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研究用3个不同配方的代乳料对羔羊进行早期断奶,对羔羊体重、成活率、体尺等指标的影响。选择80只25日龄杂交羔羊(小尾寒羊和本地羊),随机分为4组进行试验。3个试验组5日龄内用代乳料逐渐代替母乳,另一组为对照组(自然哺乳)。结果表明:①试验1组、2组、3组的只均日增重分别为:203.25 g、238.45 g、241.50 g、高于对照组的150.60 g,差异显著(P0.05);②试验组羔羊体高、尻高、胸围、体长均高于对照组,试验组间无明显差异;③试验组成活率为100%,比对照组95%有所提高;④试验组羔羊断奶时每只均利润比对照组增加了40元以上。  相似文献   

<正> 关于奶山羊羔羊代乳料的研究,国外已有报道。据法国绵羊山羊技术研究所的资料表明:“羔羊生后吃初乳2天,常乳12天,从第9天开始喂代乳品至41天,13天开始补喂草、料”。国内,对此课题研究甚少。为了解决当地羔羊断奶过早(20~30天),又不注意用代乳料补充其营养,影响羔羊生长发育的问题,我们于1988年3月进行了奶山羊羔羊代乳料的研制试验。现报告如下:  相似文献   

试验旨在研究补饲不同水平代乳粉对贵州黑山羊双羔羔羊生长性能、体尺指标、血清生化指标、腹泻率及死亡率的影响,探讨双羔羔羊最适代乳粉补饲水平。选用出生日期相同、体况健康相似的贵州黑山羊双羔羔羊12对共24只,按随机区组试验设计分成4组,每组6只。羔羊随母哺乳,对照组不补饲代乳料,试验组分别补饲羔羊体重的1.0%、1.5%和2.0%代乳粉,预试期7 d,正试期28 d。结果表明:2.0%代乳粉组贵州黑山羊双羔羔羊增重效果最好,全期日增重可达121.78 g/d,显著高于对照组和1.0%、1.5%代乳粉组(P<0.05);补饲2%水平代乳粉的羔羊各阶段体尺指标优于其他代乳料补饲水平试验组和对照组;2.0%代乳粉组血清总蛋白和葡萄糖含量显著高于1.0%代乳粉组和对照组(P<0.05)。综上,补饲2%代乳料有利于羔羊对营养物质的消化代谢,促进羔羊的生长发育。  相似文献   

早期断奶羔羊饲喂代乳料的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对母羊产奶不足会影响羔羊的生长发育及肉羊规模化生产的需要,该试验对人工哺喂羔羊代乳料的效果进行了研究.采用单因子随机分组设计,将24只羔羊(无角陶赛特♂×小尾寒羊♀的F1代)随机分为3组,分别为对照组、试验组Ⅰ和试验组Ⅱ,试验组饲喂代乳料和优质干草,对照组自然哺乳和饲喂优质干草,进行了60 d的饲养试验.结果表明,对羔羊实行早期断奶饲喂代乳料是可行的,饲喂代乳料的羔羊和自然哺乳羔羊生长发育速度差异不显著(P>0.05).  相似文献   

本试验研究了不同脂肪水平代乳料对哺乳羔羊生长发育的影响。选择28只体重、日龄相近的德克赛尔(Texel)公羔,于10日龄断母乳后随机分为4组,对照组饲喂全脂牛奶粉,试验组饲喂以大豆油作为脂肪添加源的代乳料,A、B、C组3个试验组的脂肪水平分别为20%、25%和30%。结果表明:羔羊平均精补料采食量和平均日增重存在显著差异,A、B组羔羊精补料采食量显著高于C组和对照组;B组的全期平均日增重显著高于C组(P<0.05),在51~60日龄阶段,B组平均日增重达到381.67 g/d,极显著(P<0.01)高于C组266.40 g/d;试验期内,随着代乳料脂肪水平的升高腹泻次数逐渐增加。适当的代乳料脂肪水平可以促进羔羊的固体饲料采食能力和生长性能,在以大豆油作为脂肪添加源的情况下,代乳料的适宜脂肪水平为20%~25%。  相似文献   

很多人认为“代乳料”就是“犊牛”和“猪”的同一语。其实,其它动物代乳料的市场也在迅速扩展。新的研究成果和经济状况改变了代乳料的行情。羔羊和马驹代乳料需求日趋增加,当然,犊牛和猪用代乳料的市场一直很活跃,并在不断扩展。羔羊代乳料专门化的羔羊代乳料是在60年代后期,从欧洲发展起来的,为养羊业能进行人工喂养初生羔羊,使母羊产后30天可再配种,以获得年产二胎羔羊提供了很大的机会。这种方法在欧洲的部分地方,特别是法国和德国仍很流行。在这些国家,幼龄“吮乳”羔羊价格昂贵,但在其他地方,这种方法的经济效益很快就不可  相似文献   

为了解代乳料对早期断奶羔羊的饲喂效果,选择8群青海毛肉兼用细毛羊,分为8组(对照组4组,试验组4组),每组180只,其中对照组羔羊由母羊自由哺乳和放牧,试验组羔羊由母羊自由哺乳+补喂代乳料和放牧。结果表明,通过饲喂代乳料,基本可以解决在枯草季节,牧草中蛋白质减少时羊群生长发育缓慢的现象。  相似文献   

试验旨在研究不同配方代乳料对早期断奶羔羊生长发育和血清生化指标的影响.选取体重接近的30日龄杂交羔羊36只,随机分为3组,每组羔羊12只(公、母各半).对照组为自然哺乳,试验Ⅰ组、试验Ⅱ组分别饲喂代乳料A、B.试验期60 d,其中预试期5d,正式试验期55 d.结果 显示,试验组羔羊采食量显著低于对照组(P<0.05)...  相似文献   

不同断奶时间及代乳料对放牧羔羊生长的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
试验设计3个不同断奶时间(30 d,45 d,60 d)和3个不同营养水平的代乳料,研究这两个因素对放牧条件下甘肃高山细毛羊羔羊生长性能的影响。结果表明:在45 d断奶时,饲喂代乳料Ⅲ的羔羊在60 d时体重比对照组高4.35 kg,差异极显著(P<0.01),该组平均每只羔羊比对照组的经济效益高27.58元;60 d断奶时,饲喂代乳料Ⅲ的羔羊在75 d时体重比对照组高5.26 kg,差异极显著(P<0.01),该组平均每只羔羊的经济效益比对照组高29.51元。  相似文献   

周键 《猪业科学》2018,(8):134-136
本试验旨在研究饲喂代乳料对哺乳仔猪生长性能的影响,试验选取12头泌乳能力相当的初产母猪,其中每头窝产仔猪8头,共计12窝96只体重相近的初生仔猪,以4窝为1组,分为3组(试验Ⅰ组、试验Ⅱ组和对照组),3组仔猪除自由采食母乳外,试验Ⅰ组和试验Ⅱ组分别饲喂等量1号代乳料和2号代乳料,对照组不做任何处理。研究表明,使用代乳料的两组试验仔猪生长速度较快,相比对照组每头提高0.938 kg和0.884 kg,分别提高15.35%和14.46%(P0.05),而且试验Ⅰ、Ⅱ组仔猪腹泻发病率较低,健康状况显著好于对照组。另外试验Ⅰ组的饲料转化率较试验Ⅱ组略低,表明1号饲料的饲喂效果要好于2号饲料。  相似文献   

不同蛋白质水平代乳品对羔羊生长性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阎宏  孙忠保 《饲料工业》2007,28(21):50-52
代乳品蛋白质由膨化大豆粉、奶粉、玉米蛋白粉等组成,其水平按一定梯度设计,组成1号、2号、3号、4号四种饲粮。饲养试验选用陶赛特×小尾寒羊F1代的初生公、母羔羊各25只,随机分成5组,每组10只(5♂+5♀),Ⅰ组~Ⅳ组分别饲喂1号~4号代乳品,第Ⅴ组为对照组,自然哺乳。试验结果表明:代乳品蛋白质水平较高者,更有利于羔羊体尺的增加,第Ⅳ组羔羊体高、体长指标和平均日增重好于其它各试验组,但略逊于对照组。  相似文献   

试验选用18只10日龄公羔,随即分成A、B、C三组,A组哺喂1号(低营养水平)代乳粉,B组哺喂2号(高营养水平)代乳粉,C组随母羊自然哺乳,每隔10d测定一次体重、体尺,进行了60d的饲养试验,结果表明:30日龄前,特别是10~20日龄阶段,自然哺乳组日增重达到154g/d,而代乳粉组平均日增重仅仅76.9g/d,试验组与对照组差异极显著(P〈0.01);20日龄时,A、B、C三组体高增加分别为2.4%、6.50%、7.36%,A、B两组分别与C组差异极显著(P〈0.01);体长A、B两组与C组差异显著(P〈0.05):但随着日龄的增加,消化道逐渐健全,羔羊越来越习惯于吸允代乳粉,消化吸收能力加强,尤其到试验后期(41—60d),B组表现明显的生长优势,不同日龄体重、阶段平均日增重、体高、体长、胸围、管围都明显高于A组和C组。  相似文献   

Two separate experiments were carried out to establish the effects of the protein:energy ratio in milk replacers on growth performance, plasma lipid concentrations and fatty acid composition in adipose tissue of male goat kids. In the first experiment there were 211 3-day- old goat kids and in the second experiment there were 121 kids aged 3-7 days. The animals were fed ad libitum for a period of 4 weeks on milk replacers containing either 11.5 or 9.5 g crude protein/MJ metabolizable energy. In essence, protein was exchanged with fat on a weight basis. Milk concentrations were increased from 160 to 190 g/l in experiment 1, from 150 to 180 g/l in experiment 2. There were significant increases in body weight and feed intake when the milk replacer with high protein : energy ratio was fed. Group mean average daily weight gain was 168 and 203 g for the groups with low and high dietary protein:energy ratio in experiment 1; for experiment 2 the values were 139 and 160 g. Average dry matter intake was 18 and 14% higher for the diet with high protein:energy ratio in experiments 1 and 2, respectively. There was no change in either feed conversion (feed:gain ratio) or energy conversion (weight gain:energy intake ratio). There were no consistent diet effects on plasma lipid concentrations. Dietary fatty acid composition was reflected by that of adipose tissue. The milk replacer with high protein:energy ratio produced a small increase in the contents of myristic and palmitic acid in adipose tissue.  相似文献   

Inadequate milk curd formation in the abomasum of newborn calves causes malnutrition and diarrhea. In order to define the factors of inadequate curd formation, we compared the curd forming ability among 9 kinds of milk replacers, bulk milk (raw milk), and skim milk both in vitro and in vivo . When rennet was added, the raw milk and one milk replacer formed firm curds. The rest of the milk replacers and skim milk did not form any curd. When a solution of HCl was added, raw milk, three milk replacers and skim milk formed the curd at pH 4.5, but the other milk replacers did not. When HCl was added following the rennet, raw milk, one milk replacer and skim milk formed the curd. In vivo , raw milk, two milk replacers and skim milk showed good curd formation whereas the other milk replacers showed poor curd formation inside the abomasums of the calves. This study showed that most of the milk replacers sold in Japan could not form the curd with rennet.  相似文献   

为了探讨代乳料原料的不同组合效应对早期断奶羔羊的饲喂效果,选取25只甘肃高山细毛羔羊,分为5组,每组5只,对照组羔羊由母羊自由哺乳和放牧;试验组羔羊30日龄断奶,饲喂4种代乳料:A组主原料未膨化,B组主原料膨化,C组主原料膨化+血浆蛋白粉,D组在C组基础上增加乳清粉。试验期为30~90日龄。结果表明:50、70日龄时,对照组羔羊体质量最大,试验组羔羊受断奶应激的影响,相应指标较小。90日龄时,D组体质量显著高于B、C组(P0.05),超过了对照组。30~90日龄阶段,D组日增体质量最大,且显著高于B、C组(P0.05)。对照组脾脏质量显著高于4个试验组(P0.05),且脾脏指数最高。说明在代乳料中添加血浆蛋白粉及增加乳清粉,有利于羔羊健康发育,使代乳料的饲喂效果最佳。  相似文献   

The influence of replacement of milk protein by isolated soy protein on digestion and pancreatic enzyme secretion was determined in nine Holstein male calves. Calves (average weight 47 kg) were fitted with permanent re-entrant pancreatic and a T-type cannula in the distal ileum at 6 to 10 d of age. Following a 2-wk recuperation period, the calves were fed three milk replacers in a triplicated 3 x 3 latin square. Experimental diets consisted of a control, in which 100% of the CP originated from spray-dried skim milk powder (SM), and the test diets, in which 50% (SM/ISP) or 100% (ISP) of the skim milk protein was replaced by isolated soy protein. Each experimental period lasted 2 wk. Replacement of SM protein by ISP decreased (P less than .05) the digestibilities of protein and most amino acids. Ileal digestibilities of total indispensable amino acids for SM, SM/ISP and ISP diets were 82.1, 75.8 and 61.8%, respectively, and total tract digestibilities of total indispensable amino acids were 90.0, 82.6 and 74.0%, respectively. Including ISP did not affect (P greater than .05) the volume of secretion of pancreatic juice, protein or chymotrypsin; however, the secretion of trypsin decreased (P less than .05). Reduction in trypsin secretion may be responsible, in part, for the lower amino acid digestibilities in milk replacers containing isolated soy protein.  相似文献   

Effect of yeast supplementation on the growth performance of Malpura lambs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Thirty-six Malpura lambs (age?=?58 days; 8.9 kg BW) were equally divided into three groups (N?=?12; six males and six females) to assess the effect of probiotics supplementation on growth, digestibility, rumen fermentation and carcass attributes. The lambs of the control group (CON) were not supplemented with probiotics, while test groups received either Saccharomyces cerevisiae (SC) or combination of S. cerevisiae and Lactobacillus sporogenes (SCLS) at 1.5 % of concentrate mixture. The lambs were fed ad libitum concentrate mixture and bajra (Pennisetum typhoides) straw in a cafeteria system until 180 days of age. Daily feed intake and weekly live weight changes were recorded. A metabolism trial was conducted on six lambs at 90 days. Rumen fermentation study was conducted at 105 days. At 6 months, all male lambs were slaughtered and carcass characteristics were recorded. Body weight and average daily gain (ADG) were similar among the three groups. The digestibilities of all the nutrients were also similar among the groups, except acid detergent fiber (ADF) digestibility, which was higher (P?=?0.032) in SC and SCLS than the CON. The rumen fluid pH was higher (P?=?0.04) in CON and SC group than SCLS at 0 h while NH3-N at 8 h sample was higher (P?=?0.031) in SC and SCLS group than the control. Pre-slaughter weight, hot carcass weight and dressing yields were similar. ADF digestibility and rumen fermentation was improved in lambs by probiotic supplementation. However, carcass traits remained unchanged due to probiotics supplementation.  相似文献   

Forty ewes were allocated into one of four groups (n = 10) and were treated with albendazole (ALB) (3.8 mg kg(-1)) before lambing (group A), with ALB before and after lambing (group B), with moxidectin (MXD) (0.2 mg kg(-1)) before lambing (group C) or were untreated controls (group D). Counts of nematode eggs in faeces and coprocultures were carried out during the study, as well as ewes' milk yield measurements and lamb weighings. Pre-treatment mean eggs per gram (epg) counts were 640, 715, 625 and 630 for groups A, B, C and D, respectively (P > 0.05); respective counts 21 days after treatment were 5, 0, 0 and 690 epg, whilst 70 days after treatment they were 380, 145, 40 and 1120 epg. Mean lactation milk yield was 3527.5, 3893.5, 3786.4 and 3285.9 ml for groups A, B, C and D, respectively; no significant difference was evident among the four groups in milk yield collected during the suckling period, although subsequently, group B or C ewes yielded significantly more milk than controls (P < 0.05). Mean birthweight of lambs were 3.56, 3.45, 3.59 and 3.26 kg for groups A, B, C and D, respectively (P = 0.045); subsequently, lambs from treated ewes were significantly heavier than lambs from control animals (P < 0.001). We conclude that anti-parasitic treatment during the last month of pregnancy contributed to an increased birthweight of lambs of treated ewes, whilst the cumulative effect of two doses of ALB or the long persistent efficacy of MXD provided a longer protection of animals against new parasitic infections and contributed to a lactation persistence.  相似文献   

选取28日龄断奶的杜×长×大三元商品仔猪90头,按体重接近的原则分成试验组和对照组,每组3个重复,每个重复15头。对照组仅提供教槽料,试验组在教槽料的基础上饮喂冲调代乳粉10d,在停止喂给代乳液后,又进行了为期15d的后续效果测定。通过测定仔猪的生长性能和观察仔猪行为来研究代乳粉在减缓仔猪断奶应激方面的效果。结果表明:在断奶后10d测得的平均日增重,试验组比对照组提高16.2%,试验组料重比比对照组下降显著(P<0.05),腹泻程度也显著降低,仔猪行为表现比较安静,说明在断奶后补饮代乳液可在一定程度上缓解断奶应激。  相似文献   

饲喂代乳粉对羔羊生长性能和体组织参数的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究饲喂代乳粉和母羊哺乳对羔羊生长性能和体组织参数的影响。选取18只日龄和体重相近、健康的杂交F1羔羊,随机分成试验组和对照组,每组9只。试验组饲喂代乳粉,对照组随母羊哺乳,饲养时间为90d。称取20、90日龄空腹体重,并于90日龄时每组随机选取4只屠宰,称量胴体、各胃室、小肠各段、内脏器官鲜重。结果表明:与对照组相比,试验组羔羊平均日增重提高18.61%(P0.05);宰前活体重、胴体重分别提高22.28%、32.44%(P0.05),屠宰率提高6.67%(P0.05);复胃总重增加13.25%(P0.05),其中瘤胃鲜重增加25.92%(P0.05),皱胃鲜重提高6.74%(P0.05),网胃和瓣胃鲜重则有降低的趋势;回肠鲜重和长度分别增长75.28%(P0.05)和35.50%(P0.05);肺、肾脏、肝脏和脾脏鲜重提高22.29%、30.10%、28.86%和38.22%(P0.05)。结论:饲喂代乳粉后可提高羔羊生长性能,但对屠宰率无显著影响,可促进其瘤胃的发育,并影响部分内脏器官发育。  相似文献   

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