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The point of zero salt effect (PZSE) is the soil pH value at which the magnitude of the variable surface charges is not changed due to variations in the ionic concentration of the soil solution. This property influences not only electrochemical phenomena occurring at the solid-solution interface but also the flocculation degree of the soil particles. In this study we investigated the relationships between the clay mineralogy and the PZSE values of representative soils of the Sāo Paulo State, Brazil. The results confirmed the usefulness of the difference between the soil pH values measured in 1 mol L^-1 KCl (pHKCl) and in water (pHH2O) (2 pHKCl-pHH2O) for estimating the PZSE of tropical soils, except for the ones rich in exchangeable Al; furthermore, the ApH index (pHKC1 - pHH2O) was highly correlated with the difference between the PZSE and pHH2O values, reiterating the △pH utility for estimating both the signal and the magnitude of the net surface charge of tropical soils. Finally, correlation and multiple regression analyses showed that the PZSE value of weathered non-allophanic tropical soils tends to increase and to equal the soil pH due to the weathering-induced kaolinite destabilization and concomitant Fe- and Al-oxide accumulation.  相似文献   

The umbric epipedon is a diagnostic surface horizon recognized by both the World Reference Base for Soil Resources and the U.S. Soil Taxonomy. It is mainly characterized by a dark color, a moderate to high content of OM, and a base saturation of less than 50%. In the N Apennines, Central Italy, forest soils over 600–700 m a.s.l. often have this epipedon. This paper stresses the morphological, chemical, and biological properties of the epipedon, specifically in the Vallombrosa Forest, where considerable work has been done in the last decade. Here, the umbric epipedon forms on sandstone, in high forests of Abies alba, Fagus sylvatica, and Castanea sativa. It does not have homogeneous properties throughout its thickness and often is divided into two distinct genetic horizons, A1 and A2. The A1 horizon is thinner, darker, and richer in OM, more base‐saturated, and biologically more active than the underlying A2 horizon. The mean residence time of the bulk OM amounts to about a century in the A1 horizon, versus half a millennium in the A2. In both A1 and A2 horizons, the non‐humic fraction prevails in the OM; this could account for the high susceptibility of the umbric epipedon to degrade when the forest is clear‐cut or undergoes extensive uprooting due to windstorms or heavy snow loads. Significant discrepancies between the two A horizons have been found in regard to the microbial community. Umbric epipedons which developed under different tree species show minor differences, mainly concerning the microbial community.  相似文献   

Deforestation, agricultural land uses and urbanization have altered stream channels and floodplains in many regions of the world, yet occurrences of post‐settlement alluvium (PSA) and benchmark pre‐settlement horizons (Palaeosols) are unreported in many tropical and subtropical developing countries. Twentieth century land uses, motivated strongly by state subsidies in the cases of coffee and cotton cultivation and soy – wheat double cropping, caused soil erosion and the corresponding formation of PSA and stream‐channel changes in small catchments of the Western Plateau of São Paulo State, Brazil. Analysis of land‐use changes suggests necessary alteration of regional environmental management for restoration planning, water quality monitoring and control of gully erosion. Narratives of regional environmental change should address the impacts of agropastoral land uses on soil and water resources, rather than concentrating on deforestation and forest land cover. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Forest management and climate change may have a substantial impact on future soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks at the country scale. Potential SOC in Japanese forest soils was regionally estimated under nine forest managements and a climate change scenario using the CENTURY ecosystem model. Three rotations (30, 50, 100 yr) and three thinning regimes were tested: no‐thinning; 30% of the trees cut in the middle of the rotation (e.g. 15 year in a 30‐yr rotation) and thinned trees all left as litter or slash (ThinLef) and the trees from thinning removed from the forest (ThinRem). A climate change scenario was tested (ca. 3 °C increase in air temperature and 9% increase in precipitation). The model was run at 1 km resolution using climate, vegetation and soil databases. The estimated SOC stock ranged from 1600 to 1830 TgC (from 6800 to 7800 gC/m2), and the SOC stock was largest with the longest rotation and was largest under ThinLef with all three rotations. Despite an increase in net primary production, the SOC stock decreased by 5% under the climate change scenario.  相似文献   


Soil organic phosphorus (P) is an important P source for biota especially in P-limited forests. Organic P has various chemical formations which differ in bioavailability and these organic P can be degraded by phosphatase enzymes. Here, we report soil P fractions inferred from solution 31P-NMR spectroscopy and soil phosphatase activities of two tropical rain forests on contrasting parent materials; sedimentary and ultramafic igneous (serpentinite) rocks. Compared to the sedimentary soils and previous studies, P fractions of the serpentinite soils have distinctly high proportions of pyrophosphate and scyllo-inositol hexakisphosphate (scyllo-IP6). The accumulation of pyrophosphate and scyllo-IP6 may be related to strong sorptive capacity of iron oxides present in the serpentinite soils, which implies a consequent low P availability in the serpentinite soils. Mean value of soil phosphatase activities was higher in the serpentinite soils than in the sedimentary soils, suggesting that biota in these serpentinite forests depend more on soil organic P as a P source.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the effect of land‐use and forest cover depletion on the distribution of soil organic carbon (SOC) within particle‐size fractions in a volcanic soil. Emphasis was given to the thermal properties of soils. Six representative sites in Mexico were selected in an area dominated by Andosols: a grassland site, four forested sites with different levels of degradation and an agricultural site. Soils were fractionated using ultrasonic energy until complete dispersion was achieved. The particle‐size fractions were coarse sand, fine sand, silt, clay and particulate organic matter from the coarse sand sized fraction (POM‐CS) and fine sand (POM‐FS). Soil organic carbon decreased by 70% after forest conversion to cropland and long‐term cultivation; forest cover loss resulted in a decrease in SOC of up to 60%. The grassland soil contained 45% more SOC than the cropland one. Soil organic carbon was mainly associated with the silt‐size fraction; the most sensitive fractions to land‐use change and forest cover depletion were POM followed by SOC associated with the silt and clay‐sized fractions. Particulate organic matter can be used as an early indicator of SOC loss. The C lost from the clay and silt‐sized fractions was thermally labile; therefore, the SOC stored in the more degraded forest soils was more recalcitrant (thermally resistant). Only the transformation of forest to agricultural land produced a similar loss of thermally stable C associated with the silt‐sized fraction.  相似文献   

In carbonate‐containing soils a reliable determination of organic C requires a method that effectively separates organic and inorganic C without altering the organic matter. This study was conducted to determine whether HCl vapor completely removes carbonates even in dolomite‐rich soils and to what extent a widely used acid‐fumigation method has to be modified for humus‐rich soils. Furthermore, it was tested whether HCl fumigation alters organic‐C content. Since C and N parameters are often analyzed simultaneously we also tested the influence of acid‐vapor treatment on N content and on δ13C of soil organic matter. We applied fumigation with 37% HCl for 8 and 32 h using 9 carbonate‐containing soil samples. Inorganic C ranged from 7 to 124 and organic C from 9 to 267 g kg–1. The maximum contents of dolomite and calcite were 940 and 640 g kg–1, respectively. A time of 8 h was enough to completely remove all carbonates. Neither the content nor the δ13C of organic C were significantly affected by fumigation. In contrast, N contents were altered by acid treatment. Based on these results and on our experience in analyzing more than 1000 soil samples, a recommended procedure for acid fumigation of carbonate‐containing soils with a wide range of organic‐ and inorganic‐C contents was derived. Samples pretreated in this way can be analyzed reliably for their organic‐C content and δ13C. Furthermore, N and inorganic‐C contents can be determined with a quality sufficient for many purposes.  相似文献   

A 17‐year chronosequence of Acacia auriculiformis fallows on Arenosols of the Batéké Plateau (D.R. Congo) was surveyed and compared with virgin savannah soils to assess chemical soil fertility changes induced by these N‐fixing trees. Significant increases in organic carbon content, total nitrogen content, cation exchange capacity and sum of base cations were found after relatively short fallow periods of only 4 years and did not only affect the forest floor, but extended to at least 50 cm depth. The Acacia act as a major source of organic matter (OM), hence increasing organic carbon and nitrogen content and decreasing the C/N ratio. The increased OM content suggests that humification processes are the main cause of the significant decrease in pH. Total exchangeable cations initially increased slowly but doubled (topsoil 0–25 cm) and tripled (subsoil 25–50 cm) after 10 years. The point of zero net proton charge was systematically lower than soil pH and decreased with increasing OM content, thereby increasing the cation exchange capacity, although concurrent acidification retarded a significant beneficial impact at field pH on Acacia fallows of 10 years and older. Although the chemical soil fertility improves steadily with time, after 8 years of Acacia fallow the absolute amounts of available nutrients are still small and slash and burn practices are required to liberate the nutrients stored in the remaining biomass and litter before each new cropping period.  相似文献   

华北黄泛平原潮土土壤养分与土壤粒级的关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据第二次全国土壤普查资料,利用数理统计的方法研究了华北黄泛平原潮土土壤粒级与土壤养分含量之间的关系。研究结果表明,土壤耕层养分含量与土壤砂粒成负相关,与小于0.01 mm的各粒级成正相关。其中土壤有机质含量主要受砂粒(1~0.05 mm)和细粘粒(<0.001 mm)含量的影响,土壤全氮含量主要受细粘粒含量的影响,土壤全磷含量主要受砂粒和粗粉粒(0.05~0.01 mm)含量的影响,土壤速效磷含量主要受细粘粒含量的影响,土壤速效钾含量主要受细粉粒(0.01~0.005 mm)含量的影响。  相似文献   

华北黄泛平原潮土土壤养分与土壤粒级的关系研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据第二次全国土壤普查资料,利用数理统计的方法研究了华北黄泛平原潮土土壤粒级与土壤养分含量之间的关系。研究结果表明,土壤耕层养分含量与土壤砂粒成负相关,与小于0.01mm的各粒级成正相关。其中土壤有机质含量主要受砂粒(1~0.05mm)和细粘粒(〈0.001mm)含量的影响,土壤全氮含量主要受细粘粒含量的影响,土壤全磷含量主要受砂粒和粗粉粒(0.05-0.01mm)含量的影响,土壤速效磷含量主要受细粘粒含量的影响,土壤速效钾含量主要受细粉粒(0.01,0.005mm)含量的影响。  相似文献   

应用时空互代方法,以柠条林为例,对黄土丘陵沟壑区不同利用年限人工林土壤养分特征、空间变异及其演变进行了系统的研究。结果表明,该区人工林土壤肥力处于较低水平;人工林表层土壤养分中速效磷和速效钾的空间变异性较大;各环境因子对土壤养分有一定的影响,海拔、坡度和坡向等环境因子与人工林地土壤养分间呈负相关关系,坡位和地形与人工林地土壤养分间呈正相关关系。随着利用年限的增加,人工林土壤养分各指标含量均增加,与利用年限有显著的相关性。有机质、全氮、有效氮和速效磷的增加量不明显,全磷含量保持相对稳定的水平,速效钾经过多年积累有明显的增加。从土壤养分指数模型可以算出该区的人工林土壤有机质、全氮、有效氮约需35a能达到中上等养分水平,速效钾则约需27a才能达到中上等养分水平。  相似文献   

Large areas of traditional slope cropland were recently converted to other land‐use types in the semiarid Loess Plateau of China. In this study, we selected four representative conversion options of slope croplands, i.e., pastureland rotated with cropland (cultivated with Medicago sativa L. and rotated with Triticum aestivum L.), shrubland and woodland (afforested with Hippophae rhamnoides L. and Pinus tabulaeformis), and grassland (native herbage Stipa breviflora) to study the effect of land‐use conversion by comparing with traditional cropland. Compared with slope cropland, the relative effects of different conversion options on surface runoff and soil erosion were assessed over a 14‐year measurement period. Observations showed that distinct features and consequences of vegetation succession were found among the conversion options. Plots of shrubland had the highest vegetation coverage with dense undergrowth; natural herbaceous and subshrub species gradually spread into plots of grassland resulting in higher vegetation cover. Neither bushes nor herbs colonized the plots of Pinus tabulaeformis, which resulted in a higher percentage of bare soil. Significant differences in runoff generation, sediment yield and conservation efficiencies among the selected conversion options were detected through an analyses of variance (ANOVA). Compared with cropland, total runoff and sediment decreased by 65 per cent and 95 per cent in shrubland, 41 per cent and 92·5 per cent in grassland, 18 per cent and 77 per cent in woodland, and 12 per cent and 58 per cent in pastureland, respectively. The ranking of soil and water conservation efficiencies was shrubland > grassland > woodland > pastureland > cropland. Based on the effectiveness of soil and water conservation, shrubland and grassland are highly recommended as promising options for cropland conversion projects. However, pastureland and woodland are not suggested as potential options for slope‐cropland conversion because of low soil and water conservation in the long term. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

为了充分发挥山区旅游公路水土保持措施的景观功能,以湖北神农架木鱼坪至兴山县昭君桥旅游公路为例,从景观美化功能和景观协调功能2方面进行水土保持设计。景观美化功能方面,根据项目沿线的自然、人文和公路本身的特点,分为3类景观特色带、3个景观过渡带和8个景观特色点,并配置相应的水土保持措施。景观协调功能方面,依据沿线的具体情况,使用渐缩式(阶梯式)空心砖护面墙、上挡墙L形种植槽、路基外侧悬墙式植槽和木桩栅栏式挡墙等绿化技术,进行公路沿线的绿化和美化。  相似文献   

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