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Diplopods feed organic matter in decomposition; however, some environmental factors can promote changes in tissues of these animals. Sewage sludge has been applied for recuperation of physical structure of degraded soil. This work analyzed the influence of the sludge from a city of São Paulo in the midgut of the diplopod Rhinocricus padbergi. After the exposition to sludge, the midgut was prepared for histological and ultra-structural analyses. After 1 week of exposition, there were various glycoprotein globules in the fat body, which appeared, ultrastructurally, little electron dense. In the animals exposed for 2 weeks, there was an intensive renovation of the epithelium with the invasion of regenerative cells, which was observed in the histological and ultra-structural analyses. These data showed that the sludge present various substances that were very hazardous for these animals; more studies were necessary before the application of this in agriculture.  相似文献   

The destination of sewage sludge is a problem faced by sewage treatment plants (STPs). Many alternatives have been sought, such as the application of sewage sludge in degraded soils and in agriculture as fertilizer. However, due to the risk of contamination with pathogens and/or metals, the use of sludge should be done cautiously. By the habits that diplopods present, they have been considered good environmental indicators for soil analysis. In this study, animals from the Rhinocricus padbergi species were exposed to two sewage sludge samples from two STPs in the São Paulo State, for different periods. The midgut of the animals were removed and histologically processed and subjected to histochemical tests. It was detected the following tissular responses: clusters of haemocytes through the cells of the fat body layer, increase in the quantity of intracellular granules in the cells of the fat body layer, increase in the release of secretion vesicles of the intestinal epithelium, and intense vacuolization of the cytoplasm of epithelial cells. The results suggest the presence of toxic substances to the studied species in both sludge samples used.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of acute exposure to copper, chromium and mixtures of these metals on reproductive parameters of female Carcinus maenas. The parameters studied were ovarian esterase, acid and alkaline phosphatase activity, ovarian protein content, gonadosomatic index (GSI) and hepatosomatic index (HSI). Metals induced significant decreases on ovarian alkaline phosphatase activity, esterase activity and protein content. Ovarian acid phosphatase activity significantly increased in crabs exposed to chromium, while only a slightly increase was found in females exposed to copper and to mixtures of these metals. Furthermore, a dose-dependent reduction of both GSI and HSI were observed in crabs exposed to metals. These observations suggest that copper and chromium may interfere with the ovarian cycle in Carcinus maenas and, therefore, with the reproduction of this species. In general, the mixture had more pronounced effects than individual metals. This subject requires further investigation because in polluted estuaries, crabs may be simultaneously exposed to several metals.  相似文献   

污泥堆肥可以有效地用作土壤改良剂和肥料,通过温室盆栽文冠果试验,研究了复垦土壤添加污泥堆肥对复垦植被生长量及土壤含水量和凋萎点的影响.结果表明,污泥堆肥不仅可以促进文冠果的生长,而且可以增强栽培基质的保水性能和植物的抗旱能力.但是,污泥堆肥的用量并不是越多越好,当其用量超过60%时,继续增加污泥堆肥的比例,则植物的吸水能力反而会下降.可见,采用经过堆肥化处理的污泥作为矿区复垦植物栽培基质是可行的无害化途径.  相似文献   

In order to test the potential of chironomiddeformities for biomonitoring, induction of morphologicaldeformities in Chironomus riparius larvae was assessed afterchronic exposure (static with renewal) of eggs and subsequentinstars to sublethal nominal cadmium concentrations of 0, 3 (NOEC),9 (intermediate) and 27 (chronic LC50) μg Cd l-1 during 7to 10 generations. Deformities which could be associated with anindirect or direct cadmium effect were split medial mentum teeth(more frequent in 9 and 27 μg Cd l-1) and premandibledeformities (especially in 3 μg Cd l-1). The controlcontained more larvae with additional teeth in mentum and mandiblethan the metal-exposed conditions. In the 9 μg Cd l-1 condition the frequencies of larvae with split medial mentumteeth increased in the last four generations, to reach 40%. Theunpredictability of fluctuations of deformity frequencies over thegenerations was associated with parental effects and experimentalmanipulation. The deformity percentages correlated positively withthe mortalities and could be related to the induction of toleranceto cadmium, as was concluded on the basis of life cycle analysis ina previous paper. This experiment demonstrated a concentration-response relationship between deformities and sublethal levels ofcadmium. However, the observed generation fluctuations caution for(1) the use of single-generation experiments for definingecotoxicological threshold values, and (2) experimentally inducedgenetical drift in multi-generation experiments.  相似文献   

A study was made of the effects of different levels of cadmium (Cd) in the nutrient solution (0.0, 1.5, and 6.0 mg/L Cd) on the assimilation of nitrate (NO3 ) and the uptake and distribution of cationic nutrients in pea (Pisum sativum cv. Argona) seedlings. Cadmium treatment resulted in an accumulation of NO3 in the root, indicating an alteration in NO3 translocation to the shoot. This was related to a decrease in the nitrate reductase (NR) activity in the shoot, severely inhibiting NO3 assimilation, and associated to a reduction in fresh tissue weight and in their relative water content. The concentration of potassium (K) decreased in both root and shoot, but its relative distribution between those tissues was not affected by the presence of Cd. Among other cationic nutrients, manganese (Mn) was the most affected, its concentration constantly decreased concomitantly with the increase in Cd supply. The distribution of Mn between shoot and root revealed that more was accumulated in the shoot than in the root, opposite to the distribution of NO3 The ‘shock’ addition of 6.0 mg/L Cd in a short‐term experiment confirmed that the transport of NO3 to the aerial part was reduced after 72 h of treatment and Cd displaced Mn from its physiological positions in root tissues.  相似文献   

This research study used sewage sludge from urban wastewater treatment plants to restore road embankments. The results have been used to propose a series of basic principles for the application of sludge in this context. In the study, six experimental plots (each composed of one cut slope and one fill slope) were set up on a highway located in the province of Jaen (Spain). The soil and vegetation in the plots were restored by a conventional hydroseeding process, with each plot receiving a different sludge dosage. A control plot did not receive any treatment at all, whereas another plot was hydroseeded, but without any sludge added to the slurry mix. In the plots, soil evolution was controlled from the moment that the embankment was created and hydroseeded until the present. As part of the soil monitoring process, agronomic parameters and the heavy metal content of the soil were analyzed in the laboratory. Another parameter of analysis was the vegetation cover, which was studied on the basis of on-site visual inspections and the rasterization of images with a view to calculate the percentage of vegetation cover on each plot. Results showed the effectiveness of sewage sludge as an organic complement in the restoration of road embankments. Its viability is enhanced by the fact that the sludge can be applied with the same methods used in public highway construction. The results also showed the optimal sludge dosage to be used in the slurry mix during the hydroseeding process.  相似文献   

Lead additives in automotive fuel, smog from a nearby industrial center warranted an investigation on cadmium and lead in Manisa, a city of tabacco processing. Hundred and one children were screened in view of lead and cadmium exposure. In 23 children between the ages of 0–2 years the mean (±SEM) serum lead level was 7.15 ± 0.10 μg/dl, in 28 between the ages of 3–6 years was 7.20 ± 0.10 μg/dl and in 50 between the ages of 7–15 years was 7.20 ± 0.10 μg/dl, respectively, with no significant differences. Serum cadmium levels in the same groups of children was 0.066 ± 0.008 ng/ml, 0.078 ± 0.008 ng/ml 0.088 ± 0.006 ng/ml, respectively. The difference in cadmium levels between the age groups of 0–2 years and 7–15 years was significant (p<0.038). This significant increase in blood cadmium level is also shown by simple linear regression analysis: Cadmium (ng/ml) = 0.049 + 0.005 (age), and p<0.0001, F Ratio = 50.578, coefficient of correlation = 0.581. Our study revealed that lead is not a serious environmental contaminant for children, yet; however, the increasing trend seen in exposure to cadmium warrants serious consideration and urgant preventive measures.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the accumulation of cadmium and zinc in Porcellio laevis after separate and mixed exposure to these metals. This would give an indication whether cadmium and zinc influence each others bioaccumulation. Decaying oak leaves collected from an uncontaminated site (Botanical Gardens of the University of Stellenbosch) were used as substrate in the experiments. The concentrations used were 20, 80 and 160 mg kg–1 (dry mass) cadmium sulphate and 1000, 4000 and 8000 mg kg–1 (dry mass) zinc sulphate. These metals were administered separately and mixed in the experiments. The cadmium and zinc mixtures used were 20 mg kg–1 CdSO4 with 1000 mg kg–1 ZnSO4, 80 mg kg–1 CdSO4 with 4000 mg kg–1 ZnSO4 and 160 mg kg–1 CdSO4 with 8000 mg kg–1 ZnSO4. It was shown that cadmium and zinc accumulated in P. laevis, especially in the hepatopancreas, in both the single-metal and mixed-metal exposures. Cadmium and zinc also exhibited the ability to influence the bioaccumulation of each other in the mixed-metal exposures. It is also concluded that the interaction of these two metals is at least partly dependent on the ratio of exposure concentrations, the actual exposure concentrations, and also the period of exposure.  相似文献   

Water, Air, & Soil Pollution - The aim of this study was to determine the accumulation of cadmium and zinc in Porcellio laevis after separate and mixed exposure to these metals. This would give...  相似文献   

本文详述了小凌河污灌区的效益及长期污灌带来的问题。结合本地区的具体情况,提出了解决污灌区农业生态环境污染的途径。  相似文献   

Substrates have been increasingly used in recent years for carnation crops. Burnt rice husk (BRH) is widely available and used as a substrate in Colombia. The present work aims to compare the effects of two aqueous extraction methods on the chemical contents. Saturated and 1:1 (v/v) extractions were performed in three replications. Ionic forms of the macronutrients (NO3?, NH4+, PO4H2?, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, and SO42?, in meq L?1), micronutrients (Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, and B, in mg L?1), Cl?, CO3 H? in meq L?1, electrical conductivity in dS m?1, and pH were analyzed. Except for NH4+, Cl?, and B the determination coefficient R2 was greater than 95 percent. Average values and standard errors of data have been used to define suitable intervals for 1:1 extractions. Proposed intervals for 1:1 extracts are consistent with the saturated extract and therefore are a good tool to optimize the management of fertigation in those crops.  相似文献   

我国北方地区多环芳烃(PAHs)污染严重,为了定量研究PAHs对人群的健康风险,以北京地区人群为研究对象,以美国国家环境保护局(USEPA)的多途径一多介质暴露模型为框架,计算各年龄亚群通过14种暴露途径对PAHs的暴露量。结果表明,儿童、青少年和成人对15种PAH化合物(PAH15)的日均暴露量分别为1.83、1.44、1.20μg·kg^-1·d^-1。暴露途径中食物暴露为主导(占88.7%),其次是呼吸暴露(6.3%)和皮肤暴露(4.9%)。终身暴露量的81%来自成人阶段。3环、4环、5环和6环化合物对总暴露谱的贡献依次减少。不确定分析结果表明,至少50%人群对PAH15暴露量在2~4μg·kg^-1·d^-1范围内,暴露量极高和极低的人均很少。健康风险评价结果表明,北京人群由于PAHs暴露引起的平均致癌风险为3.1×10^-5a^-1,根据动态预期寿命损失方法来估算健康风险,北京地区人群由于PAH15终生暴露所导致的预期寿命损失为193min。PAHs对北京人群健康的影响不容忽略。  相似文献   

The influence of cadmium on growth, cadmium accumulation, composition, and content of glucosinolates was investigated in Arabidopsis thaliana after 4 weeks of growth in hydroponics. Accumulation of 3,820 and 321 μg Cd g?1 dry weight in the roots and leaves of A. thaliana, respectively, exposed to 50 μM Cd. Cadmium treatment significantly decreased the total concentration of glucosinolates both in the leaves and roots. Cd-induced alteration of total glucosinolate content in the roots was mainly due to the decrease of indolyl-glucosinolates. In the Cd treatment leaves, significant decreases were, respectively, detected for glucoibervirin and 4-methoxyglucobrassicin (P?<?0.01), while other glucosinolate levels did not decrease significantly. In response to cadmium, the three indolyl-glucosinolates all showed significant decreases in the roots. The distinctive influence of cadmium on glucosinolate profiles in Cd-sensitive A. thaliana may be of great ecological importance, decreasing the resistance to phytophage attack. Taken together, our data is discussed in relation to jasmonic acid and salicylic acid as possible molecules that modulate the alteration of glucosinolate profiles in response to cadmium. The similar effects of Cd treatment on the levels of individual glucosinolates in leaves and roots were observed at higher-concentration cadmium treatment (100 μM Cd).  相似文献   

以常用护坡草本生长下的植被混凝土基材作为研究对象,选择脲酶、转化酶、碱性磷酸酶、微生物量碳、微生物量氮做为因子,对样地土壤生物活性指数(SBAI)做了综合计算,研究了不同水泥含量对植被混凝土基材生物活性的影响。结果表明,水泥的添加会降低基材生物活性,低水泥浓度样地土壤生物活性指数相对较高;相同水泥含量梯度下,对照样地比狗牙根样地、紫花苜蓿样地的土壤生物活性指数低。植物在一定程度上能够改善土壤生物的活性水平。  相似文献   

Accurate modeling indoor aerosol deposition and decay is an important step for exposure assessment. High deposition rate reduces indoor pollutant concentration and results in lower inhalation exposure. Many of indoor surfaces have random roughness protrusion scales up to several millimeters which it may significantly affect the deposition loss rate. Aerosols deposition onto most indoor surfaces can be considered as “rough’ surface deposition. However, particle deposition from anleaflong indoor environment is frequently modeled by assuming that surfaces are smooth. In this work, experimental results for deposition velocity onto drywall surfaces for supermicron particles from 1 to 7 μm are presented. Deposition velocity is significantly higher than that predicted by a previous published model. To illustrative the influence of particle deposition on exposure, two hypothetical room sizes and two air exchange rates were considered. Inhalation transfer factor was adopted as a risk exposure index. Taking into account of high deposition velocity onto drywall surfaces, inhalation transfer factors are 8 to 35% lower than that predicted by the model and this significant difference is important to the exposure assessment.  相似文献   

赤泥能促进土壤中镉形态转化(离子交换态向残渣态转化),但赤泥碱性很强,对土壤的功能有一定的破坏,为此采用盆栽试验研究了赤泥粉和改性赤泥颗粒对酸性潮泥田土壤镉形态分布及水稻生长的影响。结果表明,同比例(5%W/W)赤泥颗粒的pH值较赤泥粉下降2.4个单位,但随着时间的推移,改性后赤泥颗粒中OH-有缓释的趋势;同比例(5%W/W)赤泥颗粒对镉污染土壤的形态分布影响在修复前期比赤泥粉小,在修复后期与赤泥粉基本相同甚至稍大,但两者对水稻生长影响不同:添加赤泥颗粒导致水稻增产18.3%,添加赤泥粉导致水稻减产33.3%;赤泥粉和赤泥颗粒均能抑制水稻对土壤中镉的吸收,添加量越高,抑制效果越明显;添加合适的赤泥颗粒能促进水稻的生长,反之抑制水稻的生长,通过试验,初步确定水稻生长状况最好的赤泥颗粒添加量为3%(W/W),此时离子交换态最大降幅为32.1%,残渣态最大增幅为13.7%,水稻增产37.35%,糙米镉含量减少43.8%,低于国家食品卫生标准限值(Cd≤0.2mg·kg-1)。  相似文献   

采用盆栽试验方法,通过添加赤泥颗粒修复铅锌污染土壤,按照火焰原子吸收分光光度法测定不同时期种植韭菜的土壤中重金属的含量,分析赤泥颗粒对土壤中重金属的钝化行为与机理,确定赤泥颗粒对土壤修复和对韭菜生长促进最佳的添加量。结果表明,赤泥颗粒能缓释OH-,促进重金属铅、锌化学形态转化和抑制生物吸收。铅、锌污染土壤修复的最佳赤泥颗粒添加量为5%,此时,土壤中铅、锌的生物有效态含量在修复期内分别降低了41.03%、26.55%;结合铅锌污染土壤修复与韭菜生长影响,初步确定赤泥颗粒的最佳施用量为1%,此时,土壤中铅、锌的生物有效态含量在修复期内分别降低了24.81%、15.9%;赤泥颗粒对铅锌污染土壤的修复能力大小为铅〉锌。  相似文献   

The biocide triclosan (TCS, 5-chloro-2-(2,4-dichlorophenoxy)phenol) is commonly used in several personal care products, textiles, and children??s toys. Because the removal of TCS by wastewater treatment plants is incomplete, its environmental fate is to be discharged into freshwater ecosystems, where its ecological impact is largely unknown. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of TCS on the antioxidant enzymatic chain of the freshwater mollusk zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha). We measured the activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), and glutathione peroxidase (GPx), as well as the phase II detoxifying enzyme glutathione S-transferase (GST) in zebra mussel specimens exposed to 1 nM, 2 nM, and 3 nM TCS in vivo. The mussels were exposed for 96 h, and the enzyme activities were measured every 24 h. We measured clear activation of GST alone at all three dose levels, which shows a poor induction of the antioxidant enzymatic chain by TCS. CAT and SOD were activated only at 3 nM, while GPx values overlapped the baseline levels.  相似文献   

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