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Laboratory experiments and field observations clearly show that tsetse flies can be carriers of mixed trypanosome infections. Question remains how easy it is for the tsetse fly to acquire such a mixed infection during the first bloodmeal. This is of particular importance in the epidemiology of Trypanosoma brucei s.l., often a cryptic infection and difficult to transmit to non-teneral tsetse flies. To determine the transmission rate of T. brucei as part of a mixed infection, teneral Glossina morsitans morsitans were fed once on cattle with a mixed (Trypanosoma brucei brucei/Trypanosoma congolense) or single (T. brucei) infection. Of the 140 flies fed on animals with a mixed infection and examined 30 days later, 4 had a metacylic T. brucei infection, 29 a T. congolense infection and 13 a mixed T. brucei/T. congolense infection. There was no significant difference between the transmission rate of T. brucei as a single or as part of a mixed infection. The high proportion of mixed T.b. brucei/T. congolense infections was explained best by a model implying that if a fly is refractory to T. congolense, it is also refractory to T.b. brucei and vice versa. Hence, results suggest that the transmission of T.b. brucei is affected mainly by the vectorial capacity of flies and not by concurrent trypanosome infections in the host.  相似文献   

The protective efficacy of isometamidium chloride (ISMM) and diminazene aceturate (DIM) against Trypanosoma brucei, Trypanosoma congolense and Trypanosoma vivax infections in cattle under a suppressed tsetse population was assessed in southeast Uganda. A total of 66 and 57 trypanosome-infected cattle were treated with ISMM and DIM, respectively together with 177 trypanosome-free animals not treated were followed for 12 months, checked every 4 weeks. There was no statistical difference in the mean time to infection with any trypanosome species in animals treated with ISMM or DIM. However, the mean time to trypanosome infection was significantly longer for treated animals than controls. The mean time to infection with each of the three trypanosome species differed significantly, with the average time to T. vivax infection the lowest, followed by T. congolense and then T. brucei. The protective efficacy of DIM was as good as that of ISMM; implying curative treatments against trypanosomosis are sufficient for combination with tsetse control. Isometamidium chloride or DIM had the highest impact on T. brucei and T. congolense infections in cattle.  相似文献   

An interference phenomenon that delays superinfection with a trypanosome species different from that used for the initial infection has been found to occur in goats. Following tsetse transmission of Trypanosoma brucei to goats already infected with T. congolense, there was a delay in chancre development, as well as in the appearance of T. brucei and anti-T. brucei antibodies in the blood when compared to previously uninfected goats. However, there was no delay in the establishment of a tsetse-transmitted superinfection with T. vivax in goats already infected with either T. congolense or in animals already infected with a different serodeme of T. vivax.  相似文献   

Susceptibility to Trypanosoma congolense, T. vivax challenge and cross species-superchallenges, and related effects on health and productivity were assessed in N'Dama cattle. Twenty-five N'Dama bulls aged 3-4 years and previously primed with trypanosome infections through natural tsetse exposure over more than one year were used. The experimental herd was divided in five groups each composed of five randomly selected animals. Group 1 was challenged with T. congolense, Group 2 with T. vivax, Group 3 was inoculated with T. congolense followed by a cross-superchallenge with T. vivax, Group 4 was inoculated with T. vivax followed by T. congolense cross-superchallenge. Animals in Group 5 were used as controls. Both T. vivax and T. congolense cross-superchallenges were carried out on Day 14 subsequent to respective initial T. congolense and T. vivax inoculations. All challenges were performed by intradermal needle inoculation of stocks of trypanosome bloodstream forms. In challenged animals (Group 1 to 4), parasitaemia profiles and packed red cell volumes (PCV) were measured for four months. Weight changes were recorded monthly and daily weight gain (DWG) computed. All cattle challenged with T. congolense became parasitaemic. Conversely, one animal in Group 2 and two in Group 3 never displayed patent T. vivax parasitaemia. Both in single (Group 1), initial (Group 3) and cross-superchallenged (Group 4) cattle higher percentage of positive blood samples and higher parasitaemia level were obtained following T. congolense than T. vivax inocula (Group 2, 3 and 4) (P<0.04 or greater). Overall the pre-challenge period, PCV values and DWGs were nearly identical in the five groups. Conversely, over the post-challenge period, cattle singly, initially and cross-superinoculated with T. congolense (Group 1, 3 and 4) displayed lower PCV values and DWGs in comparison with both control animals (Group 5) and with singly T. vivax challenged cattle (Group 2) (P<0.05 or greater). No difference in mean PCV levels and DWGs was found between animals in Group 2 and cattle in Group 5. It was concluded that trypanotolerant N'Dama cattle suffered more from T. congolense and mixed T. congolensel T. vivax infections, while pure T. vivax infection did not produce appreciable negative effects on their health and productivity. Therefore, considering that tsetse and trypanosomosis control campaigns are costly and are justified only when derived economic benefits exceed those of control, and also that an ample mosaic of farming systems exists in West Africa, species-specific trypanosome prevalence and relative impact should be assessed in various cattle populations and breeds differing in trypanosome susceptibility before advising any intervention. Moreover, virulence and related effects of T. congolense and T. vivax endemic stocks on health and productivity in local cattle populations should also be estimated in order to counsel appropriate economic protection measures against trypanosmosis, i.e. vector control and/or strategic use of trypanocidal drugs.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of treating cattle with deltamethrin to control tsetse flies and ticks was investigated on 2 ranches 8 km apart in central Uganda where there is a high risk of trypanosomosis. This area had a moderate challenge ofGlossina pallidipes. The cattle had very low challenge ofRhipicephalus appendiculatus, Amblyomma variegatum, Boophilus decolaratus andRhipicephalus evertsi evertsi, due to regular treatment with dioxathion. On one ranch a dip was charged with deltamethrin to treat cattle regularly for 3 months. The other ranch was used as a control for the tsetse population, but the animals continued to be treated regularly with dioxathion using hand sprays. On the ranch using deltamethrin treatment a reduction of 96.9% in the tsetse population was recorded after 2 treatments at 2 week intervals. Total (100%) control of tsetse was achieved from the fourth treatment up to the end of the trial period. The ranch with dioxathion treatment experienced an overall tsetse reduction of 19.15% during the thirteenth to fifteenth weeks and the factors contributing to this are discussed. However, the mean apparent tsetse density of 4.83 flies/trap/day recorded at the control ranch was significantly different from the mean of 0.81 flies/trap/day (P<0.001) at the ranch using deltamethrin treatment. It was difficult to assess the effect of this product on ticks because of lack of controls. However, there are indications that deltamethrin can also reduce tick populations and the incidence of tick-borne diseases. The possible limitations and practical implications associated with large scale use of this product in the country are discussed.
Control De Moscas Tsetse En Uganda Mediante La Inmersion De Ganado En Deltametrin
Resumen Se investigó el efecto de tratar ganado condeltametrin para controlar moscas tsetse y garrapatas, en dos ranchos 8 km aparte en Uganda Central, donde prevalece un alto riesgo de tripanosomosis. Esta área tenía un desafio moderado del vectorGlossina pallidipes. El ganado tenía una descarga muy baja deRhipicephalus appendiculatus, Amblyomma variegatum, Boophilus decoloraturus yRiphicephalus evertsi evertsi, debido al tratamiento regular con dioxation. En un rancho el baño de inmersión fue cargado con deltametrin, para bañar el ganado regularmente por tres meses. El otro rancho fue usado como control para evaluar la población de tsetse, pero el ganado siguió siendo tratado regularmente con dioxation, utilizando aspersores de mano. Se alcanzó una reducción de 96.9% en la población de tsetse en el rancho donde el ganado fue tratado con deltametrin, después de dos tratamientos con intervalo de dos semanas. Un control total (100%) de la mosca tsetse fue alcanzado después del cuarto tratamiento, hasta el final del ensayo. El rancho donde el ganado fue tratado con dioxation experimentó una reducción general del 19.15% durante las semanas 13 a 15. Se discuten los factores que contribuyeron a estè reducción. Sin embargo, la media aparente de densidad de tsetse, 4.83 moscas/trampa/día obtenida en el rancho control, fue significativamente differente de la media obtenida en el rancho donde se baño con deltametrin, la que fue 0.81 moscas/trampa/día (P<0.001). Fue dificil detectar el efecto de estè último producto sobre las garrapatas, debido a que no hubo controles. Sin embargo, existen indicaciones de que el deltametrin puede reducir la población de garrapatas y la incidencia de enfermedades hematozoáricas. Se discute las limitaciones posibles e implicaciones prácticas de la utilización en gran escala de este producto en el país.

Luttre Contre Les Mouches Tse-Tse En Ouganda Par Utilisation De Bains De Deltamethrine Pour Le Traitment Des Bovins
Résumé L'effet du traitement des bovins à la deltamethrine pour lutter contre les mouches tsé-tsé et les tiques a été observé dans 2 ranchs distants de 8 km dans le centre de l'Ouganda où existait un risque élevé de trypanosomose. Cette région présente une densité modérée de glossines. Les bovins étaient très peu infestés parRhipicephalus appendiculatus, Amblyomma variegatum, Boophilus decoloratus etRhipicephalus evertsi evertsi à cause du traitment régulier au dioxathion auquel ils étaient soumis. Dans un des ranchs, les animaux ont été traités régulièrement pendant 3 mois dans un bain de deltamethrine. Ceux de l'autre ranch ont servi de témoins pour les tsé-tsé, mail ils ont continué à être traité régulièrement par des aspersions manuelles de dioxathion. Dans le ranch ayant traité les animaux à la deltamethrine, une réduction de 96,9 p. 100 de la population des tsé-tsé a été relevée après 2 traitements à 2 semaines d'intervalle. L'éradication totale des tsé-tsé a été obtenue à partir due 4e traitement jusqu'à la fin de la période d'experience. Dans le ranch aux animaux témoins, la réduction des tsé-tsé a atteint 19,15 p. 100 de la 13e à la 15e semaines et les facteurs en cause sont discutés. Cependant, la densité moyenne apparente de 4,83 mouches/piège/jour relevée dans le ranch témoin était significativement différente de la moyenne obtenue dans l'autre ranch (0,81 mouches/piège jour) (P<0,001). Il était difficile d'évaluer l'effet de ce produit sur les tiques à cause du manque de témoins. Cependant certaines indications font penser que la deltamethrine peut aussi réduire la population de tiques et l'incidence des maladies transmises par les tiques. Les limites possibles et les implications pratiques associées à une utilisation à grande échelle de ce produit sont discutées.

The tissue distribution and residue profile of diminazene aceturate was investigated in healthy dogs and in dogs infected with Trypanosoma congolense and Trypanosoma brucei brucei. The drug was administered at 3.5 mg/kg i.m. and tissue samples were taken post mortem from the animals at 48, 72, 120, 168 and 240 h after injection. The drug was distributed to various organs and tissues of the body with the highest concentrations occurring in liver and kidney. Higher drug levels were obtained in the tissues of healthy dogs compared with trypanosome infected animals except in the brain. The levels of residues in the healthy animals were significantly different (P less than 0.05) from those of the infected dogs. The drug residues were still detectable in the tissues of the animals 10 days after drug administration.  相似文献   

Twenty-four Boran cattle were injected with isometamidium chloride (1 mg/kg bodyweight) to investigate the duration of drug-induced prophylaxis against infection by metacyclic forms of Trypanosoma congolense and to determine if specific antibody responses to the organism were mounted by animals under chemoprophylactic cover. Complete protection against either single challenge by five tsetse flies infected with T congolense, or repeated challenge at monthly intervals by five tsetse flies, lasted for five months. Six months after treatment, two-thirds of the cattle were resistant to challenge, irrespective of whether subjected to single or multiple challenge with trypanosome-infected tsetse flies, or titrated doses of in vitro-cultured metacyclic forms of T congolense (5 X 10(2) to 5 X 10(5) organisms), inoculated intradermally. No animal which resisted infection developed detectable skin reactions at the site of deposition of metacyclic trypanosomes or produced trypanosome-specific antibodies. It was concluded that drug residues effectively limited trypanosome multiplication at the site of deposition in the skin, thus preventing subsequent parasitaemia or priming of the host's immune response.  相似文献   

Severe pathological changes were observed in the adrenal and thyroid glands of Zebu (Bos indicus) heifers infected with Trypanosoma congolense. In the adrenal glands, severe inflammatory changes characterised by mononuclear cellular infiltration in the subcapsular areas, zona glomerulosa, zona fasciculata and zona reticularis were observed. In addition, there were hyperaemia, haemorrhage and hyperplasia resulting in increased adrenal weight in the two heifers slaughtered on Days 50 and 70 post-infection (p.i.). In the medullary areas of these two heifers, there was only mononuclear cellular infiltration. In the two heifers slaughtered on Day 113, localised mononuclear cellular infiltration was observed in addition to cortical cell depletion and fibrosis, resulting in reduced adrenal weight when compared with the controls. In the thyroid glands of the infected heifers, gross enlargement of the follicles filled with pale staining colloids were observed in association with squamous metaplasia of the follicular epithelium and fibroplasia. Serum cortisol concentrations showed an appreciable but non-significant increase (P less than 0.05) between Weeks 2 and 6 p.i. in the infected heifers (5.6 +/- 0.86 ng ml-1 vs. 4.4 +/- 0.34 ng ml-1) when compared with the uninfected controls or the pre-infection level. Thereafter, cortisol levels declined though non-significantly throughout the rest of the study. However, there was a steady increase towards normal levels from Week 12 p.i. until the end of the experiment. Changes in the basal serum concentrations of thyroxine (T4) were also measured weekly. There was a progressive decrease in the levels of T4 from the third until the 11th week p.i., when the decrease became significant (P less than 0.05) and remained so until the 16th week when the experiment ended.  相似文献   

To study the mechanisms by which certain West African taurine cattle are able to resist trypanosomiasis, the disease course and several immune parameters were examined in eleven Baoulé and five Zebu cattle after infection with tsetse-transmitted T. congolense (clone 1180 of stock Serengeti/71/STIB/212). All animals showed a similar onset of parasitemia but subsequently a continuum of disease was observed ranging from four Baoulé which were mildly susceptible (controlled parasitemia by week 10 post-infection and had little anemia) to two Baoulé and two Zebu which were highly susceptible (unable to control parasitemia, severe anemia leading to death or drug treatment in extremis). The remaining five Baoulé and three Zebu showed intermediate susceptibility. Although the most resistant animals were of the Baoulé breed, there was a spectrum of susceptibility which crossed the two breeds. Neutralizing antibody to metacyclic trypanosome antigens was detectable by day 18 in four of the mildly susceptible and three of the highly susceptible individuals but such antibodies were delayed in the remaining one severely susceptible animal. Neutralizing antibodies to antigenic variants of the first peak of blood trypanosomes were of significantly higher titre and appeared earlier in the four mildly susceptible as opposed to the highly susceptible animals. No differences in lymphocyte in vitro mitogen responses were observed in these animals except shortly before death in those severely affected. In vitro lymphocyte responses to allogeneic cells did appear to correlate with disease severity, in that animals with mild disease showed little immunosuppression of this response whilst in severely affected individuals the response was almost ablated.  相似文献   

Pathological changes in cattle infected with Trypanosoma brucei   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Samples for histological studies were taken from the genitalia of 14 bulls (five infected with Trypanosoma vivax, five with T. congolense and four uninfected control animals), slaughtered 12, 22 or 30 weeks post-infection. Infection with Y58 strain of T. vivax and strain 2295 of T. congolense caused various grades of lesions in the male reproductive organs, especially the testes and epididymides. T. congolense produced more severe degenerative changes than T. vivax. It is concluded that in long-standing cases, the result of trypanosome infection is either serious infertility or even sterility.  相似文献   

Trypanosoma congolense causes the most economically important animal trypanosomosis in Africa. In South Africa, a rinderpest pandemic of the 1890s removed many host animals, resulting in the near-eradication of most tsetse species. Further suppression was achieved through spraying with dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT); however, residual populations of Glossina austeni and G. brevipalpis remained in isolated pockets. A total of 506 of these tsetse flies were captured in the Hluhluwe-iMfolozi Park, the St Lucia Wetland Park and Boomerang commercial farm. The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used to determine the infection rate and frequency of mixed infections of these flies. Additionally, 473 blood samples were collected from cattle at communal diptanks and a commercial farm in the area and each one examined by the haematocrit centrifugation technique (HCT). Furthermore, buffy coats from these blood samples were spotted onto FTA Elute cards and the DNA extracted from each one tested using 3 separate PCRs. The HCT revealed the presence of trypanosomes in only 6.6% of the blood samples; by contrast, species-specific PCR detected trypanosome DNA in 50% of the samples. The species-specific PCR detected trypanosome DNA in 17% of the tsetse flies, compared with the nested PCR targeting rDNA which detected trypanosome DNA in only 14% of the samples. Over time, the transmission of Savannah-type T. congolense and Kilifi-type T. congolense as mixed infections could have an impact on disease manifestation in different hosts in the area.  相似文献   

The interactions between Trypanosoma congolense and Haemonchus contortus infections were studied in N'Dama calves. A total of 38 N'Dama bulls was divided into four groups and each group infected either with H. contortus 1 week after infection with T. congolense or with T. congolense 4 weeks after infection with H. contortus, or with either infection singly. Parasitological (faecal egg counts, parasitaemia), haematological (packed cell volume, white blood cell counts, albumin) and clinical parameters (body weight change, mortality rate) were compared among the various groups. The results showed a reduced prepatent period and a markedly increased pathogenicity of H. contortus infections in animals with a concurrent T. congolense infection. The most harmful combination was a H. contortus infection 1 week after the T. congolense infection which resulted in a progressive and severe anaemia, accompanied by hypoalbuminaemia, increased weight loss and high mortality. The anaemia induced by dual infections showed a low responsiveness to chemotherapy and in several cases supportive treatment did not help recovery. The results also showed that animals with a concurrent T. congolense and H. contortus infection ran a higher risk of succumbing during the infection, and also during 10 weeks following treatment. Although infections with T. congolense alone produced no clinical signs, they were found to significantly reduce the ability of infected animals to mount a normal response to a subsequent H. contortus infection. It was concluded that the increased H. contortus egg excretion observed in animals infected with both parasites might significantly increase the risk of nematode infections and that the reduced prepatent period might necessitate more frequent anthelmintic treatments. These interactions should, therefore, be considered wherever attempts are made to control these two diseases.  相似文献   

The prefemoral lymph nodes of two calves and a sheep infected with a stock of Trypanosoma congolense transmitted by Glossina morsitans were examined histologically for the presence of trypanosomes. Ten days after infection trypanosomes were found in the subcapsular sinuses of the nodes of a calf and the sheep but parasites were absent from the blood at this time. Trypanosomes were also detected in the prefemeral lymph node of the other calf on examination 30 days after infection, when parasites were also present in the blood. These observations provide further evidence that extravascular foci of trypanosomes develop in infections with T congolense and indicate that it should not be regarded as a strict plasma parasite.  相似文献   

对伊氏锥虫(Trypanosoma evansi):新疆株(XJCA)、湖北株(HBM)、云南株(YNB)、广东株(GDB2);马媾疫锥虫(Trypanosoma equiperdum)、布氏锥虫(Trypanosoma brucei)、刚果锥虫(Trypanosoma congolense)提取基因组DNA,根据已报道的伊氏锥虫株18SrDNA基因序列设计合成引物,用PCR扩增了锥虫虫株基因组DNA,伊氏锥虫新疆株、湖北株、云南株、广东株、布氏锥虫、刚果锥虫均为373bp的片段;马媾疫锥虫为372bp的片段,PCR产物经电泳鉴定后用试剂盒回收纯化,纯化后PCR产物经连接、转化后测序,将测得的序列用DNAMAN软件分析并与国外已发表的相应序列进行了同源性比较,并绘制了系统发育进化树。结果与国外AJ009153、AJ223564、D89527株同源性达到99%~100%,与另外11株同源性75%。本研究为锥虫分子流行病学研究及分类研究打下基础。  相似文献   

Four African buffalo (Syncerus caffer) and four Boran cattle (Bos indicus) were each exposed to the bites of 10 tsetse flies infected with Trypanosoma congolense. Although both groups of animals became infected, the buffalo showed no clinical signs of trypanosomiasis while the cattle suffered from the disease characterized by pronounced skin reactions, high parasitaemia and severe anaemia. The prepatent periods in the buffalo varied from 18 to 27 days in comparison with 11 to 14 days in the cattle. In the buffalo, skin reactions were only detectable by histological examination of skin biopsies, the peak of parasitaemia was at least a hundredfold below that in cattle and after 54 days parasites were no longer detected. In contrast, the cattle had a continuous high parasitaemia until they were treated with a trypanocidal drug 60 days after infection. Neutralizing antibody to metacyclic trypanosomes appeared in the buffalo during the prepatent period, 15-20 days after infection, whereas in cattle neutralizing antibody was not detected until 10 days after the first peak of the parasitaemia, 25-30 days after infection.  相似文献   

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