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《Soil biology & biochemistry》2012,44(12):2423-2426
The N extracted after chloroform (CHCl3) fumigation was determined as a possible index of soil N supply to plants. The relationships between extractable N following fumigation and reference indices such as total N, alkali-hydrolyzable N, N released by the Stanford short-term incubation method, and the N extracted by KCl and by CaCl2, were measured in nine soils of differing soil N supply capacity. A highly significant correlation was achieved between the extractable N released by fumigation and the N released by the Stanford method, i.e. a short-term aerobic incubation (r = 0.87). Similarly, the correlation between extractable N by fumigation and the N uptake by ryegrass was highly statistically significant (r = 0.93). Using the N extracted following fumigation has the advantage that laboratory results are available in two days and are both reproducible and of high precision. Therefore, the N extracted following fumigation is a valid, timesaving and precise index of soil N supply capacity.  相似文献   

The N extracted after chloroform (CHCl3) fumigation was determined as a possible index of soil N supply to plants. The relationships between extractable N following fumigation and reference indices such as total N, alkali-hydrolyzable N, N released by the Stanford short-term incubation method, and the N extracted by KCl and by CaCl2, were measured in nine soils of differing soil N supply capacity. A highly significant correlation was achieved between the extractable N released by fumigation and the N released by the Stanford method, i.e. a short-term aerobic incubation (r = 0.87). Similarly, the correlation between extractable N by fumigation and the N uptake by ryegrass was highly statistically significant (r = 0.93). Using the N extracted following fumigation has the advantage that laboratory results are available in two days and are both reproducible and of high precision. Therefore, the N extracted following fumigation is a valid, timesaving and precise index of soil N supply capacity.  相似文献   

Organic matter accumulation and increased microbial activity under no-till can affect the dynamics of some essential micronutrients for plants. The main purpose of this work was to study the long-term effect of tillage on the availability of Fe, Mn, Cu, and Zn in a calcareous soil from Southern Spain. To this end, nutrient availability in surface soil (0–5-cm depth) subjected to a long-term tillage experiment (21 years) was evaluated via pot experiments and chemical tests involving DTPA extraction (as availability index) and sequential chemical fractionation of Mn and Fe.Soil organic matter (SOM) content and microbial activity (estimated by the β-glucosidase method) were found to be significantly higher under no-till (NT) than under conventional (CT) or minimum tillage (MT). Also, DTPA extractable Mn, Cu, and Zn, and citrate–bicarbonate extractable Mn (Mncb), were all higher under NT than under CT and MT, the differences being related to the increase in SOM as revealed by the correlation of Mn, Cu, and Zn extractable with DTPA and SOM (r = 0.87, P < 0.001; r = 0.8, P < 0.01, and r = 0.86, P < 0.001, respectively), and that between Mncb and SOM (r = 0.87, P < 0.001). However, the increased extractability resulted in no increased concentrations of these nutrients in plants. Moreover, the Mn concentration in the last expanded leaf was significantly lower with NT than with CT, which can be ascribed at least partly to an increased microbial activity under NT as revealed by the negative correlation between Mn in plants and β-glucosidase activity in soil (r = −0.71, P < 0.01). The Fe concentration in plants was not affected by soil tillage; also, it was only related to citrate–ascorbate extractable Fe (r = 0.69, P < 0.05), which exposes the contribution of poorly crystalline Fe oxides in soil to Fe nutrition in plants.  相似文献   

The effect of casein content and Ca concentration on Fe, Zn, and Ca dialyzability was assessed using a response surface design. Tested casein levels were 5.31-13.75 g/L (34.8-90.2% of total protein). Whey protein was added to complete 15.25 g/L total protein. Calcium levels were adjusted with calcium citrate within a range between 417.4 and 804.9 mg/L. Through the experimental design utilized, we found that of both assessed factors, only the casein content significantly influenced Fe and Zn dialyzability. Protein composition did not influence calcium dialyzability, and calcium concentration did not affect either Fe or Zn dialyzability. No effect of casein-Ca on iron, zinc, and calcium dialyzability was found. According to these results, whey-dominant formulas are less prone to hamper mineral availability, and are therefore suitable in order to improve iron and zinc availability.  相似文献   

A major concern with the safe re‐use of biosolids on land is the potential for release of metals from organic matter in the biosolids, due to decomposition proceeding as biosolids age. To quantify the effects of biosolid aging on Cd and Zn bioavailability, two sewage sludges (Lagoon sludge and Filtered sludge) and a garden compost were incubated at 25°C and 35°C for 100 days. Changes in availability of Cd and Zn were determined using isotope dilution principles, with the materials being labelled with carrier‐free 109Cd and 65Zn. We determined isotopically exchangeable metal pools (E values) and plant available metal pools (L values) by measuring specific activities of Cd and Zn in soil extracts and in wheat plants, respectively. Changes in carbon content over time were determined using 13C‐NMR spectroscopy and chemical extraction methods, and related to changes in availability of metal pools as determined by isotopic procedures. Hot‐water‐extractable carbon content, assumed to represent easily decomposable organic matter, decreased during the 100 days by 80–190 mg kg?1. The Compost and Lagoon sludge showed no change in L values for Cd or Zn with time, but in the Filtered sludge the L values for Cd and Zn increased significantly, by 43% and 56%, respectively. The isotopically exchangeable pools of Cd and Zn did not change with incubation treatment of the biosolids. These data indicate that the potential for metal release from biosolids as organic matter decomposes depends to a large extent on the biosolid composition.  相似文献   

Tomato plants (Lycopersicum esculentum Mill, ‘Red Cherry Small’), grown in 15 cm diameter plastic pots with a standard greenhouse medium (1:1:1, by volume, soil:peat:sand) were irrigated for 15 weeks with liquid sewage sludge containing a liquid cationic conditioner (Petroset SB, Phillips Petroleum Company, Bartlesville, Oklahoma) to determine the effect of the conditioner on Cd and Zn availability. Half of the plants received 50 ml week?1 liquid digested sludge with no conditioner and half of the plants received 50 ml week?1 sludge containing 0.25 ml conditioner (200:1, by volume, sludge:conditioner). Plant height was measured weekly. Plants were harvested 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15 weeks after sludge treatments began and separated into roots, shoots, and fruits for dry weight determination and Cd and Zn analyses. Soil and sludge crusts were sampled at the same times and analyzed for extractable concentrations of Cd and Zn. Dry weights of plants grown with conditioned sludge were similar to those grown with nonconditioned sludge. Plants with conditioner flowered and fruited one and two weeks earlier, respectively, than plants without conditioned. Six weeks after treatments began, when the plants had grown to their greatest height, Cd concentrations in sludge crusts, soil, and roots receiving conditioner were 2.0, 1.5, and 2.1 times greater, respectively, than crusts, soil and roots not receiving conditioner. After the six weeks sampling time, Cd concentrations in crusts, soil, and roots receiving conditioned sludge were similar to those in crusts, soil, and roots receiving nonconditioned sludge. At the third-week sampling time, shoots of plants grown with conditioner had 2.6 times more Cd than shoots of plants grown without conditioner. Cadmium concentrations in shoots from both treatments were similar at later sampling dates. Cadmium content of fruits was the same for both treatments all sampling times. Zinc content of roots, shoots, fruits soil, and sludge crusts was no affected by the conditioner. Results showed that a cationic conditioner, added to sludge, increased the availability of Cd, but not of zn, for tomato plants until maximum height was reached.  相似文献   


The objectives of this study were to (1) characterize zinc (Zn) fractions and their relation to Zn extracted with mixed‐bed ion exchange resin capsules and (2) assess the relationships between the latter and Zn uptake by rice in 12 Mollisols from North India. The Resin Adsorption Quantity (RAQ) of Zn was measured after 1 and 14 days of anaerobic incubation. Six organic and inorganic Zn fractions were determined on anaerobic soil. Zinc uptake by rice was studied in a greenhouse experiment. Soil Zn fractions under reduced conditions followed the order residual Zn (80%)>carbonates and amorphous oxides bound Zn (12%)>weakly organically bound Zn (3%)>crystalline oxides bound Zn (2%)>strongly organically bound Zn (2%)>water soluble + exchangeable Zn (1%). RAQ‐Zn was best correlated with Zn bound to carbonates and amorphous oxides. Due to negative interactions between bicarbonate and Zn uptake, correlations between relative dry matter yield or total Zn uptake and the different Zn fractions, DTPA‐Zn measured on dry soil, or RAQ Zn were not significant. Adjusting soil test values according to soil pH improved the prediction of relative dry matter yield, but further studies are required to determine whether the resin capsule can be used as a soil test for Zn in calcareous soils.  相似文献   

Limited information is available on the effect of preceding crop on phytoavailability of zinc (Zn) in soil. This pot experiment examined the effect of four preceding crops including clover, sunflower, safflower, and sorghum residues on shoot and grain Zn uptake by two wheat genotypes differing in Zn-deficiency tolerance Back Cross and Kavir in a calcareous Zn-deficient soil. Incorporation of all preceding crop residues into the soil significantly increased organic matter (OM) content, dissolved organic C (DOC), and diethylene triamine pentaacetic acid (DTPA) extractable Zn concentration in the soil. Residues of safflower and clover had the greatest effect on increasing DOC. Shoot and grain Zn concentrations were increased by incorporating all pre-crop residues into the soil although this increase was greater at safflower and clover treatments. Incorporation of sorghum residues into the soil had a negative effect on shoot and grain dry matter yield of wheat. Incorporation of safflower and clover residues into the soil increased Zn uptake by wheat shoot and grain. There was a positive significant correlation between shoot and grain Zn concentration with DOC in soil solution. It shows that DOC, produced from decomposition of crop residues, has facilitated Zn uptake by roots of wheat plants and particularly its transfer to grains.  相似文献   

Zinc was extracted from seven soils collected from Haryana state (India), representing the tropical region of the country, to predict the availability of Zn to crops. Weakly adsorbed Zn extracted by 0.05 M CaCl2 was almost negligible. Similarly 1 M MgCl2, designated to extract the lattice Zn, extracted small quantities of Zn indicating that no Zn was substituted for any other cation in clay lattice. Maximum zinc was extracted by chelating agents like DTPA and EDTA and were correlated significantly among themselves. None of the methods tested was significantly correlated to plant Zn indicating that in addition to crop requirement, other soil factors play a major role in determining the Zn availability. Equilibrium Zn values in all except a sandy soil, were less than 1 μg Zn/ml indicating the possibility of moderate to severe Zn deficiency in these soils.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the impact of earthworm bioturbation on the distribution and availability of zinc in the soil profile.Experiments were carried out with Allolobophora chlorotica and Aporrectodea caliginosa in 24 perspex columns (∅ 10 cm), filled with 20-23 cm non-polluted soil (OM 2%, clay 2.9%, pH 0.01 M CaCl2 6.4), that was covered by a 3-5 cm layer of aged zinc spiked soil (500 mg Zn/kg dry soil) and another 2 cm non-polluted soil on top. After 80 and 175 days, columns were sacrificed and each cm from the top down to a depth of 15 cm was sampled. Earthworm casts, placed on top of the soil, were collected. Each sample was analyzed for total and CaCl2-exchangeable zinc concentrations.Effects of earthworm bioturbation were most pronounced after 175 days. For A. chlorotica, total and CaCl2-exchangeable zinc concentrations in the polluted layers were lower with than without earthworms. Total zinc concentrations in the non-polluted layers were higher in columns with earthworms. Casts of A. chlorotica collected on the soil surface showed slightly higher total zinc concentrations than non-polluted soil. Casts were found throughout the whole column. For A. caliginosa there were no differences in total zinc concentration between columns with and without earthworms. CaCl2-exchangeable zinc concentrations in the polluted layers were lower for columns with earthworms. Casts were mainly placed on top of the soil and contained total zinc concentrations intermediate between those in non-polluted and polluted soil layers.This study shows that different endogeic earthworm species have different effects on zinc distribution and availability in soils. A. chlorotica transfers soil throughout the whole column, effectively mixing it, while A. caliginosa decreases metal availability and transfers polluted soil to the soil surface.  相似文献   

The effect of pH on chemical forms and plant availability of heavy metals in three polluted soils was investigated. The soils were adjusted to pH values of 7.0, 6.0, and 4.5, then sequentially extracted so that Cd, Zn, and Pb could be partitioned into five operationally defined chemical fractions: exchangeable, carbonate, Fe-Mn oxide, organic, and residual. Kidney beans were grown in the soils to investigate plant availability of the metals in relation to changes of their levels in chemical forms resulting from alteration of soil pH. Alteration of pH resulted in changes of chemical forms of the metals in the soils, and at lower pH the changes were more significant. When soil pH values were decreased from 7.0 to 4.55, levels of Cd, Zn, and Pb in exchangeable form increased, decreased in carbonates and decreased slightly in Fe-Mn oxide forms. Their levels in organic and residual forms were unchanged. Although concentration of metals in plants increased with reduction in soil pH values, dry matter yields were also restricted, so that the amount of metal uptake were almost similar. The uptake rate of the metals in the exchangeable + carbonate forms was the same for the three elements in all the cases.  相似文献   

土壤锌、铁、铜、锰形态的分布及其与植物有效性的关系   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The distribution of various fractions of Zn,Fe,Cu and Mn in 15 types of soils in China and its relationship with plant availability were studied.Fractions of various elements were found to have some similar characterstic distribution regularities in various types of soils,but various soil types differed to varying degrees in the distribution of each fraction.Soil physico-chemical properties,such as pH,CEC and the contents of OM,CaCO3,free Fe,free Mn and P2O5,were significantly correlated with the distribution of elemental fractions,and a significant correlation also existed between the distribution and plant availability of elemental fractions.Various fractions of each element were divided into two groups based on their plant availability.The correlation between the distribution of combination fractions and plat availability indicated a significantly or an extremely significantly positive correlation for Group I but a significantly or an extremely significantly negative correlation for Group II.Therefore,the fractions in Goup I were primary pools of available nutrients,while those in Group II could hardly provide available nutrients for plants.Decreasing the transformation of corresponding elements into fractions of Group II and increasing the storage capacity of various fractions of Group I were an important direction for regulation and controlling of soil nutrients.However,some Particular soils with too high contents of Zn,Fe,Cu and Mn should be regulated and controlled adversely.  相似文献   

Using data from four environments of a two-year experiment, a collection of 55 Greek faba bean populations wascharacterized on the basis of ten morphological and ten agronomical traits. The collection can be described ashaving flowers with medium intensity of streaks on standard petal, two to three flowers per inflorescence, leaveswith six leaflets per leaf, sub-elliptic leaflet shape and small or medium leaflet size. The stems had weak ormedium pigmentation at flowering time, were of low or medium thickness, had medium height and mediumbranching from basal nodes and high resistance to lodging. Pods were mainly basal with pendent attitude, flattenedin shape, had dark colour at maturity and were small with few ovules and seeds. Most seeds had testa of light greencolour. This characterization makes the present collection similar to other South European faba bean populations.Apart from characterization, collections should also be evaluated from the breeding point of view. Since themost desirable populations within a collection are those with valuable but 'low frequency' levels of traits, theparameter R (rareness) was proposed. For each trait, a partial rareness (R ) parameter is calculated using only ithose trait levels that can be considered as having 'low frequency'. The parameter R is the sum of the 'partialrarenesses'. Populations with high frequencies of the 'lowest frequency' levels of traits in the collection arecharacterized by high values of R and can, therefore, be more easily identified.  相似文献   

This study investigated the impact of epigeic and (epi)anecic earthworms on the distribution and availability of zinc in the soil profile. Experiments were carried out with Lumbricus rubellus and Lumbricus terrestris in perspex columns (Ø 10 cm), filled with 20 to 23 cm non-polluted soil [organic matter 2%, clay 2.9%, pH 6.4 (0.01 M CaCl2)], that was covered by a 3- to 5-cm layer of aged zinc-spiked soil (500 mg Zn/kg dry soil) and another 2 cm non-polluted soil on top. After 80 days, columns were sacrificed and sampled in a depth profile. Earthworm casts, deposited on top of the soil, were collected. Each sample was analyzed for total and 0.01 M CaCl2-exchangeable zinc concentrations. L. rubellus did not go deeper than 3 cm into the soil and therefore no effect on zinc distribution in the soil could be detected. For L. terrestris, total zinc concentrations in the non-polluted layers were slightly but significantly higher in columns with earthworms, and so were the CaCl2-exchangeable zinc concentrations in the polluted layers of these columns. Casts of L. terrestris collected from the soil surface showed higher total zinc concentrations than those from non-polluted soil. Casts were mainly placed on top of the soil. This study showed that these epigeic and (epi)anecic species have only a slight effect on zinc availability, and that deep burrowing species, like L. terrestris, are able to transport polluted soil from deeper layers to the soil surface.  相似文献   

锌与磷肥混合方式对土壤中磷、锌有效性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]研究了锌与磷肥分别以物理混合和反应混合的方式结合后施用对土壤中锌、磷有效性的影响,为磷肥与锌肥的科学配施及高效利用提供科学依据.[方法]将锌肥(ZnSO4·7H2O)分别按0.5%和5%的质量比与磷酸氢二钾进行物理混合(P+Zn)和反应混合(PZn)后,制备含锌磷肥分别为P+Zn0.5、P+Zn5、PZn0.5...  相似文献   

The fate of photosynthetically‐fixed carbon (C) in the plant–soil–microbe continuum has received much interest because of its relevance to soil C and the global C cycle. However, information on the flow of this plant C below ground and its contribution to soil C sequestration in soils with contrasting organic C (Corg) is limited. In this study, soyabean (Glycine max L. Merr.) was grown in three Mollisols with low (1.04%), medium (2.90%) and high (5.05%) Corg, respectively. Plants were labelled with 13CO2 to trace the photosynthetic C dynamics in the plant–soil system for up to 288 hours. The total amount of net fixed 13C by plants ranged from 66 to 78 mg pot?1, and there was no difference between soils. The amount of 13C in soil organic matter (SOM) increased from 1.9 to 6.1 mg pot?1 over time in the high‐Corg soil, while it showed a non‐significant change with 2.2 mg pot?1 (on average) in the medium‐Corg soil, and decreased from 2.9 to 0.1 mg pot?1 in the low‐Corg soil. In the low‐Corg soil, the amount of 13C in soil microbes decreased markedly over time, showing a fast turnover, and had a significant correlation (P ≤ 0.01) with 13C in the SOM pool. However, such a relationship was not significant in the soil with high or medium Corg. These results indicate that most of the root‐derived C in the low‐Corg soil is degraded quickly by microbial activity, while the greater input of the photosynthetic C to SOM in the high‐ and/or medium‐Corg soil can probably be attributed to physical sorption of root‐derived C by SOM and minerals, thus protecting it against microbial decomposition.  相似文献   

smelters in Northern France were studied by analysing the chemical forms of these metals and evaluating their phytoavailability. These metals were determined using flame or electrothermal absorption atomic spectrometry (FAAS or ETAAS), depending on their concentration levels. After optimisation of the ETAAS method, characteristic mass of In in water and aqua regia were 9.9 and 18 pg, respectively, showing the high sensitivity of the analytical Soil contamination by metals from anthropogenic activities (e.g., mining and smelting) is a major concern for the environment and human health. Environmental availability of cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb), zinc (Zn), copper (Cu), and indium (In) in 27 urban soils located around two former Pb and Zn smelters in Northern France were studied by analysing the chemical forms of these metals and evaluating their phytoavailability. These metals were determined using flame or electrothermal absorption atomic spectrometry (FAAS or ETAAS), depending on their concentration levels. After optimisation of the ETAAS method, characteristic mass of In in water and aqua regia were 9.9 and 18 pg, respectively, showing the high sensitivity of the analytical procedure. Metal partitioning was conducted using a four-step sequential extraction procedure. The results showed that Cd and Zn were mainly in the acid-extractable and reducible forms in the urban soils studied. In contrast, Pb and In were largely in the reducible fraction. However, in some samples, the amount of In extracted in the residual or exchangeable fraction was higher than that in the reducible fraction. Copper was mainly found in the reducible and residual fractions. A pot experiment was conducted in a glasshouse with seven soils (six contaminated and one uncontaminated) and two plant species, ryegrass and lettuce. The results showed transfer of metals from the contaminated soils to the shoots of ryegrass and the edible part of lettuce. The metal bioconcentration factor was in the order of Cd Cu > In > Zn Pb for lettuce leaves, whereas for ryegrass shoots, three orders were found, Cd > Zn > Cu In > Pb, Cd ≥ In > Zn > Cu Pb, and Zn > Cd > Cu > In > Pb, depending on the physico-chemical properties of the soils, such as pH, cation exchange capacity, carbonates, and organic matter. It was established that the metal toxicity was related to the contamination levels and the physico-chemical properties, including pH, organic matter, and in a lesser extent, Ca, Mg, and phosphorus contents, of the soils. However, it was shown that lettuce could grow on soils having high Cd and CaCO3 contents. Cadmium was one of the most available metals while Pb was always the least available in the soils studied.  相似文献   

Soil organic matter in Mollisols is often preserved for an extremely long period (e.g. > 3000 years). We confirmed that the stable organic matter in Mollisols is the medium to coarse sized (0.2–2.0 μm) clay-humus complex with humic acid combined with calcium as the main organic constituent. The argillic horizon contained relatively large amounts of clay-humus complexes and had relatively high carbon contents, humic acid/fulvic acid ratios and degrees of humification of humic acid. Medium clay and coarse clay fractions preserved the organic carbon most efficiently. Highly humified humic acid could be detected even in the uppermost part of the Ah horizon and was probably stabilized in lower horizons by forming a complex with clay fractions.  相似文献   

Cereals are introduced to infants between the ages of 4 and 6 months to supplement breast milk and follow-on formula. Our objectives were to examine the content and in vitro availability of Fe, Ca, and Zn from five commercially available infant cereals mixed with water or follow-on formula before and after dephytinization. We estimated the bioaccessibility by measuring the soluble or dialyzable mineral fraction resulting from in vitro gastrointestinal digestion of the sample. For most infant cereals analyzed, dephytinization increased the in vitro availability of iron and zinc. This finding was especially dramatic among infant cereals mixed with follow-on formula rather than with water. However, the liquid used for reconstitution did not always show a significant (p < 0.05) interaction with phytase addition and in vitro mineral availability. The results of this study indicate that adding follow-on formula to infant cereals does not improve the bioaccessibility of iron, calcium, and zinc, despite the increase in mineral content it implies. Results obtained also showed that mineral solubility and dialyzability do not always follow parallel trends.  相似文献   

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