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Gaseous effluent from the treatment of contaminated soils must becontrolled to avoid atmospheric emissions of volatile organiccompounds during remediation. The combination of carbonadsorption with catalytic deep oxidation for control ofcyclohexane emissions is analysed in this paper. The activitiesof activated carbons prepared with almond shells and impregnatedwith CoO, Co3O4 and CrO3 were compared, inrelation with carbon structure, catalyst content and catalystspecies. The microcatalytic-chromatographic technique developedwas very suitable for rapid comparison of the catalyticactivities. Carbons with a better development of surface areaand pore volumes showed higher catalytic activities. Theincreasing of catalyst content also increased catalyticactivity. Cobalt is better than chromium to catalyse the deepoxidation of cyclohexane, the oxidation state of cobalt inCo3O4 being better than in CoO.  相似文献   

Generally, dry deposition processes are very important for atmospheric chemistry of pollutants providing up to 30–80 % of the removal for certain compounds from the atmosphere. The model for calculating of dry deposition fluxes for a large territory seems unsophisticated in spite of the dependence on surface characteristics, pollutant properties and atmospheric conditions. The approach of combining monthly average concentrations measured at the Integrated Background Monitoring Network (IBMoN) and EMEP stations and linear dry deposition velocity was used to calculate total sulphur and nitrogen fluxes for the whole of the former Soviet Union (FSU) taking into account large-scale geographical variability in climate and lands. Most values of all SO2 and SO4 2? concentrations were below 2.9 and 3.1 mgS/m3, and NO2 concentration were 1.5 mgN/m3 over European part and 0.6 mgN/m3 in Western Siberia. The long-term trends of oxidised sulphur and nitrogen compounds in the atmosphere were examined for 1982–1998 in certain FSU regions. Annual dry deposition of sulphur was estimated as 3.64 Mt S (in sulphate form) and 2.76 Mt S (in SO2 form) for the whole area of FSU. Annual removal of NO2 by dry deposition was calculated at 1.27 Mt N. These values constituted between 44 and 50% of total oxidised sulphur and nitrogen deposition.  相似文献   

Estimates of mercury emissions from individual sources and source categories are needed to understand relationships between the emissions and resulting deposition and to evaluate possible approaches to reducing those emissions. We have developed geographically-resolved estimates of annual average mercury emission rates from current anthropogenic sources in the 48 contiguous United States. These estimates were made by applying emission factors to individual facility operating data and to county-wide source activity levels. We apportioned the emissions to an Eulerian modeling grid system using point source coordinates and the fractions of county areas in each grid cell. Point sources account for about 89% of the 48-state total mercury emissions of 146.4 Mg/yr. Most of the emissions in the inventory are from combustion of mercury-containing fossil fuels and municipal waste, located primarily in the mid-Atlantic and Great Lakes states as well as in the Southeast. The major uncertainties in the emission estimates are caused by uncertainties in the emission factors used to develop the estimates. This uncertainty is likely a result of variability in the mercury content of the combusted materials and in the removal of mercury by air pollution control devices. The greatest research need to reduce uncertainties in mercury emission estimates is additional measurements to improve emission factors.  相似文献   

The representative mass ratio of the reactive airborne sulphur-to-nitrogen, S/N in the gas and aerosol phases, and in wet and dry deposition over the territory of Hong Kong, SAR,was determined, utilizing available data for the 12 yr period, 1986–1997. Using this information, the representative stoichiometric ratio values for sulphate-to-nitrate in aerosoland in wet and dry depositions were estimated. A limited supplementary data set on various canopy depositions was alsoutilized. This information collectively suggests several basicdifferences in photochemical processes between the urbanatmospheres in and around Hong Kong and the classical, smoggyLos Angeles. This is also supported by the typical diurnal variation of nitrogen oxides in Hong Kong, which suggests a moreefficient photo-oxidation of NO to NO2 within the territoryand in nearby areas upwind, as compared to further oxidation tothe NO3 (or nitrate) stage. On the other hand, the relatively low gas-to-particle ratio value estimated for S (~3) relative to N (~26) suggests that the advectedfraction of non-sea salt aerosol sulphate in the territory couldbe considerably greater than the corresponding fraction for nitrate. Finally, significant losses (probably related to sampling) of NH4-NH3 in dry deposition could be inferred, while for SO4 in wet deposition, a moderate enrichment factor of ~2 is observed in relation to SO4 in aerosol.  相似文献   

Nord  A. G.  Tronner  K.  Boyce  A. J. 《Water, air, and soil pollution》2001,127(1-4):193-204
Corrosion products have been takenfrom 130 copper or bronze outdoor objects all overEurope. Their chemical composition and crystalsymmetry have been determined by means of scanning electron microscopy (SEM/EDS) and X-ray powderdiffraction. Data on location, sampling, objectcharacteristics, general environment and air pollutionlevel; type, colour and chemical composition of thecorrosion layers have been obtained and evaluated by multivariate statistical analysis. The resultsverify that the highest air pollution levels are usually associated with the occurrence of thick,black or dark grey corrosion layers on copper orbronze objects, preferentially containing soot, ironoxide hydroxides, and antlerite,Cu3(SO4)(OH)4. Pale green corrosionusually contains brochantite,Cu4(SO4)(OH)6, and is rather associatedwith less polluted areas. Atacamite, a copper hydroxide chloride with the chemical formula Cu2Cl(OH)3, is preferentially observed in coastal regions.In addition, sulphur isotope analyses have beenperformed on eleven corrosion samples from citycenters. The δ34S values are typically inthe region from +4 to +6‰ relative to the sulphurisotope standard CDT (Canyon Diablo Troilite) with amean value of 4.7±1.2 (1σ), therebyindicating that the sulphur in the corrosion layers,in the form of brochantite or antlerite, mainlyoriginates from a similar source despite geographicvariation, most likely sulphur contained in air pollutants.  相似文献   

Sulphur (S) and nitrogen (N) components are of great concern because acidification and eutrophication still remain an important environmental issue in many regions of the world. Continuous monitoring (1981–1999) of S and N components both in air and precipitation in Lithuania (LT) has allowed us to evaluate the regional and temporal variations in relation to the pollutant emission changes. Despite of inter-site variability in concentration of pollutants within the regional scale, data showed a marked decrease in S concentrations both in air and precipitation over the Lithuania as a whole. Non-seasalt sulphate (nssSO4 2?) concentrations in precipitation and air decreased from 2.06 to 0.52 mgS/l and from 3.97 to 1.07 µgS/m3, respectively. The number of acidic (pH<5) precipitation did not exceed 50 % during 1995–1999. The observed trends for S species are consistent with those for sulphur dioxide (SO2) emission in Europe and Lithuania. Although nitrogen dioxide (NO2) concentration in air decreased by 17 %, significant changes in nitrate (NO3 ?) concentrations neither in precipitation nor in air have been observed. Three-day backward air isobaric trajectories were used for the identification of the source region of air pollutants  相似文献   

Natural S supplies are insufficient for high crop yields. The S brought down by rain is limited, even in industrial areas, and much of it is lost in drainage. Additional supplies are needed either as fertilizers or as SO2, which vegetation readily absorbs. The margin between the minimum SO2 concentration for full growth and the concentration at which damage occurs is wide enough for distribution via the air, without deleterious effects, of such S as is available from the combustion of fuels.  相似文献   


The amount of sulphur (S), nitrogen (N), and organic carbon (C) in different layers of soils from some Alfisols varied considerably with location. The amount of S extracted by different extractants as a percentage of the total S was in the order of organic (3.5%)>0.05 (N) NH4OAc+0.25 (N) HOAc (1.9%)>0.1 (N) H3PO4 (1.8%)>0.025 (N) CaCl2 (1.8%)>0.03 (N) NaH2PO4 (1.7%)>0.001 (N) HCl (0.6%). In all the soil series SO4 2?‐S mineralization decreased up to the second week after incubation, followed by a slight increase up to the fourth week, a subsequent decline up to the sixth week, and a slight increase up to the eighth week. The C:N, C:S, N:S, and C:N:S ratios averaged 9.4:1, 63.7:1, 6.9:1, and 94:10:2.08, respectively.  相似文献   

Previous laboratory research has shown that biofilters have the potential to reduce CH4 emissions from landfills by as much as 83%. However, to achieve this level of CH4 reduction biofilters must be properly designed. The present study was conducted to develop a method for properly designing biofilters based on landfill size and location. A quadratic equation was developed to describe the dependence of CH4 oxidation rate in a sandy loam textured soil as a function of soil temperature, soil moisture and ammonium nitrogen concentration. Using this equation and the average monthly soil temperature and moisture contents for the largest cities of each of the 48 contiguous states, the monthly CH4 oxidation rate at each location was calculated. Then, assuming a standard landfill depth of 27.6 m, and a standard area of 121,500 m2, the required biofilter size was calculated. Finally, the ratio of biofilter size to landfill size was calculated. Design calculations for biofilters located in the states of Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina and Texas where the CH4 oxidation rates are relatively high throughout the year indicate that the necessary biofilter sizes are small. In addition, biofilters in these states may be expected to be effective throughout the year. In contrast, the calculations indicated biofilter systems in the states of Idaho, Minnesota and North Dakota will have much lower efficiencies during much of the year due to unfavorable soil moisture and temperature ranges. Given proper design, installation and management, a biofilter should be capable of achieving a significant reduction in atmospheric CH4 emission as compared to emissions from the same landfill without a biofilter.  相似文献   

氮形态和硫水平对烤烟氮、硫、钾等营养的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
刘勤 《土壤通报》2006,37(6):1171-1174
红壤和潮土培育烤烟,100%铵态氮、100%硝态氮和50%铵氮+50%硝氮等3种氮形态和2种硫施用量的盆栽试验研究表明,增加硝态氮肥供给比例,有利于烤烟生长,烟株叶片干重、株高、干径增加。施硫增加,各叶位全硫含量均显著增加,下部叶片明显累积较多的硫。硝态氮处理红壤和潮土生长烟叶硫含量降低。烟叶氮含量也受供氮形态影响,硝态氮供给比例增加,烟叶全氮含量均较高。供硫增加,烟叶钾含量下降;100%铵氮处理烟叶钾累积较多,NH4+没有抑制K的吸收。  相似文献   

ENVI FLAASH和ERDAS ATCOR2的大气校正对比研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究分别用ENVI FLAASH模块和ERDAS ATCOR2模块对LANDSAT5-TM图像进行大气校正,进而对校正效果进行评价。结果表明,ENVI FLAASH和ERDAS ATCOR2均能很好地消除大部分大气的影响,满足试验要求。但从精度方面考虑,ENVI FLAASH要略胜于ERDAS ATCOR2。  相似文献   

Cystine concentrations (g/16g N) in plant tissue declined more under S deficiency conditions than methionine. In N-balance trials with rats the negative effect of S deficiency on S amino acid composition of peas and cauliflower resulted in a corresponding decrease of the biological value of the protein.  相似文献   

About 90% of total S in a peat profile from a valley mire was associated with organic matter, and in the anaerobic zone, most of the remaining S could be distilled as H2S (steam-volatile H2S). [35S]SO2?4 was rapidly incorporated into both organic and steam-volatile H2S pools, with preferential labelling of organic matter at the surface of the peat (? 10 cm depth) and of steam-volatile H2S at greater depth (? 10 cm depth). Less than 2% of the steam-volatile H2S could be accounted for as H2S in solution in the pore water, and evidence suggesting FeS as the source of this fraction is presented. Less than 2% of the total S in the profile was present as FeS2 or S°, and S2O2?3 and S4O2?6 could not be detected. Measurements of total S content of the peat and estimates of the age of the deposit indicate a rate of S accumulation of 4.76–6.06 g S m?2yr?1. The results are discussed in the context of the mechanisms of S transformations and uptake by other mire systems.  相似文献   

Deposition fluxes of sulphur and nitrogen in bulk and throughfall precipitation were monitored for the 1994–2000 period for seven small forest catchments in the GEOMON network, Czech Republic (CR). Four catchments are situated at similar elevations (roughly between 800 and 1000 m) and represent three areas: the Black Triangle near the Kru?né hory Mts. coalfield (catchments JEZ and LYS), the Orlické hory Mts., close to the Polish industrial regions (UDL), and the ?umava Mts., a relatively unpolluted area (LIZ). Three catments (GEM, POM, LES) lie at lower elevations (400–600 m) in Central Bohemia. A substantial decrease in the bulk and throughfall deposition of pollutants occurred as a result of the desulphurisation programme implemented in the Czech Republic between 1996 and 1998. A reduction has been described mainly in the Kru?né hory Mts. (JEZ), in Slavkovský les (LYS) and also in Central Bohemia (GEM). The decrease in the throughfall to less than one half within a single year in POM (Central Bohemia) was an example of a direct response to the local emission reduction in the nearby Chvaletice power plant. However, in some areas, the throughfall deposition of sulphur, which includes wet and dry deposition, is still significant, especially at higher elevations. Recent forest degradation was observed in the Orlické hory Mts., where, particularly in 1998, as much as 91.1 kg S was found in coniferous throughfall. The fraction of dry deposition in the coniferous forests of CR represents 30–70% of the total deposition. The difference between coniferous (higher) and deciduous (lower) throughfall fluxes is significant because of the larger surface area of conifers and year-round exposure to air-borne sulphur. At several of the GEOMON sites, the flux of nitrogen via throughfall increased during the observation period and, at the end of the studied period (2000), nitrogen became the main source of acidification, replacing sulphur compounds. The highest fluxes (81.7 kg N ha-1 yr-1)were measured in 2000 in the Orlické hory Mts., which provide an example of multiple causes of forest decline – the direct impact of air pollution, abundance of nitrogen, acidification and secondary stressors (weather changes, insect pests, fungal infections). A comparison is given with data from other countries.  相似文献   

To simulate the atmospheric fate of air pollutants, it is first necessary to know the emission rates that describe the release of pollutants into ambient air. For benzo(a)pyrene emission data are currently only available as yearly bulk emissions while the simulation models typically require temporally resolved emissions (e.g. hourly). Because residential heating is by far the most important source for benzo(a)pyrene, we developed a method to temporally disaggregate these bulk emission data using the linear dependency of benzo(a)pyrene emission rates stemming from residential combustion on ambient temperature. The resulting time-dependent hourly emission rates have been used in a chemical transport model to simulate concentrations and deposition fluxes of benzo(a)pyrene in the year 2000. The same simulations were repeated with constant emission rates and emission rates that varied only seasonally. By comparing the modeling results of the three emission cases with monthly measurements of air concentrations, the characteristic and the benefit of our disaggregation approach is illustrated. The simulations with disaggregated emissions fitted best to the measurements. At the same time the spatial distribution as well as the yearly total deposition was notably different with each emission case even though the yearly total emissions were kept constant.  相似文献   

Solberg  S.  Lazaridis  M.  Walker  S.-E.  Knudsen  S.  Semb  A. 《Water, air, and soil pollution》2003,148(1-4):289-321
A photochemical puff-trajectory model (Fotoplume) has been applied to simulate emissions, atmospheric transport and chemical transformations of pollutants from offshore oil and gas production in the North Sea. The above model was used in conjunction with the European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme (EMEP) regional Lagrangian oxidant model. The Fotoplume and EMEP models were used to evaluate the effects of the atmospheric emissions from the oil and gas exploration activity in the Norwegian sector of the North Sea. Deposition of nitrogen and formation of boundary level ozone in Southern Norway due to North Sea emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOx), carbon monoxide (CO) and volatile organic compounds (VOC) have been studied. The petroleum activity in the North Sea is calculated to contribute approximately 20% of the nitrogen deposition in the coastal areas of Norway in 1992. In addition, the models were used to estimate the AOT40 ozone exposure levels. The results indicate that emissions from British and Norwegian oil and gas exploitation sector separately contribute to less than 5% each of the AOT40 values for coniferous forests and meadows. Comparison of model calculations with experimental measurements is quite satisfactory and the models show realistic results for both the nitrogen deposition and AOT40 values.  相似文献   

Thirty tropical soils were examined for their ability to oxidize and reduce added sulphur compounds and the results compared with 56 soils previously studied from temperate areas.One-third oxidized sulphur at high to moderate rates while two-thirds did so at low to zero rates. The activity of Thiobacillus thiooxidans was moderately high in 40% of tropical soils. Thus tropical soils were poorer oxidizers than temperate ones, but they did not differ in activity of Thiobacillus thiooxidans.Sulphide was rapidly evolved from added sulphur, sulphate and cystine in the majority of tropical soils and by fewer temperate ones, but it was estimated that annual losses of sulphide would be negligible.In liquid medium containing S or sulphate, the counts of sulphide producing aerobes and anaerobes were rather similar, but mesophiles outnumbered thermophiles and sporers exceeded non-sporers. However, with cystine, counts of anaerobes were greater than of aerobes, mesophiles still exceeded thermophiles, but vegetative cells exceeded spores. Generally the numbers of sulphide formers and the rates from each of the three substrates were greater for tropical than for temperate soils.  相似文献   

中国农业中硫的消费现状、问题与发展趋势   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
近年来,施用硫肥效果显著的报道逐渐增多,硫对农业生产的重要性被广泛认可。基于农业部统计数据、农户调查和行业统计数据,对农业生产中硫的输入状况与硫肥消费特征的分析表明,中国硫肥消费存在很大盲目性。过于集中在过磷酸钙的生产或施用地区,缺乏整体的科学引导;各种作物的单位面积硫输入量有较大差异;与各自适宜的推荐量相比,水稻、小麦和玉米的硫输入量偏高,油菜和棉花的硫输入量偏低,而豆类的硫输入量严重不足。为引导含硫肥料合理消费,需要启动全国尺度土壤硫肥力和硫肥技术研究,跟踪环境硫的状况,科学预测农业硫需求,稳定传统含硫肥料的投入并研发新的硫肥产品,以满足局部地区作物的需求。  相似文献   

Summary An open incubation technique was used to measure S mineralisation in a range of New Zealand soils. For most of the soils studied, the release of S as sulphate was curvilinear with time, and during a 10-week incubation, the amounts of S mineralised ranged from less than 3 g S g-1 soil to more than 26 g S g-1 soil. The best predictor of mineralised S appeared to be the amount of C-bonded S in the soil (explaining 59% of the variation in mineralised S between soils). Examination of the soils after incubation also revealed that the bulk of the mineralised S was derived from the C-bonded S pool. Hydriodic acid-reducible forms of organic S appeared to make little contribution to mineralised S.Attempts were made to predict total potentially mineralisable S (S o) from incubation data using an exponential equation and a reciprocal-plot technique. However, the dependence of estimated values of S o on the length and temperature of incubation cast doubts on the validity of this approach.  相似文献   

Fusarium solani oxidized So to S2O32?; S4O62? and SO42? in culture and when grown in autoclaved soils amended with the element. The intermediates were also oxidized to SO42?, suggesting involvement of the polythionate pathway in fungal S-oxidation. Indigenous F. solani was shown to oxidize S in non-sterile soil.  相似文献   

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