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Soil carbon dioxide (CO2) flux is an integrative measure of ecosystem functioning representing both biotic and physical controls over carbon (C) balance. In the McMurdo Dry Valleys of Antarctica, soil CO2 fluxes (approximately −0.1-0.15 μmol m−2 s−1) are generally low, and negative fluxes (uptake of CO2) are sometimes observed. A combination of biological respiration and physical mechanisms, driven by temperature and mediated by soil moisture and mineralogy, determine CO2 flux and, therefore, soil organic C balance. The physical factors important to CO2 flux are being altered with climate variability in many ecosystems including arid forms such as the Antarctic terrestrial ecosystems, making it critical to understand how climate factors interact with biotic drivers to control soil CO2 fluxes and C balances. We measured soil CO2 flux in experimental field manipulations, microcosm incubations and across natural environmental gradients of soil moisture to estimate biotic soil respiration and abiotic sources of CO2 flux in soils over a range of physical and biotic conditions. We determined that temperature fluctuations were the most important factor influencing diel variation in CO2 flux. Variation within these diel CO2 cycles was explained by differences in soil moisture. Increased temperature (as opposed to temperature fluctuations) had little or no effect on CO2 flux if moisture was not also increased. We conclude that CO2 flux in dry valley soils is driven primarily by physical factors such as soil temperature and moisture, indicating that future climate change may alter the dry valley soil C cycle. Negative CO2 fluxes in arid soils have recently been identified as potential net C sinks. We demonstrate the potential for arid polar soils to take up CO2, driven largely by abiotic factors associated with climate change. The low levels of CO2 absorption into soils we observed may not constitute a significant sink of atmospheric CO2, but will influence the interpretation of CO2 flux for the dry valley soil C cycle and possibly other arid environments where biotic controls over C cycling are secondary to physical drivers.  相似文献   

Biotic and abiotic decomposition of organic matter in soils The problem area of organic matter decomposition in soils by biotic, abiotic and photochemical mechanisms is tested under administration of uniformly 14C-labelled wheat straw, humic of fulvic acids; furthermore by the use of conventional methods. In four separate test runs, based on Hapludalf-Ah soil, formed in loess, as well as on Ah soil of a spodic Dystrochrept in pleistocene sand, measurements over years - altogether 57 measurement cycles - revealed similar decomposition rates of 14C fulvic and 14C humic acid. The approximate magnitudes of turnover were: biotic: abiotic (Hg-sterilization): biotic + UV-irradiation: abiotic + UV-irradiation = 100:20:70:50. The sterilized samples continued to release CO2. Biotic + UV showed losses, compared with biotic, by partial UV sterilization. Abiotic + UV indicated increasing CO2 release, compared with abiotic only, due to additional photochemical decomposition. In a larger program with radioactive as well as conventional methods of CO2 measurement decomposition rates in different soils were tested under biotic, abiotic and photochemical condition in presence of metal ions, such as iron, aluminium, copper, zinc, lead and mercury. The impact by the added metals can be summerized as follows: Calcium and aluminium are favoring the organic matter decomposition under biotic conditions, while mercury, lead, copper, zinc and iron are rather inhibitive. Contrary, under biotic/steril conditions copper and especially mercury, further zinc and lead, at lower extent also calcium, impede CO2 liberation. Since there are but small differences among the various test soils, soil own parameters seem to exert under abiotic conditions low importance only. Under UV irradiation calcium had in the biotic milieu high, in the steril/abiotic milieu a lower increasing effect upon COz liberation. Also iron indicates a stimulating effect under contemporary UV irradiation, which at lower level applies to lead and mercury too, particularly in connection with the sandloess Hapludalf of Harburg. Based on the observed CO2 release also under abiotic/steril conditions final tests were conducted with calcinated quartzsand in contrast to soil, otherwise again under biotic, abiotic, as well as biotic or abiotic + UV conditions. Also in these calcinated sands 14CO2 release from the 14C labelled straw continued. Addition of increasing amounts of aluminiumlactate causes decreasing 14CO2 rates. An even stronger inhibition was produced by addition of zinclactate.  相似文献   

Boreal wetlands are characterized by a mosaic of plant communities, including forests, shrublands, grasslands, and fens, which are structured largely by changes in topography and water table position. The soil associated with these plant communities contain quantitatively and qualitatively different forms of soil organic matter (SOM) and nutrient availability that drive changes in biogeochemical cycling rates. Therefore different boreal plant communities likely contain different soil biotic communities which in turn affect rates of organic matter decomposition. We examined relationships between plant communities, microbial communities, enchytraeids, and soil C turnover in near-surface soils along a shallow topographic soil moisture and vegetation gradient in interior Alaska. We tested the hypothesis that as soil moisture increases along the gradient, surface soils would become increasingly dominated by bacteria and mesofauna and have more rapid rates of C turnover. We utilized bomb radiocarbon techniques to infer rates of C turnover and the 13C isotopic composition of SOM and respired CO2 to infer the degree of soil humification. Soil phenol oxidase and peroxidase enzyme activities were generally higher in the rich fen compared with the forest and bog birch sites. Results indicated greater C fluxes and more rapid C turnover in the surface soils of the fen sites compared to the wetland forest and shrub sites. Quantitative PCR analyses of soil bacteria and archaea, combined with enchytraeid counts, indicated that surface soils from the lowland fen ecosystems had higher abundances of these microbial and mesofaunal groups. Fungal abundance was highly variable and not significantly different among sites. Microbial data was utilized in a food web model that confirmed that rapidly cycling systems are dominated by bacterial activity and enchytraeid grazing. However, our results also suggest that oxidative enzymes play an important role in the C mineralization process in saturated systems, which has been often ignored.  相似文献   

Terrestrial ecosystems in the Antarctic dry valleys function under extremely cold and dry climatic conditions that severely constrain C and N cycling and, like other polar regions, are likely to be sensitive to environmental change. To characterize the distribution and dynamics of soil organic C (SOC) and N in the various landscape elements of an Antarctic dry valley, we measured soil profile organic C and organic N stocks, inorganic N (NH4-N and NO3-N), soil CO2 effluxes, water contents and soil temperatures in the Garwood Valley, a relatively small valley in southern Victoria Land. We also conducted laboratory measurements of basal respiration on soils collected from the Valley. SOC and respiration rates were low and SOC was highly stratified in the soil profile, with the largest values observed near the surface. Significant variations of SOC stocks and soil CO2 effluxes were observed between landscape elements and spatial variability was closely related to the distance from the lake, the major site of primary production. The fastest rate of SOC turnover (residence time c. 30 years) was found in the soils at the lake edge, slower rates were found in landscape elements close to the lake (c. 52-67 years), and the slowest rates in other landscape elements (c. 84-123 years) further away. A mass balance of organic C indicates that the quantity of C fixed in the lake, accumulated on the lake edge, exposed and subsequently displaced on a 14-year basis can explain the near-surface SOC turnover within the entire valley. We conclude that the displacement of organic matter derived from the lake is an important external source for the microbial processes in these soils at a landscape scale. However, further investigations are needed in order to evaluate the importance of displaced C compared to other nutrients (e.g. N) on the spatial control of observed soil respiration rates.  相似文献   

Soil inorganic carbon (C) represents a substantial C pool in arid ecosystems, yet little data exist on the contribution of this pool to ecosystem C fluxes. A closed jar incubation study was carried out to test the hypothesis that CO2-13C production and response to sterilization would differ in a calcareous (Mojave Desert) soil and a non-calcareous (Oklahoma Prairie) soil due to contributions of carbonate-derived CO2. In addition to non-sterilized controls, soils were subjected to sterilization treatments (unbuffered HgCl2 addition for Oklahoma soil and unbuffered HgCl2 addition, buffered HgCl2 addition, and autoclaving for Mojave Desert soil) to decrease biotic respiration and more readily measure abiotic CO2 flux. Temperature and moisture treatments were also included with sterilization treatments in a factorial design.The rate of CO2 production in both soils was significantly decreased (36-87%) by sterilization, but sterilization treatments differed in effectiveness. Sterilization had no significant effect on effluxed CO2-13C values in the non-calcareous Oklahoma Prairie soil and autoclaved Mojave Desert soil as compared to their respective non-sterilized controls. However, sterilization significantly altered CO2-13C values in Mojave Desert soil HgCl2 sterilization treatments (both buffered and non-buffered). Plots of 1/CO2 versus CO213C (similar to Keeling plots) indicated that the source CO213C value of the Oklahoma Prairie soil treatments was similar to the δ13C value of soil organic matter [(SOM); −17.76‰ VPDB] whereas the source for the (acidic) unbuffered-HgCl2 sterilized Mojave Desert soil was similar to the δ13C value of carbonates (−0.93‰ VPDB). The source CO213C value of non-sterilized and autoclaved (−18.4‰ VPDB) Mojave Desert soil treatments was intermediate between SOM (−21.43‰ VPDB) and carbonates and indicates up to 13% of total C efflux may be from abiotic sources in calcareous soils.  相似文献   

Elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) levels generally stimulate carbon (C) uptake by plants, but the fate of this additional C largely remains unknown. This uncertainty is due in part to the difficulty in detecting small changes in soil carbon pools. We conducted a series of long-term (170-330 days) laboratory incubation experiments to examine changes in soil organic matter pool sizes and turnover rates in soil collected from an open-top chamber (OTC) elevated CO2 study in Colorado shortgrass steppe. We measured concentration and isotopic composition of respired CO2 and applied a two-pool exponential decay model to estimate pool sizes and turnover rates of active and slow C pools. The active and slow C pools of surface soils (5-10 cm depth) were increased by elevated CO2, but turnover rates of these pools were not consistently altered. These findings indicate a potential for C accumulation in near-surface soil C pools under elevated CO2. Stable isotopes provided evidence that elevated CO2 did not alter the decomposition rate of new C inputs. Temporal variations in measured δ13C of respired CO2 during incubation probably resulted mainly from the decomposition of changing mixtures of fresh residue and older organic matter. Lignin decomposition may have contributed to declining δ13C values late in the experiments. Isotopic dynamics during decomposition should be taken into account when interpreting δ13C measurements of soil respiration. Our study provides new understanding of soil C dynamics under elevated CO2 through the use of stable C isotope measurements during microbial organic matter mineralization.  相似文献   

A detailed understanding of the processes that contribute to the δ13C value of respired CO2 is necessary to make links between the isotopic signature of CO2 efflux from the soil surface and various sources within the soil profile. We used density fractionation to divide soils from two forested sites that are a part of an ongoing detrital manipulation experiment (the Detrital Input and Removal Treatments, or DIRT project) into two soil organic matter pools, each of which contributes differently to total soil CO2 efflux. In both sites, distinct biological pools resulted from density fractionation; however, our results do not always support the concept that the light fraction is readily decomposable whereas the heavy fraction is recalcitrant. In a laboratory incubation following density fractionation we found that cumulative respiration over the course of the incubation period was greater from the light fraction than from the heavy fraction for the deciduous site, while the opposite was true for the coniferous site.Use of stable isotopes yielded insight as to the nature of the density fractions, with the heavy fraction solids from both forests isotopically enriched relative to those of the light fraction. The isotopic signature of respired CO2, however, was more complicated. During incubation of the fractions there was an initial isotopic depletion of the respired CO2 compared to the substrate for both soil fractions from both forests. Over time for both fractions of both soils the respired δ13C reflected more closely the initial substrate value; however, the transition from depleted to enriched respiration relative to substrate occurs at a different stage of decomposition depending on site and substrate recalcitrance. We found a relationship between cumulative respiration during the incubation period and the duration of the transition from isotopically depleted to enriched respiration in the coniferous site but not the deciduous site. Our results suggest that a shift in microbial community or to dead microbial biomass as a substrate could be responsible for the transition in the isotopic signature of respired CO2 during decomposition. It is likely that a combination of organic matter quality and isotopic discrimination by microbes, in addition to differences in microbial community composition, contribute to the isotopic signature of different organic matter fractions. It is apparent that respired δ13CO2 cannot be assumed to be a direct representation of the substrate δ13C. Detailed knowledge of the soil characteristics at a particular site is necessary to interpret relationships between the isotopic values of a substrate and respired CO2.  相似文献   

Sources of CO2 efflux from soil and review of partitioning methods   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Five main biogenic sources of CO2 efflux from soils have been distinguished and described according to their turnover rates and the mean residence time of carbon. They are root respiration, rhizomicrobial respiration, decomposition of plant residues, the priming effect induced by root exudation or by addition of plant residues, and basal respiration by microbial decomposition of soil organic matter (SOM). These sources can be grouped in several combinations to summarize CO2 efflux from the soil including: root-derived CO2, plant-derived CO2, SOM-derived CO2, rhizosphere respiration, heterotrophic microbial respiration (respiration by heterotrophs), and respiration by autotrophs. These distinctions are important because without separation of SOM-derived CO2 from plant-derived CO2, measurements of total soil respiration have very limited value for evaluation of the soil as a source or sink of atmospheric CO2 and for interpreting the sources of CO2 and the fate of carbon within soils and ecosystems. Additionally, the processes linked to the five sources of CO2 efflux from soil have various responses to environmental variables and consequently to global warming. This review describes the basic principles and assumptions of the following methods which allow SOM-derived and root-derived CO2 efflux to be separated under laboratory and field conditions: root exclusion techniques, shading and clipping, tree girdling, regression, component integration, excised roots and insitu root respiration; continuous and pulse labeling, 13C natural abundance and FACE, and radiocarbon dating and bomb-14C. A short sections cover the separation of the respiration of autotrophs and that of heterotrophs, i.e. the separation of actual root respiration from microbial respiration, as well as methods allowing the amount of CO2 evolved by decomposition of plant residues and by priming effects to be estimated. All these methods have been evaluated according to their inherent disturbance of the ecosystem and C fluxes, and their versatility under various conditions. The shortfalls of existing approaches and the need for further development and standardization of methods are highlighted.  相似文献   

Seasonal changes of the soil CO2 concentration and the rate of CO2 fluxes emission from the soil formed on the sediments of the former Lake Texcoco, which occupied a significant part of the Mexico Valley until the mid-17th century, were studied. The soils (Fluvic Endogleyic Phaeozems) were characterized by a low CO2 fluxes rate, which is related to their high alkalinity. The mean values of soil respiration were 6.0–14.1 mg C/(m2 h) depending on vegetation type, which corresponds to 60–157 g C/(m2 yr). The contribution of plants to the CO2 fluxes insignificantly varied by seasons and depended on the species composition of vegetation. The soil CO2 concentration and soil respiration in eucalypt (Eucalyptus globulus Labill.) plantation were two times higher than those in the grass–subshrub area, the ground cover of which consisted of Distichlis spicata (L.) Greene and Suaeda nigra (Raf.) J.F. Macbr. species. This can be related to the significant volumes of gas production during the respiration of eucalypt roots and associated rhizosphere community. The contribution of the root systems of grass cover to the soil CO2 fluxes in eucalypt plantation slightly varied within the year and was equal to 24% on the average. In the grass–subshrub area, its value varied from 41% in the cold season to 60% in the warm season. The spatial variability of soil CO2 concentration and its flux rate to the atmosphere was due to the differences in plant species composition and hydrothermal conditions, and their temporal trend was closely related to the seasonal accumulation of plant biomass and soil temperature.  相似文献   

Soil respiration and photosynthesis are the two largest carbon dioxide (CO2) fluxes between terrestrial ecosystems and the atmosphere and, therefore, the dominant processes influencing the oxygen isotopic composition of atmospheric CO2. The characterization of temporal and spatial variations of plant and soil‐related fluxes of different oxygen isotopologues of CO2 (12C16O2; 12C16O18O) is relevant to constraining the global carbon budget. The oxygen isotopic composition of soil‐respired CO2 is controlled by its release rate, the degree of isotopic equilibrium with soil water and the diffusional transport of CO2. The hypothesis of this study was that, as well as soil moisture, the soil particle size, the presence of an organic litter layer and the enzyme carbonic anhydrase (CA) would have a significant impact on the oxygen isotopic composition of soil‐released CO2. We tested this hypothesis with soil microcosm experiments on columns of medium and fine sand. Soil water content and soil texture influenced the isotopic composition of soil‐released CO2 significantly. A litter layer had a significant effect on the isotopic composition of water vapour but not on CO2 released from soil. In the absence of CA, oxygen isotope equilibration between the CO2 invasion flux and soil water was insignificant, whereas in the presence of CA about 55% of the CO2 invading the soil exchanged oxygen isotopes with soil water. Our findings highlight the importance of small‐scale variability of soil attributes for the oxygen isotopic composition of soil‐released CO2 as well as the strong impact of CA activity in soils.  相似文献   

Understanding the natural variation of carbon within the soil, and between soil types, is crucial to improve predictive models of carbon cycling in high and mid-latitude ecosystems in response to global warming. We measured the carbon isotope distributions (12C, 13C and 14C) in soil organic matter (SOM) from Podzols, Brown Podzolic soils and Stagnohumic Gleysols from the British uplands, which were then compared with the total amounts and turnover of carbon in these soils. We did so by sampling at 2-cm intervals down six profiles of each soil type. The average amount of carbon stored in the top 28 cm of the Stagnohumic Gleysols is twice that of the other two soils. The 13C content and 14C age show a general increase with depth in all soils, and there is also a significant correlation between isotopic variation and the main pedogenic features. The latter suggests that soil-forming processes are significant in determining the carbon isotope signatures retained in SOM. Organic matter formed since 1960 is not found below 5 cm in any of the soils. Evidently organic detritus in the surface layers (LF and Oh) is rapidly mineralized. This accords with our modelled net annual C fluxes which show that more than 80% of the CO2 emanating from these soils is derived from the top 5 cm of each profile. Although these soils contain much carbon, they do not appear to assimilate and retain SOM rapidly. The mean residence time of most of their carbon is in the 2–50 years range, so the soils are fairly ineffective sinks for excess CO2 in the atmosphere. Under the predicted future ‘greenhouse’ climate, likely to favour more rapid microbial decomposition of organic materials, these soils are a potential source of CO2 and are therefore likely to accelerate global warming.  相似文献   

The temperature dependence of soil respiration (RS) is widely used as a key characteristic of soils or organic matter fractions within soils, and in the context of global climatic change is often applied to infer likely responses of RS to warmer future conditions. However, the way in which these temperature dependencies are calculated, interpreted and implemented in ecosystem models requires careful consideration of possible artefacts and assumptions. We argue that more conceptual clarity in the reported relationships is needed to obtain meaningful meta-analyses and better constrained parameters informing ecosystem models. Our critical assessment of common methodologies shows that it is impossible to measure actual temperature response of RS, and that a range of confounding effects creates the observed apparent temperature relations reported in the literature. Thus, any measureable temperature response function will likely fail to predict effects of climate change on Rs. For improving our understanding of RS in changing environments we need a better integration of the relationships between substrate supply and the soil biota, and of their long-term responses to changes in abiotic soil conditions. This is best achieved by experiments combining isotopic techniques and ecosystem manipulations, which allow a disentangling of abiotic and biotic factors underlying the temperature response of soil CO2 efflux.  相似文献   

Partitioning the root‐derived CO2 efflux from soil (frequently termed rhizosphere respiration) into actual root respiration (RR, respiration by autotrophs) and rhizomicrobial respiration (RMR, respiration by heterotrophs) is crucial in determining the carbon (C) and energy balance of plants and soils. It is also essential in quantifying C sources for rhizosphere microorganisms and in estimation of the C contributing to turnover of soil organic matter (SOM), as well as in linking net ecosystem production (NEP) and net ecosystem exchange (NEE). Artificial‐environment studies such as hydroponics or sterile soils yield unrealistic C‐partitioning values and are unsuitable for predicting C flows under natural conditions. To date, several methods have been suggested to separate RR and RMR in nonsterile soils: 1) component integration, 2) substrate‐induced respiration, 3) respiration by excised roots, 4) comparison of root‐derived 14CO2 with rhizomicrobial 14CO2 after continuous labeling, 5) isotope dilution, 6) model‐rhizodeposition technique, 7) modeling of 14CO2 efflux dynamics, 8) exudate elution, and 9) δ13C of CO2 and microbial biomass. This review describes the basic principles and assumptions of these methods and compares the results obtained in the original papers and in studies designed to compare the methods. The component‐integration method leads to strong disturbance and non‐proportional increase of CO2 efflux from different sources. Four of the methods (5 to 8) are based on the pulse labeling of shoots in a 14CO2 atmosphere and subsequent monitoring of 14CO2 efflux from the soil. The model‐rhizodeposition technique and exudate‐elution procedure strongly overestimate RR and underestimate RMR. Despite alternative assumptions, isotope dilution and modeling of 14CO2‐efflux dynamics yield similar results. In crops and grasses (wheat, ryegrass, barley, buckwheat, maize, meadow fescue, prairie grasses), RR amounts on average to 48±5% and RMR to 52±5% of root‐derived CO2. The method based on the 13C isotopic signature of CO2 and microbial biomass is the most promising approach, especially when the plants are continuously labeled in 13CO2 or 14CO2 atmosphere. The “difference” methods, i.e., trenching, tree girdling, root‐exclusion techniques, etc., are not suitable for separating the respiration by autotrophic and heterotrophic organisms because the difference methods neglect the importance of microbial respiration of rhizodeposits.  相似文献   

In soils of arid and semiarid climates, dissolution of primary (lithogenic) carbonate and recrystallization with CO2 from soil air leads to precipitation of pedogenic carbonates and formation of calcic horizons. Thus, their carbon isotope composition represents the conditions prevailing during their formation. However, the widespread use of the isotopic signature (δ13C, δ18O, Δ14C) of pedogenic carbonates for reconstruction of local paleovegetation, paleoprecipitation and other environmental conditions lacks knowledge of the time frame of pedogenic carbonate formation, which depends on climatic factors. We hypothesized that temperature-dependent biotic processes like plant growth and root and rhizomicrobial respiration have stronger influence on soil CaCO3 recrystallization than abiotic temperature-dependent solubility of CO2 and CaCO3.To assess the effect of temperature on initial CaCO3 recrystallization rates, loess with primary CaCO3 was exposed to 14CO2 from root and rhizomicrobial respiration of plants labeled in 14CO2 atmosphere at 10, 20 or 30 °C. 14C recovered in recrystallized CaCO3 was quantified to calculate amounts of secondary CaCO3 and corresponding recrystallization rates, which were in the range of 10−6-10−4 day−1, meaning that 10−4-10−2% of total loess CaCO3 were recrystallized per day. Increasing rates with increasing temperature showed the major role of biological activities like enhanced water uptake by roots and respiration. The abiotic effect of lower solubility of CO2 in water by increasing temperature was completely overcompensated by biotic processes. Based on initial recrystallization rates, periods necessary for complete recrystallization were estimated for different temperatures, presuming that CaCO3 recrystallization in soil takes place mainly during the growing season. Taking into account the shortening effect of increasing temperature on the length of growing season, the contrast between low and high temperature was diminished, yielding recrystallization periods of 5740 years, 4330 years and 1060 years at 10, 20 and 30 °C, respectively. In summary, increasing CaCO3 recrystallization rates with increasing temperature demonstrated the important role of vegetation for pedogenic CaCO3 formation and the predominantly biotic effects of growing season temperature.Considering the long periods of pedogenic carbonate formation lasting to some millennia, we conclude that methodological resolution of paleoenvironmental studies based on isotope composition of pedogenic carbonates is limited not by instrumental precision but by the time frame of pedogenic carbonate formation and hence cannot be better than thousands of years.  相似文献   

Heterotrophic respiration from agricultural soils can be differentiated as originating from microbial decomposition of recent litter inputs or crop residue carbon (CRC) and resident soil organic carbon (SOC) pools of varying age and stages of decomposition. Our objective was to determine the relative contributions of these pools to respiration in a northern agroecosystem where the non-growing season is long. A tunable diode laser trace gas analyzer was used to determine atmospheric stable C isotope ratio (δ13C) values and 12CO2 and 13CO2 fluxes over an agricultural field in the Red River Valley of southern Manitoba, Canada. Measurement campaigns were conducted in the fall of 2006 and spring of 2007 following harvest of a maize (C4) crop from soil having SOC derived from previous C3 crops. Stable CO2 isotopologue gradients were measured from the center of four 200 × 200 m experimental plots, and fluxes were calculated using the aerodynamic flux gradient method. The soil in two of the experimental plots underwent intensive tillage, while the other two plots were managed using a form of reduced tillage. Approximately 70% and 20-30% of the total respiration flux originated from the maize C4-CRC during the fall of 2006 and spring of 2007, respectively. At least 25% of the maize residue was lost to respiration during this non-growing period. No difference in the partitioning of heterotrophic respiration into that derived from CRC and SOC was detected between the intensive tillage and recently established reduced tillage treatments at the site.  相似文献   

Liming is a common management practice used to achieve optimum pH for plant growth in agricultural soils. Addition of lime to the soil, however, may cause CO2 release when the carbonates in lime dissolve in water. Although lime may thereby constitute a significant carbon source, especially under acidic soil conditions, experimental data on the CO2 release are lacking so far. We conducted a split-plot experiment within a cut-away peatland cultivated with a bioenergy crop (reed canary grass, Phalaris arundinacea L.) with lime and fertilizer treatments to determine effects of lime on the CO2 emissions from soil and to better understand mechanisms underlying liming effects. Carbon dioxide release was measured over two growing seasons in the field after liming, and complementary laboratory studies were conducted. To differentiate CO2 derived from lime and biotic respiration the δ13C of CO2 released was determined and the two-pool mixing model was applied. The results showed that lime may contribute significantly to CO2 release from the soil. In the laboratory, more than 50% of CO2 release was attributable to lime-carbonates during short-term incubation. Lime-derived CO2 emissions were much lower in the field, and were only detected during the first (2–4) months after the application. However, a maximum of 12% of monthly CO2 emissions from the cultivated peatland originated from the lime. Biotic respiration rates were similar in limed and unlimed soils, suggesting that higher pH did not, at least in the short-term, increase carbon losses from cultivated peat soils. Additional fertilization and acidification did not contribute to further CO2 release from the lime. According to our first estimations about one sixth of the lime applied would be released as CO2 from the managed peatland, with all lime-derived emissions occurring during the first year of application (equivalent to about 4.6% of the total annual CO2 losses from the soil in the first year). This suggests that the mass-balance approach as proposed by the IPCC Tier 1 methodology, which assumes that all carbon in lime ends up as CO2 in the atmosphere, overestimates the emissions from lime. Our study further shows that there is a great risk to overestimate heterotrophic microbial activity in limed soils by measuring the CO2 release without separating abiotic and biotic CO2 production.  相似文献   

Six areas of native grassland were labelled with 14C during a growing season. Transfers from the foliage to the roots and root respiration were measured. Plant production and turnover rates were determined by sampling the labelled material at different periods following exposure to 14CO2.Above to beneath ground plant production ratios ranged between 1.1 and 1.9 with maximal translocation to the roots occurring during the drier summer months. The distribution of the photosynthates in the roots at different depths changed with time and soil moisture content. The upper part of the soil (0–10 cm) contained 49–77% of the labelled C found beneath the soil surface. Measurement of transfers with time of the above ground labelled C from living to dead plant and litter categories gave an insight into foliage dynamics and made it possible to estimate the seasonal shoot production at 130g Cm?2 (1300kg ha?1). Root growth represented 100g Cm?2 (1000 kg ha?1).Calculations of root and soil respiration were based on the CO2 profiles in the soil. The fluxes of labelled and unlabelled CO2 at the soil surface were estimated using the diffusion equation method. Respiration by roots and closely associated soil organisms accounted for 12 per cent of the net assimilation of CO2 by the plants. This proportion was constant throughout the season and represented 19 per cent of the total CO2 evolved at the soil surface.  相似文献   

Agricultural peat soils in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California have been identified as an important source of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and trihalomethane precursors in waters exported for drinking. The objectives of this study were to examine the primary sources of DOC from soil profiles (surface vs. subsurface), factors (temperature, soil water content and wet-dry cycles) controlling DOC production, and the relationship between C mineralization and DOC concentration in cultivated peat soils. Surface and subsurface peat soils were incubated for 60 d under a range of temperature (10, 20, and 30 °C) and soil water contents (0.3-10.0 g-water g-soil−1). Both CO2-C and DOC were monitored during the incubation period. Results showed that significant amount of DOC was produced only in the surface soil under constantly flooded conditions or flooding/non-flooding cycles. The DOC production was independent of temperature and soil water content under non-flooded condition, although CO2 evolution was highly correlated with these parameters. Aromatic carbon and hydrophobic acid contents in surface DOC were increased with wetter incubation treatments. In addition, positive linear correlations (r2=0.87) between CO2-C mineralization rate and DOC concentration were observed in the surface soil, but negative linear correlations (r2=0.70) were observed in the subsurface soil. Results imply that mineralization of soil organic carbon by microbes prevailed in the subsurface soil. A conceptual model using a kinetic approach is proposed to describe the relationships between CO2-C mineralization rate and DOC concentration in these soils.  相似文献   

Radiocarbon analysis of soil CO2 can provide information on the age, source and turnover rate of soil organic C. We developed a new method for passively trapping respired CO2 on molecular sieve, allowing it to be returned to the laboratory and recovered for C isotope analysis. We tested the method on a soil at a grassland site, and using a synthetic soil created to provide a contrasting isotopic signature. As with other passive sampling techniques, a small amount of fractionation of the 13C isotope occurs during sampling, which we have quantified, otherwise the results show that the molecular sieve traps a sufficiently large and representative sample of CO2 for C isotope analysis. Since 14C results are routinely corrected for mass-dependent fractionation, our results show that passive sampling of soil respiration using molecular sieve offers a reliable method to collect soil-respired CO2 for 14C analysis.  相似文献   

We measured forest floor CO2 flux in three age classes of forest in the southern Appalachians: 20-year-old, 85-year-old, and old-growth. Our objectives were to quantify differences in forest floor CO2 flux among age classes, and determine the relative importance of abiotic and biotic driving variables. Forest floor CO2 flux was measured using an openflow infrared gas analyzer measurement system for 24 h periods and samples were taken every 2 months over a 2-year period. Litter/soil interface, soil temperature (5 cm depth), soil moisture (%), forest floor moisture (%), forest floor mass, fine root (2 mm) mass, coarse root mass (>2 mm), forest floor C and N (%), fine root C and N, coarse root C and N, and soil N and C were co-measured during each sample period. Results showed significant nonlinear relationships (r2=0.68 to 0.81) between litter/soil interface temperature and forest floor CO2 flux for all three forest age classes, but no differences in temperature response parameters. These results indicated no differences in forest floor CO2 flux among age classes. Considerable temporal variation in abiotic and biotic variables was observed within and among forests. Biotic variables correlated with forest floor CO2 flux included indices of litter and root quality. Differences in biotic variables correlated with forest floor CO2 flux among forests may have been related to shifts in the relative importance of heterotrophic and autotrophic respiration components to overall forest floor CO2 flux.  相似文献   

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