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With the developing of the economy as well as the increasing of people's living standards in China, the industrial production of China's feed industry is expanding at the growth rate of 7%-8% annually. As a result, the feed additive sector is advancing vigorously. As a leader in the animal nutrition and the Methionine production in the world, Adissseo is the complex supplier of solid and liquid Methionine, vitamin and the enzyme. In Jan.,2006, China National Bluestar carried out the buying-out of French Adisseo, which promoted the French company development in China. Particularly in 2008, the decision of establishing a plant in Tianjin showed its attention to the market in China and the Asia-pacific regions. As the opening of Beijing VIV, Chert Guangpeng, chief-editor of Feed Industry Magazine, talked to Adisseo CEO, Mr. Gerard Deman on this issue.  相似文献   

Tianjin Animal Husbandry Regulation was issued and took effect on Sep. 1st in order to improve the quality safety of animal husbandry and the products. The regulation first involves in some vital problems in local laws and regulations such as the packing mark's system,  相似文献   

Chinese feed machinery company, Muyang, has expressed interest in partnering with the Bungoma County government in Kenya, inthe building of an animal feed processing company in region. Muyang Company, based in Yangzhou China, intends to set up the feed plant in the area at a cost of KES 165 million (US$1.9 million), which will make use of sugarcane and maize waste products that are abundant in the region, if they are able to strike a deal with the county government. If the feed plant gets of the ground, it is expected to created an estimated 2,000jobs in the region, according to Bencher Yi, Muyang's Deputy President. Muyang intends to provide the feed machinery to set up the animal feed mill, along with providing technical support, training and guaranteeing 2 years of maintenance for all machinery. The company has been set up in Africa since 2008 and has extensive operations in Africa, with similar companies in Tanzania, South Africa and Mozambique. It plans to extend the same to Kenya and Bungoma is among one of the three selected County's together with Kiambu and Murang'a Counties.  相似文献   

China's Bright Food Group Co., Ltd. SHMNGA.UL has struck a deal to buy control of Israel's largest food company,gaining new products and technology as it chases rivals that have overtaken it in China's fast-growing cheese and dairy markets.  相似文献   

China's marine fishery industry has embraced its growth during the last few decades, but problems including over-fishing and declines in the number of willing workers have come to threaten resources and arouse concern over the industry's future.  相似文献   

China's Ruibang Farming Development Co and Dutch pig genetics supplier Topigs have signed an agreement to establishbreeding farms and genetic centres in North China's Hebei Province. Ruibang, based in the provincial capital of Zhangjiakou, plans to invest more than USD 33 million to establish pig breeding and propagation centres with up to 2,500 sows each.  相似文献   

Lately, Cargill, one of the world's top 4 food conglomerates, inaugurated an integrated poultry operation in China. As it's known that this broiler production project in An'hui is the biggest single investment of Cargill in China (US$2,500 million) and also its first animal protein project in China. Full processing capacity of this plant in a year can reach 60 million birds meanwhile covering the whole industrial chain from feed manufacture, broiler raising to slaughtering and processing.  相似文献   

This paper aims to discuss how South Africa’s accession to the BRICS will impact on the development of South Africa ’s infrastructure development. It is a well know fact among development scholars and experts that in order for sustainable economic development a country’s infrastructure needs to be on point and flourish. The South African government has realised the importance of this and in the National Development Plan the government highlights infrastructure development in South Africa as one of the key areas of growth and development for job creation and economic development. Discourse around the BRICS is discussed, who and what they are, a brief history on each country is also provided in the paper. It has also been said that South Africa ’s accession to the BRICS will be valuable for the rest of Africa as well because South Africa is seen as a gateway to other African countries. The relationship between Africa and China is one that is highly contested by the west however it seems that it still continues to flourish and this shall be briefly discussed in the paper. Talks of a BRICS development bank is an area that will also be touched on, this bank is set to fund infrastructure projects especially in Africa amongst its other duties. The main objective of this paper is to access whether or not South Africa will benefit from entering the BRICS in December 2011 and this is explored in the paper.  相似文献   

According to the analysis in recent years, the price of lysine, vitamin and fishmeal will keep strong. Thanks to the country's preferential policy, the animal breeding stock slightly increased according to the situation in China, and the rising of the upper raw material including the corn price provided certain room for raising.  相似文献   

China's livestock industry, vital to the nation's food security, has become a growing pollution and public health headache in some rural areas.
In Santang Township in south China's Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region, farmers simply dump the carcasses of their animals without any treatment, according to Liu, a local villager.  相似文献   

Japan announced on January 30 that it will release inspection on China's 26 feed products producers about the melamine contain effective as of January 30, 2009, according to the Related Measures against China's Melamine Tainted Feed issued by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Japan.  相似文献   

Algeria like many of its Middle Eastern and North African(MENA) counterparts,rely heavily on the industry of fossil fuels,such as gas and petroleum.This big reliance of Algerian economy on hydrocarbon exports revenue makes it very vulnerable to external shocks.So since the late 1990s different measures had been adopted to help promote the diversification of exports,but so far the adoption of these measures,has mixed results and has failed to boost foreign trade out of Hydrocarbons exports in a significant way.But unlike Algeria,China has been the most successful developing country in this modern era of globalization.It was one of the poorest countries in the world in 1980s,and since initiating economic reform after 1978 its GDP has expanded at a steady rate over 10% and it`s foreign trade is considered as one of the most important in the world.Given these facts the purpose of this paper is to analyze,why Algeria struggles to develop and diversify its exports out of Hydrocarbons.And what are the engines of the impressive growth of china’s foreign trade,if any;lessons can Algeria take from china’s foreign trade experience.  相似文献   

On Dec.29, 2009, National Fishery Working Conference, sponsored by Ministry of Agriculture, was held in Beijing. The conference was focusing on summarizing the achievements and experiences in China's fisheries sector in the past 60 years as well as the work in 2009, planning for the key tasks in 2010.  相似文献   

The Golden Age of Leapforward Development of China's Feed Industry
During the first ten-year period of national 11th and 12th Fiver-yearplan in the 21st Century, of which the key characteristics were as follows: After relentless efforts, China joined into WTO in 2001, which was the significant turning point of China in its deepening reform and opening-door policy as well as being integrated into the global economy,  相似文献   

The holiday season is approaching in China, and shoppers and retailers alike are brimming with visions of pork and increasingly, of US pork.
As the January lunar New Year approaches and the seasonal winter meat consumption period gets underway, the US Meat Export Federation's (USMEF) efforts to raise the visibility of US pork and its quality, safety and value are moving into high gear, said Joel Haggard, USMEF's senior vice president over the Asia-Pacific region before the peak season.  相似文献   

China's consumer prices increased at a slower pace in April as the cost of fresh vegetables and pork both declined, official data showed recently.  相似文献   

According to China's National Bureau of Statistics (NBS), the country's grain output rose 2.9 percent yearon-year in 2010 to 546.41 million tons. This marked the seventh consecutive year of growth for China's grain output.  相似文献   

State Council said that China will increase imports of beef and lamb. The country's high tariffs for both beef and lamb haveresulted in smuggling and food safety concerns, especially for beef, as demand continues to grow.  相似文献   

After a difficult start in 2009, market conditions for the world's feed manufacturers have generally improved over the last 12 months. The effects are reflected in the annual reports of the companies covering their most recent full fiscal year. Many describe a gradual easing of the struggle to maintain volumes, against the background of a slow recovery in animal numbers and farm profitability after the successive miseries of high grain prices and economic recession.  相似文献   

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