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This paper focuses on the influence of uranium tailing piles on the contamination of their immediate surroundings. The monitoring was carried out on arable land near Pribram in Central Bohemia, Czech Republic. The monitored arable land is located 600 m northeast of the bottom of the piles. In addition, the high uranium (U) content in the topsoil ranged from 40 to 220 ppm. A former portion of it was found in an exchangeable fraction (49%). Both of these facts make this land unsuitable for agricultural use. The sequential extraction discovered a shift in the U content among sample spots situated in and outside the path of the predominant wind direction. In the first group, uranium binds mainly to Fe/Mn oxides, while in the other samples, U is accumulated in the more mobilizable fractions.  相似文献   

泰安抽水蓄能电站弃渣场址方案的确定涉及到众多因素的影响,既有确定性因素,又有不确定性因素;既有定性指标,又有定量指标,方案的确定具有模糊性。抽水蓄能电站弃渣场址的选择,是一项系统工程,应综合考虑各因素的影响,经分析选定评价指标主要为A(生态指标)、B(经济指标)、C(社会效益指标)三大类。采用模糊优选理论模型进行抽水蓄能电站弃渣场址方案的选择是科学的,合理的。  相似文献   

昆明磷矿废弃地复垦探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
昆明市是云南省最大的磷矿生产基地,随着国内外市场对磷需求的扩大,磷矿资源开采的强度与范围及矿区废弃土地资源数量呈大幅度增加之势,致使矿区生态环境遭到严重破坏。在对昆明地区磷矿开采区生态环境进行调查的基础上,指出了磷矿废弃地复垦中存在的问题及复垦难点,提出了强化水土保持措施的建议。  相似文献   

Environmental Impact of Coal Mining on Water Regime and Its Management   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Coal mining is one of the core industries that contribute to the economic development of a country but deteriorate theenvironment. Being the primary source of energy coal has becomeessential to meet the energy demand of a country. It isexcavated by both opencast and underground mining methods andaffects the environment, especially water resources, by discharginghuge amounts of mine water. The mine water may be acidic orneutral depending upon the pyrite content in the coal asinorganic impurities. Acid mine drainage occurs in those mines in which sulphur content is found in the range of 1–5% in the form of Pyrite (FeS2). It degrades the water qualityof the region in terms of lowering the pH of the surrounding water resources and increasing the level of total suspended solids, total dissolved solids and some heavy metals. In non acidic mines, water quality shows high hardness, TSS and bacterial contaminants. The leachate water from overburden dump are found enriched in metal concentration especially Fe, Cu, Mn and Ni except in one of the clayey dumps. High values ofhardness of mine water reduces it's utility in domestic purposes.The article illustrates the quality of acidic and non acidic minewater and leachate characteristics of opencast coal mining OBdumps. Pollutants such as TSS, TDS, oil and grease and heavy metalare found in the coal mining waste effluents. Management ofthese liquid waste at the primary level and secondary level havealso been suggested to control the pollution level at the source.  相似文献   

[目的]探索废弃采石矿山生态环境恢复治理模式及治理成本,为陕西省韩城市西山一带其余废弃采石矿山和煤矿山的生态环境恢复治理提供借鉴。[方法]通过现场调查、勘探及室内试验,分析韩城市西塬废弃采石矿山的环境地质问题,即采石不稳定边坡地质结构及变形破坏特征与废弃渣石占用耕地及泥流等问题。[结果]提出采石不稳定边坡与废渣的工程治理及生态恢复治理方案。采石不稳定边坡选用削方压脚与坡面植被混凝土技术,植面的植被类型应耐旱、耐寒和耐贫瘠;废弃渣石以挖高填低与分级填筑压实,坡脚修筑挡墙,坡面覆盖土壤并栽植乔灌花草等进行环境恢复治理。[结论]研究区的采石不稳定边坡和矿区堆积废渣应采用"削高填低"的工程治理方案,坡面采用植被技术的生态环境恢复治理方案。  相似文献   


The degree of antimony (Sb) and arsenic (As) pollution and their bioavailability in mining‐affected grassland soils were determined. Antimony and As concentrations in aboveground parts of plants, collected in three consecutive years, were measured to investigate their uptake capacity, food chain contamination, and ecological risks. Total Sb and As contents in soils ranged from 60 to 230 mg/kg and from 42 to 4530 mg/kg, respectively, indicating a high degree of pollution of soils. The mobile fractions of Sb (0.02–0.27% of the total Sb content) and As (0.02–0.70% of the total As content) in soils, which reflect the plant‐available portion, are extremely low compared to total Sb and As contents in soils. The Sb and As contents in plants were also very low in both study areas. This lower accumulation of Sb and As in the plants is attributed to the low bioavailability of Sb and As in mine soils. Antimony and As contents in some plants were lower than the controls, and the concentrations in some plants were slightly higher than the normal grass mean level but were less than the phytotoxic or toxic levels for human or livestock consumption. The results of this study demonstrate that the plants growing in these mining areas, which have evolved As and Sb tolerance and detoxification capacity, can be cultivated to phytostabilize the metalloid‐contaminated mining sites.  相似文献   

土壤环境承载力研究是“土十条”中加强土壤污染防治研究的重要内容,在场地土壤污染修复目标值确定方法中耦合土壤环境承载力的估算模型能够极大地提升修复目标值制定的科学性。以江苏省某市废弃化工场地为研究对象,针对场地土壤中的三种主要污染物汞、六氯苯和氯苯,通过场地土壤布点采样分析,进行了污染物浓度空间分布特征分析和健康风险评价,并基于土壤环境承载力计算公式进行了三类目标污染物的土壤环境承载力和修复目标值的估算。研究结果表明,目标场地土壤中汞和六氯苯浓度超过筛选值的样点占到总样点的50%以上,而氯苯浓度超过筛选值的样点占到了总样点的17%,其空间分布主要受生产过程中的污染源的分布及生产工艺影响;土壤汞和氯苯存在较为严重的非致癌风险,而六氯苯存在严重的致癌风险;以风险筛选值作为环境质量标准的一般情景下的三种污染物的土壤环境承载力均有样点出现了小于0,即超过承载力的现象;以风险管控值为环境质量标准的乐观情景下,该三种污染物的环境承载力均大于0,即该区域还具备继续吸纳污染物的能力;基于土壤环境承载力估算模型的修复目标值较对应的风险筛选值和管控值均高出1.8倍~1.9倍,这是由于在承载力估算模型中对风险...  相似文献   

稀土废矿区的快速绿化治理技术探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
稀土废矿区土壤中残留了大量的NH4^+离子,这是一批宝贵的氮素资源。根据土废矿区土壤的深入分析,采用在废矿区种植桉树、香根草、鸭拓草、宽叶雀稗等植物的方法,取得极显著的快速绿化治理效果,为稀土废矿区治理找到了一个投资省、见效快、效果好的新模式。  相似文献   

通过野外群落调查,对抚仙湖流域磷矿开采区地带性原生植被元江栲群落的结构特征及各物种在群落内的地位进行了分析.结果表明,元江栲作为群落的优势种,对稳定群落的结构和物种组成起着非常重要的作用,可作为磷矿开采废弃地上进行植被恢复的理想树种.研究并制定出磷矿废弃地恢复元江栲群落时合理的物种配置方案,使恢复后的元江栲群落结构合理、物种丰富、系统稳定,以尽快恢复矿区的生态服务功能  相似文献   

张燕  高翔  潘叶  杨晓辉 《水土保持研究》2017,24(2):173-177,183
以南京幕府山采矿废弃地生态修复为例,探讨生态修复如何影响采矿废弃地土壤的性质。研究结果表明:生态修复在先的废弃地土壤有机质含量相对高,因修复模式不同,同一时期修复的土壤有机质含量存在差异;土壤pH值与土壤容重主要取决于修复覆盖的土壤性质,且随修复时间增加,容重降低,而修复植被的生长也影响土壤pH值与土壤容重;土壤水文效应则主要取决于覆土厚度,其次是土壤孔隙度,而土壤孔隙度与土壤容重也与修复植被有关。  相似文献   

[目的] 以草原矿产资源开发形成的排土场为研究对象,研究不同调亏灌溉处理排土场边坡人工栽培牧草生长状况、土壤含水率和坡面侵蚀的变化,为完善草原矿区废弃地植被恢复灌溉技术提供科学依据。 [方法] 设置5种调亏灌溉处理,以充分灌溉为对照(CK),通过对比试验分析不同调亏灌溉处理对边坡人工牧草群落总盖度、地上生物量、坡面径流及水分利用效率的影响,采用秩和比法确定废弃地边坡人工草地最佳补水方案。 [结果] 草原矿区废弃地边坡人工草地建设过程中,随着亏水程度的加重,植物生长发育受到限制,当土壤含水率在土壤田间持水率的45%以下时,植物地上生物量和群落盖度下降明显(p<0.05);植物生长初期,坡面产沙量和径流量随着灌水量的增加显著增加(p<0.05),快速生长期和生长旺盛期各处理之间的产沙量、径流量变化不明显;对比各灌溉处理水平,轻度、中度调亏灌溉(土壤水分含量分别达到土壤田间持水率的55%,45%时)水分利用效率较高。 [结论] 人工草地建植效果、蓄水保土能力、灌溉水利用效率综合评价结果表明,轻度调亏灌溉(土壤水分含量达到土壤田间持水率的55%)在人工草地建植效果与水分利用效率方面结合较好,水土流失防控效果明显,可作为草原区矿山废弃地建设人工草地主要节水灌溉模式优先选择。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the pollution load of selected trace elements in 32 soil samples collected around 21 different mining areas of the Iberian Pyrite Belt (Southwest Spain), integrating chemical data with soil parameters to help understand the partitioning and mobility of pollutants. The minesoils are depleted in acid neutralising minerals and show limiting physicochemical properties, including low pH values and very high anomalies of potentially hazardous metals. The total concentrations of As (up to 1,560 mg kg?1) and certain heavy metals (up to 2,874 mg kg?1 Cu, 6,500 mg kg?1 Pb, 6,890 mg kg?1 Zn, 62 mg kg?1 Hg and 22 mg kg?1 Cd) are two orders of magnitude above the soil background values. The close association of Cd and Zn with the carbonate content in lime-amended minesoils suggests metal immobilisation through adsorption and/or co-precipitation mechanisms, after acid neutralisation, whereas As and Pb are similarly partitioned into the soil and mostly associated with iron oxy-hydroxides.  相似文献   

Over 70 wood chemical plants operated in northern Pennsylvania between ca. 1890 and 1950, all located within 72 km of the New York state border. Their original purpose was to salvage the small unwanted hardwood trees left behind by the lumber mills, and to make charcoal, calcium acetate and methanol for a number of industrial uses via destructive distillation. At many old wood chemical plant sites, unknown quantities of wood tar remain as a residual contaminant and pose a pollution threat to aquatic life in nearby streams. Research on the composition and properties of residual wood tars from five abandoned industrial sites in Pennsylvania are described. Weathered wood tars were more viscous and contained fewer volatile and semivolatile organic compounds than did soil-buried tars. Phenol, 2-methylphenol (o-cresol), 4-methylphenol (p-cresol), and 2, 4-dimethylphenol were found in all sampled tars. These water-soluble phenolic compounds were released quasi-instantaneously in aqueous solution, followed by a slower rate of release, consistent with the behavior of similar compounds in other dense non-aqueous liquids. Air-exposed wood tar deposits developed a hard crust, which contained fewer volatiles and semivolatiles and had a higher softening point than other samples. These tars eroded to form a powdered soil colonized by lichens and mosses. Residual wood tar material found at one site was shown to be thermally altered, likely during the historical destruction of the chemical plant by fire. Recovered wood tar wastes have a relatively high heating value and may have use as a potential, but limited, alternate energy source.  相似文献   

为使抚仙湖流域磷矿开采区恢复的植被结构合理,物种丰富,系统稳定,对研究区分布较广的华山松群落的结构特征及各物种在群落内的地位进行了分析.结果表明,华山松林群落结构完整,物种丰富,生长旺盛,是磷矿开采废弃地上植被恢复的理想林种,并制定出用华山松、滇石栎、小白花杜鹃、厚皮香、地石榴等华山松群落各层优势种,及当地耐贫瘠的乡土物种做磷矿开采废弃地华山松群落恢复的物种配置方案.  相似文献   

矿山废弃地植物种植模式对土壤改良效果   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
为探讨不同植物种植模式对矿山废弃地土壤肥力快速改良的效果,选取8种典型的植物种植模式(黑麦草、草木樨、沙打旺、小冠花、紫穗槐、紫穗槐+小冠花、紫穗槐+黑麦草和草木樨+黑麦草)。通过野外土壤采样与室内养分测定并结合主成分分析方法,对不同植物及种植模式下的土壤肥力进行了相关分析。结果表明:不同种植模式均能较好的改善土壤水分状况,土壤含水率平均值比对照高8.7%;不同种植模式下土壤含水率随着土层深度的增加,总体呈增加—减少—增加—稳定的变化趋势;植物对土壤蓄水保水效果的改良主要体现在0—40cm的土层;土壤中的各养分指标质量分数总体表现为0—10cm土层大于10—20cm土层,呈现出一定的表聚效应;植物生长初期,不同种植模式对矿山废弃地土壤的改良效果依次为沙打旺草木樨黑麦草草木樨+黑麦草紫穗槐+小冠花紫穗槐+黑麦草紫穗槐小冠花,单播种植模式相对优于混播种植模式。研究结果可为今后矿山废弃地重构土壤的水分变化研究、优良种植模式选择及土壤肥力的快速改良提供参考。  相似文献   

为提高甘肃天祝藏族自治县金强河采金废弃区生态修复效果,研究了不同修复模式对植被数量、多样性、保存率、盖度和水土流失的影响。结果表明:修复3年后,回填整地+覆土+种草+种树+封育修复模式的植被数量、多样性、保存率、盖度及0~20 cm土层土壤相对含水量均最高或最多,且林草间作的互作效应明显,修复后的样地内没有形成雨水径流痕迹,地表疏松程度表现为坚硬,修复效果最优。  相似文献   

我国污染地块数量多、潜在环境风险高,管理形势十分严峻。为推动解决当前污染地块环境监管难点问题,2014年8月原环境保护部启动为期3年的污染地块环境监管试点工作,选取湖南省、重庆市和江苏省的常州市、靖江市分别作为省、直辖市、地级市、县级市代表,探索污染地块环境监管的有效模式与路径。本文在系统调查研究的基础上,总结了污染地块环境监管试点的工作成效、亮点、可借鉴经验,针对污染地块风险评估与治理修复过程存在的薄弱环节、部分重点管理制度的内涵不明确、技术标准体系顶层设计不完整、单一模式筹措治理修复资金困难、在产企业土壤环境管理仍是短板等问题提出了意见和建议,以期为我国土壤污染防治领域的顶层设计提供实践支撑、为其他地区的污染地块环境监管工作提供有益参考。  相似文献   

海南岛海岸砂矿开采区的生态退化及恢复   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
借助恢复生态学的原理和方法,对海南岛东海岸钛锆砂矿开采区生态退化的机理和生态恢复的措施进行了分析和探讨.探讨了生态退化的人为因素和自然因素,生态恢复的改土和引种木麻黄技术,以及在木麻黄林中混交植入青梅,引导人工林植被向当地天然林植被演化的可能途径.  相似文献   

基于生态价值的幕府山采矿废弃地修复效果评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
南京幕府山停止采矿后,在10 a间经历了10期和两个专项的生态修复工程。为了解生态修复效果,在对幕府山野外调查采样和遥感数据分析的基础上,遵循生态学原理,对比了幕府山生态修复初期和修复后的生态服务价值量,并进行了可视化处理。结果表明:生态修复工程共创造生态服务价值4 465.17万元,其中,大气层、土壤层、植被层和枯落物层创造出的价值量分别为4 003.71万元、287.62万元、171.66万元和2.18万元。经生态修复,幕府山的生态环境得到显著改善,但不同修复工程的修复效果存在差异;稳定的生态修复效果有待时间的积累,需长期监测采矿废弃地生态修复工程区的生态演替,严格保护生态修复的成果。  相似文献   

林明春 《水土保持通报》2015,35(5):296-301,308
[目的]分析评价福建省大田县银顶格矿区三种人工植被恢复类型土壤的水源涵养功能。[方法]采用土壤入渗率、最大可蓄水量、有效蓄水量和非毛管孔隙等指标进行测定分析。[结果](1)邓恩桉×马尾松类型土壤初渗率、稳渗率和平均入渗率均较快,母质层与淋溶层的初渗率和稳渗率之差均较小,其次为邓恩桉×紫花泡桐类型,马尾松×杉木类型最差;(2)各植被类型各土层入渗率与入渗时间呈显著幂函数关系;(3)邓恩桉×紫花泡桐类型土壤最大可蓄水量、有效蓄水量和非毛管孔隙均较大,邓恩桉×马尾松类型次之,马尾松×杉木类型最差;(4)用主成分法综合评价各植被类型土壤涵养水源能力从高到低依次为:邓恩桉×紫花泡桐类型邓恩桉×马尾松类型马尾松×杉木类型。[结论]邓恩桉×紫花泡桐类型改良矿山废弃地土壤结构效果较好,可在类似地区推广应用。  相似文献   

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