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簇毛麦抗白粉病基因的导入及AFLP标记 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
小麦白粉病是小麦的主要病害之一。研究以簇毛麦为抗源,采用杂交与辐射、组织培养相结合的方法,将簇毛麦的抗白粉病基因导入小麦,选育出高产、抗白粉病的小麦新品种和农艺性状较好、抗白粉病的小麦新种质。经AFLP标记,确定了4个抗白粉病种质均为含有一段簇毛麦DNA的易位系,并得到3个可能与抗性基因紧密连锁的标记和7个连锁不太紧密的标记,为簇毛麦抗白粉病基因的鉴定和利用奠定了基础。 相似文献
簇毛麦抗白粉病基因的RAPD及RFLP标记 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
分析了来自前苏联簇毛麦及其抗病衍生系的抗白粉病基因对不同生理小种的抗性反应。用120个随机引物对6D/6V代换系Pm930640进行RAPD分析,检测到5个引物OPAN03、OPAI01、OPAL03、OPAD07和OPAG15,分别在大约1 700、700、750、480和580 bp处有区别于小麦亲本的多态性条带。对Chancellor×Pm930640 F2群体进行OPAN03、OPAI01和OPAL03等3个RAPD标记与抗白粉病基因的连锁分析,表明这些标记同簇毛麦的抗白粉病基因是连锁的。对大部分分别含有Pm1-Pm20的已知抗病基因、含有簇毛麦抗病基因及其相关亲本的29个小麦品系进行RAPD标记分析。结果表明,这些标记不仅可以鉴定簇毛麦的抗病基因,而且可以判断其遗传背景。OPAL03750仅出现在含有前苏联簇毛麦6VS染色体的抗病材料中,可作为区别于Pm21的分子标记。RFLP标记的结果也表明两个不同簇毛麦的6VS染色体有明显的多态性。 相似文献
利用小麦 6VS/6AL易位系的抗白粉病基因Pm2 1的SCAR标记 ,对不同簇毛麦来源的小麦抗白粉病材料及其杂交后代进行了分子鉴定和标记辅助选择研究 ,结果表明利用该标记可以鉴定小麦遗传背景下的簇毛麦 6VS染色体臂 ,而且引物对小麦背景中的多年生簇毛麦也同样得到扩增。对簇毛麦染色体易位系 6VS/6DL与四川小麦品种杂交的后代群体 ,可以利用SCAR标记进行辅助抗性选择。本文还对四川小麦分子标记辅助育种的策略进行了讨论 相似文献
小麦白粉病是小麦的主要病害之一。以簇毛麦为抗源,采用杂交与辐射、组织培养相结合的方法,将簇毛麦的抗白粉病基因导入小麦。经抗病鉴定、系统选育和细胞学分析,选育出农艺性状较好、抗白粉病的小麦新种质。经DNA分析,证明簇毛麦抗白粉病基因(或染色体片断)已被导入小麦品种。 相似文献
番茄抗白粉病基因的AFLP标记 总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9
对由显性核基因(RL-4)控制的番茄野生种L.peruvianum抗白粉病抗性进行了分子标记研究,通过采用F1代群分法,在F2代抗、感池间随机筛选了256对引物,找到了与番茄抗白粉病基因RL-4连锁的6个AFLP标记,遗传距离分别为4.3,5.5,5.5,5.6,6.6和11.9cM。 相似文献
利用小麦6VS/6AL易位系的抗白粉在因Pm21的SCAR标记,对不同簇毛麦来源的小麦抗白 偻病材料及其杂交后代进行了分子鉴定和标记辅助选择研究,结果表明利用示记可以鉴定小麦遗传背景下的簇毛麦6VS染色体臂,而且引物对小麦背景中的多年生簇毛麦也同样得到扩增。对簇毛麦染色体易位系6VS/6DL与四川小麦品种杂交的后代群体,可以利用SCAR标记进行辅助抗性选择。本文还对四川小麦分子标记辅助育种的策略进行了讨论。 相似文献
小麦抗白粉病种质的创新利用 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
以簇毛麦为抗源,采用杂交与生物技术相结合的方法,将簇毛麦的抗白粉病基因导入小麦,选育出农艺性状较好、抗白粉病的小麦新种质和高产、抗白粉病的小麦新品种。经AFLP分析,确定抗白粉病种质均含有一段簇毛麦的DNA。 相似文献
刘润堂 《山西农业大学学报(自然科学版)》1997,17(2):128-130
小麦白粉病是小麦的主要病害之一,本研究以簇毛麦后代材料为抗源,采用杂交与辐射,杂交与组织培养相结合的方法,将簇毛麦的抗白粉病基因导入普通小麦。经多代抗病鉴定、定向选择和细胞学分析,选育出了高产、抗白粉病的小麦新品种和农艺性状较好、抗白粉病的小麦新种质。本项研究为外缘抗性基因导入小麦品种开辟了一条新的途径 相似文献
Development and Identification of Wheat Haynaldia villosa 6DL/6VS Translocation Lines with Powdery Mildew Resistance 总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9
Wheat-H. villosa 6DL/6VS translocation lines, Pm97033, Pm97034 and Pm97035 developed by(TH3/4 ×Wan7107)F1 young embryo and anther culture, were evaluated by powdery mildew resistance test, cytogenetic analysis, biochemical analysis, and in situ hybridization respectively. Pm97033 and its hybrids crossing with susceptible cultivar Wan7107, 6D/6V substitution line and double ditelocentric lines (DDT) of Chinese Spring(C S)6A, 6B and 6D were all immune to powdery mildew through the growing period. It was with the somatic chromosome number of 42 and twenty-one bivalents at M I in pollen mother cells (PMCs M I ). The configurations at pMCs M I in hybrids F1 of Pm97033 with either susceptible cultivar or 6D/6V substitution line were 21 biva lents. In hybrids F1 between Pm97033 and C S 6A, 6B DDT, twenty bivalents and one allo-trivalent (t I t)composing of one univalent and two telocentric chromosomes were observed at PMCs M I . The configuration between Pm97033 and C S 6D DDT was twenty bivalents, one allo-bivalent (I t)and one telocentric chromosome. The results of cytogenetic analysis showed that Pm97033 was a translocation line , and the translocation was related to chromosome 6D. The results of in situ hybridization between probe labeled with biotin of H. villosa total DNA and the chromosomes showed that the three lines were all Robertsonian translocation lines. Glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase (GOT)isozyrme analyses showed that the translocation lines expressed the same pattern with C S,and without the specific band of 6VL of H. villas compared with substitution line and addition line. In α-zone of gliadin-2 pattern, all lines resistant to powdery mildew expressed an identical specific band encoded by the gene located on 6VS of H. villosa. All the cytogenetic and biochemical analysis confirmed that Pm97033, etc. were 6DL/6VS translocation lines with the substitution of 6VS for 6DS. 相似文献
The analysis was carried out on performance of the resistance gene from Haynaldia villosa accession of the former Soviet Union to different isolates of Bluemerie graminis. Polymorphisms were revealed between 6D/6V substitution line Pm930640and its pedigree parents using five RAPD markers of OPAN031700, OPAI017oo, OPAL03750, OPAD07480 and OPAG1558oscreened out from 120 random 10-mers primers. Three RAPD markers of OPAN03, OPAI01 and OPAL03 were linked with the resistance gene by analysis of F2 population of Chancellor×Pm930640. Analysis of 29 wheat lines including part of lines conferring the known genes from Pm1 to Pm20 respectively, lines conferring resistance gene from two H. villosaaccessions and the related wheat parents, were analyzed and the results showed that these markers not only linked to thegene resistant to powdery mildew from H. villosa, but also detected different genetic backgrounds. OPAL03750 can beused as the marker to distinguish the different resistant lines from two H. villosa accessions because it was only observedin the materials from H. villosa of the former Soviet Union. RFLP analysis also showed the polymorphisms between twoH. villosa accessions and their derived resistant lines. 相似文献