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137Cs activities in mosses collected from four sites in Macedonia, N. Greece were measured for regular periods of time during the last decade following the reactor accident in Chernobyl. Samples taken in 1985 allow to determine the 137Cs contamination before the accident. A clear increase of the cesium interception was observed for about two years after the accident. Later a gradual decrease was detected which depended on various factors such as moss species, location, growth rate and substrate. Higher 137Cs amounts were observed in epilithic (Grimmia) in comparison to epiphytic or epigeic ones ( Encalypta, Tortula). From the studied biotopes Mt. Vermion presented the highest 137Cs activities. The high 137Cs values found 10 yr after Chernobyl suggest that mosses are effective and inexpensive biological detectors of the distribution and burden of fallout radionuclides.  相似文献   

The results of a one-year detailed water quality study of the Pinios river are presented. Physicochemical parameters (pH, conductivity, DO) did not show significant differences neitherbetween sampling sites, nor between sampling periods. Nutrients(nitrogen and phosphorus compounds) showed temporal variationsprobably caused by seasonal variations in runoff nutrient fromweather events. Heavy metals (Pb, Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni) were determinedin the dissolved fraction and the variations observed were related to the geology of the examined area and the influence from anthropogenic sources. Statistical analysis of variance ofthe most important chemical parameters and heavy metals showedsignificant variation between sampling periods, but insignificantones between sampling sites.  相似文献   

The results of the extensive measurements ofCesium-137 (137Cs) in virgin soils, plants,forest litter and lake bottom sediments of AltayRegion in 1992–1995 are presented. Analyses of thevertical soil profiles indicate that 137Cs ispresent in the upper 5–20 cm of the soil. Crops andthe majority of wild plants show no signs ofcontamination with 137Cs even in areas where soilis contaminated. A regional map of 137Csconcentration is presented, which shows a highlyirregular pattern of radio-cesium deposition from thenuclear tests on the Semipalatinsk Nuclear Polygonbetween 1949 to 1962. This kind of lateraldistribution of 137Cs in Altay virgin topsoilscannot be accounted for only by the distance from thenuclear testing site, on the contrary, it seems to bepredominantly dependent on the weather conditions anda pattern of rainfall at the time of Semipalatinskexplosions. The article discusses the factors causingthe post-precipitation redistribution of 137Cs inthe soil column and demonstrates that forest litter,lichen and lake bottom sediments can be used assensitive indicators of the historical and currentradioactive contamination.  相似文献   

This study assessed the downstream extent andseverity of copper (Cu), cadmium (Cd), and zinc (Zn)contamination from acid mine drainage on juvenile chinook salmon(Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) and aquatic insects over aroughly 270-km reach of the Sacramento River below KeswickReservoir. During April–May 1998, salmon were collected fromfour sites in the river and from a fish hatchery that receiveswater from Battle Creek. Salmon from river sites were examinedfor gut contents to document their consumption of variousinvertebrate taxa, whereas salmon from river sites and thehatchery were used for metal determinations. Midge(Chironomidae) and caddisfly (Trichoptera) larvae and mayfly(Ephemeroptera) nymphs were collected for metal determinationsduring April–June from river sites and from Battle and Buttecreeks. The fish hatchery and Battle and Butte creeks served asreference sites because they had no history of receiving minedrainage. Salmon consumed mostly midge larvae and pupae (44.0%,damp-dry biomass), caddisfly larvae (18.9%), Cladocera (5.8%),and mayfly nymphs (5.7%). These results demonstrated thatinsects selected for metal determinations were important as fishforage. Dry-weight concentrations of Cu, Cd, and Zn weregenerally far higher in salmon and insects from the river thanfrom reference sites. Within the river, high metalconcentrations persisted as far downstream as South Meridian (thelowermost sampling site). Maximum concentrations of Cd (30.7 μg g-1) and Zn (1230 μg g-1),but not Cu (87.4 μg g-1), in insects exceeded amounts that other investigators reported as toxic when fed for prolonged periods to juvenile salmonids.  相似文献   

Historical profiles of trace element concentrations were reconstructed from two mangrove sediment cores collected within the Ba Lat Estuary (BLE), Red River, Vietnam. Chronologies of sediment cores were determined by the 210Pb method, which showed that each respective sediment core from the south and north entrances of BLE provided a record of sediment accumulation spanning approximately 100 and 60 years. The profiles of Pb, Zn, Cu, Cr, V, Co, Sb, and Sn concentrations markedly increased from the years of the 1920s–1950s, and leveled out from 1950s–1980s, and then gradually decreased from 1980s to present. The profiles of Cd and Ag concentrations increased from 1920s–1940s, and then decreased from 1940s to present. The profile of Mo concentrations progressively increased from 1920s–1980s, then decreased to present. The Mn concentrations failed to show a clear trend in both sediment cores. Results from contamination factors, Pearson’s correlation, and hierarchical cluster analysis suggest that the trace elements were likely attributed to discharge of untreated effluents from industry, domestic sewage, as well as non-point sources. Pollution Load Index (PLI) revealed levels higher than other mangrove sediment studies, and the long-term variations in PLI matched significant socioeconomic shifts and population growth in Vietnam. Geoaccumulation Index showed that mangrove sediments were moderately polluted by Pb and Ag, and from unpolluted to moderately polluted by Zn, Cu, and Sb. The concentrations of Pb, Zn, Cu, Cr, and Cd exceeded the threshold effect levels and effect range low concentrations of sediment quality guidelines, implying that the sediments may be occasionally associated with adverse biological effects to benthic organisms.  相似文献   

Nonylphenol (NP), nonylphenol mono- and di-ethoxylate (NP1EO, NP2EO) and bisphenol A (BPA) were determined in water, suspended particulate matter (s.p.m.) and bed sediment collected from the most polluted stretch of Tiber river (Italy) in the neighbourhood of Rome. Analytes were recovered from water samples by solid-phase extraction (SPE) on Si–C18 cartridges and analysed by HPLC with fluorescence detection. Solid samples were extracted by using an aqueous solution of the non-ionic surfactant Tween 80. Results indicated that 2–42% of NP, 9–45% of NP1EO, 11–18% of NP2EO and 4–62% of BPA respectively occurred in the suspended phase. In general, for all compounds a higher affinity for s.p.m. than for bed sediments was observed, reflecting differences in the nature of particles and in their sorption capacity for organic micro-pollutants. The partition of target compounds in river compartments was affected by differences in hydrological conditions between the two sampling campaigns. Run-off from the basin or resuspension/redissolution from sediments was an important source of nonylphenol and bisphenol A during high discharge regimes. Partition coefficients of compounds (log K oc ) between water and s.p.m. were calculated under stable flow condition. K oc values, experimentally measured in the river, were higher than those predicted by K ow , implying that specific chemical interaction could occur in the sorption mechanisms for these group of compounds.  相似文献   

Nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) concentrations were determined in sediment samples along the bed of Catatumbo river in both Colombian and Venezuelan territories until the river outlet in Maracaibo lake. Total phosphorus was determined by digestion with HCl followed by analysis using the ascorbic acid method and total nitrogen was done using the standard microkjeldahl method plus nitrate-nitrite. Ammonium, orthophosphate and nitrate were determined using standard methods after extraction steps. The mean concentrations along the river bed were found in an interval of 0.035 and 1.492 mg g-1 dry sed. for nitrogen and 0.027 and 1.039 mg g-1 dry sed. for phosphorus at 95% confidence level. The mean molar ratio N/P in the river bed was 4.42 and 3.46 for river outlet zones in the lake, which indicates that nitrogen is the limiting nutrient. For comparison with previous results of lake sediments from sites near the river outlet it was concluded that Catatumbo river is a significant source of nutrients to the Maracaibo Lake system because sediment nutrients concentrations from Catatumbo river were higher than the ones in Maracaibo Lake. Statistic studies showed significant differences between countries, zones and similar behaviour in the river bed as related to the affluent rivers.  相似文献   

Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn and Al were determined in surficial sediment samples from Catatumbo River (including sediments from major tributaries) a binational basin shared by both Venezuela and Colombia in approximately 30% and 70%, respectively. The global mean concentration of the metals was Al > Fe > Mg > Ca > Mn (0.376; 0.304; 0.063; 0.042; 5.9 × 10-4 mmol g-1 dry weight). The objectives of this investigation were (1) to establish metal-concentration baselines, and (2) to determine spatial distribution of Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn and Al concentrations, in bed sediment samples from Catatumbo River (including sediments from major tributaries). As Catatumbo River is the main tributary to Lake Maracaibo system (South America's largest inland lake), its impact on the eutrophication process of Lake Maracaibo due to the formation of metal/phosphorus complexes is discussed.  相似文献   

To determine and characterize the initial background concentrations of heavy metals, a total of 50 sediment samples were collected from the largest lake at the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-arid Tropics (ICRISAT) in Patancheru, India. The finely ground sediment samples were digested using a microwave-assisted digestion method and analyzed for 15 heavy metals using inductively coupled plasma–optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES). The results showed that the concentrations of the heavy metals varied greatly with metal and sediment sample, but in general the concentrations were low. Our results suggest that the sediments from this lake (15 ha in area) at the ICRISAT center do not appear contaminated with the heavy metals evaluated, and they indeed reflect normal background concentrations of these metals released through the natural process of weathering.  相似文献   

Lipophilic anthropogenic contaminants enter the environment from different kinds of human activities and corresponding emission sources. In the hydrosphere, they accumulate frequently in specific sedimentary zones, among others, and at coastal areas, forming reservoirs of pollutants. Marine and freshwater sediment samples as well as soil samples from a highly industrialized coastal area in Northern Greece have been analyzed in order to have a detailed view on the state of the particle-associated pollution. Noteworthy, based on extended GC/MS non-target screening analyses, interesting, so far unknown, or rarely documented contaminants have been identified and quantified comprising, e.g., mono- and dichlorocarbazoles, bromocarbazole, 2,6-di-tert-butyl-4-nitrophenol, etc. However, all relevant contaminants are discussed with respect to their spatial concentration profiles, their emission sources, and their pathway. In addition, numerous pollutants are suggested to become selected for environmental monitoring programs. Hence, this study can act as an example for adapting individual monitoring programs to the individual contamination in coastal areas.  相似文献   

为研究淤积物营养特征对不同生长时期内水生植物生物量的影响,在石佛寺水库人工湿地采集对比了芦苇(Phragmites communis)和蒲草(Typha angustifolia)两种不同水生植物区域内的淤积物和生物植株,研究了不同营养特征淤积物对水生植物生物量的影响。结果表明:淤积物内营养特征与各时期内水生植物的生物量具有一定的相关关系。生长初期,芦苇和蒲草的生物量与淤积物中氮元素(N)和磷元素(P)呈负相关,其中与TP含量的相关性达到显著水平(p<0.05),即较高的淤积物中营养元素含量会对水生植物的生长产生抑制作用;随着水生植物的进一步生长,这种抑制作用逐渐变小,并逐渐转变为促进作用,淤积物中营养元素含量与水生植物生物量的相关关系由负相关转为正相关;水生植物进入成熟期后,芦苇和蒲草的生物量达到最大值,淤积物内TN及TP含量均与水生植物的生物量呈显著正相关关系;之后随水生植物死亡腐解,这种关系逐渐消失。淤积物营养水平会对水生植物生长产生影响,主要表现在生物量的累积上。不同水生植物生长所受影响有所差异,蒲草的生物量与淤积物中营养元素含量的相关性更高。  相似文献   

为探索宁夏引黄灌区农田排水沟水生植物物种组成和多样性,采用样方调查法在灌区农田选取典型支沟、斗沟和农沟,并在每条沟渠布设上、中、下游断面,断面上设置样方大小进行退水沟渠水生植物物种种类、数量、多度、盖度调查。结果表明:宁夏引黄灌区排水沟水生植物由11个科,13个属,20个种组成,其中,芦苇、蔗草、水莎草、香蒲、龙须眼子菜和浮叶眼子菜是分布较广的优势种。群落垂直分层明显,但以芦苇及其伴生种组成的挺水群落多见。灌区农田排水沟各层次植物种类分布和多样性指数差异较大,表现为农沟〉斗沟〉支沟。水位和流速是影响沟渠水生植物形态及分布的主要因素。农沟中水流速度较慢,生长环境稳定,有利于多种植物的繁殖,为科学合理布局优势物种富集农田排水中的养分,以达到控制农田非点源污染目的提供了可能。  相似文献   

Traditionally, the Guadiamar River (Seville, Southwest Spain) has received pollution from two different sources, in its upper section, from a pyrite exploitation (Los Frailes mine) and, in its lower section, from untreated urban and industrial wastes and from intensive agricultural activities. In 1998, the accidental spillage of about 6 million m3 of acid water and sludge from mine tailings to Guadiamar River worsened the pollution of an already contaminated area. The main polluting agents of the spillage were heavy metals. The total concentration of a metal provides scarce information about the effects on environmental processes or about the toxicity of the sediment samples. A more sophisticated fractionation of the sediment samples based on a species distribution can help to understand the behaviour and fate of the metals. This article describes a distribution study of the metals Al, Cd, Cu, Fe, Mn, Pb and Zn by fractionation analysis of sediments from eleven sample sites alongside the Guadiamar Riverbed. The samples were collected in summer 2002, four years after the spillage and after the area had been cleaned. Sequential extraction analysis resulted in the definition of four fraction categories: exchangeable metal (the most available fraction), reducible metal (bound to hydrous oxides of Fe and Mn), oxidizable metal (bound to organic matter and sulphides) and a residual fraction (bound to minerals). Significant increases in the available fraction of several potentially toxic metal ions like Cd, Mn and Zn were found. The distribution pattern was variable along the River. At the site closest to the mineworks, the soluble forms of Cd, Mn and Zn were significantly more abundant that those downstream. Cu and Pb were present in the reducible fraction while Fe was present associated in the residual fraction.  相似文献   

The aquatic system of Hochiminh City comprises two main rivers: the Sai Gon and Nha Be rivers. Five canals discharge into these two rivers: NhieuLoc-ThiNghe, TauHu-BenNghe, TanHoa-LoGom, ThamLuong-BenCat and Doi-Te. The rivers and these canals collect effluent water from domestic and industrial sources. Most of these flows are not treated or at most are only primarily treated. A total of 33 sediment cores were taken from these rivers and canals. Chemical composition of these aquatic sediments has very high concentrations of several “urban” metals such as Cd, Cr, Cu and Zn. Most of the samples have exceeded the US EPA’s toxicity reference values for Cu, Zn and Cr (82, 82 and 70%, respectively). The highest concentrations of these metals appear to be associated with the uncontrolled and untreated industrial runoff to the discharge canals. These concentrations in fluvial sediment are relatively low, which indicates the dilution process of the contaminants. This finding indicates that the anthropogenic inputs play an important role in the elevation of heavy metals in the aquatic system and organic matter seems to exert a strong geochemical control on the amount of heavy metals. The Pearson correlation coefficients calculated for Cd, Cr, Cu and Zn, are 0.89; 0.72; 0.93 and 0.87, respectively.  相似文献   

In Central Vietnam, and more especially in Thua Thien Hue Province, aquatic plants are used empirically by some farmers as an external source of organic matter to improve fertility of sandy soils. The fertilization capacities of aquatic plant species [Najas indica (Willid.) Cham., Najas minor All., Vallisneria spiralis L. (Michx.) Torr., Hydrilla verticillata (L.f.) Royle, Potamogetum malaianus Miq., Myriophyllum spicatum L., Enteromorpha flexuosa (Wulfen) J. Agardh, Rhizoclonium kerneri Stockmayer, and Eichhornia crassipes (Mart) Solms] were assessed from a pot trial including soils amended with aquatic plants (5 g dry matter kg?1 soil) and soils supplied with increasing rates of urea nitrogen (N) fertilizers. Rice (Oryza sativa L.) at a vegetative stage was used as a convenient bio‐extractor. The fertilization capacity of aquatic plant amendments was calculated from aboveground biomass and from N accumulated in shoots as compared to treatments receiving only inorganic N fertilizers. Najas indica (Willid.) Cham. and Hydrilla verticillata (L.f.) Royle showed the greatest fertilization capacity, equivalent to 170–180 mg urea‐N kg?1 soil as estimated from biomass yield, whereas a lesser fertilization capacity, equivalent to less than 100 mg urea‐N kg?1 soil, was observed for Myriophyllum spicatum L., Enteromorpha flexuosa (Wulfen) J. Agardh, Rhizoclonium kerneri Stockmayer, and Eichhornia crassipes (Mart) Solms. This study provides quantitative data on the fertilization capacity of aquatic plants found in the coastal area of central Vietnam, which can improve this empirical practice and alleviate local agro‐environmental constraints related to the lack of organic matter in farming systems.  相似文献   

Sediment samples from 24 tributaries of the Po River (Italy) were screened for selected trace elements (Cd, Cu, Hg, Pb, and Zn) and extractable organic compounds; a proxy for contamination by organic microcontaminants. The toxicity of sediment extracts was evaluated using a battery of biotests (Dugesia gonocephala, Paracentrotus lividus, and Tamnocephalus platyurus). Contamination by trace elements (including very high Hg pollution – 4 to 16ppm total Hg – in one sub-basin) reached potentially harmful levels only in the sediments of four tributaries; while contamination by organic microcontaminants was present in most sub-basins. Sediments from most study sites did actually show signs of anthropogenic stress and were able to elicit a toxic response. A more detailed evaluation of sediment quality in the Po River tributaries seems to be urgently needed for developing the necessary remediation strategies. Research priorities should include more thorough testing of sediment toxicity, determination of metal background levels in the various sub-basins and a more detailed identification of the organic micropollutants of possible concern.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the distribution of selected trace metals, 137Cs and 210Pb, in floodplain deposits of the lowland Warta River (southern Poland) downstream of Cz?stochowa, a large city with an iron smelter. The depth profiles of trace metal (Zn, Pb, Cu, Ni, Cd and Mn), 210Pb and 137Cs contents in floodplain sediments were used to derive deposition rates on the floodplain for the twentieth century. The applicability of particular chronometric tools is considered within the context of their mutual relationships and confirmed by the consistency of the results. Deposition rate estimates for the past 50 years based on the vertical patterns of trace metal concentrations, which were correlated with particular events in the development of the smelter, range from 0.4 cm·year?1 in profiles situated in backswamps far from the channel to over 1.1 cm·year?1 in profiles of the natural levee adjacent to the river. Deposition rates based on 210Pb inventories in the profiles range from 0.08 to 0.66 g·cm?2·year?1, which corresponds to linear sedimentation rates of 0.10 to 0.91 cm·year?1, respectively. Dating of characteristic levels associated with peak fallout of 137Cs gives sediment accretion rates resembling those obtained from trace metals and 210Pb. The period of the highest sediment accumulation rate could be related to the highest loads of effluent from the iron smelter and city of Cz?stochowa, which were substantially reduced after the construction of effluent treatment plant.  相似文献   

The contents of ten elements [Cd, Pb, W, Zn, Mn, As, Se, Cr, Cu, and organic carbon (Corg)] have been determined in the surficial sediments of Keratsini harbor, Saronikos Gulf, Greece. The contamination of the sediments was assessed on the basis of geoaccumulation index and to corresponding sediment quality guidelines (SQGs) effects range low/effects range median. The results revealed highly elevated Cd, Pb, W, Zn, As, Se, Cr, Cu, and Corg values (Cd, 190–1,763 mg kg?1; Pb, 521–1,263 mg kg?1; W, 38–100 mg kg?1; Zn, 409–6,725 mg kg?1; Mn, 95–1,101 mg kg?1; As, not detectable–1,813 mg kg?1; Se, not detectable–58 mg kg?1; Cr, 264–860 mg kg?1; Cu, 195–518 mg kg?1; and Corg, 0.69–4.41%). The enrichment of metals in the sediments results from the contribution of the central Athens sewage outfall through which the waste of the Attica basin ends up in Keratsini harbor as well as from industrial and ship contaminants.  相似文献   

采用改进的七步连续提取法分别对黄河中下游流域5个不同段位表层沉积物中总磷(TP)、有机磷(OP)及各种无机磷形态进行了分析,研究并探讨了沉积物中磷的分布特征及其对河海可能产生的影响,为预测黄河乃至渤海流域的营养状况、预防及科学管理等提供理论依据。结果表明,所测黄河表层沉积物中TP含量范围为240.71-576.59μg.g^-1,以无机磷(IP)为主,占TP含量的85.73%-98.48%;OP含量占TP的1.52%-14.27%。受陆地河流和海流注入的影响,所研究沉积物样中TP、IP和OP含量的最大值均出现在靠近黄河口的渤海浅海区,其次是黄河口。IP分为6种形态磷,即交换态磷(Ex-P)、铝结合态磷(Al-P)、铁结合态磷(Fe-P)、闭蓄态磷(Obs-P)、自生钙结合磷(Ca-P)和原生碎屑磷(De-P),其中以De-P为主,其次是Ca-P,分别占TP的52.47%-73.67%和18.32%-38.20%,Ex-P、Fe-P和Al-P含量均相对较低,Obs-P含量最低。各形态磷的空间分布均与调查区沉积物粒径有一定相关性,粒径小于0.063 mm的沉积物样中TP和IP含量均最高。Ex-P、Al-P、Fe-P、Or-P和部分Ca—P作为黄河表层沉积物中潜在的生物可利用磷,其总量至少占TP的6.09%-24.46%。  相似文献   

利用水生植物净化富营养化水体是污染水体生物治理的途径之一,为了找出适宜在水体中生长并对磷的去除效果较好的植物,选择5个品种的水稻以及空心菜、茭白和水花生为供试水生植物,通过静态水培试验,研究了各植物在富营养化水体中的生长状况,以及对水体中磷的去除效果。结果表明,在不添加任何植物营养的条件下,植物在富营养化水体中均能正常生长;有植物处理系统对水体中总磷(TP)、水溶性总磷(DTP)的去除效果显著高于无植物对照;有植物处理系统TP的去除率为53.28%~84.07%,DTP的去除率为44.99%~88.81%;无植物对照TP的去除率为32.57%,DTP的去除率为37.51%。植物组织所累积的磷占各自系统去除量的21.54%~75.32%,植物的吸收作用是磷去除的主要途径。水稻功米1号的经济产量最高,为616.28 g.m-2,组织所累积的磷占系统去除量也是最大,为75.32%。在所有供试植物中,水稻功米1号对富营养化水体既有较好的净化效果,又能获得一定的经济产量,是最优的净化植物,同时也是最适宜在水体中生长的水稻品种。  相似文献   

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