雨滑坡。泥石流和滑坡主要沿断裂带、河流和交通线成线状密集分布,在地震区成群分布,其活动具有突发性、准周期性、群发性、季节性和夜发性、灾害链生效应等特征,对城镇、道路、矿山、农田、水利水电工程、景观资源和风景名胜、生态环境等造成危害。考虑到灾害活动特点和现有的减灾基础,提出如下减灾对策:开展全区灾害普查,建立灾害信息共享平台;全面考虑减灾需求,合理部署减灾工作;重视基础研究,研发减灾技术,规范减灾行为;健全灾害监测体系,提高灾害监测预警精度;加大重点灾害的治理力度,建立不同类型灾害治理模式;进行灾害风险分析,加强灾害风险管理;探索新时期减灾规律,建立灾害持续治理和减灾长效运行机制;加强能力建设,进行减灾教育和科普宣传。  相似文献   

以探明漓江流域喀斯特森林土壤的碳氮磷储量分布为目的,为保护漓江流域脆弱的喀斯特生态系统提供理论依据。在漓江上中下游各流域段的典型喀斯特森林共设置20 m×20 m的15块天然林样方,对森林植被进行每木检尺调查,采用五点采集法采集0—20,20—40 cm土层土壤,分析土壤碳氮磷储量空间分布情况及驱动因子作用途径,量化各类生物和非生物因子对区域喀斯特森林土壤养分储量分布格局形成的作用贡献。结果表明:(1)漓江流域喀斯特森林土壤碳氮磷储量平均分布表现为上游>下游>中游,在漓江流域喀斯特森林土壤中碳、氮、磷储量分别为55.8~192.0,3.1~14.8,6.0~12.0 kg/m2。在同一流域土壤中,0—20 cm土层碳氮含量均显著高于同流域20—40 cm土层,磷元素在漓江流域不同深度土层中未表现出显著差异。(2)碳储量与C/P、N/P、森林物种多样性Shannon-Wiener指数和Simpson指数均呈现出显著正相关关系;氮储量与C/P、N/P、Shannon-Wiener指数和Simpson指数均呈现显著正相关关系,与C/N呈现显著负相关关系;磷储...  相似文献   

土壤速效氮磷钾测定进展   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
本文就过去大约二十年来土壤速效氮磷钾的测定方法的进展做一综述。主要进展表现在硝态氮测定中水杨酸法、试纸法、氮测定中梅森瓶法、磷测定中孔雀绿法的应用及依据不同原理的流动分析方法等方面。  相似文献   

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