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从审视大学英语教学现状人手,阐述整体语言教学思想,探讨在研究生英语课的教学中,开展主题讨论教学活动,培养语言交际能力的问题。  相似文献   

网络时代公共图书馆的核心价值引发了越来越多人的关注。从图书馆的基本功能与社会效益,图书馆作为文化公共空间所发挥的职能和具有的意义,数字时代给传统图书馆带来的挑战与机遇,物理上公共空间的图书馆要适应文化变革,联合是图书馆未来发展的方向和唯一选择等几个方面,论述了公共图书馆在网络化时代作为公共空间提高核心竞争力的问题。  相似文献   

第二语言学习涉及第二文化学习,因此第二语言学习也是一个文化移入的过程。高职英语教育的目标是使学生具备一定的英语交际能力,而目前高职学生在英语交际能力方面存在英语基础薄弱,西方文化知识匮乏等问题。试图通过探讨文化迁移这一造成语用失误的主要因素,从外语教学的角度归纳了三点培养学习者语用能力的启示:利用文化导向型英语教学模式,促进文化正迁移;设计跨文化交际教学内容,实现母语文化正迁移;培养教师本身的语用能力。  相似文献   

The orderly generation of cell types in the developing retina is thought to be regulated by changes in the competence of multipotent progenitors. Here, we show that a secreted factor, growth and differentiation factor 11 (GDF11), controls the numbers of retinal ganglion cells (RGCs), as well as amacrine and photoreceptor cells, that form during development. GDF11 does not affect proliferation of progenitors-a major mode of GDF11 action in other tissues-but instead controls duration of expression of Math5, a gene that confers competence for RGC genesis, in progenitor cells. Thus, GDF11 governs the temporal windows during which multipotent progenitors retain competence to produce distinct neural progeny.  相似文献   

The nature and distribution of power sources of the sea other than petroleum are discussed, along with possible entrées for their use. Waves, tides, currents, and salinity and temperature gradients all have the potential to contribute useful power. Submarine geothermal sources, salt domes, ice, and other marine-associated concentrations may be more important. There are opportunities to employ these marine power resources directly rather than for contributions to power grids or power-intensive products. Ancillary employment of the seawater as a coolant and of the sediments below the seabed for the disposal of nuclear wastes may be even more important uses than employment of the power that the sea contains.  相似文献   

The evolution of unusually large brains in some groups of animals, notably primates, has long been a puzzle. Although early explanations tended to emphasize the brain's role in sensory or technical competence (foraging skills, innovations, and way-finding), the balance of evidence now clearly favors the suggestion that it was the computational demands of living in large, complex societies that selected for large brains. However, recent analyses suggest that it may have been the particular demands of the more intense forms of pairbonding that was the critical factor that triggered this evolutionary development. This may explain why primate sociality seems to be so different from that found in most other birds and mammals: Primate sociality is based on bonded relationships of a kind that are found only in pairbonds in other taxa.  相似文献   

Electromagnetic fields, with the noise on one quadrature component reduced to below the quantum mechanical zero-point fluctuation level and the noise on the other quadrature component enhanced to above it, are currently of great interest in quantum optics because of their potential applications to various precision measurements. Such squeezed states of light are usually produced by imposing nonlinear unitary evolution on coherent (or vacuum) states. On the other hand, squeezed states with reduced photon number noise and enhanced phase noise are generated directly by a constant current-driven semiconductor laser. This is the simplest scheme for the generation of nonclassical light, and so far it has yielded the largest quantum noise reduction. The mutual coupling between a lasing junction and an external electrical circuit provides opportunities for exploring the macroscopic and microscopic quantum effects in open systems.  相似文献   

To date,most genetic progress for quantita-tive traits in livestock has been made by selec-tion on phenotype or on estimates of breedingvalues(BBV)derived from phenotype,withoutknowledge of the number of genes that affect thetrait or the effects of each gene.In this quantita-tive genetic approach to genetic improvement,the genetic architecture of traits of interest hasessentially been treated as a‘black box’.De-spite this,the substantial rates of genetic im-provement that have been and continue to be a-chie...  相似文献   

引入核心竞争力的概念,认为福建省高校学报的核心竞争力应从选题上突出福建省地域、文化特色,组稿上依托省内各高校的学科特色和人才优势,学报编辑部之间定期组织业务学习和学术交流活动,以团队的合力形成在省内各学报之间既互相取长补短又各具风格特色,在省外又能联合统一起来的独具福建特色的品牌。  相似文献   

概述SWOT分析法的优缺点,利用层次分析法结合SWOT方法,分析独立学院图书馆编目外包的优势和劣势、机会和威胁因素,并对计算结果进行讨论分析:外包数据质量是影响独立学院图书馆编目业务外包决策的关键因素;外包业务工作效率是推动独立学院图书馆编目业务外包决策的有利机遇;强化管理,促进独立学院图书馆编目外包业务可持续发展。  相似文献   

英语教学任务和目标是在不同阶段培养相应的语言能力和交际能力,其有机组成部分包括教学翻译与翻译教学,这是两种概念不同,目的相异但又相互联系的教学设计类型。本文尝试由语言教学理论和语言教学角度探讨二者之间的关系,认为二者在概念和目的上不容混淆,但二者教学上存在着相互联系。  相似文献   

Protein kinase C and regulation of the local competence of Xenopus ectoderm   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The limited competence of embryonic tissue to respond to an inductive signal has an essential, regulatory function in embryonic induction. The molecular basis for the competence of Xenopus ectoderm to differentiate into neural tissue was investigated. Dorsal mesoderm or 12-O-tetradecanoyl phorbol-13-acetate (TPA) caused in vivo activation of protein kinase C (PKC) and neural differentiation mainly in dorsal ectoderm and to a lesser extent in ventral ectoderm. These data correlate with the observations that PKC preparations from dorsal and ventral ectoderm differ, the dorsal PKC preparation being more susceptible to activation by TPA and diolein than is the ventral PKC preparation. Monoclonal antibodies against the bovine PKC alpha plus beta or gamma isozymes immunostained dorsal and ventral ectoderm, respectively, which suggests different localizations of PKC isozymes. These results suggest that PKC participates in the establishment of embryonic competence.  相似文献   

Mating in bighorn sheep: multiple creative male strategies   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Rocky Mountain bighorn rams obtained copulations by defending single estrous ewes (tending), fighting tending rams for temporary access to defended ewes (coursing), or moving and holding ewes away from other rams beyond the periphery of a traditional tending area (blocking). Coursing and blocking illustrate a feature of many male alternative mating strategies: the ability of males regularly to create mating opportunities.  相似文献   

在对大学生就业能力文献研究分析的基础上,进一步阐明了提升高校毕业生就业能力的重要性,创建包括基本工作能力、专业能力和应聘能力三层次九维度的就业能力结构模型,并围绕该模型,引用高校人才培养供应链管理理念,从政府、企业、高校、学生4个方面提出了政府要加强促进就业的政策调控;企业要积极为高校毕业生创造就业机会;高校要创新人才培养模式,加强毕业生就业指导工作;毕业生自身定位要准确,培养良好的人格品质等对策建议。  相似文献   

提高学生的跨文化交际能力可以通过显性路径和隐性路径两种方式.根据口译课程的特点,在口译教学中运用隐性教学方式将跨文化教学内容融入到口译各技能的训练之中是比较科学合理的做法.一项对比教学实验的结果表明,依托口译技能的跨文化交际能力培养模式对提高学生的跨文化敏感度整体水平没有显著促进作用,但是对差异认同感有显著积极影响;实验结果同时表明此教学模式能够显著提高学生的跨文化交际能力测试成绩.相关分析和回归分析结果表明,学生的综合跨文化敏感度和除了差异认同感的其他四个维度对学生的跨文化交际能力测试成绩没有产生显著影响,这说明该教学模式产生了一定的积极效果但还需在教学实践中不断修正以更全面和切实地提高学生的跨文化交际能力.  相似文献   

基因编辑技术是一种可直接对DNA序列进行稳定、精准改造的技术,其中CRISPR/Cas9技术以简便、高效、经济等优势脱颖而出。在农作物中,CRISPR/Cas9技术被广泛应用于作物遗传育种、植物基因改造、农作物品种改良等多个方面,给农作物领域带来巨大机遇。但机遇与挑战并存,该技术在实际应用中亦遇到一些困难。因此,本文围绕CRISPR/Cas9技术的原理、局限及改进方案进行综合阐述,以期为CRISPR/Cas9技术在农作物中的进一步应用提供理论基础。  相似文献   

培养大学生英语综合应用能力已成为当前大学英语教学研究的一个热点。本文主要通过对目前形势的分析,并根据多年的教学探索,提出了提高英语口语表达能力的途径和方法,笔者认为这对于培养学生的英语交际应用能力是有裨益的。  相似文献   

国际旅游岛背景下海南农业休闲旅游发展策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农业和旅游业都是海南的重要产业,在海南建设国际旅游岛的大背景下,将两种产业联动发展的方式是一种给海南经济发展带来新机遇的有利探索。一方面能为农业的发展创造一条新的收入渠道.促进农村地区的发展;另一方面也能为海南建设国际旅游岛增添更多的吸引力因子。本文就海南建设国际旅游岛背景下.发展农业休闲旅游进行SWOT分析,并在此基础上提出在海南发展农业休闲旅游的一些策略。  相似文献   

About 80 percent of women trained in science or engineering are in the labor force, but many are employed outside of their fields. Most who withdraw from the labor force do so temporarily, and about half do not take a career break even when they have small children. Factors affecting labor force participation are student status, highest degree level, parental status and age of children, and field of degree. Employment opportunities are restricted in some fields, and women have higher unemployment rates and lower earnings than men. Some policy changes would improve opportunities for women, and better data are needed to monitor their participation in science and technology.  相似文献   

伴随经济全球化进程加快和企业间竞争加剧,企业提高了对会计人员职业胜任能力的要求,所以构建适应企业要求的会计人员职业胜任能力评价指标体系势在必行。通过对国内外职业胜任能力评价研究现状分析发现,会计人员继续教育阶段能力评价的缺失是造成我国当前能力评价体系不完整的主要原因,由此构建了包括继续教育阶段以个性特征为首要指标的全面能力评价指标体系。  相似文献   

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