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Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was used to monitor internal changes in harvested tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L. cv. Micro-Tom) fruit. Measurements of ethylene evolution, respiration, and ion leakage indicated that the fruit developed chilling injury (CI) after storage at 0 °C. Unlike these measurements, MRI provided spatially resolved data. The apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC), which is an indication of water mobility in tissues, was calculated from MRIs of the different parts of the fruit. Storage for 1 or 2 weeks at 0 °C caused no difference in the ADCs (D-values) in the pericarp, but it did lead to higher values in the inner tissues i.e., the columella and locular region compared to non-chilled fruit (P < 0.05). Changes in inner fruit D-values after 1 and 2 weeks of chilling at 0 °C were similar to changes in respiration, ethylene production and ion leakage which increased (P < 0.05) compared to the non-chilled controls. Most CI studies of tomato fruit used pericarp tissue. Our data indicate that columella tissue changes occur in response to chilling injury in tomato fruit and suggest that more caution is needed when interpreting data from experiments commonly used to study this phenomenon.  相似文献   

Postharvest shelf-life is a critical trait for fleshy fruit and so studies of genotypes with long shelf-life (LSL) phenotypes are of great potential importance, since they can lead to strategies for crop improvement. Examples of such a genotype are the Delayed Fruit Deterioration (DFD) tomato, and most accessions of the “Tomàtiga de Ramellet” (TdR) Mediterranean landrace group, some of which have a particularly dramatic LSL phenotype and remain palatable for many months after reaching a fully ripe stage. The TdR accessions collectively show a wide variation in shelf-life, although, the basis of this variation is not known. Moreover, little has been reported regarding the relationship between cultivation conditions, fruit shelf-life and specific genetic loci. Here we show that the LSL trait in those landraces is both partially associated with a defined genetic component, in the form of the alcobaça (alc) mutation, and is profoundly affected by the irrigation regime during cultivation.  相似文献   

Previous work with hyperbaric treatment of tomato focused on application at lower temperature (13 °C). In this work, hyperbaric treatment at varying pressure levels (i.e., 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7 and 0.9 MPa) at ambient temperature (20 °C) was tested as a potential alternative to conventional refrigerated storage (0.1 MPa at 13 °C) to preserve tomato quality. The experiments were divided into 3 phases: (1) 4 day of hyperbaric treatment, (2) 5 day of post-treatment ripening, and (3) 10 day of post-treatment ripening. Respiration rate (RR) of the tomatoes was continuously monitored during the course of the hyperbaric treatments. Quality attributes were assessed immediately after removal from the hyperbaric treatments and after 5 and 10 day ripening at 20 °C after removal from the treatments. Hyperbaric treatments at ≥0.3 MPa resulted in RR equal or higher than the RR in control fruit (0.1 MPa at 20 °C). The lowest RR was obtained from tomato stored at 0.1 MPa at 13 °C. Hyperbaric treatment at 0.5, 0.7 and 0.9 MPa significantly reduced weight loss, retained color, firmness, total soluble solid (TSS), titratable acidity (TA) and TSS:TA ratio at similar levels as the tomato treated at 13 °C and 0.1 MPa. Firmness after treatment was highest for fruit from 0.1 MPa at 13 °C and from 0.5, 0.7 and 0.9 MPa at 20 °C. The higher firmness advantage declined by 5 day of ripening after treatment, with higher firmness only being retained for fruit from the 0.9 MPa at 20 °C and the 0.1 MPa at 13 °C treatments. After 10 day ripening, firmness was similar for all treatments. Lightness (L*) and hue angle were greater for all treatments compared with the 0.1 MPa at 20 °C treatment. However, only the greater hue angle difference was maintained after 5 day of ripening. After 10 day ripening, no significant differences were found in color attributes. Only 0.1 MPa at 13 °C retained higher soluble solids, lower titratable acidity and higher TSS:TA ratios after treatment and after 5 day ripening. At 10 day of ripening none of the quality attribute differences noted were retained for any of the treatments. These results show that the only consistent effect of hyperbaric treatment at 0.5, 0.7 and 0.9 MPa was to reduce weight loss and enhance firmness retention up to 5 day ripening after treatment.  相似文献   

Seventy nine genotypes of tomato (15 lines, four testers and their 60 F1 hybrids produced in line × tester fashion) were evaluated under normal (E1) and late planting (E2) conditions in the Department of Vegetable Crops, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, India, to determine the nature of gene action controlling yield, quality and shelf life characteristics and to identify a few good combiner genotypes which may be used in further breeding programmes to extend the fruit availability period of tomato in North Indian plains. The lines were significantly different from testers for most of the characters thereby justifying the choice of testers. Additive gene action was predominant for days to ripening, total yield per plant, marketable yield per plant, number of fruits per plant, average fruit weight, fruit shape index and lycopene in both the environments, whereas non-additive genetic variance predominated in controlling firmness index, number of locules, pericarp thickness, alcohol insoluble solids (AIS), dry matter, total soluble solids (TSS), titratable acidity, TSS:Acid ratio, pH, ascorbic acid and shelf life, under both normal and late planting conditions. The best general combining ability (gca) effects, among females, in respect of yield per plant were shown by Spectrum in E1 and by LT-42 in E2. Among the testers, the best gca values in both the environments were possessed by nor-RM-1 for total yield per plant, marketable yield per plant, number of fruits per plant, dry matter and TSS; by rin-RM-2 for firmness index, pericarp thickness and alcohol insoluble solids; by alc-IIHR-2050 for average fruit weight, number of locules and shelf life and by alc-IIHR-2052 for lycopene. The gca of ripening mutants had a nice consonance with their per se performance for most of the characters indicating that additive gene action was operative in these mutants for majority of the traits.  相似文献   

Heat-shocks were used to reduce the development of chilling injury symptoms during ripening of tomato fruit (Solanum lycopersicum L. cv. Micro-Tom). Mature green tomatoes were immersed in 30-50 °C water for 3-9 min before being chilled at 2.5 °C for 0, 0.5, 1, 2, 3, or 14 days, and then held at 20 °C for an additional 7-14 days. The affect of both heat-shock and chilling treatments were independent of fruit weight. Measured at 20 °C after 14 days of chilling, fruit exposed to 40 °C for 7 min exhibited reduced chilling injury symptoms, as measured by their advanced ripening score and decreased rate of ion leakage into an isotonic 0.2 M mannitol solution. Reduced rates of leakage from the symplastic compartment probably contributed to the 2-fold decrease in the amount of ions in the apoplastic space, when compared to the control. A subsequent paper will report the results of metabolic profiling of Micro-Tom tomato fruit subjected to treatments that significantly decreased their development of chilling injury symptoms.  相似文献   

Association mapping of quality traits in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.)   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
In this paper, we describe the assessment of linkage disequilibrium and its decay in a collection of potato cultivars. In addition, we report on a simple regression based association mapping approach and its results to quality traits in potato. We selected 221 tetraploid potato cultivars and progenitor lines, representing the global diversity in potato, with emphasis on genetic variation for agro-morphological and quality traits. Phenotypic data for these agro-morphological and quality traits were obtained from recent trials performed by five breeding companies. The collection was genotyped with 250 AFLP® markers from five primer combinations. The genetic position of a subset of the markers could be inferred from an ultra dense potato map. Decay of linkage disequilibrium was estimated by calculating the squared correlation between pairs of markers using marker band intensities. Marker-trait associations were investigated by fitting single marker regression models for phenotypic traits on marker band intensities with and without correction for population structure. The paper illustrates the potential of association mapping in tetraploid potato, because existing phenotypic data, a modest number of AFLP markers, and a relatively simple statistical analysis, allowed identifying interesting associations.  相似文献   

The primary aim of this study was to identify metabolites associated with chilling tolerance that was engendered by a heat-shock treatment of tomato fruit pericarp (Solanum lycopersicum L. cv. Micro-Tom). Harvested mature-green fruit were immersed in 20 or 40 °C water for 7 min (‘Heat-Shock’) and then stored at 2.5 °C for 0 or 14 d (‘Chilled’). A reduction in chilling injury symptoms (i.e., slow or abnormal ripening, increased ion leakage, and increased respiration following chilling) was used to select this heat-shock treatment as optimal. Using GC-MS (Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry) metabolite profiling, 363 analytes were detected in fruit pericarp of which 65 are identified metabolites. Principal Component Analysis of these data led to distinct groups among the samples based on their treatments; ‘Chilled’ and ‘Chilled + Heat-Shocked’ fruit were markedly different from each other, while the ‘Non-Chilled Control’ and ‘Heat-Shocked’ fruit were similar and grouped closer to the ‘Chilled + Heat-Shocked’ fruit. These results indicate that the heat treatment provided protection from chilling in part by altering levels of fruit metabolites. The levels of arabinose, fructose-6-phosphate, valine and shikimic acid appear to be associated with this heat-shock induced chilling tolerance since their levels were altered in the ‘Chilled’ samples (p < 0.05), relative to the control and the heat-shocked protected fruit. We also describe the metabolites we identified that could be further studied as being indicative of incipient chilling injury in mature-green tomato fruit.  相似文献   

Side cracking and ostiole-end splitting skin damage affected decay development and the percentage of sound fruit during fresh fig (Ficus carica L.) postharvest handling and marketing. Modification of current grading standard tolerances according to cultivar is suggested to protect the consumers and improve marketable yield. The type and degree of skin damage varied among cultivars. For ‘Brown Turkey’, ‘Kadota’ and ‘Sierra’, slight skin-damage prior to cold storage increased decay and reduced postharvest life. In contrast, the postharvest life of ‘Black Mission’ fig was not significantly affected by a slight degree of skin damage prior to cold storage. Furthermore, postharvest decay incidence was associated with the degree of side cracking and ostiole-end splitting at harvest. Because fruit skin side cracking and ostiole-end splitting occur during fruit growth and development, prevention by regulated deficit irrigation (RDI) with 55% ETc was studied for two years. In both seasons, fruit quality attributes were not affected by RDI, except for ‘Brown Turkey’, where size decreased by 21% during one season. RDI significantly reduced fruit skin side cracking and ostiole-end splitting in ‘Brown Turkey’ and skin side cracking in ‘Sierra’, increasing marketable fruit by 50% in ‘Brown Turkey’ and 18% in ‘Sierra’.  相似文献   

The influence of aqueous 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) concentration, immersion duration, and solution longevity on the ripening of early ripening-stage tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) has been investigated. Tomato fruit at the breaker-turning stage were fully immersed in aqueous 1-MCP at 50, 200, 400 and 600 μg L−1 for 1 min, quickly dried, and then stored at 20 °C. Ethylene production, respiration, surface color development, and rate of accumulation of lycopene and polygalacturonase (PG) activity were suppressed and/or delayed in fruit exposed to aqueous 1-MCP. Suppression of ripening was concentration dependent, with maximum inhibition in response to 1 min immersion occurring at concentrations of 400 and 600 μg L−1. Climacteric ethylene peaks were delayed approximately 6, 7, and 9 d and respiration was strongly suppressed in fruit treated with aqueous 1-MCP at 200, 400, and 600 μg L−1, respectively, compared with control fruit. Fruit firmness, lycopene content, PG activity, and surface hue of fruit treated at the three higher levels remained strongly suppressed compared with control. Skin hue values and pericarp lycopene content in response to treatment at the subthreshold 50 μg L−1 provided evidence for differential ripening suppression in external versus internal tissues. Maximum delay of softening and surface color development in response to 50 μg L−1 aqueous 1-MCP occurred following immersion periods of between 6 and 12 min. Factors affecting fruit penetration by aqueous 1-MCP and mechanisms contributing to recovery from 1-MCP-induced ripening inhibition are discussed.  相似文献   

Although a large component of tomato fruit taste is sugars, the choice of tomato cultivar and the postharvest practices implemented by industry are designed to reduce crop loss and lengthen shelf-life and do not prioritize sweetness. However, because there is a growing recognition that taste and flavor are key components of tomato marketability, greater emphasis is now being placed on improving traits like sugar content. In this review the factors, both pre-, post and at harvest that influence sugar content in fruits sold at market are broadly outlined. Lines of investigation that may maximise the outcome of current practices and lead, long-term, to enhanced postharvest fruit sugar contents are suggested.  相似文献   

Tomato leaf mould disease is a serious foliar disease caused by Cladosporium fulvum, resulting in a significant reduction in yield and quality, especially under protected cultivation. Finding new resistant genes against leaf mould has become one of the important goals of tomato breeding. Cf-12-tomato showed good resistance to several C. fulvum races. The Cf-12 was mapped using re-sequencing and BSA methods. Allelism test for Cf-12, Cf-5 and Cf-9 was performed. The results showed that Cf-12 is an independently assigned C. fulvum resistance gene. About 67,853 high-quality polymorphic SNPs were found and 233 genes were annotated in three associated regions of 5.85 Mb on Chr. 6s. Three genes with typical Cf-type characters encoding the leucine-rich repeat receptor-like protein were screened out. Using qRT-PCR, structural and phylogenetic analysis, only the Solyc06g008265.1.1-CGN7495 was finally identified. An effective InDel marker, InD-3F/1R, was designed for MAS breeding. Our research provides new insights into the mapping of the Cf-12, and provides a basis for Cf-12 cloning and the Cf genetic evolution analysis.  相似文献   

Eggplants rank among the vegetables richest in antioxidants, but little is known about the allocation, stability, and turnover of these metabolites. The distribution, accumulation and degradation of phenolic antioxidants in the inner and outer pulp of two commercially important eggplant types (white and dark purple), at harvest and after 14 and 30 d of refrigerated storage under non-chilling conditions (10 °C and 90% RH) were determined in this study. Chlorogenic acid (ChA) was histolocalized by fluorescence with 2-aminoethyl-diphenylborinate and the activity of phenolic compounds oxidizing enzymes (polyphenoloxidase, PPO and peroxidase, POD) as well as H2O2 concentration in both fruit regions was determined. During storage, dark purple fruit were more susceptible to dehydration and showed greater deterioration than white eggplants. Both genotypes accumulated higher sugar content in the inner pulp as opposed to acids, which were more concentrated in the outer region. At harvest, pulp antioxidant capacity was similar in both eggplant types. TEAC and DPPH assays and in situ localization, showed greater total antioxidants and ChA content in the core than in the outer pulp in both white and dark purple fruit. The stability of ChA was markedly different between genotypes. In white fruit, antioxidants increased during the first two weeks of storage, remaining stable afterwards. In contrast, in dark purple eggplants, phenolic compounds declined after an initial stage at which they accumulated. PPO and POD in vitro activities, associated mainly with fruit seeds, fibers, and vascular bundles did not correlate with pulp browning or loss of phenolic antioxidants. Instead, the reduction of ChA in the core of dark purple fruit was associated with increased production of H2O2. Results indicate that antioxidants are predominantly located in the inner pulp of eggplants regardless of the genotype, but are more stable in white fruit. Rather than being the result of browning reactions, substantial losses of phenolic antioxidants in whole eggplants under the recommended storage conditions likely result from seed coat development and vascular lignification in the immature fruit.  相似文献   

Tomato mosaic virus (ToMV) is a limiting factor for the success of pepino (Solarium muricatum) as a new crop. The effects of ToMV infection on total and marketable yield, fruit weight, length/width ratio and soluble solids content (SSC) have been studied in two commercial clones (`Sweet Long' and `Sweet Round'). ToMV infection depressed total yield in infected plants of `Sweet Long' (43.1%), while it had no effect on this trait in `Sweet Round' . Marketable yield was dramatically reduced by ToMV infection in both clones, 94% in `Sweet Long' and 100% in `Sweet Round'. Infected plants of clone `Sweet Long' had a lower weight than healthy plants. Although no differences in fruit weight were detected in `Sweet Round' between ToMV infected and healthy plants, many fruits from infected plants showed deformities. Changes in fruit length/width ratio and SSC as a result of ToMV infection were not relevant, but fruit quality was lower in infected fruits, most of which had corky-like flesh. Forty-two clones from cultivated (S. muricatum), wild (S. caripense and S. tabanoense) and interspecific hybrids were tested for ToMV resistance. All but seven clones (four from S. muricatum and three from interspecific hybrids S. muricatum × S. caripense) were susceptible. Non-susceptible clones showed variable degrees of resistance and developed hypersensitive local lesions. Among these clones the most promising as sources of variation for resistance to ToMV are those belonging to the cultivated species. Although no immunity was found, plants from these clones remained asymptomatic and absorbance values resulting from the DAS-ELISA tests in these plants were always lower than those of the susceptible control (cv. `Sweet Round'). These sources of resistance may be of great utility in developing commercial clones resistant to this severe disease affecting pepino. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Response surface methodology (RSM) and Box–Behnken design were used to study the combined hurdle effect of mild heat time (1–5 min) at 50 °C, ultrasonic processing time (0–10 min) and citric acid concentration (0–2%) on the quality of refrigerated broccoli after 10 d of storage at 5 °C. Treatment effects were evaluated on weight loss, superficial colour (hue angle (H°) and total colour difference (ΔE)), headspace gas composition (O2 and CO2), overall browning potential, chlorophyll content, ascorbic acid content, mesophilic counts and overall visual quality (OVQ) and optimize the process by means of the desirability function. Predicted models were found to be significant with high regression coefficients (91–97%). High regression coefficients indicated that second-order polynomial models could be used to predict and optimize the quality retention in minimally processed broccoli during storage. The mesophilic counts, ascorbic acid content and the overall visual quality were significantly influenced by the three independent variables either independently or interactively. Both thermal and ultrasonic treatments were found to be critical factors influencing changes in chlorophyll content, O2 concentration inside the package, hue angle and ΔE. On the other hand, thermal treatment and citric acid concentration were found to be significant on overall browning potential. By using the desirability function approach and considering superficial colour parameters, O2 concentration, mesophilic counts, browning potential, ascorbic acid and chlorophyll content, the optimum processing conditions were 7.5 min of ultrasonic treatment, 3 min of a heat shock treatment and a citric acid concentration of 1.5%. These results were in good agreement with the maximum found from the canonical analysis performed from the response surface when only considering sensorial analysis. Under these optimal processing conditions it is possible to employ citric acid treatment in combination with ultrasonic and thermal treatments as hurdles for retention of green colour, nutritional quality, microbial control and for extending shelf life of refrigerated minimally processed broccoli.  相似文献   

Investigations were carried out to verify the potential of putrescine and spermidine as a postharvest dip treatment for maintaining quality and extending storage life of table grapes (Vitis vinifera L.) cv. Flame Seedless during the 2012 and 2013 seasons. Grape clusters were manually harvested at the commercial mature stage and were dipped in different concentrations (0.0, 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5 mM) of putrescine and spermidine, and then stored at 3–4 °C, and 90–95% RH. Evaluation of physico-chemical parameters and other fruit quality attributes were made at 0 day (before treatment) and at 30, 45, 60 and 75 days of storage. Putrescine and spermidine at the lowest dose (0.5 mM) effectively maintained berry firmness, peel colour (L*, C*, h°) and stabilized anthocyanins as well as suppressing the activity of pectin methylesterase and reducing the rate of electrolyte leakage. The polyamines also retarded the degradation of TSS and TA while maintaining higher total phenol content and reduced decay incidence. Putrescine and spermidine at 1.0 mM exhibited almost similar effects with a 0.5 mM dose. The highest doses (1.5 mM) of both polyamines showed detrimental effects, especially on weight loss, decay incidence, rachis browning and organoleptic properties, as found in the control group, which was commercially acceptable only up to 45 days. Furthermore, analysis of linear regressions and correlations showed that many quality parameters were interdependent. The postharvest dip treatment of spermidine or putrescine at a dose of 0.5 mM for 5 min could be an effective means for prolonging storage and increasing shelf-life of ‘Flame Seedless’ grapes.  相似文献   

The increased consumption of fresh-cut celery has led to the need to explore packaging alternatives for fresh-cut celery that can meet consumer, market, and industry needs. In this study, the effect of bio-based packaging and non-conventional atmospheres on the quality and safety of chlorine-sanitized celery sticks stored at 7 °C was investigated. Two materials differing in permeability [a bio-based polyester (polylactic acid (PLA)) and a petroleum-based polyolefin (polypropylene/low density polyethylene (PP/PE)] and four initial gas compositions [air (A-PLA or A-PP/PE), 95 kPa O2 + 5 kPa N2 (O2-PLA), 99 kPa N2 + 1 kPa O2 (N2-PLA), and 6 kPa O2 + 12 kPa CO2 + 82 kPa N2 (CO2-PLA)] were evaluated. Changes in headspace composition, weight loss, surface and cut end color, texture, ethanol content, appearance, and growth of Listeria monocytogenes on inoculated celery sticks were assessed during 21 d of storage. Active MAP (CO2-PLA) out-performed passive MAP (A-PLA) in maintaining celery stick quality but not safety. Conventional active MAP (CO2-PLA) out-performed non-conventional active MAPs (O2-PLA and N2-PLA) in maintaining celery stick quality throughout storage, but O2-PLA suppressed L. monocytogenes growth while CO2-PLA promoted growth during the first 10 d of storage. PLA and PP/PE materials affected celery stick quality but not Listeria growth. This study shows that the initial gas composition and packaging material both impact the quality and safety of celery sticks. Overall, the combination PLA and 95 kPa O2 proved most beneficial in maximizing both the safety and quality of celery sticks during one week of storage at 7 °C.  相似文献   

Ten identical perennial ryegrass plots (cv. Frances) were sequentially harvested for first cut silage at 7 day intervals, with second cuts after 6 weeks regrowth and further cuts until the growing season ended. Total herbage dry matter and digestible organic matter yields increased and digestibility decreased with delayed cutting, as was expected. The opposite and counterbalancing response occurred at the second cut. This pattern of yield change was mirrored by changes in the amount of stem tissue, whereas leaf yield did not change significantly at the first harvest but declined at the second, in response to delayed cutting. Furthermore, stem digestibility declined at the first cycle of harvests from ca. 75 to 62–64% in the most delayed cutting treatments. In contrast, leaf digestibility remained high (ca. 70%) until after seed-head emergence but then decreased rapidly to ca. 56%. This decline may have been associated with accelerated leaf senescence and redistribution of assimilates, though this needs to be examined. It was concluded that although manipulating first harvest date determined the proportioning of yield and digestibility in the first and second cuts, the observation that the combined yield and digestibility in these two harvests did not vary substantially is an important result for farming practice.  相似文献   

Summary Pollen from the inbred maize line HMv 1645 was used to study the effect of pollen treatments (drying and deep-freezing) on the phenotypic performance of the next generation. Fresh and artificially dried pollen samples with different water contents (56%, 18%, 13% and 10%) were used for sib pollinations immediately after collection or drying. Samples containing low amounts of water were then stored in liquid nitrogen for 7 days. Fertilization ability of the samples with 13% water was the highest after storage. Plant characteristics of the next generation originated from the seeds set by differently treated (fresh, dried to 13% water and deep-frozen) pollen were examined and statistically analysed. Pollen treatments due to the pollen storage procedure did not cause detectable changes in quantitative characters of the next generation.  相似文献   

The effects of supraoptimal root-zone temperature (30 °C) on growth and development of roots were investigated in water and soil culture with cuttings of two potato clones DTO-2 (heat tolerant) and LT-1 (heat sensitive) at different plant ages, with different compositions of the nutrient solution, and different light intensities. It is suggested that the negative relation between cutting age and heat susceptibility observed in our experiments, is a reflection of the decreasing shoot/root dry weight ratio rather than of age. Heat damage of root systems increased with the concentration of the nutrient solution, nitrate being the main factor responsible. The influence of light intensity on temperature mediated restriction of root growth was relatively small. However the roots of plants grown under low light intensity (60 W m−2 PAR) appeared to be less stressed by supraoptimal temperature, i.e. roots appeared brighter, thinner and more ramified than plants growing at high light intensity (190 W m−2).  相似文献   

Two alleles, Glu-A1r encoding high-molecular-weight (HMW) glutenin subunits 39+40 and Glu-A1s encoding HMW glutenin subunits 41+42, were introgressed to bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cv. Sicco from two accessions of T. boeoticum Boiss. ssp. thaoudar (A genome species, 2n=2x=14). Alleles at Glu-A1 in current commercial bread wheats encode zero or one subunit, and alleles at the homoeoloci Glu-B1 and Glu-D1 encode a maximum of two subunits; hence the maximum number of subunits found in commercial wheats is five, whereas the lines incorporating Glu-A1r and Glu-A1s carry six. Using near-isogenic lines, the current results demonstrated that the introduction of Glu-A1r resulted in diminished dough stickiness and improved stability during mixing compared with Glu-A1a encoding subunit 1, and a small improvement in gluten strength as shown by the SDS- sedimentation test. The introduction of Glu-A1a also resulted in a small improvement in gluten strength predicted by the SDS-sedimentation test. Thus the alleles are of potential value in breeding programmes designed to improve bread-making quality.  相似文献   

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