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The coding sequences of the capsid protein p25 and transmembrane protein of Maedi-Visna virus were amplified using polymerase chain reaction and cloned into the plasmid expression vector pRSET-B. Both DNA constructs expressed proteins tagged with polyhistidine. The recombinant proteins were purified using Ni-NTA agarose and used in immunoblot to detect antibodies against Maedi-Visna virus. A total of 260 ovine serum specimens was analysed. The total number of p25-positive sera was 111 (42.7%). Higher sensitivity was achieved with rTM antigen, which detected antibodies in 118 (45.4%) sera. The combination of both recombinant proteins as antigens resulted in higher sensitivity of serological detection compared to whole virus antigen.  相似文献   

本研究以纯化的原核表达的猪轮状病毒VP7抗原表位区域为抗原,建立了检测猪轮状病毒抗体的间接ELISA诊断方法。特异性试验表明,该抗原与其他7种常见猪病病毒(TGEV、PEDV、CSFV、PCV2、PRRSV、PPV、PrV)的阳性血清不发生交叉反应,批内和批间重复性试验的变异系数均小于10%;对来自不同猪场的血清的检测结果表明,该ELISA方法与中和试验检测结果符合率达94.8%。本试验建立的ELISA诊断方法具有良好的重复性、敏感性和特异性,为PRV的快速诊断、免疫猪群抗体监测和轮状病毒流行病学调查提供了一种快速、简便的血清学诊断方法。  相似文献   

Border disease in Norway. Serological examination of affected sheep flocks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Serological examination of 4 Border disease affected flocks of sheep using the neutralization test showed antibody prevalences between 14 and 96 %. Prevalence in yearlings in 3 of the 4 flocks was 37 %, it increased with age to 72 % in 5-year-old sheep. Possible reason for low prevalence (2 %) in yearlings in one of the flocks is discussed.  相似文献   

应用鸡胚成纤维细胞(CEF)扩增鸡痘病毒(Fowlpox virus,FPV)并提纯后作为抗原建立了具有较高特异性和灵敏性的间接ELISA方法.通过方阵滴定法来确定抗原最佳包被浓度为2.7μg/孔,待检血清最佳稀释倍数为1:100,其阳性临界值为OD≥0.113.将400份FPV免疫实验鸡血清用本方法进行检测,其阳性检出率为81.25%(325/400).此外,将该方法与琼脂扩散试验进行比较检测血清样品,结果显示本方法的灵敏度比琼脂扩散试验灵敏400~800倍,而且还有特异性强,操作简便、快速等优点.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare the sensitivity and specificity of Chlamydophila abortus antibody assays, to find a suitable serological assay for testing sheep for export. DESIGN: Comparison of results from known positive and negative sheep populations. PROCEDURE: Fifty-five positive and fifty negative sera were analysed by four enzyme linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA), three using recombinant antigens based on the chlamydial polymorphic outer membrane proteins (POMP90-3, POMP90-4, POMP80-90) and one using a synthetic peptide based on chlamydial major outer membrane proteins (MOMP-P). They were also analysed by complement fixation tests (CFT) using crude antigens from chlamydia isolated from an Australian sheep, a Californian parakeet and a Texan turkey. Assay sensitivity and specificity were expressed as point estimates and 95% confidence intervals. Results were compared using McNemar's test for paired samples. RESULTS: ELISA sensitivity ranged from 70 to 98% and complement fixation test sensitivity from 60 to 96%; with POMP90-3 > POMP90-4 > CFT (parakeet) > CFT (turkey) > POMP80-90 > MOMP-P > CFT (sheep). There was no significant difference from POMP90-3 to POMP80-90 (P > 0.05). ELISA specificity ranged from 88 to 100% and CFT specificity was 100% for all three antigens; with CFT and POMP90-4 > MOMP-P > POMP80-90 > POMP90-3. There was no significant difference from CFT to POMP80-90 (P > 0.05). Changing the CFT cut-off from 1:32 to 1:4 substantially reduced the specificity with little improvement in sensitivity. CONCLUSION: Assays using POMP90-4, POMP80-90, CFT (parakeet) and CFT (turkey) had equivalent sensitivity and specificity; none of the ELISAs were more specific than any CFT. The POMP80-90 ELISA is recommended as an alternative to CFT (parakeet) but as its specificity is not ideal the search for a more specific assay should continue.  相似文献   

Bovine immunodeficiency-like virus (BIV) was passagedin vivo by intraperitoneal transfusion of ovine whole blood. Prior to transfusion, the recipient sheep were given sodium thioglycolate intraperitoneally to induce mild non-suppurative inflammation. The anti-BIV antibody response, haematology, and peripheral blood lymphocyte subsets (B, , CD2+, CD4+ and CD8+) of recipient sheep were assessed for one year following transfusion. Passaging was successful since serum anti-BIV antibody responses were detected in 5 of the 6 recipient sheep; 1 of the 5 remained seropositive throughout the study. Lentivirus was not isolated from the recipient sheep, but provirus was detected by the polymerase chain reaction in DNA from peripheral blood leukocytes in 3 of the 5 sheep that seroconverted. In the BIV-inoculated sheep, neutrophils and eosinophils were significantly increased (p0.05) at 3 months and between 6 and 8 months postinoculation, respectively. B, CD2+ and CD4+ cells and the CD4+/CD8+ ratios were significantly increased (p0.05) 2 months postinoculation. Mild, transient haematological changes occurred in BIV-exposed sheep, but illness was not detected in the year.  相似文献   

Bluetongue virus serotypes 1 and 3 infection in Poll Dorset sheep   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Objective To study the clinical signs following bluetongue virus serotypes 1 and 3 infection in Poll Dorset sheep.
Design A clinical and pathological study.
Procedure Twenty Poll Dorset sheep were inoculated with bluetongue virus serotypes 1 or 3, each inoculum having a different passage history. The sheep were examined daily and their clinical appearance and rectal temperatures recorded. Heparinised and non-heparinised blood samples were taken at intervals for virological and serological study. Gross pathological findings were recorded for several sheep at necropsy and tissue samples were collected from three sheep for virological studies.
Results All inoculated sheep developed clinical disease. The clinical signs and gross pathological changes varied considerably but were consistent with damage to the vascular endothelial system. There was a decline in the titres of infectious bluetongue virus and of antigen in tissues collected between 7 and 12 days after infection.
Conclusions The severity of disease was related to the speed of onset and duration of pyrexia and not the development or titre of viraemia. Generally, those animals with sensitive mouths, depression, coronitis, recumbency and reluctance to move were the most debilitated. Whole blood was the most reliable source of infectious virus from acutely and chronically infected and convalescent animals. However, tissue samples particularly spleen, collected from dead or killed animals suffering from either peracute or acute forms of disease were most appropriate for the rapid confirmation of a clinical diagnosis.  相似文献   

为了建立蓝舌病(BT)的血清学诊断方法,本研究利用原核表达的蓝舌病病毒(BTV)血清型12型VP7纯化蛋白免疫BALB/c小鼠,制备2株单克隆抗体(MAb),分别命名为BTV-2D10和BTV-4H7。IFA试验表明,2株MAb均能与BTV 24个血清型发生特异性反应,而与茨城病病毒(IBAV)、中山病病毒(CV)、赤羽病病毒(AKAV)、牛病毒性腹泻病毒(BVDV)、牛传染性鼻气管炎病毒(IBRV)、牛轮状病毒(BRV)、牛肠道病毒(BEV)、牛呼肠孤病毒(RV)及口蹄疫病毒(FMDV)无交叉反应,表明2株MAb均为BTV群特异性抗体。采用重组表达的VP7蛋白作为包被抗原建立的竞争ELISA方法证明,BTV-4H7 MAb对不同血清型BTV阳性血清具有良好的阻断效果,而对AKAV、IBAV、BRV和FMDV阳性血清无阻断作用。本研究建立的竞争ELISA方法与IDEXX公司的试剂盒检测包括65份已知背景血清和322份采自广西省的山羊血清样品,检测结果符合率分别达100%和98%。该竞争ELISA方法的建立为BTV抗体的监测提供了安全、快速、准确的技术手段。  相似文献   

为建立阿卡斑病毒抗体检测方法,本研究以纯化的阿卡斑病毒作为包被抗原,以制备的抗阿卡斑病毒的多克隆抗体与待检血清竞争结合抗原,采用方阵滴定法优化反应条件,建立了阿卡斑病毒竞争ELISA(cELISA)抗体检测方法。通过对60份牛、羊阿卡斑病毒抗体阳性血清和40份阴性血清样品的检测,确定阴阳性样品抑制率(PI)临界值为60%;特异性试验结果显示,该方法对BTV-1、BTV-4、BTV-9、BTV-16、小反刍兽疫、中山病病毒、鹿流行性出血热病毒(EHDV)、羊痘和O型、A型、Asia-1型口蹄疫病毒阳性血清无交叉反应;敏感性试验结果显示,标准阳性血清1颐128倍稀释时,检测结果仍为阳性,SNT最低检出为,敏感性高于微量血清中和试验(SNT)检测结果(1颐64);批内和批间变异系数(CV)在0.54%~5.27%和0.3%~9.3%之间,具有较好的可重复性;用该方法与法国IDVET公司的同类试剂盒对85份牛、羊血清样品同时检测,结果显示二者符合率为91.76%,可以替代进口同类产品。本研究建立的检测方法特异性强、敏感性高、重复性好,可以用于阿卡斑病毒抗体检测和流行病学调查。  相似文献   

以可溶性重组E2蛋白作为抗原,建立了猪瘟病毒(CSFV)血清抗体间接ELISA诊断方法(rE2-ELISA).将猪瘟疫苗毒株E2基因主要抗原区(A-D)基因克隆到表达栽体pGEX-6p-1上,转化E.coli,降低诱导温度至20℃,获得48 000大小E2融合蛋白,部分目的蛋白以可溶性形式表达.Western blotting试验证实,E2融合蛋白可以和CSFV阳性血清发生特异性结合.亲和层析纯化后的E2融合蛋白作为抗原,建立了检测CSFV血清抗体的间接rE2-ELISA方法.该方法的特异性试验结果表明,与PRRSV、PCV2、PPV和PRV阳性血清之间不存在交叉反应;用rE2-ELISA和国外同类试剂盒(CSF-Ab-Kit)检测142份田问血清样品,2种试剂盒的阳性检测率分别为83.81%和88.73%.因此,rE2-ELISA猪瘟抗体检测试剂盒具有良好的敏感性和特异性,适合应用在大规模的CSFV血清抗体的检测工作中.  相似文献   

A panel of monoclonal antibodies was prepared by immunization of BALB/c mice with Moredun (BD) virus strains. These antibodies were characterized by immunofluorescence and seroneutralization against BD, BVD and hog cholera (HC) virus strains, and radioimmunoprecipitation of BVD-infected cells extracts. The MAbs reacting with the majority of the Pestivirus strains recognize the 80 kDa antigen of the BVD cytophathic strains. The 80 kDa antigen of the BVD/Osloss virus strain has been cloned and expressed in E. coli as a fusion protein with beta-galactosidase. The fusion protein has been purified from inclusion bodies and used successfully as an antigen for ELISA detection of BVDV specific antibodies in bovine sera. A competitive ELISA using MAbs is more specific than a direct assay. These results compare well with the ones obtained with antigen extracted from BVDV-infected cells.  相似文献   

Infection with equine arteritis virus is a notifiable disease with sporadic occurrence in the UK. As stallions may harbour the virus after infection, horses are screened for exposure by serological testing prior to breeding. The virus neutralisation test is considered the 'gold standard' serological screening test, but it is time-consuming and labour intensive; consequently there is a move towards more rapid screening methodology. In this study, a commercially available EVA antibody ELISA is assessed. The ELISA performed poorly with a specificity [corrected] of 26% and a sensitivity [corrected] of 96% in the samples analysed. It was concluded that this ELISA would be of little value for reducing sample turnaround time. The study emphasises the need for in-house validation of commercially available kits.  相似文献   

A maedi-visna virus CA-TM fusion protein ELISA (MVV ELISA) was evaluated for the detection of antibody in sheep infected with North American ovine lentivirus (OvLV). The results of the MVV ELISA were compared with other assays for OvLV antibody and with viral infection in an intensively studied group of 38 sheep with a high prevalence of OvLV infection and disease. The sensitivity, specificity, and concordance of assays for OvLV antibody (MVV ELISA, indirect ELISA, Western blot, and AGID), virus (virus isolation, PCR, antigen ELISA), and OvLV-induced disease in each animal were compared with OvLV infection status as defined by a positive result in two or more of the assays. Five sheep met the criteria for absence of OvLV infection. The sensitivity of the MVV ELISA in detecting OvLV infected sheep was 64%, whereas the sensitivity of the other three tests for antibody ranged from 85 to 94%. All the antibody assays were 100% specific in this group of animals. Of the assays for virus, the PCR test had the highest sensitivity and the best concordance with OvLV infection, but it also had the lowest specificity of any of the virus or antibody assays. Among the antibody tests, the concordance of the MVV ELISA compared most favorably with the AGID test for detecting OvLV-infected sheep. Analysis of serum samples from 28 lambs experimentally-infected with one of three North American strains of OvLV suggested that there were no significant strain differences detectable by antibody assay. Twenty virus-inoculated lambs were positive by both the MVV ELISA and the AGID test, five lambs were MVV ELISA negative and AGID test positive, and three lambs were MVV ELISA positive and AGID test negative. No pre-inoculation samples were positive by either assay. In a longitudinal study involving seven lambs, antibodies to OvLV were detected by AGID 3-5 weeks post-inoculation, but were not detected by MVV ELISA until 5-10 weeks post-inoculation. Among 128 naturally and experimentally-infected sheep that were seropositive in the AGID test, the overall sensitivity of the MVV ELISA was higher in the naturally infected sheep (84%) than in the experimentally infected sheep (69%). The data indicated that the MVV ELISA represents a less sensitive, but specific alternative for the detection of OvLV antibodies.  相似文献   

Various cell cultures were evaluated for their ability to support progressive pneumonia virus infection in vitro. Ovine trachea cells supported progressive pneumonia virus infection for an extended time,were extremely durable and could be passaged up until 30 passages. Progressive pneumonia virus infected ovine trachea cells were then used for the production of antigen for agar-gel immunodiffusion. A method for concentrating antigen, diafiltration, was compared to dialysis against polyethylene glycol. Using diafiltration, the concentrated virus was easily quantitated, less viscous (and therefore easier to apply) and only produced one precipitation line. Agar-gel immunodiffusion was used to survey 401 animals from two sheep flocks. One flock (96 sheep) was free of progressive pneumonia while the other flock had 111 of 305 total animals positive for precipitating antibodies. The incidence of precipitating antibodies in sheep ranged from 23% for yearling ewes to 80% in ewes seven years old.  相似文献   

副猪嗜血杆菌间接ELISA抗体检测方法的建立   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
采用福尔马林灭活的副猪嗜血杆菌全菌体作为包被抗原,建立了检测副猪嗜血杆菌抗体的间接ELISA方法。经试验确定副猪嗜血杆菌全菌体的包被浓度为2·24×107CFU/孔、检测血清为1∶200稀释,同时确立了间接ELISA的最佳反应条件。该方法有很高的特异性和重复性,14个发病猪场100份血清检测结果Hps抗体阳性检出率为94%,明显高于细菌分离鉴定检测结果。  相似文献   

AIMS: To estimate the number of cases of scrapie that would occur in sheep of different prion protein (PrP) genotypes if scrapie was to become established in New Zealand, and to compare the performance of two commercially available, rapid ELISA kits using ovine retro-pharyngeal lymph nodes (RLN) from non-infected and infected sheep of different PrP genotypes.

METHODS: Using published data on the distribution of PrP genotypes within the New Zealand sheep flock and the prevalence of cases of scrapie in these genotypes in the United Kingdom, the annual expected number of cases of scrapie per genotype was estimated, should scrapie become established in New Zealand, assuming a total population of 28 million sheep. A non-infected panel of RLN was collected from 737 sheep from New Zealand that had been culled, found in extremis or died. Brain stem samples were also collected from 131 of these sheep. A second panel of infected samples comprised 218 and 117 RLN from confirmed scrapie cases that had originated in Europe and the United States of America, respectively. All samples were screened using two commercial, rapid, transmissible spongiform encephalopathy ELISA kits: Bio-Rad TeSeE ELISA (ELISA-BR), and IDEXX HerdChek BSE-Scrapie AG Test (ELISA-ID).

RESULTS: If scrapie became established in New Zealand, an estimated 596 cases would occur per year; of these 234 (39%) and 271 (46%) would be in sheep carrying ARQ/ARQ and ARQ/VRQ PrP genotypes, respectively. For the non-infected samples from New Zealand the diagnostic specificity of both ELISA kits was 100%. When considering all infected samples, the diagnostic sensitivity was 70.4 (95% CI=65.3–75.3)% for ELISA-BR and 91.6 (95% CI=88.2–94.4)% for ELISA-ID. For the ARQ/ARQ genotype (n=195), sensitivity was 66.2% for ELISA-BR and 90.8% for ELISA-ID, and for the ARQ/VRQ genotype (n=107), sensitivity was 81.3% for ELISA-BR and 98.1% for ELISA-ID.

CONCLUSIONS: In this study, the ELISA-ID kit demonstrated a higher diagnostic sensitivity for detecting scrapie in samples of RLN from sheep carrying scrapie-susceptible PrP genotypes than the ELISA-BR kit at comparable diagnostic specificity.

CLINICAL RELEVANCE: The diagnostic performance of the ELISA-ID kit using ovine RLN merits the consideration of including this assay in the national scrapie surveillance programme in New Zealand.  相似文献   

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