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Bioavailability as a Factor in Risk Assessment of Metal-Contaminated Soil   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To accurately assess the risks of metal contaminants in soil, the bioavailability of the metals need to be considered. The bioavailable concentrations determined from homogenized, dried soils are not necessarily representative of in situ conditions of undisturbed field soils. In this study, we investigated the accumulation of metals in wheat (Triticum aestivum) grown in undisturbed contaminated (Pb, Zn, Cu, and Cd) soil cores, in relation to total soil, leachate, and diffusive gradients in thin films (DGT)-labile metal concentrations. Despite the fact that many of the samples contained metal concentrations above guideline values, no significant effects were observed on wheat growth. The bioavailability of metals in the most contaminated samples was estimated to be medium to low, possibly explaining why few effects were observed in the bioassay. For Cu, Zn, and especially for Pb, leachate and DGT-labile concentrations were better predictors of uptake by wheat than total concentrations based on correlations. It is suggested that DGT and leachate concentrations in combination with bioassays in undisturbed soil cores can be used to account for metal bioavailability in soil. These tests could be used during the ecological risk screening stage, in conjunction with total concentrations and guideline values to better estimate receptor exposure.  相似文献   

刘增俊  刘红敏  夏旭  张旭  李广贺  张丹  姜林 《土壤》2016,48(3):523-528
选用连二亚硫酸钠作为修复药剂,通过正交试验,探讨了药剂量、水土比、养护时间及搅拌时间等4个因素对该药剂修复铬污染土壤效果的影响,并基于肠胃模拟方法,考察了修复前后土壤中铬的生物有效性变化,并评估其健康风险。结果表明,就铬污染土壤而言,药剂量对修复后土壤的六价铬浸出浓度影响最大,其他因素次之。达到较好修复效果的最佳修复条件为药剂量为8%、水土比为0.5、养护时间为1天、搅拌时间为15 min。药剂修复后土壤的六价铬生物有效性大幅降低,降幅为63.21%~84.67%,六价铬致癌风险降幅达81.7%,有效降低人体健康风险。  相似文献   

随着城市化快速发展与产业结构的调整,“退二进三”政策的实施以及重污染企业地理位置的变迁,使得多数城市产生大量可再利用再开发的场地。当前场地土壤环境污染状况日益严峻,对场地土壤开展污染物来源识别,成因解析和防控管理等已成为场地土壤污染治理修复的研究重点。基于国内外文献,综述了场地土壤污染物迁移转化过程、风险评估、治理修复等研究进展,发现场地中污染物的来源、输送的“源-汇”关系和不同介质/界面间迁移转化机制等环境行为的综合性研究有待进一步深化;风险评估框架与方法仍具有一定的不全面性和不确定性;绿色可持续联合修复技术已成为土壤修复治理的核心。未来需加强场地土壤“多来源、多途径、多介质、多界面、多尺度”环境过程和机理以及“排放来源、输送途径、迁移转化、动态累积”生态风险评估的系统研究,发展绿色可持续修复功能材料和技术,以期为我国本土场地土壤污染防控管理与修复治理提供依据。  相似文献   

The combined fate and effects of hydrocarbons (HC) on a soilecosystem affected by bioremediation were studied during 480days in a field experiment. The HC removal rates, the HC andmetabolites mobility and the potential toxicity were assessed.A clayey soil polluted by 18 000 mg HC kg-1 dry soil, wastreated with either static-ventilated biopile or series of fivewindrows periodically tilled in order to determine the relativeinfluence of nutrients, bulking agents, aeration and soiltemperature. HC concentrations were determined by infraredspectrometry, gravimetry, gas chromatography andthermodesorption. Between 70 to 81% of the initial HC wereremoved through biological processes in fertilized soils,whereas natural attenuation without added nutrients was 56%.When adding fertilizers, residual HC were cyclic compoundspoorly biodegraded and strongly trapped on the organo-mineralmatter. Leaching of HC and water-soluble metabolites wasdemonstrated during the first stages of biodegradation. Lowlevels of the HC were detected in the leachates at day 480.Maximal toxicity was highest immediately after the introductionof oil then decreased as biodegradation proceeded. No toxiceffect was recorded on worms survival and on seeds germinationat day 480. However growth of plants was reduced in treatedsoils and a potential residual toxicity was observed on thebasis of photosynthesis inhibition and bacterial bioluminescence (Microtox) tests.  相似文献   

介绍了表面活性剂的种类及主要特征,重点评述了表面活性剂在有机污染、重金属污染和复合污染土壤修复中的国内外最新研究进展,指出了表面活性剂应用于土壤修复中的发展趋势和应关注的问题。  相似文献   

土壤污染现状及修复对策   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
郝亚琦  王益权 《水土保持研究》2007,14(3):249-250,253
从应用化学肥料、化学农药对土壤带来的负面影响角度论述了土壤污染的原因,总结了近年来有关土壤污染防治的传统物理化学方法和应用微生物学和分子生物学对污染土壤进行修复的技术.  相似文献   

土壤中有机碘的形成、转化及挥发对自然界中碘的迁移转化、生态安全、人体健康具有重要意义。本文基于前人对土壤中碘的相关研究,介绍了土壤中碘的形态和含量,重点对碘与有机质结合生成有机碘的反应机理、土壤中碘有机化的影响因素和土壤中有机碘的挥发进行了阐述。土壤中IO3、I发生氧化还原反应,形成中间体物质HIO、I2,中间体通过化学转化和生物转化两种途径生成有机碘。土壤pH、氧化还原电位、有机质含量、酶活性、Fe/Mn氧化物及其氢氧化物浓度影响有机碘的形成和转化。有机碘的挥发在微生物和高等植物中主要通过在体内生成挥发性甲基碘的过程实现。  相似文献   

A study was conducted to determine the efficiency and effectiveness of two commercial microbial based bioremediation products compared to indigenous tropical microorganisms in a small-scale trial. The oil and grease content of the samples was monitored as an indication of the levels of petroleum hydrocarbon during the experiment. The indigenous enriched culture generally biodegraded the petroleum hydrocarbon to a greater extent than the commercial products and media controls early in the bioremediation process (0–5 days). However, as time progressed the extents of biodegradation were not significantly different between treatments until late in the bioremediation process (after 18 days). Of the two commercial products, one was more effective, reducing the level of oil and grease by 52.5% over the 3 week study. However, neither commercial product was able to meet the manufacturer’s stated level of 95% removal within three weeks. Commercial microbial-based bioremediation products may be used with some success in tropical environments, however location-specific trials may be required to ensure that the best commercial product is selected. As an alternative, the selective enrichment of indigenous microorganisms may result in similar performance at a reduced cost.  相似文献   

有机化工污染场地修复后的再利用风险评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为检验污染土壤修复工程的效果,判断修复土地再利用的生态与环境风险,用人体健康风险评价法,依据土壤污染物进入人体的主要途径及可测量的参数,通过评估一块被有机物污染的场地修复前后的风险,度量了不同土地利用方式下多种土壤污染物经各种途径进入并危害人体健康的风险值及总风险。结果表明,不同土地利用方式下,苯、硝基苯、苯胺的总非致癌风险分别由修复工程实施前的4.42~46.10降低到修复后的2.50×10-3~2.61×10-2,总致癌风险则分别由3.06×10-6~7.41×10-6降低到4.75×10-7~1.19×10-6,修复后的土地适宜作为商业服务或工业用地。  相似文献   

Nitrogen (N) loss by ammonia (NH3) volatilization is the main factor for poor efficiency of urea fertilizer applied to the soil surface. Losses can be suppressed by addition of zeolite minerals to urea fertilizer. The objective of this study was to evaluate ammonia volatilization from soil and dry-matter yield and nitrogen levels of Italian ryegrass. A greenhouse experiment was carried out with the treatments of urea, urea incorporated into soil, urea + urease inhibitor, urea + zeolite, ammonium nitrate, and unfertilized treatment. Ammonia was captured by a foam absorber with a polytetrafluoroethylene tape. There were few differences between zeolite and urease inhibitor amendments concerning NH3 volatilization from urea. Results indicate that zeolite minerals have the potential to improve the N-use efficiency and contributed to increasing N uptake. Zeolite and urea mixture reduced 50% the losses by volatilization observed with urea.  相似文献   

Biogas must be pretreated before its use; thus, both physical and chemical methods have been implemented to remove the fuel’s principal pollutants (CO2 and H2S). Additional removal methods that use microorganisms’ biological processes to eliminate pollutants have also emerged. A selection was made from six bacterial isolates to obtain consortia that removed CO2 and eventually H2S through the enrichment of cultures and the construction of clone libraries of gene 16S ribosomal DNA (rDNA). The results indicate that the principal differences between consortia were determined in the culture medium. C5 and C6 consortia had photosynthetic biomass 1.42 and 1.52 μg/ml, respectively, and concentration of dissolved CO2 100.6 and 99.1 mg/l, respectively. The clone libraries showed that Rhodopseudomonas sp. had percentages 46.6, 42.5, and 86.8 % in C4, C5, and C6, respectively; Xanthobacter sp., 24.5 %, Castellaniella sp., 18 % in C5, and Sphingobium sp., 39.2 % in C4.  相似文献   

农药污染土壤的生物强化修复技术研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
高寒  陈娟  王沛芳  王超 《土壤》2019,51(3):425-433
生物强化作为一种新型、高效的生物修复技术在污染环境治理中具有独特优势。针对目前土壤农药污染现状,本文介绍了土壤微生物修复方法中的生物强化技术的概念及内涵,探讨了在污染土壤环境中影响生物强化修复效率的生物及非生物因素,重点阐述了生物强化技术在4大类农药(有机氯类、有机磷类、拟除虫菊酯类杀虫剂和三嗪类除草剂)污染土壤修复中的研究进展及应用实例,并提出生物强化技术面临的问题和未来研究方向。  相似文献   

A three-dimensional (3D) off-line chemical transport model (CTM) has been used to study an Arctic ozone minihole event in early December 2002, when the meteorological conditon were severely colder than in recent years. The minimum temperatures were below 188 K on 6 December 2002 and remained below 195 K for the entire month. Such temperatures are low enough for the formation of PSCs (polar stratospheric clouds) which were observed by a visible/near infrared solar occultation instrument by the Polar Ozone and Aerosol Measurement (POAM) III experiment. The SLIMCAT model compares well with the depth and evolution of the ozone distribution as observed by the second European Remote Sensing Satellite (ERS-2) Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment (GOME). The combined effect of a very strong and large intrusion of sub-tropical air, and uplifting of air masses of low ozone concentrations from the troposphere plays important role in the fomation of the ozone minihole. The modelled chemical ozone loss rate was relatively fast in the lower stratosphere in the region of frequent PSCs and higher levels of ClO and BrO. The observed PSCs in the vicinity of the minihole supports the model-predicted location of PSCs and chlorine activation. However, ozone miniholes have been attributed almost entirely to dynamical effects due to its short duration.  相似文献   


The volatilization of ammonia is the main reaction that decreases the efficiency of nitrogen fertilization and in order to reduce losses. new technologies such as addition of N-n-butyltriamide thiophosphate (NBPT) to the conventional urea granule (UNBPT) or the covering with polymer and sulfur (UPS) have been developed with the aim to optimize nitrogen fertilization. This work aimed to evaluate the volatilization of ammonia (NH3) in conventional urea (CU) and fertilizers with associated technology under: (a) three temperature conditions (b) and three soil moisture management. The fertilizer CU presented the highest losses by volatilization of 25.93 mg dm?3 while fertilizers with associated technology registered 23.93 mg dm?3 and 8.26 mg dm?3 for UNBPT and UPS. respectively. The highest volatilization of NH3 was registered at 45°C for all fertilizers. Fertilizers with associated technology extended the N-release time. delaying the volatilization peak up to the 6th day or even promoted the gradual release of fertilizer in the soil. such as UPS. The UNBPT showed the lowest volatilization values in the 1st water application. while the CU had lower volatilization values at 25°C (14.48 mg dm?3 NH3) and 35°C (16.99 mg dm?3 NH3) when the matric potential was increased from ?100 to ?50 kPa in the 1st application of water. The UPS did not differ from the volatilization values for the three times of water application.  相似文献   

余云飞  杨世辉  严浩 《土壤》2018,50(5):975-980
污染场地土壤修复目标值确定对于土壤污染的修复效果至关重要,也是污染土壤修复工程实践中出现的难点。国家环境保护部已正式发布了《污染场地风险评估技术导则》(HJ25.3—2014),但实际上《土壤环境质量标准》(GB15618—1995)、《展览会用地土壤环境质量评价标准》(HJ350—2007)等土壤环境质量标准仍未修订或废止,导致两种评价方式并行,且两种不同方式确定的修复目标值存在明显差异,为修复工作带来了极大的困难。本文调查了重庆某化工厂遗留场地土壤污染现状,分别通过两种评价方式确定了修复目标值,结果显示,两种评价方法确定的超标最严重污染物均为苯并[a]芘,但风险评估模型计算的和土壤环境质量标准确定的修复目标值存在较大差异,分别为0.041、0.3mg/kg,计算确定的修复目标值低于现有标准规定的适用限值,建议国家尽快修订或出台与风险评估模型相适应的土壤环境质量标准。  相似文献   

This paper presents a treatability study for theremediation of soils contaminated with phosalone.Experimental tests were performed on an artificiallycontaminated standard soil with medium organic content.Phosalone was removed from the contaminated soil byflushing with an aqueous solution of ethanol. Ethanolconcentration was in the range between 5 and 10% vol.Pollutant extraction efficiency, ethanol loss in soil andsoil erosion were determined to assess the optimalextraction conditions. The extraction solution was thensubmitted to an hydrolysis treatment in order to remove phosalone.The degradation kinetic of phosalone during hydrolysis inpresence of ethanol was investigated. Experimental testswere performed at several pH and temperature conditions andkinetic constant rate were determined. In addition, theeffect of temperature on half-life time and activationenergy of hydrolysis reaction was examined.  相似文献   

通过室内培养试验,研究了纳米羟基磷灰石对土壤重金属的固定和修复,并通过毒性溶出试验TCLP(Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure)对同定效果进行了评价。结果表明,纳米羟基磷灰石的施入显著降低了土壤中Cu和Zn的生物有效性,而且土壤中Cu和Zn有效态的含量与纳米羟基磷灰石的施用量呈显著负相关。其主要原因为纳米羟基磷灰石的水解释放大量OH^-离子,导致土壤pH增加;此外纳米羟基磷灰石吸附固定重金属进而降低了土壤中重金属的有效性。包施不如同等材料用量混施的钝化效果好,且所用时间较长,但包施具有将所施材料和被吸附重金属移出土壤体系的优点。  相似文献   

Adsorption isotherms of metsulfuron and bensulfuron on a hexadecyltrimethylammonium (HDTMA) bromide-modified paddy soil under different ionic strengths, with divalent cation Cu^2+, or having different pH were studied to describe their adsorptive behavior, and to try to explain the adsorption process of a sulfonylurea compound with a carbamoylsulfamoyl group in the modified soil environment. All the adsorption isotherms fitted the Freundlich equation well, and the HDTMA treatment of paddy soil dramatically enhanced adsorption capacity of metsulfuron or bensulfuron. Also, an increase of ionic strength and the addition of divalent heavy metal cation Cu^2+ on the HDTMA-modified paddy soil increased the adsorption of metsulfuron or bensulfuron. Additionally, for metsulfuron and bensulfuron in the aqueous phase, adsorption capacity of the HDTMA-modified paddy soft gradually increased with decreasing pH.  相似文献   

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