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A 3‐year‐old Burmese cat was presented with a history of nonresolving crusted and papular lesions of the face and prior treatment with prednisolone. Skin biopsies revealed typical pox lesions with hyperplasia and ulceration of the epidermis and eosinophilic cytoplasmic inclusion bodies in the epidermal cells. In the upper dermis there was prominent diffuse mast cell infiltration and mild neutrophilic and eosinophilic inflammation. Rare cytoplasmic inclusion bodies were also present in swollen endothelial cells of dermal venules, which showed no other degenerative changes. Histological diagnosis was confirmed by electron microscopic evidence of pox virus particles in inclusion bodies of epidermal cells. The lesions resolved within 6 weeks with systemic antibiotic therapy and supportive care. A 2‐year‐old domestic short‐haired cat was presented with multiple disseminated papular and ulcerative pox lesions with central eschar over the entire body. Histologically, large epidermal inclusion bodies (up to 6 μm in diameter) were present. Widespread haemorrhage and vascular wall necrosis was visible in the dermis and subcutis. Some subcutaneous vessels showed neutrophilic vasculitis. In addition to diffuse dermal neutrophilic and eosinophilic inflammation, a lymphohistiocytic panniculitis was also present. The cat died as a result of massive haemorrhage and lymphedema, despite supportive care. Funding: Self‐funded.  相似文献   

Preliminary studies showed that lufenuron inhibits chitin synthesis, a dermatophyte cell wall constituent, and may be effective in the treatment of dermatophytosis. Our purpose was to evaluate the efficacy of lufenuron in the treatment of feline dermatophytosis. Forty‐six cats (Persians and mixed‐breed cats from 1‐month to 4‐years old) naturally infected with Microsporumcanis were included in this study. Fifteen cats were treated isolated in cages in the veterinary hospital and 31 were treated in their home environment (some with access to the outdoors). Dermatophyte skin lesions were seen in 29 animals while 17 other cats were asymptomatic carriers. Wood's lamp, direct microscopic examination of hairs, fungal culture and skin biopsies were used for the diagnosis. Affected cats and all in‐contact animals received lufenuron at a dose of 120 mg/kg every 21 days for four treatments. Of the 29 symptomatic cats treated with lufenuron, 70% recovered within 21 days and 28% within 42 days of initiation of therapy. One cat had only partial recovery and another was euthanized. Negative fungal culture was recorded only after the fourth dose of lufenuron in 98% of affected cats and 100% of asymptomatic carriers. There was no difference in clinical response to lufenuron between the cats treated in their home environment and those treated in the veterinary hospital. Side effects were not observed, thus the drug proved to be safe and effective for the treatment of dermatophytosis. Funding: Novartis.  相似文献   

Affected cats were three Bengals, one male and two females, whose age at onset of lesions ranged from 13‐ to 20‐weeks old. Nasal planum scaling progressed to thick crusting, consequent exfoliation and exposure of underlying erosions. No signs of pruritus or pain were present but mild respiratory signs were noticed. In all cats, haematology and biochemistry were normal, they were FIV and FeLV negative, PCR for herpesvirus, calicivirus and Chlamydia were negative, and viral isolation for calicivirus and herpesvirus was negative. Wood's lamp examination was negative, as were bacterial and fungal cultures. Cytology showed exfoliating keratinocytes. A skin biopsy taken from one case showed no significant changes. Biopsies from the nasal planum of four dead cats with nondermatological conditions (controls) were collected for comparative studies. Morphometry to record the percentage of the granular layer (GL) and stratum corneum (SC) on the total thickness of the epidermis of the nasal planum was performed. The GL and SC accounted for 10.2 and 21.7% of the epidermal thickness in the affected cat, compared to 18.3 and 20.2%, respectively, in the controls. A significant reduction (P < 0.02) of the SC thickness was detected in the affected cat compared to controls. No treatment was instituted as all cats underwent complete (two cats) or nearly complete (one cat) resolution. The reported cases share the same breed, age at onset, type of lesions and a similar outcome. A reduction of the SC thickness in one of the affected cats was recorded. Therefore, an underlying congenital condition is suspected that manifests with high epidermal cell turnover and normal keratinization. Funding: Self‐funded.  相似文献   

Opportunistic dermatoses can occur in case of immunosuppressive diseases. The first case was a 12‐year‐old domestic short‐haired cat suffering from diabetes with a phaeohyphomycosis due to Scytalidium spp.associated with cutaneous hemangiosarcoma. A painless and ulcerated nodule was observed on a digit with fistulous tracts over the metatarsal joint. Histopathological examination of the nodule revealed a hemangiosarcoma in which brownish fungal colonies were found. Itraconazole (5 mg/kg twice daily), then amputation, allowed 12 months of survival (pulmonary metastases). The second case concerned a 13‐year‐old Siamese cat with cheyletiellosisassociated with spontaneous Cushing's disease and diabetes mellitus. This cat exhibited scales and miliary dermatitis on the trunk associated with polyuria, polydipsia and a pot‐belly. Acetate tape impression showed Cheyletiella blakei mites and eggs. Blood analysis revealed diabetes mellitus and spontaneous hyperadrenocorticism. The owner refused treatment. The third case was a 14‐year‐old domestic short‐haired cat with generalized demodicosis associated with iatrogenic Cushing's disease and diabetes mellitus. Long‐acting glucocorticoids had been used for treatment of plasma cell stomatitis for 5 years. This cat exhibited erythema, scales, self‐induced alopecia, thin skin and moderate pruritus associated with polyuria and polydipsia. Cutaneous lesions principally developed on the abdomen and flanks. Skin scrapings and trichogram showed numerous Demodex cati mites. Routine blood work demonstrated diabetes mellitus and iatrogenic Cushing's disease. Treatment was based on insulin therapy, milbemycin oxime (1 mg/kg once daily) and chlorambucil (0.2 mg/kg once daily). The demodicosis was cured after 4 months, but the cat died of cutaneous and ocular herpesvirus infection 10 months later. Funding: Self‐funded.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the clinicopathological aspects of experimental sporotrichosis in cats and compare the sensitivity of cytopathology, histopathology and culture as diagnostic tools in different phases of the infection. Twenty adult, mixed‐breed cats (10 males and 10 females) were inoculated subcutaneously with 106 fungal microorganisms. Clinical examination was performed weekly. Cytopathologic, histopathologic and culture examinations were performed at 15, 30 and 60 days postinoculation. Culture of multiple organs was performed after euthanasia at 30 (10 cats) and 60 (10 cats) days postinoculation. Friedman parametric and nonparametric statistical analysis were applied to the results. The nodular, tumoral and necrotic lesionsprogressed significantly until day 30 postinoculation, and partial spontaneous regression occurred at day 60, particularly in males. An intense inflammatory pyogranulatomous and lymphocytic infiltrate with rare giant cells and sparse fibrosis associated with numerous, pleomorphic, intra‐ and extracellular fungal cells were observed on day 30. These findings gradually decreased by day 60. Despite the inflammatory granuloma associated with feline sporotrichosis, a tendency for dissemination was observed, with fungal isolation in the lymph nodes, spleen and liver at the 30 and 60 days postinoculation. No significant differences were observed between cytopathology, histopathology and fungal culture during the different phases of the disease. Therefore, cytological examination was considered a simple, rapid and inexpensive diagnostic method at all stages of this disease. Funding: Self‐funded.  相似文献   

Osteosarcoma is a malignant mesenchymal neoplasm characterized by the formation of osteoid tissue. It is the most frequent primary bone tumour in dogs, accounting for nearly 80–85% of all reported long bone appendicular osteosarcomas. Conversely, in cats and other species, osteosarcoma is rare at any site. Extraskeletal osteosarcoma (EOS) is a malignant, osteoid‐producing neoplasm without primary periosteal or bone involvement. These tumours have been described less frequently and occur mainly in the mammary glands of female dogs. Case material was obtained from biopsy records of the Pathology Service at the Veterinary School, Universidad Nacional. The diagnosis of these tumours was based on the absence of clinical, radiological, or pathological evidence of primary bone or glandular involvement. Samples were processed for histopathological examination and stained with H&E. In two cases, immunohistochemistry was performed. Eleven cases were diagnosed with EOS located in two histological locations. The dermal group consisted of three female dogs (two Rottweillers and one Fila Brasileiro), one male German shepherd (mean age of dogs: 5.5 years), two female cats (mixed‐breed and Siamese) of 5 and 11 years of age, respectively, and one 4‐year‐old female ferret. The subcutaneous group consisted of four dogs, two female pit bull terriers and two male dogs (boxer and mixed‐breed), with a mean age of 5 years. The subcutaneous EOS tumours were more aggressive. Three dogs were euthanized due to lung metastasis and the remaining dog was lost to follow‐up. Funding: Self‐funded.  相似文献   

Twenty cats presented with respiratory signs identified as asthma lasting for several months or years. The episodes of acute coughing and dyspnea were severe, requiring frequent glucocorticoid therapy. An allergic diagnosis was proposed in order to identify the putative allergens involved and to try specific therapy. Three cats developed diabetes mellitus secondary to glucocorticoid treatments. Two of them could not be tested and were given inhalant therapy with bronchodilators and glucocorticoids several times during the day and night. Intradermal tests were performed in 18 cats using 42 aeroallergens. Three tests were negative, even after a second test. Inhalant therapy was prescribed for three cats. Fifteen cats showed positive intradermal test reactions to house dust mites, storage mites and less frequently, pollens. When intradermal test results were positive for storage mites or cockroach, elimination of dried food was first recommended. This was sufficient for remission of the respiratory signs in three cats. Specific immunotherapy was prescribed for the other 12 cats. At the initiation of immunotherapy, all cats were treated with inhaled medications. After 6–9 months, immunotherapy was effective in controlling clinical signs of asthma without any other symptomatic treatment in eight cats. Four cats still required inhaled salbutamol and beclometasone two to three times weekly, instead of two to three times daily. This study demonstrates the role of allergenic stimuli in feline asthma and the advantage of specific immunotherapy as a long‐term treatment. Funding: Self‐funded.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to report 20 cases of Lynxacarus radovskyi infestationin 20 cats. Lynxacarus radovskyi was diagnosed by physical examination and microscopic examination of plucked hair where countless adult mites and immature stages were identified. Microscopic examination was repeated every 7 days. The animals were observed daily for the first 7 days, and again on day 15 and day 30 for mites, pruritus and clinical signs. Clinical signs included salt‐and‐pepper appearance to a dull and opaque hair coat, alopecia of the dorsal and lateral areas of the hind limbs, and evidence of self‐mutilation. One case had papules and crusts of the hind limbs. The pruritus was mild in animals with low infestation, but very intense in those with a heavy infestation. Most mites occurred in the lateral area of the hind limbs and sacral area. Twenty of 100 animals had confirmed L. radovskyi infestation. Therefore, we suggest that the transmission occurs through fomites. Treatment consisted of 0.5 mL application of Fipronil® (Frontline TopSpot) per cat, with resolution in 100% of cases by day 15. Funding: Merial.  相似文献   

The usefulness of the intradermal test (IDT) and the serological allergy test (SAT) for detecting antigen‐specific IgE in allergic cats has not yet been established. In this study, we compared the results of IDT with those of SAT and evaluated the clinical usefulness of the two tests for detecting possible allergens in allergic cats. IDT and SAT using eight antigens were performed on 22 cats with intense pruritus after excluding ectoparasites and performing diet elimination tests. Approximately 50% of the cats reacted to at least one allergen by either IDT or SAT, and 36.4% of the cats reacted on both IDT and SAT. In contrast, seven healthy cats did not show any reactions on IDT or SAT. The most commonly detected allergen in both tests was house dust mites (IDT, 36.4%; SAT, 40.9%). Five cats reacted to one allergen and the others reacted to more than one allergen with IDT. Three cats reacted to one allergen with SAT. The following percentage agreement between the results of the two tests was calculated: house dust mites (86.4%), cat fleas (63.6%), grass mix (86.4%), common mugwort (81.8%), cat epithelia (90.9%), ragweed (86.4%), Japanese cedar (90.9%), and plantain (81.8%). The overall mean percentage agreement was 83.5%. In summary, the present study showed good agreement between IDT and SAT for cats, and SAT may be more sensitive than IDT, but less specific for detecting sensitized allergens. Funding: Self‐funded.  相似文献   

We have evaluated the possible phototoxicity of an orange‐based diet on sheep in a controlled environment. The phototoxic effect of psoralens, potent phototoxic furocoumarins, contained in oranges could be manifested either as a perioral contact phototoxicity or as a postingestion phototoxic effect. This research has especial relevance in the region of Valencia, Spain, where sheep are occasionally fed large quantities of these agricultural by‐products and where sunlight is constant year‐round. Ewes were randomly allocated to two groups, one to be fed a maintenance diet (n = 9), and the other to receive, after a brief adaptation period, solely oranges (n = 6). The ewes were placed in an external enclosure and fed this diet for 2 months. At approximately 3‐week intervals, the ewes were subjected to thorough clinical and dermatological examination. Skin biopsies were obtained on two different occasions. All procedures were carried out under the guidelines of the local ethics committee. The sheep on the orange diet showed weight loss and a debilitated condition. However, during the study, no clinical or pathological signs of oral or systemic photodermatitis were observed. Funding: Self‐funded.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the histopathologic changes seen in feline plasmacytic pododermatitis in an attempt to correlate clinical response with any specific histopathologic feature, and to evaluate these specimens for possible infectious organisms. Fourteen skin biopsies from cats with plasmacytic pododermatitis and a clinical follow‐up of 12–36 months were included in the study. Sections were stained with H&E as well as with a polyclonal anti‐Mycobacterium bovis [Bacille Calmette–Guerin (BCG)] antibody cross‐reactive to a broad spectrum of fungi and bacteria. Sections stained with the anti‐BCG antibody were graded as positive or negative. Inflammatory cell types and density, overall pattern, and the presence or involvement of adnexal structures were assessed in sections stained with H&E. All sections were negative for organisms within the actual footpad tissue with the anti‐BCG antibody stains. Two samples revealed a few foci of cocci on the outer surface of the ulcers. Funding: Self‐funded.  相似文献   

The purpose of this retrospective study was to evaluate six cases of equine sarcoidosis for initial presenting symptoms, response to therapy and actual outcome. Dermatologists and dermatopathologists from Europe, the United States, Australia and Canada were contacted to obtain these six cases, as this is a rare disease. Signalment, clinical signs, histological findings, clinical management and outcome were determined via a questionnaire and compared to former reports. There was no age or breed predilection, and four of six horses were geldings. Age of onset ranged from 3 months to 17 years. Onset of the disease was insidious or rapid. Interestingly, in five of six cases, scaling began on the trunk (girth and shoulder). Scaling, crusting and alopecia were seen in all six horses. In one horse, clinical signs of systemic disease were reported and included intermittent fever, prescapular lymphadenopathy, depression, poor body condition and nasal discharge. Treatment included phenylbutazone, deworming agents, antibiotics, short‐term low‐dose corticosteroids, and 1–1.5 mg/kg of prednisolone. One horse showed a partial response to trimethoprim and sulfonamide, and five of six went into clinical remission with corticosteroid treatment. Five of six horses were still alive 1 year after diagnosis; one horse was diagnosed <12 months ago. Two horses are in complete remission 4 and 8 years after diagnosis. In both horses, clinical signs recurred after cessation of therapy and went into remission again with reintroduction of treatment. Both of these horses have been in remission for several years without therapy. Funding: Self‐funded.  相似文献   

Canine cutaneous histiocytoma is a common tumor of young dogs. Nodules are single or multiple, alopecic and well demarcated. We studied 15 young dogs with cutaneous histiocytoma. Cutaneous nodules were cytologically and histologically investigated using routine techniques. The subject for morphometry was the nuclear area of histiocytes. The figures were statistically interpreted (Student's t‐test). Cytologically, histiocytes represented the largest population, being large‐sized cells. The nucleus:cytoplasm ratio was large with oval or bean‐shaped nuclei and a fine arrangement of chromatin. The cytoplasm was discrete and basophilic, or abundant and foamy. Five regressive stages were histologically described. Stage 1 was represented by dermal and hypodermal histiocyte proliferation, covered by an intact, uninfiltrated and atrophic epidermis. Epidermal ulcers and necrotizing foci with neutrophilic, lymphocytic and plasma cell infiltrations occurred in Stages 2, 3 and 4. Stage 5 looked like a chronic dermatitis. In Stage 1, the nuclear area was the smallest (4615 ± 62 pixels) with a small coefficient of variation (14.28%), proving a homogeneous population. Stage 2 histiocytes had a larger and more heterogeneous nuclear area (6116 ± 130 pixels) with a 21.12% coefficient of variation. In Stage 3, the average nuclear area (6431 ± 115 pixels) was larger than that for Stage 2 and had a 19.18% coefficient of variation. There were no significant differences between the nuclear areas of histiocytes from Stages 2 and 3; however, significant differences occurred between Stages 1 and 2, and between Stages 1 and 3. Funding: Self‐funded.  相似文献   

Recurrent pyoderma is a relapsing bacterial infection of the skin. Evaluation of the primary predisposing factors is essential, but they are not always easy to determine. We reported that psychogenic factors should be considered as one cause of canine dermatoses featuring pruritic behavior such as grooming and scratching, and predicted that it could be added as a cause of recurrent pyoderma. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the roles of psychogenic factors in canine recurrent pyoderma. This study examined 21 dogs with recurrent pyoderma, which showed relapsing but antibiotic‐responsive skin lesions. Predisposing factors, especially allergy, infection, endocrine disorders, congenital factors and improper treatments, were carefully ruled out with standard diagnostic procedures. Diagnosis of psychogenic factors was based on fulfillment of the following features: (1) distinctive area of broken hairs or asymmetric erythema, (2) incidental pruritic behavior related to emotionally unstable situation or physiological intervention, (3) existence of environmental antecedent triggers or concurrent psychiatric symptoms, and (4) requirement for psychogenic treatment, consisting of behavior modification and psychopharmacological therapy in some. The incidence of psychogenic factors and the efficacy of the treatment in recurrent pyoderma were evaluated. In these 21 dogs, 10 cases (47.6%) were compatible with the presence of psychogenic factors, and seven cases (33.3%) were improved with behavioral treatment. Psychogenic factors should be considered in the aetiology of so‐called idiopathic canine recurrent pyoderma. Further investigation is needed to understand the relationship between skin barrier dysfunction and psychogenic factors. Funding: Self‐funded.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate 55 clinical cases of canine demodicosis and to compare the results of treatment using amitraz (solution), selamectin (spot‐on), ivermectin (injection) and cythioate (oral tablets). Data from the 55 cases was collected and evaluated after clinical and microbiological examination. Treatment was selected depending on the severity of demodicosis and compliance of the owner. The cases were followed for 12 months and the status of the patients was grouped on two levels: recovered (58%), or relapsed (42%). Five dogs (9%) were euthanized. The disease was commonly diagnosed in purebred dogs. Demodicosis was more common in dogs under 2 years of age (65%), in males (64%), and in the short‐haired breeds (75%). Demodicosis was generalized in 73% of cases, localised in 23% and affected the feet (pododemodicosis) in 4% of cases. Recovery was the highest in dogs between 1 and 2 years of age (73%), and in the localized cases (92%). Nonspecific treatment with glucocorticoids prior to the diagnosis lowered the rate of recovery (4%), but treatment with glucocorticoids for proven atopic dermatitis improved the rate of recovery (41%). All drugs (amitraz, selamectin, cythioate) administered for the localized form were effective (100% recovered). Recovery in generalized demodicosis was 60% using ivermectin, 55% using amitraz, 44% with the combination of amitraz and selamectin (two treatments with amitraz followed by selamectin), and 43% in cases where selamectin was used alone. Funding: Pfizer Animal Health.  相似文献   

A randomized and controlled field study was performed in canine patients to evaluate the efficacy of selamectin in the treatment of naturally occurring Sarcoptes scabiei and Otodectes cynotis infestations in dogs. A total of 227 dogs from six veterinary practices in South Korea were included. Dogs were randomly assigned to treatment with selamectin or a positive‐control product. Selamectin was administered as a unit dose providing a minimum of 6 mg/kg in a topical preparation applied to the skin in a single spot on days 0 and 30 [S. scabiei (n = 113) and O. cynotis (n = 114)]. The presence of parasites was assessed before treatment and at 14, 30 and 60 days after the initiation of treatment. The animals were evaluated clinically at each assessment period. Based on skin scrapings, the efficacy of selamectin against S. scabiei infestations on dogs was >95% by day 30, and 100% by day 60. Against O. cynotis, selamectin eliminated mites in 100% of dogs by day 60. However, clinical signs of pruritus, erythema, scale, and crusted papules did not diminish concomittantly with resolution of S. scabiei in skin scrapings. The positive‐control products achieved similar results. Therefore, selamectin was safe and effective against sarcoptic mange and ear mites in dogs. Funding: Pfizer Animal Health.  相似文献   

Intestinal parasites have been anecdotally associated with pruritus in dogs. A relationship was proposed when the elimination of a specific parasite resolved the pruritus, and re‐infection with a parasite caused the pruritus to recur. Ascarids, coccidia, hookworms, tapeworms and whipworms have all been incriminated. Recent reports in the human and veterinary literature have suggested that there may be a relationship between Giardia infection and the development of pruritus and other allergic signs. In order to determine if there is an association between infection with Giardia and pruritus in dogs, faecal samples were collected from 71 pruritic dogs and 101 clinically normal dogs. Three faecal samples from each animal were analysed using a zinc‐sulphate concentration technique for the presence of Giardia cysts, and one randomly selected faecal sample from each dog was analysed with an ELISA for Giardia‐specific antigen. Ten of 101 dogs (9.9%) in the clinically normal group tested positive with the ELISA, and Giardia cysts were detected in the faeces of seven of these antigen‐positive dogs. No Giardia cysts were found in the dogs that tested negative with the ELISA. None of the dogs in the pruritic group tested positive for Giardia by either method. The results indicated a negative association between Giardia infection and pruritic skin disease (P = 0.006). Cephalexin was commonly used in the pruritic group, but not in the control group, and may therefore be an explanatory variable. Funding: Ontario Veterinary College Pet Trust.  相似文献   

Pemphigus vegetans is a very rare cutaneous autoimmune blistering acantholytic disease of humans that combines features of both pemphigus foliaceus and mucosal lesions of pemphigus vulgaris. We report here the clinical, histopathological and immunological findings in a dog whose lesions resembled those of pemphigus vegetans of humans. A 4‐year old, greater Swiss mountain dog was presented with verrucous papules and crusts on the axillae and inguinal region. Within 3 months, lesions progressed to involve the thorax and ear pinnae, and then became generalized. Ulcers were observed in the oral cavity, anus and prepuce. Microscopic examination of mucosal and cutaneous biopsy specimens revealed a mixed pattern of deep intraepidermal neutrophilic and eosinophilic pustules with isolated and clustered acantholytic keratinocytes, along with suprabasal epidermal clefts leaving rounded basal keratinocytes at the bottom of the vesicles. These dual changes were also observed within the hair follicle epithelium. Dermal inflammation was mixed and perivascular. Direct immunofluorescence revealed IgG deposited around epidermal keratinocytes. Indirect immunofluorescence performed on normal canine gingival substrate uncovered antikeratinocyte IgG autoantibodies with a serum titre of 1:2500. Immunoblotting confirmed that circulating IgG autoantibodies recognized the extracellular segment of canine desmoglein‐1 and human desmoglein‐3. Treatment with azathioprine and oral glucocorticoids resulted in long‐lasting complete remission. In this dog, clinical signs, microscopic skin lesions and immunological findings were deemed analogous to those of human Neumann‐type pemphigus vegetans. Funding: Self‐funded.  相似文献   

Mites are frequent agents of skin diseases in veterinary dermatology, particularly in rodents. The authors report an original case of infestation in two guinea pigs of the same household. Two adult guinea pigs were presented with a 3‐month history of alopecia, matted hair, erythema, scales and mild pruritus. The first guinea pig showed almost complete truncal alopecia with mild scaling, whereas the other one had only recently developed mild alopecia of the abdomen and mild pruritus. Numerous live, long‐legged mites were present both in adhesive tape and skin scrapings. Mycology (Wood's lamp and DTM agar culture) was negative. Histopathological examination of a skin biopsy did not reveal any significant inflammatory disease and morphological changes were limited to hair follicles in the telogen phase. Mites were identified as hypopodes of Acarus farris (Acaridae), but no adult stages were present. Hypopodes were also found in the hay. Control was obtained with acaricidal treatment with Phoxim 0.05% once weekly for 4 weeks, and the elimination of contaminated hay. The lesions and the alopecia resolved rapidly. Hypopodes are additional nymphal stages of some mites of the suborder Astigmata. They develop for dispersing or dormancy under disadvantageous conditions. They can be active or inert, and some can be phoretic on the skin surface or intrafollicular. Although nonparasitic, they may cause dermatitis. Acarus farris have been rarely mentioned in the literature as a cause of dermatitis. This condition could be underdiagnosed or misdiagnosed in veterinary dermatology. Funding: Self‐funded.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine whether doxycycline (Ronaxan) decreased the severity of localized lesions of canine acne. Dogs were enrolled if they exhibited skin lesions localized to the chin compatible with canine acne, and if cytological smears showed a bacterial invasion and bacteriological samples grew Staphylococcus intermedius colonies. Demodicosis and dermatophytosis were excluded by skin scrapings and fungal culture, respectively. Lesions (erythema, lichenification, papules, pustules and excoriations) were graded with a quantitative 4‐point scale (maximal total score 15). Extent of lesion was also estimated. Pruritus was graded on a 4‐point scale. Scores were given at the time of inclusion and at day 30 after treatment with doxycycline 10 mg/kg once daily. Twelve dogs (10 males and two females) representing seven breeds were included. Good improvement of both lesional (9.4 before treatment and 2.3 after treatment) and extent scores (43% before treatment and 8% after treatment) was achieved. Pruritus was also markedly improved from 2.08 before treatment to 0.42 after treatment. One dog was not significantly improved after 1 month. Results of this trial suggest that doxycyline is useful for reducing the severity of localized skin lesions of canine acne. Funding: Self‐funded.  相似文献   

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