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Eggs of F. gigantica were placed in dung heaps that were located in the shade or exposed to sun light, and examined at intervals for up to 14 weeks. The rate and extent of decline in viability of eggs was greater in dung exposed to sun light than in shaded dung. This difference was attributed the higher temperature in dung in sun light, owing to the effect of direct sunlight and to a higher rate of fermentation in exposed than in shaded dung. It was concluded that strategies for storing dung that would reduce the risk it poses for infecting L. rubiginosa with F. gigantica when used as fertilizer in rice fields include storing dung in sun light rather than in the shade, preferably in a thin layer to allow sunlight to heat and desiccate it, and mixing a carbohydrate with the stored dung to increase heat through fermentation.  相似文献   

Farmer's cattle were treated with triclabendazole and used as tracer animals to detect new infections with Fasciola gigantica in three villages located on the bank of the Bassac River (a major tributary of the Mekong River) and in a fourth village located on farmland away from the river, from April 1999 until January 2001. The month of infection was estimated by subtracting 4 months from the date when eggs of F. gigantica were detected in faeces. Farmers were interviewed each month to record the nature of the agricultural and animal husbandry activities that occurred during the previous month, especially events that might have exposed cattle to infection with F. gigantica. Results support the conclusions that infection of cattle in riverbank villages acquired from about August or September until November originated from herbage and water in irrigation canals and dams on the riverbank, and that the progressively increasing monthly incidence from December until April (up to 87% per month in April 2000) was derived from herbage and water in recently harvested rice fields and lakes adjacent to the riverbank. The abrupt cessation of new infection in riverbank villages in May coincided with flooding of low-lying land, the movement of cattle to land above flood height on the riverbank, and a change of diet to dry-land crop residues, stored dry rice stalks, and herbage and water that were unlikely to contain metacercariae. It was concluded that snails in dams and canals on the riverbank became infected with F. gigantica after cattle were moved to the riverbank in May, and cercariae shed from these snails provided the new infections that occurred in cattle in August and September. In the village located away from the river, infection of cattle between September and March coincided with the rice harvest, supporting the conclusion that feeding of fresh rice stalks and stubble after the rice was harvested was the main source of infection. The low monthly incidence observed (up to 6.4% per month) was consistent with the hypothesis that snails did not survive in the dry rice fields between crops and that few snails would have been available from the small number of aquatic refuges that persisted through the dry season to recolonize rice fields during the wet season. Between April and August there was no opportunity for new infection because cattle were fed forage from around houses and headlands, and on dry-land crop residues and stored dry rice stalks. Control of fasciolosis was proposed using a single treatment of cattle with triclabendazole in riverbank villages in May when cattle were moved to the riverbank, and after harvest of the last rice field in villages located away from the river.  相似文献   

An indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) using 27 kDa glycoprotein of Fasciola gigantica has been evaluated for its potential use in the diagnosis of bovine fasciolosis. Following experimental infection of rabbits, F. gigantica infection-induced antibodies were isolated and later used as ligands in affinity chromatography for isolation of infection-induced antibody-specific proteins. Among the five infection-specific proteins isolated, a glycoprotein of 27 kDa was later isolated by second-step purification using concanavalin A matrix. In crossbred cattle receiving different doses of infection (100, 200 and 400 metacercariae), the anti-27 kDa antibodies were detected as early as the 2nd week post infection. No direct correlation between initial dose, antibody response and fluke establishment was recorded. No cross-reaction was noted with the sera of goats experimentally infected with Paramphistomum epiclitum. ELISA with the 27 kDa glycoprotein could be a feasible diagnostic tool for the early detection of bovine fasciolosis.  相似文献   

Humoral and cellular immune responses to Fasciola gigantica experimental infection in buffaloes were studied. The results showed that 33.4+/-9.1% of the infection dose was recovered as adult flukes from infected animals at necropsy. Significant differences of weight gain between infected and non-infected buffaloes was observed at 4 MPI (months post-infection). Anti F. gigantica excretory-secretory products (FgESP)-IgG levels increased significantly from 3 WPI (weeks post-infection) and displayed a peak at 13 WPI. Western blot indicated that in FgESP six major bands of 11.5, 19.0, 23.4, 29.8, 47.5 and 53.2kDa were recognized by F. gigantica-infected buffaloes sera after 0 WPI. Eosinophil numbers increased significantly from 3 WPI in F. gigantica-infected buffaloes and displayed a peak at 8 WPI. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) proliferation induced by FgESP increased from 2 WPI with a peak at 5 WPI. IFNgamma secretion by FgESP-stimulated PBMC appeared early from 1 WPI with three peaks at 2, 5 and 8 WPI, respectively. IL-10 production was observed from 2 WPI with two peaks at 4 and 9 WPI, respectively. Our results suggested that buffaloes were highly susceptible to F. gigantica infection, and this susceptibility could be associated with the late and weak cellular immune response in the early phase of infection and the Th0-like response throughout the infection.  相似文献   

Cathepsin L cysteine proteinase from Fasciola gigantica was evaluated for its potential in the early prepatent detection of this helminth infection in bovine calves. Five cross-bred bovine calves were experimentally infected with 400 metacercariae/calf and evaluated for anti-cathepsin L antibody response. F. gigantica infection in these calves could be detected 4 weeks post-infection using an ELISA, dipstick ELISA and Western blotting with 100% sensitivity. The antigen was also used to detect F. gigantica field infection in cattle, by screening 256 sera of these animals by an ELISA, which demonstrated an overall infection rate of 26.95%. Preliminary studies showed that F. gigantica cathepsin L cysteine proteinase does not cross-react with Paramphistomum epiclitum, Gigantocotyle explanatum and hydatid cyst antigens. However, extensive studies on the cross-reactivity of this antigen with related helminth parasites of cattle and buffaloes are required, before this antigen can be considered suitable for immuno-diagnosis of fasciolosis in these ruminants.  相似文献   

The present study was undertaken to investigate the effect of Fasciola gigantica excretory secretory antigen (Fg-ESA) on rat hematological indices. Fg-ESA was prepared by keeping thoroughly washed 40 F. gigantica flukes in 100 ml phosphate buffer saline (PBS) for 2 h at 37℃, and centrifuging the supernatant at 12,000 g at 4℃ for 30 min. The protein content of Fg-ESA was adjusted to 1.8 mg/ml. The rats were randomly divided into two groups of six rats each. Rats in group A received 0.5 ml of Fg-ESA intraperitoneally (i.p.) for 7 days, whereas control rats in group B received 0.5 ml of PBS i.p. for 7 days. Hemograms of both groups were studied initially and on days 0, 2, 4, 14 and 21 after the final injection of Fg-ESA or PBS. Progressive and significant (p < 0.01) declines in the values of hemoglobin, hematocrit, and total erythrocyte count were observed without significant (p > 0.05) changes in the values of mean corpuscular hemoglobin, mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration, or mean corpuscular volume in group A. Thus, we conclude that Fg-ESA induces normocytic normochromic anemia in rats.  相似文献   

Progressive weight gain, faecal egg counts, packed cell volume, percent eosinophils in blood, serum antibody and serum levels of glutamate dehydrogenase and gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase were recorded in seven swamp buffalo (Bubalis bubalis), 7 Ongole (Bos indicus) and four Bali calves (Bos sundiacus) which were infected orally with 15 metacercariae of Fasciola gigantica twice weekly for 32 weeks. Similar observations were made on four buffalo, 4 Ongole calves and 3 Bali calves maintained fluke-free as controls. Flukes were counted at slaughter 36 weeks after initial infection. Mean daily weight gains of infected Bali (228 ± 100 (SD) g/day) and infected Ongole calves (328 ± 57 (SD) g/day) were lower (p = 0.026 and 0.067, respectively) than those of control calves (405 ± 107 (SD) g/day), but infected buffalo calves (379 ± 78 (SD) g/day) had similar weight gains to those of the controls (p = 0.57). Throughout the trial, faecal Fasciola egg counts in buffaloes were about one-fifth of counts of Ongole calves, and counts in Bali calves were intermediate. Ongole calves had three times the number of flukes at slaughter in their liver compared to buffalo and Bali calves, which had similar numbers. However, there was evidence that Bali calves had acquired a degree of resistance about 24 weeks after infection commenced and may have lost adult flukes as a consequence.  相似文献   

Studies were undertaken on the viability of the metacercariae of Fasciola gigantica when stored in water at 13˚C for periods up to 23 weeks, exposed to the sunlight for up to 8 h or stored at a range of temperatures and humidities for up to 10 weeks. Excysted metacercariae were catergorized microscopically as viable (motile and undamaged), dubious (not motile and undamaged) or dead (visible necrosis). The infectivity of viable and dubious metacercariae and unselected reference metacercariae held in water at 7˚C for 20 days or longer was assessed by comparing numbers of flukes recovered from infected Merino sheep. Mean recovery rates were 54.6%, 7.2% and 37.2%, respectively, for viable, dubious and unselected metacercariae. Metacercariae immersed in water remained viable longer than those allowed to desiccate. Viability was promoted by decreasing temperature and increasing humidity. Exposure to direct sunlight killed metacercariae within 8 h. Results indicated that in lowland Indonesian irrigated rice paddies, metacercariae immersed in water are likely to survive for less than 5 weeks while those that become desiccated will survive less than 2 weeks. This information, together with the option of exposing fresh rice stalks to direct sunlight before feeding them to livestock, can assist farmers in reducing infection with F. gigantica.  相似文献   

An indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (iELISA) was evaluated for its diagnostic capability in detecting antibodies against Fasciola gigantica infection in cattle, sheep and donkeys sera using crude worm, excretory–secretory and glutathione S-transferase antigens prepared from adult liver fluke. Presence of F. gigantica worms at post-mortem examination of cattle, sheep and donkey’s livers was taken as a gold standard for the evaluation of the assay. The diagnostic sensitivity, specificity and accuracy percentages of iELISA were determined for each antigen. Excretory–secretory antigen gave the best results for the serodiagnosis of F. gigantica infection in cattle, sheep and donkeys using iELISA with diagnostic sensitivity percentages of 93.3%, 94.9% and 93.3%, respectively, while the specificity percentages were 96.7%, 97.2% and 96.3%, respectively, whereas the accuracy percentages were 95%, 96% and 95.7%, respectively. The diagnostic sensitivity percentages of iELISA using crude worm antigen were 96.7%, 100% and 93.3%, respectively, while the specificity percentages were 80%, 83.3% and 85.2%, respectively, whereas the accuracy percentages were 88.3%, 86.7% and 87%, respectively. The diagnostic sensitivity percentages of iELISA using glutathione S-transferase antigen were 66.7%, 71.8% and 60%, respectively, while the specificity percentages were 70%, 77.8% and 77.8%, respectively, whereas the accuracy percentages were 68.3%, 74.7% and 73.9%, respectively. Conclusively, excretory–secretory antigen dependent iELISA can be used as a reliable serodiagnostic test for F. gigantica infection in cattle, sheep and donkeys.  相似文献   

A longitudinal field trial was conducted to determine the effectiveness of strategic anthelmintic treatments in the control of gastrointestinal (GI) nematodes and Fasciola gigantica in cattle. A total of 167 cattle (6–18 months) from three large-scale dairy farms, four traditional farms and nine small-scale dairy farms were randomly selected. The selected animals on each farm were ear tagged and allocated into three groups based on live weight and treated as follows: Group T4 was treated with albendazole 10% drench at 10 mg/kg four times a year (mid rainy, end of the rain, mid dry and late dry/early rainy season). Group T2 was treated with albendazole 10% drench at 10 mg/kg two times a year (mid rainy and late dry/early rainy season). Group UT remained as untreated control. Faecal, blood and pasture samples were taken every month for 13 months. In addition, individual body weight (BWT) was measured on every sampling date. Results showed that two and four strategic treatments significantly reduced faecal egg counts (FEC) by 49.5% and 62.3% respectively compared to untreated control animals (P < 0.001). Two and four strategic treatments per year significantly reduced the proportion of animals passing Fasciola eggs in faeces by 30.6% and 51.7% (P < 0.001), respectively. Animals treated two and four times a year significantly outgained untreated animals by 14.8 kg and 17.7 kg respectively at the end of the trial (P < 0.05). The management system had a significant effect on packed cell volume and the proportion of animals passing Fasciola eggs in faeces (P < 0.05). The programme of two strategic treatments per year was only effective in controlling GI nematodes. It is concluded that a programme of four strategic treatments per year was effective in controlling GI nematodes and F. gigantica and improved weight gain.  相似文献   

The role of excretory-secretory metabolites of Fasciola gigantica in modulating the delayed type of hypersensitivity in the host (rats) was investigated. Eighteen rats of either sex, aged 3-4 months, were assigned to three groups of 6 animals each. Rats in group 1 served as non-inoculated controls and each rat in this group was administered only Freund's complete adjuvant on day 7. Animals in groups 2 and 3 were administered inoculation dose(s) of somatic F gigantica antigen (SFgA) and excretory-secretory F gigantica antigens (ESFgA) according to the experimental schedule. The delayed-type hypersensitivity was monitored by assessing alterations in the foot pad thickness, its histopathology and lymphocyte proliferation assay. It was observed that the ESFgA caused diminution in delayed-type hypersensitivity response to a significant level (p <0.01) against SFgA in rats. This finding was further confirmed by lower stimulation indices of peripheral blood mononuclear cell in rats sensitized with ESFgA prior to inoculation of SFgA (group 1) than in nonsensitized rats receiving only SFgA (group 2).  相似文献   

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