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Nitrogenous air pollutants including nitrogen dioxide (NO2), nitric acid (HNO3), nitrate (NO 3 ? ), ammonia (NH3), ammonium (NH 4 + ), and nitrous acid (HONO) were characterized at an urban forested (UF) site in Hiroshima and at a suburban forested (SF) site in Fukuoka, western Japan, using an annular denuder system for 1?year from May 2006 to May 2007 to compare the concentrations and chemical species of atmospheric nitrogenous pollutants between UF and SF sites. The proximity of the urban area was reflected in higher NO2 concentrations at the UF site than at the SF site. NO2 was more oxidized at the SF site because it is farther from an urban area than the UF site, which was reflected in higher concentrations of HNO3 at the SF site than the UF site. HNO3 and acidic sulfate is neutralized by NH3, existing as ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3) and ammonium sulfate [(NH4)2SO4] at the UF site. At the SF site, acidic sulfate is neutralized by NH3, existing as (NH4)2SO4, but NH4NO3, had scarcely formed at the SF site. A much higher HONO concentration was observed at the UF site than at the SF site, especially in winter and spring at night, which could be explained by higher NO2 concentrations at the UF site because of its proximity to an urban area and stagnant meteorological conditions. Atmospheric HONO determination was critical in evaluating the possibility of damage to trees in UF areas.  相似文献   

河北省大气污染对不同绿化植物生理生态特性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以常见的4种城市绿化植物为研究对象,从叶片生理生态特性及荧光特性多个方面研究了河北省5个城市大气监测点的绿化植物叶片生理生态特性及叶绿素荧光特性的差别。综合污染指数表明:5个主要城市监测点污染程度由大到小的顺序是:石家庄 > 邢台 > 邯郸 > 唐山 > 张家口,并且SO2和NOx浓度均呈逐年增加的趋势,相同年份SO2和NOx浓度基本表现为:石家庄 > 邢台 > 邯郸 > 唐山 > 张家口,局部有所波动。不同绿化植物叶片类胡萝卜素和叶绿素含量大小排序为:榆叶梅 > 香樟 > 合欢 > 洋白蜡;不同绿化植物叶片细胞膜渗透率大小的排序为:洋白蜡 > 合欢 > 香樟 > 榆叶梅;不同绿化植物叶片可溶性蛋白和可溶性糖含量呈现出一致的变化规律,均表现为榆叶梅和合欢高于洋白蜡和香樟;游离脯氨酸和丙二醛含量呈现出一致的变化规律,均表现为榆叶梅和合欢低于洋白蜡和香樟,由此说明洋白蜡和香樟受大气污染较为严重。不同绿化植物叶片Fv/Fm,Fv/Fo,qP和ΦPSⅡ大小基本为合欢和榆叶梅高于洋白蜡和香樟,不同绿化植物叶片qN大小基本为洋白蜡和香樟高于合欢和榆叶梅,不同绿化植物叶片qP差异不显著(p > 0.05)。外源SO3-和MV照光处理5 d,不同绿化植物叶片之间反应的差距增大,洋白蜡和香樟的细胞膜渗透率甚为严重,由此表明合欢和榆叶梅对大气污染的耐受力较强,洋白蜡和香樟则较为敏感,对大气污染的耐受力较低。因此,控制污染源的排放是控制河北省乃至全国大气污染加剧和改善城市绿化景观的重要措施,需要给予极大的关注。  相似文献   

于2015年1月、4月、7月、11月对九龙江口红树林区水体硝酸盐含量进行了监测,并分析了硝酸盐与水温、DO、TDS、盐度的关系。结果显示,九龙江口红树林区水体硝酸盐含量平均值为2.43 mg/L,其中最大值为3.42 mg/L,出现在7月份,最小值为1.30 mg/L,出现在1月份。空间分布为红树林上游向下游方向增加,但变化幅度较小。硝酸盐与水温、DO呈显著相关关系,与TDS、盐度关系不明显。与其他水域相比,九龙江口红树林区水域硝酸盐含量水平较低,且变化范围较小。  相似文献   

A field survey on the concentration of chemical species in particulate matter and gaseous compounds at two monitoring sites with different site classifications (urban and rural) was conducted over three years. Total (particulate matter + gaseous compounds) concentrations at the rural site were significantly lower than those at the urban site for all species (sulfur $\left( {{\text{SO}}^{{{\text{2 - }}}}_{{\text{4}}} {\left( {\text{p}} \right)}} \right.$ and SO2(g)), nitrate ${\text{(NO}}_{{{\text{3}}^{{\text{ - }}} }} {\left( {\text{p}} \right)}$ and HNO3(g)), ammonium ${\text{(NH}}_{{{\text{4}}^{{\text{ + }}} }} {\text{(p)}})$ and ammonia (NH3(g)), and chloride (Cl? (p) and HCl (g))), which is thought to reflect classification of the site. The difference in the sulfur concentration at the urban and rural sites was characterized by the difference in SO2 (g) concentration. Further, a clear seasonality was observed for the nitrate species. The HNO3 (g) concentration was high in the summer compared with other seasons at both the urban and rural sites. The ${\text{NH}}_4^ + \left( {\text{p}} \right)$ concentration levels were approximately the same as those of NH3 (g) at both sites. The molar ratios of the particulate matter concentration to the total concentration showed different characteristics; the nitrate, ammonium and ammonia, and chloride species showed a clear seasonal variation: low in summer and high in winter and the values were similar regardless of the site. On the other hand, the sulfur species showed constant values at both the urban and rural sites, however the concentrations were significantly different for the two sites. Ammonium accounted for the largest proportion of cations in the particulate matter, regardless of the site classification. In contrast, ${\text{SO}}_4^{2 - } \left( {\text{p}} \right)$ accounted for the largest proportion of anions at the rural site, whereas ${\text{NO}}_3^ - \left( {\text{p}} \right)$ was comparable to ${\text{SO}}_4^{2 - } \left( {\text{p}} \right)$ at the urban site. Ammonia accounted for the largest proportion of all chemical species at both sites. Seasonal analysis of the proportional distribution in particulate matter and gaseous compounds provides information on atmospheric conditions.  相似文献   

Soil respiration is an important component of terrestrial carbon cycling and can be influenced by many factors that vary spatially. This research aims to determine the extent and causes of spatial variation of soil respiration, and to quantify the importance of scale on measuring and modeling soil respiration within and among common forests of Northern Wisconsin. The potential sources of variation were examined at three scales: [1] variation among the litter, root, and bulk soil respiration components within individual 0.1 m measurement collars, [2] variation between individual soil respiration measurements within a site (<1 m to 10 m), and [3] variation on the landscape caused by topographic influence (100 m to 1000 m). Soil respiration was measured over a two-year period at 12 plots that included four forest types. Root exclusion collars were installed at a subset of the sites, and periodic removal of the litter layer allowed litter and bulk soil contributions to be estimated by subtraction. Soil respiration was also measured at fixed locations in six northern hardwood sites and two aspen sites to examine the stability of variation between individual measurements. These study sites were added to an existing data set where soil respiration was measured in a random, rotating, systematic clustering which allowed the examination of spatial variability from scales of <1 m to 100+ m. The combined data set for this area was also used to examine the influence of topography on soil respiration at scales of over 1000 m by using a temperature and moisture driven soil respiration model and a 4 km2 digital elevation model (DEM) to model soil moisture. Results indicate that, although variation of soil respiration and soil moisture is greatest at scales of 100 m or more, variation from locations 1 m or less can be large (standard deviation during summer period of 1.58 and 1.28 μmol CO2 m−2 s−1, respectively). At the smallest of scales, the individual contributions of the bulk soil, the roots, and the litter mat changed greatly throughout the season and between forest types, although the data were highly variable within any given site. For scales of 1-10 m, variation between individual measurements could be explained by positive relationships between forest floor mass, root mass, carbon and nitrogen pools, or root nitrogen concentration. Lastly, topography strongly influenced soil moisture and soil properties, and created spatial patterns of soil respiration which changed greatly during a drought event. Integrating soil fluxes over a 4 km2 region using an elevation dependent soil respiration model resulted in a drought induced reduction of peak summer flux rates by 37.5%, versus a 31.3% when only plot level data was used. The trends at these important scales may help explain some inter-annual and spatial variability of the net ecosystem exchange of carbon.  相似文献   

基于GIS的城市镉元素空间分布特征及其污染评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以内江市城区为研究区,以GIS软件为平台,利用单因子污染指数法结合地统计方法,分析了内江市城市土壤镉元素空间分布特征及污染水平。结果表明:内江市土壤镉元素含量偏高,污染较重。总体来看,0—15 cm镉含量[(0.823 9±0.429)mg/kg]大于15—30 cm镉含量[(0.637 5±0.306)mg/kg],均高于国家二级标准值0.3 mg/kg。方差分析表明,不同土地利用类型同国家二级标准值之间镉元素含量差异显著。同时,表层的污染程度较深层大,表层中度和重度污染面积占95.07%,污染较重;深层轻度污染和中度污染面积占82.26%,污染较轻。  相似文献   

近年来随着城市建设用地的不断扩展,城市生态环境问题越来越突出,因此,进行建设用地扩展对地表特征参数的影响研究显得十分重要。以重庆都市区为研究对象,采用1988,2000,2011年 LandsatTM遥感数据和1∶50 000DEM数据,基于人机交互解译和定量遥感技术相结合的方法,提取了土地利用现状数据和三个地表特征参数:地表温度、NDVI、土壤湿度,并分析建设用地扩展对地表特征参数的影响。研究结果表明:从1988—2011年,重庆都市区建设用地主要向西部和北部扩展,地表温度中的高温区主要向北迁移,NDVI和土壤湿度在建设用地扩展的区域呈下降趋势;城市建设用地扩展与地表特征参数的变化趋势呈现出明显的相关性,其中,建设用地的扩展与热环境呈正相关且在扩展方向具有高度的一致性,与NDVI和土壤湿度呈负相关关系。研究成果旨在为改善城市地表热环境效应、优化城市生态环境提供科学依据与参考。  相似文献   

This work presents the results of 4 years long monitoring of concentrations of SO2 gas and PM10 in the urban area around the copper smelter in Bor. The contents of heavy metals Pb, Cd, Cu, Ni, and As in PM10 were determined and obtained values were compared to the limit values provided in EU Directives. Manifold excess concentrations of all the components in the atmosphere of the urban area of the townsite Bor were registered. Through application of a multi-criteria analysis by using PROMETHEE/GAIA method, the zones were ranked according to the level of pollution.  相似文献   

The effects of the degree of milling (based on surface lipids content [SLC]) on cooked rice physicochemical properties were investigated. Head rice yield (HRY), protein, and SLC decreased with increasing milling, while the percent of bran removed and whiteness increased. Results showed that SLC significantly (P < 0.05) affected milled as well as cooked rice properties across cultivar, moisture content (MC) at harvest, and location (Stuttgart, AR, and Essex, MO). Cooked rice firmness ranged from 90.12 to 111.26 N after milling to various degrees (SLC). The decrease in cooked rice firmness with increasing milling was attributed to the lowering of total proteins and SLC. Cooked rice water uptake increased with increasing degree of milling. Water uptake by the kernel during cooking dictated the cooked rice firmness. The increase in cooked rice stickiness with increasing degree of milling was attributed to an increase in starch leaching during cooking because of the greater starch granule swelling associated with a greater water uptake.  相似文献   


The effects of sulphur (S) fertilization on forage production, sulphur content and N/S ratio of perennial timothy-meadow-grass (Phleum pratens L.- Festuca pratensis Hudson) and cocksfoot-dominant (Dactylis glomerata L.) swards cropped for one to three years were measured under a silage-cutting regime at six sites in Finland. Soil sulphur status ranged from poor/adequate (fine sand) to good (organic soils). Plant growth responses to supplementary sulphur were small, inconsistent and statistically insignificant. The supplementary S-fertilization increased the sulphur content of forage and decreased N/S-ratios at all sites. However, even in low-S fertilized plots the average sulphur content was very seldomly less than 0.2% on a dry matter (DM) basis, which has been assumed to be an adequate concentration in several foreign studies. High N/S ratios (> 14) were rare. The sulphur content of DM depended more significantly on growth stage and grass species than on supplementary sulphur. According to the results of these experiments, NPKS fertilizers contain sufficient amounts of sulphur to ensure both a good quality and a high yield of grass silage.  相似文献   

For a long time the local Ordovician carbonate rocks were widely used for the building of many historical buildings, churches and strongholds in Tallinn. The chemical and mineralogical composition of building stone and gypsum black crust from five historical objects of Old Town of Tallinn were examined in order to reveal the weathering behaviour of the limestone and estimate the influence of pollution on the decay processes. The ICP-MS analysis and X-ray difractometry were performed to provide a quantitative analysis of the processes, which are responsible for building stone decay. The enrichment factor and R-mode factor analyses were applied in order to improve the understanding the nature and sources of elements and assess the pollution effect. The obtained results confirmed a natural origin for Ca, Mg, Si, Al, Ti, K, Na and Fe. The black crust is elevated in Cu, Pb, Sb, Sn and Zn concentrations as a result of the pollution effect. The highest increase of Cu, Pb and Zn content was determined in the samples from gypsum crust at St. Olaf's church. The enrichment factors calculation and factor analysis confirm the input of these elements from anthropic sources. Sulphur isotope composition in damaged building stone and black crust was used to discriminate the anthropic and natural sources of sulphur. The impact of technogenous sulphur in the gypsum formation in the black crust was revealed. The contribution of sulphur dissoluted from limestone is reflected in the positive delta values of sulphur. Comparison of obtained data to those for similar objects in European cities was carried out.  相似文献   

区域水稻穗期叶片氮素的遥感估测初探   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
快速、无损、准确地监测水稻穗期氮素状况,对于诊断水稻生殖生长特征、提高氮肥运筹水平具有重要意义。本研究在浙江省海宁市晚稻试验点进行田间取样试验,并获取同时期CBERS-1遥感数据,分析了试验点晚稻穗期叶片氮素与CBERS-1影像冠层光谱信息之间的关系。结果表明,水稻穗期叶片氮素含量与同期CBERS-1影像的光谱信息NDVI之间有良好的相关性,可以建立水稻穗期叶片氮素含量反演的相关统计模型。但由于遥感影像特征与水稻穗期叶片氮素含量之间存在较复杂的非线性关系,因此统计模型反演精度不够理想。因而,又尝试运用BP人工神经网络方法来反演水稻穗期叶片氮素含量,发现BP人工神经网络模型具有很强的非线性拟合能力,与统计模型相比,其水稻穗期叶片氮素含量的反演精度有显著提高。由此表明,利用CBERS-1遥感影像可以对水稻穗期叶片氮素含量进行建模并反演,能够在较大的范围里估测水稻的氮素营养状况。  相似文献   

睢宁县农村居民点土地整理问题研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前,农村居民点整理已经成为有效增加土地面积的重要途径。本文以苏北地区的睢宁县为例,对其农村居民点进行了整理潜力测算,并结合实际,提出合适的整理模式。最后提出整理对策及建议。  相似文献   

研究生态条件和采种期对党参种子产量及其构成因素的影响,可以确定党参种子生产适宜生态区域和采种期。我们以海拔为主区、采收期为副区采取裂区试验设计研究了不同海拔和采种期对党参种子产量及其构成因素的影响。结果表明,当海拔为1 920~2 200 m时党参采种量较高,当海拔2 200 m以上则不利于党参结种;低海拔区域1 922~2 000 m的果实成熟度高,成熟度受采集地生态条件影响明显。党参单株果实数、单株产种量随海拔升高呈增加趋势,当海拔达到2 000 m时党参单株果实数最多,为62.77个;单株产种量最高,为2.25 g。当海拔达到2 000 m、采种期为10月15日时,党参产种量最高,为481 kg/hm2。在高海拔下采种期可以适当提前至10月5日。因此,党参种子生产适宜的海拔区域为2 000~2 200 m范围的生态区,在此海拔下10月中旬是适宜的采种期。  相似文献   

为了阐明真空滚揉对加工过程中腊板鹅风味品质的作用机制,采用不同真空滚揉时间,0(对照,CK)、15(T1)、30(T2)、60(T3)和90min(T4),研究鹅肉蛋白水解酶活力、脂质氧化、非蛋白氮含量(NPN)和色泽等理化指标的变化。结果表明,风干第4天,T3的cathepsin B、calpain和caspase-3活性及NPN含量显著高于T1;风干第7天,T3的cathepsin B、caspase-3活性及NPN含量显著高于T1和CK。风干第4和第7天,T4的TBARS值显著高于T1、T2、T3及CK。T3和T4的L*值和b*值在第4天显著高于T1、T2和CK;T3的a*值在第4天显著高于T4和CK;各处理组与CK的a*值和b*值在第7天无显著差异。综上,滚揉60 min处理是一种最优的、潜在的可应用于工业化提高腊板鹅品质的工艺参数。该研究为真空滚揉技术对肉制品蛋白质降解、脂质氧化和宏观品质的影响研究提供了参考依据。  相似文献   

Seasonal behaviour of NO3 - in surfacewater is often used as an indicator on a catchment's ability toretain N from atmospheric deposition. In this paper, weclassify 12 pristine sites (five streams and seven lakes) insouthernmost Norway according to the N saturation stageconcept. All examined sites were acid-sensitive and had annualmean NO3 - concentrations in the range 6–36 μeqL-1. At lake sites with relatively long water residencetimes, hydrology will have a damping effect on the seasonalNO3 - oscillations in the outlet streams. Under givenrunoff conditions (1.0–2.2 m yr-1), the seasonalNO3 - pattern was clearly affected when lake:catchmentarea ratios exceeded 0.15 and the total residence time of lakesin the catchments exceeded 0.3 yr. In such cases, annualmean NO3 - concentration rather than seasonalvariations may be the better indicator of N saturation. Toaccount for this we propose a set of supplementary criteria forsuch lake systems, defining limit values for annual meanNO3 - concentrations within each stage class. Beforebeing applied on a broader scale, however, we recommend anexamination of additional lake-dominated catchmentsrepresenting a larger gradient in ecosystem types, N depositionlevels and hydrologic regimes. When applying the supplementarycriteria on the Norwegian sites, two were classified as stage 0(no saturation), five as stage 1 (early stage of saturation)and five as stage 2 (saturated – moderate N loss). No siteswere showing symptoms of stage 3, which characteriseswatersheds that are net sources of N, rather than sinks. Theresults indicate a great variability in N retention capacity inthe study region, despite the fact that many of the catchmentsexperience relatively uniform N deposition amounts and climaticconditions. This suggests that much of this variability must bedue to specific catchment characteristics as e.g. soil type,soil depth, and vegetation cover.  相似文献   

Air pollution is a major contributor to several respiratory problems, it affects the whole population in general but children are more susceptible. Exposure to automobile exhaust is associated with increased respiratory symptoms and may impair lung function in children. In view of this, the study was conducted among the children of Delhi, the capital city of India, where ambient air quality was much above the National Ambient Air Quality Standards. The study was conducted in children aged 9–17 years. Pulmonary function test was carried out following the guideline of American Thoracic Society using a portable, electronic spirometer. Air quality data was collected from Central and State Pollution Control Boards. In addition, the level of particulate matter in indoor air was measured by portable laser photometer. Lung function was reduced in 43.5% schoolchildren of the urban area compared with 25.7% of control group. The urban children had increased prevalence of restrictive, obstructive, as well as combined type of lung functions deficits. Besides higher prevalence, the magnitude of lung function deficits was also much more in them. After controlling potential confounders like season, socioeconomic conditions and ETS, PM10 level in ambient air was found to be associated with restrictive (OR?=?1.35, 95% CI 1.07–1.58), obstructive (OR?=?1.45, 95% CI 1.16–1.82), and combined type of lung function deficits (OR?=?1.74, 95% CI 1.37–2.71) in children. Spearman's rank correlation test reaffirmed the association. The study confirms that the level of air pollution is affecting the children.  相似文献   

This research was done on the effectof high concentration of negative ions in the air onchlorophyll contents and photosynthetic efficiency in leavesof Zea mays L. In vivo reflectance and chlorophyllfluorescence were measured in intact maize leaves before andafter exposing to the high concentration of negative ions inthe air. Reflectance, yield of chlorophyll fluorescence, redshift in chlorophyll fluorescence and blue shift inreflectance are observed in exposed species. These resultsindicate that high concentrations of negative ions inair cause significant change in: a) chlorophyll content andb) photosynthetic efficiency.  相似文献   

伍海兵  马想  梁晶 《土壤》2023,55(4):911-917
为改善城市土壤团粒结构,以上海典型搬迁地土壤为研究对象,通过室外培养试验,研究了不同用量厨余垃圾沼渣堆肥和化学改良剂分别单施以及混施对土壤水稳定性团聚体、团粒结构形成的影响。结果表明:20%、30%沼渣堆肥单施处理可显著增加搬迁地土壤0.5~1.0、1.0~2.0 mm粒径大团聚体以及0.106~0.25 mm粒径微团聚体质量分数(P<0.05),而显著降低<0.106 mm粒径微团聚体质量分数(P<0.05)。化学改良剂β-环糊精单施处理可显著增加土壤微团聚体总量(P<0.05);3 kg/m3用量硫酸钙、氧化铁单施处理均可显著促进土壤大团聚体的形成(P<0.05)。沼渣堆肥和化学改良剂混施处理较单施处理显著增加土壤>2.0、0.25~0.5 mm粒径大团聚体质量分数(P<0.05),而降低<0.106 mm粒径微团聚体质量分数(P<0.05)。在沼渣堆肥处理中,以20%沼渣堆肥添加量对土壤团粒结构改良效果最佳;在化学改良剂处理中,以3 kg/m3硫酸钙处理对土壤团粒结构改良效果最佳,其次是3 kg/m3氧化铁处理。WG20+SMmix处理(20%沼渣堆肥+化学改良剂混施)对搬迁地土壤团粒结构改良效果最佳,团粒结构达19.03%,较CK(对照组)、SMmix(化学改良剂混施)、WG20(20%沼渣堆肥)处理分别提高了94.0%、73.5%和26.0%。  相似文献   

城市新陈代谢注重分析城市物质、能量和货币的流动过程,这为探讨不同职能城市的城市代谢过程提供了新的视角。为了探讨不同资源型城市的新陈代谢特点和变化规律,分别以山西省省会资源型城市太原市和传统资源型城市晋城市为例,基于太原市和晋城市2007—2014年的社会经济数据,运用能值理论构建了8项反映城市新陈代谢的评价指标体系,从城市新陈代谢系统能值结构、能值使用强度、能值环境压力和新陈代谢产出效率4个方面,对太原市和晋城市2007—2014年城市新陈代谢状况进行了对比分析。结果表明:2007—2014年,总体上,太原市的城市新陈代谢系统能值结构优于晋城市,晋城市的能值使用强度高于太原市,晋城市的能值环境压力大于太原市,太原市的新陈代谢产出效率高于晋城市。通过对比分析后对提高太原市和晋城市的城市新陈代谢过程提出了建议,为创造性地解决山西省新陈代谢资源与生态风险问题奠定基础,进而为城市生态管理提供科学依据。  相似文献   

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