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Climate change is a great concern of various countries, the public and science community, and forest plays an important role in mitigating climate change. The paper made a comprehensive analysis regarding the policy selections of China to promote forestry response to the global climate change, and elaborated the concrete actions and achievements in this regard. Policy selections include: 1) Reinforce tree planting and afforestation, increase the forested area and enhance the capacity of carbon sequestration...  相似文献   

Scientific innovation system is the backbone and engine of economic development and social progress as well as the foundation and backup of comprehensive national strengths and international competitiveness. Factors determining scientific innovation capacity mainly include the forming of an environment for innovation, the capital supply for innovation, innovation performances, innovation diffusivity, etc. The present paper is mainly studying on the capital supply for forestry scientific innovation and analyzing the capital supply capacity for forestry scientific innovation through the forming of scientific innovation capital, the effective supply of scientific innovation capital, the optimization mechanisms to promote the effective capital supply, etc.  相似文献   

Based on the analysis on existing problems in China's forestry science & technology support system and in view of the requirements of multifunctional forestry development for science & technology support, the paper constructed a science & technology support framework for multifunctional forestry, comprising technology innovation, achievements transfer, extension and application, and policy guarantee. Major countermeasures were proposed to consolidate the science & technology support to multifunctional fores...  相似文献   

After reviewing the present status and prospects of wood industry in the world, the author suggests that in response to the new situation of economic globalization and China's entry into the WTO, the Chinese wood industry should further develop IT application, optimize and upgrade industrial structure and raise quality of labor force, blazing a new trail to industrialization featuring high scientific and technological content, good economic return, low resources consumption, little environmental pollution and a full display of advantages in human resources, so as to enhance its international competitiveness to supply customers better products and services at lower cost.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION Forest monitoring and forestry policy monitoring and evaluation systems play an important role in forestry policy making and improvement. Transfer scientific expertise into forest policy making is one of the most important factors to improve Chinese forestry development. CERN (Chinese Ecosystem Research Network) and CFERN (Chinese Forest Ecosystem Research Network) are two main forest scientific monitoring systems in China. CERN is managed by CAS (Chinese Academy o…  相似文献   

GA 20-oxidase,the most important limiting enzyme,can catalyze a series of oxidization of GA biosynthesis pathway from GA12 to GA9 and from GA53 to GA20 in the higher plants.This paper reviews the studies on the characters of GA 20-oxidase,the gene and the protein of GA 20-oxidase and the regulation of GA 20-oxidase gene expression n recent years.At the same time,the prospects for the transformation of GA 20-oxidase in agriculture ,forestry and horticulture are also discussed.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION Forests and Forestry are being paid more and more attention in the historical transformation from timber production to ecosystem management in China. The investment in forestry has been observably increasing, especially with an all-time scale of investment in forest ecological construction over recent years. There are 6 large forestry programs in China, of which 5 are direct ecological rehabilitation efforts. Besides other approaches such as technical assistance, financial s…  相似文献   

Expert opinions have been used in a variety of fields to identify relevant issues and courses of action. This study surveys experts in forestry and climate change from the Asia–Pacific region to gauge their perspectives on the impacts of climate change and on the challenges faced by forest adaptation in the region, and explores recommendations and initiatives for adapting forests to climate change. There was consensus regarding the impacts of climate change on forest ecosystems and on economic sectors such as agriculture and forestry. Respondents also indicated a lack of public awareness and policy and legislation as challenges to addressing climate change. However, the results indicate differences in opinion between regions on the negative impacts of climate change and in satisfaction with actions taken to address climate change,highlighting the need for locally specific policies and research. The study presents specific recommendations to address issues of most concern, based on subregion and professional affiliation throughout the Asia–Pacific region.The results can be used to improve policy and forest management throughout the region. This research will also provide valuable suggestions on how to apply research findings and management recommendations outside of the AP region. The conclusions should be communicated relative to the level of the research and the target audience,ensuring that scientific findings and management recommendations are effectively communicated to ensure successful implementation of forest adaptation strategies.  相似文献   

The establishment of China’s forestry science and technology evaluation system is an important guarantee measure to improve the level of forestry science and technology management and promote forestry science and technology advancement. Based on the analysis of the current condition of forestry science and technology evaluation in China, the paper presents the suggestions to establish and improve forestry science and technology system, including the change in evaluation subject, the standardization of evalu...  相似文献   

This paper gives an expatiation on significance and specific requirements of developing afforestation and reforestation project under CDM in Kyoto Protocol. According to the international rules and the current forestry development situation in China, the priority area for CDM afforestation and reforestation (CDM A/R) project is finally found after scientific selection and assessment on indicators, including the non-forestland area in 1990, growth rate of tree, afforestation cost, biodiversity and community development. The outcome from the study provides a solid basis for finding and implementing CDM A/R carbon sequestration projects in China. The study also puts forward suggestions on the strategy to develop and manage CDM A/R projects in China  相似文献   

文中在分析和借鉴既有研究成果的基础上,结合林业科技成果转化具体实际,提出了基于成果存量和累计转化量的林业科技成果转化率概念;以国家林业科技推广成果库入库成果为基础,结合抽样调查法、条件判定法和数量导向比值法,对2018年全国林业科技成果转化率进行测算和分析。结果表明:截至2018年底,全国林业科技成果转化率为61.27%;各专业领域和各类研发主体的科技成果转化率存在显著差异;转化资金缺乏、激励机制不完善等外因是制约成果转化的主要原因,技术成熟度不足、与市场需求不吻合、已被新成果替代是导致成果未转化的内部原因。基于上述研究结果,提出了建立产学研紧密结合、多主体协同推进的科技成果转化机制和多元化的科技成果转化投入机制,完善科技成果转化激励机制,加强科技成果转化人才队伍建设,以及加强宣传推广和示范带动等政策建议。  相似文献   

笔者调查了湖北省林业科技成果转化应用现状,分析了科技成果转化的主要制约因素,并提出了新形势下如何搞好林业科技成果转化的对策与建议,为大力提高林业科技进步贡献率,促进科技与生产的紧密结合进行了有益探索。  相似文献   

本文根据湖北省林业科技成果转化的现状,分析讨论了影响林业科技成果转化的主要因子,进而提出了相应的提高科技成果转化率和规模效益的对策。主题词  相似文献   

从制约林业科研成果转化效率的因素分析,对提高林业科研成果转化效率提出建议,并对科研成果推广模式进行探讨.  相似文献   

林业科技成果是林业科技进步与创新的基础,建立统一的标识体系和管理系统有助于实现林业科技成果的共享和有效利用。文中在分析林业科技成果特点及管理存在问题的基础上,基于对象标识符技术构建了林业行业科技成果的顶层标识与解析机制,构建出一种新的科学数据共享交换方法,并且基于分布式系统基础架构(Hadoop)技术实现林业科技成果标识管理系统的方案设计并介绍了管理平台的应用领域,最后提出了林业科技成果数据管理的发展建议。使用该平台可有效实现全国林业科技成果在同一个标准体系下的唯一标识,从而为打破林业行业成果共享壁垒奠定基础。  相似文献   

创新驱动战略下我国林业产业现代化实现路径   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
林业科技创新是促进林业产业现代化的重要推动力,也是林业产业高质量发展的重要抓手。文中分析了我国林业产业科技创新的投入产出情况,发现当前我国林业产业科技创新发展仍存在林业产业重要实践探索不足、科技创新投入不高、成果转化率较低、科技服务体系不健全等问题;建议进一步提升林业产业在我国国民经济体系中的地位,将科技创新作为提升林业产业现代化服务能力的战略任务,将数字化信息化作为林业产业转型升级的重要手段,将林草科技服务体系作为提升林业产业现代化服务能力的重要载体。  相似文献   

发展林业产业是以生态建设为主的林业发展战略的重要组成部分,这是对林业产业的科学定位。本文讨论了四川林业产业发展的4个科技对策,制定林业产业的科技支撑规划,加快现有技术成果在产业发展中的转化应用,加强产业发展中关键性技术问题的攻关研究,发挥林业标准化在林业产业发展中的作用。  相似文献   

植物新品种的保护在推动农林技术创新,提高资源有效配置和促进科技成果转化等方面有着积极的作用,新品种的推广为农业、林业和园艺等行业带来了巨大的社会和经济效益。文中介绍了植物新品种的特性,分析了植物新品种保护的立法与管理特点以及植物新品种保护的国际化趋势。  相似文献   

创建科技成果转化新机制的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对林业科技工作中存在的主要问题,按照林业科技重点应放在推广上的思路,提出了开展实用科技成果的二次开发;科研立项向推广应用研究倾斜;实行科研与推广全程监督管理;集中财力组织重点攻关;优先发展高新技术应用和专利项目研究,建立省、地、县三级林业科技示范网络;用信息化推动林业科技创新的体系建设等措施。  相似文献   

本文提出了重塑和构建我国西部民族省区林业科技成果转化运行机制系统框架,确立了分阶段转化运行模式:在“转轨期”,以国家行政干预为主推动力,国家宏观调控,科技推动,市场牵引相结合的合动力模式;在“发展期”,以经济、生态、社会总体需求为目标,以市场经济为导向,以林业自身规律为基础,强化国家宏观调控及支撑力度,促进生产部门转化主体到位,实现科技成果商品化、产业化,科技与经济紧密结合的良性运行模式。  相似文献   

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